3 3 If iR, , V 1 ! 1 Fat Bill Wetzel photographed by friend John Wheatley, his penonal photog. WIDER THAN HE IS TALL World's Fattest Man Tips Scales at 627 Pounds By ROBERT A. BARNES Clayton, N. M. W) Bill Wetzel aayi he's the world's fattest man, and there's plenty of weight behind his argument. His belt if he wore one would be longer than most men are tall. And he hasn't been able to bend over and put on his -own shoes for 13 years. He's 6 feet 8 inches around the waist and 5 feet 8V4 inches tall. And his weight? Just 627 pounds at last count. It Takes Five Girls to wear the pants in 627-pound Bill Wetzel's home. Farm Subsidies Face Trimming Washington, Oct. S () The administration moved today to head off growing criticism of the top-heavy subsidies paid by the government on some farm products. Democratic Leader Lucas of Illinois said he didn't know whether the farmers would like it, but "we are trying to save the farm program from annihila tion through the payments of huge subsidies on certain crops." Lucas didn't say what crops are involved. He merely told newsmen the move would ap ply to all crops where subsidy payments are inflated. He offered an amendment yesterday to the Anderson farm bill to carry out the plan which has the approval of the agricul ture department. The bill was drafted by Sena tor Anderson D..-N.M., as a compromise in the political tug-of-war over the administration's farm program The Anderson bill establishes a flexible price-support program It would continue price support for basic crops at 90 per cent of parity for another year. Then, if production outran demand, the support level could drop to 75 per cent of parity. Parity is a price calculated to five farmers a fair return on what they grow in relation to the prices of the things they have to buy. Lucas said his amendment would make the farm program "more realistic" by eliminating abuses and saving money for the government on parity pay ments. Plant Contract Awarded Portland, Oct. 3 W The In ternational Harvester company has awarded a contract for i $750,000 sales, service and ware house installation at nearby Milwaukie. The installation will provide headquarters for the northwest operations of the farm implement and machinery firm, A few years back Bill had hopes of topping the 700-pound mark. In 1941 he tipped the scales at 675. For seven years he found to his surprise and disappoint ment that he had lost 48 pounds, although he was bigger than ever. He decided some muscle turned to fat, which weighs less. During World War I the army drafted Bill but discharged him after 17 days of obesity. He claims a note is attached to his honorable discharge which calls him "too large for a man, too small for a horse." He just weighed 280 then. Bill doesn't claim to be the heaviest man in the world just the fattest. But he ridicules some of the tales making the rounds on how much he eats. Half a pound of bacon? Three loaves of bread at a sitting? A pound of lard for dessert? "Preposterous!" he complains. He says he usually eats about three-fourths of a loaf of bread a day. In his younger days he s 56 now he ate more than a loaf a day. Anxious to support himself, he has recently overcome his dislike of being stared at and appeared at several public functions billed as "The World's Fattest Man." Bill is the oldest of nine chil dren still living of an original 16. Three brothers top 200 pounds, as does his mother. An aunt weighs more than 400 pounds. It takes lots of sleep to keep Bill going. He gets eight to 12 hours a night and a nap in the afternoon. Fishing Vessels Collide; 1 Sunk Vancouver, B.C., Oct. 3 U.R) The 24-ton purse seiner Row City sank off the British Colum bia coast last night after collid ing with the fishing vessel In vercar but all crew members were saved, the Royal Canadian Air Force reported today. A vessel the type of the Row City normally carries five or six crewmen, the RCAF said. The crew was taken aboard the Invercar, also a purse seiner. The accident occurred about 10:45 p.m., 30 miles east of Prince Rupert, B.C., near Wil liams island. The RCAF said the Row City was taken in tow by the 24-ton Invercar after the collision, but the tow rope parted and the Row City sank shortly after, Salmon Fishermen Accept Price Scale Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 3 (U.B A week-long strike of some 4400 British Columbia salmon fisher men ended today with company union agreement on a set scale of prices for the fish they catch. Members of the fishermen's and allied workers' union voted to return to their jobs Tuesday. They voted three to one to ac cept cannery operators' offers of nine cents a pound for chum sol mon caught in the Johnston straits, and 7 Vi cents a pound for all fish caught south of Cape Caution. Prices were to be ret roactive to Sept. 1. Refugees from Baltic in Ireland Cobh. Ireland. Oct. 3 U.R) Irish authorities said today they would permit the sailing of 402 Baltic refugees across the north Atlantic to Halifax in a battered landing craft. The landing craft, christened the "Victory," is packed to ca pacity with men, women and children who want to cross the Atlantic and "get as far away from Russia as possible." 