18 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! i Per Lint He Per Lin I tlmu 40c Per Lin t time 60c Per Line 1 month 13 00 Outside ol Salem ISo per Ho par dir. Mln. 10c; S tlmei mtn, 30c time mln. 1 1-2(1. No Refund READEKK In Local Hew Col. OnlT: Per Lin 80e To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES MODERN 3 bdrmMiOOPh. 3-6189.a238 BY OWNER: 34 BR. nouse on ere tic. Fireplace, garage, iu furnace. iu fans Included. 1670011400 down, 175 Bio. Ph. Salem 2-4831. 6 to 10 p.m 237 RENTAL PROPERTY showing food re turn on investment. IS 10 flth Si. 4 rm. house, plastered, paved street. 13350. Term. CAST EWALD. New I BR modern house. Wired for range, El. water heater, city water. Only 13.950. I. E. SALEM. New 3 BR better-built home, 1 acre fine black land, drilled well 16750. B. E. MERFDITH Rlt. or B. M. MASON 176 M. Commercial. Ph. 3-8B4La23B 5 Rooms and Basement Lane living rm.. d'ning rm. Handy kit chen, and 3 bd. rm. Garafe. Hluh cor ner lot. All paved. On bu line. Clojse to chooi and ttorw. trier nauu. . EDGE OF TOWN IS A., an ordinary 8 bd. rm. home. Small barn, city water. Price Just re duced to 13200. Call Ben Cleary. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph. 1-5109. Eve. 8-9939 a236 ; 2 ACRES $4800 One of the best spot of (round any where. Small well-built home. F.&sr term. 14 mile E. of Kelzer on Che mawa Rd. Commanding View Couple. A nice 1 bd. rm. home, with a fine lot. Nice lawn, good neighborhood and a gorgeou view of city, valley and mountains. All for 18790. You have desirable home. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-6109 a23B SlCE B RM. old house. With lots of fruit and flowerj on 2 lots. 16600. Ph. 2-0848. a236 ONE OF THE BEST home fn Endewood, 8BR. on one floor, dole, plbg., finished Jnsement, double Karaite, cor, lot. Im mediate Pav;es.slon. SOUTH HICiH ST. HOME. 3 BR., full basement, oil hent. lota of built-in. Very nice lot. $12,600. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'I., Ph. 3-83H9, Eve. 3-7440 a238 14,150. NEW modern 2-HR home. Paved dStreet, elase to school. Immedlute pos session. I13r,0 down. Bal. F.H.A. Call ftfinley Brown with (STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS Ph. 3-4121 a236 - LOTTA HOUSE FOR THE 1 IU.500. New 4 UK home located N. of Mkt. St. in Englewood. 2 BR up. 2 dn. fully plastered. Best of conMruction, and very attrarllve. A reitl place for some on who needs the rm. and don't have .a biit bank roll. Buy nuw and choosy your own color.1;. Itca.s. terms. Ph. 2-6QH0. ED. LUKINHL'AL HEAL ESTATE 433 North High St. a237 NEW 2 B.R., PH. A. built home. Large Joan St small down payment. 910 Ford Winn. CLEAN modern 2-BR home 1 yr. "p&. Fireplace, hardwood floors, Ven etian blinds, furnace, 11.000 down. Call 'Stanley Brown with "STATE FINANCE CO., r REALTORS Vbl I. High St. Ph. 3-4121 Eve. 2-5Stlt 236 ' fl'-!. Late built 2 B R. home N.E. Ph. 3-0834. (1259 MODERN 2 bdrm. house. Wired for range and elec. water heater. Floor furnace. Jiardwood floor. In W. Snlrrn. Have to cll my equity. Will Inke Rood car a ,jart payment. 828 S. 12th. Ph. 2-9038 or .3-5611. a239 BY OWNER Leaving town, must sell at acrlfice: 2 bdrm.. fireplace, hdwd. firs., ITull basement, nire yd. Englewood dl.it. S3 10 Thompson Ave. a236 5V OWNER WHO IU EMPLOYED IN DALLAS. NICE ft ROOM HOME. ATT. GAR.. NICE VIEW. HDWD. FLOORS. JFI REPLACE. FENCED IN YAH1J, LOTS "OF FLOWEHS ft SHltUBS, CLOSE TO SCHOOL St BUS. KINO WOOD HT hist. 4nnn eouity will handle -THIS SOME BALANCE. K.H.A. AP . PRAISED. PH. 3-5059. T BY OWNER 1 bdrm . one blork to McKinler school St bu. Hdwd. frs., or'n circular stalr way. plastered dry basement, oil fur - nRce. Will consider any reasonable of fer. Ph. S-54T2. 240 ; Open for Inspection Modern 3 bdrm. home. Lame living room with circulating fireplace, illnlim room, kitchen St breakfa.st. nook, attached garaae St Inside ut II 11 y room. Very large lot. Fenced In front lawn. Reas onable price for this type of home. Can be seen anytime. Call at 3330 Sunnyvlcw 'Ave. 20 Near Glen Creek Road ..Not far out. Cute 3 BR home. New. . modern and only 14250. Terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol SI. Office Ph. 3-3H2. Eve. 2-3147 or 2-88311, 337 BYOWNFR i 'rmimsTla'rge'lot." Ideal lo- callon. IfilSOO. 482 Hoyt St. a!. "REDUCED Large living room, DH, 2 nice BR. bath. ' kit., large utility, at xnniKe with lot of storage space. Extra big lot near Hiehland aehnol, FHA terms. Priced at 19300, To ghe imniellate possession. 1 Clias. Hudkins & Son REALTORS f0 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 a337 Close in Location .An xtra lot Included. Oood 3 BR home. iXtra bmt. rm. F place. Hdwd firs. 1H. IkiLs of fruit St gardrn. 2040 Market St We will he ni.nl to in ke mn ap pointment for sou. Itir-OO Terms. B. Ishenvood, Realtor to07 W. Capitol St , filet Ph. 3-18M. Eve. 2-2147 or 3-8818 a37 JlV OW'NER modern 3 Br. home with dining room A mun utility room. 1 'bik. E. of city llmlU. Ph. J2775. 