16 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Per Uni ISe ...Per Lint 1 time 4oe .Ier Line time .Qc . Per tine I month 12 00 rOuUtdi of Salem ISo per line per day. Min. SOei I time mln. JOc 6 time mln. 11.30. No Refund READER In Local News Col Only: fer Lin 30 To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES MODE KM 3 bdrm. WOO. Ph. 8-6189. a238 BY ,0WNIK: 3H B.R. tiouse on creek, fireplace, garage, iu furnace, gas range Included. 18100 11400 down, $75 mo. Ph. Salem 2-4851. to 10 p.m. " $.500. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT tjt Mviu. nice lawn and hrubi. auto. bt., 2 bdrroa., f-plc, dinette, attach, a., atorage apace, pvd. at. Really a uy at una price. 110.800. A CUTIE 490 N. 33rd St. Bairn, with V plumb., 411 fur., 3 nice bdrma., lota of bullt-lns. flMDlc. bt. kltch. House li fully insl. 8 yrs. old. Li- ga., corner lot, distant owner says sen. tlO.ftoO. ON BEAUTIFUL N. 18TH BT, Tdll. baim.. oil ht.. Ik. din. rm.. 3 nice bdrma., pvd. at. and wks., good paint iniiae ana out. 101 wiui ntn. verms 110.700. NO. 3 ZONE Pwrt. furnished, full basm., 4 bdrmi., top condition, loc. on state Bt. Pn. zeww. D. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Tt. Ph. 3-7789, 3-8704, 3-3838. a23ft 5 Rboms and Basement Large living rm., dining rm. Handy kit chen, and a bd. rm. Oarage. High cor ner lot. All paved. On bus line. Close to school and stores, price 17500. EDGE OF TOWN 1H A., an ordinary 3 bd. rm. home. Small barn, city water. Price Just re duced to $1300. Call Ben Cleary. Walter Musgrave, Realtor - 2 ACRES $4800 One of the but spots of ground any where. Small well-built home. Easy terms, mllei E. of Keizer on Che ma wa Rd. :,; Commanding View Couple. A nice 3 bd. rm. home, with a fine lot. Nice lawn, good neighborhood and a gorgeou view of city, valley and mountains. All for I87S0. You have a desirable home. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-8109 e236 fflCE 5 RM. old house. With lots of fruit . and flower on a lots. 15600. Ph. 3-0846. . a236 6NE OP THE BEST homes In Englewood. SHR. on one floor, dble. plbg., finished basement, double garage, cor. lot. Im mediate POSSCSSiOn. SOUTH HIOH BT. HOME. 3 BR., full basement, oil heat, lota of bullt-iiu. Very nice lot. 113,800. Latsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 184 8. Com'L, Ph. 3-8380, Eve. 3-7440 . . a238 R3(M. NEW modern 3-BR home. Paved Street, close to school. Immediate pos aession. 11350 down. Bal. F.H.A. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., .v REALTORS Iftl S. High St. Ph. 3-4121 Eves. 2-5561 a236 LOTTA HOUSE FOR THE II ' 111,500. New 4 BR home located N. Of Mitt. St. In Englewood. 3 BR up. 2 dn. "fiflly plastered. Best of construction, and fry attractive. A real place for some on who needs the rm. and don't have a big bank roll. Buy now and choo.se Mir own colors. Rea. terms. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE . 'I 433 North High St. a237 NEW t B.R., F.H.A. built home. Large loan ft small down payment. 910 Ford St. a 2 38 FOR SALE or rent: New I bdrm. house, Ph. 2-7202. 980 Evans. a235 BY "OWNER 3 bdnn. hse nearly new. Partly turn., near school. Alt. garnge. Auto, electric water heater. $5300. Some terms. 3480 N, ftth. Ph. 3-6935 eves, or wek ends. a235 M?rm, CLEAN modern 3-BR home 1 yr. -old. Fireplace, hardwood floors, Ven- 4Man blinds, furnace. 11,000 down. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., :.-REALTORS IU (. HMD t. Ph. 3-4111 Iv. J-55S1 .23C $2250 I rm. hie. on good sited lot near Paulas cannery. Good rental. C. W. Reeve, Realtor a235 ftUO Lata built I BR. home N.E. Ph. $8250 ..New 3 bdrm. hse. Suburban. Close to school City bus. City water. F 11 A Terms. ,Jp. W. Reeve, Realtor .... Jl v,n commercial m. fbon 1-4590 Eve. 8-30BB. g235 Priced to Sell SMrms. all on one floor, Ranch type. Irfgrne living rm. with fireplace. Kitchen with lots of built In'.i ft snack bar. Hdwd. firs, thruout. Bble. gar. Just out of City limit. Beautiful flower ft ahrubs. Priced at 18800, C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 fl. Commercial Bt. Phone 1-4590 Eve. 3-9530. a235 For a d i scr i minati n gho m e s e e k f : r desiring the best, This beatullul nub urban home, modern in every detail. Large living room with fireplace: cheer fiM dining room: Ideal kitchen; two bedrooms; ttle bath first flour: extra large room upstairs with private bnth, Cement basement, oil furnace; two-car garage; beautifully landscaped, excel lent view. For appointment see or call Kj, N, V corner with Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 3-3863. Eve. 3-4007 a33S NnitERN 3 bdrm. house. WlrVdforrange -aad elec. water heater. Floor furnace Hardwood floor. In W. Salem. Have to all my equity. Will take good cur as P.irt payment. 826 S. 12th. Ph. 2-90!). nr 3-5611. a:31 BY OWNER Leaving town, must "sell at ai'rrlfire: 3 bdrm , fireplace, hdwd. firs., full buement, nice yd. Englewood dit. 10 Thompson Ave. a238 LOTS OF'ROOM I room home with 32x14 ft. IMni room with fireplace, 12x14 ft. dining rofttn. Breakfast nook In kitchen. Hard wood floors thruout. 