Campaign for Playgrounds Renewed by Junior Women Renewed effort for iti mmnaiin in improving and equipping playgrounds in Salem is under 'y by members of the Junior Woman's club. 4 This week-end, letters have gone t 102 rvice and community organizations, outlining the club'f program and its goals, reports M"- Ralph Atwood, playground I project chairman for the club. Accompanying the letter is a brochure presenting the back ground for the project, also the support given by groups and leaders in the city. Basic equipment for each playground runs to $580, includ ing a four-unit multiple swing, l three-unit knidergarten swing, I merry-go-round, a wave slide and a horizontal bar. The six centers featured in the project include: Highland Park, already equipped following the initial effort of the club: Kay park. Bush's Pasture park, the playground and 15th and Mill streets, the playground at 22nd and Lee streets, and Pringle paiK. The message sent out tlus week-end to local groups in part reads as follows: ' The Salem Junior Woman's club is currently sponsoring a community improvement pro ject designed, primarily, for the New Ruling in Blood Banks For the first time In the his tory of modern blood banks, persons who have been victims of malaria now will be accepted as donors in the national blood program conducted by the American Red Cross, it was an nounced today by Dr. Nicholas P Sullivan, technical director of the Portland regional blood center Th Portland center takes in 13 northwestern Oregon and five counties of southwestern Washington, Marion county be ing included in the group. Dr. Sullivan returned this week from a national conference on the blood program in Wash ington, D.C. The great and growing need Pennant Race At a Glance ILebonon Telephone Directories Given Lebanon Distribution of new telephone directories began I this week and all subscribers should have their copies by Oc tober I, announces airs, ctnei , Bauman. owner and operator of the Linn County Telephone B the United Pr..jti Here is the baseball pennant picture today The Boston Ri'd Knx lpH the "I """'"; sweet Home. Crawfordsville o . u.u s wc. and Brownsville clients. The .earn nao iwo games ipii 10 piay new directorv wa!t compiU.d by The Rod Sox meet the Yan-!the General Telephone Dircc kees in New York today, and tory company of Long Beach. Boston could clinch the pennant Calif. with a victory. Yesterday, Bos ton went ahead by beating Washington, 11 to 9, while New York lost to Philadelnhia 4 In 1 The Dodgers meet the Phillies Harirlac llnAtl PflOC in Philadelphia. The Cards meet s'vlllwJ vpuil I vwJ Deficit Spending!: Totals u Billions f The government's Income 59. "i. 000.000. It s spending $10, 9.000.000. The deficit SI, 404.000.000, Third Dayton High Washington. Oct. 1 W The Dn Bnvor n,roA federal government spent about $1,400,000,000 more than it took Dayton Ted Bell had X-rus Capital Journal Salem. Ore., Saturday, October 1, 1919--3 the knee to the ankle. The in-'broken collarbone, and Bell with jury oceured during the loot- his knee. Bell is the son of Mr. ball scrimmage between Mc- and Mrs. Bud Bell. Minville B team. He played left1 half position on the Dayton high; Three different types of oys school foot bs 11 squad. This 'e taken from U. S. wa- makes the third injury to theirs, the large native eastern in during the first three months i which revealed a fractured knee Salem Heights Club the Cubs in Chicago. A Dodger win and a Card loss would give Brooklyn the pennant. Though idle, Brooklyn went a full game ahead yesterday when St. Louis lost to Chicago, 6 to 5. for blood derivatives lies back;youth of our city. The project of the new decision. Dr. Sullivan consists of the purchase and in explained. The blood donationsjstallation of playground and from those who have had ma- other recreational facilities in laria will not be used as whole city park and playground areas completed, the plan now is to immediately raise funds to pur chase equipment for other parks The Salem 20-30 club has an nounced that the proceeds from a concert, sponsored by that or ganization on September 