237 ( 4 RACE noi'SEi 4 sere, ehig house. frutt; nuts; good residential district -aouth la.'-nn, E. A. McGlauflin RKAL ESTATE till I. Com l St. Ph. 2-5311. tvt. a-'sn FAIRMONT HILL ,Llv. rm , din. rm., kll , nook. 3 BH. den. itend balh on one fhior full biiwmeiU 1: with plav I in.. Hit. shower At lnundr. Auto Fleet nc furnace. 2 fireplaces. In aulated, weather slrtpprt. V blinds. wnlnc. rthle $r , vny Ik lot fenced .yard. l!70 John St Phone 3-8J2B 240 A OOOD Itl'Y in a 3 BH home in Wwt Sa- kin. fHily 18 mo old, wnll to wall rues, "plastend. S h'ot ks to school. 1 blvk to " bus. Let us shuw roil this home. Priced ( at Ifl.'M. Good teims. ITT V SHOW you this oldrr 1v(e 3 BH ' home. Very well Uwilril m East Silrin 1 5U0 down, total price 15 Hon. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exruslve t istinas Personal Service 184 S. Com 1 St Pit S-a:tnit. te. 3-74(1 or 3-4i37 a:'37 MOIII'RN 3 bdrm home. Full mm- base, rrent With 1 irtn. Chilli's pi.tv nwim and lota of rupbonrds. N- r d corrld . En!ewoo;1 dt. New auto. Montaa o rurnace. Ph 3-7931. 2.8 tj RDHM. home Living rootn, dinliiK room. . k;l-!nn. hat li, f h.ise inent . auto c.: furnnee. Inrdwofd fluor,'. rn b'.imls flrrp'iifr, HHMlB.'i, la ml- en ied Im- prnveil rod next to bus ''.';0H fl.ii, bnl. FHA. Inquire 2611 Hulsey Ave. Pa. 1-8201. 243 Ore., Tuesday, October 4, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES McKillop Real Estate REALTORS t-BEDROOM HOME, living room, large kitchen, lota of bulltin. Paved atrcet and sidewalk. Close to school. EHA ap praised thi property at 17,000. Make u an oner. J -BED ROOM HOME. Lane living room with fireplace, good dining room, fin kitchen, lot of bulltin. Hardwood floor throughout. Full basement, auto. oil furnace. Paved street, lame lot, good lawn and xhruba. Bu pat front door. PHA appraised thi borne for 111.500, make u an offer, COME IN OR CALL Daytime Phone 3-6131 Evening phone 2-6408 or I-S51 McKillop Real Estate 493 Center at High WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS 238 WW UOWS, full price 15260, buy a two bdrm. with at at red attic, near bu and school. LOW DOWN payment on new 2 bdrm. home. Ketzer dist. Take over O.I. loan, 160 per month. Be ure to ak about thi TWO BDRM. home, Englewood district, now vacant. aB.se me nt, oil furnace, owner equity 12500. Balance PH A. at fj& month. Salem Realty Co. Realtor 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7600 5ve-?lH,1s2-9J " 2-6005. 237' "TFuly GoocTBuy 19750 full price, take thi nice 4 bdrm. home with large apaclou room, fire place, full basement St attached gar atce. All on 6 acres of good aoll with family orchard St some strawberries. Ex re 1 lent well. A wonderful buy for someone. Call Joe Nooncheal?r with H. E. Corey Real Estate 1305 n, Broadway fn. z-tmz Pay or Eve. 2-0103 or 3-3816. a236' FOR SALE LOTS FOR CHOICE residential tract In King- wood Hu, St Cascade Terrace, at mod erate price St very low monthly term, see the original owner St developer, C A. Robertson. Ph. 3-8413. aa259' BY OWNER: Lot 70x112, city water, south. restriction., bus, HS0. 535 Dn. 110 i mo. Ph. 25211. Eve. Sun. 2-3203. aa236 LOTS EAST ON BROWN ROAD. Electri city, water. 115 down St 1)6 month. General Real Estate 355 Center Ph. 3-3289. aa238 KSxllMl VIEW LOT. 3365 View avenue. City water-Kas. near Salem Heights school 1850. Ph. 30998. aa247 FOR SALE FARMS IRRIGATED! 39 A. FARM! NEWBERG RIVER BOTTOM! NONE BETTER FOR MINT, SPECIAL TY CROPS. GRADE A DAIRY OR STOCK! Plnibd. dwelling! Cmt. -floored barn. ALL RTES. St SERVICES! CUT FROM 320.000! NOW 113.000! 103 A. FARM! ON HI WAY St RIVER! 65 A. CULT. Mdrn. house! Out-bid.! PRICE CUT FROM 123.000! NOW 112.600. 160 ACRES! 12,1 A. CULT Salem Mall! 3 road St 2 Streums. IRRIGABLE! Lie nice! CUT TO 114,4001 C. W. Stuller, Broker BY OWNER In Mt. Angel dlst. Lovely 37 A farm all under cult. Willamette ilt soil. Very good bldgs.Mod. 7-rm. house Equipped with tractor and farm mach. Si grain. 113,000 equity 15,000. 4li 20 year loan. 2 "a miles east of 99E on McKee Rd. J as. 6. Ridings, Rt. 3, Box 37. Woodburn, Oreg. b240 wf ACRES IS MILES north of Salem. No building. Will trade on house. Inquire 607 N. Cnpltol. Apt. No. 6. b238 FOR SALE ACREAGE BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE 12 acre close In on Wallace rd. Fruit St nuts, well. Out of town owner must sell. Price reduced to 110.500. Ph. 3-338B. General Real Estate 255 Center bb236 BY OWNER 7 acres, 6 mile N. Oood in come, modern all-electric home, nice barn, dble. garage Leaving state. Rt. 2, Box 202. Ph. 3-1B57. bb239 i VERY comfortable older type modern 4 B R. house, good well, small barn, and other bldtffl., on 5 acres. Near Lancaster Drive. Only 10!00. 11500 dn. A very attractive suburban 2 B R. home, brick trim, H.W. floors. All elec., good well. Ige. lot. na about S6800 O.I. loan. Your today at 19250. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'I. St. Ph. 3-B:89 Eve; S-7440 or 1-4M7 bh218 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $0850 TOTAL PRICE Older type home. Near Lealle school. Full basement, fireplace. Choice lot. Good cond. Terms. Eve. Ph. 3-3558. $1)850 TOTAL PRICE Nice home. Close In, East. Extra large lot. Electric heat. Approx 1,000 sq. ft. floor apace. Almost new. Hdwd. floors. Attached garage. Terms. Eve, Ph. 3-3538. 5 ACRES ft rm. modern house. Well. Family ber ries, fruit St nut trees. Total price 10800 Terms arranged. Eve. Ph. 3-9403. GRADE A DAIRY Very good buildings. Good stock and equipment. Located close to Salem St schools. Almost Immed. pom. Good soil, year around creek. Total price 124.500. Terms. Eve. Ph. 3-S403 or 3-858. Al lsaak & Co., Realtors 3l38 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7BJ0. c238 NELSON NEWS PLASTERED t BDRM. HOME 14950 Comb. Lit Si DR. Elec. wtr. htr. 3 blks. to school, V, blk. to bu., gar., Ige, lot, good soil. 200 S. 18th 13500 Mod. Plastered home with lae. IR Si DR. .1 bdrms. all on ltfl r. Oil In-at-part tasmt. Corner lot. on pvmt , blk to bus. SOME HEAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Bowling Alley Billiards, wry profit able til. 500 Laundry. bldV, land, equip., netiltu $1300 per mo ...140 000 Dry Clean inn. bids , land, equip., H0 -cash will handle, bal. like rent .,148,1)00 Hard are, valley tow n, bid., laud. Stock At euutp. 115.000 will handle t 'J 8.000 limit Molel with 2 bdrm., L. qutrs . 9!E. rash or trade 148,000 New hotel with chain store rental, mil consider trading 131.000 equity for Sa lem rental property I ,i 5,000 For furl her details about these. ee Mr Schmidt. He specialises in bus. port unities A bus. properties. IDEAL ACREAGE IDEAL FAMILY ACREAGE For a place to rear a faintly you op- will hunt a long time to beat thi 10 A ft ft room home with unfinished upstairs We enough for 3 bdrms St bath. About lftxno comb. LR A DR with wall to wall run, Ite. kit , with dining area, mil. rm. 1 1 h L trnv, drying porch, extra sink A lavatory in breeaeway between kite lien A bldg. contain tna pumping plain, brick wall fruit hse., lie, wood sited. 10x12 en handling rm : laying hse , A feed rm.. tor 300 birds, bam il)i horse stall, cow stanchions, grain b,ns St drneway on 1st fir. with hay mow overhead, floored lean-to. 0 cher ry trees. 7 walnuts; ft filberts; I apples; pears, plums almonds, fia. grape berrie for family use l'i A In hlih class lions that will bring about 15000 income this yr. All for 115.000. Pur chaser of the ac rente ill have 1st chance to buy 250 par mem er red pul lets and fairly complete orchard A hop yard equip, Including tractor; also smie of tin- household goods at a very lair price. l mile to grade school; bu F.ilrm Jr St HI c K'fll NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtor Personal Service by Urn Who Specialise 701 NHieh Ph, S-48J2. cJJB BF1 l" OR TRADE MODERN PR 111 Ahout 4 loti. Want I At- up with tihlijv Rrp. 173 8. liberty Halrm Th 3711J. clJI Journol Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENH0RST SPECIALS 2070 SOUTH HIGH STREET 8 bdrm. Ilv. rm., din. rm., hall, nice kitchen, nook. hdd. fir., fireplace, bath down. 4 bath up, full burnt , auto-oil heat, nice vard with patio and fireplace, dole, garage. The price U. right. CALL ROY FERRIS. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT new t bdrm home. ll bath. Ige. llv. rm. and din. rm., beautiful kitchen, with nook, full ba.mt., automatic o.l heat, lireplac in burn t. Thi 1 a lovely home. TO SEE CALL EARL WEST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Evenlnits and Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Karl West 2-0608 REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Just Right for Two A neat and clean 1 bedroom home, hardwood floor and V. blinds, extra large lot. ONLY 15000. Don't Miss This Buy Within 8 block of city center, in attractive home on the creek, basement, auto heat, fireplace, brick patio, 1 bedroom doftn, 2 small bedroom up A REAL BUY FOR JUST 16150. Good term. Right on North 19th Street Just about 1 block from the Enalewood School District, an attractive 3 bed room home with unfinished upstairs, basement, fireplace and hardwood floor, extra deep lot. New low price $8900. Do You Need More Room We have Hated a good modern 4 bedroom family home, well worth the money, the living-room 1 12x18 with a 12x12 dining-room, the bedroom down can dou ble for a den, the kitchen ha a nook and there Ls part plumbing down, upstBlra ha 2 bedrooms and bath, full basement and 2 car garage, fireplace, etc. There's lot of llvabiltty offered here for 111,250. 5 Acres and a Home Located right on Center St. Home has 2 bedrooms, basement, ha good barn, chicken house, lot of fruit and berrie. 112,600. Buy More for Your Money See thi very complete 3 bedroom home, it ha many feaires you usually find only In top priced homes; Triple plumbing, auto, oil heat, party room In large basement the low price of 115,01)0 make it a real buy. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Eve 2-3488 - 2-5?1!f6 REAL ESTATE $4950 S bdrm. older type, plastered home, Englewood dlst. Terms. SMALL FARM 18 acre. Good 4 bdrm. plastered house. Oood out bldg.. farm euuip. goes. Will consider trade for 4 bdrm. houie in or near city. G. A. VICARY. REAL ESTATE 818 N. Com'I St. Ph. day or eve. 2-0421 C238- Drive Buys ! ! ! 600 Falrvlew Ave. (with "4 acre) $ 5,950 1735 Fairmount Ave. Terms 6,750 795 Waldo Ave. Immediate po&s. FHA term 8.2f0 150 N. 16th. Enitlewood District .. 10,500 Lots Lots Lots 00x90 Across from 730 Waldo Ave. ONLY $ 450 Lone Oak 2 lame Lots 1800 St. 1.200 2 lots corner Crass St Davidson. Both for 900 75x100 South of 2750 S. High (city water i 1.450 75x100 Corner 8. High Si Waldo.. 1.650 See or call "Bob" Sullivan, Broker WITH Mattson & Roethlin Ph. 3-5838 REAL ESTATE 231 N. High Even. St Sun. call 3-6770 3-7534 C237 FOR YOUR SAVING investment buy fim mortgage on real estate Salem A elclnlty. Examine security yourself Amojnt 1500 to severitl thousand dol lar, net Investor 6 We make all col lections for you If de.ilred. STATE FINANCE CO 153 S HlKh e' CLEAN 2 BDRM. HOME completely furnished. Price on I v 1 675 FOR SALE OR TRADE for a farm. Good 3 bdrm. home. Clo.se In. Price 1 7.850 NEW BUSINESS BLDO. 76 ft. frontage. 26 ft. deep. Price . .110.000 10 ACRES. 3 bdrm. hou.se. Barn. Chicken house. Fruit, shade trees. Shrub, year around stream. Price 810.500 Terms. LEO N. CHILDS. INC., REALTORS 344 Slate St Ph 2-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Voorheea. 2-4007 or Mr. Seder.strom. 3-6789. c238 PART TIME HELP WANTED Can use few men part time, to make 125 any night or day you are able to work. Car necessary. We will show you how. Call 2-4517 Thursday 9 00 to 12:00 (No other time pleasei tor appoint ment. c238 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT ft AC. CP WITH BI DOS. Rep. 172 8. Liberty St., Salem. PhTll 38236 NOTICE! It your property la tor sale rent or exchange list It with us We hare all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S High St ea WR ARE tn need 01 gooo nouses to sell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for sale see ORARENHORST BROS.. REA1 TORS 11 S Libert? St Phone 1-2471 ea BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WOOI! TIMBER. Hundreds cords In down stuff to 14 . Close Salem. Oood rd 50c cord. PHONE 25557. cd23fi SERVICE STATION for sale. Inventory only. Corner of Fairgrounds Hd. St Capi tol Sf. Ph. Portland. East 1106 or Sim 3-B184. cd23!' MAKE GOOn monev In your spare time. Will sell Alkuna 4 col vendtnir machines for half of cost. Other recent business Interests force sale. Ph. 2-4432. cd-VW FOR LEASE or sale, new store building. 45x80. at 444 Marlon St. Ph. 2-4526 C(I240 DUPLEX Completely furnished, one 3 BR apt . one 1 BR ai't.. entirely separate Good location. Live in half let the other half pay for your hnnie, or rent both lor 1125 per month lor a real investment Ttie price onlv ?10,M'0 owner will con sider trade on 4 BH home near hlah school. Chas Hudkins & Son FOR LEASE: business spare new bid 3028 Portland Hd. Ph. 2-4432 or 2-P7'n FURNITURE FOR SALE OVERSTt'FEEn HOY A- chair, like new IJM) value for HP 50. TRADER LOUIS .1058 Portland Rd d.M8' DAVENPORT Sf chsirchrome breakfast set for sale. Ph. 2-0.149 dJ.18 nnrnt.E COM. spring ll? Single roll springs IB. TRADER LOUIS, ;05ft Port land Rd. d2J8 nritROOM sriTEs, o tuo Dak reen 3 pc. lhlnx room suite, tno 9x13 wool rug A pad. 165 Westmehouse el ectric range with clock, I ISO Everr. thing tn good condition. Ph. 2-8101, 3155 Lynn Ave. d336 CO! EM AN Oil. rlnulstor. Trailer h-e. 1150 Phio-Therm circulator. 1.19 50. TRADER LOUIS. 3085 Portland Krt d?18 WANTED FURNITURE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Rt.4CRMARE.3 n. "old" Broke Sate lor anvone. See Oeo. Green at Stop I ite Coffeajhop Ph 29142. e3i- BONDED ANO I If'ENSf 0"ilvestrck buverT I. C McCanduiM. 1127 S 3.Y Ph. 3!U4? RABBITS WING RARRITRY need rabbit. Top I prtea. IMt taia, PH. I-14M. ab343 tFOR SALE HOUSES Phone 3-2471 Sundays Call Peter Oeiser 3-9968 I REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS Livestock & Furniture AUCTION - WED., OCT. 5, AT 10 A.M & 7 P.M. 13 pc. walnut bdrm. set 18 pc blond dining set 2 twin Sealey mattrese Davenport and daveno Coll spring and box spring. 4b 2 Washing machines ft 1 Westinghouse electric range Elec tr ox electric vacuum Radio It Chest of drawer Drop leaf desk New 14 ft. boat Table lamp and floor lamp Picture matic movie projector Antique dishes Breakfast sets Fre.sh veg. St fruit Farm machinery Chicken and rabbit A Calves and veals Feeder and weaner pigs ft Cow.s. heifers and bulls LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yard Located l'i Mile East of Salem on Sllverton Road To Buy or SellCall 3-6098." dd236 SAVE MONEY!! ATTEND OUR FURNITURE AUCTION TUESDAY. OCT. 4. 