j Sunday School )( Convention ine ursi ounuay kiiuui cun vention to be held in Salem lor a number of years is icheduled ior October 3 and 4 at the Evan gelistic temple, Park and Mar ket street. The convention if un der the sponsorship of the Sa lem Evangelical Fellow ship, which is cooperating with the National Association of Evangelicals. The convention leaders will Include Rev. Norman B. Harri son, Bible expositor of Minnea polis; Rev. William Kirschke, executive secretary of the Na tional Sunday School associa tion; Miss Eunice Fischer, Sun day school, Sunday school con sultant; Miss Helen Carlson, Multnomah School of the Bible and Rev. Paul Trulin, Vancouv er, Wash. Dr. Harrison Is a graduate of Princeton university and Princeton Theological seminary and has recently returned from a preaching tour of Central America and Mexico. The first conference session will be held Monday evening and others will follow Tuesday morning, afternoon and night. Local ministers and laymen par ticipating include Rev. Russell I Mayer, Rev. Lee Wiens, Rev. f Walter Frederick, Rev. Albert Fadenrecht, Rev. O. W. Jen'., is, Dr. Theodore Anderson, Rev. O. W. Clemens, John Schmidt, Ern est Frieseb and Rev. Rudolph Woyke. Officers Assuming New Duties Sunday Woodburn New teachers and officers of the Church of God who will take over their duties Sunday are: Mn. Lloyd Waymire, church ichool up trlntandtnt, Eldo Miller, assistant nuper Intendent; Uri, Bernlct Ballrot, Mrs. Le-wli pauUon and Mra. Kenneth Both um, radl roll committee: Mra. Bernlce Ballrot, nuracry class; Mrs. John Brhlmpf, benlnnara class; Mrs. Harry Haves, pri mary clasa; Mra. Lucille Chapelle, assla- tant: ana Mrs. ursei Livingston, Junior class; Mra. Roy Kuni, Intermediate class; Mrs. Raymond Hood, senior youth ciasa; Kiao Miner, assistant; waiter Lw aon, young adult class; Henry Frlti. as is t ant: Alfred Livingston and Harry Hayes. adult class; Mrs. Fred Anderson, adult ibic class; Mrs. Levi Welty. assistant Mrs. Ben Bhrock, secretary-treasurer Miss Ruth Anderson, assistant. October 2 is promotion Sun day, when several church school students will be promoted into new classes. Communion for Evangelicals The membership of the First Evangelical United Brethren church, Marion and Summer streets, will join 25 million oth er Christians around the world, demonstrating a oneness in Christ, as on the same day, Sun day, October 2, we gather at the table of the Lord in observance of World Wide Communion. The minister, Rev. Wilmer N. Brown, will speak at the 11 o'clock wor ship service on the subject, "Helps to Spiritual Growth." Communion will also be serv ed hi the evening service at 7:45 to those who could not attend In the morning. The theme of the message will be, "Walking In the Light." Violinist Featured By Lebanon Church Lebanon Tid Bolobonoff, violinist, will be guest soloist at Sunday morning services at the First Presbyterian church, Har vey Schmidt, pastor of the con gregation, announces. Bolobonoff will play a little known French hymn, learned while serving with the army ov erseas. Title and composer are unknown In the history of French music, Schmidt said. Only one copy of the hymn is known to exist in America, the pastor stated, and Bolobonoff now has it is in his possession. Falls City Methodist Church Union Choice Falls City Union services and a reception honoring all teachers of the city will be held at the Falls City Methodist church Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Charles Knox, pas tor of the Christian church, will preach the sermon; Rev. Gil bert Johnson, pastor of the Free Methodist church, invocation; Rev. James Royer, pastor of the Falls City Methodist church, benediction. Special music from all the churches will be given. Woodburn Methodists Offering Communion Woodburn The first service of Holy Communion in the new Methodist