'1 if AUTOMOBILES "COMPARE PRICES" 1948 Studebaker Land Cruiser. R&H $1695 1948 Studebaker Sedan Champion. Overdrive & heater $1595 1942 Studebaker 5 pass. Champion. New motor $745 1948 Chevrolet coupe $1095 1946 Nash "BOO" sedan $975 1938 Ford sedan ....$425 1939 DeSoto sedan $195 1941 Chevrolet 5 pass $595 1939 Studebaker sedan. Champion. Overdrive $495 1948 Studebaker 5 pass. Star light coupe. Radio & heater. Low mileage S1595 1946 Studebaker 1!2 ton truck. Factory stake bed ..$1295 1946 Studebaker 'i ton pickup $995 1940 Studebaker sedan. Commander. One owner. Radio & heater. Overdrive $595 BONESTEELE'S 370 N. CHURCH ST. PHONE 3-9277 DIRECTORY ADD1NO MACHINES All makei used miehtnaa sold, ranted, repaired IKwn tM Court Pbnn. APPLIANCE SERVICE KLEtTRIC UOMK apptlanca repair service Dew appnanet "-e s r.'c.t ...... Free estimsiss TiadF-ins accepted on -923 151 S Llberu Si AT I B DOOR SJIAHPENISG . .-lawn nSiVrs. aclaaors. 'v h"r?: 4 Denter. 1220 Center, 3-6833. oj; 'auto radios Authorized Warrant! Repair station tor all maMa ol Auto Radio. " Radio Co.. 153 S Libert; Ph i-6955. o UARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towlnt service da prions -KS Nlam 1804 33" Center Mik Panek. 275 8. Com'l. Ph J.5W1. Brake and wheel altsning specialists BRICK WORK Brick & block work of ait kinds. Ex- perlenced, compeieni mw Davidson Bros, Ph. 2-8217. BUILDING CARI'ENTRg Remodel, repair that homo now. Terms. No down payment Phone -3i0. o' BUILOINO CONTRACTORS Alt Broa. Also houses raised. New toim- datlons. Phone 2-5909, BULLDOZING , D,,n Roolnson. Ph. J-537 or woo. Bulldoslni, levellni, road bid!., elear ln teeth lor brush. Virall Busker. 1010 Pal'rvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3U8. Salem. 0239 CARPENTER WORK Carpenter wort. New. repair. Ph. 3-J"9S; CASO REGISTERS Instant delrrerj of nea ..... at, m.iu sold. RCA cash rented, paired. Roen 58 Court. Ph 3-773 o' CEMENT WORK- Tor aapert auaranteed aatislactlon new or repair of foundation, aldewalka drl'ewara. patloa. eurba. walla. . Call 2-4850. L CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Enslej. 771 3. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. o259' DRESS MAKING Alt dress maklna. Good used clothes for sale. 360 State St. Rm. 27, Q3M LECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnw's Electric for elcctricftl wiring, contractini. repairing, 1ST 8. WDerty. S-:-03 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3033. Lee Crofia, 1555 Pearl. o259 SrelthaUDt's for flowera Dial 1-91T9 p CheJ. stove SheU Oil Co diesel oil. Ph. 3-3186. T. Maxwell, distributor. o241 HOUSEHOLD FKOPCCTa j B WatkiM Oo product P .mr? 1717 Center. Ph. 3-53g. johna-ManyiUe. Phone t-3748- INSTRUMENT REPAIR Expert miuical imminent repair, ah work fully (EuaranteNl. JACQUITH MU SIC CO.. Ph. 3-4641. o-4 JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxin ButWtn Paetorlea - Home Estimates Without Obllsation AMERICAN BLDG. MArNT. CO. Ph, flaiem S-9133 O LANDSCAIT NURSERY t r..rfi(.r Ai Sons. Ornamentals. 130 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1322 tV DELUX SERVE SELF Laundr?. 343 Jef ferson i5t. Phone 23452. tAWNMOH'ERS Sharpened, auarantppd service. Nw power and hand mowfw. Call Karry W. Scott. 147 S. Cotn'l St. o2bS MATTRESSES Capital Beddice Phone S-40S8 MUSIC LESSONS SpanUh Is Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo. c. ius , OFFIt'E FimNlll'ltE A SVTPUE Desk chairs. Itle and tilina auppaes safes dupllcaiorn and supplies, desk lamps typewriter stands brief cses terca Wtrs Recorder. Ron 5 Court Interior palntlni. C. . are eauipped W do Phone J-2493 r IPKRHANCilSCi Bs.nrt ParFi-hnnetn and palnttna j. woodworth. Ph. 2-5363 Fre est. 02..2' Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3631. o330 int. ft ext. Ph. 3-5072. 