3 12x14 ft. bed rooms. Double garage, northeast. Price TT7M). No. 201, 201 S High Ph 3!2nj REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE " tvt ft Sun. 33738, 4-2871, 159 OS aJSS T FAIRMOUNT HILL , Pine 8 B. R. home on a Quiet street basmt, oil furnace, fireplace, wall to w all carpet full price J92.S0. Conaider awap for home In Hollywood nisi. : NEAR LINCOLN : SCHOOL ?l B. R home, fireplace, elec. heat, hwd. frs,, beau, large fenced lot, outdoor fireplace fwh pond, really a line family home at Moon. '.FINE KEIZER HOME At 4380 River Rd. Is a fine t B. R home - with an unfinished upstairs, fireplace, full bsmt., beau, lane ot with frontage - en River Rd, A Cherry Ave. excellent . site for business bldg. Consider swap for home in East Salem.-Craw ford. 3&UKT PICHA, Realtors 171 N HUH l-SJM OlfIC, Mill V OMNIH WHO IB IMPt.OYItD IN - IU1.LAH NICI J HOnM HUM. ATT or met virw, HtlWD floohs FTHKPLAf'F riNCTn IN YAHI1, Lord A OF FLOWERA SHRUBS, ClOII TO SCHOOL BUB KINOWOOl) !IT i mT. mom Kaurrv will handle .3 THIS SOME BALANCE. F.H A. Ar- s riuisEu. ru. a-iosi. hit Ore., Monday, Oclober 3, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER 2 bdrm., one block to McKlnley school ft bus, Hdwd. Irs., open circular statr way, plastered dry basement, oil fur nice. Will consider my reasonable of fer. Ph. 3-572. a 240 Open for inspection Modern 3 bdrm. home. Large living room with circulating fireplace, dining room, kitchen ft breakfast nook, attached garage ft Inside utility room. Very are lot. Fenced In Iront lawn. Reas onable price for this type of home. Can be seen anytime. Call at 3330 Sunny view Ave. a340 Near Glen Creek Road Not far out. Cute 3 BR home, Mew. I modem and only $4250. Term. 1 T Tl- 1 T li r. isnerwooa, neaiior 2007 N. Capitol Bt. Office Ph. 3-3802. Eves. 3-2147 or 3-8838. ,aaT BV OWNER: 6 rooms, large Jot. Ideal lo cation, loaou. ea Hoyt st. a240' REDUCED Large living room. DR. 2 nice BR. bath kit., large utility, at. Karate with lots or storage space. Extra big lot near Highland school. FHA terms. Priced at lyjuu. 10 give immediate possession. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N. High St. Phone 3-4129. S237 Close in Location An xtra lot included. Oood 3 BR home. Xtra bsmt. rm. F'olaee. Hdwd. firs. DR. Lots of fruit & garden. 2040 Market Ht. we will be glad to make an ap polntment for you. 19500. Terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3862. Eves. 3-2147 or 3-B836. a237' BY OWNER modern 2 Br. home with dining room & 12x20 utility room, blk. E. of city limits. Ph. 32776. a237' Adjoining City Limits 6 acres planted. Small modern house. Beautiful landscaped grounds. 3 acres full bearing walnuts. This U unusual si priced right. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church. Ph. 3-7643. Eve. 3-0126. a235 OA It A (IE HOUSE) acre; chtx house; mm; nuts; good residential district jjouth. 12500. E. A. McGlauflin REAL ESTATE 319 S. Com ! St. Ph. 2-5211. Evt. J-3J03 236- FAIRMONT HILL Liv. rm., din. rm., kit., nook, 3 BR, den, and bath on one floor. Full basement with play rm., BR. shower Se laundry. Auto Electric furnace, 2 fireplaces, In sulated, weather stripped, V. blinds, awnings, dble. gar , very li. lot, fenced yard, 1070 John St. Phone 3-8226. a240 A GOOD BUY In i 3 BR home In West Sa lem. Only 16 mo. old, wall to wall rugs. Plastered, 3 blocks to school. 1 block to bus. lift us how you this home. Priced at 18500. Oood terms. LET US SHOW you this older type 3 BR nome. very wen located m East Balem. 1500 down, total price 15.500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Excusive Listings Personal Service 164 3. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 or 3-4037. a237" FOR SALE LOTS FOR CHOICE residential tracts In King wood Ills. & Cascade Terraces, at mod erate prices & very low monthly terms, see the orlxinal owner St developer, C. A. RoberUon,Ph. 3-8413. aa259 BY OWNER: Lot 70xM2."clty water, aoutlT restrictions, bun. 8850. 825 Dn. 810 a mo. Ph. 25211Eve. Sun. 2-3203. aa236' LOTS EAST ON BROWN ROAD. Electri city, water. $15 down St J 15 month. General Real Estate 355 Center Ph. 3-3289. aa238 2 HUB. LOTS, N.. Ideal tor small nurs ery. Rd. at front and back. Ph. 3-0181. aa235 MAxliw VIEW LOT. 3185 ViewTve"nue7 City water-RAs. nenr Salem Heights school. $850. Ph. 20008. aa247 FOR SALE FARMS NEW FARM LISTING: Very good 52 acre fflrm; best of soil; variety of fruit and berries. Includes machinery, livestock, and household furnishings. Located about 10 miles north of Salem. Oood buikllnss. Price to soil at $23,000. For more information call or see Oscar Sed erstrom with Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors You'll Like This 80 acres, few miles east, lovely three bdrm.. strictly modern house with dou ble fireplace, auto, oil furnace; double garage, barn; 75 acres seeded to perma nent grans. A beautiful spot and a good farm. The price Is only 122.500 take time to analyze If. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High Phone 3-7660 Eve. phones 3-45fll- 2-6605 b235 BY OWNER in Angel dlst. Lovely aiA farm all under cult. Willamette Hilt anil. Very good bUtus.Mod. 7-rm. house Eiiutiu'd Willi tractor and tnrm mach. Ac Brain. 113.000 equity 15,000. 