AUTOMOB AUTOMOBILES PONTGS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Fjc Sdn.-Coupe, R&H $1795 42 Pc Sedan. R&H $895 '37 -c Sedan $ 195 x Olds Sedan $ 695 '38 Pontiac Coupe 5 195 '38 Ford Tudor $145 '36 Dodge $245 Herrall - Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 660 N. Liberty Ptiotie 2-4U3 AUTOMOBILES DODGE sedan. A.UO '31 Plymouth, All new rubber, rebuilt motor. 1 ml. north Independence. Ph. 200-J. W. 0. Greuel. q238 '49 FORD i-ir. Low mileage & very clean. 11625. 1365 N. 4th. 0236 41 FOBD tudor. Radio At heater. Good ahape. 1036 Commercial. j; SINCA almost new. Very low price. Dixon Motor Co., 297 N.E. Sandy, Port land Tu 3311 or U 2886. n33& Mt'ST SELL: 7 FORD, new paint. eood 1 shape throughout. 1250 or beat oiler. 2285 Lee Bt. 0236 1M DODGE 4 -dr. jed. Good cond. Will consider trade for city property. 1748 "B" St. M FOR BALE 1935 Chev. aedan. New tires. Runa cood. Elton Watts, RU 2, 611 vert on. Ore. ?235 '41 CHEV. cpe. No reasonable offer re fused. Ph. 2-8158. Q-234 36 FORD with R&H. Extra transmission and other part. SIM. Ph. 4 -igTZgaaa MODEL A Ford. Good COnd. Ph. 3-7202. 060 Evans. Jfftt 1041 DODGE lli-ton pickup. New cond. Ph. 3-4765. 1236 WANTED W40 or '41 4-dr. Ford. Will trade '35 Ford 2-dr, and 1300 cut). Ph. 2-8636 after 6 p.m. Q2M 4 PACKARD club aedan. Fully equlpt.. like new, 9000 miles, or will trade for older car book lor book. 1495 N. 4th. 0.234 WSO PACKARD "120" 4-Door Sedan. Body, motor & tires In good condition. 6270 or 170 for equity. 239 S. Cottage after 5:30 pjn. 0"? 3 CHEV, 4-door deluxe. R&H. Good con dition, 1465. Ph. 2-S9&9. Q236 WANTED: M T. panel truck or sen. del. Al jo have 1947 Deluxe Ford aed. lor aale. Write box 429 Capital Journal. q235 ONE H ton G.M.C. Pickup worth tlOOO. Priced for quick sale 1850. Call after 6 p.m. Leo S. Oler, 400 Grant St. Silver ton. Ore. WANTED: Clean used car. Boo Uarr. 2160 South Commercial J Eisner Motors to Sell (50 USED CAR LOT i5o your old one. 12th St. Junction Open UU 10 p.m ZEEB'S USED CARS BUI SELL - TRAD . TERMS ti Falnironnd Road Phone t-6454 iM CHEV. 2-door. Make offer. See at 1845 S. Com'l. J?2! '47 FORD convertible, fully equipped with everything. Excellent condition. New top, reasonable. See at 698 8. 12th. Reed's Drive In. "236 CAR ACCESSORIES Urea & tubee at cwt price, First come first served as this if a, close-out sale. Dealers welcomed. R D. Woodrow Co., 450 Center. Q Eisner Motors Fine Cars MOTORCYCLES. SCOOTERS 1049 CHUSHMAN Airborne moloz scooter. Buddy seat it windshield. Used only 2 months. 1250. Ph. 2-027B. FINANCIAL PERSONAL Finance Co. 618 State Rm. 125. Lie. - S-122 - M-165. C.R. Allen, mr. 1333 . CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 6300 Come In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 10R9 Palrrrounds Road Next Door to Bank No Parklni problems Pbeme 27032 Lit H U369-S291 Floyd Kenyon. Uit t PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 316 State. Rm. 125. Uc. - S-122 - M-1M. C. R. Allen. Mcr. "34 WANT IMMEDIATE!.: $11,300 LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. EXTRA GOOD INTER EST. Ph. 3-7112 or write bo 461, Capi tal Journal. 1234 outwit unvrv Special Rates and Term On Larger Loans Lone end Short Tim Payments ROT H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial fit. Phone -) SEE VS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 41 OR 4'4T. INTEREST I to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 14t State St. Phone S-366S GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. 8-133 and U-328 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 158 B. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4'i and Of. TOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 201 Pioneer Trust Bid. Ph. 3-7161 f AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 162 8 Church Parking a Plenty Ph 1-74.17 Lie No M-159 S-1M TRAILERS WILL TRADE lor house tia'-Ier. Suitable to rent. Ph. 2-1146. t21" TRAILER SPACE. 130 per mo. with el) conveniences. South side of can nery. Wn, Roth. 1740 Oxford. Ph. 3-S8. t333 NEW t WHEELED all metal trailer Rack and canvas cover. Reasonable 1335 Lee St. 2 TRANSPORTATION RIDE WANTED Salem to Jelleison, lev. Ins Sa.rm spptox. V4S am. X234 DIRECTORT ADDING MACHINES AD makes nsed mt chines sold, rented repaired ftoen 4M Court Phone S-4Vm APPLIANCE iERYICt ELECTRIC ROME appliance repair terrlce new eppilanem ffioees Cieetrle Phone Free estimates Ttade-lns accepted en l-ntt 137 8 Liberty St o AT I R DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers, scImotm. knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1320 Center. 2-6332. o A I TO RADIOS nmnotuMi warrants ni (or ait matte ol Ante Radtoa Morrow Raio Co. 151 8 Liberty Ph. 1-6953 e' MARrOU MOTORS NASH SERVICE Tow lna temee day pbeea 9-MU HitM 1-160 11 center M:k Panek 71 8 Cxi. IVi, 3-3:61. J rat and wheel eUia:oa special o2i DIRECTORY BRICK WORK Brick 4t block work of all kinds. Ex perienced, competent masons. Call Davidson Bros., Ph. 2-8247. 0256 Bill-DIN (J CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms No down payment Phone 1-4850. o BlILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. Also bouses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. o242 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 2-6537 or 3-4306 023 J Bulldozing, leveling, road blU.. clear ing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Fairvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146. Salem. o239 CARPENTER WORK Carpenter work. New, repair Ph. 2-2C93 0239 CASB REGISTERS Instam delivery of new RCA east rtalstei Al makes sold rented, re pa. -ed Roen 456 Court Ph 2-6113 o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks driveways, patios, curbs, walls, etc. Call 2-4S50. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ensley. 771 8. 21st, Ph. 3-7J16. o259 DRESS MAKING Alt., dress making. Good used clothes for sale. 360 State St. Rm. 27. 0244 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vince's Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing, 157 8. Liberty 3.J--03 0 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1555 Pearl. o25S Breithauot's for flowers Dial 3-9179 o t'hel. stove & diesel oil. Ph. 3-3186 Shell Otl Co h T. Maxwell, distributor o241 HOUSEHOLD PRODLCTS i. R Watkins Co products Pre oe Wery 1717 Center Ph 5-539S, o l.N.-L'LATIO.V Johns-Mam-llle. Phone 3-3148. INSTRUMENT REPAIR Expert musical intrument repair. All work fully guaranteed. JACQUITH MU SIC CO., Ph. 3-4641. o244 JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Eervlce Floor Waxteg Bulldtnaa - Factories - Homes Estimate Without ObllRation AMERICAN BLDQ. MAINT CO. Ph. Salem 8-9133 V LANDSCA1T NURSERY P A Doerfler & Sons, Ornamentals ill S Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 2-1322 o DELVX SERVE SELF Laundry. 345 Jef ferson St., Phone 23452. o LAWN MOW ERR Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l St. 259- MATTRESSES Capita Bedding Phone 3-4069 MUSIC LESSON& Spanish A Hawaiian Oultar. Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. o240 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and Illlnv supplies aafea, duplicators and supplies, desk tamps typewriter stands, trlel eases ?terce Wire Recorders. Roen 4M Court Interior painting. C. Horn. Ph. 2-5518. 0257 Vfitrom'a are equipped to do gout painting Phone 2-2493 o PAPERHANGINO Expert Paperhanglng and painting. J. Woodwortn. Ph. 2-5668. Free est. Jerry Johnson. Ph. 34631, PAINTINO Jt PAPERHA.VOINO Painting A paperhanglng. Int. & ext. dee. B. E. (Woody i Wood. Ph. 3-5072. 0258 Painting end paperhanglng. Free esti mate Ph 3-9513. 857 Shipping. 024Qa PICTURE FR AMINO Picture framing Butcheon Pslnt Store Phoue t-608? o Fisher, 814 Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. SAND GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand & Oravel Co., Phone 3-9249. o Valley Band ft Grave) Co Bill, sand A 1 11 dirt Excavating 10B shovel & cats Tractor scoop & trucks for dirt moving Ph office 24001. res. 11146 o Salem Saw Wrka. Ph. 3-7603, 1293 N 5th. 0253 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Roto-Router Exclusive Patent Razor herp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Sewers or Drains Septle Tank Oleaoed Reas Ph 3-333 or 3-0463 SEPTIC TANKS X. P. Heme). Septic tsncs cered. Electric mactiinf service on ewe- end drain lines. Guaranteed sort. lUJ-S'i St., Weat Salem, Ph. 3-7404. o5 Mikes Septle Service Tanki cleaned. Roto Roofer Service on Sowers. 1079 E;m St, W Sa.'em Ph. 2-9468. 3-5527 o23S Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect Todd'a Septic Tank Service. 2543 State St Phone 1-0734 o SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. All makes. W. Devenport, Ph. 3-7671. 234 All makes repaired, free estimates Singer Sewing Mach'ne Co. 110 Ho Commercial Ph 3-3312. TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Remington Roral. Under wood portables Ah makA tved machine Repairs and rent Roen. Court o TRANSFER 8 STORAGE octl 4k Distance Ttansftt. storage Burnet oils, coal h wriqurts fka u Portland dally Agent tot Qtkme House hold goods moved to anywhere tn D 8 o. Canada Lermer Transfer 8i Storage Ph 3-3131 o VENETIAN BLINDS am Venetian Blinds made to order or rellalahed Reiaholdt 8t Lewis t-3639 Elmer The BUndmen. Ph. 31326. o W E AT 11 1 "T B I Pfl X fi Free est; mates. TTpL'LLMA?TPh. J59" 0250 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. TIL i Bos J17. Ph. 3-3133 o23 Journol Wont Ads fay Stocks Decline And Level Off ' New York. Oct. 1 PI The stock market leveled of! today almost immediately after an op ening gust ol selling. S1eel and automobile shares showed the largest losses in the market's first response to the steel strike. Declines generally ranged from fractions to around a point. Prices took their worst lick ing within a few minutes after the opening bell. For the rest of the session the market coasted along at the lower level Selling pressure wasn't par ticularly severe but demand wasi almost non-existent. Tradine volume was unusual- Iv tnw with turnover at the rate of only 350,000 shares or so iorjlfcQjt- ine iwu-nuur aesMUfi. Lebanon Annexation Petitions Circulate Lebanon Oliver Larsen, Chamber of Commerce secre tary, announces that petitions on the annexation of outlying sub urbs are now available for sig nature in various city stores. Residents within the city who are registered voters are asked to sign the petition so that the matter can be brought before the people at a special election. Outside signatures have al ready been obtained and await only the check by the county clerk against the registered vot ers file. Petitions' may be signed at any of the following