I 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, October 3, 1949 -ro NO IDEA VOUR DOUBLE TROUBLE MONDAY P.M. I-r0 NO IDEA VOUR YFRANKLM MRS? THIS MAP IS DETAILEDT WE'RE TAUGHT ' l PiiaMaBBBBBBBC I I an-TiNO service wa brawntki, we enough for a polar V to draw a ., -Tr cattr worry Twg DAfMO PROGRAMS S SO EXPENSIVE p CATER TO WHAT EXPEDITION .' arCAREFUL HOUSE ill'Kvir) NOTHING WILL VJ-n WtUlJ T IWVJIXslTlaJ 1 fZ3' 1 ' MR. 61 BBS CALLS fTT PLAN ON THE FIRST 1 V. HAPPEN --TO VOUR,Lljl lll I I U I I I UA AINU a-3 I LALLMK KOrcR" I L'-x BABY.' I rl lf At Ntwtfuivtu By WILLIAM HOBSON (Chapter 7) Jajr : Allison stepped across the dirt floor and pushed aside the dirty blanket that covered the opening. It took almost a second look to recognize the bandaged figure as Joe. Jay felt sick at the sight of his brother. "Joe." Jav Allison said softly, and ahook the arm gently. "Joe. wake up. It's me." Joe Allison opened his eyes and groan came from him. "Good to see you. old-timer," he whispered. "So you got here?" Jay -nodded. "I got in this evening.- I ran Into uh Mike Ran dall rn the Ford Hotel." "Did you see Ellen?" asked Joe. Jay jiodded. "They're In town to lck up some eastern family com ig in-on the train tomorrow." A new light came Into the pain sunken eyes. "Ain't she a dream. Jay? What did the do when she saw you?" There wasn't any use in lying about It. Jay told him. "Well," he said, grinning ruefully, "she sort of grabbed me and kissed me and then iigured I d certainly changed a lot during the month while I was down home." "That's Ellen, and she's my baby." came in a half-laugh from the bandaged man. "Jay there's nobody in all this world like her. I just lost my head and got sore at Mike because he didn't like the way I, do things." "I Know, ne iaia aown me iaw. "I made a whale of a stupid mistake, Jay. But everything Is all right now. You take over lor me until I get well. When I'm able to ride again I'm stepping right back In my own boots and taklnp over where you left off. And I'll till 'em. too: you wait and see." "You'd better, Joe," his brother said. "She's too fine a girl to be let down." He didn't tell his twin brother the rest of It: that Joe was a pris oner, held hostage on pain of death unless Jay obeyed the orders of Morden and Swinnerton. "Tills place's like a pig pen. You haven't had much care." He heated water on the stove, a big pan of It, and went to work. He shaved Joe first. That done, he stripped the blankets from the bed and took them out to air. By the time Joe was back In the aired out blankets and asleep again, the riders were moving out. One man was to remain behind to look after Joe Allison. Swinnerton yawned and stretched. "I'm turning In, Jay. You'd better do the same. Lot of riding to do tomorrow." The man who was to look after Joe' - was already sound asleep in a corner bunk. Jay removed chaps and spurse and pulled off his boots. He rolled out early from force of habit and built a fire in the stove. By the time Swinnerton and the member of Brad Morden's horse thief crew came alive Jay had break fast, ready. He fed Joe first and then ate and went out and saddled up his horse. "You leaving so soon?" Joe asked. Joy nodded. "I've got a long ride ahead of me. I want you to tell me how to get to the ranch, what It looks like, everything about your Job.