Subway Series Starts Wednesday t"lWQfcf' vr 'i iiiT T - - i ,,, i , . : m Yoncs one Bums Win Fogs n Hottest Race Since 08 Bj the AiMCilt. fFfU) The New York Yankees and; ... c ,. the Brooklyn Dodgers open ihej MQJOr Standings 9 "V " "J LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Monday, October 3. 1949 Page 11 1 194S world series In the Yankee nsL I stadium Wednesday following I By titr aocii prui the tightest major league pennant race in 41 years. Both world series foe clinch- sw v . ed their pennant! yesterday, the e"vSLui" fi.ial day of tne reason.. The orrroj! Yanks gained American league .SsLSw . honor by dusting off the Bos-," iu ton Bed Sox, S-3, before 68.055 fans at the Yankee stadium. The victory enabled the Yanks to break a first place stalemate with the Sox and win by one game. Brooklyn nailed down the National's flag by outslugging the Philadelphia Phillies, 9-1, in 10 innings at Philadelphia to finish one fame In front of the St Louis Cardinals. The cardinals pasted the Cubs, 13 5. in Chicago to no avail. Here's the finish at a glance. American League Games Pet. Behind .630 .823 1 Weaver-Kiser to Tangle for Toga . Buck Weaver and Jack Kiser will meet Tuesday night in the I armory arena with the winner j being entitled to wear the so-' called coast light heavyweight! wrestling crown. The affair will be limited to an hour or to twoj out of three falls. The 8:30 preliminary will send Bob Cummings against Pierre LaBelle. The semi wind up will match Al Szasz against Tarzan Zimba. Trnuh ft all Around ("ght ls ta s,ore or IIUUUIG HII HlUUIIU bie as Ray Solar, (S9), of California leaps high for the tackle while an unidentified Bear moves in (left) for the stop in the game played in Port land, Ore. California won, 41-0. (Acme Telephoto) Bears Smother Bevos; Ex-Salem Star Shines Portland, Oct J Pi Califor nia's Golden Bears started off their 1949 defense of the confer ence co-championship here Sat urday by ripping apart the Ore' gon State Beavers, 41 to 0, be fore a glum crowd of 18,885 home state fans in Multnomah Civic stadium. California opened the game with a touchdown within four minutes. Coach Lynn Waldorf's first string then added three more in the first half. The re serves played most of the sec ond half and managed to collect a touchdown in each quarter. Halfback Charley Sarver, a fleet 155 pounder, capped the California drive from the open ing punt with an 1 1 yard sprint. He scored three of the six Call fomia touchdowns. The influenza ridden Staters crossed the Cal goal line in the second quarter but the play was invalidated by an offside penalty. It was on a passing play. Gene Morrow to Bill Sheffold. Three repeats of the same play went awry and OSC sur rendered the ball. Within 5 sec onds, California ran and passed to pay dirt for a 27-0 halftime. The Beavers threatened once again, in the third period, tra veling It yards and then los ing the ball on downs at the California five. Ken Carpen ter, who with Dick Twenge figured in most of the OSC ground gains, paced that drive. OSC regulars Don Mast and Rude Ruppe were not in uni form. They were the worst stricken of the State players harried by an outbreak of in fluenza a day before the game. Emory Snags One rmy- Lebold, 150 South 16th street, hefts a 344 pound salmon caught in the Nestucca river Sunday. Lebold took the fish n a 4 H -ounce spinning rod and 7Vi pound test line, with small red and white spoon. (Rebplx photo) Carlos (Cub) Houck, former Salem high star, was a stand out performer for the Staters in both defensive and offen sive work. During the first half, Houck operated with the OSC defen sive squad, backing the line as quarterback in the Taylor style, 7-1-2-1 defense. Cub consistently broke up the high powered Bear running assault as it poured through the Beaver line. In the final periods, the 19- Notre Dame Trips Huskies jssss sss. lis on the head of his tickler. Chuck Olsen of Washington (whit helmet ground), while teammate Francis Spaniel takea a seat on the same Washington player. Moving in are Washington's Bruce Rehn (56, foreground) and John Precheck OS, right). Notre Name triumphed in the game played In Seattle, X7-7. (Acme Telephoto) Game Statistics Calif. First downs , 21 Net yard gained rushing ,,,..291 Forward pa&tt attempted ..... i2 Forward puues completed ..... S Yards forward pacing ..,,, ,,.283 Forwards Intercepted by . 