3 ;n i. oc I f t I tui 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, October S, 1949 ganization. A special program has been planned and all mem bers are urged to attend. Host esses for the evening will be Mrs. W. R. Cartright, Mrs. E. A. Snook. Mrs. William Fiester, Mrs. Charles Warren and Mrs. Frank Lahr. Four Corners House Guest Returns to Kansas Home ' Four Corners, Oct. S Complimenting their house guest, Mrs Ethel Bush of Little River, Kansas who has been spending the summer with her sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holm stedt on E. State St., the Holmstedts were hosts at a farewell family gathering last week. An informal evening closed with a gift presentation to the honored- guest. Refreshments were serv ed. Mrs. Bush left Thursday for her home in Kansas. Saying au revoir to her were Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cooter, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cooter, Mr. and Mrs. C. J Cooter, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Coo ter. Leslie, David and Duane Cooter, Joyce and Arlen Holm tedt and Pete Sandin. Congratulations go to Mr. and James B. Hartman, 8923 E State St., upon the birth of a daughter, Carol Lee, Sept. 20 at the Salem General hospital She weighed eight pounds and one and a half ounces. There is an older sister, Kathy Lynn and the grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wilson of Hood River, and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hartman of Leslie, Mich. Richard Deen was honor guest at dinner when his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bnttorson, 4077 Durbin ave., recognized his birthday anniver sary. Coming to extend con gratulations were Darrell Girod, James Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Deen. Newcomers to Four Corners are Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Os .borne and daughter, Sherry Lynn. The Osbornes are living in the Leo N. Childs property at 3925 E. State st. He is em ployed by the Kellogg' Break fast Foods Co in Salem. The Rickey Garden club will meet Thursday night at 8 o'clock in the community hall. This is the fifth anniversary of the or- Filbert Board Elects Duncan Members of the newly-appointed filbert control board for Oregon and Washington met in an organizational meeting in Portland Saturday, effective date of the filbert marketing agreement recently adopted in a growers' referendum. The committee of growers and dealers elected Donald Duncan, Portland, as its manager Busi ness of the initial session was the setting up of machinery un der which each grower will set aside 25 percent of his crops as surplus and report it to the: board .for diversion from the ln- shell market. Dean William Schoenfeld of the Oregon State college school of agriculture is the impartial chairman of the committee Other members are F. B. Har low, Eugene; Fred Viesko. Ger vais; Harold Quick, Chehalis; John Trunk, Dundee; Dwight I . - , r i : Suits Her Fine Assisted by Coach Fred Bleeker, swimmer Yvonne Wood, 20, who plans to swim the 24-mile Catalina channel in October, prepares for her daily training plunge at Santa Monica, Calif. But for the last time in a two-piece suit. Movie swimmer Esther Williams read in the newspaper that Miss Wood owns just one troublesome suit and will present the Boston girl with two swimsuits she designed for efficient swimming. Suits Yvonne fine. (Acme Telephoto) Grady, San Francisco; Fred Beach, White Plains and Ed Douglas, Lebanon. Also present at the meeting in the Multnomah hotel were W. J. Broadhead, field representative in Portland for the fruit and vegetable branch, USDA, and John Griffin, representing the office of the solicitor, USDA, Los Angeles. FRIDAY IS... YEATER DAY! Four Escapees Back in Jail Roseburg, Oct. 8 Wi Four Douglas county jail escapees were behind bars again today while police continued hunting the last two still at large after Friday night's Jail break. A rancher offered LeRoy M. Burnham, 23, and Quentin C. Wilbur, both of Maine rides when he came upon them on a road yesterday and then drove the escapees five miles to a sheriff's road block. State police Sgt. Lyle Harrel said the ranch er, Perry Wright, picked up the men along South Deer Creek road. He drove them to a road block at Dixonville. Still at liberty are Larry Les lie Kerstine, 18, Roseburg, a parole violator, and Chester W. Clark 50, Stockton, Calif. Clark was being held on a charge of assault with intent to kill. The two captured earlier were Willie W. Hughes, 49, and his son, Carol. 