'If they can get away under their own steam, may God be with them," an Irish govern ment spokesman said. " We won't hinder them. On the con trary, Ireland has always shown itself ready to give every assist ance to anybody in distress. The ship slipped out of a Swedish port early this week de spite the attempt of a Swedish coast guard vessel to make it turn back. Passengers said the coast guard ship fired several rockets and the Victory smashed a hole in her bow on submerged rocks when she tried to evade the Swedish ship. The compass also failed on the trip across the North Sea and food supplies gave out. When the ship reached Cobh yesterday the starving passen gers, including about 100 wom en and 100 children, tore apart and gulped down loaves of breads tossed them from the dock. The Victory, 159 feet long, was built to accommodate BU soldiers, wooden bunks line the walls but they are insufficient and the passengers are forced to sleep in shifts. Detroit Has Reception Detroit A reception for De troit teachers will be held in the new grade school Monday, Oct. 3 at 8 o'clock. All parents and teachers are urged to come. A very pleasant evening has been planned. Mrs Ray Sophy is chairman of entertainment and Mrs. John Weisgerber is chairman of refreshments. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, October 8, 1949 9 Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. Dial 38555 1085 Broadway Find out how little it will cost to modernize four heating system with economical, dependable Delco-Heat ... the complete line ior use witn an types of fuel for all sizes and types ot homes. Viso Mother FINDS NEW For STUFFINESS, COUGHS of COLDS mm "Saved my Life A Corf-send for GAS-HEARTBURN" When xtm stomach acid mum painful, mffoeat ttf cm, tour rtomfcch and heartburn, doocon luiuJir prwcrlbe the luteM-acti&e medicines known tor wmptomatloilltf mdtrlneallkethonln Bell-ani Tablet NoImmIti. BHI-ana brlngf comfort In a llffjr or mum bottle to uj for double moutj back BELL-ANS for Acid Indigestion 25c Red Mt. for Robeson Moscow, Oct. S W) A moun tain peak in Russia has been named after negro singer, Paul Robeson, the communist party newspaper, Pravda, reported to day, i Painting and Decorating 20 Years Experience In Salem . We Paint Homes Offices Buildings For Vz Less Phone 3-7552 ff,ij ANCIENT AGE full J year old straight Kentucky bourbon The whiskey with Age In Its flavor! 100 Pint (1 4" Wise mothers know how really effective Vicks VapoRub is when you rub It on. Now, they know for new, amazing, all-family relief when there's much coughing or stuffiness . . . It's wise to use VapoRub this special way, too . . . in steaml It brings relief almost instantly. Put 1 or J good spoonfuls of VapoRub in a vaporizer or bowl of boiling water, as directed In Use if in steam Rub if on, foot package. Then . , . breathe In soothing, medicated vapors. Every breath eases coughing, relieves that "chokey" feeling. For continued relief even while you sleep rub it on, too. 9 DO IT RIGHT or NOT AT ALL You don't- save when you Skimp on Building Mate rials. And it isn't Necessary! IF YOU PLAN: Green Houses Gutters Kennels Insulating Linoleum Lighting Systems You can get as much as $2500.00 worth of KEITH BROWN BUILDING MATERIALS with 36 months to pay and NO DOWN PAYMENT lei- M IVVWRII TiTBffl LUMBER YARD see OiCKCox, uour Bulldinq tsuddu,. He'll arranqe everijJVmq bo toa fSTIIISIT IIIIIOI millET, II PIOIF. UCIEM HE HIT. CO., FIUIFOIT, IT. Special Purchase ...lowest price since 1940! on Genuine HOLULL 5-PIECE CHROMSTEEL DINETTES I "I Ml Kl It's Sensational- in Style, Quality. Price! BREATHLESSLY SMART . . . In lt distinctive, modern d.ilgn and glistening beauty . . . and note theie outstanding quality features: Table top H "Plaitex" on iteel to withtiand' hafd i.rvict. M.auri 30"x42" without la.f and 30"sS4" .rtended. Chrome-platid bump.r on edge of table will not chip or erack. All comtrueion nothing to warp or come unglued. Graceful chromt-plat.d l.gi will retain their gl.aming finiih. Dt.p, comfortable, curved chair bach. B oth laatt and backs are "Plaitex" en ite.l, in Red, Golden Yellow end Green. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS! No .tore, ANYWHERE, can offer you e a ti e r or more convenient t.rmi than you'll find here! OPEN AN ACCOUNT NOWI Trade In your eld let! .ettttta dom on a bit) bftt ' f'jr I oW. XI U I efl f I - 4l V el eVM If fl FURNITURE CO. Nothing Finer Than HOWELL! In addition to exquisite styling and luparb worlcmanihip, your HOWELL i.t will give laiting service. The color, ful "PLASTEX" table top is mar, stain and heat rejistant. A damp cloth will keep it sparkling bright end cl.an. Free Delivery Anywhere