0238" Palntina and papT!ians;n Free esti mate Ph 1-9513. aVT SMPPint. O?40 PIl'TllRt FRAMING Picture framing Huteheoo Paint tltort how t-M1 ? PUMBINO Planer, 844 Coro'I. PH- l-IOl, Kv6 ORAVtL Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel ai dragline excavating. Walllni Sand Oravel Co.. Phone 1-929. Valley Sand A Ore. Co Silt. nd f II dirt ExcavRtiiii 10B ahovel eau Trwor acoop trucks for dirt moving Ph office J4003, res. 1714 Salem Saw Writs. Ph. 3-70J. 1393 N Sth. 0255 BEWR AND HEfTIC TANKS Bectila Boto-Ro-xet exclusive Patent Rate fhr Stee! Cutttnt Blades Clean Hewera m Dramt Sepm Tanks Cleaned Reaa Pb I-tSTt ef t-4M BEPTIC TANKS It P. Kamel. Septic tanta er-td. Sieptrte machine ervic on twe.- and drain lines. Guaranteed aort. IHM'N St.. Wen Snlftn. Pb. 2rt Vacuum ijTp:g nn rr.iaie chir? Call us c.;ici Todd'a Septic TanS met, Sitt state SU Pfione S-04, AUTOMOBILES SALEM tl235 Convict Weeps Over Applause Bie Spring, Tex., Oct. 3 )- A life term convict stood in the wines of a stage yesterday and cried. He was hearing for the j first time his musical history j of Big Springs. j Frank Grandstaff, on a six! day furlough from the Tennessee State prison, then slipped quiet ly into a front row seat. But minutes later he was pushed to the stage the center this time to receive the applause of hun dreds. The one-time piano salesman in west Texas, a man described as having unusual talents, was given a warm, heart-felt ova tion, for a work composed in a prison cell. Grandstaff's cantata, "Big Spring," was sung by a male chorus, as part of the west Tex as town's 100th birthday cele bration. "I'm happy, I'm very happy," was all Grandstaff could say. "Yes, it sounded just as I thought it would." "Happiness is a town named Big Spring," he told a crowd es timated at 2,000 persons just before the program in the muni cipal auditorium began. 'Everyone here has gone out of his way to make my stay here one to be remembered." "You need not worry about me while I am here," he said in a low, emotion-choked voice. Non-Communist Os.h Now Signed Berkeley, Calif., Oct. 3 VPi The president of the University of California academic senate (faculty) has signed the non communist oath, "Now there is no pistol at the head." Dr. Joel Hildebrand, who had been critical of "imputations of disloyalty" in the expansion of the oath of allegiance former ly required of instructors, said he expected all faculty members now would sign the new oath "or its equivalent." The university board of re gents this year demanded all em ployes sign a new oath. Hildebrand said the "pistol at the head" had been removed by Saturday's action of the board of regents in allowing faculty members to reword the pledge. Dr. Robert Gordon Sproul, university president, said 60 per cent of the teaching force had signed. Although, in the western world, octopuses are used most ly for fish bait, many peoples find them good eating. DIRHCTORY Mike'a Septic Servtcv. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Eira St . W. Salem. Pb, 1-8468. J-5327 0235 SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. Ail makes. W. Davenport, Pa. J-7871. o254 All makes repaired, tree S.nger Sewing Machine Co Commerctai Ph 3-3512. 7. PFWP1TERS stlnsate 130 No Smltb Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables All makna itwd machines Repairs and rent Roeo. 458 Court. TRANSJ-EP STDHAfil 'ocai & Distance Transfer, storaaa Burner oils, cos) tt briquets rrucc l Portland daily Aaent for Bekma House hold lood moved to aor where Id OS o. Canada Larmtr Transfer U Storsce Pti S-S131 tt VENETIAN BONUS 3,ilem Venetian Blinds made to order or reflntsnad Relcholdt Uta J-ls: Elmer The Blind man. Ph. 3"33. WE AT HER STRI PPINfl Pree estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 1-5885. o2 WELL DRILLING Pred Wrmore. Rt. 2. Box 317. Pb. 2-M3S o23 WINDOW SHADES Wasba&le Roi.er Uade to order 1 Day Del Reinhoidt A Lewis Pb !3es WINDOW CLEANFNQ Acme indow Cleaners Windows, walla A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, axed and