19, both of Pittsburg. Calif. They were caught along railroad tracks soon after break ing jail. The six men tricked a jailer into opening a cell door and then $$ MONEY $$ FHA W tH Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 8. Hlfh St. Lie S-216 M-221 beat and fagged Walter Wilson They also locked In a cell the jailers wife. She ran from nearby apartment to help her husband. Investiture Ceremony Waiting Boy Scouts Salem Heights The Boy Scout troop 19 of Salem Heights are going on a pre-or- deal investiture ceremony. This ceremony has to do with camp ing activity and the boys will leave Friday night for an un known destination. This is for scouts 14 years and older. They will form the Senior Scout troop here. The scouts to be in the investi ture ceremony are Mark DeCew and Lee Peterson. Scoutmaster Harvey Peterson will be in charge, with assistant scoutmas ter Frank ViTaris, George Stro zit and Robert Hammond assist ing with the ceremony. The Boy Scouts hold their regular meetings evev Tues day night at the community hail. Malheur Judge Gains Recall Fight Support Ontario, Ore., Oct. I W A new organization was seeking recruits today to fight for Mal heur county Judge Irwin Trox well, who is faced with a recall petition. Ed Oakes, chairman of the new Malheur county taxpayers league, charged that "outside labor leaders" were "coming In to Malheur county and telling us how to manage its affairs." A Vale farmer filed a recall petition against the county judge, charging that he had refused to bargain collectively with his m nlnvpi anil m1imA UmIi.. of modern labor relations. The dispute centers on county roadworkers, who struck in pro test of a wax cut and mm r.. placed by non-union men. The goldenrod is the stV flower of Nebraska. Be It Known that I, John T. Abbott have purchased the Donaldson Store and Cabin Court lo cated at Terra Del Mar, Ore gon as of Nov. 10th, 1949. Present Bills Due Prior to That Date (Signed) JOHN T.ABBOTT "GLAZED SASH AND DOORS Every building require ment for glazed sash and doors can be met here ECONOMICALLY. All our millwork is of guaranteed quality in workmanship as well as in materials. Your request for an esti mate based upon your present or future needs is cordially Invited. SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1225 Cross Cabinets Frames Ph. 3-S953 ...as a hound's tth -that's PRES-T0-L0GS THI CLEAN, ECONOMICAL ' CONVENIENT FUEL CIT'IM MOM CAPITOL LUMBER CO. N. Cherry Ave. Phone 38862 or 24481 October 4th OPENS 43rd Year in Salem In celebration of this event, we. will offer some'very special mef.l chandise at very attractive prices. Be sure to be here when the doors open! PmOMOTDOM DOORS OPEN AT 10:00 O'CLOCK TUESDAY OCTOBER 4TH! We ore offering the largest selection of fine fur coats, capes and neckpieces. Bought at a drop in price of about 30. . Be sure to see these beautiful coats before you buy. We have grouped together a number of broken lines of fine hose. Regularly sold for $1.95. Come and get them while they lost at 91.00 poirs 3 : s2i75 BY PENDLETON mm i Scotch plaids and many plain colors. ment on the market. Each robe made from the very finest fabric, and only The most wearable gar- '25J29.95 GENUINE LEATHER Red, green, black, brown and rust. At very reasonable prices . $1.95,.$4.95 We will offer some of our better jewelry regularly sold up to $3.95 and tax, to make this an outstand- JJ A f 4 ing promotion. A very fine selection I I II I and for only WW ,ok mem Sorry we cannot mention the name, but these are all perfect 51 gauge, IS denier. We tell them regularly with the label at $1.95. We are allotted few doien for promotion at only $1.35. Be sure to $ F $1 A A come and get them I J J J fX II U while they last at only po;rl "fflWW We have selected several patterns regularly told at high at $18.95 to make this a sensa tional promotion. At only. 9.95 In the finer quality of tissue faille, crepe and wool, stylet, tixet and colort. Regularly told to $29.95. To promote fast telling will be old at only , All good 14.95 IMPOSES We will offer fine raincoat! for o short time. Beautiful fabric In navy, kelly, red, brown and wine. These JJ , coott are excellent valuet at 1 9.99. tome end get one or more at only 12.95 We have selected for thit occasion one hun- J dred umbrellas regularly told up to $5.95 to give our promotion momentum. We offer them at 3.95 BY PENDLETON A new sensation. Pendleton things for men hove been on the market for many years but the women's division has only been in production for a few months. Pendleton wear for women is probably the most outstanding line for casual wear in many years. Come in and see them. r-. m a tn m i n iiumjHiw We have selected from our regular stock of fine handbagt couple hundred outstanding number! ond $ AF ot tpecial promotion will offer them f W tax of only Wo eV iM, You must see the new display of finer Fall hats for better wear. You can pick up an ordinary hot for casual weor any place but for speciol occasions and when you want to look just right it must come from Price's. jj 135 NORTH LIBERTY