J6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Tuesday, October 4, 1949 THI., PAgTV HAP BETTER T IT WILL 1 -t a'l.wj W HMMM If THAT'S NOT NO CBACKS.NOW . Be good, KrT.'--rne brwnswsW good, ' rCl rock canov around Hen.)-she's coming S rworo Wr&AGe their Jsteve' J EFi neck her man must Hve7 over ,- ' T HOUSE TO HWE, THAT MIOH- OHTHERE'S .1 WV IM 5TEA&V VsORKjj, , S .gjv 1 BRACKET BABY .-. . -f SOMEONE 1 . fm. PL w .OVlT 1 r 1 E SITTER J WANTVOUTO ' fclaV' ' Jv LS .stT" RADIO PROGRAMS DOUBLE TROUBLE TUESDAY P.M. KGW AP NewiearurM By WILLIAM HOBSON ' Presently a bed creuked from the lean-to cook-snack ouili on uie souin aide of the bunkhouse and Jay heard grunts, followed by the rattle Cf In ttove. Jay arose ana wem ta to nieet a pleasant-faced man of lorty. "How are you. Joe?" he greeted Allison. "Olad to see you back. Any thing new?" "Nothing much. How about tmrtV The cook was stirring coals In the tlrebox of the big cast-Iron kitchen range. "Nothing much except a hone raid the other night. But Mr. Randall always culls them Mor gans up In close pasture at night ana keeps iwo 01 me ooys on gura. There was considerable shooting and I hear one got shot. When did jrou get In?" "Half an hour ago. The family It right behind In a surrey with the visitors. I Just passed them a listen. Sounds like them coming now. "I'd better go out and give them e, hand with the team," he said aeu&lly, and left. He strolled over to where the eeven were getting down, the East erners a little tiredly. "Joe, I've got your warbag stuffed wider the back seat," the rancher boomed as his man came up. "Knew you'd need It. Our visitors' bas; Mffe won't be out till some time letter. You folks go on in and cool off a bit while Joe and me unhar Deas this team." They freed the span and watched them go Into the corral to drink and roll, then took the surrey tongue aad backed It under a big shed. Jay heard voices and saw the Erty coming down, and he noted at Harry Seltzer walked with the red-haired Ellen. Randall was talking and gesticulating. They auu up to where Jay leaned over he barbed wire fence of the pas ture. Out beyond it the lush vege tation was dotted with sleek-coated mares and shaggy colts, geldings, and two big studs: magnificent brutee with long flowing dark mane and high heads. Randall leaned over the fence and blew a shrill whistle between his fingers. There came an an swering whistle from one of the stallions. "That's Blue Star," he aald. pride t ownership In his voice. "Look at bam start amoling this way. I've owned a lot of horses In my day. John, but never a bunch like this. And Star la the king of them all Mover Boy he's that dark-colored tad la a little bigger and maybe t, little mean, but I'd match Star t him any day to nin him and kill him on his feet. cm, boys? Come on over here." nd he whistled again. ' They oame in trickles, the mares, S la-looking and long-tailed, plod wlth their big colts. Randall d over the fence and took a handful of sugar from his pocket. Brae Star whistled and came up to nibble with velvety lips. jar found Ellen standing beside leaning over the top strand m wire. He saw the russet of hair, the dear skin, not too despite her years of out l. and he knew again that brother was the hieklest man he was lovely. The others ware engaged with homes that now stood crowd -each other to got at the sugar: eaoept Rover Boy. The big son stood aloof, arrogance and nstsM dasaaln in every line of his