polUbed P& 1-1337 34. Court Lancdoa Culberwos tad Uatner WOODSAWINQ Atkins ft Croat. Pb. 3-8S74 or J-llTH 0331 WOOD SAWDUST Wet Sale a Fuel Co. Ph 3-48U. o LODGES tX l.O.OJ meet every Wed neNdft? mght. Visitors wet come RrIpiti Lrxiir No 4. A F. & A M Wed., Oct. 5. Stated communi- cation, 7:30 pjn. f ; i xiV;v-i.v; -c4 for .fir t!Ji i 3e- 1 V- f V VlffftrV fiCPPlilKI Yankee flVIUIJf WICCIIHy greeted plate after banging game winning homer in the eighth inning of the Boston Red Sox New York Yanks game in New York, won. 5-4. (Acme Teiephoto) Disgruntled Red Sox catcher, Birdie Tebbetts, watches. Yanks sMMJmm Completed from reports nf Salem dealers j lot ine i warn nee ei .pi.i Readers. (Revised dally). ReUfl Feed Prices: K Mash $4.85. Rabbit Pellets $4.39. Dairy Feed i3.70. Poultry; Buving prices -Grade A color ed hens 2i-22r; grade A Leghorn hens. 1B-I8c; grade A colored iryeri, inree 10s. and up, 2S-3QC. Grade A oid roosters, 15c. Es Buyint Prices Exira lane AA. 66c; ,are A A, 83c; Isrse A, 83-65c; medium AA, 53c; medium A. 51-52c; pullfts, 34-37c, Wholesale Prices Egg wholesale prices 5-7c above these prices; above grade A Kent-rally Quoted at 70c; medium 57c. Butterlat Premium 84-65c, No. 1, S2c; No. 2. 57 59c; ftouylna- prices.. Butter Wiwtesai giad A, 7c; r tall 72c. Portland Livestock Portland, OTe . Oct. 3 & Livestock : Cattle salable 2200:cahes 550. Market opening fairly active on cow; la;rly steady witii week ago recoverins much of last week's late decline. Steers alow, gen erally asking fully steady; few good fed steers held above 25; medium trades held around 20.08 to 22.50; cows about 16.06; lew medium heifers 17.08 to 18.50. gome held hiKher. Early sales canners and cut ter cows strong at 10.50 to 11.50, few 12.08; common and medium beef cows 13,00 to 15.03. Good ewe cows up to 16 03, few 18,50. Odd good bulls held above 17.50, common and medium grades 14.00 to iff.eo. tjood imit veaiers steaay at ai.yu to 23,00. Common and medium grades slow, few 12.50 to 18 .GO; good heavy caiv very alow. Hobs salable 1.000. Market 50 cents lower; good and choice 180-210 lbs most ly 21.00 to 21.25, few 19.25; 150-170 lbs 18 00; aood 350-500 lb sows 16.00 to 17.50. few good and diAce feeder pigs held above 21,00. Sheep salable 1,000. Market active; steady with last Monday; recovering last week's late weakness. Good and choice lambs mostly 20.30 and 21.00, lew 21.50; medium and good grades 18.50 to 20.00; commons down to 19.00; good Jeeders 17. jO; good ewes 6.00 to 6.50, Cblcaso Livestock ChicaBO. Oct. 3 apt Salabie hoas IS.OQfli slow, butchers 23-S8 cents, mostly 50 cents lower; weights under 130 lb scarce and steady; sows steady to 25 cents low er; good and choice 228-2B0 lb butchers I9.M-20.at; top 20.00 for few loads choice 230-250 lb; 200- 220 lb 19.00-19.50; lew 170-190 lb 18.00-15.00; good and choice .low under 350 lb 18.50-16,25; 350-WO lb 17.75-18.50; 425-500 lb 18.50-17.50; few odd heavier sows down to 16.00; eood clearance. Salable cattle 11,000; salable caves 500; uneven; slaughter steers and hetfers steady to 75 txnts higher; outlet broad est for steers and heifers grading average-good and better; cows steady to 25 cents higher; bulls 25-50 cents higher: vealer steady; top 34.50 for load high ciioica 1,115 lb steers; several loads 33.75 34.80; bulk good and choice fed steers and yearlings 27.00-33.50; common to low good kinds 17.00-26.50; load choice S75 lb heifers 31.00; two loads 30.50; most good and choice heifers 26.00-30.00; bulk common and medium beef cows 14,25- ib.su; good cows I7.oo-18.5Q; canners and cutters 12.00-14.50; medium and food saus- aBB ouils 17.50-19.25; veaiers 28.00 down: stockers and feeders to strong; medium to ciiotce leeomg steers and yearlings SalebSe sheep S.flOO; generally steady on all classes; top native iambs 23 75: load choice approximately 100 lb locally fed .mora lamas a.BQ; most good and choice native lambs 23.00-23.75: chnic flnlnra. dos unsold, held well above 24.00; most slaughter ewes 7.00-9. 