10 Capital Journal. Salem. Or., Saturday. October 1, 1949 DOUBLE By AP NawsfMturM (Chapter 6) Jay Allison watched Ellen go and then stepped between the post of fice and a general store building He came out in the alley and (sprinted lor the back of the hotel. He went in, got the gunny sack con taining his saddle gear and rifle, carried It back down the stairs and set off in the darkness. He didn t see the figure of Peg Smith following him. "That you, Jay?" asked the law yer's voice. "It's me." "Good. We've got a long ride ahead of us." "How far?" -About twenty miles. We can make it before midnight.' He swung down and laid his ear to the ground. He heard nothing. He went back along the trail for a hundred yards. "Well?" the lawyer Inquired. "One man," Jay . aid briefly. "He's swung to the east and Is trying to come in ahead." Jay led off to the left, keeping hts position by the stars. They an gled for a quarter of a mile until, crossing a sharp ridge, sound might be bracketed. He waiiea ior cne sound of his horses heavy breath ing to subside somewhat, and that was almost a mistake. The shot came from out of the night, not more than sixty yard: away. It was a rifle. Jay heard the high s panging report, saw the brief orange ilajsh. and began thumbing his six-shooter. He fired four times and listened to the sound of a running horse heading toward the north. Swinnerton said "Whoever he was, he'll try again. He can't pick up our trail until morning,, and if he tries to follow it one of Brad's boys will stop him cold. . . . Jay felt his breath go out In surprise as the lawyer led off. "Are you taking me o Brad Morden's camp?" he demanded. "I'm taking von to where Joe Is with some of Brads men looking out after him," Swinnerton said. Jay let him take the lead then and they rode on through the night for what seemed to be hours and hours. At last they entered a sharp defile and dropped down a canyon until It opened up and from some where out of the night came a man's voice. It was not more than thirty feet away. "Ease up and rest, genta. Stand pat and call yore names." "It's Jim." the lawyer said. "That you, Charley?" A man's form came through the night. He carried a repeating rifle In his hands. "Yep. Who's with you?" "A friend, Jay answered quickly "All right, mister." chuckled back the voice of the guard. "Pass on Jim; you and Mister Friend." The camn loomed up close. Jay saw the outlines of three corrals of pole and brush and a crude cabin of brush daubed over with mud They rode up and swung down. Jay followed the lawyer In and ttnw him shake hands with the big snndy-haired man of about fortv He turned and said, "Jay. I want you to meet Brad Morden." Jay stuck out his hand and Mor den took it, his Jaw almost sag ging. "Glory be!" he burst out. It ain't true. I'm seeln' it with my own eyes but it ain't true. This if Joe." Jay's eyes flickered around the room to four other men. all watch in tr him with curious stares. "Where's Joe?" he asked abruptly. "Shuck,?." grinned the horse thief "No reason to be in a hurry. Plenty of time after we talk a bit. You're going to helo us