sn body. He aid his arm around her waist ad aapated his face In her hair. Joa!" she whispered, pushing bam a war, "You know that makes ita want to Hit both arms around Rev naok. Out H out, you fool I MmtV aw as " TS group turned and soon strol jgl back toward the big ranch Thar want on up to the great T-shaped ranch aovae with its long. aWd veranoM. Jay at supper, a ltd by Mexican servants. half Way (tad that Clan had instated vtt he eat with them. He had Bavar art eyas on the doaen or so trim down in the bunkhouse and wanted to avoid them as much as Bnaatble, tor fear of making a blun- Ht rose from where he sat be Vie Ellen. "Seems to me I'd ought to get on up to the line camp to night while It's cool, Instead of waiting for the morning." he said casually. "So I think I'll saddle up and get going. -"Might be a good idea," the ranch er observed. Jay was still remem bering the "lecture" Ellens latner had given him the evening before and he understood the man's at titude. Jay walked over and shook hands with the Seltzers, Mary last. "J'm glad I met you, folks. Hope you like It out here." She had risen. He saw In the light from the front room window that she was an astonishingly pret ty woman. He grinned. "I'm glad I met you, Miss Seltzer." "I'm glad I met you, Joe," she answered simply. "Take good care of yourself." Ellen had missed none of It. As Jay turned to go she linked her arm within his and they walked down toward the bunkhouse. "Don't you go getting any Ideas Mr. Joe Allison," she whispered In his ear. "I know you too well. So you think she's pretty, don't you?" He was playing the role of his brother now and made the appro priate answer. "You bet she Is!" he answered with enthusiasm. "Ah. those eyes and Upe. Yl-yl-yll" cut It out, Joe." She was dead serious now. She stopped and turned to face him. "Mary is my best friend and I don't want her for a rival." I love you very much. Joe. I ve told you so many times. But there are two things we must understand tonight before you go. You've got to make good like Dad says. You've got to make good, not for him, but for me. And If you tear Mary's heart out I swear on this spot that I'll marry Harry seltzer. Heaven knows he's asked me plenty of times." (To Be Continued) 2846 Jijff Tops tn Toppers Here's a fash ion-wise flare back topper to make In a ahortlt or three-quarter length . . . to wear with or without a handy detachable hood Included In pat tern. Perfect choice for camel's hair or ever popular plaid. No. 2846 is cut In sizes 13, 14. 1, 11 20, 36, 16 and 40. Size 16, longer length with hood. 1H yds. 64-ln.: shorter length, 2t yds. 64-ln.; sep arate hood, yd. 64-ln. Just outl The FALL - WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 150 practical, easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern aesigns lor an ages. Kemem ber, It's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now. price just 20 cents. Bend 26o for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State Size desired. Address Capital Journal. Ba2 Mis sion St.. San Francisco S, Calif. Curtain Canra Mm t- . - .... , - ' ' - - nrnun of information for homrmikM who wlah to bring a "new look" to innr winaows lor the fall season The new adjustable, ruffled window-trim and other nnnnlar - tains, plus decorating techniques nun m Tanvir oi iinisning aeiatl Pattern Envelope No. RSSM con tains complete, directions for mak ing 4 curtain designs, measuring and finishing