fORJSALt MISCELLANEOUS USED ELECTRIC riniti. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 27S Cncmekct. Dltt rsEOft'ASHINO machme YEATER ApT PL1ANCE CO.. 175 Chemeket. n3ft' OIL CIBCI'LATORS, reduced prices. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO.. J7S Chemeketa. oJSl HUNTERS ATTENTION: Save your garni in Deepfreese Homt Freeter Y EATER APPLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n251 ALL FAMOUS makra of small appliances YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 37ft Chun, kcta. b1" (RHINO MACHINES: Tiff vVestlnghoiMS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Cliem tktU. nU l' IB -.15 WINCHEKTLR model 94, S boxeg jhells. Excfl. cond., peep lgbt. PI) J-53. n3L BAVE YOl'R Bcndlx Automatic Dryer In tailed before the fall rain beiln. Ralph Johnson Appliance, JSS Center at. nM8 I'SED RANGES, refrigerator and wah era. Ralph Johnson AppI., 155 Center, Salem. nass WF.STINU HOUSE radio phonograph con soles. A little aa IBS. 50. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 875 Chemeketa. n3ftl NEW USED m luteal instrument pinet At grand piano at reduced prices JAQU1TH MUSIC CO, Ph. 1.4641 D344 PLASTI-KOTE: The cellophane -like Un it b for your floor, woodwork or lino leum, no waxins required. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n2M 3(ILLEB brvhe. 1745 OrantTpb. S-S357 n244 SEWING MACHINES. New Horaa clectllc 189.95 & up. Ph. S3 139. Ralph Johnson Appliances 0545 SEPTIC TANKS, Concrete Mm and til reinforclni steel, mesh and coloring All ktnda river soil, pit-run, travel, criwhrd. sand and mlzea. OREOON GRAVEL COMPANY 1405 N. Front bU Phone 1-317 D343 TjsED SEWING Machine. Reaaonably priced. Pb. 3-3139. Ralph Johnson Appliances STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts. Tallinn In tock b made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n242 SEWING Machine, electric or treadle. Service on all make. Pb. 3-7871. n284 WALLING SAND b GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roada and driveway, cement ready mix concrete, garden aand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching A-yd. above) and drag line. Ph. 3-934B SALEM SAND & URAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Oarlot Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental lb B-14 yda 10 B yds. D-7 Cat ft Dozer D-S Cat ft Dozer D-4 Cat ft Dozer See aa about ditching by tin ft. Phone Days 1-0408 Eves 3- or 3-4400 balem Orel on I LUMBER 3x4'a by Jitney load. 110 pet 1.000. You haul. Independence Lumber St Mfl. Co, Inc, Independence. Ore GENERAL ELECTRIC Crnsley Olbxor and Montag Appliance at Gevurtz. n FENCE POSTS, pole all type Shingles fertilizer ft flatrock Phillip Bros.. Rt a. Box 113 Ph. $1458 n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: GOOD piano. Can pay cash. Ph. 3-8725. na338' WANTED furniture w glue repatt Lo Broa Purn Reflnlahlng Co ph 3-7001 f'SFO FTTtNTITRr Phone 3-91M PERSONAL FIRST Nohlaren Vlttle Vine customer Jo anne McDowell, Mr. Joel NorrU. Mr. Leslie Phillip. Nohlgren'a have special gifts for you. Come and ask at the Vlt tie Vine. pa3g STANLEY Home Product. 855 Croaa. Ph 2-5446. F. O. Renahan. p37 MADAM MORA OIFTED PSYCHIC RIADER AND ADVISOR C hll rou where other, bu tH Sitlalactton Murl. Advle, ill flair, ol life. Special readlnt tJOO. Located luat aouth ol Huhhard on HIihw.T ME Between Woodburn awl Hubbard. Look for aim Raadlnt Dally and Bun. ?" AUTOMOBILES 1D40 CBEV. Special Del. 4-door. R. H.. new battery, new front thock abwrb ,ra. food tires, good motor, private owner. IMS. Phone 3-7314 ,venlnti. Joe Brookl. , ?332 ! MODEL A tourlm. Runa aood. n 1-1117. ; a.1 CHEV. J-door. Oood lhape. Hew paint. Ph. 954 Jefferson. CAR AUCTIONS TONITE 7:30 RRINO YOUR CARS, TRUCKS or TRAILERS. NO SALE, NO COMMIS SION. . . E. Salem Auction Center 2025 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 3-1331. Q.336 Eisner Motors to Buy 19 DODGE sedan. Also 87 Plymouth. All new rubber, rebuilt motor. 1 ml. n""1 Independence. Ph. 300-J. W. O. Offuri. tta rnon i T r miiraia ft very Clean . 11525. 1363 N. 4th. 11336 Hi-ford tudor. Radio ft heater. Good shape. 1C26 N. Commercial. 33B MUST SELL: '37 FORD, new paint, good shape throughout, saw or v..-.. os IJp at. i38 Tfi7 DODGE i-ton pickup. Ph. 3-4185. New cond Q236 S! CHEV. 4-door deluxe RftH. Oood con dition. 1463. Ph. 3-6959. 23B iiiTi Kirutnn "120" 4-Door Sedan. Body. motor ft tires In good condition. 1270 or 170 for eauity. 239 S. Cottage after 5 '30 p.rn q236 WANTED: Clean use ear. 1160 South Commercial Bob Uarr WILSON'S Compare - Compare Compare 1141 BUICK B'lmaler aedan ... 14, CHEVROLET Carryall H41 BUICK DMABTEP SEDAN 1141 BUICK SUPER SEDAN ... 1I BUICK SUPER SIDAN1T 1,47 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1941 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Mil BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN ... 111! BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN ... 1MJ BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN ... 1131 DODGE COUPI Mil REO SEDAN "AS IS" .13341 . 150 U OttoJ.WilsonCo. Commercial at Center all Eisner Motors to Sell IM 1'IED CAB LOT IM aa four old ono. UU) - 'rt' Open tui II ) ZEEB'S USED CARS SFLL TRAD- TERMS til Palrwronada Road 47 FORD convertible, fully equipped with ertfrTthlne. Eicellent condition, new Ia. ..nn.hi at 696 8. Reed'a Drive In. TTw chev. 3 -door. MaU aHM 336 244 AUTOMOblLES CAR ACCESSORIES tire lubes at coat price, rl rat coma Ural served as tbta It a claae-out ) Dealera welcomed. R D Woodrow Co., 450 Center. Eisner Motors Fine Cars FINANCIAL HOW MANY BILLS? Do you pay each month and what do they amount to, add them up . . . then phone Personal for a loan on thetr "Smaller Payment" plan one loan and one monthly payment . . . generally much less than the monthly total you are now paying. You may spread the payment over 30 month. Borrow wisely where a loan would really help. Come In or phone the "Yea" Man, be aar "Yea" to 4 out of I. Personal Finance Co. Of Salem 513 State, Rm. 139 Ph. 3-3484 A. R. Allen, Mar. Lie. S-133M-165 r338 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 17034 Lie N UI89-B33I Floyd Kenyon Mir t PRIVATE MONEY Spec) Rate and Term On Larger Loan Long and Short Time Payment ROY H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St Phone S-9181 SEE PS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4H INTEREST i to 40 Yeara and No CommUalon Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 3-3863 GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS Lie. S-13S and M-831 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 8 Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4 and 8 YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cah for Real Estate Contract and 8eeond MorUage. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bid. Ph. 31163 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 8 Church Parking a Plenty Ph 3-3457 Lie. No M-159 8154 TRAILERS If FT, Glider trailer house. Sleep 4. Neat and clean. 3340 So. Com 1. U38 SMALL trailer houe with lots of built Ins. S200. 2603 Maple Ave. t238 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makea need mi chine gold, ranted repaired Roan 488 Court Phone 3-4773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair sen let new appliance Vlnce's Electric Phone Free estimate Tiade-ln accepted on 3-9239 197 8 Liberty St AT-t'R DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers, scltwors, knlre sharp ened. Dexter. 1230 Center, 36833. AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for all make of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co. 153 8 Liberty Ph 3-6955 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing lemci day phone 1-8286 Riant 1-180 33 Center o Mike Panek, 275 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake and wheel aligning apeelaliats. o-59 BRICK WORK Brick ft block work of all kind. Ex perlenced, competent mason. Call Davidson Bros., Pb. 2-8247. o256 BVILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, rrpalr that horn, now. Tanni. No down payment Phone 3-4880. o BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Broa. Also houaea ralaed. New foun dation,. Phon, 2-5909. 0343 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Pb. 3-0B17 or 3 4104 0339 Bulldozing, leveling, road bid., clear ing teeth for brush. Virgil fttukey. 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 13146, Salem. o239 CARPENTER WORK Carpenter work. New, repair. Pb, 3-3093. 0339 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cast register Al make gold rented, re pal-ed Roeo 456 Court Ph 3-6773 o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks driveway, patloa, eurba, walla, ete. Call 3-4850. o- CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace ehlmneyg vacuum cleaned. Enaley. Tit 8. 31t. Ph. 3-7176. 0359 DRESS MAKING Alt, dress making. Good used clothe for aale. 360 Stat St. Rm. 37. o344 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce'a Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing. 187 8- Liberty 3!'03 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross. 1533 Pearl. 