firms: Leb anon Express, Firestone store, Brittons, Scott-Christman, Leb anon Coffee shop, Chris Huck's Estep Realty office, Cox and Hamilton, Saxton Insurance and Dr. George Crain's office. Kew Generator at Grand Coulee Dam Coulee Dam, Wash., Oct. 1 OT The world's largest power, plant was 108,000 kilowatts more powerful today. The 12th big generator at Grand Coulee dam went into commercial operation yesterday. It brought the installed rated capacity of the plant to 1,316, 000 kilowatts and its peak cap city to 1,500,000 kilowatts. The new 108,000-kitowatt generator is the third to be com pleted in the east powerhouse at the dam this year. Six more of the same si2e will be installed there in the next two years. Nine of them now are in opera tion in the west powerhouse. Monmouth Grangers Hold Booster Night Monmouth A large crowd at tended the Grange Booster and social evening held at the lOOF hall. Grange Master Claude Snair presided over the program which was entirely of his ar ranging. With Mrs. Morton Bak-: at the piano, William A. Wiest led the company tn a series of songs. R. B. Swenson briely review ed Grange history and its pres ent setup. Harvey Young told of his experience at county and state fairs. Howard Morgan, who has just moved onto his Luckia mute farm, discussed the CVA. Following games and a social time refreshments were served. Sanitary Engineer Discusses Sewage Woodburn Kenneth Spies ofi Portland, assistant chief engin eer with the state sanitary au thority division of the state board of health, was the speak er at the Woodburn Rotary club. William E. Dunn Jr., was pro gram chairman and the speaker was introducted by Dr. W. J. Stone of the Marion county health department. He discus sed the sewage problem at large and the acute situation in Woodburn. Following his talk colored film "Clean Waters," was shown by Howard Pyfer, health educator of the Marion county health department. Jobless Aid I'pped The payments to out of work Oregonians reached S1.403.0S4 during September, quadruple the benefits paid in September of 1948, the stale unemployment compensation commission report ed today. It was a slight increase from the previous month. DIRECTORY WINDOW RHAnrs WaibiHf Rol)r Ud. lo order 1 Dar De) RelnhDldt h VewiM rn S 0' Hf.VDOW CLKAXTXQ rV&me Owner W,t.Soti, 8t woodwork, eleane Poot tleaned waie4 and polished Ph t-W31 41 Court Lanidoe, Culbertaon and Uather woonsAWiso Atkins ds Cross. Fa. J-8874 or 3-8178. 0238 wood 8 Mwnrst Wwl flnle-n Fuel Co Fb 5-4MV LEGAL NOTICE Pitamlnatlon for Certified Public Ae. count anti of Ores on will be held Id Port- .tnd from I lo P.M., HedneMay, ivorern ber 18. t tiro ash Trt, November 18, 1949. Applications rxut be tiled with the Secre tary on or beJore October )". e r. van, c P. A., aVrmary i"r hmMltan Bank B'al'.d.T., Portland . Orecon Srt. Oct I 1 uttx;Es lOO r meet tvtrf WJ- coda) iu(tiL Vuitora . i & lift - ' Slv :tr-fK I 'Bogey' Goes to Court Humphrey Bogart (center! is es corted mrou&ti crowa by policemen as he arrives ai New York magistrates court for hearing on third degree assault charge brought by Robin Roberts, fashion model. Cheers and applause from about 250 persons greeted "Bogey's" appear ance. Magistrate John R. Starkey cleared him of charge brought by the 23-year-old model over set-to in El Morocco night club about a stuffed panda. (AP Wirephoto.) MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Livestock Market (By Valley Packing Company Lambs $18.00 to $19.00 Feeder Iambs to fie.w Ewes . . to 4 Cutter cows $8.50 to I 10.50 Fat dairy cobs to Bulls 311. Off to I1S.0W Calves, good 1300-430 lbs.) to Veal fldD-300 )hs. top to .i Portland Produce Butleitat Tentative, subject to Imme diate, change. Premium. Quality maximum to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered In Portland 63-fl6c lb., 93 score CI -64c lb., 80 score. 