8 P.M. SHARP GLENWOOD BALLROOM 4'j MILES N. OF SALEM ON 99B fft Lartte refrigerator Duotherm oil heater 4k CoU.. complete 4g Revolving bookcase m Sectional daveno 48 6 year crib A mattres 3 vacuum cleaner 41 9x15 rug 9x13 rug e 8 pc. bleached dining suite, modern Maple desk M Tnhle and buffet A Walnut vanity 4 Windows 3 floor lamps 4k 4 table lamp Ift 3 occasional chntr A Vrlour swing rocker A Hollywood bed A 0x12 linoleum A I lot ho-spttal equpt. A 5 pee. dlnnette set A 5 pc. chrome et A 4 mirror A Fireplace grate A Cupboard A Velour daveno a a electric plate A 5 pc. bed suite, spring and mattress. A Many miscellaneous Items. "WE PAY CASH OR SELL ON COMMISSION" GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER Ph. 3-M10 flnlm. M2 PETS WIIITK T.rAN-FTabbltgT'a'dnpi ind 1 biirk. FUEL SPECIAL BUY YOUR WINTER'S WOOD NOW 2 CORD LOAD, I10O0 PH. 2-7442 ee245 SIIM.ir STOVE DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186. Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor ee249 SI 4R woon, mill run, 18 per load. Hand p't-ked. Ill per load. Ph. after 5pm ee236 CALT HlOHW A Y FOKL FOR H1ee: and Stove Oil FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends A Block Wood Ph 18444 ee' PHILLIPS BhOS Old fir. oak. ash ft mapie 4' fir IB" :,ib and ed.ilnas Ph 314.S8 ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN DRY OR GREKN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH 1LOCK WOOD, CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Filem 3-4031 Aire pick up wood at 1533 Edgewater St., West Salem ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONR 37442 ir Slab Wood and Edging Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SAH GREEN STAMPS FORSALE POULTRY NEW 11 IMFSHIRE-rhicks-every ThurT day. Order Fry or Hens now at spe cial quantity price for your lockers Custom Drcing a specially. Phone 22Bttl. Lee's Hatcherr t NEW-HAMPsillRlThlck for immediate or future delivery Hatches ery Tue Fob Hatchery. 3830 Stat St Ph. 1-4961 t PRODUCE LATE tiR WENSTEIN and King apples Joe Luce. Orchard Height rd PH 2-5SS8. ft33B LATE PE4RS, delicious eating D'AnJout. now reach Bring bones Ailrma Mot?:. SMS Portland Hd Ph. 2-4510 rt23 (iHSTM 4c lb. You pick Brln cent in ttA. Waldrn. 3945 Portland Rd. f t Rt. 3 Box ffj.n TOM , TOES 78 Hm. U-pick, Imlah Fruit farm, l mile on .Wallace rd. Ph. 30ST4 f f 1ST TOSHTOIS a 'buort"on U-Plck II bu irin, Ho 32, Ph, JefTerson 504 tt:4.l iFnniRTANOWalnut drvlng Special serv ice for small lot. Phone 1-31 Lee Hatchery. ff AUTOMOBILES "COMPARE PRICES" 1948 Studebaker Land Cruiser. R&H $1695 1948 Studebaker Sedan Champion. Overdrive & heater $1593 1942 Studebaker 5 pass. Champion. New motor $745 1946 Chevrolet coupe $1095 1946 Nash "600" sedan $975 1938 Ford sedan $425 1939 DeSoto sedan $195 1941 Chevrolet 5 pass $595 1939 Studebaker sedan. Champion. Overdrive $495 1948 Studebaker 5 pass. Star light coupe. Radio & heater. Low mileage $1595 1946 Studebaker l'i ton truck. Factory stake bed ..$1295 1946 Studebaker !i ton pickup $995 1940 Studebaker sedan. Commander. One owner. Radio & heater. Overdrive $595 BONESTEELE'S 370 N. CHURCH ST. PHONE 3-9277 PONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Pontiac Sdn.-Coupe, R&H $1795 '42 Pontiac Sedan. R&H $895 '37 Pontiac Sedan '.$ 195 '41 Olds Sedan $695 '38 Pontiac Coupe $ 195 '38 Ford Tudor $ 145 '36 Dodge $245 Herrall - Owens Co. TRADES 669 N. Liberty PRODUCE TOMATOES, cucumber, fresh egg. Frl- gaard Fruit Farm, ml. N. Kelzer school. f 1240 HELP WANTED A SPLENDID opportunity for a middle aged, eml-retlred, man or woman to serve a a representative tor an es tablished Investment counselor aervice. Room 139 Pacific Bid. Salem, Oregon. g237 ACCORDToN INSTRUCTOR Part or full time. Excellent opportunity. No ex perience necessary. We train you. Write Capital Journal, Box 422. K251 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED: A young man who Is aggressive and willing to work. To be trained for an outside selling job. Selling experience or car not necessary. Must be a high school graduate. Steady work. Rapid promotion and good pay. Apply 395 S. 12th, Salem. g&238 NATIONAL CORP. offers profitable busi ness operation to middle aged or older men with car. Write Box 464 Capital Journal. ga261 EXP. floor covering mechanic. Apply M K.N. Furn. We.st Salem. ga230 OPPORTUNITY for experienced photo finisher. Inquire Oregon state Employ ment Service. 710 Ferry St. ga236 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANT WOMAN for light house work & care for 2 small boys.Ph. 2-0594. gb237 HOUSEKEEPER Wanted. Modern country home. Good wage. Apply Box 462 Capl- tal Journal. gb236 WOMAN FOR HOt'SEWORK and care of children. Call 2-7328 evening after 5. gb237 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 State Street Phone 2-1488. gf" WANTED SALESMAN GOOD OPPORTUNITY. Nationally known product. Car essential. APPiy ooo . iinn between 9 and "10 a.m. an EXPERIENCED turntture salesman, list exp. St qualification, write box a:. Capital Journn' WANTED POSITIONS CHILD care by day or hour. 1090 N. 18th. n4i" TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov- ing. Ins. op. Work guar. w. rt. mcaiii.i. ter. 840 Trade, Ph. 3-14SHL