- Tell me everything you think I ought to know. Just remember, Joe: -one sllp-up on my part and your whole house of corncobs Is going to come tumbling down around your ears. She'll hate you for the rest of your life." "Boy, them's the best words I ever heard." Joe Allison grinned. He talked at length, and after a time Jay bid him good-bye and went out to his horse. He swung up and looked down at Swinnerton. his eyes cold. "I'm playing the game your way on account of my brother. Swinnerton. but what I told Brad Morden holds good for you. too. If Anything happens to Joe while I'm gone, heaven help you!" He was In no particular hurry. Just the opposite In fact. Just ahead was the ordeal of coming to the ranch and getting another horse to ride on to the line camp. He hoped fervently that the Randall would not yet have arrived from town with their eastern visitors. But about two-thirty he saw his hopes doomed to disappointment. He had come out on top of a ridge where a wide swale some four miles arrow ran dtie north, and down .n the middle of It he taw the rig. in his role of Joe Allison it wouldn't look good to be ducking away. He jogged In alongside the rig. Randall was driving the turrey, with a handsome young man and an old er man up front with him. In the rear seat were Mrs. Randall, a strange woman, a young girl, and Ellen, who waved gaily as Joe Jogged In alongside. Mike Randall pulled the rig to a stop. Jay lounged in the saddle. "So you made It all right." the rancher observed, and rolled a smoke. Mike Randall shifted the lines and said. "Well, wed better be gettin' on to the ranch. Wan' to get these ioiks installed Deiore their bag gage comes out this evehin. You going on to the line camp tonight or making an early start In the morning?" Tonight, I expect. I " You will not!" Ellen tut in In dignantly. "I haven't teen you in a month, and when I do I get a chance to talk five minutes. You can get up early In the morning just as well." Jay grinned and said. "We'll see." They drove on and he jORged by and presently left them behind He put his horse into a lope and went on. He rode ud to a bie horse corral. Jay swung down and led the horse inside. He carried his rifle over to the bunkhouse. It was deserted, and he was glad of that. He prowled each bunk until he came to one with some letters stuffed under a pillow. They were from his mother 10 joe. Me laid the rifle on It, re moved his chaps, and lay down to, smoke. . (To Be Continued) I 2985 SIZES IJ . 44 Newest of Necklines The new low curved neckline and rounded collar, the gentle flare of a four- gore skirt all make this the per fect frock for fall's gay festivities! Choice of smart sleeve length in cluded In pattern. No. 3985 Is cut In sizes 13. 14. 16. 18. 30. 36 38. 40. 42 and 44. Size 18. it yas. 39-in. Just oull The FALL - WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 150 practical, easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat- ern designs lor an ages. Kemem- ber, It's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now price Just 20 cents. send 35c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State Size desired. Address Capital Journal. 