67-60C. 89 score, 55c. Valley routes and country points 2c less than tree. Batter waolesai rou out cuoet to wholesalers: grade M score, 63 rents; A score Ue; B SO ecore, SSc in.; c as score, 56c. Above pitet suicu nominal. Cheeae Selling price to Portland ecfcole- sale; Oregon singles 38 -40c i Oregon S loaf 42 -43c: triplets I ' less tnan slnctes. Egg T fvfaolesarers; A rradw itrre. 84 t -65 tc; A medium. 51 -54 c; ffrsde B Isree. M'f-Wic; smB A s-rsde. 41tC. Portland lalry Market Butter Price lo Ttttmera oiane ss pilau 61c-. KK tattOM 66c; K ptlul ;c. K cartona wc; a print c. Eggt Prices to retailers: Grade AA large 73c doz.: certified A large, 68c: large 67c: AA medium. 58c; certified A, medium. 57c: A medium. 53-3ffc; A smsU. 43c, cartons 2c additional. rheess Price to retailers: PortiMita Oregon singles 3&-2c; Oregon Inai. & Vo. loala Va-c lb.; TlptVa, u tenvs Itaa than flnglc. Premium brtvvda, tlnsle. 51 ViC Vi.i lOfct, 63V4C. Poultry Live Chickens No. 1 quality FOB plants. No. 1 broilers under 3(a lbs. 25-26c lb.; fryers 3'i-J lbs., 2T-28c; 3-i lbs., 30c: roasters 4 lbs. and occr, 30c ib. ; fowl. Leghorns 4 bs. and under, I820c, over 4 lbs. 20c; colored low) s)l weights, 32c; roosters, all weights IB -19c, Rabbit Average to growers, live -whites, 4-S lbs.. lb.; 6-4 lbs.. 16-lBc lb.; colored 1 cents lower; old or heavy daea, 8-12C; dressed fryers to butchera, 60-53c Country-Killed Meats veal, too Quality. J0-J7c lb.: otner grades according- to welghc and quailty with poor or heavier 20-23c. tiots: utn$ Mooters. so-Jic: sow. 2J- 24c, Lambs. Top Quality, apxlnstra, 3-3?e; mutton, lG-llc Beet: Good cows n-23e In.: emoert-1 cutters, 20-22c. I Fresh Dressed Meats I (Wholesalers to ret a fieri per cwt.l: Beef steers, rood S00-8Q0 lbs.. $43-43: i commercial. $27-30; utllitr. 831-34. i Cows Commercial. $31-33; utllitr. $27- , 30; tanners-cutters, J53-3B. Beel Cuts fOood Stetral; Hind auTtna ' 6S5-5T. tounda. (ull lo'.n. ttimmed,1 4(3-78; ttiantles. tll-3l-. aauare chuck.. ' 139-41; ribs, 152-56; forequartera, 137-39.! veal and calf: Good, 431-40; commerclaU 833-35: utility. $38-32. Lambs; Good-chatce sprint Iambs. (41 48; commercial, $38-40; utility, $33-35. Mutton: Oood. 70 Ids. down, 818-18. Pork cuts: Lojb No. 1 -13 lbs.. S5.7.- shouldera 16 lbs. down, 0-W; spare- ilbs. w-SO; tartassea, 132-33; nixed weUhU tl pet cut. lftwtt. Portland Miscellaneous Caacara Bark Dry ia'4iC lb., green 4c lb. Hoot Valley coarse and medium aradea. 45c lb. Mohair lie lb. ea It-month a-rowth. nominally. mors calves. Joe lb., according to weight, lp 25o lb., brer 1103 )b., bulls 6-1c lb. Counttj buyeia pay 2e less. Nut Quotation Walnuts Franqueuet, first quality )um ). 34.7c: large. 32.1c; medium. Mlc. second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; laree 28.2c' medium, 2ff.2c; baby, 23.2c; soft shell, rirst quality large. 29.1c; medium. 2ff.2c; sec ond ouslltj- Jarre, 57.3c,- medium, 24.7c, baby 22 3c, ilbena Juinba. 