4'.i 20 vear loan. 2's miles east of 99E on McKee Ri Jns. S. Ridings, Rt. 2, Box 37, Woodburn, Oreg. b240 20 A. ;h. Nice api ll.'iOQ down C. W. Reeve, Realtor 915 a. Commercial St Phone ljj90 Eve. 2-30B8. b235 Grade "A" Dairy 45 acre dairy farm, all In cultivation, grade A bum St milk house. Excellent 5 room plastered home with hardwood Moor. 16 high producing dairy cows. Tractor with complete equipment. All for $29,000. Consider Salem home as Part Dunn Realty Exch. b235 FOR SALE 70 acre. 30 under cultiva tion, year around st ream, a acres of c Imer and fescue. $100 and best ear offered for down payment. Also $3000 worth of stock and equipment on very eauy terms It wanted. Write Capital Journal hot 441. b235 76 Acres Near Mt. Angel 50 A. bottom land. Irrigation available. Large HOME, elec, pressure water, bath, bnsenient, barn 40x60, drtve-tn hay mow. Concrete foundation. Many out bu ltd inn, ahundance of family fruit, tlmde nd shrubs. BARGAIN. $15,000 00 S Cih. Balance at 4 Dunn Realty Exch. 084 N. Paclflo Hlway, Woodburn, Ore. bJSl M ACRES 11 MILK north of Balem. No milium, nui irnov on nous, inquire 07 N Capitol. Apt. No. . MSB FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNER 7 acres. 6 miles N Owxl1n come, modern all -electric home, nice barn, dhle. garage Leaving state. Rt. 3. UiX 2fi2. Ph. 3-1857. bb238 A VERY comfortable older type modern 4 B It. house, good well, email barn, and other bldg.v, on 5 acres. Near Lancaster Drive, Only $8500. $1500 dn. A very attractive suburban 3 BR home, brick trim, II. W. floors. Atl elec., good well. lie. lot, has about $6800 O.l. loan. Yours todav l $9350. Larson Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com'l, St. Ph. 3-8388 Tr- or S-47 hh3S8 REAL ESTATE FOtv YOt'R RAV1NOH investment buy flMf mortgage on real estate Salem e vicinity Ft amine security yourself Amojnta $500 10 leveral thousand dol lars, net inveMnra lv We make all col lections for you tl Jesired m ATEFINANCECO 15$ S High e Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE FURNISHED $800 DOWN ! If1 per month. 3 bedroom home close to school and bus. Large garage, furn ishing include electric range and Launderall. Immediate possession. No. 388 $500 DOWN! bedroom nice location. 2 blocks to store. Fenced In back yard. Immediate REIMANN FOR 101 South HUh REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $6900 SPECIAL Brand new, north. 2 bdrma. Insulated Electric heat, Attached garage. Car port Private well. Large lot. 5 blocks to achool. Easy finance. Eve. Ph. 3-i.io8. BUSINESS BLDG. Select location. Large ant. upstairs. Lot of parking room. Corner lot. Paved street both sides. Total pri'.e $9500 Terms. Eve. Ph. 3-3S58. AUTO COURT We have listed a very n:ce court with nice home. One acre highway frontage Lots of room for expansion. Will trade for otner Income property or market. What have you. Eve. Ph. 3-3558. 5 ACRES Oood building site. Family fruit it nuts. Trees. Well drained. Priced right. 12200. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-35r,8. 13 ACRES B rm, modern house built In 1945. Paved road. Family orchard. Good well. Only 4 miles from Salem. See this one. Total price $8500. Eve. Ph. 3-840:s or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list it with us Wr have all kinds ot cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 183 S High St ee WE ARB In need oi gooo houses to aeii In or near Balem II you wish to list your property for sale setv GRABENIIORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 rn BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION for sale. Inventory only. Corner of Fairgrounds Rd. Se Capi tol St. Ph. Portland, East 1106 or Salem Grocery - Home Cottage rented. On Pacific hi way, Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N. Pacific Hlway, Woodburn. Ore. Cci235 MAKE GOOD money in your snare time. Will sell Alkuna 4 col. vending machines for half of cost. Other remit business Interests force sale. Ph. 2-4432. cd2:i9 FOR LEASE or sale, new- store hull cling, taxsu, at 444 Marion St. fn. 2-45e. cd2IO DUPLEX Completely furnished, one 2 BR apt., one 1 BR apt., entirely separate. Good location. Live In half let the oilier half pay for your home, or rent both lor $125 per month lor a real Investment. The price only $10,500. Owner will con sider trade on 4 BR home near high achool. Chas Hudkins & Son CONFECTIONERY, SANDWICH SHOP LIVING QUARTERS. NEW BLDO. FULLY EQUIPPED. FINK BIIKINLSS HIOH SCHOOL TRADE 11,000.00 Dunn Realty Exch. Woodburn, Ore. 984 N. Pacific Hi-way. ed2 Tavern - Sandwich Shop Lots of parking, 185 ft. on Pacific Hlway. excellent butldlnn, 11 vine quar ters. BUSINESS Is GOOD, Health rea aon for selling. 23, 750.00 Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N. Pacific Hlway, NICELY furnished 5 room modern home nd small trnller court with monthly in come between $200 and 1300. Ideal for couple wishing to retire from active work. A. C. Bunner, 1005 So. 21st St. cd2:t5 Coin-Operated Radios Man or woman wanted to independently own and operate new metal streamlined RCA coin -operated radios. Insured by Lloyd's asalnst fire damane and theft. We secure the best hole! and motor court locations under contract. Perma nent weekly income. Can handle in spare time; no experience necessary. Profits start Immediately. Steady In come routes start at $775 CASH. If gen uinely Interested Rive phone and write Box 488 Capital Journal. rd23fi $6,000. CONFECTIONERY First class eoulp,, location and lrase, booka are open for your inspection. Phone 2-flflRO. ED, LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North Hlch St. rd215 FURNITURE FOR SALE COMPLETE house" furnishings." 