steal Randall's herd of Morgans." Jay swung around to let his cold eyes play on Swtnnerton's face. It all came clear now. The lawyer saw the look and chuckled. "Yep. you guessed it, Jav. Hrnd and I are pardners. And you're going to play ball with us or Joe will never get back to the ranch." I'ATTHIN No. R?I1J ( ulmii.il l.jHy Combine crochrt ami rinoiouU'iy to Imm this de lightful rir for plllowc-asr 01 bulr:m M-.trl. The .skill l enn-hetet in the popih.ir pineapple inntif. the rest of l ne lrMi:n embroidered tn ptniple Miuhes mid rielunte color ing l'ullini l'mflope No R'JUl'fl rnn tniti i-orrpleie eoreheunK Instnir- ROOM AND BOARD PL f." In. ATER G0'N5 DRATTED P.ttD Ti..S STlfc THEY A ITCM tt-I-S i . PMctD WtENttW -HUNltW I V IV T1..5 STLE FLAPJACKS AND COFFEE- "1 WU'-E i J : THEY walked OUT TO EAT IN A V . l RESTMJSANT- TAM C. L """" a plague or voose- rcZ- ' FRENCH X.VWSvN1 l CUISINE f JS3iT-j TROUBLE WILLIAM HOBSON Jay sat down besides the stove and Morden nodded toward tht fire blackened coffeepot. "Help yoreself, Jay." "I'll give you the setup here. Jay and what you're going to do if you ever want to see yore brother well again. Jim and me are in the hoss -collecting business. Him being a lawyer, he alus manages to find out from his clients how many and what kind of stock they and their rancher friends have on hand. He passes the word along to me and my boys and we bide our time and then raid. "But there' one band of bosses Jim and me ain't been able to get yet and thet's the sixty or so head of thoroughbred Morgans on Mike Randall's place. We tried it a few nights ago but they was well guard' ed. and in the melee Joe, who was helpin' us got caught by a big slug.' Brad Morgan's voice droned on "Nobody but Jim and me knowed about you. So when Joe got shot we had to think fast. I've got a man or two on Randall's payroll but if Joe showed up missin', crazy like he is over thet Randall girl, it might look suspicious. So you're goln' right on the ranch and take over Joe's old Job. You'll take yore old linecabln job back and Turk will show you the ropes on how to help us get stolen stuff across Randall's ranee. You'll ride to the ranch as often as you kin an find out about them blooded Morgans. The first time anything looks as though we it a break on it, vou'U burn the breeze to Antelope Creek camp and let us know." "You'll do aa we say became If vou refuse I'll drag Joe out of his bed and hang him with a slow rope ind then run you down. It's his life or my orders to you." Jav set down the cup and sneered at him. "So that's how you treat a man who geta shot stealing for vou! All right, I'll plav ball with vou. But if anythln happens to Joe I'll hunt you down and cut your nroat with a dull knire. Morden Now Where's my brothe?" Brad Morden rose, smllina. "Right hroueh that blanket into the lean to. I expert he'll be rlad tn see you." (To he r"nlnned) 10 . 20 lerfrcl Teamwork One of those wonderful new Jumpers no ward robe could do without snug in the bodice and full in the skirt, with scalloped cuff-detail to set It off! Pattern includes round collar Diouse. No. 2023 is cut in sizes 10. 