3fto lb.j iarts. J9e; medium, 16c; small, 13c, Three Links Club Plans Fall Bazaar Amity Mrs. Jim Bertino and Mrs. Eari Johnson were co-hostesses for the September meet ing of the Three Link club of Industry Rebekah lodge, at the Bertino apartments, Mrs. Ralph Wood presiding. Articles were completed for the bazaar to be held at Moore's Hardware store October 22 special meeting will be held, October 19, with Mrs. Elmer i Engclland and Mrs. Charles Wood hostesses at the Eneelland home on Sherman street. All article lor the b2Br will be price marked at that time, and(i att donations except food. ! To Sell Your FILBERTS WALNUTS SEE H. R. JONES BUYER FOR ROSENBERG BROS & CO. HIGHEST MABXET PRICE CASH ON DELIVERY AT 5HRYDER TRANSFER CO. 285 S. Cottage Longshoremen End Dispute San Francisco, Oct. I Wl- West coast longshoremen and their employers said today they had reached agreement on vir tually all issues unresolved in last December's back-to-worjc agreement. Wage review talks will con tinue despite the Sept. 30 dead line or complete accord. The joint statement by the Jn- ternational Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's union and the Pacific Maritime association was made after a negotiating session which lasted until midnight Fri day. The PMA issued a separate statement saying it also had reached agreement with three other west coast maritime un ions extending contracts pas) the Sept. 30 date. They are the roast-wide con tracts of the Sailors' Union of the Pacific, the Masters, Mates and Pilots association and the International Longshoremen's association, AFL. ' The third nameel contract cov ers the Washington ports of Ta icoma, Port Angeles and Ana cortes only. A PMA spokesman said stop ping the clock against the Sept. 30 deadline in the contract ne gotiations and wage t review talks gave complete assurance of uninterrupted steamship serv ice in all west coast ports. Consolidated School Given Eiedric Power Monmouth Workers Sn the Monmouth municipal power de partment have been working hard to supply energy lor the contractors about to erect the new consolidated high school between Monmouth and Inde pendence. Poles are all In and it is hoped connection lor power can be made by the end of the week. In the meantime engineer ing work 1 being done on the grounds, surveying and stake driving snd excavations and only the connection with electric en ergy delays actual starting of construction. The school board has authorized weU-drilting op erations. Record Sales of Gas Nearly 50,000.000 gallons ol gasoline a record high were sold to Oregon motorists in Aug ust, yielding the state $2,951.45? in taxes, the secretary of state re ported today. Constipation Coiltls Is a Kymptom. not a dtsea&e. RectaV AilmMtta Are the Underlying Factor Hemorrhoids and other coton ailments must be corrected. No d T5me 9 No HfHpiiaiiraUon Free ltrtrrtnthr nemMr-t DR. R. REYNOLDS 1141 Onter SI. -aie-m. Ore. Phont 3 496 STOCKS By the Associated Pr-ts American Can ... Am Pow A Lt 12' Am Tel dt Tel ' 1CR jnaconoa BtooJx Avialion , t"t jjj, fttiri BXrd , 27 BOTlTlfc MTplMW 2 Ce.11.1 Pac.fci.ufc 3 Canadian Pacific ' t, Caterpillar (1 32 enrysrer 5ls4 Comwith & Sou 5f; CCI13 VlfJlW , 107, ConUnpjjlfl) Can ' 33 Crown Ztltt-Tbacb " ' CuUlMt WtluVA ,,,, . Vj, DaufrW-S. Mtccalt , 81 V Uupout de Nem - General Electric. General food General Afofors , , " 2S Ooodyear Tire 3t yiarvester t s67i 1t Paprr S73 KttitihoU .,.,,,..,,,, 4slt MfR fc L Lour Bell "A." Montgomery Ward .".".' N'ash Keivinator 'tm Nat Dairy 34. SY Central .....T ITi Norttiera Pacific itfJ Pac Am Fish P Gb EJ 32i P Trt Tri 9f Pnney i C Radio Corp ,,.... W" Ravouter , Rayonier Ptd Keynoids Metal 19s. Rtchfield 39 i Sztetrar Stores ZT!i Sears Roebuclc 41 Souiiiem Facllic 42 Standarrl Oi) Co, BSvt BVMdtfeaVitT Cotp ,,, 2;"!, Sur.UUt M'.RUyt 'v1 Ttaasametlca Union Oil Cal . 