499North 24th St., Salem. ri238 t BEDROOM SliTES.J!)0A:$150n.irk green 2 pc. llUng room suite, 80, 0xV2 wool rug & pad. $6.V WeM'miliou.se el ectric ramie with clock, Jl.iO. Every thing In good cond.tlon. Pit. 2-5101, 3S? I.vnn Ave. d236- WANTED FURNITURE IF YOU HAVE U RMTI RE. appliances, sporting goods, etc., io sell A- want TOP PRICES he sure to cull T It Al i F H LOUIE 3055 Portland Rd Ph. 3-85j8 dny.s o 2-4407 eve, da235 HIGHE'-T PR I ('IS paid phone Glenn at Woodrv Auction Mnret Ph VM10 rtn AUCTIONS AUCTION TUESDAY. OCT. 4. 8 P.M. Furniture, appliance.. ni;mv household Items and effects. See Tuesday 1 Lst . Ph. 3-5110. Glenn Woodry Auctioneer t pay cash or sell rn cmriiMOTi. tri?" FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BLAClTMARE. 3 yrs7"olri.Rrpke8afefor anyone. See Oeo. Oreen at Slop 1 ite Coflee shop. Ph. 29143. rZM- BONDKDAND LICENSED Ilve.Mockbmer. I. C. McCandlsh, 1127 S 2b. Ph. 38H7. RABBITS WING'S BABBITRY nre.ls rahMtS. Top prices Sm St:e Pi VMS et242 FUEL OREGON FUEL COMPANY Oood clean aawdiwt Dry slab or green for (urn see Orten exUlng 15 50 load. Double i;o X Dry edging 18 00 load. Ph. S,v.t3 ec2).i SPECIAL BUY YOt'R WINTER 8 WOOD NOW I conn ioao. it oo PH. 2-7442 ee245 nrixiiTor a tmsn ou.rph a-3ine Shell Oil Co. L. T. Mm well, dLtm ,t--e-2S SLAB WOOD, mill run. 18 per load Hand picked. IU per load. Ph. alter I P m 177J1. friSi IFOR SALE HOUSES Parochial school, possession. block to bus and REAL ESTATE FUEL CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends Block Wood. Ph. 36444 ee1 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak, ash it maple. V fir, 16' slab and ediinia. Ph 31458. ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OH Phone <m 2-4031 Also pic up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27443 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Ft esh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR BiiH GREEN STAMPS) FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs- nay. order Frys or Hens now at spe cial quantity prices for your lockers Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 22861, Lee'g Hatchery. f NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues Pox Hatchery, 3830 State St Ph. 1-4969 P PRODUCE LATE GRAVENSTEIN and King apples. Joe Lucas, OrcJiard Heights rd. Ph. 2-5958. K238' LATE FEARS, delicious eating D'AnJous, now ready. Bring boxes. Allrma Motel, 3645 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-4510. ff238 KING apples. You pick. 75c bu. Rt. 9, Box i8. mile S. Liberty Sch. If235 GRAPES 4c lb. You pick. Bring contain ers. Walden. 3845 Portland Rd. f(240 GET YOl'R winter supply now. Potatoes, ji.as per too; onions, $1.00 sack; Deli cious apples, 75c box. Al Ped, Rt. 7, Box 149. Ph. 3-1580. 3'j miles N. of underpass. f f 235" TOMATOES 75c Bu. U-plck. Imlah Fruit farm, ha mile on Wallace rd. Ph. 20374. ff237 TOMATOES a bu. or ton. U-Plclc II bu. man. Box 32, Ph. Jefferson 604. ff243 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service lor small lots. Phone 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. ff" TOMATOES, cucumbers, fresh eggs. Frl- fcaard Fruit Farm. M ml. N Keizer school. ff240 HELP WANTED FILBERT pickers, 21'3c. 260 W. Ewald Ave. 8235 A SPLENDID opportunity for a middle axed, semi-rettred. man or woman to serve as a representative for an es tablished Investment counselor service. Room 139 Pacific Bldg. Salem, Oregon. g237 ACCORDION INSTRUCTOR. Part or full time. Excellent opportunity. No ex perience necessary. We train you. Write Capital Journal, Box 422. g23I HELP WANTED MALE EXP. floor covering mechanic. Apply M.K.N. Furn. West Salem. ga236 OPPORTUNITY for experienced photo finisher. Inquire Oregon State Employ ment Service. 710 Ferry St. ga238 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Housekeeper. Must be good cook, 2 adults. Prefer one to go home nlshts. Ref. required. Ph. 3-6509. gb235 EXPERIENCED Beauty Operator, capa ble of managing shop. All answers kept confidential. State qualifications arid salary expected in first letter to Box 460 Capital Journal. gb235 WANT WOMAN for light house work & re for 2 small boys. Ph. 2-0594. gb237 HOt'SEKEErER Wanted. Modern country nome. oooa wages. Apply Box 463 capi tal Journal. gb338 WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK and care of children. Call 2-7526 evenings after 5. gb237 GENERAL housework. Ref. 695 N. Liberty. gb23fl- EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3fi0 State Street Phone 2-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN GOOD OPPORTUNITY. Nationally known product. Car essential. Apply 668 N, High between 9 and 10 a.m. gg EXPERIENCED TuYnTture salesman, list exp. At qualification. Write Box 894, Capital Journal at WANTED POSITIONS Mimeographing-Typing POE'S. 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643 TREEWORK Toppine. Removing, Etc. INSl'RED OPERATOR JOHN PAYNE 248 8. Church Ph. 3-8014. h237 WANT JOB on farm or dairy, experienced. P.O. Box 173. Turner h236 CI STOM WORKTplowing and discing by the hour or Job. Ph. 1-1121. Springer. h339 Minni.E AGED lady desires baby sitting in mv home day. Please call at S95 BMler ave. or Ph. 3-8088. h235 CHIID CARE day or hr. Ph. 2-8685. h258 MECHANIC wishes permanent work, ft rrs. experienced on dlesel and P. yrs. on gas. Hon. dls. from the navy. Sept. 33. 