50. Ad of Aggression Assert Nationalists Canton, China, Oct. 3 &) So viet recognition of the Chinese communist regime is 'not only an act of aggression against Chi na but also a threat to peace and security of the Far East," Na-! lionalist Foreign Minister George Yeh declared tonight, Yeh summoned Vladimir Var- skov, Soviet charge d'affaires, to the foreign office at fi:30 p.m. and read him a written state ment containing this assertion. The statement described Mos cow's recognition of the Red bogus regime" at Peiping as i : ' Si . I " r In -'. 'O ,.1 'V J leJt lielder Johnny Lindell is by bat boy as he crosses home Soybeans Lead Grain Uoturn . , , . Chicago, Oct. 3 A Strong; markpfc develooed in trains on1 the board of trade today. TheU bushel box. nnttirn was li bv sovbpans Btrawteernes and raspberries were juot- which jumped more than 3 centsj saisy peacSM-s brougijt .5s & m at times. Eastern commission !pco.tcoird''Brapes held steady under so houses were good buyers ofj""" p nat top. beans. Port !n if Prodat Wet weather in the mid-west' ! rentatu. eci to imm . , , ,, jdiate cliaisge. Premium d.5.? maximum iniluencea both soybeans and! to .35 to x percent acidity deitvrd in pn I Portland 3-66c ,b.. 92 scor 61-Mc lb.. 83 vu " 'score, S7-60c, 89 score, S5c. Vaiiev Toutea Gams in Wheat were led by the and country points 2c less than first, Mav and Julv deliverie. both of atr who!esa! fob bulk cu ta which made new seasonal highs. !33 scare sic. s 93 score, ssc ib.; c ss Reports that producers in the southwest were seeding less ac reage to 1950 winter wheat spurred demand. A northwest elevator was a heavy buyer of December wheat Wheat Closed i-2s higher' December S2.14A-3 corn waa!?rlBU. 1c:. A pr.nts iy-l higher, December $1.18 oats were higher, December 67T4-Ti, rye was -1 higher, December $1.47 V, soybeans were 2-3 higher, November $2 .3 14- and lard was 5 to 18 cents a hundred pounds higher, October $11.45, Ban on Pickets Withdrawn The Dalles, Ore., Oct. 3 Circuit Judge Malcolm W, Wil kinson today dissolved 8 tem porary restraining order against CIO longshore pickets of The Dalles where the "orphaned' marge Honolulu, with a load of black-listed Hawaiian pineap ple, remains moored. In a brief hearing. Judge "Wil kinson said that it appeared that the port of The Dalies has de cided not to permit unloading of the barge at this time and there fore it is unlikely that there will be any recurrence of picketing or violence." He said the parties to the re straining order had agreed to dissolve it. Gunther Krause, attorney for the Hawaiian Pineapple com pany, said his firm had no im mediate plans for unloading the $800,000 cargo of "hot" pineap ple which last week was the center of a picketing dispute which broke into violence Wed nesday. CIO longshoremen, on strike in Hawaii, picketed the dock when a non-union local crew began unloading the barge. Six persons were injured when the pickets broke through a police line and attacked truck drivers on the dock. the natural culmination of a long series of Soviet violations of the Chinese-Russian treaty of 1S45 and further evidence of Soviet infringement on China's politi cal Independence Made frt Yugoslavia For summer use only, this roofless car, shown at a trade tatr in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, has a five horsepower engine and can travel 35 miles an hour. MARKET QUOTATIONS Sslra. .tvectovfc Market 'By lle Packiag Company Lsmos 118.09 to 2GSS rt-ecer lambs .-iiOS Jo 16ii; ?5VRS , '9 M w Cutter cows 16.50 to t 10.50 Pat dairy cows ,..50 to $11,56 ttills Ill m ixt tliOJ Caiv. aood f 563-456 IbsS 515,38 in $37.K5 Veal (150300 Iks., to? . . .1S.33 to iiO.OQ roftlaiifj Esstside Msritfi Swfet com xoid at 5125 tor "best five dozen ear paciw on the Portland EasUide Market today. Local t3m"to's so!d to ,!ao score, 3SC, asqv prices ar ssriciiy nominal. :feeeM Seiiintf pric to Portland whoie- sale: Ortann singles 33 -4St" : Oregon am. loaf 42-t3c; triplet! l!j less than sin pies. Etc i Ta Whalesalert I A crtds larc, fi5 1 1 -SS'ac; A medium. 