Instructions, and fab- vo obtain this pattern send Mr In COINS, giving pattern number our name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberta. Capital Jour nal, 2i Mission 8treet San Fran cisco i. CaOlf. I 1111a T I II I I I a I t3z, H r jLj "wra "oSr rife I I S- t I I v YJ 1 I CV I I lalVrfYW I I I I yA VI LJm 14.M 1 1 J7) l ri $r7rrL) RPbJM I K 1 I I 7:4S 0 awSBBBtaaiSalwiaaSTaSSjT HM-M-IT WPS AQR6r EXPERCNCS j BUTI PEALiy fifclOSWtT :n ME? WITH A MEDICINE tJHCW? T "V I D CUD VEBV JXJCT1CNL-AMAZ: HOW ft I PSfiCTKSO FOR VEARS IN A I PST ME 1 8;45 R ARRUMPH-I PORiET HOW MANV OH, 1 U MUCH ONE CAN LEftRN CBOUT HOMftM H I SMLL WECTERN TOI(-PRETTYS0Tm PC S I S B I VEARS, EXOCTUY-BUT HOW ( OUNMO- 111 NATURE WHEN WORKING, THE f f OUU. BUGrtSS-H, WELL-HOW J ROCKY POR.l a H WU YOU KMOW, WCfJJr M I cnHTKWLS RTHO tOUNTRY l-IWS 11 ro MV-as 1 MC UXTT, 6H f ( HU.WtjRUB-1 8:45 I Tit 'iM.l WjSXV II f IM-Viri 11 13.1 I l2:oo BhMai t naaiiii-arr tii h n i r i 'i nsaar i n i i aaa i i atis wj sjasti i 2:15 I . .. r . v-Ai i r .. i I . i I i a N.e mit we uxjpci Line Hts fes abb you feNKOuuNts rug II to dfeT auwe uun fa ' 3 00 , 1 LIVE, MOM.. I yp3L MADE UP FOR AM JgZ V.TH6 DRAMATIC COURSEiV I NEEDED EDUCATlOWy I 3:15 T AwiMK 1M SOWNA LIKG Hib"jACT 1 T r. i T I 2:39 I DADD scuoni rettecVj I 1 1 1 IL ZTn 1 upr aikit ,,', .1 1 1 bib tfAHbu 1 ''r....i 1 faS5ll llallflllllKXJLas-wJ you've done, j me duty f Tnt wohld will never be ; piesau.enHemen.'.' T7vr7? ruuTl lfi'1'1 .rrr.' j 7 AS THE Svme.:'- fob TUPPENCE JMIT 1 work 0rt your ateem f- THJ VlrVj iV'SttJ I tAZIjlgft4sBA'STEP' I'D KIC YOJB FAT "tCE.'r" J on U3 we t. bu.lt tSUHKUTP,'!- Vwe had a PRETry Sfwe did W corn was up and rABS you g 0H.YES! business 19 p8-! ' , I SELL v U 1 I BAD WEEK ! -BUSINESS Z!ZnA MY CnMPlNY MADfJ W iu 9 . vy f "-'-" ' . Tl I M WASNT TOO GOOD I L ' THEMSELVES A J BUSINESS. Npgos BBNA WHAT ' R LLYt, M We ONLY MADE V NEAT PROFIT STRAMGER?) LuoH YtlToWS WENT " ilLH WHOLESALE! J TSWWK A WtlxmM n l7" " W ' i 'BOUT TIMS YOU 60T WUW.MONKl if RSTAL,RUSTy. ACTUALLY, IfT . , V HERS , SANPRAL 1 PIP 7 HE'S HERE. WE B TELL ME HONESTLY, SALTV! Y I'M JUST TRYiUS TO FiNP I M0N!.. WEV MONkl.. 1 .if J YOU 8RIN6 THE MECHANIC? 60T TOTO BELZA R VOU'RE NOT RHLLV PISHIN6-KA OUT HCW PEEP THE I ITS SANPfeAL! M WE CANT USE THE TlSH;THEl HE'S SUPTOSEP T! M lOU HAVEN'T ANY BAIT! jRfjL WATER BS HERE .WHERE AI?E YOU 1 A VT J WAY 6H6 IS NOW 1 A BS A 60VERNMEN 0 SET FOOT IN THIS MOUSE ' "7, 70' JJ jT-) n r ?Yfll 7i y I -v i T-J.. ftwrl-J -Ai t,,N"" ), L ' I WITH A BAWLING OUT FOR NOT V ENGAGEMENT PAD ftS ll-"""11- II j J S'WHOIW J jj SHAtl I HANG THl ) AVE.fHIPC,tT'--TH0UuH Fj3 I OUR BuilNf.-. I4C0NIUTINT. J. 4vtl THt Rf, I I ( HERl! ItTMt GIVE YOU AWMPltf CT. 7' li V AGAIN,ARTV?V ,T mArTrdIv fXCO- )& "90VI WALL JOY 'IN j V OMMt CORN THAT WUIHtt K-r4 -rf? li MlCr KMVt. jjjni RATE.VWtUHAVtTOeX- -a B ActAO -j V "W. pKJ C!J I 1 M '' t-lT laVMCT CAVATETOHOWNtXT LV H0R RRt II "Vrf 0 ATt T BfN3ssw S'JT A 0 l l::: . yim tin 4 Janl Bop Hop 'Bop Hop McOm A Mollr HeGt t MollF lCni Munlaf jiUUI fhw rChlepfMPt Vaunt inaw Li( With Laid HUrw4 Th. Pi, ar Pmdbt Po. r runnr 'HlQPlrp, Ktril. Nwa of Wrl Cstb.c4 RBI4 Cajlttsa'at Ronald Cl'i Blr Towp Bl(Twa m Bitm Mrt. DoWBtrP SporU rap Baa 4 Waoo An MiHia iWa Wwai 'Situ Off K0IN 70 CBS Omi Boroot Gmn Honitl Llavck Arratlronp Jack At at tit Bag Hadlln Edit, Horn Edition Hvp'l t PopU Mail Hit tba Jaekpat Hit th Ja?kpot Jlmmr pttttr