1949. Ph. 3-8326. h23S Oregon Tree Service Insured opp. - Phone 1-1498. h336 M'RSE THOROUGHLY Liberty. Uay or ntsht. ciinn cara by day. In my home. Ph. 3-4871 h237 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. aervT ice Former Phone opr. Ph. J-S072. h256 INTERIOR PAINTING, EXP. Ph. 3-6796 h253 CHII,DCAReTT83' 8l8thTPh. 26876h243 TRIE WORK, topping trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W H. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph MM. h235 BABY SITTING. Night relief. Ph. l0,80. h2S NEW L4WNS prepared and seeded. Light tractor on rubber wlht doier. Ph. 1-6117. h25l CEMENT WORK wanted Ph 2-480 h EDUCATION DIESEL POWER Mechanically inclined men get free tacts about opportunities and training iVnn coering big new field of DIESEL ENGINES tor trucks, tractors, loco motues. power plants, ships, etc. We train you in your spare time. Write for details giving aee and present occupa tion. Utilities Diesel Training, Regis trar. 2521 Sheffield, Chicago 14. Ill fehlJl REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Just Right for Two A neat tnd clean 1 bedroom home, hardwood floor and V. blinds, extra large lot. ONLY 15000. Don't Miss This Buy Within 8 blocks of city center, an attractive home on the creek basement, auto heat, fireplace, brick patio. 1 bedroom down, 2 small bedrooms up A REAL BUY FOR JUST $6050. Good terms. Right on North 19th Street Just about 1 block from the Englewood School District, an attractive 2 bed room home with unfinished upstairs, basement, fireplace and hardwood floors, extra deep lot. New low price $8900. Do You Need More Room We have listed a good modern 4 bedroom family home, well worth the money, the living-room is 12x18 with a 12x12 dining-room, the bedroom down can dou ble for a den. the kitchen has a nook and there is part plumbing down, upstairs has 3 bedrooms and bath, full basement and 2 car garage, fireplace, etc. There's lota of llvablllty offered here for 111,250, 5 Acres and a Home Located right on Center St. Home has 3 bedrooms, basement, has good barn, chicken house, lots of fruit and berries, $12,600. Buy More for Your Money See this very complete 3 bedroom home, H has many features you usually find only In top priced homes: Triple plumbing, auto, oil heat, party room In large basement the low price of $15,000 makes tt a real buy. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Eve. 2-3488 - 2-5996 EDUCATION VETERANS Train for REFRIGERATION In Portland In our well-equipped school shops. We teach you to build. Install and service deep freerers. beer coolers, walk-in coolers and domestic units. REVERSE CYCLE HEATING (By Refrigeration) For Information on housing, starting dates, part-time work West Coast Trades Representa tive, Marion Hotel Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. hh238 Rawlins Music Studio Violin and Piano. State accredited teacher. Ph. 2-6013. hh250 FOR RENT ROOMS ROOM FOR gentleman. Close In. 632 No. Winter. Jk235 LARGE SLEEPING room. Gentleman. Close to bus. Evenings Phone 34931 jk240 NEWLY DECORATED rm. for lady. 1st fir. Close In. Cooking priv. 740 Chemek eta. ;k239 NICE SLEEPING RM. Ph. 3-7558. jk239 SLEEP. RM. Hollywood, 2038 McCoy. Ph. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for cm- ployed person. Ph. 38265. Jk235' SLEEPING ROOM. Hot Ac cold water. 461 N. High. jk240- PLEASANT SLEEPING room for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. Jk235 PLEASANT heated bedroom. Close to bus line. 468 N. l&tti. Jk237 SLEEPING RMS. for men. 385 W. 14th. SLEEPING ROOMS. PH. 3-4335. Jk237 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1 RDRM. furn. apt. $45. 420 S. 20th. Be tween 8 and 7 p.m. jp235 TWO ROOM furnished apt. for two work ing girls. Private entrance. Close In. Ph. 2-5539 evenings. JP235 LARGE 3 room apt, furn. Elec. stove Si refrlg. $45 mo. No children. Hlway 99N. Ph. 24226. Jp237' NICELY FCRN. 2 rm. apt. Close to State Offices. Air Cond. Heat. 1434 Ferry. jp235 2 RM. APT., private bath and entrance. Working couple. Batchlor, Vi blk. from store and bus. 735 S. 13 th. 1 A 2l RmTaPT. Prlv. bath. 633 Ferry St7 jp236 MOD. 4 RM. APT. Employed couple. Re liable. Adults only. 190 S. 25th. Ph. 3-5045. JP236 NICE FURN. apt. all-electric. 1075 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8706. Jp237 FOR RENT HOUSES MODERN two-bedroom house in Wood burn, Call at 2330 Hyde St., Salem. jm237 ft RM. HOUSE. Call at 940 D St. jm235 FOR RENT two bedroom house 2 yrs. old elec. stove and refrigerator at 2145 N. Liberty St. 175 month. Call at 633 Ferry St. Apt. 302 after 1 p. m. jm235 $225 DOWN )66 per month buys modern 2 bdrm. home L, E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church. Ph. 2-7643. Eve. Voi26 )m235 MODERN 3 rm. house. Adults. 1980 Hazel 60. Ph. 3-5431. Jm236 MODERN 1 bdrm. house. Immed. poss. 7 miles N.W. of Salem.On Willamette river garden A. 135 per mo. to responsible Party. Ph. Turner 241X. jm235 FURNISHED house for rent. Silverton Ph. 1553. jm23Ji! S RM. unfurn. house. Newly decorated. 