12. 14, 16. 18 and 20. Size 16 Jumper, 2S yds. 54-in.; blouse, 2 yds. 30-in. Jast out! The f ALL - WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash-! Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 150 practical casy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern designs lor all ages. Remem ber, it's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now price just 20 cents. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State Sle desired. Address Cnpitnl Journal, 552 Mis sion St., San Krancisco 5, Calif. R2626 tlona for fiktrt and slllcn llla-tra-:lon. color chart for embroidery, embroidery stitch Illustrations und finlihlnR directions. To obtain thia pattern tend 20c in COINS, giving pattern number your nnnie. addresn ana rone nunv oei to Pcbrv Roberts Capita) Jour nai B:'8 Minion Street San Fran clsco 3. Calif .... By Gene Ahern TELLING TWEW WUAT I WAS 'TP PBEPARE fOft. ClNNPR.- " WEENEE-PO- -HUNTERS- FLAPJACKS AND COFFEE WALk - ED OUT TO EAT IN A RESTMJSANT.'- VAM Z. PLAfiUE OT vVOOSE- ID THEM fWERg ALL READY, THAT DOCSejT 1 (sOUtHCW I-I TVeRfS THelf IM MlSS WOOAB5KI SOBRV If BUT. AS SOON AS I UNWCK MY J STEVE-BUT THE 7 SPEAK SO WELL toMM DOORMU, TO BE TAROV-THE TAXI KIT AND FILL OUT THE EMERGENCY GIRL MASNT FOR THE TRUST- rrl. W HON6Y ! . DRIVER HAD TROUBLE FINDING CARD YOU MAY GO .' i ' 1 ARRVED TO STAY liVORTHINESS OF KA r VOUR HOUSE rrp -- J L ) WiTH BUSTER iy CHOKER BiBBS' tJL ' h .1 il i 0t I ' ' ffi NC ' (tfl lf' III l' !) 'y- o '- ' 3;5 0 "Zai!ZZialn feur SUPC06IN" 7rVE HO TH 0RiptclGe W OONT WORQY. ANNIE- ' - 0:15 d WHflr eerrERs! why. some f A I they ouawk I plaiik-theytjl stcw I they all hw money as long as Y M OF -EM HAVE HAD TWO ( I'M KEEWN' U ABOUT THEIR 1 TTU. THEV PAY OR 1 I THES DS-AND I THEY EPENO IT ' y HERE IT IS'. I'WUAT A LOVELY CAMPUS'. C GO IM AWD $ " I I EveCTYBOCfS LOOKIN'N uaaji V'U HHIS WILL BE OUR I'M LOOKING FORWARD j ( PINO OUT WU6BE ) - AT PAPOY-APEKfT VQUZ . T -w7trT-V"ME COR THE NEKT TO TUIS EXPERIENCE, 1 VTO ENROLL SLAO WE TQLDi f I DUNKIO. a m tWijJ months: J-Vvwillie dear y-ari ftSA, km wow td waybe we j. lust Wm and loiumcnt of ilndcHoncyjuclilc Vohom 1 1 f J hoomin- I "ft" 1 On thM of being hanged fc,-murrf, beoue.th, ko th. Yokum, And m. h beouesths U the KIGMJSconisKjn ' I nhSurt-Rr,It-nvr-Fail plan fo' Peec. (fwwATs TN lrt " The raon til other plans hat flopped it becuj theu it beted on fflL " itw4SHVZV I L I L ebffoble mittake -namely -that people WANTS to bt nice to each irWtf S&T "rnoay A, Nolhin' could be uironjer. Iul J kigmy is) li! B People mankt to kick other people around. Theu loves it. It gives )A rSfl INfs Jfi 2Z&1 h:m t And there ip' has the cause of alllrouble, and War. . NHjjjl VJJ---" TrsJ" " Noiu the Uncle Honeusuckle Yolum, Sure-F.re, Never-Fsil, Reace s f " O? j H-. Plan it BASED on the inaitpootable fact thet people INJOYS Cein - S I ; J LJ -eS mean to each other ir theq thmWt then Km git email uiir it. T"" PT y -1t!rM-sw-" 'n.DiiMflln.FVAilF I CANT HELP T7 YOU ARE MY U WITHOUT )WITHOUT ? YOU ARE MV V-, M DARLING, I LOVEVOO.I If 5aVinG ITOVERAND J