21. will be contributed to the play ground project. We hope other organizations will employ some blood, but will be set aside and plainly labeled, later to be frac tionated into important deriva t ves. In the fractionation proc ess the malaria parasite which has its haven in the red blood cells, is eliminated and cannot reach a recipient by way of the derivatives, Dr. Sullivan said. The new program will in crease the list of donors. Since opening of the Portland regional blood center, 118 persons in cluding several from Salem area have been rejected because of malarial medical history. These perosns may now donate, realiz ing their blood will be helpful in saving or prolonging lives. Principal among the derivatives are immune serum globulin largely used for the prevention or modification of attacks of measles; serum albumin, for the treatment of burns, shock, cer tain types of kidney diseases and brain injuries; fibrin foam and fibrim film, beneficial in surgery; and the anti-homophilic globulin, used in the treatment of hereditary bleeders. All are obtained from blood plasma and only from that source. where no such facilities exist The matter has been discussed with a number of community leaders who have unanimously agreed that it is the type project urgently needed in Salem and that it would contribute much to the improvement of the community. Our club feels that the scoDe of this project is such that the cooperation and support of many service groups and indivi duals in the city will be neces sary to make any real progress in equipping these parks. In this connection, we are pleased to advise that through the cooper ation of the Salem Lions club. Hollywood Lions club. Optimists dub, Bush's Mothers club and a lew individuals, we have, only recently, been able to purchase and install several basic units of playground equipment In High land park similar means oi raising iunasjin. ot bencles and floor work for this purpose. Xhe scouts will take care of the Salem Heights. Oct. 1 The executive committee of the Sa lem Heights community club met at the hall to discuss plans for the club house. It was decided to charge a fee of $2 for the community clubs to use the hall for afternoon and evening meetings. Outside clubs S5 the boy scouts and Church. 50 cents a meeting. Also S2 50 for the Saturday night movie held there The Salem school listrict pevs for the use of the hall. Plans were made for an esli nate on interior painting, sort of the 1930 fiscal year, and no relief from red ink financing appears in sight. The most hopeful guess from an administration expert puts the budget deficit for the 12 months ending next June 30 at S2.000.000.000. Senator Byrd (D, va.J predicts it may run as high as S7.000.000.000. While a lot depends on what congress does with some S14, 000.000.000 in appropriations bills still awaiting final action, ofticials said yesterday that gov- hahlv will I top even the peacetime record ! 1 cap and torn ligaments, and a,tjt)1'on cast has been placed from above vertebra Dayton team this season. "Doc" Jys ,fr' ",e 'na" ' !' Ve ulmpm Manning sustained aand an imporled, large Japan injury, Don Allen aiese oyster. V3 A "We hope that your orsaniza tion will be able to make some contribution to the project, per haps in the way of to the general fund cleaning of the drapes. Present at the meeting were Mr and Mrs. Ed Cotman. Mar- donation 1 ion Miller. Mrs-. Lyle Bayne. anjHarvev Peterson. Kenneth of $41,858,000,000 proposed by President Truman. And while spending climbs, the government's revenues ap pear likely to fall below the $40,985,000,000 forecast in Jan uary. So far, spending is run ning 22 per cent above last year, and revenues have increased onlv Keven Der cent. These are the official treasury 4fiJe . figures for the first quarter of' JTtSVrft' ' the fiscal year, throug.i Sept. 2i i4i V f;'v" 1 r w 1 1 1 : t 1 .L: n 4 amount equal to the cost of one Zwicker. Harvey Fasching. Ed piece of equipment, such as a Lewis. Chester Skelton and Ho- swing, slide, etc. Contributions Ibart Smith, president. should be addressed to the Sa lem Playground Project, co Chamber of Commerce. Salem, or to Mrs. Ralph Atwood, 1540 Jefferson street, Salem. For in formation telephone 3-9789 or 3-4657. ' Illinois has 14.101 schools the most of any state In the union. 