5i -5 1 ac; rade B Sarae, SS',-!!1; mt& A srade, 42,c. Baiter Price to reisiSer: Or&d Aft 67c. A cartons 58c; B print e4c, Efja Frlcea to retallMa; Grade AA !are 13c doz.; certified A large, 88c; large 7c: AA medium, 53c; certified A, mpdiam, 57c; A medium. 55-56c; A small. 43c, cartons 2c additional. tiff so Price to retaJlers: Portland Oreeon sf nines 33 -42c : Orecon loaf. lb. ioafs Si'a-iBc ib.; triplets. cents less tnsn single, premium brands, singlet. M-ie lb,; loar, wc Poultry Lire Thicken HO- 1 ouaJltT FOB Plants, No. I broilers under it lbs. 25-26c mens 3J-3 Ifcs., 33-2BCJ s-i hm,. 3?- 2Sc; roasters 4 lbs. and aver, 23-23c; fowl, j Irfsnorns 4 lbs. and under. i8-2oc, over 4 : lb. 26c: colored fowl all weights. 32c: : roosters, ail -weights 18-lc. Ba.ibU Ayerase to growers, jive whiles, 4-5 lb.. 18-200 lb.: 9-8 lbs.. la-le lb.; colored 3 cents lower; old or heev? does. and backs, s-i2c; fresh iryer to butchers, 30 -53c, Country -Killed Meals Veai. top quality, 35-323 lb.; ther grades according to welRht and quality with poor or heavier 20 -25c. Hogs; Light blockers, 30 -31c; sows, 23 24c. Lambs; Top HuaUty, sprinssr, 3S-3?e; mutton. Ifl -12a Beef; Good flows, 22-23B Jb,; ctnnert etter, 29-22c, Fresh Hreited Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.t : Beef steers, aood SO0-8DO lbs,, S-S; commereiai, 527-3(3; aUlity, 31-3t. Gown Commerciai, t3i-3J; Biii.tr, 127 30; canners-cutters, Beef Cuts JUood Steerst: Hind quarters, 155-57, rounds, IS2-55; fi;ll loins, trimmed, S73-77; triaiw!'1?, $31-35; square chuck, $38-41; ribs, IS2-55; foreqwartere. $37-38. Veal and calf; Good, $37-43; commercial, $33-35; utility, i28-32. Lambs; Qood-chsles sprlRf 2ambi, $cl i6; commercial, $38-40; utility, $33-35, Mutton; Oood, 70 lbs. down, $19-18, Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 8-12 lbs., $5-5T; shoulders it lbs, dowtt, S48-42; spare -r ib , i 47 -S3 : carcasses . $32-33 ; mixed weight $2 per cwt. lower. Portland Miscs-ffaneom 1'ascara Bark Dry 12f je lb., treea c Sj Wioi Valley coarse and mediura aradei. 45r ib. Stehslr 25o lb. on 12-moRth crewth. nominally. Hides calve. 3oc is., tctHTHmt to weight, fcipt 25o lb beet U-12s lb., bull 8-7c lb. Country buyer pay 3o less. Nat Jaeitim n'slntita rranquettes, rir ijusltty Jcm- , 34.7c; iargp, 32.7c; medium, 27.2c; rond quail).? Jumbos, 30.2c; iarire, 28,2c; medium, 2fl 2c; baby, 23.2c; soft shell, first quality large, 29,7c; medium, 28,2c; sec ond quality Urje, 27.2cs medium, 34.7c; babv 22.2c. $ !beria Jam bo, 30c ib,i iarj Itej medlam, 18c; amaii, 13c. Portland firaln Portland, Oct, 2 jP? Cah train urs- (junted. Caasit wheat ?bid: Soft whtt 317(i; oft white SMcSudinf txs SJ,!; whit cliib 2 17 1 1 ; wwiern red unquoted. Hard red winter; Ordinary 2. XT; 18 per rent 2.i7t;ll per cent 2.18; 12 per cent 2.20. Hard white baarf Unquoted. Today' car receipt: VVJial 123; barley 35; flour 8; corn 8; wats 3; mi!i Jeed 14, It is estimftted there are more than 43 million motor cars on U, S. highways. if 5 Pi I 4 1 Alii3fl?A In Narrow Range New York, Oct. 3 i&i Prices Kiged higher today in mod erately active iocic market. Trading waj at the rate of round 800,030 hrei for the entire day. The upturn came laie In the day after the market had am bled aiong quietly in a narrow range. Radio and teievlaion ahares stood higher ail day, Goid ahares aiso kept to the topside for the most part, although some ol these gains were shaved down. Steels switched c little higher after being mostiy unchanged to lower. Motors followed a like pattern. On the higher side were Youngstown Sheet St Tube, Gen eral Motors, Chrysler, Goodl year, Santa Fe, Admiral Corp., Phiico, Kenneeott, Union Car bide, American Woolen, Stan dard Oil NJ, and U. S. Gyp sum. STOCKS iBf th Aocltd Prt) American Can ,,..,,,, ,,..,..,, 95 Am Pow St Lt ATt Tfl Tei i42J Anaconda . , 28 IleiKiix Aviation Sfl's Beth Eteel , . J7' Hoeittg A;rpin 26' Calif Packms Canadian Facltic , 14 Case J I ...,, , Jffi C;rpJUer ........... 