fsouu-MV LIFE WH0? JWHOEVER ( SOUL-MY LIFE.' T VERY MUCH VIS ME YOU LOVE ME J&f pftI i cant Kit S 'S I'M FFT, t oan'T KEX t v r-B-tfy rts r-illC live w'ithouth; ( G0NN L iS live without ' - J . NWTVT(XRPARTV6AWKE fkli efm'bf!SNT!' VSANPeAL. , SALTY t SY IStf fNCV TO SST AEO0NP K THE CAPTAIN HAS 6IVEN ME JEfcHk if rOU'LL EXCUSE ME . J 1. i K ( T!PX:.r TO THE 6ROTTO..I HOPE 11 PERMC5ICM T0 PO A LITTLE SS23CL ATg'Wl n l I 'SH 9321 I I CAN FINP THE s ; mm Gmmm mm. yfcz THll)R.WtN.M.W , WCi5 p htm' AFTER YEAS RVOF ) 4 AVE -A ffe I..' W'?i-? ' 'I 3 I r', ' eV KEE- -OUR NEW I 'jti A R.R-RED LETTER J NEW Ihqj. MOnT) ' (ZtPii I I V MOTHER ANDPEAREROF L OAY Y'VE COME ON ! JUuK WlV S I iZ? M THE LACR0 tainting! "V 1 J" 1 "V 5EL KOW CHEER-RRRY7 VeiNOI Tl I J I I .-BUT WHAT SGOINOON'! MY Vl---7 """" RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY f.M. IKGW oIKOCO r'KOlN 'KSLM MM IfBO Mule ChrUtiftH irltaet Qakk u riftih Quick m Flfttk Xivtrr Ctt Xv!rCfftt I.mbftrdolind l.ambrdlnd Vtitt mt Irmlh V1f mt Trwlb Lift Butm at M Mm MmI lb" rrtM Hit tenia ElMr Mna Tit TEA Den nil Par Den nit Par Jadr Judr Canota Grand OU 0rr Grand 01 Orrr Tralh r Draanrl Pram HII Parada Hit Parad Star Tbvatr Hlar Tbatr Newt Hirrr Jmt nan JuMf Dfrrc. FlaybMM Dirt. Ptarhaaaa Orr haalra Orcbntra IS I HIIfwm4 Bw M Stmt 14 Martaa m I op. rih Noiit Wai Muivnni Wax Muirum Wax Muiium :U Ovn Hnii t4A Opn Hons is m I mm off SUNDAY Radla Patau Rmdla Palpit Jahn Daa'a Mnale Jab a Daa Mnale Meraarable Mnale Morning Serenade Cbnrrb la Tanr Home Mailt Cnl. Lathrran Ch. lit Bavllat Cb. Itl Bavllat Cb. Valra af Pranbary Valca af Praybrcy Radla Blbla Claia Radia Blbla Claai ulhrran Hnr .alhrran Hour Newi On the Vlllaee Eternal Llibt Eternal Llibl Glenn Shelley, Oryanlit Chleai Reand Table Unlrertlty , Theatre I'nlr. Theatre I'nly. Theatre MrTVlilt " " Chuck FoiUr, Qui! Kldi Qui Klda United Nallona I'niled Nallona To Re Advhrd Ta Ba Ad u lied T B A T B A Harveal of Stars Harveit of Stare Mn7ieof'tba M altera Hollywood Calling Nrwa HarmanlM Newt Tanr Seearlly Chambrr Mnila Chambrr Maila David RiRa Canary Pet Sbnw Nrwi Gueit Star Jnvrnlla Jury JurrnlH Jarr Rama af sly alary HouNa af Mvilery Martin Kanr Martin Kane Tha Shadow Tha Shadow Trna Drtertlv Trn Drtretlra Grrcary Rflod Grryary Haad Mrk Carter Nlrk Carter Nrwa Ktuila Can Ton Ten Thla Can Ton Toy Ttali Mtile fnr Von Hollywood Calling Hollywood Calling Harrli-Fare Harrli-Faye Sam Spade Sam Spade Thraler Guild Theater Guild Theater Guild Tbtater Guild Album Familiar Muiie Music for Yob V. D. Project New a Secret Minion Secret Minion Family Theatre Family Tbeatre Medical Rllltea Take It r n (wi j,ae II Roy Rocera Kiy Armen Roy Roien Kay Armen Twenty Qaeatlena Ki area. Pianist Twenty Queillone L'lley Comments Walter Wlnehell Harvey Harding Symphony float Symphony Boar Newe Bill Cunnlnrham Bill Cunnlnrham Nrwa Symphony float Rt phont Hoar Danre Orchestra Dance Orch. Newe Mary Ann Mercer Cat belle Hour Catholic Hour News Wax M meant Wax Museum Wax Muirum VlrnOff DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. tCY Saturday P.M. :00, Here's Hol rCA lywoodt