Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 01, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Dr., Mrs. Smith Will
Monday for Faculty
Starting off the calendar of official
entertaining at Willamette university
lor the new year will be the annual re
ception for which President and Mrs.
G. Herbert Smith are to entertain Mon
day evening at their residence, Univer
sity House.
Faculty members and the university
trustees and their wives are to be hon
ored at the affair: also invited are the
university official visitors. Governor
and Mrs. Douglas McKay, and members
of the state supreme court and their
Guests are invited to call between 8
and 10 o'clock.
Dr. and Mrs. Smith will receive in
formally. Assisting about the living rooms for
the first hour will be Dr. and Mrs.
Robert D. Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
'&A',JC&J'r. .'It
By Marian Lowry Fischer
Among affairs complimenting Miss
Edith Fairham preceding her marriage
to Peter M. Gunnar on October 14 will
be the party and china shower for which
Mrs. Kenneth DeHut and Miss Addyse
Lane are to entertain next Thursday eve
ning at the Leslie street home of Mrs.
Varied autumn flowers will be used
as decorations. The evening will be spent
informally.- Honoring Miss Fairham will
be her mother, Mrs. Silas E. Fairham;
Mrs. George Moore, Mrs. Addison W.
Lane, Mrs. O. O. Williams, Miss Grace
Ashford, Miss Bernice Isham, Miss Patty
Jo Hammond, Mrs. Scott Adams of Port
land, Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Jr., of Cor
vallis, Miss Maxine Meyer, Miss Mar
garet Allen, Mrs. Robert Guild, Miss
Marilyn Archibald, Mrs. Richard Spoon
er, Mrs. James Purdy, Mrs. Douglas
Armstrong, Mrs. James Woodroffe, Mrs.
John P Maulding of Eugene, Mrs. Ralph
Underwood of McMinnville, Miss Avis
Roberts, Miss Geri Bowles, Miss Maxine
Muckle, Miss Beatrice Nagle, Miss Betty
Jean Manoles, Miss Beverly Briggs, Mrs.
T. F. Mankertz, Jr., Miss Evelyn John
son, Mrs. Richard Carlson, Mrs. Jesse
Jones, Mrs. Marvin Goodman of Canby,
and the two hostesses.
Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's
governor, is planning to resume her
weekly at home afternoons, Tuesday,
October 11. During the winter season
she will be at home each Tuesday after
noon, local friends or out-of-town visi
tors being invited to call at that time.
Mrs. Daniel J. Fry and Mrs. Lora Tay
lor Hawkins have invited a group of
friends for luncheon and an informal
afternoon next Wednesday at the Fry
Relatives in Salem have received
news that the Rev. and Mrs. Thomas
Allport of Bellingham, formerly of Sa
lem, will go to the island of Kauai in
the Hawaiian Islands, where Rev. Mr.
Allport will conduct a mission church
for the United Lutheran Synod of Amer
ica, The Allporti and their three chil
dren will visit in Salem in November.
If the strike is over they will sail from
Los Angeles, November 80, otherwise
they will fly from Portland. Both Rev.
and Mrs. Allport attended the grade and
high schools in Salem. They have been
in Bellingham for five years.
Mrs. Ross F. Swall and children, Car
ol, Dickie and Nancy Sue, leave the lat
ter part of next week for Seattle from
where they will sail to join Captain
Swall in Tokyo, Japan. Captain Swall
is director of administration in the To
kyo General hospital. Mrs. Swall and
the children have been here with Cap
tain Swall's mother, Mrs. Ben Lambert.
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KKCENT NEWCOMERS twlnf grtelrd hf Ralem Include Ir. and Mn. Wixxton Bennett anil famllv hn ramr In Ihe
eipttal frmn Pmilana an reslila en Breyi intiM, With Mrs. Brnnttl pictured Bert are lot three chlldrtn, Susan,
lepbea m4 Weee.
Be Hosts
H. Derthick, Dr. and Mrs George D.
Hocking and Mr. and Mrs Charles A.
Mrs. S. B. Laughlin and Mrs W E
Kirk are to pour for the first hour and
assisting with the serving in the dining
room will be Miss Lois Latimer, Mrs.
Howard Hinde, Mrs. Kenneth Lottick
and Mrs. James I. Elliott.
During the second hour those assist
ing In the living rooms will be Dr. and
Mrs. Roberth Fenix, Dr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Withey, Dr. and Mrs. Chester Lu
ther, Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Schulze, Dean
and Mrs. Melvin Geist.
