14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, October 4, 1949 Rizzuto Tops with Stengel By FRANK ECK (AP New Fwturcj ftporti Editor) New York The smallest reg ular In the majors is one of the biggest Yankees. He is Philip Francis Rizzuto, the five-foot-six shortstop, a product of Long Island's sandlots. Called Scooter by his team mates for the manner in which he dashes around the bases, Rizzuto has missed only three games at short all season. It was the result of a slight con cussion he sustained in Boston when i' collided with Johnny Fesky on June 29. Following the collision he had a tremor in his throwing arm. But he was back In ac tion as a pinch hitter three games later. I'll take him over any short stop in the game," says Manager Casey Stengel. "It's marvelous the way he eats up those ground balls and there's no one better on coming in for slow bounders. And he's tops in bunting." Rizzuto is so small that he easily could pass as the young est of the Yankees. However, he's 31 and a veteran of three World Series. In 1942 he hit .381 against the Cardinals, getting eight hits in the five-game series. In 1947 against the Dodgers he also made eight hits and hit .308. Rizzuto put on one of his finest performances of the sea son during a recent Yankee Sta dium game against Bob Feller and the Cleveland Indians. He accounted for two runs with a triple and two singles. But that's only part of the story. He forced Feller, a veteran of close to 400 big league games, to commit a balk. Rizzuto had a big lead and was on his way to second. Feller noticed him out of the corner of his right eye and made a motion to throw to second. When Rizzuto saw Feller's move, Phil put on the brakes and headed back to first. Feller failed to go through with his throw and the four umpires simultaneously called "balk." Three pitches previous to Feller's balk, Rizzuto singled to center to score Ed Lopat from second base. Larry t 44 ,. 1 Doby's throw to the plate to get Lopat was cut off by Mickey Vernon, the first base man. Rizzuto rounded first on the hit. As nobody was cover ing first, Vernon ran back In an effort to tag Rizzuto. All little Fhll did In returning to first was hit the dirt with a beautiful belly slide that left Vernon groping in thin air to make the tag. Rizzuto has been doing things like this all season. He hit .307 as a rookie in 1941 but the ex perts say this is his best sea son. He made well over 150 hits and scored more than 100 runs. It's by far his best sea son as a team man. He has played more than any other Yankee. In a season that has brought an average of three injuries a week on the Yankees, little Phil is like a David with a Goliath. His slingshot arm is si his little right arm. Officials Named To Isaak Waltons Silverton George Christen son, state Izaak Walton official, called a meeting late in the week at his home, announcing heads of various departments Included in the list were two Silverton men, Al Gribble, mem bership and organization, and Harry L Riches, soil conserva tion. Other committee chair men named are John Ebinger of Klamath Falls, legal adviser M. J. Brown, Portland, public relations; Kenneth McLeod, Kla math Falls, education; Elmer Church, Salem, water pollution L. H. Pinford, Portland, resolu tions; Merle Foltz, Eugene, dams and water diversions; Har old Egan, coastal fisheries; O K. DeWitt, state and national forests; Verne M. Schuktz of Bend, fresh water fish; Al Raab of Beaverton, big game; and Glenn Mitchell, Portland, mi gratory and upland fowl. Black bear now roam wild in 34 of the 48 U. S. states. tffi,... if u.' tftAtLi . ,v,,v ib-raiia,. PHIL RIZZUTO Big Little Guy OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport High II: SB a.m. 1.1 11:59 p.m. 7. 13:11 p.m. 7.4 0:42 a.m. 7.0 1:00 p.m. 7.7 1:33 a.m. 7.0 1:28 p.m. 7.8 1:00 a.m. e.B 1:52 P R). 