. ' Kt of ft1 Tr All Students Get Eye Test Pacific University, Forest Grove, Ore., Oct. 1 For the first time, in any university, all students were required to have a registration vision test at Pa cific this fall. Dr. Richard Feinberg, dean of the college of optometry, said a statistical study will be made using the results of these tests and grade point averages of the students. In this manner, a cor relation will be established be tween visual performance and scholastic achievement. Students who need further professional attention will be referred to their own doctors or to the op tometry clinic, Pacific university. This unique testing program consisted of a, battery of visual skills tests including visual acu ity for both distance and near visual posture or "muscle bal ance," color perception, depth perception and the span of rec ognition or speed with which the student could see, stated Dr. Feinberg. Gives Away $15.000 Cornelius La Roy of Lansing, Mich., displays a part of his $21,000 fortune which he has been dis tributing to Washington, D. C , cabbies and waitresses to the tun of (19,000 In five days. He told police who are investi gating him, "It was my money, I came by it honestly and I wanted to give it away." The Michigan man, who has been staying at a tourist home while in Washington to arrange passport to return to his birthplace in South Africa, is now under mental observation. (AP Wirephoto.) East Salem Plays Host For County PTA Council East Salem, Oct. 1 Definite plans for the yearly program of the Marion county council of the Parent-Teachers association were made at a meeting of the executive council held at the home of Mrs. Charles A. Salter on Swegle road. , Members of the executive board present were the county presi- fdent, Mrs. Ralph Sipperell of Kelzer district; Mrs. Harvey Vetter of Silverton, vice chair man; Mrs. Waldo Lowery of Brooks, secretary, and Mrs. Sal ter of Swegle, treasurer. The Merry Minglers held their first fall meeting Thursday aft ernoon in the home of Mrs. Clyde Colwell in Salem. Mrs. Robert Fromm, vice president, presided at the business meet ing in the absence of the presi dent, Mrs. Albert Fabry. Mrs Arthur Case and two children of Richland, Wash., were guests and members Mrs. Carl Snyder. Mrs. J. Irvin Wagers, Mrs. Covil Case, Mrs. Anna Jess and the hostess were present. Attending the special training meeting for three of the com mittees of the Marion county home extension service held at the YMCA Thursday afternoon were from: Lansing Neighbors: Mrs. Will lam A. Marsh, publicity; Mrs. R. H. Dozell, ACWW; and Mrs. Lloyd Hamilton, Azalea house. Lancaster unit: Mrs. Robert Pickerel, publicity, and Mrs. Cleo Kepplnger, ACWW. Kdlna Lane; Mrs. James E. Keys, ACWW, and Mrs. Oliver Van Houten, publicity. East Salem: Mrs. William Hartley, publicity. Central Howell Mrs. Lewis Patterson, publicity, and Mrs. Frank Way, Azalea house. Mrs. War was In charge of registra tion. Mrs. Ralph Mercer of Four Corners presided at the general meeting. Mrs. I. G. Lermon of Lansing Neighbors, who is a member of the county commit tee, presided at the publicity chairman's special session. Mrs. Edwin Imlg and Mrs. Al bert Patz attended the dinner for workers In the Child Evan gelism Fellowship at the May flower hall Tuesday night in the Interest of the program for Swe gle community children. A class Is planned for the home of Mrs Imig on Swegle road. Swegle Woman's club will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Louis Neuman on 88th street at 1 o'clock. Nationalists Fire Mme. Sun Yat-Sen Canton, Oct. 1 W) Madame Sun Yat-Sen was "dismissed' by the nationalist government to day from her old nominal post as a political adviser. The widow of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, founder of the Chinese republic, probably will get a new job but with the com munists. She is now in Pelping. the Red capital. In another official gesture, the government dismissed Shao Li-Tse, former ambassador to Moscow and a leading advocate of peace with the Reds, and fellow "peace delegates" to Peip ing. "They were willing to be utilized by the communists," a spokesman said. new refrigerator, a home freeze unit, a year's supply of butter to be delivered at the rate of one pound twice a week, four season football tickets on the SO-yard line for the first season in the new stadium and many other items. "We're going to have carloads of new and used merchandise everything from tombstones to terriers and livestock of every description," Longfellow said, adding that several thousand dollars worth of services would also go to the highest bidder. Dan B. and Larry Roth, Al bany acutioneers, have volun teered to donate their services to the Jaycees and the stadium cause. It is hoped to raise at least $5,000 at the sale, it was an-ounced. Able Bodied Single Men to Get No Aid Portland, Oct. 1 Wp The Multnomah county welfare com mission's denial of aid to urv married, able-bodied men has been upheld by the state public welfare commission. J. H. Luihn, state chairman, said there is still seasonal em ployment avaialable and "we must take care of the families and children first." The county commission had been withholding aid to unmar ried men able to work on the grounds that they could find jobs. At the same time the stale commission ordered Multnomah county to pay the bus fare of welfare clients requiring treat ment at a health clinic. StaVe commission payments to 23,105 old age pensioners in August totaled $1,118,352. Aver age payments was $48 40 plus medical expenses Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Saturday, October 1, 1949 11 Stadium Auction Linn's Largest Albany Groundwork for what may well become the lar gest auction sale the Willamette valley has ever seen was laid this week as chairmen of the sponsoring Albany Junior Cham ber of Commerce met with Memorial Stadium board mem bers. The sale will be a benefit for the Albany memorial stadium work, which was halted by lack of funds. The sale will be held October 25, at 7 p.m., at the 4-H pavillion on the airport road. The following committee chairmen were named to handle the sale: Donations, Bob Long fellow; publicity, Steve Sulli van; auction setup ond operation Bob Fox; and entertainment and concessions, Dave White. Already listed as having been donated are four used cars, a February was 1948's safest month with 7,500 accidental deaths in the United States, Au gust the most dangerous with 9,- 200. You Are Invited First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa at Winter Chester W. Hamblin, Pastor John L. Goodenberger, Assistant Pastor 9:45 A.M. Church School WORLD WIDE COMMUNION SUNDAY 9:45 and 11:00 A.M. Identical Services "Radiance Regained" Communion Meditation By the Minister GOP Gronp Meets Portland, Oct. 1 W) The re publican state central committee mat her today to begin organ ising for the 1950 political cam paign. Th meeting will con tinue tomorrow. CII JulC Beautiful Overslie llklVlJ JUMBO Prints Roll Developed I Jumbo Prints. . . Bxtra prints and reprints 4o ea. Pre Mallinc Bats on Request JCMBO FILM CO. Parrttr. Idaha 35c 9:45 ,m. Sunday School 10:10 a.m. "A Sweet Inctns Unto God" 6:15 p.m. Young People's 7:30 p.m. "Earth's Wisest People" Broadcast Over KOCO NAZARENE FIRST CHURCH Center at 13th Orvllle W. Jenkins, Pastor "Howard W. Sweeten Is Coming Next Wednesday" Hear Him ot EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Market St. and Park Ave. Take Madison St. Bus Evangelist W. I. Nunes Of Trinidad, British West Indies University Graduate Internationally Known; Meetings in Canada, U.S.A., Australia and Indies Former Chaplain at Devils Island Sermons on Salvation for the Soul Divine Healing, Proyer for Sick The Overcoming Christian Life Startling Clear and Revealing Messages on Pro phecy Begins Sunday, Oct. 2-16 9:45 a.m. Sundiy School 1 1 :00 Holy Communion 7:45 a.m. Evangelistic Rally Each Week Nite except Monday and Saturday at 7:45 Except Oct. 3-4 when NAE Sunday School Convention meets at Temple Thanks to all who made our opening day such a blessing with flowers, good wishes ond an attendance In Sundoy School of 550. Why not bring the children and join a Bible Class? RADIO PROGRAM KSLM, SATURDAY, 5:30 P.M. You Are Welcome at th Temple REV. WALTER S. FREDERICK, Pastor CP 08 (O0G9 Painting and Decorating 20 Years Experience In Salem We Paint Homes Offices Buildings For Vz Less Phone 3-7552 35F1 RUPTURE IS YOUR GETTING WORSE EACH YEAR? Wear a DOBBS TRUSS BULBLESS BELTLESS STRAPLESS itOKNTmcALLir rirritD no obligations A DOBBS TKlmH .aid. ilk rka hand SANtTlKY. m ft wara Irkila talking Oat. aal alral lb. ruplura II koldi wilk ronra.a pad. Ktwi honld Mark ,oa not U alar, ft kulk kail la apaning ml fftplftra. tha kaaplng Ika Uaaaaa apread apart. Hlniilo Double 12. CO Men, Women, Children 17.50 No matter vvliHt tnifM you now wear, you owe It to yourself to come see the DOIIIIS THINS Capital Drug Store State and Liberty "On the Corner" r ' --: r sr.";: 33 t -v.:- ; r lilt.) . A yv. Clough-Barrick Company CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO LISTEN TO HYMNS OF THE WORLD BEAUTIFULLY SUNG FOR YOU BY wniaS and The Kings Men Monday through Friday 9:45 a.m. KOCO- 1490 KG a Y'O V tu S Ir'NiV 'Vf , i J '"Aft i 7 IP ..-vfl. . I 1 .'J " S TV? 4 V i "it - tuir i-m ! -aiiiaiiAftakiaift)! ,i i r ma v The Indians could send a rallying call many, many miles by drums. Each drummer, stationed on a lonely ridge, would listen for the sound of distant drums, and relay the message to others waiting across the valley. Overnight a dozen tribes could be rallied to a common cause. We don't need such crude methods of communication today. Men with a common purpose can join forces around the world at a pre-arranged time. World Wide Communion Sunday is such an expression of unity. In every Christian land the church bells will summon men and women to the Lord's Supper on this Sunday. And the universality of this great religious event will not depend on bells relaying the message from town to town. It will depend on folks like yourself coming to their Church to receive this Holy Sacrament IHEi?r?cHroi'Au.. '"on, Church. niZ'Zl lu"' W"hou' a con .urviv.. Th. . Z. ZT'. "' "'"al,on support lh. Church n n""r onok.. (2) ror hii chiu m' '" T take ol h,-. 11 ' h" rt'ldren-a .ok.. 131 F. ond ma,,a p L , 'Ch ne,d h" "".oral "r ond ,.ad Z, BiklrZr ChUrch W9U- 61 I ".l.r .... Ch., v... I To,v l-ka ' J Tills Series of Ads Is Being Published loch Week Under the Auspices of the American Bible Society ond the Salem Ministerial Association, end I Being Sponsored by the Following Individuals and Business Establishments! CAPITAL DRUG STORE Prescriptions, Drugs, Sundries R. L. ELFSTROM CO. Furniture and Paint ROBERTS BROS. Department Store BISHOP'S Men's ic Boys' Clothing SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. 137 South Commercial SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. r ii' nil i- v. 1