Miss Marion Morange and Mrs. Regina
Ewalt will be at the urns for the sec
ond hour and assisting with the serving
in that hour will be Mrs. Ralph Dobbs,
Mrs John Lewis, Mrs. Esther Ryan and
Mrs. C R. Nelson.
Alpha XI Delta alumnae have planned
their first fall meeting for Monday eve
ning at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Elmer S. Meade, 1510 North Summer
street. Mrs. Eugene Laird is to talk to
the group on the national convention of
the sorority which she attended in In
diana. All Alpha Xi Deltas new in the
city are extended an invitation to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chadwick and
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Cedric T. Reancy, leave Wednesday
morning on the Shasta Daylight for San
Francisco to attend the annual conven
tion of the American Hotel association.
Announcement was made' this week
at the Chi Omega sorority at Willamette
university of the engagement of Miss Le
nore Wilson, daughter of Mrs. Crystal
Wilson of Salem, to Howard Olson, Ca
mas, Wash. No date is set for the wed
ding. Miss Wilson is a major in physical
education at Willamette and a member
of Chi Omega. Mr. Olson is majoring in
business administration and is a member
of the Willamette chapter of Sigma Al
pha Epsilon fraternity.
Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith are
leaving Wednesday for Palo Alto, Dr.
Smith to be representative from Willam
ette university at the inauguration of
Dr. Wallace Sterling as the new presi
dent for Stanford university. The Smiths
plan to visit friends in the vicinity, too,
returning to Salem October 10.
Theater Arts group is to meet Tuesday
for a 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. N. F.
Anderson, route 1. Mrs. R. Ivan Lovell
is to read "Winslow Boy" by Terence
Rattigan for the program.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McLellan are in
Sheridan, Wyoming, visiting their son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. D. J.
McLellan, Jr. They plan to return
around October 10.
Among out-of-town affairs this fall
honoring Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of
Oregon's governor, will be the tea and
style revue for which republican women
of Lane county are to be hostesses next
Tuesday afternoon. The affair is to be
at the Eugene hotel between 3 and 5
o'clock. Mrs. Marshall E. Cornett of
Klamath Falls, republican national com
mitteewoman from Oregon, also is to be
a guest at the meeting. Mrs. C. A. Hunt
ington is chairman for the tea. Mrs.
Frank B. Reid is president of the repub
lican women's group in Lane county.
On Wednesday, Mrs. McKay will be
among those attending the luncheon of
Nydia temple, Daughters of the Nile, in
Portland, the Salem Nile club members
to be in charge of the program that day.
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HEADING SALEM'S Women's Army and
George Spaur, above. Opening event will be
and members.
Wedding Party Named
Miss Edith Fairham, who is to be wed
October 14, to Peter M. Gunnar, is an
nouncing members of her wedding party
and plans for the ceremony.
The service will be solemnized at 8
o'clock that evening in the First Meth
odist church, the Rev. S. Raynor Smith
of Eugene, formerly of Salem, to offi
ciate at the rites.
Mrs. Bruce Spaulding is to be soloist
and Mrs. Jesse Jones is to be at the or
gan. L. C. Fairham of Portland is to give
his sister in marriage.
Miss Addyse Lane is to be maid of
honor for Miss Fairham. Asked as
bridesmaids are Mrs. Kenneth DeHut
and Miss Beverly Briggs.
Dr. Rolf Gunnar of Riverside, 111., is
to be best man for his brother and ush
ering will be Mark Hatfield, Ed Arm
strong, William Carlson and Russell
The reception following is to be at
the residence of Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert
Smith, University House.
The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mrs.
Silas E. Fairham of Salem and the late
Dr. Fairham, and Mr. Gunnar is the son
of Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Gunnar of River
side, 111.
Mrs. Wallace Foster, who will be re
membered as Claudine Rose, former Sa
lem resident, left last evening for her
home in Spokane following a few days
visit at the Daniel J. Fry home. Mrs.
Foster and her daughter, Miss Patricia
Edgerton, now in New York City, re
turned recently from travels in Europe.
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Kennell-Ellla studio picture
Navy League for the coming year is Mrs.
a tea on October 11 honoring new officers
COMMITTEE members planning the
Junior Woman's club dance for Oc
tober 29 are to meet next Monday
evening at the home of the chairman,
Mrs. Eugene Morrison.