553 Mis sion St.. San Francisco 5. Calif R 2867 Boot Sllnnrra You'll feel u If you were walking on a cloud In these soft, warm and comfy felt slippers. Add a magic touch with shimmering gold braid as a trim ming. These slippers are easy to make and team up well with house coats, pajamas or slacks. Pattern Envelope No. R3867 con sists of material requirements and pattern for small, medium and large; sewing and finishing directions. To obtain this pattern tend 30c In COINS, giving pattern number our name, address and tone num ber to Peggy Robert! Capital Jour nal 82S Mission Street San Fran cisco 3. Calif. UO NBC i :00.0a Sanaraii. :15 Nawa i:S0 ,vai. r nun IS, vale ml rataaa kMlMaalcal Salra. :13!Maleal S.lraa tnr a S:45T A ' :00 cBtBil Mr. :I3Caataala Hr. ':3flbava Garraaar ':45DTt Garrawar nolsii, sum. l.VN.wa 30 Rallraaa Bear 45BallrMaJIar Mt:Tflaphaaa Mr. 15lTlaaaaa Mr. gA'Hrarr Braaiaa 45iMar Braaaaa ftflkaai Haraa IS.r.rr'l Chalet 3niarte rinal 45jBob Balaa Q'al IMA fr l k ?K ax X ftwIgH W TS 9 V JfcEEv WISPS L2s n' Ptre-MILILI I ' II 1 f rririrl 1 171 iTtlTTii liVi I I I " Q G f Q Ok li si j" r li v. v i 'li ) Y , ii J i i 1 & ATS fl, -r JPT' 2" .ni n 7:00 OH Saail O CoSSSSSaSSSfi r BUT THAT EXTRA TvmVCHOwica? If VOU SEE, ANNE. WHEMT-rHfrrs WHAT I !:?5J"!.!! m! I LEAPIN' LIZARDS! TH6V IT PER CENT VOU ADDED TO CHARGE AND 1 CUSTOMERS ARE WELL- THOUGHT VOU S.joJ.ek Berth R I TE EVERYTHING! AND JUST 1 AH, YES? J EACH CHECK-WHAT tXDJA I MOST MOD6RSTE, ( FED AND CONTENTED SAID-HOW LOHQ j Sw. aia.r. Llook AT TH MONEY (BEAUTIFUL J SAY THOT WAS AGAIN? TOO- j THEY'LL STSNO FOR 1 WERE YOU WITH i '9.00 seiana" Ca WE TOOK IN - i MONEY- A I X sJ ( ALMOST ANYTHING- A MEDIOM6 SHOW? gilsseeana Cap H By'jTiiy'' i I f k- CLl MM - aaaSll 1 7T '- ., 'Wiji Ta"- 1WI 9:55Nea",W"," A nitiySt J ' V"!'' li T"5I' "77.T?',rI &J3S aljaVja s'Z7l2 HttEOLO J0:00 siarri.M far I M mfm'svTX ; i VTirv sflil i 'if'iuA r'-swM laaw' ZzS, &tP!1m io : u - A JUafmtM 5 S3 c tfc XSIljH1 ' x PKr JrV I Jtrt uWt I Ci. h:15biih. nb. aaf 1. 1 x . . r. -- . m iw m v - ' aBVavja- -tw hc.MrL . nm n m . ,,:r m v 11 1 1 - ill K0IN KEX KSLM KOCO 170 CBS IIM ABO D0 UBC 1410 Xc. Kni MftBntaf ChalUnvt ! -Br-B Math, khrthm BnnhT Ulllt h Tukon BBr-B Baah. Bbylhoi Bncbs Ntw Hhf Kinff Tm Mil Bine Crbr Stwi Iky KInf rm. .y.11 Bminwi Ntwi iul ThtftUr HMillnt Kit. Otbrlal RMlir Cintjl.ltfht " Mt ThMtvr Ut liitUm Stmt Rilrtr Bi Thtaur KiU Inilh 's" Imif Tttr Kt lUli Mutt Tr ttltrnm Hr Prt7niIrMi Lm Banrtr lna lltl lt O'BrUn Ur Prln Urn Uni Bkniar ! Mi. Jackat M Hawk RaU Snlth Rtd Elr Knlcht Bk Hawk KatalUk Clar Kl Man. Q'trback Uw1lTbaaia Katt Inltk Ut Oa. D It Trark KM I. Bmith Kka Kata Bmtth Ul Ga. Da It Track 14M Talcal ScaaU Rata BmHb Tba taint Track KM Talent 8caata H. J. Tarlw The Ralnt Track 1IH lantr"iaiiftBi (rtbnr Oatlh rVawa Trark 14M Inntr Baaclnni Blla Maa Tlma Nawartal Trark IIM Ltoalak OrrbMlra Matla Newt rink IS Orchaatra Maala )ana Ptrkwa rUr rinal Rirbflcla Bap. FilUa Utria Frank Baca Tmm ana WarU Intarmaaia lral Naa Frank Baca Alrfla Cancart Haar Nawa Maa. Tan Want 0 rcbat tra Cancart Ho.r Maile Mua. Van Want Serenade Caneert Haar I tra Mr it err Nactnrna Chlcataana Cancart Hoar Thia Day Nactarna rrelade Menaa Hrre'a ! Vati Naclarna Fralada Men. T B A Naclarna Sin Olf Ultm Ott BUnOlf WnOff " TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. ( IS IT "TRUE TMAT ' WILBUR r4EBB WAS ACCEPTED AT E AST WE ST ERKl UNIVERSITY, RUCy? lVER-ME AMD UIS CiMlLV Lfef-T YESTERDAV-TWEy'LU LIVE ON THE CAMPUS IM TWEIR TRAILER. BUT EA.STWESTER1 ISA l TOUSU SCHOOL TO GET INTO 1 NEVER DREAMED WILBUR could pass those ENTRANCE EXAMS vol i iikirDVTirviicir7u.