church will be held Sunday at 11 o'clock when the Methodists will join in the ob servance of world-wide com munion with other Woodburn churches and churches through out the world. The pastor. Rev. Ormal B. Trick, will have as his sermon topic, "The Communion of Saints.' Gope Mnuie Spread Monitor Rev. E. C. Schilling, pastor of the Monitor Commun ity Full Gospel church, has in stituted a gospel message by Anail that goes Into the homes In "the area each week. The publi f'tinn is called the Monitor Me senRrr and usually appears on Postcards. jalem A v. hurches LMlla luthadlsi South Commercial at Myers. O. Wsstay Turner, pastor. Sunday school. :. Morning service. U. (Nur sery for small children. i Sermon sub ject: "In Remembranct of Me." World wide Communion Sunday. Youth Fellow ship at 30. Evening service. 1:30. Ser- l subject: unnai or loin, Calvary Chapel rH Gaspel) 1143 N. Liberty street. Rev. Claude C and Mary W. Bell, castors. Sunday school, 10. Sun day morning worship, 11. Sunday tvemng service, 7:t. First Baptist Marlon and Liberty. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. C. E. Brlrkwedel, associate- pastor. Bund ay school, f:3. Morning worship. 11. "Ye Arc Ood's Temple." Pastor Lloyd Ander son. Youth meetings. :1S. Evening gos pel service, 1 M. "The Parable of tht Lost Sheep.' Halbert Memorial BaplUI One mile north of underpass on Highway M B. Hev. C. K. Brkkwedel. pastor. Sunday school, 9 AS. Morning worship, 11. "The Infilling of the Holy Spirit." Pastor C. E. Brick -wedel. Young peoples league, 6:30. Eve ning evangelistic service, "Difficulties In Personal Work." Four Camera Baptist State and Elma streets. Rev. Victor L. Louck. pastor. Sunday achoot, 9 4.5. Morning worship. 11. Message by Pastor Victor Loucks. Young peoples meeting, 4:45. Evening gospel ser vice, 7:30. Calvarv Baptist Bouth Liberty at East Miller street. Victor Hugo Sword, AM. Th.D., pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morn Ini aervice. 11. Sermon subject, "1 Bet My Life." Evening service. 7:30. Candlelight Communion service. Christian Education Clinic. Sunday at 4. Baptist Youth Fel lowship groups, 6:30. I. Mark Ev. Latheran 343 N. Church street. Kev. M. A. Geiztndar.tr. D.D., Rev. John Baglien. pastors. Sunday school. 9 ii. Morning worship service. 11. Holy Com munion service. Sermon topic: "The Real Presence." Luther league topic dlsrus slons, 1:30. Evening Communion aervice. Bethel Baptist North Cottage and D street. Rev. Rudolph Woyke, pastor. Rally day program at 0:45. World wide Com munion aervice at 11, the pastor preaching on "Christian Fellowship." Evening ser vice at 7:30 o'clock; sermon topic: "How to Find God." Bethany Evangelical and Reformed Marlon and Capitol Sta, Rev. Russell May er, pastor. Mission Festival. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, II. Fellow ship dinner, 13. Missionary meeting, 1:30. Rev. and Mrs. Auler, missionaries to Hon duras will speak at all aervlces. First Evanaellcal United Brethren Where Marlon crosses Summer. Rev, WU mer Brown, pastor. Sunday school, 9 5. Morning service. 11. Sermon subject; "Helps to Orowth." Evening service, 7:46. Sermon subject: "Walking In the Light." Court Street Christian 17th and Court streets. W. H. Lyman, minister. Bible school assembly, 9:45. Morning worship and Communion. 10 :50. Sermon subject: "Forgive Us Our Debts." Christian En deavor hour. :30. Evening worship, 7:30. Sermon subject; "A Child of a King." First Christian High and Center. Dud ley Strain, mlnuUer: Walter Naff, associate minister. Church school. 9:45. Morning worship and Communion, 10:50. World wide Communion Sunday. Sermon: "When the Angela Sound Their Trumpet. Dud ley Strain. Solo, "Love," Josephine Albert SDauldlne. Anthem. "Th I-nrdsj. Lfv I Shepherd' arr. by Cordon Jacob. Youlh groups, 6:lB. Evening worship, 7:30. Sound color film. "Voice of the Deep." Sermon by Walter Naff. Solo by Don Olson. Church af Jesua Christ af Laller Day Saints Sth and Madison. John E. Sails bury, bishop. Sunday school. 