Jimny Dirui &w. Tbonaa ack Sjallh Mrs. Korlli tMr., Mr. North, MnlirT Thoa. MyaUrr Tbm. Datilab klnb IS kTglar Final hr Wrl4 lAlrflo lOrtnoatra pt trail a4 prcbeatra rTraaarr JSllant KEX IIM ABC Straltbl Arrow rtlralpbt Arrow leapt. Hldnlibt (Capt. Mldntcbt kjabrtel HeaUr Candlart 4) 111. INorthw'at Nawaj Mail piawa Muala Uiaak Wallop (Countaripr Coantoripy Baa Mappla Eai Maupla Ralph Norn an Ralph Norma Tows Moating Tow Matting fowm Mottinp Tow Motllnc Ntw Book Adv. RlehflolA Boptri iottratato I (Conotrt Boar jCoatart Hoar Matt Coaaert Boar Contert Hoar MtBM Mt Boo iln Off KSLM 130 mbc IRhrlha. Baath Rhrlbia Ranch Blnp Crobr Builnaai Ntwi Drama of Mad. kbarll Iplvak Ridtra to 4kp Rldtra In Bky (Coant M Carl Now Mat. NtwaraaJ Vavorit Btorp Pavorll Iterp Fallon Lawli Lot. Mow IStwa 1 Lot Mratorr Htro'a To Vatt R. Monaa Or. Mortaa Or. Viva Off K0C0 KM Kc. Pal O'Brlra Maili.l J'ak.H Ulvtlra Kalvht Kp.sklns pto. Trsk KM iTrsek 14M N'ruk lW iTr.ek list iTr.rk MM hr..k itsa rranklt Ctrl. V.ntlr T.wa lrr.atlr Towa Hai. r.a w.at Mai. ra Want !N attains Nafltania NactarBa Nattania Ura Off WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. .Hodra r4 'Nawa iNtwa KOIN Block KOIN Klock KOIN Klock k!4 Sonta Old Soaia Stwt i Hum Smooth Mailt iHmooth Muala Jark Brrh jSap Rldtra 00 s teen 4 Cap 15Sttond Cup OHomttowntra KOIX Kloek INtwa Lnowb Fred Bork Ntwa Marrlact for I Lora Lawton lloataaa Houaa Hoatcia Houa Doubla or Noth. Doublo or Notb. T'day'a Chi I don Mint of World, lira Btautifa. Ntwa Pepptr Toanp Ilapplnaaa 'Barkatap Wlft Sttlla Dallaa l.ortmo Jon to VVlddcr Brown Girl Marrita Por. Facta Life Juat Plata Bill Fr. Pas rarroll, Wtlaom Trav. lWtlcomo Trav. Aant Mary Lot A Loarn 4:Q0'Woman'a Becrat 4:1:. Road of Llfo i:30iRllinl Trio :45lS"nnr Bid iRoo amlllav Kocp smlllnp Kotp Bmlllnp Koop tailinp IConaamor Ntwa Nawa Ksrand Blam Roaamarr tWendr Warran Aunt Jrnnr Helen Trant Our Gal Sund'r Alitor Ma Ftrklna Vr. Dr. Malonal IGuldlnp Llfbt pnd Mri. Bnrt'n Ptrrr Maion Norab Drake Brfpbter Dar Ntwa Coma A Oot It Bright A Light Art Baktr Barnr'd Pol Ilea Garry Moor Garry Moor Ntwapaptr Vtwapaptr Meet Mlaaaa Meet Mlitaa Tunfllr Ya'ra Newa Arthar Oodfrty Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrtr Arthar Godfrey Arthur Godfrey, KTart Maaaoy i E4 B. Marrow1 Now Agronakr Bob Haiaa Zck Manner Broakfaat Club Brtakfaat Clab Break fait Club Braakf aatClub Mildred BdeU Today'! Star Art Llnklelter Art Llnkletttr Tropleana Galen Drake Mr True Itorr My Tree Storr Betty Crocker Rldera of Sag ti weaternera N'wtalernera, Baukhag Nawa Victor IJndlahr Meet Mtnjone BrTakfait In Hollywood Bar Wt Kay Wtat Morn. Now Muala. Tlmk'pr. March C Tint Mtwa ptwa jBr'kfaat Gang Rlaa and Shin Top Tradaa Barg. Counter Rli A Shin Bona Flenaer IpeetaJ (North w'H Newa IQuli Club Paitor'B Call Haiti Tim Uay Stewart Jar Stewart Bride a Groom Bride A Groom Talk Way Oot Talk Way Oal B Sealed Tad Malono Mod. Romances Mod. Romances Squirrel Cag SaaJrroi Cag KOCO Block KOCO Klk T. Rltlor Newa A Sport (Top O' Morning frop tr Morning PCIng'a Cmaadr King 'a Craaadr IWeat. Molodloa tehmreh la WD4 rrimo for Melo4 Tim for Mal dr IStara Sing Cb. Tbomaa Ntwa Goiptl Slngtr Music Walla Baron. LadlePVlrit Ladles First Hluttn for Day Nueen for Day Top Tradaa News Northw'it News Ebcrly Show Prell Neighbor Ilamy Harding (Organ Reveries Blng Blnga Against Storm Against Storm Musi iMutio Ntar It with Ma. y It with Ma, News ISonga of Tlmoi Fulton Lowla Hemingway