(c I ' .-ww. I DONTT YOU KNOW I I " III .-?t I We LAN UO ANT IHilMWi 'Barkitna Wlfa l:15.Stlla Dallaa li.orenia ianea 1 Wilder Brawn i:0Q Girl Marrlaa 2:15iPar. Facaa Mfe 2-30jjnet Plain Bill J:45 Frl. P.arrrall! 3:00'Walcana Trar. I 3:15;Welcni Trar. l-tilant Mary I V4iL Lrn Urlbar Godfrey 4-OoiWaman'a Hecrtl 1-1 n Road ml Llfa VttttVlncenl Lavas tear! Maasay 4:45Nanny Slda ICd. Mar raw Newt ROIN Klaek KOIN Klerk iKOINKlark KOIN Rlark iNewa CBK Newa Fre Btk Canianier Nem New Grand Blaai Katmary Wendy Warren Ann! Jenny Helen Trent (Oar Gal Sunday Big Hhler Ma Perklna IDr. Malana Gnldlnc Lifht Mra. Bartan Parry Maian North Drake Brlfbter Day (Ktev Hnlllng Reon gnilllnc Kean ftnlllni Kaen Smlllni News Atrantky fflob Haian Zeka Mannara Breakfaat Clab Breakfael Clab fftreabraet Clab Breakfaat Clab Newa Kama Get It htrlcbt . Ufhl Art Baker Barny'd Folliea Garry Moore Garry Moara iNewaaaaer iNawaaaper Meet Mleiaa Meet Minna Tanefallr Taaral Nawa ,trtbar Godfrey Artbar Gadfroy Arthir Godfrey trlbar Godfrey Newa Br'kfaet Gang Br'hfatt Gana iToa Tradoa Barf. Connter Maelc jfiene Ptoneera Morn. Special Newa Art Unkleiier lArt Unkielter Trelcana Galen Draka My Trae Rterr Mr True Story Betty Crocker Clab Time ealernera N'n-ealernera Bank have Newa Tap Taneo Meat Menjeaa Breakfaat In Hell r wood Kar Weot Ray Weat Jay Stewart Jay Stewart Bride At Groan1 Brlda Groom Mrt. Flill Maala Ba Seated TcdMalena Mad. Ranianaaa Mad. Bomaneaa aalrrel Cate Sanlrral Cae INewa Maa. Tlanrk'nar March of Time Nawa Newa Qala Club Vaatar'a Call Rider Para. I. INewa Woman af Wk. On a nal I tea Walts Seren. Ladte7riret Lad lea Flral ktueen far Day ta.ee- fa, D., Top Tradoa Newa N W Newa 1 Bob Ebehlr iTell Nelchbor Harvey Harding k)ran Bavarloa jBInf Since Uralnat Storm 1 lAtalnat Storm Mailt iMatle Say with Msalc Way with Mnale INewe (Darid Rasa Fa I ten Lawla Hemlna-war Behind Story rCarm. Cavallara KOCO Rlark KOCO Rlark Tet Bitter Newa 4 Spta. Tap a' Marnln Tap ' Morning Haven af Beat Haven af Beat Weolern Mrlody Chnrch In Wild Time fo7 Mei'dy Time far Mei'dy Kiara Bine J. Ch. Thomai NW Newa Memor. Mnaia Tnno Tlraa U Kya Mnalfl Marl Muilc Mart Jan Garber Vocal Varlelief HoltTwd Matle Ilollyw'l Maala Newa I Dale Preaente Mac'a Melodies Mara Melodica Mac'a Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac'a Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac'a Maladies Mac's Melodies Mar's Melodies Mae's Maladies Mac's Melodies MoVle Time PhUssapber B can ba Beani. IB C'n ba Basal. f WHAT'S A ) C f KIGMV ? f I I 1 1 1 u " the answer ipsj tme mext clause of VOOR UMCLE MON EviLjCk l mz will .axrMfC. - Tr Ktcmv 1 ahandv si2ed It I tnttn I haya urvciuprg wruj bUVKI IO D? KICKPO A kipmy yffri w nwu ur KitKiny ne TBAfVfS K It rVVi' hftrder and more viciously you kick a "7. ,"w? ttapiyre-i upt 1 1 I var num 19 now me way an i 155 era it --a everyone has a kicuny to kick around whenever they 4-eels mad, mean or rust rated 0- every one kih let out all thpir cruplfv an fhp Wicm;c wU .i .1 stead of on their neiphboriw-o ctot-PtACfc ON EARTHw. 