Capital journal. Salem. Ore., Tuesday, October 4, 194 9 3 OUR GREATEST DOUBLE Yakima, Wash.. Oct. 4 UH Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas was reported "much til worth liberty improved," today from injuries suffered when his horse threw him down a hillside. 1MW PAY Special nurses assigned to the 50-year-old jurist said he was "resting much better although still in pain. Douglas' wife arrived here last night after flying from Washington. D. C, to take up a bedside vigil by her husband. His daughter, Mildren, left to re turn to school at Walla Walla, Wash. She had been with her father since late Sunday night Douglas received 13 broken ribs and a deflated right lung in the mishap Sunday. Justice Douglas ! 'Much Improved' 111 S a.. . -- it .iT, V,.i., '--.e t.a4 One Musician to Another Yehudi Menuhin, violinist, leav ing a Berlin theater after a Philharmonic rehearsal, tips street musician for a serenade. Right is Mrs. Menuhin. Prune Growers to Be Aided By Government Subsidies Washington, Oct. 4 U.R) The agriculture department today an nounced a 3-point program of government subsidies to help Cali fornia, Oregon and Washington growers dispose of surplus dried prunes. The department said it would subsidize prune exports to Marshall plan countries and Horse Meat Basis Of Cafe Man's Suit Portland, Ore.. Oct. 4 U Robert Conlee, Portland restau rant operator, today had sued a butcher for $13,000 on grounds he was sold horse meat repre sented as hamburger. Conlee named Henry Kno salla, meat market operator, as defenant. Conlee asked $15,000 punitive damages, Including $30 to compensate him for time lost when he was under arrest for serving "horseburgers." would subsidize manufacture of large quantities of prune juice and other diversionary uses of the surplus prunes. It also said it will purchase 3800 tons of surplus dried prunes during the next three months for school lunch and institutional feeding programs. The surplus disposal aids on dried prunes will supplement a federal marketing program which began operating recently. The marketing program is de signed to support producer prices by holding surpluses off normal commercial markets. The export subsidies will range from 25 to 40 per cent of the gross sale price, depending on prune size and packaging. The payments will be made on ship ments to all countries eligible for foreign aid assistance except Greece and Turkey, The subsidy payment on prunes diverted into uses other than normal markets will He 4.25 cents per pound. The subsidies on manufacture of prune Juice will apply to as much as 20,000 tons of surplus California dried prunes and will be made at a lower rate. The rates will range from one to three cents a pound on unprocessed prunes and 1.5 to 3.5 cents on processed prunes, depending on prune size. The department said the in dustry committee handling the prune marketing regulations will receive three cents per pound from the government as an "ad vance" on the total 4.25 cent diversionary subsidy. The com (nittee will distribute this mount to producers delivering dried prunes to the industry's "surplus foods." West Salem Sewer Line Considered Teesiblltty of extending the prevent West Salem sewer line from Seventh to Ninth streets ad then possibly west to Pat terson avenue for future use when the proposed new Junior high school 1 authorised, is be ing considered by the city coun cil. The extension . would be around 000 feet. If the plan la approved, a spe cial committee will call for bids with membership designated W. C. Heise, chairman, A. N. Copcn fcaver and C. A. Bust. The city council Monday night approved a change of ownership f the West Salem Sanitary ervice, under 20-year contract to Walter H. Arndt, who has old his Interest to Martin E. Willets, his partner; ordered a top sign at Third and Patterson and approved fencing around the Saffron Junkyard at Patter con and the railroad track. Apple Growers Urge Government Buying Portland. Oct. 4 () Apple growers of six western states have appealed to the federal government to start buying their fruit to bolster a sagging mar ket. Spokesmen for the growers asked department of agriculture aides yesterday to set up the program to buy at one price, re gardless of size, grade of variety, so long as the fruit meets mini- mums of size 116 or larger, or 2Vt . inch diameter and state fancy on U. S. No. 1 grade. U.S.D.A. Marketing Official said the government hadn't de cided the size of its buying pro gram. He said $2 a box would