S:I5. Special Event: l:S0, Harmonalren Newsi :M, Here'a te Vetu :IS, Home Edition: :. Dave Cole man Trio: 4ft, Bert Andrewst loft. Hollv wood Rllnei t:M, As We Sre Itt 1:15, Your Builnrsit :WI. Lone Ranger i t:M, Claremont Orchestral S:AA. Time for Ml slei t:M. Heinle and His Bandi 1:M, News; 18:1.1. Lawrence Welkt 1A:4.1. Dance Bsndt ll:M. Il's Daneci lt:0, Xtra Hourt 1:00, Sign Off. Sunday A.M. ?:. Band Box Re vue: S:Mt, Revival Hnuri :M), Southernalren 9: SO. Voice ef Propherrt tfliftfl, Nrws; 10:lfi. Romance ef the Hlihwavm tft:UI, Sunday Vespers t 11 :00, Vlrtor Mndlihn 1I:IR. Fine Arts Quar tet! Il:3'l, Piano Playtiousei 1?:0A, Hour of Fallhi I2:(, Parade of Hilsi 1:00. This Heck's World; 1:30. Menage of Is raeli 2:00, Mr. President t:n, Greitrit Storvt X:0fl, Lutheran Hour; S:.10. Mrlodlra for Modern! 4:00, Voire That l.lvei 4:80, Gervois Altar Society Starts Card Series Gervais The first of a series of card parties sponsored by the St. Rita Altar society of the Sacred Heart Catholic church was held at the parish hall with Mrs. Anthony Duda in charge of arrangements. There were 14 tables of cards in play and high scores in 500 were held by Joseph Schlechter; John Fer schweiler and Mrs Frank Eder. ACROSS 1. Craven T. MaacuMna nam 11. Click beetl 14. Brilliantly colored bird 11. Title of a knight Ocean IK. Anneied 19. Cragiry hill Jo. Cull ??. Kve: Scotch 21. Al home :.V Plant dlaeaaa 27. Boy SO pnnf 12. Erypttan fodrte SS. Nerattv 3. Conditio S Ahead 40 Send out 41 Way 42 Marry 44. Conceited perron 4. Two: preflt 4T. Biblical dtp 4 Film on a 1 Hano; dowa o4. Capital of SwitrerUnd IT. Old muplcaj not IS. Femlntn nam I. Asiatic palmi 1. Smoothed IX Everreo tree I. Scatter OOWN L Girdle ' J h I I" I I7 I 1 ' I" I' u '; 1 ' Ti "il 777- I ' so pi iTii ufJi 3 yj 5 57 -33 T, 3 S3 ' 44 ST -r- 3; -J T'i stsTn iss I S5" Jf - Ji jj Nrwa rlunbl Nrwa Stmt Candlllibt and llftr Niwt Tronloans Fronllar Tn Fran liar Tawn M mar Ira In Hutl Dirk Hayaa nt .tAialn ting II Araln Mini It Aaala etlng It Aaaln Tina Wh Plarhauaa Band M Yard Una 8. B. S.'Albanr II. H l.-Albmnr S. 8. I.-Albany Albanr n. H. ft.-Albanr S. H. B.-Albanr 8. B. S.-Albanr 8. m. 8,-Alhanr Vanthan Monrat Vauthaa Maaraa Orna Antry Gtna Avtry Ganrbnitara Gana bnitart Orrbttlra Orrhrttra Ntr 5-Star Final Ortanltt Orrhralra Orrhnlr 8lndl ; Klndla Studla : i Party i Part i Party SUdla Party !rrrnadt Orrhattrt Orrhnlra OrrbMlra Hindi Parly Mud la Parly Stadia Party Kim Off Silent Church of the Alt Cbarcb ef lb Air Church mt the Air Cbarcb f the Air Newanakere Howard natlth Salt Lake Taber. Nawa Fellewahl Fellowship Telce Voice Salt take Taber. Chapel af Air Clark Dennle Ave Maria Hear Ave Maria Bear Invitation te learning Driver Plarheaea Nrwa People' Platform People' Platform Trees. Bandttand Treaa. Banditand Cbarea la H Organ Loft Sacred Heart Wayne King Flnt Baptlil Cb Flril Bapllil Ch Plrel Baptlal Ch Mr 1.1 Hapllil Ch. Cboraller Cberallera Gallery Geailp Newa Serenade for Strlnga t'nlted Natlom Guj Lemberde CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony-" CBS Symphony My Serened Newa Muile for Tea Muile