1 , l&li; 2 Norwegian Liner The new 16,500-ton Norwegian America passenger liner Oslofjord towers over the flat Netherlands countryside as it nears completion at Amsterdam, Holland. Four Corners People Watch Progress Upon New School Four Corners, Oct. 4 Each week sees the work on the new Lincoln school gradually nearing completion. This week the as phalt will be laid in the rear of the building for the children's nlavcround. Miss Mariorie Chester, librarian for the Salem schools came Monday with her assistants to place the books for this school in the newly com- plated library. The kitchen Is also nearing completion. With late comers stepping up the enrollment in the lower grades It was necessary to use another room. Mrs. Rebecca Burnham was tranferred from the Auburn school to teach the Hftli grade here. Miss Shirley Payne, who began with the fifth grade now has the mixed third and fourth room. This malss ight rooms and eight teachers with a total enrollment of 230. Rev. and Mrs. Victor L. Loucks and their daughter, Jan et are at home in the Mrs. Mae Marshall residence at 140 N. El ma avenue. Rev. Loucks is the sew resident pastor of the Four Corners Baptist church. They came here from Scio, Ore., where he was pastor of the Bap tist church for seventeen years. Visiting the Loucks over the week end were their daughter and children, Mrs. Howard Pas chall, Carol and Ilene of Mitch ell. Ore. Mrs. Ervin Pankratz, 4385 Hudson avenue, was hostess to the North Elma Sewing club on Thursday. The afternoon was spent Informally. Dessert re freshments were served to Mrs. Henry Dillard, Mrs. John Era taons, Mrs. C. O. Gilming and Mrs. Cecil Snook. The Missionary circle of the four Corners Baptist church will meet Thursday, October 6 at 1 p.m. hi the church annex. All women of the community art taritod. There will be a fueet speaker. Ronald William Pearson, son W Mrs. Mabel Pearson S745 Mahrt ave., left Thursday for a Diego, Calif, where he will take his basic training In the V. S. Marines. His enlistment Is far three years. Jean Allen who recently re turned from Glendale, Calif, ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tinker and children who left Sunday by automobile for south era California. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shipman and children of Newberg, Ore. were visiting the Harry and Wil lis Shipman families this week. Mrs. Florence Haines of Port land has moved into her small cottage adjacent to the Ship man residence at 4060 Durbin avenue. Willis Shipman is her brother. Montford Hammond who has been visiting relatives in Du luth, Minneapolis and Brainard, Minn., for several months re turned home this week. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hammond on Glenwood drive. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Binegar 160 S. Lancaster drive have re turned from a trip to eastern Oregon visiting relatives at Pendleton and The Dalles. NO RELAXING AROUND THEM Two Dogs, War Souvenirs, Stir Rumpus in New Home Glajsport, Pa. UB The Pater family here can't ignore its German war "souvenirs." In fact, the family learned soon after arrival of their war veteran son's two Boxer dogs that it would take a heap of training for themselves before they could live in peace. It was some time before they could relax with the none too docile pair around. The dogs were bought as pups in Germany by Lt. Edwin Pater and shipped to Glassport when he was transferred to this coun try. When they were delivered to Mrs. Mary Pater, the lieuten ant's mother, she took one look at the snarling pair in their ship ping crate and decided they were too much for her to handle. The dogs never had seen a woman before. Bodo, the male Boxer, had been enrolled in a progressive school for dogs in Germany and was taught to obey commands. The hitch was that the com mands had to be spoken in Ger man. ' Mrs. Pater packed the dogs oft to a veterinarian for safe keeping until her son could Icome home. The Paters soon learned enough German to give com mands to their dogs, and Bodo and Abel were taught respect for women by their master. Discipline now is no problem. The dogs make a daily trip to the grocer's with Mrs. Pater and calmly wait for her outside. They walk with her outside their double leash. , The trip to the grocer is made frequently to keep the huskies in food eight pounds of it daily. Bodo, only a year old, weighs 1 65 pounds, and his