10. Sacra ment meeting, 11, Evening service, :30. t'alted renteeestal Ut Perry atreet. Rev. Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday school, 0:45. Morning service, 11. Evening service, 7:45. Salem Heights Community Liberty Toad at Madrona avenue. Sunday school, 10, Preaching services, 11, conducted by gos pel team of the First Baptist ohurch. Knight Memorial Congregational Nlne teeiuii ana rerry streets. Louis E. White, minister. Sunday school, 0:43. Morning worship, 11. Sermon. "The Ministry of Memory." The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed In connection with world-wide Communion Sunday. Junior church and church-time nursery, 11. pil grim Fellowship groups for Senior High and Junior High atej, 1:10. Young adult group, 1:10. First ftplrlUallst 340 N. Commercial. Rev. Thomas and Minnie Gaseley. speak era. Circle at :30. Services at 1:30. First Presbyterian Chemeket a at Win ter. Chester W. Hamblin, pastor. John L. Ooodenberger, assistant pastor. Church school, 9:45. Identical services, 9 45 and 11. World wide Communion. "Radiance Regained." Communion meditation bv the pastor. Junior high, 5:30. College Fellow ship, 7. Central Chareh of Christ Cottage and Chemeketa streets. M. C. Cuthbertson. minister. Bible school, 9:45. Preaching and worship, 10:45 and 7:30. Reorganised Church of Jesui Christ af Latter Day Saints Chas. H. Asher. pastor. Church school, 10. Communion aervice, 11. Zlon a league, :30. Bible atudy, 7:30. West Salem Methodist Third and Oerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church school, f:4S. Worship. 11. Sermon: "Rea sonable Service." World Communion cele bration. Youth Fellowship, 6:30. The . , i-Mownmp win mrei at me home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester McCain Miiinrumirij finer cnurcn. Panrsqaare 4H N. loth St. Sunday srhool, 9:45. Morning worship, 11, Evan gelistic service, . Jesus Name Pentecostal 1175 Lewis St. Ronald V. Sittser. pastor. Sunday school, 10 a m. Morning worship, 11. Evening evangelistic, 7:45. Saint Paala Episcopal Church and Chemeketa Bts. Rev. George H. Swift. B.D., rector. Holy Communion (In the chapelt, 7:30 am. Junior church and classes. 9:30 a m. Nursery srhool In par ish house. 11 a.m. Holy Eurharlst and sermon, 11 a.m. Youth Vespers, p m ... inircn tvnrm, scientist Lib erty and Chemeketa Sts. Sunday school St 11 a.m. Unrmn. ..rvi,.. ., , . son-sermon. "Unreality." Nursery for children up to 3 years of age provided during the morning service. Evening serv ice at I. Lesson-sermon, "Unreality." SI. John's Lutheran 16th and A Sts H W. Oross, put. tor. New schedule with two services. 9 and 11 am. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Holy Communion at 11 clock service. First Church at God Hood and N. Cot tare. O w n,... . church school. 10:45 a.m.. Communion. II am., morning worship. Topic; "Left, overs for Ood." 6 45 p.m.. youth fellow ship. 7 45 p.m., evening worship. Topic; 1 Four Fundamental Farts," Christ Lai her an Divine worship and Holy Communion services at 0:45 and 11 lOrowth.' Sunday school t t an o.i.r- terly business meeting at 7 30 p.m The sound film. 'Salt of the Earth," will be shown following the meeting. Jasasi Uf Melhadlst North Winter at Jefferson. Louis C. Klrby, D D. minis ter. Sunday school. 9 48. Morning wor shID. 11. Rermnn tir. I..... n... i jln the Breaking of Bread " World-wide communion win be celebrated. Evening worship. 7:30 Topic: ' Ereklal s Life and "lo" " M,lhodl" "outh HMrshl t M.nllar CmaaanHr rail Gaapal Moni tor. Far and Mrs. I. c. Schilling pas tor, Sunday achool. 10 a m. Uorn.ng worship. II m. Communion of tha Lord euppar Young paop, T am. Evanlni t aangaliatle aarvlra. S p as. ra.lral Lathaaaa Oalna, and K. Capitol. O B. Rundstrom. paator. Sunda, achool. 