On the committee with Mrs. Morrison
are Mrs. Donald Cooper as co-chairman;
Miss Betty Jean Bergner, Mrs. Peery
T. Buren, Mrs. Toni Gabriel, Mrs. Lauch
len Hodges, Mrs. Loren Lewis, Miss
Marilyn Nelson, Mrs. Sam Speerstra,
Mrs. Clarence Stanley, Mrs. L. G. Stod
dard and Mrs. Don Cannon.
Next regular meeting for the club is
to be October 10 at which time the in
ternational relations committee, Mrs.
Fred Gast as chairman, will be in charge.
A social event of interest to a large
group this evening is the at home for
which Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Gragg
will entertain to honor their daughter,
Miss Carroll Gragg, who arrived Fri
day from Great Lakes, 111., to spend a
week here.
Friends have been invited to call be
tween 7 and 10 o'clock, with the younger
group asked to call between 10 and 11
Mrs. Carey Martin, Sr., Mrs. R. D.
Paris and Mrs. Leon Brown are to pour
during the 7 to 10 o'clock period.
Assisting about the rooms and in the
dining room will be Mrs. Albert T. An
derson, Mrs. Harris Lietz, Mrs. C. L.
Newman. Mrs. Florence Ames, Mrs. Karl
Kugel, Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Donald
Madison, Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs. Fred
Langdon, Mrs. Leonard Kephart, Mrs.
Elmer Meade, Mrs. Malcolm Cameron,
Mrs. Richard A. Meyer, Mrs. George
W. Nelson, Mrs. Kenneth Carl, Mrs. D.
J. DeSart Mrs. John H. Brady Mrs.
Frank Marshall Mrs. Carl Chambers,
Mrs. Richard L. Cooley.
Friends of Miss Gragg assisting in the
period between 10 and 11 o'clock will
include Mrs. C. R. Nclron. Miss Addyse
Lane. Mrs. John P. Maulding of Fugcne,
Miss Betty Jean Manoles. Mrs Leonard
OHom. Miss Rctty Fcilan, Mrs. Lawrence
Christian of Port'and. Mrs. Dnun'as
Armstrong. Mrs. Donald Well?, vis 'ir
from Modesto. Calif., and Mrs. Ralph
Underwood of McMinnville.
Mips Gracg is leaving next Saturday,
being asiTnert to Norfolk. Va. She re
cot'y finished her basic training after
enlisting in the navy.
Members of the board for Salem
branch, . 'ic l A'-c."U i!;. l of I': i
versify Women, are i.'.ccling next Tues
day evening. Mrs. Gordon A. Krucgor
and Mrs, Francis E. Gaskins to be host
esses to the group at the Kruc.crr home,
S42 Kingwood The meeting is set for
7:30 o'clock.
Plans will be discussed for the tea
to be given October IS between 2 and
4 o'clock in Baxter hall honoring new
AAUW members.
A club hostess Tuesday will be Mrs.
Daniel J. Fry who has invited her bridge
group for luncheon and cards for the
fall's first meeting.
Mrs, Krnncth U'iKon Is to be among
holesse of the mid week inviting her
bridge club for luncheon and card on
Alpha Chi Omega mothers are to
meet Monday evening at the sorority
chapter house at 7:4S o'clock with Mrs.
J. W. Hutchison and Mrs. Glenn Hoar
as hostesses. Mothers of new pledges of
the Willamette chapter are invited es
pecially. Among bridge club hostesses next
week will be Mrs. Ward Davis, who is to
entertain for her group at luncheon and
cards en Thursday.
Local Groups Start t lie
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nR of TltK mainr unmpn't orranizatioitlirtine Hs new year in October is the Town
and Gown club for townswomen and Williwlt
Brand is oresident this year and it shown
modern paintings brought back when sha
A prominent wedding on the week
end calendar is that of Miss Jeanne My-I
ers and Ensign Henry B. Johnson, USNJ
the ceremony to be at 3 o'clock Sunday)
afternoon in the First Presbyterian
church. Dr. Chester W. Hamblin offici-i
ating. The bride-to-be is the daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. Burton A. Myers and
Ensign Johnson is the son of Mrs. Dora
Johnson of Salem.
