STANDING FEUD BREAKS OUT Intercept Harris and Just then the gun roared. Sykes siumped to the floor, and the 30-odd others ran for cover beneath tables or out the door. The situation was tense. State Sen. E. B Bowles, another mem ber, knelt down beside Sykes Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, Oclober 4, 1949 17 Entertainment for Lunch Meeting Gets Too Realistic Knoxville, Tenn. u.R) It was the weekly luncheon meeting of the City Salesmen'! club and automobile dealer Rom Reeder had the floor. Stale Employes May Sign Recall Petitions State employes may sign re call petitions. But, ruled Attorney General George Neuner, they can't cir culate the petitions, nor circu 20-YEAR LAXATIVE HABIT BROKEN! "Considering I was constipated for over 20 years and laxatives gave me no relief it was amazing to find and moaned, "Lord, fellows. he's hurt hurt bad." Another member finally per suaded Harris to hand over the gun. loviiij i i.i.i, www a ALL-BRAN daily helped me so much! Mrs. H. Rutledjre, 120 Corry Ave., Aero Vista. Warrineton. Reeder began tongue-lashing another club member who was present, J. J. Harris. , "The club isn't big enough done a lot of talking behind each other's back. At the meeting, Reeder con fronted Harris and accused him for me and Harris both," Reeder But then the joke was up. The gun held a spent blank cart ridge. It was all a joke. Harris and Reeder, explained. Reeder had the program that day and they had been planning their "feud" for weeks. late initiative or referendum petitions, nor actively engage In political campaigns. The question was asked by the state liquor commission. The citron is one nf th shouted, "and I want a standing Florida. Just ont of vote on who stays." many unsoltcittd let ter praising ALL URAN. If troubled For six weeks everybody in of making accusations about his the club knew, Harris and personal life. "I'm calling you a liar to your face, Harris," said Reeder. Harris jumped to his feet and whipped out a pistol. Taft by constipation due to lack of bulk I in the diet, try this: eat an ounce off crisp ALL-BRAN every day, drink plenty of water. If not satisfied after 10 days, return empty bos to Kelloeg's, Battle Creek, Mich. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! Reeder had been at dagger points. Nobody saw them to gether any more. They didn't citrus fruits known to man, and is mentioned in the early part even speak to each other at the Thirty people can stand in the head of the Statue of Liberty. annual picnic. And they had Sykes, a visitor, leaped up to oi xne Bioie. 5n Truman Sees War Games Fort Bragg, N.C., Oct. 4 U.R) President Truman today watched top-secret combat equipment of the army field forces In action at war games staged for his benefit here. The chief executive, accom panied by Army Secretary Gor don Gray and Gen. J. Lawton Collins, army chief of staff, came here by plane this morn ing. After reviewing an honor guard at Pope field, the presi dent drove immediately to army field forces board one, a re search center where highly secret radar and artillery firing devices were demonstrated for him. So secret was the demonstra tion that White House reporters were kept 300 yards from the area where the president con ducted hit tnspecton. Report ers stood with army post school children and watched huge wea ther balloons sent aloft with flittering metal attachments flung beneath them. Across a broad grassy field, huge radar screens were seen turning slowly to follow the up ward path of the balloons. Mr. Truman left Washington at 8:45 a.m. EST, and arrived at Pope field at 9:57 a.m. "City of San Francisco" Train Wreck One coach of the Chi cago and Northwestern "City of San Francisco" streamliner jumped the rails and hit the corner of a boxcar, at Ames, la. Killed was Ernest Riggs, of Oakland, Calif. Among the four passengers injured was Glenn Bertan of Stockton, Calif. (Acme Telephoto) Advart!Ament SHIUUS CATARRH SUFFERERS rwD CUM POt MlSIttr DUI to nasal f CWWUTKM. SUPFLT RUSHSP MRU ' UW a lut from tortm of slum fcttarrfc, m4 hr fm do to mm obbw Mm b mm today in rvporta mt airman with taraai which bm Uw sowar to nduoa MM) MBCwtto. Mm tod weoMD with -- hawkinc and nMnlni colierr tell IiImiiI nUti mtUr sains U- KLORONOL Mto U-M. bat MMktorin mat, this i Mt WJIMlM. MBOWBto to Wlkf tMBttiM POT W ILOBONOL (Motion. sir M li l mm wtm witrhnk iwrvtN to Sehfjfr Drac. 19ft N. Comtaerelat