mate seven The Boxers became accustom- Capitnl Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, October 4, 194911 ed to their surroundings In about a month. Children of the neighborhood who trembled with fear when the pair first ar rived now enjoy playing with them. But like most dogs, Bodo and Abel hate cats, and neighbor hood dogs are mighty careful they don't step into the Boxers' territory. The pair often "mix it up" between themselves when one gets more attention from his master than the other, but it's only in fun. The Paters guard their tongues when the Boxers are around, lest they send the dogs flying to attack some passerby. They accidentally might give the German equivalent for "sic im!" Because they have an excel lent blood line, Pater expects to use his pair for breeding. The United States has one of the world's highest accident rates, an annual 67.1 deaths per 100.000 population compared with a world average of less than 50. Stepmother Charged With Child Stealing Los Angeles, Oct. 4 UP) The stepmother of two boys was charged yesterday with child stealing in a custody dispute with their mother. The boys are Ronald Rhoton, 14, and Robert, 12. Their father was killed in their burning home at Klamath Falls, Ore., Septem ber 24. Their stepmother, Mrs. Donna Lee Rhoton, 33, was jailed and then released, to appear in court on an Arizona warrant. Baker Man Killed Ontario, Calif., Oct. 4 UP! The air force today listed Corp. Gordon G. Crimin, 20, of 1804 Resort St., Baker, Ore., as one of the March airbase personnel killed in a train and bus crash at a crossing Sunday night. Decker's is coming to Salem! Watch for the Opening Announcement Have You Heard? jjAx w First in Salem! the New Modern Clean way to heat your home! CATERIZED OIL it a chemically treated fuel oil (mixed with expert care right at Smalley'i) that provides a continued chemical cleaning actionl REMOVES SOOT AND CARBON AS IT BURNS! Dissolves sludge and carbon! Minimizes strainer closglrj! Insures top peak fur nace efficiency! Can be stored with absolute safety! Reduces stark fire hasards 5 ! Cleaner burning throughout! -DIAL 3-5622 or 3-5606 INVESTIGATE! NOW! TODAY! Howard J. Smalley Oil Co. 1405 S. Eroadway in Salem SHOP Safeway for All your FOODS and Yes, Safeway prices are Low in every department. There's a good old-fashioned way to know how you are getting the most for your money. It's by comparing values. When you check prices item by item and qual ity by quality, you know where you get the best buys. Safeway invites exactly this sort of comparison. We base our food business on the values you will find in every section of the store day after day. Shop Safeway regularly and you really save! Shop Safeway and You REALLY Save! Moonbeam Brond, No. 2'i can Enjoy the tenderness of "waste-free" guaranteed meats T-B0NE STEAKS SIRLOIN STEAKS Grade Commercial Grade Commercial LB. 79c LB. 59c Pure, Fresh, Lean SLICED FRESH FLAVORFUL ground beef BACON BOLOGNA Uniform, High rjr I yQ Lunch box Aft Quality Ib.sjDC Lb 4VC Favorite lb. OC PORK LOIN ROAST . 49c PORK CHOPS Loin Center Cuts LB. 65c PORK ROASTS Sholuder Cuts LB. 39c PORK SETAKS . 45c HAMS Eastern Corn Fed Sugar Cured . . . 59c SAUSAGE Fur Fork Fresh Daily Be sure, select your family produce favorites at Safeway lb 45cJ Casaba Melons Jonathan Apples psj Ortley Apples C Red Cabbage lb jJC Carrots Celery S Turnips Parsnips P Green Peppers lb. Rutabagas Dry Onions S SQUASH Danish Hubbard Marblehead lb. 3c Green Onions Radishes Beets Swiss Chard 5c bunch ORANGES, Juicy and Sweet . . lb. 10c POTATOES, U.S. No. 2 Gem 50-lb. bag 98c YAMS, Serve Them Candied . . lb. 10c Prices Effective Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Salem, Silverton and Dallas Safeway Stores. CHURCH'S Quart White Tag Brand . . . No. 2 can SIMPLOT . . .No. 2 can 3 " 25c 35c 3 25c 3 - 25c Gardenside - Standard Cream Style - Golden Bantam No. 2 can BANJO BRAND White or Golden No. 2x can GARDENSIDE BRAND, Standard New Pack! No. 303 can 10c 2 - 25c 3 - 25c PUMPKIN GRAPE JUICE SLICED BEETS DICED CARROTS CORN HOMINY PEAS SAUERKRKAUT 10c SPINACH EMERALDBAY No.2'ican BROWN BREAD "w 2 25c CHICKEN FRICASSEE - 79c SALAD DRESSING - 39c SWIFT'S PREM VELVEETA , . . . 12-ox. can Kraft Cheese Food , . 2-lb. Loaf CANE SUGAR BISQUICK CHERUB MILK SODA CRACKERS fLQUR HARVESTBL0SS0M 25lb,atk 35c 79c io-ib..k 37c 39c 10c 35c 2-lb. pkg. TALL CAN . . J ib. box $69 fS TffT