20i Union Pacific 81 United Airilnei 3, U 8 Steel 23 H Warner Bros Ptc Ifi "WdoJwoj-Oi SALEM MARKETS Comprira 1mm npom ol SbImb owVer 1 tot ht ITo.til.Titt: t "J(l 5a.tTil , RcadT. ;Rlud dalljV, , Retail Feed I'rLcea; , KcC Mash J4.95. Rabbit Pellets $4.30. tiairy Feed S3.70. Poultry; Buying prices Grade A color ed hens 21-2De; grade A Leghorn hens, grade A roiored Sryrrs, three Jhs. 3Jo up, 3ft-51p, OTaof A 06 jDDSiers, "BayirtM friers 3T.Yr Isrse AA. tfc; Ibibb AA, ftitc; larje A, medium AA, : tnedlum A. SI -Mr.-. poAtel. 31t Whole nil Pilcem E vholeule nrlee 5-7c above these prices; abova crad A. :eneraliy quoted at toc; medium, 58C , Butter fat Premiam 84-8Sc, No. t. 83c: No. S. 81- 58c; thuylng prices. saner wnoiesai graas a, 7c; r Jd auicnn I'MJJJePV ir to Souty TnnC citrus ,-ame about tornta oranf 'sauUful. Jere thr pj?. it on tn ssaw m Your newipaper it (he key fa a better undenfandina; of fho pe . . . b )ounth rJcfendef of Jh Ameriion htritoj. CapHaJ Joarna, Ssiem, Ore., River Boat iis Columbia Astoria, Oct. 1 flV-Th last of the river boats, which have carries mail and passengers from one Columbia river town to another since th tSSO's made its lina) run today. The launch Imperial set out1 from Astoria with one of its heaviest cargoes ever; enough canned goods and staples to tide the small Washington shore communities over until their' new road is finished. A road is replacing the launches which for 10 years had carried people and supplies to the towns o! Pillar Bock, Ska maokawa, Altoona, and Cath lamet. Only one town Brook5ield will be isolated from a highway The lew residents there will use their fishing boats Id get groceries and stores in Astoria Ernest and Harry Foster, own ers ol the Imperial, decided to end the service after the govern ment cancelled its mail contract The new road, and a population which has been dwindling since depression days, forced the gov eminent to abandon its river mail. OBITUARY 1 Trsarott J. Werttt BM Hdri Smith Traurott J". Sferth. fate rejiident of DaVafiTunerei services lor Hcsalla Ed- wtltatattt, at a rocaf hoBpitaf, September na SmnYi, 8i Uattan. wlB Miuji1j- aljj, at Hie axe ol 72 rears. Sicrrlrint is a, p.m.. ?oy( W.e Hev.W vtA xV(mva tTH-r dun'mfr Mm. R. P. Jgtrn. Grand Ronde Vwl "Kith Rs. Kmc Ulti oiUstoUT.. CTt-JaViipmenl ha.i bj-j-js mace ti JaciamaviTls tnation will lollow U w.. CX f.hlwv Wt to Ho-KiU-fct.-wani tbapel Jar w t Crematorium. Salem. Mr. Bmlth died lnl,(iic,t. e-ad the Barrett hospiiaf Thursday. She was I fforn April 21. ISS7. In Salem. South Ua-Kenneth W. Hopkins lo MWlou Kjjiaj Smith "in Bre. died OcWbw Z. Wi. Yiom x Mr, Smltbi had w4k V(eMnra spv kaue. Kjenuewlck .tvd Seattle . Fc the past alx years she made her home at 4.18 Cfay street. Dallas. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Ofatiys Phillips. Da f fas; fo sans. AtlUon C. Smith and Jack Ste phen Smith, both of Seattle: a stster. V&tb, J. A. Hanson, Spokane; Jour grand' da-ujbAM kno one fTanDui. Albert mtt fFemaray Lfayton funeral serrice were held rri- 1 day allernoon tor Albert Ernest Demaraf, "who oJeii Id .ne Genera) nr-.tpna )n MtMitmvHe lTat,ai5 xnoiTi'iriB alier Jew laan to. Ua Mats. lava, fiutvlvui at w& wife. Electa, whom he married Ju.15 11. 