12 Capital Journal. Salem, Ore.. Tuesday, October 4, 1949 - ,P I: v 1 ( iv . - .. n & ; Singer Killed in Street Plane Craih Spectator! crowd around the wreckage of a twin-engine plane which crashed at a busy street intersection in Los Angeles fatally injuring popular singer Buddy Clark and Injuring five others. The group was returning to Los Angeles from the Stanford-Michigan football game at Palo Alto, Calif., when a fuel line clogged as they passed over the city, Radio Newscaster Sam Hayes, one of the injured, told police. Victims of the plane crash (bottom) await ambulances after their twin-engine char ter plane crashed. In center foreground is singer Buddy Clark, who was fatally injured. At left, Radio Newscaster Sam Hayes comforts his wife, Sally. They and three others (right background, bottom photo) sustained cuts and bruises. (AP Wirephoto) Buddy Clark Hitch-Hiked Death Flight Hollywood, Oct. 4 U.R Crooner Buddy Clark, 38, was a last minute hitch-hiker on the email plane that carried him to his death when It crashed in a Los Angeles street, a companion said today. Clark was killed and five others were injured when the plane ran out of gas and crash ed as they returned Saturday night from the Michigan-Stanford football game at Palo Alto. Newscaster Sam Hayes, who was injured only slightly, said Clark joined the party at the last minute. "We had already chartered the plane," Hayes explained. "We told Clark about it, and he asked if he could go along. "I found out we had an extra gam ticket so we took him." Jury to Probe 'Pineapple7 Riot The Dalles, Ore., Oct. 4 ttl.R) Wasco county's grand Jury will meet Thursday morning to investigate possible criminal acts that occurred in last Wednes day's melee here when over 200 CIO longshore pickets broke through police lines at the dock. Injured six men, and damaged trucks and "hot" pineapple. Circuit Court Judge Malcolm W. Wilkinson signed the order convening the grand jury yes terday. He also dissolved a temporary restraining order issued last Thursday to stop picketing. Wil kinson said there appeared no need for the order as long as further violence appeared un likely. Meanwhile, pineapple spokes men gave no indication where or when they would move the barcc "Honolulu" and its $800, 000 blacklisted pineapple cargo New York- has 2.554,162 peo ple between the ages of 5 and 24 attending school more than any other state In the union. Elliott Recall Election Oct. 21 Portland, Oct. 4 (Pi Multno mah County Sheriff Marion El liott will have his political fate decided October 21 in a special recall election. , A deadline provided by the recall law for a voluntary res ignation expired last night. The young democratic official had said earlier that he had no in tention of giving up his office without a fight against what he termed persecution by newspa pers and political motives. County Registrar of Elections James W. Glcason set the elec tion date. He said an unofficial check of the voter rolls indicat ed 108.923 democrats and 99,618 republicans were eligible for the balloting. Registration of new voters since September 15, when it appeared almost certain El liott faced a recall ballot, was led by democrats. The majority party added 720 to the rolls; the republicans 382. The recall movement stem- WHAT PRESIDENT CAN'T DO Why a Steel Strike? T-H Act Not Involved By JAMES MARLOW Washington, Oct. 4 You may be wondering: why Is there a iteel strike? I thought the Taft-Hartley act was supposed to stop big strikes? First, T-H can't stop any strike but can only delay one. Second, President Truman hasn't used T-H in the steel case but still can if he wishes to. The strike, which started Oe- Tne irst 60 of the 80 days tober 1, already was delayed 78 . . . . . .. day. by presidential action. If are intcnded to lve more llme Mr. Truman wants to use T-H:for ,he union and a company to h. can itnn it for another 1 reach a settlement. Meanwhile. 80 days. j"ie President calls back his T-H mwru anu bskb lur a rcpui fc uii the latest developments. This report must be made within the lirSt 60 of those 80 days covered by the no-strike order. The president makes the report public. If, at the end of the 60 days, there's still no set' tlement, the national labor re lations board steps into the picture. This is an explanation of what has been done and can be done. The CIO steelworkers were supposed to strike at midnight, July IS. On that day Mr. Tru man appointed a three-man fact finding board to look into the case, hear both sides, and rec ommend a solution. So, until the board could fin ish its work, the steelworkers and steel owners agreed thcre'd be no shutdown or strike. The board reported back to the pres ident September 10. A couple of times between September 10 and October 1 a strike seemed near, but was de layed upon the president's re quest. When it finally started October 1, 78 days had elapsed since Mr. Truman appointed his fact-finding board July 15. This 78-day delay was volun tary on both sides, the union and the steel companies. There was no law .compelling them to agree to the president's request for de lay. ' If he had used T-H, Mr. Tru man could have delayed the strike by law. This is how T-H would have worked in this case: First, Mr. Truman would have had to decide a steel strike was a national emergency, endan gering the nation's health and safety. Then he'd appoint a board of fact-finders to study the dispute. Then it reports to the president on the facts. (There's a difference between the T-H type of fact-finding board and the one used in the present steel case. T-H boards can't make recommendations. The one in this case, not cov ered by law, could and did.) After receiving the T-H board's report, the president can tell the attorney general to get a U.S. court injunction (order) forbidding a strike for 80 days. It has 15 days elapse of the first 60 to hold a vote among the union mem bers to see whether they even though their leaders reject the idea want to accept a compa ny's latest offer. That uses up 75 of the 80 days. In the next five days the NRLB must tell the attorney general the result of the vote. Then, with the 80 days used up, he must go into court and have the no strike order dismissed. At that point, after 80 days' delay, a union is free to strike. At this point the president sends a full report to congress. Then it's up to congress to take any special action it wishes, by after the passing some special art, to de-i lay i strike further. This hasn't happened yet. So, although the steel strike was delayed 78 days without benefit of T-H, Mr. Truman can still use T-H to stop it for an other 80 days by going through the various steps outlined here Remains Recovered Roseurg, Oie., Oct. 4 A party oi stale puuee ri-iurui-o v last night with the remains of 3j Douglas C. Locke of Arcadin. Calif., killed in February. 1S47 9 when his private plane crashed on Red Butte, 40 miles northeast of here. Locke hit the mile high peak at the 4500-foot level after he had apparently lost his bearings. WHO'S SWITCHING TO CALVERT? Folks everywhere have switched to med from disclosure that Eiiiott Calvert Reserve because had misrepresented his qualiti- ., , . cations for office when he cam- It taSteS better! paigned last November. Dis- missal of a veteran crime bu- cai.vkrt bkskrvk Blendi-d Whiskey reau offirer wai the nrlc that ," ' rrooi-oa-.. i.ram neutral spirits, reau oiiicer was tne sparic mat CaVPrt Disllllers Corp .. Nw York CHy set it off. I L Hearing Aid Center Zenith Aurophone Superphonic Batteries for all makes of hearing aids . . . cords for most Instruments. Let ns know your needs! Mail orders Filled Promptly Morris Optical Co. 444 State SL Phone J-852H Salem, Oregon You get MORE HEATER for the money with MORF FCONOMY! Duo-Therm's fuel miser Dual-Cham-her Hurnergetsmore hrii out of every drop of oil. Ami by act ml s in cold northern climate Duo Therm' i Power-Air saves up to 2 on fuel, or one gallon in every 4! Only Duo-Therm gives you these features! MORE iU'AITY! Because the Duo-Therm ii styled like fint period furniture to heautih as well as heat your home. MORE COMFORT! f Because Duo-Therm gives you jmt rishc heat at the turn ol a dial. No more hauling coal or wood or ashes. 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Plnkham's Compound not only relieves this monthly pain but also pre-perlod nervous tension and cross irritable emotions of this nature. It has such a comforsmg antispasmodic action on one of woman's most important organs. Regular use helps build up re sist ance against such female distress. Truly the woman's friend: JSOTEi Or ou mr pr'trr fe Lydla, r. PtnLh..-'. TAitl.rTI'S with added iron. That's Quality Dutch Boy Paints!" Give your home exciting NEW loveliness by brightening it up, inside and out with double-duty DUIv,H BUY PAINTS! They protect as they beautify! Smooth-flowing, quick and easy-to-apply, they offer an economical solution to many of your Autumn Redecorating plans! Stop in and select our fovorite colors from our eye-op-pealing stocks today! WE HAVE THE LATEST MATCHING COLOKS. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE. State St., Four Comers Dial 3-8515 LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S Vegetable Compound Use Cop M, Journo, Ad$ They Wl1 Sotisf Yout Needl (5) "ZD r IT f?0t jp H I J 1 1 & mitpp4 i Mil! i Is a gift . . , and jMLY J i nas it Fine all-wool Coats for Fall and long after . . . and they're a gift - at only 29 95 ffw j J & X N--,, rS" M I S3J fi MM Coat Departmenf, Mezzanine Sizes 8 to 20 Corner Court and Liberty Ccrca m fcr This Superb Coat Value Today!