4 Morning worship. II. Wlllam.tta lnnar Mj.sion rl!owh!p. J, rvsnlng INVISIBLE SWEATER MENDING! Hoe Mending Downstair Miller's Rum! Pulls! Holes! Church Elders Plan Luncheon Silverton The First Chris tian church elders and deacons noon luncheon business meet- ins; is set ahead for Sunday, Oc tober 2, from October 9, In deference to World Communion day, this being the occasion each month when the member shut ins are given communion In their own homes. Junior Chris tian Endeavor Is reorganized with first autumn meeting Sun day evening. 6:30 o'clock, with Afterglow meeting with the sen iors at the parsonage following evening services. Friday evening the Silverton Christian Endeavors entertain the group composing the pre convention Marion county Chris tian Endeavor Rally, the guest speaker to be Rev. Wilmer Brown, pastor of the First Evangelical United Brethren church of Salem, Miss Lucille Miles. CE president, and Miss Lela Miles, worship chairman, In omciai cnarge. Mrs. L. M. Larson and Mrs Silas Torvend are to be Trinltv Lutheran social hostesses for Wednesday afternoon. The Dor cas society of Trinity Lutheran church is to be guest group of Mrs. Melven Brenden at her West Main street home. October 7, assisting hostess Is Mrs. Mar lin Voiding. Choir rehearsal is Wednesday evening. Rev. and Mrs. Gordon T. Bratvold of the Christian and Missionary Alliance are to spend next week attending the NW Pa cific district prayer conference at Vancouver. B.C.. from Mon day through Thursday. The Al liance local prayer service Is Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at the church. Evening services following the Youth Fellowshio hour arp being observed at the Methodist church with Rev. Ben F. Brown ing in charge. Dallas Churches Teews. pastor. Sunday school. 945. Morning worship. 11. Sermon. "The Leav en." Christian Endeavor program, 7 30 .is rvruurin jonnnon. pas- . . Morning wor ship. 11. Sermon: "This Do." Com- tniuuin tnaeavor fellowship. ; devotions, 6:30. Evening evangelistic service, 7:30. in..r. nremren rc. William Elmer, pastor. Sunday school, Wor- ahln. 11. First p.Ki.pi.e-..i iui ... bOW. D.Ii niitnr e..rf. .i i Morning worship. 11. Sermon bv Rev Thorn Hunter, director of Presbyterian iuurn wore oi me Westminster Founda- Anostollr FaHh anPi-a r... Sunday srhool. g:30. Morning worship' 11. Evangelistio service. 7:45. Mskhs.II. , tor. Sunday school, 0:43. Worship ' serv ice, 10:45. Christian fellowship, 7, Gos pel service, 7:45. Assembly or God Alfred R. Brown, pas r. Sunday school. 0:4.4. Mnrnln air ship. 11. Christ Ambassadors, Junior Am bassadors, vesper service, 7. Evangelistic Sunday school. 10. Morning worship, il xoung peoples service, 7;30. Evangelis tic meeting, t:lft. Flrsl Methndlat Ttarlr Church srhool. 0:45. Morning worship, 11 . World-wide Holy Communion. Inter mediate fellowship, ;30. Evening wor- lrkr II aa.a. aj. N iiiirDBcit. ounaij acnooi, f:30. Christian Siin Bunla. Sunday aervice, 11. Christian and Missionary Alliance O. E. MCOarveV. Dastor Annrtav arhnnl a.jt Sunday morning worship. 11. Sunday eve- riirHa.c servire, Tift, ........ vyiui Binuui, jw. naorning pray er. 11. Holy .Baptism, 12:30. Free Melhodist R. W. MrCormtrk. pas tor. Sunday school, 0 45. Preaching serv ices, 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Oak Orove Chapel Fremont Fau). pas tor. Morning service, 0:45. Sunday school follows. Youth fellowship each Sunday evening. M. PhlMn'a r,lk.ll. D.,1... t.i... - byak, pastor. Mass, 10:15. community. W. A. Heard, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Sermon, 11. Church of Christ Bible study, 10. Com munion, 11, Supt. Sunday school, 10. Eola Bandar rhool Sunday school, 45. Morning worship. 