7.S Low Hi a.m. -0 1 6:10 p.m. 1.2 8:22 a.m. 0.1 8:49 p,m. 0.8 6:58 a.m. 0.5 7:25 p.m. 0.2 7:28 a.m. 0.9 7:58 P.m. -0.1 7:58 a.m. 1.3 8:30 P.m. -O S Salem High Grid Team Preps for Lava Bear Game Coach Loren Mort's Viking gridmen eagerly continued their workouts Tuesday in anticipa tion of their second Big Six league contest Friday night at Waters Park when they face Bend's Lava Bears. The Bend team sustained a 13-6 loss to Eugene's Axemen last Friday and the tough cen tral Oregonians arc expected to be on the rebound for the game in Salem. The Vikings, rapidly nearing top form, picked up a victory in league competition last week when they tripped Albany, 7-6. That win is expected to boost spirits to a fighting edge for the Lava Bear game. alariiHIBtBllasssilMiilM Top speed of the old covered wagons which helped settle America was about 20 miles a day. SCORES in the ALLEYS Capital Alleys COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO, 1 If a iter Braat 1) Mattson 528, Prtrm 143, Ooomlrr 440, Powell 526, Parmer 584. Marian Creamarr (2l Oarbarlno 611, Pe kar 609, Da van port 684, Ken rem 670, Kin 09. Walton Hrawa 0) Perry 673, Sinter 489, Aldtrln 452. Rlchea 653. Senator Radio ft Photo (I) Cady 689, Duffua 629, Will acy 447, Valdai 45, Bolton 64S. Kalrtita of Coltttnbua 3) J. Albrleh 498, Link 679. M. Hartwall 463, U. Miller 140. Oabel 527, Rom 543. Royce 616. Nleholaon'a Inauranea (SI Gannon 436, Stratum 619, Brallier 481, Mil lord S19, McCluakr 688.Goldle'a ( Silverton (It Herr 484, Spencer 490, Prank 609, How 11 559, Ooldle 485. Starr Foodi Ine. (1 ca)u 646, Len- !ren 601, Powell 680, Arehart 863, Allen 42. Stettler Bapply Co. (D Kltimlller 891, P. Stettler 624, C. Stettler 452, Zeller 611, W. Valdai 678. High team aarloa: Orval'i Uaed Car 1004. Hlth Individual aerlea: J. Miller 630. Xlfh Individual lame: W. Link 247. (Complet Iteaulta) COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 Bod Oao (2 Purtell 330, Dp Bow 650, Pekar 460, Mooran 6D9. Albrleh 517. Nal ler'a Potato Chlpa (1 TJiompaon 489, Johnaon 389, Thurman 444, Gwrnn 445, McCune 481. Dlek Myer Limber Ca. ft) Rarbo 616, LI v Inn ton 599. Shlpman 497, Haaen 497, Lacer 499. Sound Construction 1 1 B. Straw 519. Baylor 480.Chrlatenaen 619, Nut tlni 363, simmond 463. Valley Oil 0 Ilk 453, Boon 389, Luti t80. Veatal 430, Warner 448. Horfm-n Conitractlan (3 Crawford 904, Ember, ton 430, Millar 446, Hanaon 442, Clark 419. Jewel Boa (1) Cowan 421, While 44fi, P. Valdea 633. MIKord 494, Walla 497. Woodbarn f3i Steel 507, Perd 484. Auatin 436, aim 464, Hlfka 586. HUh team aerlaa: Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 3938. Hlih Individual aerie: Hicks 568. Hlth Individual lame: Mil ford 228. University Alleys LADIES' OFFICE l.rAtil'R Stop-Lite UJ Lor ken 395, Marka 362. McWaln 310, Prrderclkaon 342. Ktmke 317. Capital City L'dry (3) Anaova 3H7, Kufner 433, Lonven 390, Bettlemelr 286, Mlchaud 347; 1776. Metropolitan 1 Jonej 393. Ony 388, Greaory 241, Dow 374. Hay 262; 1765. Top Hat (2) Hamilton 387, Welch 372, D lany 395, Gould 313. Cheney 317: 1784. I'nlvemlty Howl 1 Hath 329. Curt!. 315. Lewla 311, Hoadarmel 361. Bennett 369: logo. Cur Ire Dairy (2) Owena 391, Mawtrettl 263. P. Rath 339, Vlbbert 331, Carper 347; 1799. Mayflower Milk (1 Settlemler 385. A. Acharf 348, Craven 379, D. Scharff 363, Plauta 321; 1691. Stateeman '21 Oreat 378, KlUmlller 283, Cordler 391, White 336. Bower 338:1726. Western Paper (3 Purvta 294. Ander- ann 304, Cob. swell 337, Soam.iter 382, Otto iwii itai. nrown a jeweiera (i rurrer 272, Smith 314, Relnka 333, Lawrence 319, Hour ham 316; 1493. Hlih Individual lame: Leona Kufner, Capital City Laundry, 300. Hlah Individual aerleii: Lenno Kiifnep Capital City Laundry, 433. Hlfh team aerlea: Top Hat 1784. Duckpin Bowling I AD1RS LEAGUE Rlahland Market (2i ETva Shrover 13. Jean Zerb 336. Ruth Hanson 2B9. Clekona TVhut 3H4. Oertle Carr 339. Ladd nuHh Bank (31 Penav Short S3S Donna Oreene 290, Joan Vovea 241, Laura Law.ton 397, Therr.ia AgiUlar 236. Dirk Meyer lit Rltt Hannettn mn Helen Nolan 317, Evelyn Thompaon 351, Ethel Oliver 299. Maraaret Holme 317 Memorial lloapttal (1) Sparkle McCarroll 290. Dorothy Dennlaton 361, Alma Cre.w wetl 316. Dorothy Walker 336, Anna Chap man 392. Huh hi Rrat TMt (11- Velma White 302, Anna Prey 2U4, Lurllle Allen 30. Mary Pollnakl 334. Wiltna t.lnharl .111 serv I'r Self Laundry Mi Lorene Hansen 306, Ella Srhiuf 4119. Martha Pete 399 Ruth Powell 312, Alma Penny 440. nanaai on in-oiaclyA Anael 398. Hel. en Handle 292, Jo Hill '.'63. Olariv Wood 435, Dee Oauthler 432. Klanler Bread (1) -vuia noon .isu, mnuiie Melum 231 lilrlry Stildi'bakrf 351. (lertio r.nw 10 Cliarlnlte lluahra 448. Hmh leitm an me and aeries: Krv Tir Self. 737 nd 1886. Mi'iii uiU'vuiual tame: Oladva Wood (Randall 178. IlKh Indltlriual aerlea: Charlotte Mnah 4411 iMaxter Bread). TO LOOK YOUR BEST Wherrie Tailoring Company's New Fall Fabrics Skillful Tailoring rive you a smart suit or topcoat that's TAILORED TO YOl'R FIGURE, STYLED TO YOUR IDEAS, MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. Come in today and look over the com plete new fall line of fine pure virgin wool worsteds, sharkskins and gab ardines. Colorful Display of the Newest Smart Patterns Suits 153.50 to Topcoats (47.50 to $64.50 SUNDIN the Tailor 196 So. Liberty Dial 3-5696 Salem Capital Drug Store State and Liberty "On the Corner' says:"YOU'VE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT innn iiniinirnniii mmwwmmim'V' " Hlililii! I S"Kslll JBsg& v BLADE RAZORS 1 p : FjE fc Flavor-rich Gibson's Selected 8 Q ygI "fTlOl wins highest praise wherever m 1 " H fine whiskey is served or sold. MONEY BACK I 3 Yes, mixed or straight, "8 is great!" " toe ASX Schick tun ONIY I11.M IN SMART CASI Makes no difteranc how heavy your beard or how tender your skin your Schick Klectrtc Shaver must frivs you fatter, more comfortable shave that'a just as clone as you want. Try Schick Shaver for ten days. Then If you aren't Schick fan for life, we'll cheerfully refund your money. $3.60 4 5 Quart GIBSONS SELECTED t BLENDED WHIKKFTY Wit PROOr . t GRAIN NEUTHAL SPIRITS GIBSON DISTILLING COMPANY, NEW YORK. N. Y. SCHICK SUNK wlrt, V-t Ashrarinf hfmli. In hinriaomely envrmi u-mttAl travel oaae. SCHICK COtONft with new J-M shearint head. In 111 SI mart travaling oaae. Capital Drug Store Stare and Liberty "On the Corner" 155 North Liberty Phone 1-3191 Plumbing and Elating at "jSmlmsai I I ISSESPV MODERN 3-pc. CAST IRON BATHROOM SET You don't get a new bath outfit every day! But when you do decide to buy ... you'll want one with everything this one has. It's got smart styling that stays modern for years to come. Lavatory and tub are made of strong cast iron finished in smooth porcelain enamel, that wipes clean in a flash. The tub is built low for ease in stepping in and out . . . with a flat bottom for safety. The vitre ous china closet has acid resisting surface. Seat included. Comes complete with fittings as shown. Compare! You'll save money! Reg. 155.50 13488 Enjoy your new set as yon pay. 10 down, balance on monthly terms! 4, 1 m fe fe.' REG. 84.50 ELECTRIC WATER HEATER A big-capacity tank that gives you all the hot water you need . . . whenever you want It. Double element. Thermostat controls. Baked enamel finish. It's easy to Install. 69 88 42" STEEL CABINET SINK REG. 78.50 A great value I Roomy bowl and ample storage space I Porcelain fin ish resists acid and stain. Lasting white enamel cabinet. Fittings ln-0 Tm ,0 ClUded I Balance Monthly 65 88 dji -An:-. 23.65 TWO-COMPARTMENT LAUNDRY TUB With faucet and steel standi Smooth. leakproof, one-ptece concrete. Round me tal top edge prevents chipping. 42 Inches long and 32 Inches wide. 8ee It today at Wards) 19 88 329.50 FORCED-AIR OIL-FIRED FURNACE miiy automatic . , , no work or worry for you! Forces humidified, filtered warm air to every comer. Oompact . . . needs no basement. With controls I 309 50 Ma Mavfr Dan! FHA Tcraii S yra. ta par SHOP WARDS 'TIL 9 P.M. FRIDAY