Mrs. Robert Siddoway of Portland
and Mrs. Coral Melanson of Los Angeles,
cousin of Dr. Myers, are to be soloisti
for the service, Mrs. Ralph Dobbs at the
In the wedding party are Mrs. Lloyd
V. Lewis (Janice Myers) of Eugene as
matron of honor for her twin sister; Miss
Grace Shields, bridesmaid; Sharon Mc
Nall, flower girl; Daryl Sim, best man;
Bland Simmons of Portland, Courtney
Jones, Wallace Palmateer and Lloyd V.
Lewis, the latter of Eugene, as ushers.
Reception Follows
The couple will receive friends infor
mally in the vestibule immediately fol
lowing the service, and later a recep
tion is to be given downstairs in the
Serving the cake will be Miss Minnie
Just and Mrs. Coral Melanson, the lat
ter of Los Angeles. At the coffee urn
will be Mrs. Paul Lewis of Merrill, Ore.
and Mrs. James Teed. Assisting will be
Mrs. Gerald Robison, Miss Margaret Mo
ritz, Miss Anita Hager, Mrs. Kenneth
Prince, Miss Jeanne Busick. At the
punch bowl will be Mrs. Fred Thomp
son, Mrs. C. Lester Newman, with Mrs.
Richard Kuhn of Oregon City, Mrs. John
Syme of Corvallis, Mrs. Raymond
Crumme of Eugene, Mrs. Donald Wells
of Modesto, Calif. Miss Florence Schloss
er and Miss Rosabelle Ross will have
charge of the guest book and in charge
of gifts will be Mrs. T. F. Mankertz, Jr.,
Mrs. William Dunn, Jr., Mrs. Harris
Lietz and Mrs. Harry U. Miller.
About 80 ladies and young women
of St. Mark Lutheran church met in the
church parlors this week to honor Mrs.
John Baglicn. Games were played and
refreshments served. A shower feted
Mrs. Baglicn.
All members of the Salem General
Hospital auxiliary are invited to at
tend the fall's first meeting of the
grouo, Tuesday next, October
4. in the Salem YWCA.
The meeting is to be at 10 o'clock,!
Mrs. Carl E. Nelson, president, in
charge. Plans of the group for the com
ing winter's activities will be talked
over, including the annual silver tea
piven each fall, this year's event to
be in cany November.
Dolla Delta Delta alumnae are gath-
ering for their first session of the fall
Monday evening at the home of Mrs.
John R. Cauchr-ll. 240 North Cottage,
ciessrrt to be at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Char
les Clarke. Miss Josephine Baumgart-
ner and Mrs. Kenneth Brown are to
be hostesses with Mrs Caughell. In-
vitatinn is extended to all new Delta
Delta Delta alumnae in the city to at-
tend and they may call Mrs. Caughell
at 36620. Mrs. Arthur Erickson is
president of the group.
Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert and Mrs. Ivan
Fowler will be hostesses at the home
of the former . Thursda; afternoon for
the meeting of Chapter G of P.E.O.
Sisterhood, dessert to be at 1 o'clock.
Service group of the Salem YWCA has
p nird its meeting for Tuesday at 8
p m in the YW. Mrs. Charles Knapp is
president of the group.
The board of officers for St. Joseph's
Mothers club is to meet Monday in the
school library. Mrs. Willard Stone, new
president, in charge.
Jfst en -Milter studio plctur
university faculty women. Mrs. James T.
ilhtttin her interesting home beside one ol the
I ind Justice Brand returned from a year in
ED this morning at a ceremony
in St. Joseph s Catholic church
were Miss Betty Jean Seder,
daughter of Mrs, Cassie Alice Seder, and
John Lloyd Cowan, son of Mrs. Pearl
Mary Cowan, all of Salem, the Rev.
T. J. Bernards officiating at the double
ring ceremony at 11 o'clock.
Baskets of yellow and white chrysan
themums decorated the church front for
the ceremony. Miss Jean Brown was at
the organ and Miss Alice Waters was the
Given in marriage by Russell M. Bick
ford, a family friend from Portland, the
bride wore a dusty rose suit designed
with fitted jacket flared in back.., With
the suit she wore forest green hat and
accessories and carried a bouquet of
white pom pom chrystanthemums, and
Mrs. Ross W. Heegel of Alharrtbra,
Calif., sister of the bridegroom, was
honor attendant for the bride. She wore
dove gray suit with black and pink
accessories, and her flowers were a nose
gay of white chrysanthemums and pink
Benjamin Henderson of Reedsport was
best man for his cousin. Serving as ush
ers were Peter and Robert Cowan, broth
ers of the bridegroom, and Ross W.