11. Charra af Jesas Christ of Laller Day ainta Elrier MilUr a school, 10. Sacrament meetina. lws. Flrsl Baptist Sunday school. I:4S. Morn- ..... ... 4 1 .um, i mima, i. a.ve- ning worship, I. Chareh of Gad Henry Loagan. pastor. Sunday school. t:45. Morning worship 11. Young people's meeting, 6 41. Evan gelistic service, 7:48. Seventh Day Advenllst Sabbath school, 9:45. Sermon, 11. Mission Circle Meets Dayton The Missionary Tir. ele of the Pioneer church met at the home of Mrs. Guv Rrmmn with 25 members and five guests attending. Mrs. C. W. Hngan had charge of devotionals. Mrs. Kate Stone centered the lesson around Japan. isrvtra. 1 4B. wh.n Bar. John R.nirh will show rolnrad motion plrlur, "Thra, Mil,, Hl,h." from tha bordar ot Tlbal In North India. Train r.ntar JJ N cotlata r,,nlng sarvir. I p m. Tu.sdar. Ort. 4 Mrmnn atibjact: R.,1 Pro.p.rltjr. ' H-alln, 1J to 1 Llbrar,. It to J Why Suffer Any Longer VHmb m-tin fm aw eut Chlne rrmtxiieg Am axing succeu for loot year :a Chine N viatttr vim hit limtnu iom art. arflxttx) dlAordrr 'Intuitu btan June Htir, tttDtya ta. timMlpatlsii awfra. dlib'tta. rnti.niri.m call and biaddtr, ftver tuft. iin a :a eomptainta. CHARLIE CHAN CltTNtSi ft KB II CO. nrfte ft star. U Tim antj Rat Ob It tM H mtnrrial fhnna t1m AL1M. OK ft. n wn nun m mm Marriage Plans Announced David Michael Mountbatten, the Marquess of Milford Haven, and his fiancee, Mrs. Romaine Dahlgren Simpson, 26-year-old American divorcee, smile hap pily during press conference in Claridges hotel in London where they announced they'd be married in Washington, D. C, late in November. The announcement by Milford Haven, one of Princess Margaret Rose's favorite escorts, was not in the court circular, will be omitted from the Times of London. Such an omission is usually considered a "demotion" in British society. (Acme Radio-Telcphoto) Woodburn Churches Chr int Ian Don Priest, 5. Lincoln and pastor. Sunday Doud Sts. school, a.m. Service, 11 a.m. 1 p.m. Eva- nlng aervice, I p.m. Assembly of God Second and Linroln Sts Les.ter Olbson. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Y. P. at 6:45 p.m. Free Methodist Young and Oatch Sis. Mrs. Rozella B. Douglas, pastor. Sunday srhool. 9:4ft a.m. Preaching, 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Bt. Luke's Catholic V. L. Moffenbeler. pastor. Harrison between 3rd and 4th. Sunday services. 0 a m., 8:30 a m., and 10:30 a.m. Benediction after 10:30 mass Sundays. The Reorganised Church af Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Corner of Second and Garfield. Oeorge Omans. pastor. Church srhool, 10 a.m. Preaching 11 a m. Zlons League, 1 p.m. Lecture study I p.m. Bethet Presbyterian 3 miles east tor. Worship 10 a.m. Sunday school, 10:45 a.m. First Freibvterlan Oarfleld and Third Sts. Earl K. Fenton. paslor. Sunday srhool. 0:43 a.m. Divine worship. 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Y.P., 0:30 p.m. Charrh of Cod Third and Grant Bts. Raymond W. Hood, pastor. Church school 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. and p.m. VP., 1 p.m. St. Marv'a Foliconal E. Lincoln at Cu pid's Court Clarence C. Slorum. virar. cnurcn acnooi. s:JO a.m. uivine wor ship, 11 a.m. Bible Baptist Grange hall, Settlemler and Harrison. Earl Baker, pastor. Run- day school, 9:45 a.m. Worship service 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Y.P., :4 p.m. Immanuel Lutheran Harvln N Christen sen, pastor. Doud and Oswald Bts. Wor ship service 11 a.m. Sunday school, 1 a.m. nervals Fresbvter Ian Ernest Tremblay. pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Worship ll a.m. C.E., 7:30 p.m. Methodist New church. Ormal B. Trick, pastor. Church school, 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Foursquare 1197 E. Lincoln St. Arthur Coble, pastor. Sunday srhool. 0:45 a m. Worship. 11. a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Y.P., 0:45 p.m. Charrh of Jesus Christ of L.D.8. IOOF hall. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Sacrament meeting, 11:30. Amity Churches Baptist Bruce Wakeman, pastor. Sun day school. 10 a.m. Morning worship. 11 a.m. Topic: "Christ or Nothing. Youth fellowship. 7 p.m. Evening service. S p.m. Topic: "Buying and Selling Truth." Church of Christ William F. Morse, pas ir. Bible school. 10 a.m. Morning wor ship. 11 a.m. Christian Endeavor. 7 pm. ior and youtn meetings. Evening serv S p.m. Methodist Fremont Faul. minister. Bun- day school, 10 a m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Youth fellowship, 7:15 p.m. Assembly of God William Bearhy. pas tor. Sunday school. 0:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Youth service, 7:15 p.m. Evening service. 7:45 p m, Mill City Churches Presbyterian Dr. David J. Ferausnn, minister. Sunday school. 10. Morning services. 11 o'clock . World-wide Com munion. Youth fellowship, 0:30. Christian Thomas Courtney, pastor. Bible school, 9 45 a m. Morning services. 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor, 30 p.m. Evening worship, 7:45 o'clock. paor. Morning Fra, M.lhaaiat Donald Mlnkla. pa.tnr. ftunday arhool. 10 a m. Morning wor ahlp, 11 o'clock. Ivanlnt aarrlr.,. 1.30. rnmmunil, Rrr. Wayn, Walklna. pa, lor. hunday school. 10 a m. Morning wor- -,lp. 11 Oflo.k Et.nlng rrrvlr.. , 4S. Falls City Churches Methodist Jamas H. Royar, pastor. Sunday achool, 10. Morning worship. 11. Sayanth Day Adrantlal Sabbath achool. 1:30. Preaching, 11. Frss Mathodllt Olthart Johnson, pastor. Sunday school. 1ft Morning worship, 11. Young psopla", masting, 1.30. Evangelis tic ssrvlca, S. Christian Charle, Knni, pastor. Sun day school. 10. Morning worship. 11. Christian Endeavor, a 10. The 1935 height record of 72,. .195 feet set by Capts. Albert Stevens and Orville Anderson in a balloon was still higher than any other man has flown in 1949. Ir run lUI,U udim Dallas Bible School rjEnrollment Heavy Dallas Enrollment in Week Day School of the Bible, which is conducted in the chur ches of the city on released school time, is expected to reach over 700 by Friday, according to Mrs. Goldia Ferguson, instruc tor. Boys and girls march from elementary and junior high schools to the Christian and Grace Mennonite churches, where classes are held. Twen ty-two classes will have been taught in the religious school by the end of the week. Churches of the Dallas Ministerial associa onition are cooperating in the proj- ect. Two Christening Rites Are Staged Silverlon Two christenings were held at Immanuel Luther an church, Rev. S. L. Almlie of ficating. Harold Lloyd Naegeli. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Naegeli, had as sponsors a maternal aunt and uncle of Salem, Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Luke, who with other immediate relatives were enter tained at an early afternoon din ner at the West Center street home of the parents of the child Linda Ann Dahl, daughter of the Marvin Dahls, was sponsor ed by members of the family, Mrs. Albert Overlund and Or lando Dahl. The families of the group with Rev. and Mrs. S. L. Almlie and children were din ner guests at the Marvin Dahl home during the afternoon. Bethel Baptist Rally Program The children of the Bethel Baptist Sunday School. North Cottage and D street, will pres ent a Rally Day program dur ing the Sunday School hour be ginning at 9:45 o'clock Sunday morning. There will be recita tions, playlets and songs. Ten pupils will receive promotion certificates. The program marks the beginning of a new Sunday School year. All classes have elected teachers for the ensuing year. These will begin teach ing the second Sunday of Octo ber. The public is cordially in vited to the program. Miction Fpcrivn Bethany Church The annual Mission festival will be held at Bethany Evangel ical 4i Reform church at Marion and Capitol