31 Chrysfer ,,,, S3 (,'orowjin v sou 5' Cons Vu!te ........ I1 Continents.. Can ,,,,,,,,,, S3 Crown ZeHerbacfc CurtiM Wrifht 7 uousias Aircraft , QtiSQSt de Sem S3J General ESeftric. , General Food . . , Oenersl Wo) ore ,t. Goodyeer Tir ,,,, int Kafvester n ins Paoer 58 Kenneeott 47 Ubby Mrs & L ,., , S'i Los EfJJ "A" iit , Monttrimery ward si Nash Kelilnaipr , 3314 Nat Dalrv 3S NY Central 5-3 Northern Pacifis ...... ...,.,,,.... Pac Am Pish la5 P Gas & Flee 32 Ps Tti tc Tel 550 Penney J C S4 Hadio Corp S2 Rayonler 23si Rayonier Pld Reynold Wstsl i8 Hichfieid ..... S!t Balewsy Bfore 2"33 Sears Rsebacit 41' Southern Pacific 42 Stantlarrt Oil Co fifi'n Studebaker Corp Sunihlne MIhIitb; Transa merle a 13 Onion Oil CsJ ..t,,H,, 29 anion Pacific aa United Alrtlae J35s U S Steei ............. SS Warner Bros Pie Woolworth Delegation Alert on UAL Senators Wayne L. Morse and Guy Cordon and Representative Norblsd are all alert to the Unit ed Air Lines and West Coast Air Lines case as it affects Sa lem, according to work received by the Chamber ol Commerce! from all three. "Formal hearing wiii prob ably not occur for several months," says a wire from Sen ator Morse. "I have received some excellent supporting data which I hope to use to the best advantage in supporting appeal for continuance of United Air Lines." Referring to data furnished by Manager Clay Cochran of the Salem chamber to officials of the civil aeronautics board in support of continuance of the UAL here, Senator Cordon writes that "I made similar rec ommendations to the CAB last week, and have asked to be kept advised of the board s action," "I shall continue," writes Nor biad, "to make every effort to have the public hearing held on the west coast" Hurricane off Coast of Texas Corpus Christ!, Tex., Oct. 3 dj A 100-mile-an-h our hurri cane moved slowly toward the industrial-studded Texas Gulf: coast today. AH along the crescent-shaped coastline from Corpus Christ! to Galveston, about 250 miles, pre parations were made for a big blow late today. Tides already were running high and torrential rains drench ed the whole area. Nearly four inches of rain had fallen at Gal veston. Corpus Christ!, site of the big naval air training center, order ed schools closed. Thirty-five four-engine bombers took off in a rain squall for safe haven at Goodfellow field at San Angelo, in west Texas, Merchants were busy board ing up piate glass windows. Low land dwellers were ordered sway from the coast line. At 7.45 a.m. PST) the hurri cane was centered about 123 miles east southeast of Browns ville, on the extreme southern tip of the Texas coast. The U.S. weather bureau aaid it was increasing in intensity as it moved coastward. !t estimat ed the wind velocity had in creased from 80 miles io 100 miles an hour during the morn ing. Octopuses have an Ink sac from which they can squirt colored fluid which they use as a kind of smoke screen, Rockfeiier Center's tallest building the RCA Building i S50 feet tali, , Capital Journal, Salem, OrM - - - - If. iVf I u f Tyrolean Tyke Gsroed m a complete Tyrolean outfit, Harry Schmidt, two, arrived at LaGuardia Field, New York, from Frankfort, Germany aboard a Pan American plane. Soviet Tightens Divorce Laws Moscow, Oct. 3 Russian divorce procedure- is being tight ened up. The Soviet supreme court has directed courts hear ing divorce cases to regard the "strengthening of the Soviet fam ily and marriage," as the basic problem. A sudden spat between hus band and wife wiii no longer be accepted as grounds for a decree. Cases arising from "accidental or transitory causes" will be thrown out of court. The Moscow radio announced the ruling today. From now on, the radio said, divorces will be granted only; i. "When the divorce case has been raised for serious and well founded motives. 