Heegel, a brother-in-law.
Mrs. Seder attended her daughter's
wedding wearing a burgundy afternoon
dress with black accessories and a cor
sage of pale pink carnations. The bride
groom's mother was attired in a mauve
gray . dress with black accessories and
corsage of the pale pink carnations.
The reception following the service
was at the Salem Woman's club house.
Mrs. J. S. Bickford, Eureka, Calif., sis
ter of the bride, served the cake. Mrs.
Russell M. Bickford of Portland was at
the punch bowl and Mrs. Pearl Seder,
aunt of the bride, was at the coffee urn.
Serving were Mrs. Lon Spady, Mrs. Dale
Miles, Miss Margaret Reeve, Miss Helen
Sannes. Mrs. George R. Hougham had
charge of the guest book and opening
the gifts were Misses Marjorie Williams
nd Merna Combs.
Following a wedding trip north the
couple will be at home at 2035 McCoy.
A group of friends surprised Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Sather at a housewarming
recently at their new residence pur
chased on N. 18th St. Refreshments wee
served and a gift was presented to the
Slithery. Mr. and Mrs. Sather came to
Salem a year aeo from Minnesota This
is his second yeai as instructor at jWslie
Kapna Alpha Tlnta alumnae., nlan
their first meeting of the fall for Thurs
day eveninr. 8 o'clock, at the home of
Mrs. I.ora Taylor Hawkins. Mrs. Rich
ird Slater assisting. New officers will be
elected. All new Thetas in the city are
Invited to attend.
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Calendared for next Friday evening,
October 7. is the season's first dance for
t Trotters club, the affair to be at Glen
wood ballroom.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McCafferry.
md Mrs. Joseph B. Felton and A&. and
Mrs. Lee Ohmart are on the committee
5 lor the first dance, the group including
J officers and their wivos.
' The engagement of Miss Patricia Bur-
naugh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M.
; Burnaugh, to Norman Tokstad, son of
j Mr. and Mrs. Nestor Tokstad, Sr was
j innounced formally last evening at a
party given at the Tokstad home.
The news was revealed with the serv-. -
Ing of Individual dream cakes on-which
V were little scrolls with the names rt the .
; couple written on them.
; No date is set for the weddin Both
young people attended local schools
ind are employed here.
About 30 guests were invited for the
' party. Mrs. Nestor Tokstad, Jr. and Mrs. '
; Lloyd Hamilton assisted at the affair.
"Year with New Leaders
J.sten-Miller gtudlo picture
THE BUSIEST PEOPLE are those who take the jobs, they say, and Miss Susan M.
' . Faherty, above, manager of Marion county chapter, American Red Cross, Is the new
1 1 commander for Pioneer post, No. 149, the all-woman post of the American Legion.
' 'The post has a large membership of women veterans and has a busy schedule ahead.
JuniorCDA to Install Officers
Installation ceremonies for the local
Junior Catholic Daughters of America
will take place Sunday evening.
I,. The group will attend the holy hour
in St. Joseph's church at 7 o'clock, the
installation following at 8 o'clock in
the Salem Woman's club house.
. .Miss Dolores Brunkal is the incom
ing president, and serving with her are
Miss Marjorie Davey, vice president;
Miss Grace Corey, secretary; Miss Nancy
Brown, reporter. They succeed Miss Lois
Schwab as president; Miss Betty Menke ,
as vice president; Miss Genevieve Mul
len, secretary; Miss Dolores Brunkal as
Mrs. J. D. White, who is the state Jun
' ior Catholic Daughters chairman, will
officiate at the installation, assisted by
'Mrs. Harry E. Corey, local chairman,
Iknd the Rev. George O'Keefe, chaplain.
'- Following the installation refresh
ments will be served with Mrs. John
Pryzabilla and members of the Star of
the Sea trocp of Junior CDA, of which
che is leader, in charge.
There are 10 troops of the Junior CDA
in Salem with more than 100 girls en
rolled. A new class is to be taken in ;
Ladies of the Vomarco class of the
First Methodist church are meeting
Tuesday for their first event of the fall,
dessert to bs at 1:15 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. John S. Harper, 1363 Court. Mrs.
Mary Boesthen, Mrs. Sidney Hall and
Mrs. Carle Abrams are co-hostesses.
Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, has scheduled a regular meeting
for t p.m. Tuesday in the Masonio temple.