90c Chicken Dinner SATURDAY & SUNDAY Good Home Cooking $1.00 T-BONE STEAKS $1.00 THE SNACK SHOP 17th and Center St. '7 rT i fir iii TMiri i i 1 1 r ttHmmum it in la i...ujLi. As . J Curly Meets With His Stockholders bucccssof Curly s home-owned dairy is attnouied to a sustained tradition for friendly service. Ann nere are the stockholders in a happy mood about their new paper milk containers. At the left is Hans "Curly'' Hofstetter, president. Next (standing) is Gordon H., vice president. Next Rodney W., then Loren "Eddie" Edlund, plant superintendent. Sitting next to Curly is Grover H., sec. -treasurer, and Ivan Osterman, office manager. Gordon H.. Rodney W. and Grover L. are all sons of Curly Hofstetter. (Adv.) A3lMt.WVVV "Since the one park has been I & DANCE SATURDAY NITE Aumsville Pavilion Music by Tommy Kezziah and His West Coast Ramblers In Aumsville 10 Miles S. E. of Salem 9:30-12:30 DST -cool-DANCING TONITE Wayne Strachan's Music VFWHALL Hood and Church Sts. Enjoy the Best Dance Floor in Salem Follow the Crowd to the Salem Supper Club You cannot beat the combination of fine food and fine entertainment! W. Open Sunday, 2 P.M. - 10 P.M. NO COVER CHARGE NO MINIMUM Phone 2-9242 They're two OLD TIME DANCE; Every Saturday Night J Over Western Auto 59 Court St Join the crowd and have a good time Music By BEN'S ORCHESTRA PUBLIC DANCE Admission 60c, Inc. Tax WIN A WATCH! Tonite 8:00 D.m. at the GRAND OPENING of the SALEM ICE ARENA FREE! ADMISSION FREE! To Guest on Watch and to Sea Skating Show! of the biggest men in town Hard Time BARN DANCE TONITE Glenwood FUN AND PRIZES FOR EVERYONE Larry and His Cascade Range Riders fl TMIE MEADDWS NOW OPEN SUNDAY 7:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. SPECIALIZING IN Chicken Turkey Steak SUNDAY DINNERS REASONABLE PRICES! 340 Stat St. Dial 3-7517 DANCE To the Mmic of Lee and the Melody Ramblers ALBANY ARMORY Every Saturday Night Admission 65c. Inc. tax. Seml-Modero WE LIVE AND LEARN By nature and temperament I am a peaceful, trusting sort of a guy and GOLDEN RULE is the standard I've al ways tried to live by, but sometimes I wonder if I wouldn't be better off to take the "dog eat dog" attitude and take everything I can get, the heck with the other fellow. As I write this regular Saturday epistle, I om diial luiiontd, DISAPPOINTED and PLENTY MAD. To prop erly express my feelings I'll use the old saying "YOU CANT MAKE A SILK PURSE OUT OF A SOW'S EAR." Then I'll take a verse from the Bible, 7th chapter of Matthew, 6th verse: "NEITHER CAST YE YOUR PEARLS BEFORE SWINE, LEST THEY TRAMPLE THEM UNDER THEIR FEET & TURN AGAIN & REND YOU." If you read the papers you'll know what I mean. Before I run out of space, let me urge you to come out and eat with us. You won't be disallusioned, disap pointed or mad when you eot one of our fine dinners. Come and spend the entire evening. No fuss, no frills, just a lot of good wholesome food, etc. So long until next Saturdav. CLAUDE Stevenson's Restaurant 253S Portland Road Phone 2-9004 The Home ot ROYAL FISH AND CHIPS Ami one of them is yon. The other one is a man who is giving a lot of liis own time to help his neighbors. He's giving his energy, too out calling on people at their homes and offices, telling people about the Red Feather services of our Community Chest. It really isn't his job alone. It's everybody's job. But he is a Red Feather volunteer, asking for money for a cause that shouldn't require any begging or groveling. Where do you, come in? U hy, you are the man who doesn't flinch or duck or hide behind a lame excuse when the first chap says "Red Feather." Instead, you smile and make him feel welcome. Then you dig down deep for all you can afford to give. That brings your size up to his! MANY"""'" -ONE I if w " A ? if '; ell 4 f!';: xV'ri I ' - yj v , vi w c. I V if f.rl ' ' "i I Uk !-'V a Ki ftfc4':'v.:.i,Hi I r.i , . 1 , ' TrtJ-f v v ' -r v j v 1 " tl - a rr r "