streets Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Howard Auler, mis sionaries to Honduras will speak at all services. There will be re gular Sunday morning services, a fellowship dinner at 12 and a missionary service at 1:30 in the afternoon. Rally Day Arranged Staytnn A rally day has been planned for the Church of Christ for Sunday, October 2. Bible school teachers of the church have set a goal of 200. Pictures will be taken of the individual classes to be used as slides, which will be shown at the evening service. Silverton Churches f'b.rrb f Jr. C'hrUt f Ih. tatt.r 1),, K.tnls ItUrm.nt Sunitfty ,rhool v.nin, mr, t 1. Sunday arnoot at .. Paal'a Calbnlle Father John J. Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses, and 10 Weekdays, 9. Assembly af C.e4 Berrel H FWolt. pas tor, Bunrtar school. 9 48 DiMne worh:p. Young people s society at 4. Evan gelistic at 9. Chare af God Rev. F X Nik. paslor. Sunday school at 10: worship hour at 11. evening services at 9. Seventh Day Adventltl Elder A. D. Chilton. Salem, and Hi cold Jolinson. lo cal elder, in rharse Sahhsth srhool, Sal- rday, 9 30; morning worship at 11, Sat urday; Sunday evening evangelistic serv ice. Merqusm and Mala I la Coasregallona. Melhodist Rei Kendall, paslor. Joint pas torate. Forenoon services at Marquam, afternoon at Molalle. Pilgrim Holiness D OUon, pastor, non by pastor. 11 1, Evangelistic Sunday school, 9 4ft Young people meet Set sermon at 9. Calvarv Latheran Supply pastor. Sun day school and Bible rUss. 10 a.m. Morn ing worsnip. ll . apeaKer, h. n. nirss. Portland, representing the Oregon Coun cil of Churches, head of the temperance and anil-gambling department of the rouncil. First Christian Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Bible school, 9:4ft a.m. Com munion and sermon. 11 a.m. Subject: "The Second Observance of the Lord's Supper." Special Feature of World Com munion day. Junior treoraaniredt and se nior Christian Endeavor at 6 30. Afterglow Christian Endeavor at 10 Afterglow esslon at parsonage following evening cnurcn service. At i jo p.m., sermon The Print of the Nails." lmmanu.l I. nth, ran 8. tor. Sunclar krhnol and a m. Divui, worship. 11 L Aim:,. ,p"o' a m. Strinon: Horn, UD,rvatlo:i Drsth " Holy i Communion. Luther League, 7:30. Trinity Lutheran- Supply pastor. Bun 'day srhool and Bible classes, 10 a.m. Divine worship. 11. Bermon by Rev. P. O. fbe : Bruland, Portland, city missionary. Christian and Missionary Alliance Gordon T. Bratvold, minister. Sunday srhool, 10 a m. Worship hour, 11. Ser mon: "Paul's Praise of Men." pastor. Young people meet at 1 o'clock. Evangel istic aervice, I p.m. MHhodlst Ben F. Browning, pastor. Suncloy school, 9:45 a.m. Nursery for tiny tots and classes for other aae Rroups. General worship hour, 11. World-wide Communion Day. Youth fellowship. 7 p m. Evening worship, p.m. Pastor speaking. Stayton Churches ia,t!at R,. wtnard Buckntr, paator Sunday achoot, 10. Mornlna worship, 11 rralnlD, hour, 7:15. Evening aervlca. . Charrh .f Chrlat Clrda Freeman. ,aj- .o. dible achool. 10. Worship aervice. 11 Youth fellowship, 4:30. Kvenlni worahlp. Charrh af Christ L. M. Seld. minister Bible study, 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve ning) worahlp, a. Methodist John aforantt, paator. Bible school. 10. Worship service, 11. Youth Fel lowship, g:30. Evening worship, t. Assembly af God Rev. Melvln Stock-w-11. pastor Sunday achool, 10. Mornim lervlce. 11. Young people's meeting, 6:45 Evening avangelutlo aervlca Lib. Immaculata Generation Catholic Rv snth. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services: Masse 4, 7:30 and VJ0 a.m. St. Partlrk'a Catholic (l-yonsl Father Leander Schneider, paMor. Winter sched ule, Ut, 2nd and ftth Sundays. ma.v 10.30 a.m. i lid and 4th Sundays mass at ":30 a.m. Oar Lady of I.oardet (Jordan) Father Leander Schneidrr, pastor. