12 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Per Line lfe Per tine 3 time 40c Per line 6 tunes 60c Pei Line 1 month ,...$2 00 Outside of Salem 1 5c per line per day. Min. 30c: 8 time min 30c 6 time min 1120. No Rotund" READERS In Local Nev. Col Only: Pei Line 3: To Place an Ad Phone 2-240. FOR SALE HOUSES MODERN 2 btlrnV $6500 I'h.3-61fl9. a'2ir: I VOWNKB: 2' i BR Tiou.se on creek. Fireplace, aaranc. fu furnace, range included. 6?oo 5100 down, 75 Bio. Ph. Salem 2-4851. to 10 P m . .. a2" i $9,500. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT , Lot 60x160, nice lawn and thru!):, auto 1 ht., 2 bdrms., f-plc, dinette. attach J a., storage space, pvrt. et. Really a uy At thin price. 410.5DU. A CUTIK 490 N. 23rd 61. Basin. with ii plumb , oil fur., 2 nice bdrim. . lots of hiii.t-in , Xlreplc, lg. kitcli. House Is fully Itisl. i yrs. old. Lk. B i corner lot, distant ( owner lays sell. 110,500. ON BEAUTIFUL N. 18TH ST. j Pull, baem , oil ht . lg. din. rm., 2 rsicr j bdrms., pvd. et. end wk.s good pmnt I Inside and out, lot 50x137 Reus., terms $10. 700. NO. 3 ZONK ! Part, furnished, lull hasm , 4 biirms .. top condition, lor. on State St. I'll liiitiBO ED LUKINBEAL HEAL ESTATE 433 North Hlth fit. Eve. Ph. 2-7769, 2-8704, 3-3836. -2 5 Rooms and Basement Lame livinit rm dmirtx rm. Handy mi Chen, and 2 bd. rm. Garasie. HmIi cor ner lot. All paved. On bus line. Clo.se to school and stores. Price $751)0. , EDGE OF TOWN 21 A., an ordinary 3 bd. rm. home Small bain, city water. Price just re riiiiwd to 1.1200. Call Ben Cleary. Walter Musjyrave, Realtor 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-uhjh a 236- 2 ACRES $4800 One of the beat spot of ground any where. Small well-built home. Easy term, l'i mile E. ol Keizer on Che maw a Rd. Commanding View Couple. A nice 2 bd. rm. home, with a line lot. Nice lawn. Rood neighborhood and a gorgeous view of city, valley and mountain. All for $8750, You have a desirable home. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109 6230' NICElT RM. old Ym use?" With lots ol fruit ' and flower on 2 lot. $5600. Ph. 2-0840. a23U ONE OF THE BEST home In Englcwood. 3BR. on one floor, dble. plbg., finished basement, double no raw e, cor. lot. Im mediate Possession. SOUTH HIGH ST. HOME. 3 BR., full basement, oil heat. Lola of built-in. Very nice lot. 112.600. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing - Personal Service 164 S, Com'., Ph. 3-838B, Eve. 3-744(1 B236 SUBURBAN SOUTH 1 mile outside city limits, nearly new 6 room plastered home. Larire L.R., auto furnace, breezeway, at!. Rar., city wa ter, tee. lot, bus. low down payment F.H.A. terms. Immed. pass. Owner. ft!i Ewald. aMi McKillop Real Estate REALTORS Salem Heights District Pine location. lan;e lot. 2 bedroom home, living room has fireplace, dinette, nood kitchen, very nice utility room, Karate ha extra room, heated and plumbed .P.H.A. appraised this property at (8.750. Owner says, -Make us an oiler." . Capitola Addition fResldential district tops. 3 blocks from 'new school. Lan:e lot 52x238. 2 bedrooms Mown, one UP. Auto, oil furnace piped to all rooms. Attached gnraue. Priced at only 18,500. I Come In or Call IDavtime 3-5131 Eventnus 3-5514 ' WE MAKE REAL ESTATE j LOANS ! McKILLOP REAL ESTATE i 493 Center Street at High a234 View Home. Cnndalaria Hts. 'j Bdrm.. LH, DR. kit. ft nook. U.R auto. furn. D. garage. Terms. See at 248AUce Ave. P''3-40B m fl234 RpW t B R. home, 1100 i. ft. Attached jarage, paved street ft driveway. H.W. .floor, oil forced air heat. Furnished or .unfurnished. 1260 N. 24th. By own: a234 -L- It's New It's Cute On Olen Creek road. Only 42i0 full iprlce. Modern 2 bdrms., liv. rm., hdwd (fir., nook. 12200 dn. will handle. i B. Isherwood, Realtor , 2007 N. Capitol St. lOfflce Ph. 2-3662. Eves. 2-2147 or 2-8836 I 8 J'U g:t.W."NFWnmiirn"20lR home. Paved 'Street, close to school. Immediate pos session. 13.iO down. Bal. F.H.A. Call IStanley Drown with STATE FINANCE CO., ! REALTORS llftS 6. High St. Ph. 3-4121 , Eves. 2-5561 B236- i $1750 (Nice, modern 2 bdrm. home. liv. rm . kit (with nook. Completely furn Can be bought 11300 dn. 35 a mo. See this. ! - $6850 'Good 8 yr, old 3 b'irm, home, nice sl7f 'liv. rm. and din. rui.. he kit., att. uar 'Well loc. north nn he lot. ! $7150 lA real buy In 2 bdrm. home. Liv. rtu i dm. rm., nice kit., newly redec. auto i ht. Dandy loc. (Jiray-Himmol Realty Co. f LOTTA HOUSE FOR THE 111.500. New 4 UR home located N of I.Mkl, St in Fnvi.'uood. 2 DH m 1 tin. Ifutly pivtriid BeM of const met ;in. and Ivevy nltrarlh.'. A re'l place lor some lone who in d '. ;e rm and don't have ta bla bank roll. Buv ncv and choo.se ijour 0n rnlnrs. Reus terms I'h 2-6Pll. j ED. LUKINHEAL HFAL ESTATE 1 413 NorthHlKh St. a3.17 lj-NEW hou,e 4 BR., nrKe. I Price tflOOO 00 1 1 NEW house 2 BR. garage. I 113O0 00 down 18000 ;i II OLD house, 8 ms. Price ,., 133O0 00 I 1 1 SMALL place, 10 A. House ! I R hou.-e it burn caf-h J300 00 ; iMALL place. 28 A R H house A barn ... .casli 1.1000 00 Huber Real Estate I Monmouth, Oregon I. Mm PH 569. al'.H' NFW t BR, FHA built home Large loan A small down pigment. 910 Ford 8t. a3.ift Fll Ml . r."or r"e ii N e m' 2 bdrm. house JPl 3-7302. 960 Evans, a.'3,s Jy" OUTXIR 3 b,lrm. hse.. nearlv" new j Partly turn , th-m school. Att garage Auto, elertrlr water heater. i$MM Some terms. 3so N. Slh. Pli. 2-flfS5 eves ot meek ends. a2l5 1 " Ipiot. C I f S modern 3-BR home 1 r. (Old. freniMce. hardwood floors. Ven- etlan blinds, furnace. 11,000 don. Call i Stanley Hron with 'STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS I SI 8. Huh 81 Pn. J.4151 ; $2250 S rm. hse on good sized lot near i Paulas' cannery. Good rental i C. W. Reeve, Realtor I ! ft'l.w Tmr bu:lt 3 B rt. home NE Pli 1S 2J. to Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Ore., Saturday, October 1, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES Sickness Forces Move 3 bedroom home all on one floor. Large corner lot. Near Enalewood school on bu line. Pre-war, built of A-l material. 8 yr. old. fully uuu!ated, cronotherm controlled automatic oil heat. 13x18 liv ing room, Philippine mahogany I rim, circulating fireplace, hardwood floor. Work-saver kitchen with dinette sep arated by bur. Utility room, in.1-Ulster! fruit room, fully landscaped. Berries, urn pes. peitr, walnut, filbert, cherry. fiR and plum treev By 0'n?r, 13000 will handle. Balance f II. A, 2196 Garden ltd. Phone 3-8075 a234' $1000 "Down New Home LoieJy 2 hrm. Tis.- fa a buy. $1500 Down P.cture w.ndow home. Mi norm Gardens New Duplex Renu for inn. per mo. 3.00 down. Bal ance $0 per mo. $200 to $500 Down 2 bd-:o. ho:r" in cit. Jln'-dwood floors. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor SU N. C:,urch. p:)- 2-7642. Eve. 2-0121- $8250 bus. City wa C. W. Reeve, Realtor Priced to Sell 3 bdrm.1. all on one floor. Runch type L.iri-e. livim: rm. with fireplace. Kltchpn With loLs of buil i 1'i's ft mi nek bar. Hdwd. fir, tliruout. Bble. war. Just out of City linrt-. Beautiful flower ft shrubs. Prlci'l at .'i800. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 94,") S. Commercial St. Phone 3-4590 Eve. 3-9530. a235' FOR A DISCRIMINATING IIOMESEEKER deslrlmt the be.st. Tins beat'iiful sub urban home, modern in every detail. Large living room with fireplace; cheer ful dining room; Ideal kitchen; two bedrooms: tile bath first floor; extra la rue room upstairs with private bath. Cement basement, oil furnace: two-car turane; beautifully landscaped, excel lent view. For appointment see or call K. N. Voorhees with Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663. Eve. 2-4007. MODERN 2 bdrm. house. Wired for ranKe and elec. water heater. Floor furnace. Hardwood floor. In W. Salem. Have to sell my equity. Will take good car as part payment. 828 S, 12th. Ph. 2-9098 or 3-5611. a239 BY OWNER LeavInK town, mu.st sell at sacilfice: 2 bdrm., fireplace, lid,ud. firs., full basement, nice yd. Ensile wood dlst, 630 Thompson Ave. a236 A FINE HOME There's a lot of comfortable living- for the purchaser of that lovely home on the N.W. corner of 23rd & Market. The 65x120 ft. lot has a beautiful lawn and a fine variety of fruit, shrubs, and flow ers. It was built in '41 of wood mater ial by expert craflsmnn. The 1200 m. feet of floor space Is well arranged with 2 BR. St den, nice kitchen & dineite. liv. rm., with circ. Mreplace, bath with tub A shower. Inside utility A: cooler rm. The lira tine: system is automatic oil forced a:r. It's also completely in sulated and has screen dnors Si windows all around. There's hdwd. firs, through out, too. and breezeway between house A garage T he price of f 11,650 is not un reasonable, and you can have imme diate possession. Crawford. BURT P1CHA, Realtors Open House Sunday 2-5 p.m. 24S Alice avenue, go out South Commer cial St., turn West one blk. South of 8c ha libs Grocery ft Mkt. This beautt ful new 2 bdrm. home has many out stnndinif features. Lx. lot, 2 car gar., auto, oil lit. piped to all rms., select oak floor, nice view ol' mtns. ft valley, dining rm. & nook. Priced Hit lit. 113,750. Open House Sunday 2 - 5 p. m. 1540 North 21st St. The appraised price Is J 16.500. 1H0 ft. front lot. St. all paved, covered pat lo w 1th f'place, Ue. cein. fish pool, 2 car Rar. House ha full fin. bsmt. parly ft utility rm. Lue. nook ft kitchen with loLs of bulltin.s, 12x12 dtn rm. 18x24 liv. rm. all fin. In Phil ippine mahouanv, f'place, 2 lue. BR, a real livable home. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 Nortil HUh St Ph. 2-6680, a234 CONSIDI R SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. .V18,i0. 2 bdrm. hse. ft ar. Discount for cash. Now vacant. Wllltt DOWN. 3 BH hse. 15250. Stove In cluded. 3 lots, trees. OTHERS from M0O0 to 9000. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 8. Liberty, Salem. Ph. 3-7113. a234 NEW HOI'SE. MODERN. 5 RMS.. BAR GAIN for cash if sold at once. Hep. Ph. 3-7113. 172 !. Liberty. Salem. 234 FOR SALE LOTS ZONE X 158X326. (1000. Ph. 3-8835. Walt Soeolnfsky. Eteal Estate. aa234 FOR ( MOICi; residential tracts In Klna wood Hts. ft Cascade Terraces, at mod erate prices ft very low monthly terms. er the orulnal owner ft developer. C. A. Robertson, Ph. 3-H413. na25 LOTS EAST ON BROWN ROAD. Electri city, water. $15 down ft M5 month. General Real Estate 2i5 Crnler Ph. .1-1289, aa23fl Ruv Now Lots! Lots! 3 nice new homes Jut coiiu up in t tit He n Lomond urea b.tr!; of MeKinlcy sclmol. SFK OUR SIGNS Priced from H;0 to j:t.iO0. An excellent place to build thai dream home. See or call. Mattson Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 'Jll N Huh SI II. ery. R OTS. N.. ideal for small nur at front and bark. Ph. 2-0181 aa.M5 HxlPM VII W LOT. 13BS View avemi m ater-KHK. near Salem Heihto $VS0 I'll WMKl FOR SALE FARMS NEW FARM LISTING: Very "a nod 52 acre farm: best of soil: vniletv of (rult and berrie. Include machinery, liv est or k. and household furnish inns. Located about 10 miles north of Salem Good buildings. Price to sell at 23 000. For moie Information call or see Osrar Bed erst mm it !i LeoN. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663. Eve. 3-B7BP You'll Like This 80 acres, few mil en east, lovely three bdrm. slrlctly modern house with dou ble fireplace, auto, oil furnace: double aar.tiie burn. 75 acres seeded to perma nent grn. A henutlfut spot and a good farm. The price 1 only $22M0 -lake t me to unalvjr n SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N Hlh Phone 3-7660 Er phones 2-4591 . 2-660S b235 120 A. " Cve in South Nice spring lair bldas Price f !Q. 1MH) down C. W. Reeve, Realtor 95 S Commercial St Phone Eve. I-JPSfl. bJ35 Grade " A" Dairy' " 45 acre dairy farm, all In etitttvatipn. sr. Kxrellent ih hnrdtO(d nr 16 lilili pro'luc:ri dT cow r act of with ctm'lete enulnmenl All r w 000. Consider Aslem home as irt Dunn Realty Exch. b2.n "OR l F 7i are. 3f under eultlva t un. er a r -Mind i rum acre of clover and trtcie immi ni best rut offered dr do n pavment AUn 1)00(1 worth of stork and equipment on very epy terms if w anted. Writ Capital Journal Boi 441. bill FOR SALE HOUSES SOUTH 17500 -2 HOUSES. 1 NEW, I YRS. OLD. NEW ONE L1V. RM . KITCHEN, DINETTE. I BEDROOM. BATH, HDWD. FLOORS, 6 YRS. OLD, 2 BED ROOMS, LIVING, KITCHEN. BATH. UTILITY HM ALSO 1 RM. SHOP AND SMALL TOOL SUED. 1 BLOCK TO SCHOOL. BUS ft STORE. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE IS RENTED FOR 50 A MO. THIS IS A WONDERFUL BUY. LET THE RENTAL PAY FOH YOUR HOME. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL 18950 MODERN STYLE, 2' YEARS OLD. 2 BDRM., LIVING. DINING. KIT CHEN, BATH NICE UTILITY RM , HARDWOOD AND FIR FLOORS. OIL HEAT, ATTACHED GARAGE, BUS BY DOOR. 4 BLOCKS TO JR. HIGH. SOUTH CHURCH ST. 111 000 BUNG. STYLE. 6 YHS OLD. 2 BDRM . LIVING, DINING KITCHEN. BATH, FULL BASEMENT, AUTO. OIL FURNACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. BEAUTIFUL YARD ft SHRUBS. FRUIT TREES. NICE GARDEN SPACE. CLOSE TO LESLIE AND McKINLEY SCHOOLS. 17600, FHA LOAN. ENGLEWOOD DIST. tlO.750- ENC.LLSH STYLE. 2 BDRM.. UNFINISHED UPSTAIRS. RM. FOR TWO BDRMS.. LARGE LIVING RM.. DINING RM,, KITCHEN BATH. FULL BASEMENT. AUTO. OL FURNACE, VERY NICE LOCATION. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE THIS, CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN A. A. LARSON, REALTOR OFFICE 2-8629 191 S. HIGH ST. HOME 3-7163 FOR SALE FARM5 "PLEASANT LIVING 5 acres that oiiers real country com fort with all city convenience.-. 10 min ute.' from downtown. City and school bilges. See tills attractive 3 BR home in lite grove of beautiful oak 1 mi. E. of Keizer school. Doub'e Karaite, chicken house, good shed suitable lor small barn. Family orchard, all fruits ft ber ries; excellent sell. Out ol state owner lias authorized sale at 12.000. Dnve by and inspect at your leisure, or call A. N. Duncan. Rm. 12, Ladd ft Bush Bank B!dK..tel.3-9658. b234 76 Acres Near Mt. Angel 50 A. bottom land, irrigation available. Lame HOME, elec, pressure water, bath, basement, bain 40x60. drivp-in hay mow. Concrete foundation. Many out buildinKS, abundance of family fruit, shade and shrubs. BARGAIN. 15,000.00 vi Cash. Balance at 4 Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N. Pacific Hiway, Woodburn. Ore. , b233 HO ACRES 111 MILES north of Salem. N buildm. Will trade on house. Imiuin 607 N. Capitol. Apt. No. 6. b38 FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNER 7 acres, 6 mile N. Good In come, modern all-electric home, nice barn, dble, Karate Leaving: state. Rt. 2. Box 262. Ph. 3-1857. bb23i A VERY comfortable older type modern 4 B R. house, good well, small barn, and other bldgs., on 5 acres. Near Lancaster Drive. Only J9500. $1500 dn. A very attractive suburban 2 B R, home, brick trim, H.W. floors. All elec., nood well, lite, lot, has about (6800 G.I. loan. Your today at JH250. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing -164 8. Com l. St. Eve: 3-7440 Personal Service Ph. 3-8389 3-41)37 bb236" REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $6900 SPECIAL Brand new. north. 2 bdrms. Insulated. Electric heat. Attached Harare. Car port. Private well. Larue lot. 5 blocks to school. Easy finance. Eve. Ph. 3-3558. BUSINESS BLDG. Select location. Large apt. upstairs. Lots of parkins room. Corner lot. Paved street both sides. Total price 19500. Term. Eve, Ph. 3-3558. AUTO COURT We have listed a very nice court with nice home. One acre highway frontage. Lots ot room for expansion. Will trade for other income property or market. What have you. Eve. Pit. 3-3558, 5 ACRES Good building site. Familv fruit ft nuts. Trees. Well drained. Priced right. S2200. Eve. Ph. 3-U403 or 3-3558. 13 ACRES 5 rm. modern house built In 1945, Paved road. Family orchard. Good well. Only 4 miles from Salem. See this one. Total price 18500. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Pit. 3-7820, 2-4596. 3035 Portland Rd. C235 WOO 3 VKS. OM. 2 BR unfinished at J600 down will handle. Bal. easy. A dandy, attractive, two year old, two bdrm. at edf.e of city: full Insulated and weather stripped: dlnimt room ; gas floor furnace: yard fenced. GI loan of $7200 payable S53.18 a month may be assumed. Total price 9250. 10 ACRES 2 acres young cherries: Rood house, barn, poultry liou.se: family berries; good well with plenty of water. About 10 miles out. 17500 Salem Realty Co. Realtor 140 N, Hush St. Ph. 3-7fit0 Eve. phones 2-4591 2-6605 c233" $6500 Nice 2 bedroom home with fireplace, full basement, attached garage. East. Bond location for state worker. Low Down Payment Have a veiy nice 2 bedniom home, city, appraised value 7,non. ran be handled by state Veteran on very reasonable Acreage Four acres, within 5 mf! of Ladd ft Rush Bank, tan be sold or low down payment. No restrict ions, here's an op portunity to have n cow, horse, chickens and a pi. Land can n'l lv placed m rul tniUion. or .mibdlvidul Owner will con sider a tivde, or wunt h.1 ve you. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol PH. 3-8216 Eve. 3-73 17 c233' P. VOUK SAVINGS rl mortUA real estate R,i1em A- ctnitv f : i mine nirlt vonrseif i thousand do' We make all col nvi mts ''t)0 ir.-t nel lnv,i- eet ions tor von it STVTF FIN Mr" ( WANTED REAL ESTATE ' to TO ?i acres or more Must be south, hae view over cttv mid n nuiMalns P:i. dire fi - lioM'.-, Mire - ';id -'rr ! No b.ii d.n.s waiiHv, . ith n ten m of Salem. Have nice lot with 2 car Kar aite on Fntrmount Hill (hnt can be trad ed If wanted, or new, modern -room hou on S. Cnttaae. Or will buy out right. Write PO. Box SOU, Salem. ca234 NOTICE! If your propenj L) lot ie rent ot exchange ILM It witn us V have all timU of cash "iier HTA I FINANCE CO RKAMOR9 153 S High 8t ca ttE ARB In nerd oi gooc houses to eel In or neat Salem If ru wish to its' our property (or aale ee--GRARFNHORST BROS. Rf At TORS 134 ! ibert Bi Phone t 34H ea' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE NEW ,1 BDRM. hse. Trade on Income jtop erlv. Hep. Ph. 3-7113 cb234 ruslssoppOinuTiES sVRVUT7?iTATI(N for" sale. Inverirory only Corner of Fatrgrmnuls Rd, ft Capi tol St. Ph. Portland, East 1108 or Swlem 2- 9164 cd:J AP4RTMIN T HOUSE, walking distance Out of town ow ner must sell. Income 2T0 month. Askina price $15,500. Ph 3- 3IM. General Real Estate 2N5 Center Si. cd234 Grocery - Home Near NFW Concrete Bldg. 20x0. Ff. equipment, phis 5-rm Mod Home, 3-nn. t'oiiKsf rented On Pacific hiway, Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N. Pacittc Htway, Woodburn. Ore cd.'SS 54K$: GOOD money In your spare time W 11 xell Alkuna 4 col. vending machine for half of c.wt. Other recent business interests force sale. Ph. 2-44,tJ dJ.l FOR IMr: business spare 3075 Portland ltd. Ph. 2-44.U nev Journal Want Ads Pay IFOR SALE HOUSES SALEM BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FINE INVESTMENT Side by side, late-built stucco and plas ter duplex, each unit with L.R., 2 B R., kitchen, bath, xaraae. wired for elec. rannep elec. water heater, good well and pressure system, utility rm., 150 ft. hi way Irontaae. It' well-built, but in need of a handyman to do minor repair and paintinit. Rentals will net you over I7le on the full price of 6a00. Crawford. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. Hish St. Office: 2-3649 cd234 Eve: 2-5390 CONFECTIONERY, SANDWICH SHOP LIVING QUARTERS. NEW BLDG. FULLY EQUIPPED. FINE BUSINESS HIGH SCHOOL TRADE J 11,000.00 Dunn Realty Exch. Woodburn, Ore. 884 N. Pacific Hi-way. cd235 Tavern - Sandwich Shop Lots of parkinif. 185 ft. on Pacific Hiway. excellent building, living qua, ters. BUSINESS 1 GOOD. Health rea son for selling. $23,750.00 Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N. Pacific Hiway, Woodburn, Ore. Cd235 NICELY furnished 5 room modern home and small trailer court with monthly in come between S200 and J300. Idea) for couple wishing to retire from active work. A. C. Bunaer, 1005 So. 21st St. cd235 Coin-Operated Radios Man or woman wanted to independently "own and operate new metal streamlined RCA coin-operated radios. Insured by Lloyd's against fire damage and theft We secure the best hotel and motor court location under contract. Perma nent weekly Income. Can handle in spare time; no experience necessary. Profit start Immediately. Steady in come routes start at $775 CASH. If gen uinely interested give phone and write liox 4B8 Capital Journal. cd235 RICHFIELD Oil Corp. offers for lease service stations in Sweet Home and one in Albany at inventory. For details call Mr. Holden evening. Salem 20761. cd234 " ' Se.OobTVoNFECTIONERY First class equip., location and lease. uooks are open lor your inspection. Phone 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North Hish St. cd235" FURNITURE FOR SALE BEDROOM SUITES, $90 ft $150. Dark urecn 2 pc. liv in? room suite, $60. 9x12 wool run ft pad. $e;i. Westinghouse el ectric ramie with clock. 150. Every thing In good condition. Ph. 2-5101. 315S Lynn Ave. d236" HOUSE FI LL of furniture for sale this eek only. 542 Bliler, Mapteton Addl oo, d234' WANTED FURNITURE USED FURN. Immed. appraisal. Highest prices Valley Furn 285 N Com'I Ph 27472. da234 IF YOU HAVE FURNITURE, appliances sporting Roods, etc.. to sell ft want TOP P11ICES be sure to call TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portland Rd Ph 3-8558 davs ot 2-4407 eve. da235 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CLASSICAL O.H type mare. In foal to Ren. O H. chestnut 8 yrs. old. Will foal l ite spring. H. F. Werden. 1073 Highland Ave., Salem. e234 BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. C. McCandlish. 1127 S. 25. Ph. 3-3147. e257 RABBITS PETS 2 long hatred 6 months usebroke. 1698 Bellevue. ec234 FUEL O R E G O N F U E Lb O M P A N Y Good cle,m sawdust Pry slab or orcen tor furnace Green edging $5 50 load. Double : Dry edv:iti $8.00 toad. Ph. 335.13 re23. SPECIAL BUY YOUR WINTER'S WOOD NOW 2 CORD LOAD. 10.00 PH. 2-7442 SHM.1 STOVE ft DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186 Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, dlstrti.iti e'24)l 1 n HOOD, mill ru ,ed 1 1 p-r ioa t 27751. 8 oer toad H-rd Ph afir 5 i' 't! eo:36 CAL1 HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Plrve: and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer End A Block Wood Ph 1644 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak. ash ft maple 4' fir 16' slab and edgings. Ph 314f8 tt "West Salem FueTCoT" l IN DRY OR ORETN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH 1LOCK WOOD, IB-IN CLFAN NO BARK 8CRRKNED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIF.SFL AND STOVE Otl Phone fvlem 2-4031 Aue pick up wood at Mil Edaewater St. West Salem ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37442 ir Slab Wood and Fdeinta Mesh Ci(t Screened" Sawdust li Inside Mill Wood Drj Word ASK FOR SA H OK FEN STAMPS FORSALE POULTRY COLORED F R Y E R S7p h . 3 -1 2 9 B M W HMrHIKE chukK "every Thurs daT. Oroer Fr r o' Hens now at upe clal quant ttT price tor tout locker Custom Dre-ntng a ipecialty Phone JM1. tee'i Hatchery. t NEW n MPIURK "chicks tor Immediate or future denser? HaWhe every Tu Foi Hatchery. f3 State St Ph I-49M PRODUCE 1 FOR I r : Toms toe 7.V bo U-p:f k I', mne north of Keuer. O. J. Bower Rt I. Boa 24. 113)4 F0R SALE HOUSES REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE FURNISHED $800 DOWN! 160 per month. 1-bed room home close to school and bus. Larse garage, furn ishing include electric range and Launderall. Immediate possession. No. 38a $500 DOWN ! 21: bedroom nice location. 2 block to Parochial achool. 'a block to bus and store, fenced in back yard. Immediate possession. No. 265 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South Hurt Ph. 3-9203 Sun. Ac Eves. 3-9712. 2-3738Ll-5BD5,2-1327 a 234" GRABENHORST SPECIALS 1940 VIRGINIA The back yard of this place Joins Envlewood School. 1 bdrm., open staircase, full sets plbg., w.tli colotyle walls, ige. master bdrm., full basmt., with auto o.J heat, finest rumpus rm, in town, beautiful yard, fish pond, outside fire place, dble. garage. 100 ft. of frontage. Priced below replacement cost. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL BOY FERRIS. S. SALEM 4 bdrin. clo.se to schools, basmt.. auto-heat. Ige. lot. wall-to-wall carpetlnr. Price (13.000. TERMS. CALL RICHARD E. GRABENHORST. GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 2-0608 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oeiser 3-0968 - Ben Roisen 3-2471 . a234' PRODUCE LATE GRAVENSTEIN and King apples. Joe Lucas, Orchard Height rd. Ph. 2-5958. I123B" LATE PEVRS, delicious eating D'Anjous, now rer.dy. Brins boxes. Alirma Motel, 3645 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-4510. 11238 I FRONT quarter of whit '-faced yearling beef. Ph. 3-4233. 1260 Center. ff235 klNGapplcs7YouP'Ck77nc bu. Rt. 9. Box 258. ' mile S. Liberty Sen. ir235 GET YOLR wintersupply now. Potatoes. J1.25 per 100; onions, $1.00 sack: Deli clou apples, 75c box. Al Ped, Rt. 1, Box 149. Ph. 3-1580. 2' a miles N. of underpass. X235 G O LD E N " CRO SS sweet corn, 20c dor. Ph. 2-1326. 235 TOMATOES We Bu. U-plck. Imlah Fruit farm, Va mile on Wallace rd. Ph. 20374. ff237 GRAPES 4c lb. You pick. Bring contain ers. Walden, 3845 Portland Rd. ff234 TOMATOES AND PEPPERS CANNING, JUICE AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER. PH. 2-7172 fI234 TOMATOES a bu. or ton. U-pick II bu. man, Box 32, Ph. Jefferon 504. ff243 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service for small lota. Phone 2-JSbl Lee's Hatchery. ff TOMATOES, cucumbers, fresh egg. Fri gaard Fruit Farm, '4 mi N Keizer school. ff240 HELP WANTED FILBERT pickers, 2'.ic. 260 W. Ewald Ave. g2J3 ACCORDION INSTRUCTOR. Part or full time. Excellent opportunity. No ex perience necessary. We train you. Writ Capital Journal, Box 422. B251 HELP WANTtD MALE SEE OUR AD for High school graduates under "Educational." ga234a WANTED thoroughly exp. Service station attendant. Prefer Standard Oil training. State age, exp. Write Box 458 Capital Journal. ga234" OPPORTUNITY for experienced photo finisher. Inquire Oregon Slate Employ ment Service. 710 Ferry St. ga236 PART TIME MAN Earn $140-$250 monthly working 2 hours a day demonstrating sensational new Bible, success assured thru per sonal training, write fully. Sunday School League, P. O. Box 4040, Port land, Oregon. ta234 HELP WANTED FEMALE SEE OUR AD for Hlvh school graduate under 'Educational." gb234' BIO MONEY FOR YOU IN SELLING CHRISTMAS CARDS! For extra cash show Christmas Cards, 50 for il WITH NAME. Sell on sight! Up to 100'c profit on 21-Card SI "Leader" Assortment. PLASTICS, oth ers for Christmas. Everyday. Personal Floral Notes, N.ipkins. "Leader" on ap proval, FREE Imprint samples. STYL ART. 1310 Santee, Dept. 54. Los Angeles 55. Calif. gb234' WANTED Housekeeper. Must be good cook. 2 adults. Prefer one to go home night. Ref. required. Ph. 3-6509. ab235 EXPERIENCED fountain girl, good work ing conditions, no Sunday work. The Ace, 127 N. High St. gb234 WANT WOMAN for light hou5e work ft care tor 2 small boy. Ph. 2-0594.ab237 LADY living In Keizer dist. to care for seven-year-old girl from 1 to 5:30 Mon. thru Fri. Ph. 2-2353after 5:30. Rb233 GENERAL housework. Ref. 695 N. Liberty. g b235- EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY WANTED SALESMAN GOOD OPPORTUNITY. Nationally known product. Cat essential. Apply 668 N. Hmh bet ween 9 a. id 10 a.m. gg EXPERIENCED lurniture salesman, .ist exp & qualifications. Write Box 394 Cipita! Journal a? WANTED POSITIONS Mimeographing-Typing FOES. North 16tli. Phone 3-3B43. hJ59- WANT JOB on farm or dairy, experienced. P O. Box 173. Turner. J1"6 CUSTOM WORK: Plowing and discing by the hour or Job. Ph. 3-1131. Sprlner. h239 MIDDLE AOFD lady desires baby slttin In ise call at 3P5 !Vir 3-6038, WANTED NEWER, septic tank ft drains line, Ben Bros., Ph. 2-4508. h334 UH1LD CARE day or hr. Ph. 2-8685. h258 PRACTICAL NURSE, da ing or stay night. F YOUNG 1 XRRIFD vet. 2 children, for gen. farm work, chicken, turkey or d.ilry ranch, Exp. Will to anywhere. Write P, O. Box 111. Amity. Ore. h234 EXP. Woman wants hswk. ft cooking In or out of Salem. Ph. 3-3161. Rm. 143. h234 ASKIM.E d" mechanic Va n t ed . Dr un k a rd need not apply. Ask for Ray Myers of Silverton.Ph. 4151. h234 MECHANIC wishes permanent work. 5 yrs. experienced on dies el and 1 ' rr. on aas. Hon. dls. from the navy. Sept. 22, 194H. Ph, 3-8.T6. h335 ;BRl(K block work oT all kind. Ex I perienced. competent mason. Call ! Davidson Bros.. Ph. 3-8247. hJ34 i:riRIENCED and capable business man desire employment with established local concern. Thoroughly experienced in finance, credit, collection, aale and merchandising and office routine. Desirous ot assuming responsibilities. 41 yrs age and married. Box 431 Capital Journal. M334 R jRN BROV, Contractor. Remodellnt, form work. Phone 2-B115. h234 Oregon Tree Service Iisured opp - Phone 2-1496. h2.i Wil l, cRF. tr your children In m? home, dav onlr 950 1 For Drive, King wood Height. Ph, a-3811. h334 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IFOR SALE HOUSES WANTED POSITIONS TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h256 INTERIOR PA LNTiNG."Exp. Pn73679e h253 CHILD CARE. 183 S. rBthVphr2687rh243 TREE WORK, topping trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W H McAllts ter. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. h235" B A B V-S l"TTJ G. " Night relief ."ph.2-0580. . h259 NEW LAWNS prepared and seeded. Light tractor on rubber wlht dozer. Ph. 2-8127. h251 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. EDUCATION VETERANS Train for REFRIGERATION In Portland In our well-equipped school shop. We teach you to build, install and service deep freezers, beer coolers, walk-in cooler and domestic unit. REVERSE CYCLE HEATING (By Refrigeration) For Information on housing, starting dates, part-time work West Coast Trades Representa tive, Marion Hotel Monday. Tuesday & Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. hh238' TRAIN FOR AIRLINES MEN AND WOMEN High School Graduates 18 to 35 only Position 8 Are Available Such as .... Airline Secretary .... Hostess .... Receptionist .... Reservationist .... Passenger Agent .... Siai Ion Agent .... Traffic Asent .... Radio Operator , . . Meteorologist Free placement service with U. S., Brit ish, Alaska and South American Air lines. Doe not interfere with present employment. .... Send coupon below to box 459 Capital Journal, for complete Informa tion to help determine my qualifica tions for employment with the nation's leading airlines. Name Address , Phone Ase . Rawlins Music Studio Violin and Piano. State accredited achejPh. 2-6013. hh2a0" FOR RENT ROOMS ROOM FOR gentleman. Close fn. 6.32 No. Wiuter. jk235- LARGE SLEEPING ROOM, 1st floor, HftC waler.461 N.High jk234' HOMEY LIGHT housekeeping room" Hot plate cooking ft refrig. Warm. Ladies on!y, 193 S. 24th. jk234 SLEEPING room, heat ft ahowerTflSO Par rLsh. jk234 NEWLY DECORATED rm. for lady. 1st fir. Close in. Cooking prlv. 740 Chemek- eta. Jk239 NIC E SLEEPING RM. Ph. 3-7558. jk239" 2 BED ROOMS, first IlooT'modenTrnomeT Call 3-7990 after 6 or before 9- 745 Hood St. Jk234 SLEEPING rm., private home. Day time employed.694 N. Church. Jk234 SLEEP. RM. Holi'ywood720lllcCo Ph. 36093. Jk256 PL E ASA NT SLEEPING room for entle man.050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. jk235- LARGE SLEEPINGroom Employed la dy or couple. 949 N. Winter. Ph. 3-8459. Jk235 HEATED 8LP. RMS. for men. Tel. ft prlv. ent. Phone 33425. 1505 N. Capitol. Jk234 WARM ATTRACTIVE room for employ ed gentleman. Reasonable. Ph. 3-4248 Jk234- SLEEPING RMS. for men. 385 W. I4th. Jk239' 9JJJJy M PH 3-4335 Jk237 FOR RENT APARTMENTS I BDRM. furn. apt. $46 , 420 S. 30th.Ber tween 5 and 7 p.m. Jp235' TWO ROOM furnished apt. tor two work In v h:rLv Pvi.a.e entrance. Cloe in. Ph. 2-5539 evenings. Jp235 S RM. APT., private bath and entrance. Working couple. Batchlor. ' blk. from atore anclbu. 735 S. 13th. jp235 1 ROOM upstairs apt. Elec. range ft refr. 704N. Commercial. Ph. 2-1007. Jp235 I A i RM. APTPriv7batn7 633 Fe7rvstT )p23f MOD. 4 RM. APT. Employed couple. Re liable. Adult only. 190 . 25th. Ph. 3-5045. Jp236 BASEMENT apartment of one larte room and kitchenette, rollaway bed. refrig.. elec. range, attractive and clean Em ployed girl preferred. Tel. 3-6408 for appointment or call at 145 N. 14th. Jp2i4 NICE HEATED furn. apt. 2 adult, at 359 N. Liberty. Jp2J7 S RM. APT. ft bath. WiU take email ba-by.Ph.2-5247. jp234 APT, and room. 360 N. Capitol. ipJ34 FOR RENT-J room apt. close Jn, f irn,. suitable for t. Ph. 8-3188. Jp234" COURT apt., West Salem. 3 rm. unfurn except electric rwnar. Ph, 2-8009. Jp236- NICK FURN. aot. alHelectflc. 1075 N. Capitol, Ph. 3-HT06 Jn237 FOR RENT HOUSES Ft RN. t BDRM. house for the winter or longer. To middle age couple or employ ed couple. 1583 S.'glnaw. Jm235" MODERN "rm" house. AdulU. 1M0 Hare 60 Ph. S43L Jm336 MOOFRN t rm. house with bath, break fast nook and washing room. Hot water heater and wired for range. All newlv finihed. Adult onlr: Ph 3-1198. Jm234 t BR UNFURN. house. S0. 7lRoemonV W. Salem. Ph. 2-7915 eve. lm234 MODERN 1 bdrm. house. Immed pas. 7 mile N.W. ol Salem. On Willamette river garden A. S5 per mo. to responsible part. Ph. Turner 241X. jm:.t MODERN USFURN.3 BR hse Clone to Hi School. $60 Ph. 35237. Jml34 FURNISHED house for rent8llverton Ph 14 j. jmlJS (FOR RENT HOUSES 1 KM. unfurn. house. Newly decorated. 2 blk. to Hollywood dist., $80 Ph. 3-6581 after 5. Jm235 t KM. PARTLY Fl'BN. modern house, aired for range. 1 rm. furn. cabin. Light, water. Not modern. 55 Hiway ave. Jm234 HOI'SE-IN MI VERTON, one bedroom In new court. Electric ranie, water heater and washer furnished. 