0359 Qre.thauotr for Howera Dial 2-9179 t'hel. stove A dlvel oil. Ph. 9-3186 Shell Oil Co L T. Maxwell, distributor 0341 HOUSEHOLD PRODCCTS J R Watkins Oo product Free lvery 1717 Center Pb 3-3399 NM.'L4TION Johns-Manvllle Phone 3-3748. INSTRUMENT REPAIR Expert musical Intrument repair. All work fully guaranteed. JACQU1TH MU. SIC CO.. Ph. 3-464L 344 MINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Wallni Buildings Factor) Home KMir-ate Without Oblleatlon AMERICAN BLDO MA INT CO. Ph Salem 3-9193 t LANDSCAPr NIRERT f Docrfler ft Son. Ornamentals. IK ft Larcatet Dr at a cor rn - DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 141 f ferson Bt Phone 23452. ' LAWNMOWER8 Sharpened. guaranteed service. New oower and hand mowers. Call W. Scott. 147 8. Com'l St. 03591 MATTRESSES Capita, Bedding Phone 3-4069 Mcsir t-ESSONS Spanish ft Hawaiian Oultu. MinflllB. Banjo al. im woun ej4o OFFICE FL'EXITTJRE ft CPPUES Desk ehalra. file and Ming eupplia. -771. au.i,,.i.r and nppliat. dak lamp typewriter stand brief wurgt Wire IUerd.r, ktoa 4M Cc-irt PAINTING Cfitroea'a are awnipped ram tins Phone t-94g3 PAPERPJANfltNG Expert Paperhanglng and painting. J. woodworth. Pb. 3-9ttt. Free at 03U jtrrr Jobosom. Pk. 14631. IM for-tV'i vl'i; i' f i , ' ii ' ' DIRECTORY PAINTING FAPERHANGINO Painting ft paper hanilnif. Int. ft ext. dee. H. E, (Woody Wood. Ph. 3-5072. o358 Painting and paperhanglng. Free esti mate Ph 3-9513. 857 Shipping. 0240 PICTURE FBAMINO Picture framing dutebeon Paint Store Phoue 8-87 V Plsher, 844 Com'L Pb. 8-3019. SAND ft GRAVEL Oarden Soli, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand & Gravel Co.. Phone 3-9349. o Valley Sand A Gravel Co Slit, aand ft I'll dirt Excavating 10B shovel ft cat Tractor scoop ft truck for dirt moving Ph office 34003. re. 37146 Salem Saw Wrk. Ph. 3-7603. 1293 N 5th. 0255- SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Dec trie Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Rasor Jbarp Steel Cutting Blade Clean Sewer or Drains Septlo Tanks Cleaned Raaa. Pb 9-8321 or 3-9466 SEPTIC TANKS Mike' Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm 8t, W. Seem. Ph. 3-9468, 3-5327. ozei K. F. HameL Septic tans chared. Electric machine service on ewe" and drain lines. Guaranteed wort. lU3-Pn St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0249 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call ua collect Todd's Septic Tank Service, 2545 State St. Phone 2-0734 o SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ term. All make. W. Devenport, Ph. 3-7671. 0254 All makea repaired, free estimate Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 3-3512. fY FEW PITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portable AL make osed machine Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court, o TRANSFSP ft STORAGE --oeal ft Distance Transfer, .storage Burner oil, coal A briquets Truck to Portland dally Agent for Be kin House hold good moved to anywhere In U-8 o Canada Larmar Transfer ft Storage Ph 3-3131 VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order w reflnlahod Relaholdt ft Lewi 2-3639 Elmer The Blindman. Ph. 37338. WEAT11ERSTRIPPING Free estimate. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 1-5965. 0359 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. RL 3, Boi 311. Pb. 3-3135. o339a WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Made to order. 1 Day Del Reinholdl ft Lewi Ph 23639. o WINDOW CLEANING. Acme Indow Cleaners Windows, walls ft woodwork cleaned Floors eieaneo. wated and polished Pb 1-3337 347 Court Lanidoc Culbertaoo and Mather WOODSAWINO Atklna ft Crosa. Ph. 33674 or 3-6178 WOOD ft SAWDUST Weft Salem Fuel Co. Ph 3-4031. LEGAL wrt-rirr or rn.lNC OF TRADE MARK The trade mark to be registered la Taty Pastry, a bakery product manufac tured at 1179 Chemeketa St., Salem. Ore. The Interest have used the mark alnce Sept.. 1949. Oct. , oct. ii. wi. m. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, by an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon emintv Probate Department, made and ntrtMt on the 32nd day of September, 1949. was given authority to sell at private aale certain real property, wremiiwi M-lbfrl belonalna to the Estate of JULIA M. KELLEY, fleceaeo. I will pruccpu w aeli said property to the highest bidder from and after October 19, 1949. The term of the sale win oe: casn. iiwiui money of the United States, ten per cent of the bid payable at the time of ssle and the balance upon confirmation by aatd Court. All person Interested In the pur cha of said property can obtain Infor mation renardng aeme from the under signed at 1459 Hickory Street, Balem. Ore gon, or his Bttornevs. The property to oe mon w jwvbij 1173 North Fourth Street, Balem, Oregon, and 1 descrioea a louows: That part of Block Fifteen (15) In the original town of North Salem. Marlon County, Oregon, 'see Volume 1 Page 34, Record of Town Plats for aatd county and atatet, mora particu larly described a follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Block Fifteen 15) of North Balem. Marion County. Oregon, said point being 53 feet Southerly from the NortheaM corner of said block, and running thene Southerly long the East line of said block 4100 feet; thence Westerly parallel to the South line of aald block, 131 Vi feet to the East line of 'the alley running North and South through said block; thenee Northerly along the Eat line of aid alley. 41.06 feet; thence East erly parallel to the South line of aatd block, 122 feet to the place of be ginning. Oeorg I Slack Admr. c t.a. or the Estate of JULIA M. KELLEY. deceased. CRBIOHTON AND LOVETT Attorney for the atet 318 North Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Sent 37. Oct 4. 11. l. 1949 tODGES rfj. I.O.O J. mesu .very wea seexlar night. Visitors wei eme A Salem Lod No. 4. A r. H a.m. Wed.. Oct. 5. Stated communi cation. 7:30 pjn. The percentage of Americans who own life insurance increases the income increases, with 45 percent of those earning under $1,000 a year owning policies and 91 percent of those earning 17,500 or over owning them. Foreign Students help Chest Kick-off When the Commu nity Chest held its kick-off breakfast Tuesday morning to start the Salem drive, students who are at Willamette uni versity from foreign countries were present. Each told in native language the value of the Community Chest in com munity welfare. The man in the center is J. A. H. Dodd, di rector. Others in the picture from left, Michael Sweeney, Gal way, Ireland; Steve Kwan, Peiping, China; Bying Koh, Korea; Leopold Pospisil, Prague, Czechoslovakia; Zdenka Pospisil, wife of Leopold; Astrid Tarem, Estonia; Charles Chong, Singapore. MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Liveilouk Market (By Valley Packing Company. Lambs 119.00 to 320.00 Fet'der lamb 12.00 to sib.uu Fwes J. CO to U00 Cutter cow 18.00 to Sio oo Fat dairy cow 1 10.00 to 110.50 Buila 31100 to .15 00 Calve, good (300-450 lbs) 115.00 to 117.00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) top ..,.117.00 to 319.00 Portland EastiMe Market Dejichute No. 1-A Russet potatoes dropped 10 cent a hundredweight to J3. 50-3.65 on the Portland Eutside Mar ket today. Radishes were offered at 40-50 cents. Mustard brought 50-60 cent a dozen bunches. Corn fold at 31.25 a five-dozen box. Portland Produce Butterfat Tentative, subject to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .35 to l percent acidiiy delivered in Portland 63 -66c lb.. 92 score 61-64C lb., 90 score, 57-60C, 89 score, 55c. Valley routes and country no nu 2r less than first. Batter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers: grade 93 score, 62 cents; 92 score 61c: B 90 score. 69c lb.: C score. 66c. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale: Oregon singles 39-40c: Oregon 6 am. loaf 42-43c; triplets 1M less than ilneles. Ecu (To Wholesaler) A grada large. BSVj-ee'ic; A medium. 51-54'ic: grade B large. 56',-58'ic: small A grade, 4I.c Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: oraae aa prtnu 67c: AA cartons 68c; A print 67c. A cartona 6Bc; B print 64c. r.i-fg Prices to retailers: uraat aa large 73c dot.; certified A lame, 68c; large 67c: AA medium, 58c: certified A. medium. 57c: A medium. 5S-56c: A small. 43c. cartona 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-42c; Oregon loaf, 5 lb. loafs 44' i -45c lb.; triplets, lV cents less than singles. Premium brands, singles. 514c lb.; loaf. 63ttC. Poultry Live Chicken No. 1 quality fob plants, No. 1 broilers under 34 lbs. 2S-26c fryers 2 '4 -3 lbs.. 25-26c: 3-4 lbs.. 27- 29c: roaster 4 lbs. and over. 27-29c: fowl, Leghorn 4 lb, and under. 18-20C. over 4 20c: colored fowl all weights, aac: roosters, all welghta 16-19c. Rabbits Average to growers, live wnitee. 4-5 lbs.. 18-20C lb.: 5-6 lb.. 16-18c lb.: colored 2 cents lower: old or heavy does. and buck. 8-iac; fresh fry era to butcher. 50-53C Country-Killed Meats Veal, top quality, 30-13c lb.; other grades according to weight and quality ith poor or heavier 20-35c. Hogs: Light blocker. 