11 orevai :.r - "And so, as ah shuttles ott og hanped lor murder ah be aue&ths these kicmies to vo' All sa.Soa ana -a rr, rr DIAL LISTING. KOAC 550 On the Upbeat; S:aa). M Sparta Clabt :M, Nawst DlnBcr Meladlest . Mnala af Csachaalavaklat 1:15. Bvenlns rarm Bonn S, Artlatry hs Claaalcai S:1S, Defenaa Bepartt S:Sf, Great Santa i 0:M, Maala That En dares i :IS, Bva nlns Medltatlanst W:o0. Sis Olf. 1nAl Tnaaday A.M. :M. Tba P Srm jKtwt, i:i& BBpaclally fay Women. 11:M, Srhaal af Aln 11:1a, Can cert Hallt IS, Newoi 12:15, Noon Farm Hear; It : I . Polk Caanty Asenti U:M, Spat Marketat 11:4S. E. B. Jarkman, Cross 1:15. School af Aln l:Sft, Melody Lanai t:M. Menal Hygiene, I:M. Memoir Boob or Maalci School af Aln 1:00. Nawsi S:I5. Mnsle ml the Maatarai I - s nappier me 11 1 varmintis-j .viinj' -juk 1 HE'LL HAVE To PASS ) BUT SOU L -f I NEVER Typ- WITH A-p GOT FDR THE V U S0B-A1ALE r.NTEai6ENCEASED ( MARRIED ONE M THE LIFE OFMEf ) ' " jeff? sreao?rTT7 for a L SnfTV- FiHoeRifl oroe? r can't ( SBtS!Zt VES. I'M NOT SUBE I I SALTV ! VOU HAVEN T JfT SH-U-U. MAVBE, IP I Wwil AH ! THEBE'S r HT IT BACK! U EVENTHE f -AjOMtONE HA WIDTHAt)! pjrh I'D BrTnR Y svr ", J I WERE &0lN6,MARTlN!"Y0U y RICHE WHERE VOU URNITWl AltOUNOl 0RVE AN0 A RUT G0.MR.MKEE?-.WU JwORRH' V fV ATO106IZE TO MAMA aWSST ' I ' j Willamina Union Men Named to Committees Willamina Bert Keck, busi ness agent of Willamina Local Union 5-82, IWA-CIO, and Les ter Haenny, president of Will amina Local Union 9-213, IWA CIO, have been named to im portant committees at the Thir teenth annual convention of the International Woodworkers of America, CIO, in session now at Vancouver, B.C. Keck is serv ing on the constitution commit tee and Haenny is serving on the organization committee. Reduction Is Reported For Willamina Millage Willamina The millage rate for the city is 32.8 mills this year, as compared to 41.2 mills last year, or a 20.4 per cent re duction, which is primarily due to reappraisal of the real prop of the city. The Willamina school dis trict millage rate this year is 31.1 mills as compared to 30.4 mills last year. The millage rate for the high school is 23.9 mills, compared to 1S.7 mills last year. ACROSS It. EICU1. carrlan I. Ood of lov OrltnttU tn 12. Enormous IT. Restaurant 11. Turkish show commands IS. Llva In M. AfNctloii 41. Not denn 16. Usbrew 44. Different priphtt ones If. Steal 41. Damage 17. DIsmoQOted 49. Court IS. Fllrht 61. Ireland X0. Two-footed 62. Ipecac plan. animals 63. Bitter vetrh II. Stays 64. One of Colum 14. Goddess) of bus's ships the soil 66. Oldest 17. The Lady member of Troy 6C. Cbeerlna 61. Room In B ayllabls hararo 61. Oosa ClOlwARpnHll)WjAvlNj Solution of taturdaa Pun la DOWN L Ruler of Persia 1 IZ il l wh it u li g5 j 53 4i X 4J W f 1 WrrW r I. Bcoteh his torian 5. Excited wltB curiosity 4. Want 6. Burnt auvar 6. Oons by 1. Jswlsh mta Utar t. Pasa I. Part plays 10. Roman poat 11. Places It). Keeps 21. Check It. Seaport la Chile 24. Dowry 16. Dutch com mune 29. Bool I 21. Kind of spa 2ft. Female sheep 10. Tennis appur tenanca XX. Oriental slipper H, Aviator 25. Greek capital 40. Chopper 41. Outbuildlna 42. Surface a street 41. Region 45. Larue lake 41. Ru titan aemf 47. Crackle 60. Wouths jmP MawsfsaSafSs ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern riF .,.vUrP.FFi. TWEr ASIICED TO EAT AT 4 AWH. HOME TONIGHT AFTER I I I DIDNY KNOW CONVINCED THEM HOW Y 7 POUNDS f WELL I COULD PREPARE I ' RICE WOULD I A DEUCOUS DINNER. V. DO THAT:.. ) V OF SPANISH RICE AND Jiy POR CHOPS -X