Mr.' I mmm 1 . ' 4
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AMONG OTHERS In newcomer ranke being welcomed to fiilem are the Erich Lartsth famllv. Mm. I.aetwh and the
children. Rickie. who Is eight, and Judy, six years old. are pictured here. Ihe family came from New York City and
soon plan te build a new home In Candalaria. Height.
Salem Christian Business and Profes
sional women's group is meeting Tues
day, October 11, for dinner at the Gold
en Pheasant at 6:15 o'clock. The pro
gram is in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Mar
low Magnus. The couple have been
working under the Village Missions pro
gram in the vicinity around Astoria. At
the Tuesday meeting, Mr. Magnus is
to illustrate his talk with airbrush draw
ings under lighting effects, entitled
"Look Unto Me." A musical background
will be provided by Mrs. Magnus and
Mr. Magnus' sister, Miss Beverly Mag
nus of Portland.
Woomen from all churches are invit
ed. Reservations are to be in by Octo
ber 8, telephoned to 2-7578.
Mrs. Harry Carson, Jr., of Silverton
will entertain for her bridge group Wed
nesday, the club to meet at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Robert E. Shinn.
Wesleyan Service guild of the First
Methodist church is meeting Monday at
8 p.m. at the home of Miss M. Fay Lind
ley, 2175 Cadmus street, Miss Laura
Linton and Mrs. Don Wright as co-hostesses.
Miss Ruth Field is to lead the de
votions. Miss Louise Campbell of Pacific
university, Forest Grove, is to talk on
her missionary work in India.
Wesleyan Service guild of Jason Lee
church has planned its meeting for Mon
day evening, at 8 o'clock, at the church.
Worship and program leaders will be
Mrs. Louis Kirby and Mrs. Lloyd Hock
ett. Hostesses are to be Mrs. Melvin Kel
ley, Mrs. Samuel Miller and Mrs. Clif
ford Ellis.
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BlAhop-Moderne studio picture
RECENTLY INSTALLED as president for Capital Unit, No. 9, American Legion auxiliary,
Is Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, above. The group has an active program outlined for the year.
rONDAY features the fall's open
ing event for the Salem Garden
club, the meeting also to be the
35th anniversary for the club.
A no-host luncheon for members and
guests is to be served at 12 o'clock in
the Salem Woman's club house.
All women past presidents of the club
will be honored at the luncheon. Mrs.
W. E. Anderson is to present a history
of the club and there will be special
At 2 o'clock the group will stage its
regular meeting with Dr. E. J. Kraus of
Corvallis to be guest speaker to talk on
early chrysanthemums.
Members are to bring flower arrange
ments, the membership to vote on the
outstanding ones.
Presiding at the meeting will be Mrs.
Ben Maxwell, this year's president of
the club.
Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion
auxiliary, is to meet Monday at 8 p.m.
in the Salem Woman's club house, Mrs.
Walter L. Spaulding presiding as presi
dent. Following the business session there
will be a program with Miss Carroll
Gragg, who is visiting here for a week,
to be guest speaker. She recently com
pleted her basic training as a navy en
listee. Invitations have come to the Salem
Zonta club members to attend a formal
dinner to be given October 17 upon the
occasion of the Corvallis club's ninth
birthday anniversary. The dinner will
bl in the Memorial Union building tea
room on the Oregon State college cam
pus. Jtten-Mt!ler studio picture
At High School
Varied activities are being lined up at
Salem senior high school with the new
year under way.
Girls League is sponsoring an assem
bly Wednesday morning to introduce
officers and launch the group into ils
new year. Miss LaJune Rahtz is presi
dent of the group.
Next Friday brings an all-school sports
dance following the game with Bend
high school.
Announced for November 10 is the
Sadie Hawkins day dance, a student bo
dy sponsored event.
The annual winter formal dance for
the school is planned after the Christ
mas holidays, either late in January or
in February.
Soroptimist club's regular luncheon
and business session will be Wednesday
noon in the Golden Pheasant. Next
week-end several members will be go
ing to Bellingham for the regional con
ference. Salem Weavers guild plans its first
fall meeting for Wednesday at 8 p.m. at
the home of the president, Mrs. Hugh
Morrow, 1465 State street. A report will
be given on the national weavers' con
ference held in southern California.
St. Paul's guild, St. Paul's Episcopal
church, is meeting Wednesday for a no
host luncheon in the parish house at
12 30 o'clock, a business session follow
ing. Eagles auxiliary is meeting Tuesday at
8 p.m. in the Eagles hall. There will be
nomination for a three-year trustee.