30-3 lc: sow. 33- 24c. Lambs: Top quality, springers, 35-37C: iutton, 10-13C Beef: Good cows. 23 -33c lb.: cannera rutttrs, 20-33c. Fresh Dreitrd Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.l: Bef steers, good 500-800 ltw., 143-43; commercial, 127-30: utility, 131-34. Cows Commercial, 131-33: utility, 137 30: canners-cutters. 123-26. Beef Cuts (Good Steers) : Hind quarters, 653-57; rounds. 453-55; full loins, trimmed, 173-77: triangles, 331-33: square chucks. $39-41: ribs. 152-55; forenuarters. 637-38. Veal and calf: Good. $37-40; commercial. $33-35: utility. 128-32. Lambs: Good-choice spring lamb, 841 46: commercial, 336-40: utility, 133-35. Mutton: Oood, 70 lbs. down, 616-18. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 8-12 lbs.. $56-57: shoulder 16 lbs. down, 140-42; spare rib., $47-50: csrca4Jtej. $32-33; mixed relent $2 per cwt. lower. Portland Miscellaneous C'asrara Bark Dry IJ'ie lb., green 4c lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grades, 46c lb. Mohair 35c lb. on 12-month growth. nominally. Hides Calves. 30c lb., according to weight, kips 25c lb., beef U-12c lb., bulls 2 ' . , . . i Py. 1. Airlift Crew Congratulated Brig. Gen. Edward H. Alexan der (left), commanding general, First Airlift Task Force, congratulates Capt. Harry D. Immel, Jr. (second from left) and members of the latter's crew at Frankfurt, Ger., prior to flight to Berlin which marked the end of airlift operations. Left to right: Gen. Alexander; Capt. Immel, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; First Lt. Charles N. Reece, pilot, from Athens, Tenn.; First Lt. James C. Powell, co-pilot of Fort Worth, Tex : SSgt. Jerry G. Cooksy, engineer, of Chicago, 111.; and TSgt. Matthew M. Terenzi. radio operator, from Lynn. Mass. Capt. Immel is the top American airlift pilot with 403 flight. (AP Wire-photo) 0 H B Hai r It,,. l hJr1 Soybeans Gain But Wheat Drags Chicago, Oct. 4 (IP) Soybeans made some progress at today's board of trade session, but other futures found the going rough. Wheat dragged throughout the trading. A lower basis for acceptance by the commodity credit corpor ation had an effect on trading in wheat, which declined although there were prospects of govern ment flour buying, which some traders said had been discount ed in recent advances. At the close wheat was a,i to 1 lower than yesterday's close, December $2.127g-13. Corn was s higher to Vi lower, Decem ber $1.18-. Oats were un changed to Va lower, December 67. Rye was Va to 1 cent low er, December $1.46 4. Soybeans were to IV higher, Novem ber $2.33-32. Lard was un changed to 13 cents a hundred weight lower, October $11.45. Spilled Garbage On Roads Protested A. G. Clatt and 35 other resi dents along the road between Woodburn and the county dump northwest of that city have filed a protest with the county court aganst garbage allegedly sifting from the garbage trucks onto the road. They declare this Is permitted 'to the annoyance and damage of the petitioners" and ask the court to take steps for cessation of the alleged practice and to require the trucks to be prop erly covered "as by law pro vided." Members of the court stated it was possible much of the "sifting garbage" complained of may have blown off from open trailers owned by private par ties hauling garbage to the dump. However, the matter will be investigated. fl.7c lb. country buyers pay So lass. Nut Quotations Walnuts Frsnquettes, first quality Jum bo. 34.7c; large. 32.7c: medium. 27.2c: second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; larpe. 28.2c; medium, 26.2c; baby. 23 2c; soft shell, first quality lame. 29.7c: medium. 26.2c; sec ond quality larie, 27.2c; medium, 24.7c; baby 22.2c. Filberts Jumbo, 2oe lb.; lar,,, ISc; medium, 16c; smsll. 13c. M X i iftM . X IClAJa AJlltHA In Active Day New York, Oct. 4 Fresh demand streamed into the stock market today, lifting the gener al price level (round the high for the year. Leading issues including a couple of steel stocks advanced fractions to more than a point, some of their best prices for 1948. Business was almost double yesterday, turnover was at the rate of around 1,300,000 shares for the full session. Bidding for radio and televi sion stocks was particularly vi gorous during the morning. The steel strike and the tie-up in the coal industry evidently had little affect on price trends. Higher prices were paid for Bethlehem Steel, Youngstown Sheet, General Motors, Chrysler, Admiral Corp., Santa Fe, Good rich, Montgomery Ward, Doug las Aircraft, General Foods and General Electric. STOCKS (By the Associated Pre) American Can Am Pow ft Lt Am Tel ft Tel , 97 Anaconda Bendlx Aviation Beth Steel , 38 'I , 31 ! 