M Pcrrr Drm. Itt 8. Commercial, Mail Ordort Fill. EVEN 'MOUNTIES' FAILED 36-Year-Old Search for Kin Ends in Reunion Plans Lusk, Wyo. (U. Eighty-two-year-old Mose Bourgoin of Lusk, who spent 20 years searching for his family, has been reunited with them after 38 years of separation. Bourgoin left his home in Canada 36 years ago to search for to contact his family. They hade- moved and he could find no trace f hl, daugnter, saw , and called her, Mrs. Lloyd Mc of them About 20 years ago he began a systematic search which includ ed writing letters to all people in Canada who might know of them, a personal search through Canada, and a five-year hunt by the Canadian Mounted Police. It was to no avail. Even the Mounties gave up the job. Continuing his search alone, Bourgoin began inserting small personal ads in Canadian news papers. Finally a friend of one Farlane of Wilcox. Saskatche wan. In turn, she called another daughter, Mrs. W. C. Metzger of Minneapolis, Minn., and they called Bourgoin. They came to Lusk to visit their father. Bourgoin found he still has a brother and 91-year-old sister living in Canada. Besides the two daughters who visited him he has three sons in Canada whom he expects to visit. Ml fiST7 vo'wi ui, i, 1Z; . 9" mo" "ow makes the flavor M lore than 120,000 Oregon men, women and children have prepaid O. P. S. madical and hospital protection through membership in your doctor-sponsored plan... Why don't you join them? There is a choice of plans, and a choice of doctors and hopitals. The cost is reasonable. Oregon Physicians' Service 1214 S.W. 6th, Portland 4 455 Ferry St., Salem Medford Bldg., Medford SPONSORED AND rP0VtD BY OREGON STMt ME0ICM. SOCIETY CRAFTSMAN 8-in. 1 JIU UUI I v tilting smm mm 1 r op Tilting, raising, and lowering of blade all controlled by ONE easily-operated hand wheel New-type motor mount, behind frame. gives smoother operation, easier tilting . . . lessens strain Large, sturdy table of heavy cast iron, ribbed for odded strength grooved for both right-left miter cuts Hurry! Hurry! Here's your chance to get one of the finest jaws ever given the famous Craftsman name ... at the lowest price EVER OFFERED! Compare it with others costing much more! In qual ity and price . . . you'll agree it's the value you've been waiting for! Yes, here is the saw you want for better, easier, more pleasurable woodworking. So come in today. It's the chance of a lifetime. 3 Wheel Band Saw 1 "&SSSSf WV -?s. I F vim I price ''Ml Dill! I LL-. Jsrz rl I msm?,: J Band saw as advertised in Popular Mech anics magazine. 62" special alloy steel blade.. Cuts up to 200 miles of 2" white pine or 500 miles of 1" white pine. Stur dily built steel construction. 4188 7-INCH TILT TABLE DUNLAP BENCH SAW Compare its features against its low Stands on a husky base. Smooth- ground cast iron table tilts 0 to 45 de grees . . . locks in position. 7-in. rip sow blade adjusts 0 to 214-in. cut. Oilite bronze bearings. 28 585 Precision Miter Box 5'jxl8 Inches Long A fine low priced Miter Box for the home craftsman! Smooth hardwood bed and bock, with die cost aluminum saw guide. Hardened steel index lever and center post. No special saw. Pocket Knives High Carbon Steel Blades Assorted Handles , , , . 27c A l-Mh' tUettont One, lw. Kit tl lhr MftdMi plaitla, itac-tr ban did, nrld c ft I art. ftharp! fllrwnit Magnetic Sander For Super Smooth Finish Work Craftsman Brand 10.95 Mrhl! It air 1 um! fllrnnf tllf-raal trol front. Nn motor . . . no etltnit I4,mw R P.M. Hand Ins;, folUhinf rtt. istrlei. Roller Cabinet Craftsman Deluxe Ball Bearing O Q C A Gray Finish ' nrTj auP doubt mlnforceal at cornffi; rolli eaallr on ball baarlnf ruhhr tired eaMrr. Roomy drawrra, 1 rf j Mechanics' Tool Boxes 20x8Vix9'(-lnchet f WWfTSMBW I, 525 I ; AY Plenty of room for oil the tools you need on the job. 22 gauge steel. Quolity Craftsman box, with full length piano-type hinge, convenient lift-out tray. Durable ma chinery gray finish. Shop in Air-Conditioned Comfort at SEARS " -. 4 STAINLESS STEEL TABLEWARE Metropolitan Pattern A" 24-Pieces O No plating to wear off . . . won't rust, chip, peel, stom, tarnish. Includes 6 forks, knives, teaspoons, dessert spoons. SHOP 71 9:00 P. M JRIDAY Skew-Back Hand Saw Polished Hiih Carhon Steel 20 in. t.nnf . . 2.59 f am nu rraruman. Crontfml nr rta tawa ara laporimaind wa. TmH prrll" aft, rartfd MardrMd handlaa. Plenty of Free Parking PHONE 3-9191 4