123 E. FLske St. Call owner 3-7921 eaiem, $46 per mo. Jm234 5 ROOM unfurn.. 8 mile S. on highway 99. Elec. wlr. htr. it oil stove. Ph. 2-4289. Jm334 3 ROOM house unfurnished except elec tric range, garage. Adult. 694 N. Church. Jm234 LEASE 2 BR. unfurn. house, 165. 748 N. 20th. Ph. 2-3410. jm234 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS GOOD SET IP for used car lot etc. 3 bdrm. house ft large lot. Business tone. Fair grounds Rd. near bank. Ph. 3-6189. . j236 SLEEPING RM. Clean ft Warm. 888 N. Commercial. J235 MOD. 4 RM. apt. Emp. couple. Adults on ly. 190 B. 2ath. Ph. 3-5045. )23a STORE BLDG. Hollywood Dist. Inquire 2390 Fairg round. Ph. 3-7146, j239 OFFICE space. In Oregon Bldg. Inquire Rm. 222 Oregon Bldg., Oscar BJornson. j235 OFFICE, desk space. Conv loc Ph 39133 J24S' FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. J POWER TOOL rental for home and in dustrial use Howser Bros Ph 3-3646 TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand- r We ell everything to complete the lob BOWSER BROS Ph 3-3646 I UOD USED PIANOS H L Stlfl Ff II E oaces and desk spaces Ph 25692 TRAILERS $2.00 per day Howser Bros Hlu & I2tli. West Salem J BUSINESS RM. tor rent H L Stift. ' V DRIVE trucks, car Ph 2-9103. BUSINESS BLDG. About 6000 q. ft. floor space. Good location for garage or ware house. By owner at 2010 S. Cottage. 8a- lem. j236" LINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines Reasonab rate. Free pick up ft delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com 1 Ph 33512 ) WANTED TO RENT I BDRM, UNFURN, house. Close to school. Some rent may be worked out. 2397 Hazel ja236 VET, WIFE A SMALL CHILD, native of Salem desire 1 or 2 BR furn. or partly turn,. North, rea. rent, Exc. ref. Ph. 2-9932 8:30 to 5:30. ja236 WOULD LIKE TO RENT 20 or : farm land. Ph. 3-112L WANTED to rent by 2 adults. 2 bdrm. , house. Reasonable rent. Give the best ! Of care. Ph. 3-9728. ja234 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD ft ROOM for employed men only 492 No. Summer. JJ235' BOARD and room. Ph. 3-8706. JJ258 LOST AND FOUND LOST: N. Santlam club acrapbook. Che meketa St. about 3 p.m. Ph. Stavton. 205-R collect. k235 LOST: Two S.P. system annual passes Is sued to-R. H. Mundt and Mr. R. H Mundt. Mill City. Ore. k234 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men- hatter. 464 Court We close Saturday 12:30. m244" POWER TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORE, 4345 SUverton Rd. Ph. 2-2024. m259" DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph aidri, -State ft Comrrmrcla) 6u SALEM Phone $-3311 m' BUILDING MATERIALS HKMl FT. of 2x12 plank. $lo7"Ph. 2-0757-ma234' SHINGLES No. $7.75 jq. No. 2 5.00 sq. No. 3 3.00 q. C. G. LONG. Phone 2-5821. One mile nopth of JCeizer. ma23' SHINGLES missing? Gutter down? Get 'em fixed up! See Keith Brown, Front Court St., Salem. ma PLYWOOD New upply. complete" stock. Pick your choice of material. At lowest prices. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile N. of KeizrJ ma237 Windows - Sashes Hundreds of new and used sashes. For kitchen, bath, bedrooms, commercial and farm use. Used double and triple windows, complete with frame. C. O. Long, Ph. 2-5821 1 mile N. of Keizer. ma237 SIDINGS New white asbestos aiding $10 00 per sq. Carload supply. No paint required. Ce dar shakes in. the carton 112.00 sq un der course included. C. G. Long Ph 2-5821. 1 mile N. of Keizer. ma237 GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roadR. Si- NEED LUMBER? 4 larger amount. Builder are realizing substantial savings on all grade of framing lumber. No. 4. 2x4-1x8 ahip lap $17 per M: 2x6-2x8-2x10 $15 per M No. 3. 2x4 ahlplap $36 per M. Price in cludes delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, 1050 Wallace Rd Ph. 39593. ma249 NEW KITCHEN sinks complete With Ibuc- eis. imp oniy u,.io, used wash basins with ail fittings. 12.50 to $15.00. Large attractive, new medicine cabinets $7.50 C G. Long, Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile N, of Kzer- ma237 CEDAR SIDING New sn.pment ix8" and sin ceoar sitttne all grades Keith Brown.Front ft Court St., Salem, ma 8AVF OI ROOFING Let Ward give you complete in STALLED price on youi roofing needs wide range of color Catl our emid talesman for fre wttmat Phon 1-3191 MONTOOMERT WARD ft CO SALEM. OREGON m' U.UMA - LOCK ALUMINUMl6cK jHINOIE The mooern permanent roof Ing See your dealer of Call Dist 3-601 1272 DEAR CUSTOMER, insist on your con tractor and carpenter utni the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 25 Lana Ave Ph. 34939. Tree parking. mai LUMBER and mill work, cabinet, ton Everything you need. Is here for ou Keith Brown, Front ft Court St 8. tna' Wrecking: Another House AT 1256 FERRY ST. L'sert doors and windows, bathroom fu tures, good used elee. water heater. Jots of -ood flooring. See Chri Mads on at th bld. ma23' Hlgft Mountain or Coast Timber No 1 $7 75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 iq No. 3. I in clear suitable rot roof or ildewall Ted Muller, Pb 9a lem 3-1196 Salem-Indeo. Road. rr!a DOORS Nf l" Colonial doon 113 ISO ttr ut) dnors II). 50. mlho.nny s!,b doori 124 50. nf. tlw doom 110.25. trrfrn dooM 10 50. combm.t.on atorm door. 110.00. Interior ptnl door 15 75 A up c o Loni. Ph. 3-JM1 J mil. N. of NURSERY STOCK SACRIFICE MI.I: RHODES, -3 to IV AZALEAS 5 for II to $l 50: Cammellla 75c to $4: BOXWOOD $12 50 hun.: per rennlal 25c to II: King Alfred 7e dot Merrill's Greenhouse. Brook, Ore mb2S4 fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TH WF.R BBT rarriage J Tone trar. fd 3 month' only. Very reasonable. 