13 ! 534 Boeing Ali-plan Calif Packing Canadian Pacific Case J I Caterpillar Chrysler Comwlth ft Sou Cons Vultee Continental Can Crown Zellerbech .. 33; .. 37 Curtlsa Wright ii Douglae Aircraft 53i Dunont de Nem ii. General Electric 454 General Food t 63t General Motors 3i Goodyear Tire 36 Int Harvester 61 Int Paper 474 14 33 'i , 53'i 14'. ".i" L. W ""trae'T' J""1 Nat Dairy NY Central North. Pacific . Pae Am Fish Pa G.s & El Pa T.l ft T.l , Penney J C Radio Corp Kayonlrr , Rayonter Pfd Keynoiaa Metal .., Richfield Safeway Storea ... sears Roebuck .... Southern Pacific Standard OH Co. . studebakar Corp . Sunshine Mining . Transamerlca ..... Union Oil Cal .... Union Pacific .... United Alrllnea ... U 8 Steel Warner 'ros Pic . Woolwortb , I3S . US . 4iS Federal Bureaus Run Out of Money Washington, Oct. 4 (IP) Two big government agencies, tech nically flat broke, awaited sen ate action today on a houie-ap proved stop-gap money bill the fifth such measure required since June. The house acted yesterday. The defense and interior de partments ran out of funds offi cially at midnight Friday, when a fourth emergency measure ex. pired. Generally when govern ment agencies "run out of money" they actually have enough on hand to keep going a while. The new bill, running to Oc tober 10, was made necessary by the worst congressional log-jam of regular appropriations In his tory. All money bills are sup posed to be passed each year by July 1. This year, five such meas ures totalling almost one-third of President Truman's 1950 bud get still are tied up in congress. Sale of Mulkey Block Authorized Sale of Mulkey building In Portland was authorized by the board of control Tuesday. The building, willed to the state by the late Fred W. Mulkey, will be sold to the highest bidders and 60 days will be given for the receipts of bids. Cash must be paid for the building. It is likely that the money de rived from the sale of the build ing will be used to defray some costs in connection with the con struction of the new Portland state office building. Attorney General George Neuner recently ruled that the board had legal authority to dispose of the build ing and so use the funds. Chinese Reds Ask U. 5. Recognition Washington, Oct. 4 The communist government of China has formally requested recogni tion by the United States. The state department reported the request was made In a let ter to the American consul gen era! at Red-controlled Peiping over the week-end. The letter, signed by Chou En Lai, communist foreign minister, said: "I consider that it Is neces sary that there be established normal diplomatic relations be tween the peoples republic of China and all countries of the world." Identical notes were reported tent to diplomats from France, Italy, The Netherlands. Belgium and presumably the British in Peiping. The average number of cars in U.S. freight trains h as in creased fairly steadily from 34.4 in 1918 to 54.5. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Hears Cantata Frank Grandstaff stands in the wings of Mu nicipal auditorium at Big Spring, Tex., as a male chorus sings his cantata, "Big Spring," at ceremony opening Big Spring s centennial celebration. Grandstaff, a life term convict in Ten nessee, heard the cantata performed for the first time since he finished the work in 1946. The score is based on material he read in the book, Big Spring, a story of this west Texas city. (AP Wirephoto) Republicans Protest Gag Washington, Oct. 14 UP) Democrats and republicans drew party lines tight today for a battle in the house on how to expand old age insurance They held separate mass meetings, Speaker Rayburn, alter the democratic rally, predicted flatly that the administration bill to remove more of the fi nancial hazards of old age, hard luck and death will pass "as is." But, just before the legisla tion hit the house floor, repub licans organized a drive against what they called a "gag" rule. The measure came up under procedure designed to bar any amendments. The bill up for consideration would extend social security to 11,000,000 more workers, mak ing the total 46,000,000. It would increase benefits, create a new disability Insurance and raise payroll taxes to finance the expansion. Republicans proposed a sub stitute bill. It resembles the administration bill in many re spects, but proposes a slower boost in taxes and would delete the proposed new insurance pay ments for workers whq, become totally and permanently dis abled. They can call for a vote