for Yea Srmpbonetio Srmphonelte Worda Mnale Word! A Muile Daydream Muile Daydream Muile Mnale Room Muile Room Sboweaae Bande Showraio Bande Sunday Serenade Sunday Serenade Mutio for Sunday Muile for Sunday Family Rear Family Hear Boston Blarki Boston Blarkle Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Jack Benny Jark Benny Amoa 'n Andy Am oi 'n' Andy Bert-en-MC art hy Berren-M'Carlby Rocky Jordan Rocky Jordan Dallaa Ministerial Oxvle A Harriet Halem Colleye Salem College Dave Dennis Dave Dennle Headline New Inside Story Sunday Seloa Sanday Salon Nasarene Church Naiarene Church Corliss Archer Corliss Archer Horace Heldt Horace Heldt Contented Hour Contented Hour The Whistler The Whistler Naiarene Church Naiarene Church Frank do Vol Frank do Vol Our Mlia Brooke Our Mlis Brook Bergen-M'Csrthr Bercen-M'Carthy Sunday Reverie Sanday Reverl Sunday Reverl Sunday Reverl The Whlitler Red Skelton Jack Benny Jack Benny Fly Star Final Night Editor Red Skelton Musle for Yeti Serenade Chlraeoana Prelude to Mldnlte Prelude to Mldnlte ?lgnOff Sunday Reverie Sunday Revert Sunday Reverie Sunday Reverl Sign Oft 1190: KOAC. 554 Af Saturday P.M 3:M. Oa In IXvnv Vpbeati S:, So bperta Clubi :M, Newst t:U, Look at Auitrallat :, London Letter I d:IS, Holland Today and Tomorrow) 1:M, Light Opera Tenlghlt IMS, lgcrrs' Fir Weather Forat l:M. Dane Paradet 1I:0, Slra Off. Thta Changing Werldt 4:, Betty Clark Sings: :0, Stop the Matlet S:0At Walter Wlncbellt S:1S, Louella Personal :, Chance of Lifetime i 7:00, Jim ml Fldleri 7:15, Chapel br the Roadildei 7:80, Cab rlllo Dan 8:00, Drew Pranont H:ll( Head line!: :S0, Walter Wlnrhelli (l:4n, Inter meiiet 0:00, Family Cloie-upi :80, Gueit Stan 0:411. Claremont Oreheetrat 10:00, RIchMeld Reporter! 10:1.1, Georra Sokol skyi 10:30. Chantlclalr Orchestral 10:4ft, Beverly Hills Orchestra; 11:00, Drew Pear lent 11:18, Nocturne) lt:00, Xtra Hoart 1:00. Sign Off. In pedro Millard Henny held high score and Mrs. Edward Jungwith held high in pinochle. Sisters Enjoy Visit Fairview Mr. and Mrs. Chat les Stephens and family of Fair view, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ste phens and family of Hopewell have had as their guests, Mrs. Albert Willis of Portland and Mrs. Mary Baird of Newberg. The four women are sisters. Round I Tina ftaand L'n TIm llaMarch Vastsra Inalda Btarr BiAiNiDnAipioipnwiiT oTveiwIImii No&jao e'glTlAuN clojOK E;D fSJ''Caag pi 'k1? PiAiNiE'LiEHLlfclNpJ Tl I C If MlOjVIEjsU L O P flLlK U E I X 1 E HAltV Eldl LcfE;ptgtp SflTiRlB'l eIIl o c i Solution of Yesterday's Puuis t Part ef a mlnitral ahow 1 Soldi, r i. B CjbVP'AlrVE oirieWrI i it R'ITpIIvIeIl I. RemalnA 1 Enrlurea: Scotch T. Exclamation I. Are . Tleayur Jannl 10. Work In el a 11. Beverm 12. Macn1in nlrknam IT. True 31. Mold 24. ArrefaM 31 Headrlreaal poetic SI. Dill 21. Amount nf medlrlna M Uehtef 11. 1-antnNh Protuberant M. Social rllmber t7. Russian vlllay communllloi IL Quality of cook p t t. Ventured 1 Stvallrw rar:iiy 41 Peruan CMefte'H IS. Artificer nroutfd train M. Arreeh II. Roam about M' 14. Clitfra K Pefoy R. A irlcle M. Tvp r.f eeae bbr. II. Laod aauur