2 blks. to Hollywood dlst., 160 Ph. 3-6S81 after 5. Jm23S FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS GOOD SETUP for used car lot etc. 3 bdrm. house St large lot. Business tone. Fair grounds Rd. near bank. Ph. 3-6189. J235 MOD. 4 RM. apt. Emp. couple. Aduljs on ly. 1908. 25 Ph. 3-5045. J235 STORE BI.DG. HolIywoodDL't. Inquire 2390 Fairground. Ph, 3-7148. J239 OFFICE space. In Oregon Bldg. Inquire Rm. 222 Oregon Bldg., Oscar BJornson. J235 OFFICE, desk space, Conr. loc Ph. 39133 J245" FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. ! POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 8-3646 J TO DO a good lob rent a good floor sand r We vil everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS - Ph. S-S646 J lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff OFFICE paces and desk space. Ph. 35683 FOR RENT: 12 A. farm with modern 3 BR house. 14 stanchion barn, silo. etc. Family orchard. For one year or longer. cah rent. Cecil Woherton Rt. 1 Box 415. J23T TRAILERS 12.00 per day Howser Bros 141u & i2th, West Salem. j BUs 1 N Ess RM. tor rent H L. Stiff, t U DRIVE trucxa, cars Ph 2-9103. RU sin Essni.no. About eowTTq. ft. 'floor space. Oood location for garage or ware house. By owner at 3010 S. Cottage. Sa- - 5fITK J33fl SINGER ELECTRIC portable (twine ma chines Reasonable rates. Free pick up A delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co tW N Com I Ph SSM2 j WANTED TO RENT t BDRM. t'NM'RN. house ."close "to school. Some rent may be wonted out. 3397 Harel Journal Want Ads Pay j I REAL ESTATE - 3-3632 WANTEDTO RENT VET, WIFE SMALL CHILD, native of Salem desire 1 or 2 BR furn. or partly furn. house, North, re as. rent. Exc. refs. Ph. 2-9032 8:30 to 5:30. ja238- WOULD LIKE TO BENT 20 or "so Teres of farm land. Ph. 3-1121. Ja239 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD A ROOM for employed men only. BOARD and room. Ph. 3-8706. LOST AND FOUND NTRAYED: ENGLISH Setter. Is being cared for at LeGray Kennels. Owner must Identify. Ph. 31398. k231 LOST: N. Santlam club scrapbook. Che meketa St. about 3 p.m. Ph. Stay ton. 205-R collect. k235 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m244 POWER TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORE, 4345 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-2(724. m239- DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. State & CommrclaJ Sts SALEM Phone S-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS SHINGLES No. 1 $7.75 sq. No. 2 5.00 sq. No. 3 3.00 sq. C. G. LONG. Phone 2-5821. One mile north of Keizer. ma238 SHINGLES missing? Gutter down? Get 'em fixed up! See Keith Brown, Front St Court St., Salem. ma PLYWOOD New supply, complete stock. pick your choice of material. At lowest prices. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile N. of Keizer. ma237 Windows Sashes Hundreds of new and used sashes. For kitchen, bath, bedrooms, commercial and farm use. Used double and triple windows, complete with frame. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821 1 mile . of Keizer, ma237 SIDINGS New white asbestos siding 810.00 per sq. Carload supply. No paint required. Ce dar shakes in the carton $12.00 sq., un dercourse Included. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile N. of Keizer. ma237 GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. SI- gurdson. Phone 31160. ma249 NEED LUMBER? 4 larger amounts. Builders are realizing substantial savings on all grades of framing lumber. No. 4. 2x4-1x8 ship lap $17 per M; 2x6-2x8-2x10 $15 per M No. 3. 2x4 shlplap $36 per M. Price In cludes delivery. West Salem Saw Mill. 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. ma249 NEW KITCHEN sinks complete with fauc ets, trap only $13.50. Used wash bnsins with all fittings, $12.50 to $15.00. Large attractive, new medicine cabinets $7.50. C, G. Long, Ph. 2-5S21. 1 mile N. o! Keizer. ma237 CEDAR SIDING New smpment ix8" and axl0" cedar siding, all grades Keith Brown, Front Si Court Sts., Salem, ma SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on yout roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside aalesman for free estimate Phone 8-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. SALEM. OREGON WRECKING AT 1256 FERRY ST. Kitchen built-lns, veneer cabinets, good used sawdust furnace. See Christ Mud son. ma237 ALUMA - LOCn. AL0MINUM LOCK JHINOLE. The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer of Call Dlst. 3-640! ma272 DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 2ft Lena Ave Ph. 34939. Free parking. ma LUMBER and mill work, cabinets, too. averytning you neea, is nere lor you. Keith Brown, Front Ac Court St., 8b- Wrecking Another House AT 1256 FERRY ST. Used doors and windows, bathroom fix tures, good used elec. water heater, lots of good flooring. See Chris Madson at the bldg. ma236 RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Timber No 1 $7 75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 iqs. No. 3. 8 in clear, suitable for roofs or sidewalla. Ted Muller. Ph Sa tern 2-1196. Salem-lndep. Road. ma DOORS New IV Colonial doors $13 50. fir slab doors $13.50, mahogany slab doors $24.30, new glass doors 110 25, screen doors $6.50. combination storm doors 110,00, interior pane) doors $5.75 ft up C. O. Long. Ph. 2-5821 1 mile N. of Keirer, m237 fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana ave. n235 FOR SALE: Savgge 22 short, long, long rifle. Model b-a Bolt action repeater. Excellent condition. Box 463, Capital Journal. n237 BABY BUGGY, padded side, lined thru out. Excellent cond. Ph. 20172. n237 BEAUTY COUNSELOR products. Ph. 37334 n340 SPRINKLER IRRIGATION FOR GREATER PROFITS See a Wrss Portable Sprinkler Irriga tion System at Ward Farm Store, Let Wards Irrigation Engineer help you plan an economical, all aluminum, com Plete system to suit your needs. No cost or obligation to vou. WARDS FARM STORK Trade tt High St. Salem. Ore. n235 TAPAN GAS Range ft Water Heater, ftso S. 14th. n23, FOR SALE. Light team saddle horses. saddles A harness, fcneap. Jioitt. n2S4 THAYER BABY carriage, J tone gray. Used 3 months only, very reasonanie. 1270 No. I6th St. n235 8 4 BY BASSINETTE on legs and rollers. Hit pad. 13. rn. 38339. iwjs OIL FURNACE. Auto, control A good buy for 160. 719 N. Cottage. Ph. s-o:nr. ni38 PRACTICALLY new. Duo-Therm oil clr cuiator. Ph: after 4 p.m.. 2-7213. n21i FULL StFE bed spring and mattress, also S sue steel bed with spring. Pn. p:j6 REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS 325 SOUTHVIEW PLACE 2 bdrms. Hv. rm. nice kitchen, halt ft bath. 1 yr old. Go out Liberty Road to Southvtew Place and turn right. Pricg 17.400. 11,500 down will handle. CALL ROY FERRIS. CANDALARIA HEIGHTS ft room modern bungalow homes, beautifully finished Interior, hdnd. firs, thruout, brkft. roof, bath ft shower, excellent automatic Oil heating system.dble. garage. FOR DETAILS CALL BEN ROISEN. H ACRE TRACTS East of Salem 1295 and up. Terms $50 down and $13 per mo. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evemnas and Sundays Call Ear' West 2-0608 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - AUTOMOBILES PONT1ACS GOOD WILL GARS '48 Pontiac Sdn.-Coupe, R&H $1795 '42 Pontiac Sedan. R&H $895 '37 Pontiac Sedan $ 195 '41 Olds Sedan $695 '38 Pontiac Coupe $ 195 '38 Ford Tudor .; $ 145 '36 Dodge $245 Herrall - Owens Co. TRADES 660 N. Liberty FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS! USED OIL CIRCULATOR. Recondition, 20 and up. Judson. 279 N. com l. n-'Jo PEAT MOSS fortified with turkey drop- inss. Only 90c a sack. VALLEY FARM STORE. 4345 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-2024. n259 SHELLS for foreign ft odd caliber rifles Sackett. 1510 So. Winter, Ph. s-4ia. n241 USED ELECTRIC refricerators. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n2ol USED ELECTRIC ranges. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n251 USED WASHING machines. YEATER AP- PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n351 OIL CIRCULATORS, drastically reduced prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n251 HUNTERS ATTENTION: Save your game In a Deepfreeze -Home Freezer. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n251 ALL FAMOUS makes of small appliances. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Cheme keta. 0251 SEWING MACHINES: Free Westinghouse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chem- eketa. n251 Ift-S. WLNC H ESTER model 9i, 3 boxes shells. Excel, cond., peep sight. Ph. 3-4253. n236 HAVE YOUR Bendix Automatic Dryer in stalled before the fall rains begin. Raipn Johnson Appliances, 355 Center St. n236 USED RANGES, refrigerators and wash ers. Ralph Johnson Appl., 355 Center, Sa 1cm. ?216J! WESTINGHOUSE radio phonograph con soles. As little as 189.50. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n251 NEW ft USED musical Instruments ft spinet ft grand pUuoa at reduced prices. JAQUITH MUSIC CO., Ph. 3-4641 n244 PLASTI-KOTE: The cellophane-like fin- ish for your floors, woodwork or lino leum, no waxing required. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. u251 FULLER brushes, 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357, n244 SEWING MACHINES, New Home electric. $89,95 ft up. Ph. 33139. Ralph Johnson Appliances n245 SEPTIC TANKS, Concrete Pipe and Tile reinforcing steel, mesh and coloring. All kinds river soil, pit-run, travel, crushed, sand and mixes. OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY 1405 N. Front St. Phone 2-3417 n342 USED SEWING Machines, Reasonably priced. Ph. 3-3139. Ralph Johnson Appliances STEEL CLOTHESLINE ports, railings In 'ocn ft made to order. 1145 N. Liberty n242 SEWING Machines, electric or treadle. Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671, n254 WALLING SAND ft GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways. cement ready mix concrete, garden and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching Vyd. shovel and drag line. Ph. 2-9249 SALEM SANO 6 U RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 15 B yds io b f yds. D-7 Cat ft Dozer D-6 Cat ft Dozer D-4 Cat ft Dozer See us about ditching 'by thi ft. Phone Days 1-9408 Eves 3-828 or 3-4408 balem Oregon o LUMBER 2x4's by Jitney load. 110 per i.vuu. ion nam. moepennence Lumber ft Mtg Co., Inc.. Independence, Ore GENERAL ELECTRIC Croslej. Glbsop and Montag Appliances at Gevurtx. n FENCE POSTS, poles, all type Shingles lemiizer oi natrocR PMiiips Bros.. Rt 6. Box 118. Ph. 31458 n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED furniture e glue A repair Lee or o runt Kerinisnmg co pn 3-7001 U-iFD FURNI1 T'RF Phone 5-91SS PERSONAL SALEM Nursing Home, 3595 D St., Salem. P235 STANLEY Home Products. 