District No. 21, Neighbors of Wood
craft, will hold a pep meeting at Cor
vallis Monday evening at 8 o'clock.
Neighbors from Silver Bell Circle of
Salem are asked to take sandwiches
and cake.
Woodburn Low net honors at the
Woodburn Golf club Thursday were
won by Mrs. Ann Withers in Class A,
Mrs. Myrtle Smith in Class B and Mrs.
Lillian Ahrens in Class C. Hostesses at
the luncheon hour were Mrs. Kay Bish
oprick and Mrs. Carol Coman. For next
Thursday the committee will be Mrs
Lillian Ahrens and Mr.;. Evelyn Blinn.
Results in the fall tournament to date:
Second flight: Mrs. Jennie June Mag
nuson defeated Mrs. Addie Smith; Mrs.
Elsie Cavett won over Mrs. Myrtle
Smith: Mrs. Marj Christom'cn won by
default from Mrs. Marian Painter: Mrs
Edylhe Ticknor. bye. Semi-finals will
be Mrs, Magnuson vs. Mrs. Cavett: Mrs.
Christenson vs. Mrs. Ticknor.
Third flight- Mrs. Carol Coman eli
minated Mrs. Lillian Ahrens: Mrs Eli
zabeth Glatt. Mrs. Kay Bishoprirk and
Mrs. Evelyn Blinn drew byes. Semi
finals in the third flight will be Mrs
Coman vs. Mrs. Glatt; Mrs. Bishoprick
vs. Mrs. Blinn.
Silverton Mis. Irene Roubal, presi
dent of the Businef.-s and Professional
Women's club, is announcing the first
meeting of the autumn to be Tuesday
evening. October 4 Eight members are
to be initiated.
Members arc advised that the 7 o'clock
dinner is formal. Those not able to
attend are asked to notify either Mrs
William Bloch or Mrp. Ralph Krnnris
not later than Saturday. The year books
will be ready for distribution.
Among other events for the B&PW
club members in the near future are the
president's breakfast, the past officers"
tea, invitation to Salem for a meeting,
and the district conference.
Nile Club Meeting Monday;
Group Plans Portland Program
Salem club. Daughters of the Nile has
ils first fall meeting scheduled for next
Monday at the Masonic temple. Mem
bers will meet at 10 o'clock for sewing.
Luncheon will be at 12:15 o'clock. On
the committee are Mrs. Carl Staats, Mrs.
Walter White, Mrs. W. E. Brown, Mrs.
Mary Lambeth, Mrs. Russell Beutler,
Mrs. Fred Klaus, Mrs. Joseph Bourne,
Mrs. James Garson, Mrs. Dean Omans,
Mrs. C. H. Murphy, Mrs. Sam C. Stich
ler. Mrs. Charles Boycr is president of the
To Sponsor Program
On Wednesday, the Salem Nile club is
to have charge of the program for the
Miss Angela Marie Kropp is announc
ing members of her wedding party
She is to be married the morning of
Saturday, October 15, to Robert
The service will be solemnized in St.
Joseph's Catholic church at 11 o'clock,
the Rev. T. J. Bernards officiating. Mrs.
Charles Nelke is to be soloist, Mrs. Mary
Barton at the organ.
Miss Anabelle Kropp, twin sister of
the trice-elect, is to be maid of honor,
and Miss Grctchon Kropp, another sis
ter, will be the bridesmaici.
Ernest Schnider is to attend his
brother as best man and fc.'oomsman will
be James Baircy.
The reception following will be in
the Salem Woman's club house.
Miss Kropp is the daughter of Bernard
J. Kropp of Salem and Mrs. Izelta Kropp
of Las Vegas. Ncv. Mr. Sch.nir'or is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Schnider of
Justice James T Brand of the Ore
gon supreme court will give a public
talk on human rights Friday night,
October 7, under auspices of the Salem
His address will precede a general
discussion on the subject for all persons
interested. The meeting, a project of
the YWCA public affairs committee,
will begin at 8 o'clock at the YWCA,
768 State street.
The forum will inaugurate a new
series of YWCA public discussions. Mrs.
Alfred A. Schramm, president of the
YWCA, announces that similar forums
will be held monthly. Mrs. Robert E.
Gangware is public affairs chairman.