3 YercJs gained run-back iatr. Punting average 38.5 Total rarefs, all kicks returned 44$ Opponent fumbles recovered ... 3 Yardi tost by penalties ........ 80 OSC AMLBICAN 1.EAGIE .87 7 JtW .,,.,.rt i: ,,.. 91 M9 jhma:Mi M 104 .325 . Y-erJt 5. Sc !n:j 3 -hie? tea 3. Ptulaelph.a. . . Ge;rei( 4. Chivate 8 Wats 3-a. WffOXL tfMil t Brooklyn Louis fifi S .3 f&lsdciph& Si ?3 .S3 Boston U T9 .487 Sr Yerfc .,,.13 SI .474 Pittsburgh ll ;i a CmcissaU ,,,,,,,,., .82 .493 Chicago .81 B3 ,3M Brooklyn 6. Philadelphia 1. St. Lsui 13. Clikago S, Pimourgh 4-5. Cincinnati J-. Bastes 3, N York I, I. Pit. Cthmti 3fl Gel Bucks Quickly Anions the first nimrods to prove their ability to get their bucks on the opening day were Lawrence Johnson Melt) and Gervtse Meierotte, both of Ilallas who had their der by ? a.m. 1 two three-point bucks wers ta tood shape and weighed sat mi 115 and 120 pounds They were shot on Fan no mountain about 30 miles west of Dallas. year-old sophomore held down the quarter assignment for both offensive and defensive action. His downfield block ing and pass protection work clicked despite the fact the Bevos were outclassed. Cub carried the ball only once when California covered re ceivers on an attempted pass play. His run was good for four. The lineups: California LE BezoviciJ, Sartietf, Cumm&f. LT Cuiiotn, Meuhiberser, Nelxon. LO DrJcnx, Tax. Dodd. Soiari. C fitathakia, Richler, Groaer, Hum pert. RO Franz, Klein. RT Turner, Schmaleisiwrter, orm. RE Minahen, Souza. Norgren, Lemmon. QB Ceieri, Irb, Brown. LH Sarver, Van Heult, Baldwin. Pappa. RH-Montchino, Montaigne. Scot!. Lu- ter. I a schabsrum, Robison. Oregon State LE Thomas, UcMicken, Ni&bleti. LT Simon. Hanker, Cahill. LO Carmichaei. i. Clark. Loft. C A. Gray, Palmer. Sutherland. RO rSylvta, Peden, KosSmd RT Niemi. Inlejby, H. Clark. RE McGwire. Gtbos, Snider. Doyle. QB Kelly, Houck. Schneider. LH Carpenter, Morrow, Hoxie. RH R. Gray, Shellold. FB Twense, By? re, Knudsen. Score by perloda: Ca Hfomla ........... .,13 14 ? Oregon Stat ... 6 C 6 cantornia corin Toachdowtw, Star rer 3; Monachino. Scott. Nsrcres. Pomta alter touchdown, CItom . Viking Jayvees Trove! to Albany Contest Monday Salem high s Sunior varsity Vikings tangle with the Albany Bulldog junior varsity Monday night at Albany. Coaches Ken Brophv and Roger Pederson have announc ed meir prooaoie starters as Vern Klien. John Gundran. Jerry Messing and Bruce Burns in the back field and Mac Web and Al Heston at ends. Bob The- ison and John Conder at tackles, Ron Lethin and Don Berg at guards, and Marv Langeland at center. Coach Brophy hopes to put marker In the win column to night after losing to tiie Sacred Heart Cardinals In a ftimble fill ed 6-0 game. W. L. New York ,...S7 V! Boston 96 it National League Brooklyn 97 S7 .630 St. Louis . ...M 58 .623 1 For the Yanks, it will be their 16th appearance in baseball's blue ribbon classic. The Dodgers wui be making their fifth bid to capture baseball's highest honor. They have yet to win a series. The Yanks have II ser ies scalps dangling from their belts. The early odds established Casey Stengel's taped-up ath letes as a 16-17 choice. If you like the l'anks you have to lay $17 to win $10. The first two games. Wednes day and Thursday, will be play ed m Yankee stadium, the vast structure in the Bronx that seats 70,000. Without interruption, the ser ies moves across the river to the JS.UUU-capacity Ebbets field Fri . . uy mr mree games, in case there isn't a