2. "When the further preser vation of the marriage contra-: diets the principles of commu nist morality and there can be no reestablishmeni of normal Iconditions for cohabitation and the upbringing of children." Slale Police Arrest Student Rioters Portland, Ore.. Oct. 3 State police have arrested three Portland high school students and are seeking 27 others in volved in a teen-age "riot" that caused $300 damage to the Jen nings Lodge Community club building Saturday night. Dishes, chairs, furniture and wall partitions were broken dur ing the melee. The students re portedly were from Grant end Washington high schoois. Fighting broke out between rival factions after the students rented the club for a dance. When the party got out of con trol, the entire crowd was dis persed. Windows were smashed and draperies torn. The National Safety council says horse travel was more dan gerous than is automobile travel today with about 30 fatalities per 100 million miles of horse travel in 1908 the peak of such travel in the United States) compared with seven deaths to day for each 100 million miles of auto travel. OBITUARY jlverton--Wittier J eervlcw for Mra, Rf D, Kodser, 8V. flf 808 Jefferaon. whs in sain satifTda? ss.. iteld from th memorial hM;i of th Efcraaa funeral h&m t J a'riorfc WS- neadar. She wa burn in Sf York Oct. 28. .MS and had lived here many yeara, Th wiiy )ii.Tivor is a alep-damMe?, ttf. Mr. Pearl Kerrey Siirtoti Fmmi ris for Mrs. Parl Harey, 8S. lfi ite friy at t SS oclof-k at the traveisWe at Rilverton re melery, flev. Atihnr CtiBTien Saten offi- r)t)M, Bhiwaa FufjeraJ Bom In rhre Mre. Harvey, former! of filiverton, died Friday at her house fn :is Bay, Biit-a in Janwarr 1. iSS. nd iied in iive FERTILIZER We efef f he following feriiVners Ammonium Nitrate Suiphote of Ammonia 1 1-48 Ammonium-Phosphate 16-20 Ammonium-Phosphate " 18 Superphosphate 46 Superphosphate ; Cyartimid-Murate of Potash-Bereri Mixed fertilizer aii grades We ds euttom miisinj el f ertHittri ) nicer any rquirmenft, WOODBURN FEED & SUPPLY C0e f Phone Me.n 147 WeedkurB, Oregon Monday, October 5, 1943 IT : t for s t umber f y'ft tvtfsir.B' t r.cr mother, i&tt. . K. Scrtc; ut, Urt. Bianche Keald, both of Torrtnee, Caiif.: on, 0m of Suaene, a dauhtr, ItfiitfraA ol Cailforn); crndiUu(turf Mre. i Duna c! Kufent. Bettv Jtne We6er it Jan Woo;?, ii, who act Qen '.n.y iciiied at her home oa Au, Jit: Friday, were held ffora th Weddi funt ai noma in Stayton Monday afieraoon. Rev. WUlard Buciner ofllcutim end vr ;i la Lone Oak cemetery. She wu bore Aprd Jt JM. and K urv(vl by her ptt tr.u. Mr. and Mr. Wiibar Wooir. jT.. aa, aevn brother trS fitter. Th f tmiiy formeriy made iU home in thi eair.aGa Kllta MCtleeb Biiiiotttoa B a Slit on Funeral ttrvicts were htte re enxiv In Port Worth, Tex, for Urt. Rill Mi-Calloch Bil!ifttOB, iorinr SJ3iQB reidfnJ. fe w born in Baiistoa 3Atzh 17, 17S, went to Oressn Normal cht&i its McciBcuii! and later Uuf ht in ftoa Kntmix. ajtidea iter irjibttvd it v.ved oy diimer, MLu Donna Jean Bimntaton. a brother Georae McCuiioen. Of Bioadmead and two -sister Mn. R. A. letcy of Seattle and Un. Martin Van Qrsas of BaaiSSon, 34r. B&issiHeti fit dauffiter of Mr. and Mr. Jena Mfi- llarrt cmt k crt nAs. !!C K f air -nf Mr tr.A jatr. Andrew Daviior!. earij tetilera. i. K. Bon m an Bail1on J. B. Bowman died Juddn3y wjjjj ejiWrulJM irlenda at hi hojae Hin EJ!isn. Jact3R Sadney Eawmtn , iirandAon, of I.aac end Ablaall BaXL th founder of Baliaton. wu born so ft arm (at Salt Greet so Wy 35, i3. K JBJffJed to &Ssry Ann OtrreU on Htrch , 'iS5 and tliey n iive in BaliaWR since then, in addition to hi widow and two datiihtera, Mra, Lucdin Ford ol ten jOB asd S5r, Or Aadron of ForUirsd. r erndchaidft. and two broti;rt Tans of BaiJa and TJavld ef BeiUton -jurvi Jijth. One brother and fo'Jr eteSer or ceded iiiss Jo deaift. K wu n eti Hrober of the SiUttOR !OOF iodse nd ret its3.rinn and hunter. Fiineral service were new at the Sheridan ruriirai hoTRe witSi SarSei tst O.'KB Crri MeKsarifti DEATHS Kenneth W. KeTtfcin Ktiifietis W, Jiopkla. 