on the substitute even in the face of the no-amendment rule. The ways and means commit tee, in presenting the bill, voiced hope it might soften labor's de mands for speclnl pension plans financed wholely by employers. In the federal Insurance pro gram the costs are shared equal ly by workers and their employ ers. The number of wild black bear in the United States Is believed to be increasing. SALEM MARKETS ComplrtfMl from reporls ttf Baffin 4ealtrs for Ih fuliUnxr ( Capital Journal Rtadrrs. RTlsctl Jallr). Retail Ferd Prlrei; Kir Maah M.1M. Rabbit IIU1b 14.30. Dairy Fard 13.10. Petal try: Duylrtf prtrca -Onrl A color Ml htna 31-22r; trad- A Leghorn htm. 11-lUc, trad A colorad fryen. thrrt Iba. and up, 3? -lite. Oradt A old roosters, 15c. r.m B ii Tint Prlcfa citrt lane AA, f9c; larva AA, SFc . la rat A, Sj-flfic; medium AA, 6Sc; medium A, M-Mc; pullet, 34-37e. Whole nale, Prlrea- LkK wholesale prlcti 5-7c above these prlrea; above frada A fenernllr quoted at 70c; medium 67c. Bntterfat Premium -6Be, No. 1, 3e; Ho. I. ST- ic; ibuylni price). Butter Wholeaalt grid A, 17c: all 72c. Portland Grain Portland, Ore . Oct. 4 W-Cnah train: OaU No. t 38-lb white BS 00: barley No. 3 45-lb RW S3 00; No. 1 flax S.B0. uh wheat ( bio i : Bolt white a.lT': Aoft white no rem I IT; white club a. IT. Hard red winter: Ordinary Z 17'; 10 per cent 3.17',. 11 per cent Ml; IX per cent 3 27. Today'a ear receipt: wheat It; barley tl ; flour Ii corn I. oaU 7, hay li mill feed 20. Par Hand MveMerk Portland Ore. Oct. 4 r--fU8DA Cattle: tillable 300. holdover 75. oalvei salable 12V holdover M. market alow on Ited oflerlne Mer: other riajwe mod erately active, cene rally aieady . lew low medium e re. uteer 18 oo-Jl .oo. common down to 1600; common tie I fern 11 50-18 SO. lie ht dalrv type better down to 11.00; canner-cutte r cohji mostly 10. 50-1 1.50 ; odd head 12 00: AhelU downward to 9 00 and below; rommnn-mr-dlura beef cow 12.50: aood beel row held above 1ft. 50 cutler-medium xaunaie bulls 12 00-16 00 food vralera mnMly 21.00-22 -0: Odd choice to 3 4 00: aood 300 O SO lb rante ralvu clide4 a.1 S3. SO. heavier welihU 30.00 down. Hoe- salable iw: maricer moMiy as rent lower, lood-cholce 180-JJO iba moM' ly 31.00. one selected lot 310 Iba 21 V few fat klnrla down to 90 SO: 240 Iba 30 00 heavier weittitA salable down to IB 00 and below: fond SI -i -500 lb ow.i 10 00-17 00; ood-choice feeder Plaa held above 30 so. Sheep: Salable J00. market active, fully ateady; extreme top 0 cent hither on on lot moatly choice 107 lb fed lamb at 1100 few aood-rhoce Ii m: duik oi up- ply trad int mostly food 30 SO-11 00: few medlum-aood 1. $0-30 00. enod feeder aal able 17.00- IK Oo. tood twee 00-M, com moa down to 1 M Chlraie l.lveiteefe Chlcaio, Oct. 4 Livestock market How atalebla 13.000. Market alow: Al rent to 1 00 lower on butcher; divine mrvlly 7S cent lo 1 00 fl. w li to 50 cent lower, top II IS aparlnaly. prae- tlral trp 19 00 for chol. e J , 0-370 !W: eood and f ho:ce JM-aflO lb butcher li to 10. I 0-1 JO lb 1R00 to IK 76. l'.lhter weight gcarcc, lew 170-IM lb 17 31 to Tuesday, October 4, 194919 18. 25: sows under 400 lbs 17.28 to 18.50; 425-525 lbs 15.75 to 17.00: odd head heavier soa-s as low aa 15.00; aood clearanoe. Sheep salable 3.500. Nothln, don, on lamba; blddinl 1.00 lower; fed yearllnas and sheep steady to weak; medium to aood yearllnsa 10.00; native ewea 9.50 down. Cattle salable 8.000: calves 500, Oood and choice fed steers and heifers, mod erately active, ateady to 50 cents hlaher: lower trades very uneven, averatlnl around steady; cows alow, ateady to weak: bulla fully 25 cents htsher. Vealers steady. Slock cattle firm: four loads choice to prime 12.i0 to 1370 lb fed ateers 34.50 to 34.85; top 34.85; choice 1050 lb Colorado yearllnsa 34.35: most choice steers 32.50 to 34.00; sood and choice ted steers and yearllnas 37.50 to 34.00: medium to low aood steers 10.50 to 27.00: good and cholc. hrlfera 26.50 to 31.00: aood cows 17.00 te iv. uu; common ana medium oeel cows 14.25 to 16.50: csnners and cuttera 12.00 to 14.50: medium and aood bulla 17.75 to 19.50: medium to choice vealera 24.00 to 28.00. OBITUARY Koaanna L. Scofftn LDnon-Mri. Koanne x. Beonln. Ore- lion pioneer end native daughter, died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Hra. Mamie Bennett. Lebanon. She was born, Koaanna L. Armatrong on Sauvla'a Island In Columbia county on Sept. 30, 1887 on her grandfather's donation land claim. She went to school In Portland when It naa omy ine one acnool, and later to tha first Portland Academy. She was married