1904 fn Dawson City. Canada. Two sons: Ernest tfaron, Dayton; Harry Milton, who m in the marine corns stationed at El Toro. CalH. One daughter, Dorothy, pre riiifiJ nim In riralh in IMS. A1.o sarvlr tas M M mothfi, HTj-eJl Te- VAVCVS. CHj. -wt .t-TT, Mtb, Mica u.av. it wk. afttt wt. aT.v.a Vt- man ot Missouri; one heather, Haccv N. Demaray, Minnesota and three KtandchU dren. He was master of Jacob Maver lodtre AF & AM, Dayton tn 1922. Services were held at Macy's Memorial chapel tn Mc - iltiinnvifte, with llnal Interment In Erer- WALNUT MEATS WANTED We wH( Pay Top Price for WALNUT MEATS Depend On Js For Squai Deal Willamette Grocery Co. 305 Six. Cottoo SK ?hon SALEM, - en ' ,n. ,cr r! V te&sN f-.' IIS 1 C0S WHERE yMnfAPtf C8S... CapitaMJouraaI is YOUR Newspaper Saturday, October 1, IMS 1 Mrs. Alls V9irtrrma w.jj. :.-.. Alice B Cwnirrmta, M. nav.-i. tl Omn tail MJpijn. rmirnt et h'A .. .'.vi. WtdTia.j Yi.t btun. w tiaw 1, UiLiUi, v.'.Titt. Sv. ... born I. laii. ..t Wwlt, the dauirnter of Andr.w .ud Sovrit. pine. hid, pfonwr a.nfers. For the lul 80 year. 'slit resided tn Cfie Cofton dtrtct. Sne vu mrns is maj to tttat: if. countryman l BJ. r-uJ. Ore. tiled la IS31. Jcrr U. Bttk T,ti, Wis. tts-n-i. . Orero. n6 Rr.ndchUdren. f'tutecL aKda.? tp, Evernart f uneral home. Mol.Ua. BucUl rn Sonner cemetery, Cotton. DEATHS Mrs. Ctems iV. McLaathttn Mrs. Cfema M. McLauehlin, et the residence at 1084 Soutn Utterly atresL September 29. at Crte ate of 81 yeara. 6ur- tnea iy iw& caugxter, Mrs. Laurence S, SIotojj jjo Mja rranjr B:moa, ootti fin.-. Vt Vi tit Vina, Crijle Uro'wJ ot Oafclaiwl. Ca.W.-. ta- vOs.WAw. two ireat tr andchJIdre u ead. uvtt X niecea snd nephewj. Member of St. Jo- (septi t Catnofic church. Recitation of the Iraxsrr At the Vtrell T. GoWen criape l WO SrwJJ? Cooisierda! street Sundtr. Oe- X l p.m. Services :) i Vn Vvutt T. On"i6w) r'napti i4fno7. OCSrwt 1, a Tjy n'Ah '.T.V7ItrTA J6 .tie fit, B3.tt1a.ta (Aim W. Morrow ( Jesse W. Morrow. Ute teilrteat t ?ci.U (rie city. Oregon, at a locl hospital Seo. Ifember 28, at the age of 83 yean. Sur- ttfea or ni wire. Sfri. syrv:a Morrow ot Prairie Citr; and IQ sons. Charles, Ai liert, Hwlwj. Cty. WsHer, Harmon, iTtnn, HonirJ, yimry anO "Ernest aiorrow, , t Pit. fetiiTmiroX been ,mad tht UQt.lKi,it. tV.njt. Xtt John. Day (oc wvicei ,tvi lo,t.eif,at. .r. Sf.ry A. Milet , Mrs, MatT M'.lea. Irtt tcc,V4itA t Oe.1 lOinr.- W'nsh In thi r-ltv Rsnlm.. (Uer fs. at the axe of 88 year. Mother o( f.lfiv. it. R. Robsnson. Sr.fem. and" Mr. A. ,'S. Ma loner. !Jrs Matnrs. Wash.: arand- mollier ol XoLa and Ellmbettt Robinson -"Dolij oj Sn'iem. snd Aileae and lrOr ISlxl'AWftt. lwn .?krtt bj Vf. !E. (Rl.doa chapel t.Q Chl'.UivAtp. (home at Kent. Wash., where, service will rbe field Monday, October 3t at 1:30 KfS lV'. rt hospital. September 30, at th ate at 14 years. Survived by hut wife, Mrs. Max-. L, KopKtns or Fort rand: two ehlf. drea, Nomina iV&me Hopkins and Jert- 57M ytay Ttepkin. both ol Portland; and i PBTmts, 55j-. and Mrs, J. R. B.'p&t oi ZTivt, vku. fcnntyimcemMrt oJ SfTvitsm UtM M tfc. Hot.1-E4-kw ttitpti. xai . CV,U mw J. IeW3i. 5jtJ widest of J J A Elm aVim, Sit Sajfjn, j JofjJ fiO- veati. Su?.t;ei fc? hli Mi. Uui ' JanA DeWltl ot West fiaUm; 4,a'J.tli--ters. Mrs. Mildred Louclu ot Ponca CltT, Otla., Mrs. Geraldlne fCelfey of Phoenix, rtnc, ana airs, tata i&ir&. or Aiou qoerque, N. M.; uft, J. B. DeWttt of Tayelte, Idaho; a sister, Mrj. Ella Aftler itba oi "KlulielD. Kana.; nine irsiidcJiild avid ftTi staTiTitVittil. fieric were held, aatArd.a, OctAyii . p.m. at the Clnuah-Batriea, abAet mVJa,' Interment in the City View cemetery Bruce Gottttlett ,P.eacl attee.t.. at a local b.Htt,al fi-at.Tf.- ber 30. at the aije ot alu Tjeata. a fvived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. (Gottfried . Announcement of lerrleei later foy the Cloagh-Barrick cftapef. OKEGOST a X' :T WOt.. Jr world you (iv in. (f f a r The Ml, I -