h261 Mimeographing-Typing TREEWORK Topping Removine, Etc. INSl'RMl UriKIIIJR JOHN PAYNE 24(1 S. Church Ph. 2-8014. h237 WANT JOB on farm or dairy, experienced. PO. Box 173. Turner. h238 CUSTOM WORK: Plowing and discing by the hour or Job. Ph. 3-1121. Sprlntrer. h239 Cllll.n CARE day or nr. Ph. Oregon Tree Service Insured opp. - Phone 2-1496, h33 CIHlV care by day. In my home. Ph 3-4371 TELEPHONE" CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv- Ice Former plione opr. Ph. J-5072.h256 Cllll.n CXRE. 183 8 181h Ph. 2676 h243 NEW I. AWNS prepared and seeded. LUht tractor on rubber wlht dorer. Ph. 2-8127 h251 CFMFNT WORK wanted Ph 2-4RW h EDUCATION DIESEL POWER Mechanically inclined men get free facts about opportunities and training Plan covering big new field of DIESEL ENGINES for trucks, tractors, loco motives, power Plant, ships, etc. We train you in your spare time. Write for details airing ae and present occupa tion. Ctllitie Diesel Training. Regis trar. 2531 Sheffield. Chicago 14. Ill hh236 VETERANS Train for REFRIGERATION In Portland Tn pur ,U-.mlppl chcwl ,hop. w ituch you tn build. tnul and ,prvlc dfrp frrffrrs. bfrr coolrr. ,llt-in cooler ,nl 1omMllc units. REVERSE CYCLE HEATING (By Refrigeration) Tat Information on hoiuMnt. ,t.rt.nt 6hlt, p.rt-tlro. work West Coast Trades Representa tive, Marion Hotel Moiuiay. Tuesday ft Wednesday. 10 a m. to 8 p m. kiuji' I AUTOMOBILES SALEM 423V EDUCATION Rawlins Music Studio Violin and Piano. State accredited teacher. Ph. 2-6013. hh250 FOR RENT ROOMS PLEASANT SLEEPING room for gentle man. iuau Norway, rn. ii-4347. jki ROOMS FOR girls In modern home, with working girls. Use of entire house. 645 N. Winter St. Ph. 34372 after 5 p.m. Jk238" CH OICE ROOM for working coupie7478N" Cottage. jk236 ROOM FOR gentleman. Close In. 632 No. Winter. Call after 5:30 p.m. jk241 SLEEPING , Ph. 34335. light housekeeping room. 10 N. Church. Jk238 ROOM for 1 young girl possible 2. Break- fastprlv.lfdeslred. Ph. 3-3420 . Jk238 NICE sleeping room fmen). 448 Center St. Rear Woodrow Bldg. Jk238 LARGE SLEEPING room. Gentleman. Close to bu. Evening Phone 34931 Jk240 NEWLY DECORATED rm. for lady. 1st fir. Close In. Cooking prlv. 740 Chemek eta. )k239 NICE SLEEPING RM. Ph. 3-7558. Jk239 SLEEP. RM. Hollywood, 2035 McCoy. Ph. J0UU3. jx:an SLEEPING ROOM. Hot ft cold water. 461 . High. jk240 PLEASANT heated bedroom. Close to bus line. 468 N. 18th. 3k237 SLEEPING RMS. for men. 388 W. 14th. Jk239- SLEEPING ROOMS. PH. 3-4335. FOR RENT APARTMENTS NEW 8 rm. unfurn. Duplex Apt. V. Blinds. All electric. 2231 Lee St. Jp238' LARGE FURN. Apt. Utilities furnished. Will care for baby for working parents. 365 S. 16th. Jp238- COEY rm. mod. furn. apt. Close In. 535 N. Winter ?p23b; CLEAN FURN. 2 room apt. Prlv. ent. Rea sonable rent. Fn. 34J07 jpajn RM. furn. apt. with bath. Utilities furn. Single. Close in. Ph. 3-6094. JpiJS UPSTAIRS three rms. & bath. Private ent. S25. Ph. 2-6425. JP238 432" Mar -JP238 RM. apt. ion. 1 housekeeping rm FURN. 3 large rm. Clean. Prive. ent Si pnv. bath. Refrlg. 419 Smh St.Jp237 LARGE S room apt. furn. Elec. stove & refrlg. 845 mo. No children. Hlway 9N. Ph. 24226. jp237 I ft t RM. APT. Prlv, bath. 833 Ferry St. JP236 MOD. 4 RM. APT, Employed couple. Re liable. Adult only. 190 8. 25th. Ph. 3-5045. Jp36 NICE" HEATED furn. apt. 2 adults, nt 359 N. Liberty. J P23 7 NICE FURN. apt. all-electric. 1075 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8708, Jp237 FOR RENT HOUSES ? BDRM. house. 1595 Lee St. See Colbath Land Co. Ph. 24552. Jm237 SM LLxBR "house. Oil clrc, elec. W.H.. Wired for elect, range. Call 980 Kumler St.. off 8 Summer. Jm238 MOD. FURN. tott. One bdrm. 2 mi. N. of Brooks on 99E. Mrs. C. P. Martin. )m241 MODERN 2 B R. house on La Branche Ave. at Four corner. 3745. If Interested call Lyons 74. Jm238 6 RM. turn, house with A. Rt. 9, Box 307. 8 mile southof Stat8t. Jm238- 4"BIRM"UNFURN. house. Close to school. Some rent may be worked out. 2397 Hazel Jm237 MODERN two-bedroom house In Wood burn. Call at 2330 Hyde St., Salem. Jm-137 $225 DOWN 166 per month buys modern 2 bdrm. home L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church. Ph. 2-7842. Eve. 2-0126 Jm235 MODERN B rm. house. Adult. 1980 Harrl IflO Ph. S-54S1 Jm236 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS NEW STORE building for lease. Ph. 21838 or rail at 1079 Broadway. J247 GARAGEOR TTentTunlon &CapYtaT. Ph. 30286. J338 FOR RENT Cottage, weekly or monthly. Reasonable. Bu by door, 3510 Portland Rd. J238 STORK BIDG. Hollywood Dlst, Inquire 33S 0 Fairground. Ph. 1-7148. J239 OFFICE, desk apace, Conv. loc Ph. 19133 J245 FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. J POWER TOOL rental for horns and in dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph 1-3846 I TO DO a good Job rent good floor sand r We ell verrthtnt to complete the fob BOWSER BROS P1L 1-3646 J OOtTl SED "PIANOS. H. L, Stiff. ) OFFICE apace and desk space Ph. 35692 FOR RENT: 12 A. farm w:th modern 3 BR house, 14 stanchion barn, silo, etc, Family orchard. For one year or longer Cah rent. Cecil Wolvertoa Rt. 1 Box 415. J3.VJ' T RULERS 13 00 per day Howser Bros 141u B 12th. West Salem. 1' SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma Chines. Reason abr rate. Pre pick up St dellTery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Coml. Ph 33313 J Rt tE BI.DC. About 6000 ?q ft. f'.oor spsce Gixtd locution for sra;e or ware house. B ownrr at 2010 S Cottage. Se vern JJ3 10 DRJYI true, ra. Ph. 1-9104, AUTOMOBILES 7 WWM (( x tu AiXOAgt 1942 CHEV. SEDAN TWO TONE OREEN. VERY GOOD TIRES. HEATER. AS CLEAN AS A PIN ONE OWNER. 1940 CHEV. 4-D00R , SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN. OOOD TIRES. OOOD PAINT. RADIO ft HEAT ER. 1940 FORD SEDAN BLACK FINISH. HEATER. OOOD TIRES. CLEAN INSIDE St OUT. WH.AT HERE IS SOME REAL GOOD TRANSPORTATION 1937 FORD SEDAN $216 MOTOR IN OOOD 8HAPR. LOTS OP GOOD MILES IN THIS) ONE. 1936 FORD 4-DOOR $195 SEDAN. RADIO HEATER. SEAT COVERS. CLEAN INSIDE AND OUT. 1935 FORD SEDAN $125 REAL GOOD TIRES. RADIO. RUNS VERY OOOD. 1940 DODGE 4-DOOR $295 SEDAN. HEATER. NEEDS A LITTLE WORK. GOOD TIF.ES. 1928 OLDS SEDAN $40 A CLEAN OLD CAR. GOOD TIRES. WHY WALK AT THIS PRICE. TRUCKS 1940 FORD lia-TON $395 LONG WHEEL BASE. '46 MOTOR. FLAT BED. GOOD TIRES. 1936 INT. li2-T0N $325 FLAT BED. VERY OOOD TIRES. LONG WHEEL BASE. RUNS GOOD. 1939 FORD Vo-TON $275 PICKUP. COVERED TOP. A LOT OF SERVICE IN THIS ONE. ACME MOTOR CO. FRONT AND CENTER STS. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS) BUSINESS RM. for rent. H L Stiff. WANTED TO RENT YOUNG WORKING couple need furn. apt. close in. Ph. 36473. Ja241 WANT a place to live for the winter. Help with the work, share living expenses. Henrietta Martin, Rt. 3, Box 31, Silver ton. jh237 NEW buslne man, wife and 6 yr. old daughter. Moving to Salem. Needs 2 bdrm. apt. or house right away. Will take lease or option to bur. Ph. 2-8662 askfor Sak Ja341 VET, WIFE St SMALL CHILD, native of Sclem desire 1 or 2 BR furn. or partly furn. house. North, reas. rent. Exc. refs. Ph. 2-9932 8:30 to 5:30. Ja236 WOULD LIKE TO RENT 20 or SO acre of farm land. Ph. 3-1121. Ja239 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD Se room. 495 N. Cottage. BOARD Mt ROOM for employed men only. 492 No. Summer. JJ235 BOARD and room. Ph. 3-8706. Jj258 LOST AND FOUND ,OST: BROWN purse In Miller's. $20. Re ward. Ph. 21897 or 37870. k238' LOST: 2 yr. old child's blue coat, trimmed with pink. Between Capital Journal of fice and bu depot. Mr. Taylor, Silver ton hospital. k238 STRAYED: ENGLISH Setter. Is being cared for at LeGrav Kennels. Owner must Identify. Ph. 31198, k237 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturday 12:30. m244 POWER TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORE, 4345 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 2-2024. m259 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Commercial Sis SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS YEAR'S BIGGEST BUILDINO NEEDS SALE! EVERY PRICE SLASHED! Now . . . make tremendous aavlngs on Wards first-quality build ing needs. Full line of roofing, siding. Insualtlon, wall tile, kitchen cabinets, etc., etc. ... all going fast at Ward amazingly low, low prices. AND . . . save up to AO'r on odd-lot sample and slightly damaged Items. Come In now . . . today . . . before the limited stock are gonel Cash in on great value like these . . . Reg. I8 60 3-8x6-8 screen door ..15.95 Rex. 11.79 granulated rock wool ... .11.48 Reg. 113.95 Asbestos siding $12.88 Reg. 4.ic aluminum tile 39c Reg. S3. 29 rock wool butts I2.P8 Reg. 17.95 3 In. 1 shingle 86.97 BUY NOW PAY LATER! ONLY 10cr DOWN . . . BALANCE MONTHLY MONTGOMERY WARD 155 N. Liberty. Salrm ma337 SHINGLES No. 1 17.75 q. 5.00 sq. No. 3 3.00 sq. O. G. LONG. Phone 2-5821. One mile north of Kelzer. ma238 SHINGLES mi-vlna? Outter down? Get 'em fixed up! See Keith Brown. Front At Court St., Salem. ma PLYWOOD New supply, complete stock. Pick your choice of material. At lowest prices. C. O. Long. Ph. 3-5821. 1 mile N. of Kei?er. ms237" Windows Sashes Hundreds of new and used ashes. For kitchen, bath, bedrooms, commercial and farm use. Used double and triple windows, complete with frame. C, G. Long, Ph. 2-3821 I mile N. of Kelzer. ma237 SIDINGS New white asbestos aiding 110 00 per sq. Carload supply. No paint required. Ce dar shakes in the carton 112.00 sq., un dercourse Included. C. O. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile N. of Kelier. m237 GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. 81- gurdson. Phone J1160. ma24t NEED LUMBER? 4 larger amount. Builder are realizing substantial savings on all grades of framing lumber. No 4 2x4-1x8 ship lap 117 per M: 2x6-3x8-2x10 813 per M No. 3. 2x4 hlplap 136 per M. Price In eludes delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, 1050 Wallace Rd Ph. 39593 me249 NEW KITCHEN sink complete With fauc ets. trap only 113 50. Used wash basin with all fjttings. 