be the maximum price. Decker's is coming to Salem! Watch for the Opening Announcement (MmttMmtnt) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin is Irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with Itching torture, try Sanitone Ointment Itching stops prompt ly. Smartim disappears imme diately. Sanitone Ointment is also wonderful for itching sect, cracks between toes and Ath lete's foot. For Sale Willett's Capital Drug Store Ute at Libert Phone l-llll Now you can have the PAINT COLORS you want! "Wonderful! Why didn't someone think of it beforel" If you've ever been disappointed by the limited color range of ordinary paints (and who hasn't?) that's what you'll say about Murphy Color-Scheme Paints. Now you can choose from 77 of the loveliest paint colors you ever aaw everything from gorgeous decorator shades to the softest pas tels. Now you can have the color you want in the finish you want flat, semi-gloss or gloss without paying a premium! Every can of Murphy Color Scheme' Paint it custom tinted to your order, just before using. That meant resn, true color. See our Murphy Color Cabinet . . . learn how easy it it to vary each of the 77 . hades, lighter or darker. a you dears I "WE GIVE SaYH GREEN STAMPS" Hutcheon Paint Store 162 North Commercial "BUY YOUR PAINT AT A Dial 3-6687 PAINT STORE!" . ft? "WE GIVE SfcH GREEN STAMPS" Hutcheon Paint Store 162 North Commercial Dial 3-6687 "BUY YOUR PAINT AT A PAINT STORE!" DOUBLE STAMPS Famous Name Brassieres $1.00 Regular $2.00 Assorted rayons, cotton, nylon White adjustable DOUBLE STAMPS Pin Wale Corduroy $1.59,0 Ten fall colors Pinwale quality Limited quantity DOUBLE STAMPS Boys' Denim Jeans $1.79 i Heavy 10-ounce i All sizes i Riveted at points of strain DOUBLE STAMPS Boys' Sweaters $2.85 100 wool Various designs Regular $3.98 DOUBLE STAMPS Boys' Leather Jackets $16.95 Fur collar Rayon lined Regular $21.95 DOUBLE STAMPS Boys' All-Wool Shirts $3.69 Various plaids Sizes 10-14-18 Reg. $4.95 White Stag DOUBLE STAMPS Men's Cotton Union Suits $1.79 Long sleeve and leg Ecru and random Sizes 36 to 46 DOUBLE STAMPS Childrens' Pajamas $1.25 Cotton flannel Sizes 4 to 8 One-piece-children's patterns WEDNESDAY OPEN FRIDAY NITES TIL 9 ROBERTS BROS. GREATEST DOUBLE GREEN STAMP WEDNESDAY! SPECIAL PURCHASE FAMOUS MAKE WOOLENS VALUES TO $5.95 YARD $1)50 YARD Sorry, we can't mention the names of the famous mills that these fine first quality woolens come from, but you'll easily recognize the quality. 100 Virgin Wools 54-in. Widths ALL WOOL GABARDINES ALL WOOL CREPES ALL WOOL FLANNELS ALL WOOL BROADCLOTH ALL WOOL SERGE ALL WOOL TWEEDS ALL WOOL PLAIDS ROBERTS BROS. GREATEST DOUBLE GREEN STAMP WEDNESDAY! SPECIAL PURCHASE MISSES' and WOMEN'S COATS VALUES TO $49.95 S5) 100 EACH A double value sensation glorious coats at the time you want them and at the low Roberts Bros, price you want to pay. Don't delay seeing tham buying them. They set a new record for value. The Coats Covert, shag fleece and sharkskin. Boxy models that may be belted. High pocket treatment, brown, bamboo, wine, grey, tan. Misses' and women's sites. Belted wraps. Black, green. ROBERTS BROS. GREATEST DOUBLE GREEN STAMP WEDNESDAY! CLEARANCE SALE FLOOR SAMPLES ELECTRIC APPLIANCES One Garbage Burner Circulator,, Regular 59.95. now $49.00 One L & H Electric Range, Deluxe, Reg. 219.50, now $199.00 One L&H Electric Range, Supreme, Reg. 269.50, now ....$249.00 One Bendix Deluxe Washer, Regular 269.95, now $199.00 One Bendix Standard Washer, Regular 249.95, now $177.00 One Duchess Standard Washer, Regular 89.95, now $69.00 Two Speed Queen Washers with Pump, Reg. 129.95, now $99.00 One Used Monarch Electric Range (as is), now $10.00 Ten Electric One Burner Hot Plates, now $1.95 Six Electric Sandwich Toasters, now $4.98 Five Dominion "Pop Up" Toasters, now $8.95 DOUBLE STAMPS Pequot "Cohasset" Sheets , $1.98 81x99 size Fine type 140 muslin Minute imperfections DOUBLE STAMPS Plastic Yardage 25C yd. 9 36-inch width Various colors Assorted patterns DOUBLE STAMPS Colored Rayon Panels 89c each 43x81 size Aqua, rose, white, eggshell $1.69 value DOUBLE STAMPS Double Sheet Blanket $2.69 70x80 double Plaid design Pink and blue DOUBLE STAMPS Children's Galoshes $1.77 2 snap White rubber $2.99 value DOUBLE STAMPS Flannel Gowns $1.39 $1.95, if perfect Fully cut Various color stripes DOUBLE STAMPS Men's Boot Sox 29c Mixed wool Grey only Save 40c per pair DOUBLE STAMPS Women's Sweaters $3.99 All wool cardigan Large sizes 40 to 46 Reg. $5.99 maroon, grey, blue