sweep. The last two games, if necessary, return to the stadium next Monday and Tues day. There have been close races In either the National or Am ericas league before but the super-duper finishes in both leagues this year was un matched since 190$. Vic Raschi pitched the Yanks imo world series glory with a glittering five-hitter. Kasrhi who posted his 21st victory, had me aox, pre-season favorites, blanked on two hits going into me nmm wnen he faltered and yielded three runs before Birdie leooetts fouled out to end Bos ton's hopes. Tommy Henrirh and Jerry Coleman drove home all the Yankee runs. Phil Riiiuto tripled and scored the first run on Henrico's grounder in the first Inning. Hen rich hom ered off Mel Parnell, who re lieved starter and loser Ellis Kinder in the eighth and Cole man doubled home three more runs in the eighth off Tei Hughson. Singles by Pee Wee Rppsp uuke snider and Luis Oimo brought the Dodgers vicforv in overlime at Philadelphia. "The Dodgers blew a 5-0 lead but air tight pitching by Jack Banta over the final four and one third innings saved the day for the uoogers. Stan Musial with two home runs and Chuck Dierim with one paced the Cards and Howie foiiet to his 20th victory in Chicago. The Boston Braves. last year's national league champs, came in fourth. They beat the Giants. 2 1. in their final game with War ren Spahn racking up his 21st victory. In other national league games, nttsburgh split with Cin cinnati, winning the opener. 4 2. and losing the nightcap. 8-5 13 1 1. ,r : . . . ... nniyn mncr lauea lo hit a nomer and wound up with 54. Cleveland's 1S4J American league till 1st defeated Detroit, $-4, and finished third. In the other American league wind ups, last place Washington blanked Philadelphia, 1-6, and St Louis split with Chicago, winning the second game, $-J, after losing the first 4-3. Jackie Robinson of Brooklyn won the National league battine championship with a .342 mark. beating out Musial by three points. George Kell of Detroit won the American league crown edging Ted Williams of Boston, 34ZB ta .34275. Bearcats View Conference Start After Slim Victory By FRED ZIMMERMAN After viewing his team's 7 to 0 win over Ohiro State college Saturday in Sweetland field,1 Coach "Stack Stackhouse has a better idea where the Bearcat weaknesses are and no doubt will spend the early week in smooth ing off the rough spots. The first Northwest confer ence game looms as a tough one, being booked for next Saturday night against the College of Ida ho Coyotes, defending cham pions, at Caldwell. Confronted by a heavy Chi co line that refused to budge except at infrequent intervals, the Bearcats, performing in something of a lackadaisical manner, scored a touchdown midway of the first period. They spent much sf the after noon, thereafter, protecting their slim margin. A Chico fumble near their own 2S-yard stripe led directly to Willamette's six pointer. After Chuck Bowe had recov ered the ball, John Slanchik tossed a 15-yarder to Joe Bona witz. On the next play Slanchik pitched out to Bill Ewaliko who hit the end zone before being tackled. Al Minn booted the ex tra point and that was the ball game. The Wildcats came roaring back to rtauh the Willamette three-yard stripe late In the second period on straight power with Loo Mozxini do ing the bulk of the leather lugging. Suddenly changing their strategy to one of pitch outs, the Staters wound up 26 yards back. A 15-yard holding penalty proved costly. That was the high point of the Chico attack. Missed blocks and indifferent protection of the passer cost Willamette many yards. Keith Clabaugh, Roy Harrington and Bill Ewaliko were the better ground gainers for the Bearcats while Bob Hall, Joe BonawiU and Cece Johnson broke up nu merous Chico plays. Om Wraith. 