70 No. Ulh St n2j5 B4BY B4SWINFTTF on leat and rollers Has pad. $5 Ph. 38239. n235 WOOD CIRCULATOR. Ph. 386TJ. 23V FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OIL FURNACE. Auto. cont7orAoodbu for $60. 7ia N. Cottage. Ph. 3-626S. n236- ENFIELD custom rifle, perfect, $125 111 Park Ave., Woodburn. Ph. Red 50. n234 BEG. $47..M NOW $35. right freezer. Used relrig. High St. Ph. 2-7941. ft. up , 337 N. D23t NORTHERN muskrat coat. Perfect cond Reasonabie. Ph. 2-3903. n234 lid FENCE posts. 7feTt long, $2T6b. PhT PRACTICALLY new. Duo-Therm oil eir culator. P'Katter 4 p.m., 3-7213. n235 WARDS ELECTRIC POULTRY " PICKER Pick a acalded chicken in about 15 sec onds' Grill prevent bruising of bird Operates on 110 volts AC. A real value at WARDS LOW price. Only $101.50. EU , ectric chicken scalder, $44 95 WARDS FARM STORE Trade ft High Salem. Ore. a n3.i FI'LL SIZE bed spring and mattress, also II ISO USED OIL CIRCULATOR. Recondition 20 and up. Judson. 279 N. Com'!. n236 PEAT MOSS fortified with" turkey drojC " DUC SBCK' VAL.LEY FARM STORE, 4345 Stlverton Rd. Ph, 2-2024. n25fl MEDIUM SIZE Taylor tricycle 815.0o7 cruras steel scooter $3.00, 6-yr.-old' combination desk ft chair $3.00. Phone 2-9886. 370 N. 19th St. naxa DAVENPORT ft chair. Overstuffed rwt entvr A Keanlirnl in.. . $89.50. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. DUO-THERM oil circulator. 55 gal. dram' 11U' pipes, Keasonawe. nt8 Fir Ph. 2-8786. n23.. HEY WOOD-Wakefield baby car'nane . Easy Spin-Dry apt. size washer. Ph B2.74 FT. well insulated Cooler a tor ice box" 400 S. 19th St. n234 LIKE NEW: Model 70 Winchester rifle calibre .270 with 330 Weaver scope. See at 4l3lMacleay Rd Sajem. n234 R-PIECE blond "dininK et.OnlyJ niontha old, $75. Trader Louie. 3055 Portland Rd. n234 KENMORE electric ranxe. Used only 2 months. $135. Trader Louie, 3055 Port- d n234 I? GAUGE single barrel hot gun. Phone 3-8948. Call between 12 noon and 7 p.m. n'J34 LUi-KJM.N oil circulator. Used mos. Ph 3-8948. Call between 12 ft 7 p.m. B234 .i-ifl ENFIELD sporter. $75.00.4545"siN verton Rd. Phone 2-7310 after 6:30 p.m. n234 SHELLS for foreign odd caliber rifles -fiackett. 1510 So. Winter, Ph. 3-4912. n241 USED ELECTRIC refrigerators YEWFR APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa n251 USED ELECTRIC rantre. YEATER AP- rirt. 375 Chemeketa. n2dl USED WASHING machine. YEATErTapT r-inina,.. Chemeketa. n251" OIL CIRCULATORS. dratlcllyeduced price. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa. n251 HUNTERSTTENTION: Save your same in a Deepfreeze Home Freezer YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n25l AfiMOUa make of small appliance? nrrumnvis CO., 375 Cheme keta. n251. SEWING MACHINES: Free Westinhoue7 nrrLMwut co., 375 Chem eketa. nMl. S-3 WINCHESTER model 94. 3 boxe .lueiis. excel, cond., peep sight. Ph 3-4253. i33R HAVE YOUR Bendix Automatic Dryer in" "'r1 W1UIF le iaii rin oegln. Ralph Johnson Appliance, 355 Center St. n23B USED RANGES, refrigerator and wash- cia. naipu jonnson appi., 355 Center Salem. n2w WESTINGHOUSE radio phonograph con- .-.ui. na nlLK aa jatr.au. r iSATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. nMl NEW ft USED musical Instruments a spinet ft trrand pianon at reduced prices. JAQUITH MUSIC CO., Ph. 3-4641 n244 PLASTI-KOTE: The cellophane-like fin- ..-.. jvui iiwis, wooaworic or lino leum, no waxing required. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n25l FULLER bru-hes, 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357" n244 EWING MACHINES. New Home electric. Ralph Johnson Appliances n245 SEPTIC TANKS, Concrete Pipe and Tile rciniorcmg wei. mesh and coloring. All kinds river soil, pit-run, cravel, crushed, sand and mixes. OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY 1405 N. Front 6t. Phone 3-3417 1)242 USED SEWING Machine. Re won ably priced. Ph. 3-3139. Ralph Johnson Appliances STEEL CLOTHESLINE poets, railings In "m " rcr. ins h. tflDerty. n24Z SEWING Machines, electric or treadle. ....... u.nArj, i-n. J-IQH, nJ- BEN'S ND Hand and Rummage BtorT WALLINO SAND Ac r.BAVPT. rrt CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveway, nirni, reaay mix concrete, garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching -yL shovel and drag line. Ph. 3-9249 SALEM SAND fl, URA TEL COMPAJVl Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-i. yd 10 B yds D-7 Cat ft Dozer D-6 Cat t Dozer D-4 Cat & Dozer Sea us about ditching by tht ft Phone Day 3-9408 Cve 3-82-6 or 3-4400 faaiem Oregon q LUMBER 2x4-5 by Jitney load. $10 per .www. mu nam. inaependenca Lumber 4t Mfg Co.. Inc.. Independence, Ore. GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier. Olbson and Montaa Appliance at Oevurtz. n FENCE POSTS, pojes. all type 3MnW ferfliirer ft fiatrock Phllllpji Bros rtt S Box 118 Ph 31458 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED furnltur vo flue ft repair Lee Broa Furn Reflnlhina Co h l-iooi. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FlUNTll'tf Phnn? S-ls!t INVESTIGATIONS William W. Cruickshank DETECTIVE AGENCY 360 State St., Rm. 203 Civil, criminal, private, dom estic, commercial, industrial and insurance investigations. REASONABLE RATES TELEPHONE 2-7945 After 8 p.m. & Sundays call Stavton - Blue 148B H0214 PERSONAL STANLEY Home Products, S55 Cro. Ph. MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER AND ADVISOR Can help you where others has fat'ed. Satisfaction assured. Advice on ail affair of life. Special read'na I2O0. Located Just south of Hubbard on Highway 99E Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for sign Reading Daily and Sun. p250 AUTOMOBILES Eisner Motors to Buy (Continued on Page 13)