112 50 to 115 00. Large attractive, new medicine cabinet 17.50. C G. Long, Ph. 3-5821. 1 mile N of K e Uer m 237 CEDAR SIDING New stitpment Wx8" and l. xli' r"dsr 1dme. ail grades Keirh Brown, Front Si Court St Balera. tn' SAVE OIH ROOFING Let WarC aire you complete IT STALL FT price on your roofing needs Wide range of color Call our outside salesman tor free astlmat Phone 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREOON ma FR CUSTOMER, iiiMjt on your con tract cr and carpenter tiding the finet o; i trow Hi vertical e:.n veilow fir fmtitird hun rer in Sa;em On hand at Dick Xlever I 'imher Co. 35 Lan Ave Ph. 34BJ9. Free parking. ma' IAUTOMOBILES WE DON'T PUT ON A SALE VERY OFTEN, BUT WHEN WE DO, WE REALLY HAVE THE BUYS! I 1941 CHEV. Fleetline SEDAN. RADIO, HEATER, SEAT COV ERS, WINDOW SHADES. THIS LS AL SO A ONE OWNER OAR. PRICED RIGHT, 1942 FORD ST. WAGON THIS ONE IS IN REALLY OOOD SHAP. THE BOSS RATES TO SEC THIS ONE OO. LEATHER SEATS IN PERFECT SHAPE. LESS THAN 10.000 ON NEW UOTOR. 1939 CHEV. SEDAN MASTER DELUXE. RADIO BEATER. NEARLY NEW TIRES. A NK?I CLMAN CAR. BUILDING MATERIALS WRECKING AT 1256 FERRY ST. Kitchen built-in, veneer cabinet, good u.sed sawdust furnace. See Christ Msd on. ma237 ALUMA - LOCfc ALUMINUM LOCK .411 INGLE. The modern permanent roof ing. See your dealer of Call DlsL 1-6401, ma272 LUMBER and mill work, cabinet, too. Everything you need, 1 here for you. Keith Brown. Front St Court St., Sa lem. bi' Wrecking Another House AT 1256 FERRY ST. Used door and window, bathroom fix ture, good used elec. water heater. Iota of good flooring. See ChrU Uadson at the bldg. tn238a RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Timber No. 1 $7.75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 sqs. No. 3, 8 in. clear, suitable for roof or side wall. Ted Muller, Ph. Sa lem 2-1196. Salem-Indep. Road. ma " DOORS New IV Colonial door 111.50, fir slab doors 113.50, mahogany slab door 324.50, new gloss door 110.25, screen doors $6.50. combination torm door 310.00, interior panel door 83.75 St up. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821 1 mil N. of Keizer. ma237 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GAS WELDING set. Gauges, host fe tor- caes. t-n. auug. 3jo cnarie Ave. n23S" LEONARD REFR1G. Roper gas range. As xuuu m new. aiso Montgomery ward washer. Must sell immed. Will sacri fice to someone taking all three. Ph. 42026. UJ38" LUGGAGE TRAILER. Covered top. Well diij anceci. lava . uomi. 1337" MIN. washing machine". Good ond. Chroma wringers. 1308 N. Com'I. n237 1 PR. knee-high rubber boots, sum 8'i. aiso comoination leather and wood Jack et, site medium. 415 N. Cottage St. Up stairs room next to bathroom. Call be tween 5:30 St 6:30 p.m. n237 SMALL BUNGALOW piano and bench In excellent conanion. 1690 . Cottage. ENFIELD SPORTER, Restocked. Redfleld sign . sxceuent condition. Ph. 1-5422 STERLING SILVER Ware, West Morland, saeiDorn nose, service lor six. Call 3-7026. B238 FROGIL oil circulator. 822 N. 17th St. n239 NARROW arm daveno with matching rocxer. wine, oiue, oeiga. Floral pat tern homespun. A beautiful combination for 396.00. And green stamp too, SALEM HOME PURN. CO. A21 No. Com'I. n338 8,000 WATT Weslx heater, thermostat control, witn Built-in fireplace. Just right for a party room. 721 Ferry. RUSSIAN squirrel Locke fur goat, Slag 12. Excellent condition. Newly glased. Call after 4 00 p.m. except Sundays. 736 N. Commercial. Best offer over 175. n241 OIL burner for furnace. Pot type 1th oiower. Automatic, MO. 2190 Mvrtle 2-7873. n338 CUSTOM built S70 Mauser. lew. 471 Cas n2;ti cade Dr. YOUNG man' ult. lte II. Like new. Calt 3-9401 after I p.m. na.18 BABY bed. spring & mattress. High chair. baby buggy, full ixe pring St mat- tres. Ph. 2-3526. n23l GALVANIZED POULTRY NETTING Double protection against rust and cor rosion. Fine steel wire galvanised with heavy line. Hexagon meh. Top ft bot tom' double atranded. 150 ft. bale. 1 inch mean I3.lt WARDS FARM STORE Trade t Htgh St. Salem. Or. B238 I BURNER ell heater. Oood cond. Ph. 2-0798: n238 MOVING! Must sell LaundaraD autoT washer, 1165.00. Ph. 1-8431. n238 FOR SALE: Savage 32 hort. long, long rifle. Model 6-A. Bolt action repeater. Excellent condition. Box 40f, Capital Journal. n237 BABY BUGGY, ptdded tides, lined turn out. Excellent cona. Ph. 20171. H237 BEAUTY COUNSELOR product. Ph. 17334 n 3 40 TAPAN GAS Rang Water Heater. 880 S:14th. B237 OIL FURNACE. Auto, control A good buy for 160. 719 N. Cottage, Ph. 3-6366. B236 FULL SIZE bed sprint and matt re, aloe else steal bed with spring, ph. 1-7027. n33f USED OIL CIRCULATOR. Recondition. 130 and up. Judson. 279 N. Com'I. n336 PEAT MOM fortified with turkey dron inss. Onlv 90c a sack. VALLEY FARM STORK. 4345 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 1-2024. nJ59 SHELLS for foreign odd caliber rifles Sickett, 1310 So. Winter, Ph. 1-4912. n241 tuD ELECTRIC refrigerators YEATFR I APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemekett. n25lj (Continued on Page 19)