Behind Starr Wtw tN. W, News Mem'rabl Mas. fTan Tim Beys Music Mart Musle Mart Lfan Garbtr Voeal Varletlta (Hollyw'd Matle Hellyw'd Muale Newa Ted Dal Pre. Mac's Melodies Mac'a Melodies Mae'a Melodies IMae'g Melodies Mac'a Melodlaa Mac'a Melodloa IMae'g Melodloa Mac'a Melodloa Mu'i Melodloa Mae'a Melodlaa Mae 'a Melodle Mac'a Melodloa Motlet Ima Frietidly B an bo Beaut. YCSAC Taaoday A M S:M, Cbldroo's lVMU Thealrtt 8:18. On th Up beatt B:M. BM Sports Clubt 4:M, Newai 1:18, Dinner Melodloa; :, 'Roand the Campfirci 1:15, Evening Farm Moan S:M, Marilyn Powell and Tom Robertas B:1B, V. N. Review t S:M. Great Songai 8:40. Newa and oWathort B:00, Mast That En durttt S:U, Ironing Meditations, :M, Sign Off. Wodnoaday A. M. lt:M, How l WMVrf and Weather I 14:18, Bapoo lally for Womrnt lliM, Oregon School at the Air: 11:15, Concert Halh 11:00, New. 12:15, Noon Farm Hour: 1:40, RI4o 'am Cowboy; 1:15, Oregon School of the Aln l:t5, Tbls Dayt t:00. Freedom to Orowt S:M, Memory Book of Mutlci t:4S, Oro gon School of th Alri 4 00, Newt, S:1B. Muale of the Maslerai 4:00, Oregon Re porter) 4:15, Kern A Sloop; 4:B0, Remap a th Landi 4:48, Song of the Island. . Crimson Clover Seed Held Most Promising Aurora Mr. and Mrs. John Todd have arrived home after a four-week 7,500-mile trip around the United States. After visiting in Buffalo and in Canada, they proceeded south through New York and Wash ington, DC, Into the southern statei. Todd called on teed dealeri in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, North and South Carolina and brought back sev eral varieties of leads which ht expects to try out In th Willam ette valley soil. The most prom ising of these, he believes, Is a re-seeding crimson clover, which has been doing well In Georgia. It doesn't tend to shat ter so much as ordinary erlm son clover, It yields harder seed and Is flower germinating. Todd, co-owner of the Aurora warehouse, said that he found a ready acceptance for Oregon seeds among southern dealers. The staple product from here in all of the southern states is Wil lamette vetch. ACROSS 1. Formerly I. Sarpants 9. LHocasa IS. Europeaa hark II. Strlka with ths palm 14. English lattar IB. Oraadr 15. Ona who lives at another's expense is. Fowl 19. Pour off 10. Imbibe, IS. Time lona sone II Early Qreek phralclaa Is. Soak IS. Writing Implement II. Dwells IS. Cut off IS. rirst two-dlslt number IS. Title of address II. Singing birds 19. Rim 41. Hake tsrdr 43. Warden 4. Droop in tha middle 4s. Came Into Tlew 51. Continent 52. Remote il. Clrcia 14. Seed containers I R 0 t LOVE. un PECS EjL E N BA W E ar e t HER I E R l N KN SEEP Solution of Yesterday'e Pusxle 8 H A PflClAlBF H O a EjlA 6 A a m o ill" o bT H E g I R Bj I SaSalaO A !5 ALL 1 peime t e rPh O AH A L J B l 8 C RTa I Be A B CJi3Z nThIa o T I8IPIA R iIeHO T H A R MfW0 Ojf e v e aIbITr si DEANtRAMt IS. Attempt 66. Recent S7. Snare IT 7, 7T mA l Il 11 IT It-Il r- W mw -T-I 3Z Hi i- ' ;: A Ntwstaatvrpt 0-4 DOWN L Qreenland aattlemont S. Wander I. Tall and thin 4. Spread for drylnit I. Poplar trao) I. Artlclea of apparel T. Sunshad 8. Reach acroaa 9. S"now runnar 10. Devour 11. Hole tn noodlo 17. Pen 19. Takoi dinner 21. Color 23. Tyrant 24. Fume Pitrpoisa Portal 2T. In bod 29. Arctic SI. Ailatla RtiMtB 34. Oentl itrok 17. Bo sorry 40. Piece out 42. Shelf 44. Nobleman . Opera by Vordl 4T. Labor for breath 41 Attorn 4t. Equality M. alova will Iotot IL Quick to lfw ROOM AND BOARD By Gnt Ahrn 4