1st resident" ef iiZi KE 45ih aen-a?, Portland, at a fee! hodjiitsl, Sfutf rr.icr 33, t le ef-JS Yaf. Smvnfti by his niit, Mr. SCcx ine L. liapkin of Poniand; two .ll iren, Sormars Wayne Kojstt'.ns and Jeri- iyiin Krty Hopkins. bo1?! of Poriiand: and a: parejtv Mr- -en Mrs, J, B. Sip- of Clinton. lo. -S'liiirU h been tttsde ia Pnrfli.d by ih Jifiw-elJ -Edxd css- e3 Sat ten ictA nd intfraasat, Hruee L. GeiUrted. Hie resident of SS Peerl street, t iorei hoapitai Septem ber 30, at the age ol nine year. Sur vived toy parents. Mr. end Mrn. Lorve4 Ganfned cf fisiem; broir-fr, Robr-i D. GeiiJrSed of 5sinK iinr;dpk!tnu. St. nd Mr. J. A. Carpenter of fisiesst Itu, Mary S?HrJiS SsJem Jacob Gott frid ei &Srsliat : tuaie nd uneie. Has Marie Go;tf rifsl end Lorette, Gott fried, fami. of Ssiem, Mr. und Mt. John OottfrleA Edwerd Ooiifried, Ororce Oon JrifitfS, Afihar QoUftiS, Leweii CsTjsers ter. Mr. Mm, Racer; Csrpfr-.er,- ei5 of &Bm, Mr. n4 Mrs, Leo Gottfried ,.4r. and Mr. Hlchard Haw, Mr, sd Mr. A, R, iSll, sll of PoriisissS, Service wiSi be iieSd Taedy, October 4, t 13 t.st. ti St. Vmeettt de Piwl liyrcii. Recltttiofi,. of Tossry MondiT, October S, it pm. in hB Koysrs-Sarrirl; Speie Incerme c lc aj- Mrs. Ere IrdU foUai f Mr. Eve. Lydi Falesd, t her iwajs 52 BE Anteer.y itfeet, Peniand, Octo ber i, t the Kate Bf 7t Tsr. Surve4 St S-.ufii.ter. Mr. E.n 3. of Pijrt- isTtd; ttftnrjii!'.ier.tr. sSiwi Lorrfue WeiS sf PsrsJesd, three bro; rtraf, Rel of Cor if ills, Oretton, John Kd of Newberg, end Oeorje Be4 of Sfsoj' torn tftree uter, Mre, Etu Downine oi StaytOR, Mr. Ethel MfiOalloasl. of AbU lope, ijrfif r.n, i5aS Mr, jossie Portep -of w?t Sttytort. serviee m tie neK! 6 the st iO SO ,m. andtr the diteetiaa of the Coionlftl Moriuery of 1srtlts-4. Interment in the I OOF cemetery. Rev. Dadle? Strain win oiiicnie. Bnitrnin S. Bide Mtrket St., near Sara. Or., Octdbor i, t the ese at tSt yr. Survived 6y W.5 q. Mr. Eif. Rider of St! em; three dmiEh- ters. M. O3roihy Mfttttiew tnJ Mr. Merforle Blarichett. both of Stiem. nd Mrs. Virrinia Pott of Brooirj; mother. Mm, Oeorjte DHto of Siaeer, Ore., four rndehUdren . Member al Cp!tJ iot AmtfitsR Legicn A&timx&mttt ef rvic iiter the Hawsil-lKw,rd Ann Bfatfr Sueff t Aim Blir Biieli. th fwitSenoe st iSCfj Wsiier St., October X X the se of 15 yeer, .Survived by de ugh fere, Laftr.ft Byell of Well WU. Wmr.j xoe, Kr beri Hsnon of Sslem; broUnr. Oer Bisir of Qfsi!m; i trandchirdren jmJ 11 sreet t rtn-dcrilWreR, Memtxr of iii Free MeitstwSisi eftrateii. tenfiee iffi ha Tuejtder. October 4. t 1:36 .ae. t the Howeii -Edward ehapei with".th Rev. J, S. W1Br offJiiitin, InMraseot In CUjr View juetery Mrt. tttUe St.rt Mr. Liiii Stewcrt. Ji rwi-den sf tft Tenniracfe street, t locel l.oelt.l. Ot5 tober i. Survived by two son, Ralph Ctir art oi i;na end uoiiB )& Stewart or Auitirt. M4nn. Announcenierit of err4ae J?r b? C!flh-B",rrlcli iBspaBy ; enea miiiiww Htea (et reef frve fTeen-agew: acial blotches To U?ane tk.n erfuiiy n.tv pimply .mUtion tnd so i3 heaS sngt tif thfe fsmous twin heSj RESINDL0ST AdvertiaemeRt i HOW TO PUT OUT FiRE Of STOWACH ULCER PAIN ceutetc1 fry cijf forit funt anffer from aacFTiinina pain p4 Mnetaat burojoe; of alomarh nicer, indiffea iion, . hwriifSTR, citir ditre msms hr ftr K.imiifh d. Pfander' TafeSete t ;yrneed to br!re aroaaJnjr ipilelu aatHttlnar relief f etwft wneh -dtc4raee OR MiJKijy BAf'K ! y.M-misl f( f, H. Pfondw, i'h.Q., fitina nwisl!T-ttS tepwSi t,u. Af itj o!r iraffrrer hitre bar!fc we 11Xi.dCKi.iKW VftttioVr" TaWeta tn pect tt Tear. StS Plunder T.Wet tod?t llfT 1 ae"1 4 0 VJ lLa