r : l : II II 4 n I I 'R As j it n mail in mn .yf i Trail.,- r l(i-,nHplen nispn the convertible dinette of a 1950 31V4-foot trailer displayed at Bourbon, Ind. Seati can be made into a be(L TOO SUCCESSFUL' FOR Mindy Carson Doesn't Like ? Playing Role of a Cinderella 1 1 By VIRGINIA M ACPHERSON f i Hollywood, Oct. 3 U.R Singer Mindy Carson, Hollywood's cur rent "Cinderella Girl," wound up a nightclub stint at dawn Sat- irday, got up early for an interview, lunched with a movie execu ; ave, took a screen test, rehearsed all evening and postponed her ? ioneymoon for the 17th straight day. ! That's what you can Deing !too successful." I I Even Cinderella the First had I lime lor a few minutes alone I with that gent who brought in the glass supper. j But this is La Carson's regu- lar schedule. Her fairy god i nother works overtime. Won't 'I iven call off that doggone magic i tvand after midnight. Mindv. who's 21 and beauti ul and packing em at Ciro s 1 ivery night, married her man ger, Eddie Joy, three weeks go. But sne nas to Keep jook- Ini at that band of diamonds an her left hand to remember. About the only time she sees her bridegroom is to say hello ind goodbye. She still calls him r 'my manager "All I know is, I don't have pay him 10 per cent any snore. Mindy grinned. But i can't figure out whether I gain ed 10 per cent or lost the 90 ; I used to keep." n I This blue-eyed tomboy, who's ' barely old enough to be al ! IdV.ed inside saloons let alone , iig in 'em, is the gal who " njver had a music lesson In her . fe. Three years ago she was sell L fig chocolate creams behind a . : lendy counter in New York. To- !,.'. lay she's a topheadliner at ! flush -lined nightspots like ! tiro's on the swanky Sunset ' : Strip and the Copacabana in Kew York. '.-.A t I She's got a voice one critic I But in the "shivers-down-the- j (pine department" and a few ! more things besides. (Including chasis that probably had some thing to do with those shivers.) 4 All this plus a slight assist from that eager-beaver god mother has paid off. Every kight the top names of Holly wood squeeze into Ciro's to rnoon over her torchy ballads. She's signed long-term con tracts with radio, television, and tecording companies. I And she's practically signed, sealed, and delivered to 20th Century-Fox as a movie queen. " She's already livinff like one. rt-Yhe manager of the Garden of j Allah installed ner wltn a pomp i ind ceremony in the luxurious : ink bridal suite Humphrey Bo - gart and Lauren Bacall had on their honeymoon. n I But a lot of good it does Mindy. ,1 VMercy Flight Unsuccessful Port Angeles, Oct. 3 () A Vmercy flight ended in death Sat V urday for Jay Woods, 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis woods of Fort Angeles, ine Doy died of infantile paralysis short ly after a coast guard helicopter, taking the boy to Bremerton for treatment, was forced to turn back when Jay went into a co ma. He died a few minutes af ter the helicopter landed. FLY UNITED up and back the tame day TO PORTLAND OR SEATTLB-TACOMA! Iv. Salem . . 8:35 om Iv. Seattle , i 7:30 pm Ar. Portland . 9:05 am Iv. Portland i 8:43 pm Ar. Seattle . . 10:20 am Ar. Soltm i 9i!5pm Alto convenient afternoon and evening departures. Fast flights to California and "oil the East." isiondord time,) UNITED AIR LINES Airport TarwAwL Coll M45S nfhofleoal frrl agoM standi at the refriRerator in HONEYMOON Dunking in U of 0 Mill Race Banned Eugene. Oct. 3 (? Univer sity of Oregon fraternities have been warned not to dunK pledges into the mill race be cause ot pollution 01 me waier Dr. Fred N. Miller, health service officer of the school, said one sinus infection had been traced to a dunking during the recent rushing period. Abiqua Club Meets Silverton-Mrs. William Rue, president, is announcing the first autumn meeting of the Abiqua Ladies' Social club in a noon no host luncheon and all afternoon business and social hour, Tues day at the country place of Mrs John Wostenberg. Mrs. John McKillop assists Mrs. Rue as secretary. ( Advertisement I NO MORE LAXATIVES FEELS 100 BETTER "Laxatives didn't help. I was a victim of constipation for 15 years. ButeatingKELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN every morning gives xne results! Now. I am regular, feel 100 better. Would like others to knowl". David Brownell, Center Ossipee, New Hamp. On of the many ttnsolietled fHr frnnt Ahli- BRAN users. Constipated due to lack of bulk in the diet? Eat an ounce of toasty ALL-BRAN daily, drink plenty of water. You may never need another laxative! If not satisfied after 10 days, send empty box to Kellogg's, Bsttle Creek, Mich. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK. New Out-A-Sight Hearing If You Have Hesitated securing better hearing becftUM rou did not went to be eeen wearing thtt little heerlng "button" In your eat beelttte no longer! lt'i out of eight! Mail Coupon Now SONOTONE 1933 State St., Salem, Ore. Wlthntit obligation 1 would like a Home trront of InrUible Hearing. Pleaee farnlah me with further Information about Inrlelblo 8ear Ing. NAME ADDRESS CITY i iff - FREE! For the Whole Family! iv. MW ..ft , fosoS , 'i : ; Q4 U? I Ui V4-: i) cLUSV MILLER'S FALL V! ? Tv.'f cSpec,Ql, FASHION REVUE f : I A Y f Features! (program) Y ; 3 V-''j Curtain: 8:30 ! 1 v ' -V I ... TEDDY JENKS Commentator: Margaret Allyn s 1 Xffl Y'l1'! I In Specialty Numbers lU I l li Wif .. DOROTHY PEDERSON GROUP NO, t Ij I Concert Pianist Afternoon dresses, suits, coats. 1 J M?V I Teddy Jenks, specialty ballet number. 1 i ' WUrt Cl . . . MARTHA HRUBETS I J Revue Begins at 8:00 Doors Open at 7:00 FREE! 1 m " r -5S5 r 'T.::: t ':. ' n 1 KA 7IWM&. .. . , v" in ie agrel J0"- " ' U PLf Concert Soloi.' GROUP NO. 2 M I V GROUP No. 3 Admittance to All Orchid Corsage TO FIRST 500 LADIES Capital Journal. Salem. Ore., Monday, October 8, 19497 Teddy Jenks opening boudoir group of lingerie, robes, with scene in ballet tempo. GROUP NO. 4 Martha Hrubets, concert soloist, op ening formal gowns group with solo. Mary Barton at organ. Teddy Jenks with her boy's tap dance specialty. GROUP NO. 5 Finale . . . Bridal Party. 45 people i the cost , , , 31 living models Electric Organ by Mory Barton Furniture by Miller's . . . Flowers, Olson Florists Baldwin Electric Organ courtesy Stone Piano Company i J