to James A. W. BcogKln, Jan. 37, 1071, and apent her entire life In Oregon. With her family she went to the Bend section In 1605. and lived there for 30 years. Tho iaat 4 yeara sno irrea wun ner daughter in Lebanon. On Sept. 30 she celebrated her 93nd birthday with several of her children with her. Mrs. Scoggln was an early school teacher, being the first one employed In the school near the present town of Fossil, Ore. She also organised Sunday schools. She was an authority on early Oregon history and furnished In formation to the Oregon Historical socl keen Interest In education and politics. In later years she wrote poems and sev eral historical sketches on her pioneer family. One of her keenest pleasures was traveling by plan. Survivors are her chil dren, Hubert A. of Tumalo, Paul A.. Sea aide; Nellie Howell, Mllwaukle; Myrtle Burgee, flhevlln and Mamie Bennett, Le banon. There are ten grandchildren and IT great grandchildren. On brother, O. F. Armstrong, also survive. Funeral serv ices will be held at Tumalo. at 3 p.m. Oct. 6. Interment will bt Ja the J OOF setae tei7 In Tumalo. Reward Arlington MUler LebanonHoward Arlington Miller. fT died at the Lebanon Community hospital Sept. 30. He was born Jan. 13, 111 nsar Sclo, spending most of his- life tn that area and serving Sclo as fire chief for a number of yean. He was a painter by trade. Services were held Tuesday at the Howe-Huston chapel with Rev. Lynntoa Elwell officiating. Burial la the XOOF ce metery. Survivors ar his widow, Belle of Lebanon: son. Dale, Lebanon; brother. Dr. Rolland B. MUler, Lebanon and uncle, A. H. Brattoa of Portland. Anna Agnes CfcUeek Lebanon Mrs. Anna Atnsi Ohlsdek, 78. died at her horns on route 1 on Fri day, she was born April 1ft, 1S71 at Sads ka, Csechoslovakla. and would have cele brated her 61st wedding anniversary la November. Rosary was recited Sunday evening and funeral services were held Monday at the Howe-Huston chapel with Rev. Carl Wachter officiating. Burial wa In the Masonic cemetery. Survivors are her widower. Frank: sons. Frank. Jr.. and Oeorge, both of Lebanon; daughters, Mrs. Marie Berry, Alone, ore., airs. Anna Bu rlan. Lebanon. Mrs, Sophia Ayers, La- nmb; brothers. Frank Janek and Joseoh Janek. Nebraska; sisters. Mrs. Marl Kounovsky and Mrs. Antonla Chladsk: eight grandchildren and en great grand child. John William Gray Lebanon John William orav. t4. died at Lakevlew on Sept. 30. He was born Dec. 30. 1084 in Ohio and had lived In Lebanon since 1002. following the occupation of farming. Services will be held Tuesday at 3 p m. at the Howe-Huston chapel with burial In the I OOF cemetery. Survivor ; Daughters, Mrs. Ida Mae Smith, Le banon. Mrs. Murtle Haven. Lakavlew, . Pearl Robertson, Lrhl, Utah: sons. William Emmett of Veneta, Ore., Charles Peter. Sutherlln. Albert J., Veneta. Sur- iving also arc 14 grandchildren, 27 great sifumh liildren and six great, great grand children. DEATHS Benjamin H. Rider Benjamin H. Rider, let resident of UtO Market St., near Burn. Ore., October 1 at thft ace of 40 years. Survived by wid ow. Mrs. Eva Rider of Salem: three daugh ters. Mrs. Dorothy Matthews and Mr. Marlon Btanchett, both of Salem, and Mrs. Vlrsinla Pott of Brook; mother, Mr. Oeorse Ditto of Nlasare, Ore., and four grandchildren. Member of Capital pout 0, American Let ion. Service will b held at the How ell-Ed wards chapel Wed nwKlar, October ft, at 3 p m. with Rav. 9eia R. Huntington officiating. Mr. Llllle Stewart Mrs. Stewart, late resident of Tamarack street, at a local hospital, Oc tober 1. Survived by two sons, Ralph Stew art of Canada and Douglas Stewart of Ail tin. Minn. Announcement of service later by CLouih-Barrick company. Lillian Prance Hebb At the residence at rout 1, Dallas, October 4, Lillian France liubhs, at the as of 07 yeara. Survived by three daugh ters, Mr. Wendell Dellsven of Delia, Mr. Harlan Taylor of Lake Orav. Ore eon, and Mrs. E. L. Morse of flalemj two brother. Mark Jones or Dallas and Heece Jones of Salem. Member of the Dlla Methodist church and past ma tron of the Eastern Star at Sliver ton. Announcement of eervlcu later by W. T. Rigdoa company. Asotin Reed Austin Reed. t the realdenc at 41 North Liberty street. Oetober 3. Announce ment of service later by the Howell Edwards chapel, Bert Cat Bert Cox, former resident of Salem, at Sedro Woollcy, Wash . October 3. Sur vived by wife. Mr. Hsttt Cox of Sedr Wool lev. Wash.: and two ltr, Mrs. Kate Roue of Columbia. Mo., and Mrs. iiaisn p-rdue of Aelem. Announcement of service later by tft How ell-Edward chapeL 1444 S. Com i.