555 Cross. Ph 2-5446. F, O. Renahan. p247 MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER AND ADVISOR Can help you where others has failed. Satisfaction assured. Advice on all affairs of life. Special reading $2.00. Located just south of Hubbard on Hiehway 99E Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for sign Reading Dally and Sun. p250 AUTOMOBILES Eisner Motors to Buy "89 DODGE sedan. Also "37 Plymouth. All new rubber, rebuilt motor, l ml. north Independence. Ph. 200-J. W. Q. Oreuel. q233 4! FORD 2-dr. Low mileage very clean. $1525. 1365 N. 4th. q236 '41 FORD tudor. Radio & heater. Oood stupe. 1026 N. Commercial. qJ36 '17 SINCA almost new. Very low price. Dixon Motor Co., 2947 N E. Sandy, Port land Tu 3311 or Li 2886. qS35 MUST SELL: '33 FORD, new paint, good shape throughout. 1250 or best offer 2295 Lre St. q23 FOR SALE 1933 Chev. sedan. New tires. Runs good. Elton Watts, Rt. 2, Silverton. Ore. q23S '88 FORD with RftH. Extra transmission and other parts. $100. Ph. 4-2673. q235 MODEL A Ford. Oood cond. Ph. 2-7202. 60 Evans 0.235 47 DODtiE -ton pickup. New cond. Ph. 3-4785. q236 SJ CHFV. 4-dcor d'luxe RftH. Oood cfm- dltion. 1465. Ph. 2-6958. e.236 Journal Want Ads Pay I REAL ESTATE Peter Gelser 3-9968 AUTOMOBILES TERMS Phone 2-4113 AUTOMOBILES 1837 PACKARD "120" 4-Door Sedan. Body, motor ft tires In good condition. 8270 or $70 for equity. 239 8. Cottage aftor 8j30 p.n q23& WANTED: Vt. pane! truck or sedTdel. Al so have 1847 Deluxe Ford sed. for sale. Write box 423 Capital Journal q23ft ONE i ton G.M.C. Pickup worth-ilQOO. Priced for quirk sale $850. Call after ft p.m. Leo E. Gler, 400 Grant St. Silver ton. Ore, q335 WANTED: Clean used cara Bob Marr, 2160 South Commercial e Eisner Motors to Sell MS USED CAR LOT 150 ft your old one. 12th St. Junction. Own till io p.m q24i" ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY - SELL - TRADE TERMS 232 Fairgrounds Road Phone 2-6484 '47 FORD convertible, fully equipped with everything. Excellent condition. New top, reasonable. See at 698 S, 12th. Heed's Drive In. q236 u... cHEV, 2-door. Make offer. See at 1845 s. Com'l. q236 CAR accessories tires ft tubes at cost price. First come first served as this la a close-out sale. Dealers welcomed. R. D. Woodrow Co., 450 Center. a" Eisner Motors Fine Cars FINANCIAL HOW MANY BILLS? Do. you pay each month and what do they amount to, add them up . . , then Phone Personal for a loan on their "Smaller Payment" plan one loan and one monthly payment . . , generally much less than the monthly total yott are now paying. You may spread the payments over 20 months. Borrow wisely where a loan would really help. Come in or phona the "Yes" Man, he says "Yes" to 4 out of 8. Personal Finance Co. Of Salem 518 Satte, Rm. 125 Ph. 2-2464 A. R, ARllen, Mgr. Lie. S-122M-165 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS DP TO $300 Come lo or phona Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank No Parking problems Phone 27032 Lie. N M369-6291 Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. r PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Tim Payments ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St Phong 1-9161 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4i OR 4V4 INTEREST ft to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 2-3662 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Llo. 8-133 and M-328 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9181 t FARM AND CITY LOANS 4i and 6 VOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Morteaccs. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 201 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7162 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 162 8 Church Parking a Plenty Ph 2-2457 Lie No M-159 8-154 TRAILERS WILL TRADE for house nailer. Suitable to rent. Ph. 2-1748, t237 TRAILER SPACE, $10 per mo,' with all conveniences. South aide of Paulue can nery. Wm. Roth. 1740 Oxford. Ph. 2-8RH5 t235 LEGAL NOTICES Examination for Certified Public Ac countants of Oregon will be held In Port land from 1:30 P.M., Wednesday, Novem ber 16, through Fri November 18, 1949. Applications must be filed with the Secre tary on or before October 17, 1849. E. P. Van, C. P. A Secretary 509 American Bank Building, Portland ft, Oregon Sept. 30. Oct. 1 ft 2 (Scabies) lg highly eon ITCH arioo and woatq eon- tin oe for life If net stopped. Ite sole earn g the Hen mile b 1 e B la Immune to ordinary treatments. EX ORA kills the Itch-mite almost Instantly, Only three days EXSORA treatment lg required. "Mail ardera given arompt attentlaa. At all Fred Meyer Drag leetiant an elb er GOOD Drag Store." Why Suffer Any Longer When ciiers tad use ou Chinese 'emediea Amarina success for $0Ot tears n China Nr matter with ha iiments uu are afflicted-disorder in usitl. bear lungs liver kidneys as. mnsttpation mcers. diabetes rheumatism gall and bladder, fever kia itna; complaint CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE RER8 CO. Office Roan t te 8 Tie en Sal Only t4 H t mmeretal Pbvne ft RALFM OKI (Continued on Page 17)