185-pound lull back, collected many yards tor the Californians as he repeated ly hit off tackle. Matt Spear and Skip McDonald were the best Chico ground gainers on plays that called for fast work at the flanks, Chico outdouned William ette 14 to 7 and gained approx imately 100 more yards from scrimmage, Aa alert defense PORTUkNDER ACES EIGHTH AT OAK KNOLL ON SUNDAY While playing with Mr. and Mrs. Wally Doerfier of Salem at the Oak Knoll golf course Sun day, James L. Gedamke, Port land, scored a hole in one on the 198-yard eighth hole. This Is the second dodo scored on the course in 13 years. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Han lint m. 1 MM MI, J Urn : .m. -0 J . r m J. made the Chico air attack ap pear woefully weak. Wm.mrtL: East Bffiwhs. JohnvCR. F.s TeiEi Blic. IbHiHL Vtftoa. iiH-i . y. Wood, c.lkliu. j; Center, Ptttrrson, ll.rkoiklc. B. ri;,- n.ti.ufh Swtilfcs. fUrrmf-dr,, J '.,11. Blmrh.k, warren, 8p,rrv, b(: KndaButlr. Mftlrhm, J.B, CU. T,, tic- Dcitk.i, D.U, 6::-..:,t, Bat r.!l. Uvm Qmki Ofclrymplt, M.rtrft, Ostrcm, WUets.a, Batteocctjrt. C. ntrs H.rflfUon, B.rtiw. Her I,- Mror i V. R,s :r Writh. 8p,,r, Anderson. Mojt,!, ci.ik. 1 WRESTLING Tuesday Night 8:30 MAiV'EVFST Jack Kiser vs. Back Weaver OPENER Bob Cummincs vs. Pserre La, Bene S1SCOKD Al Stass vs. T.mrt Zimbt SALEM ARMORY 355 North Liberty Pho 3 3191 KttrOOTS W THE M.UOM Whit lhT 4,'fl tfjrdv; 'ri d Bom t $ t Dotr. ftd Sox ,,..4 i t Gordon frxlliaj ,...4 tit Oortloa, rndiifu ,.f t t 1 I iHfcy, M ni ,.) t I I I I I Dorr, K4 0 I i J fM, KmU LfMt tM) .!. pitCfld T1 tB&ittM, h,U t, SO . Bit, Football Fan Dies Seattle, Oct. S (UP.) Charles Joseoh l.kir 43 fttnlSF 1 14hi ,0k;nl Portland, Ore., collapsed andi H.rn.t. jm. died apparently of a heart at-i"a " tack while watching the Notre1 Dame-University of Washington o!Z "" football game Saturday, the cor-! D" Stars Top Sacs To Gain Finals In PCL Playoffs 'Sr th. Auacitit rrrnl The pensant-winning Holly wood Stars are in for the finals of the Pacific Coast league's $35,000 Governor's cup play offs. The Stars clipped Sacramento 2 to 1 last night to win four out of five games from the Solons. Wiilard Ramsdell, making his second start of the series, won over Solon Frankie Dasso in a pitching duel. Each gave up but seven hits. The Solons got their lone tally on Jim Tabor's hom er, Hollywood scored twice in the sixth on Irv Noren's single. Herb Gorman's double, a field er's choice and a long fly ball. Oakland and San Diego, meanwhile, split a Sunday twin bill to throw their best of seven playoff series into a sev enth and deciding game to night. The Fadres took the op ener 19-1 behind the pitching ef Al Jurlsich, Al Rosen's ' three run homer and three doubles by Harvey Storey topped the Fadres offense. In a nightcap. Acorn Milo Candini notched his second win of the series in winning 8 to I. Dick Kryhoski homered in three runs and Jackie Jensen homered once and led in another run. Charlie Gassaway will take the mound in tonight's decider for Oakland while the Tadres will pitch Dick Barrett. tit 6rfl OOft 1 1 j H . t , i 1 trsd gtrtdtecfc; D.iiS, Johnon tt .no fttimoniti .. &Xtl - I ? I ,. 3.!6 - I 1 tnd, Jtimtth mftSfBfiOK- 1 ft See It Demonstrated in Our Window Monday and Tuesday The New Shopsmith Complete Power Workshop that Does Over IOO Jobsl f4Vf -m) T.M. tdmlM NEW Catt-W. MMntton T.W. Bit ia Onmitl .ft NEW Thek, iwm Ali. mtnf with Drtv. CwW NEW '"-'" Mltr-""" rtf M. thrill. NIW i NEW MM- Sarins Step) tmtoltt NEW A.-I.k!. IMl TnW TmiwIm NfW fmMl Sfrlnt wm jkMMMwra I With M-HP Motor ! 99.50 an aw rnvnvr New Shopsmith offr$ gnattr copoeity, eeeuwey md dwrebJisty ; . . dot mot jobs beffer . . . sovej you ipoce end tnonyl This on fS9d com pact unit convert quickly ond ojiiy to ony si 5 major tools, tach bttr than the usuat ing1 purpot tool. S o dsmomirotion ot Ward now you'i) ogr, Shopsmith i your btf powr too) buy! IUY SHOPSMITH ON TERMS: ONIY il A MONTH y &Ht hh i l.w, Ctt-.iwm, laW. tlM I. S' tl l.t Urn !' M rmt oner a office reported. Crsim SiMf JCrr: Aritml. HUH tl Thorr.pton tt tnti Moor.