Committee members include Misses
Eleanor Stephens, Beryl Holt, Eliza
beth Higbee, and Mesdamcs Thomas
Wright, Wendell Webb, W. C. Crothers,
James Bunnell.
Several members from the Salem
League of Women Voters plan to go to
Portland next Thursday for the north
west "voters' service" conference, to
be held at the Oregonian Hostess House.
Mrs. Hal DeSart, president of the
local unit, Mrs John Goldsmith and
Mrs. Robert E. Gangware are among
those going from here.
Rapheterians announce their first
meeting of the fall for next Thursday,
October 6, Mrs. Lee Unruh to entertain
the group at 2:30 o'clock at her home,
885 D street.
Among Salem players planning to be
In the Oregon Women's Golf associa
tion tournament at Riverside club in
Portland next Wednesday are Mrs.
Manley Robison, Mrs. J. H. Thompson,
Mrs. Ivan Marble, Mrs. Claude Johns,
Mrs. Howard W 1 c k 1 u n d , Mrs. Rex
The regular day for the Salem Wo
men's Golf association will be Wednes
day as usual at the Salem Golf club.
.HMlin CATHOLIC DAI CIITERS OF AMERICA will Install their offlrent at a special
ceremony tiunday. Mine Dolores Brunkal, daughter of the Harry M. Brunkals, above, is
the Incoming president for the group. i
luncheon meeting of Nydia temple.
Daughters of the Nile, in Portland, this
being the first time an upstate club has
been invited to furnish a program for
Nydia temple.
Josephine Albert Spaulding, mezzo so
prano, will sing as the feature for the
program, presenting a group of favor
ite and popular numbers with Mrs. Al
fred A. Schramm as accompanist.
Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mrs. Harris
Lietz and Mrs. L. J. Stewart have been
the committee to arrange for the pro
gram. Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's
governor and a member of the Nile, is
to introduce Mrs. Spaulding.
Mrs. George Grabenhorst will be hos
tess at her home. 1655 Fir street, Thurs
day, October 6, for the season's first
event of the Pringle Pleasant Point So
cial club. It will be an all-day meet
ing. There will be a no-host luncheon
at noon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Herron are
among those in Portland this evening
for the Rubinstein concert.
Credit Women's Breakfast club plans
its regular meeting for Tuesday morn
ing at Nohlgren's restaurant.
Mrs. Byron Mennis was honored at
a doss-ert luncheon for which Mrs. Rob
ert DeArmond was hostess today. Bridge
was played during the afternoon and
the group feted Mrs. Mennis with a
shower of gifts.
Mrs. B. O. Schucking has left for
Montreal to attend the annual conven
tion of the Florist Telegraph Delivery
association. She will be away about
10 days.
American War Mothers plan their
meeting next Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the
Salem Woman's club house. There will
be election of officers, also plans made
to entertain the state convention in Sa
lem on November 1 and 2. The state
event Is to be in the Carrier room at
the First Methodist church.
Silverton Mrs. C. E. Higinbotham
and her official installing team were
complimented guests of Mt. Angel aux
iliary, the group inducting the officers
there for the coming year. Mrs. Dale
Plummer (June Ann Lucht) was in
stalled as president and her mother,
a former member of the Silverton unit,
Mrs. Fred Lucht, as first vice president.
Of the Silverton team, Mrs. T. P.
Heidenstrom was installing sergeant-at-arms,
Mrs. Higinbotham, president;
Mrs. A. J. McCannel, first vice presi
dent; Mrs. Victor Howard, second vice
president; Mrs. Frank M. Porter, sec
retary; Mrs. Ralph Francis, treasurer;
Mrs. Fred Evans, team sergeant-at-arms;
Mrs. Bruce Billings, chaplain; Mrs.
Florence Reeves, historian.
Assisting Mrs. Plummer for the year
as second vice president will be Mrs.
Charles Hafncr; secretary, Mrs. Ernest
Crowder; treasurer, Mrs. Peter Gores;
chaplain, Mrs. A. G. Treager; sergeant-at-arms,
Mrs. Joe Erwert; historian,
Mrs. Tony Petrillo.
Mrs. I. N. Bacon, Salem, president of
district No. 2, and Mrs. Jennie Bartlett
were special guests, and served as in
stalling officials.
At Mt. Angel October 20 will be
the Marion county assembly, and also
at Mt. Angel on October 29 will be
the 40 et 8 and 8 et 40 sessions.
Jrattn-Mllltr itudlo plctun
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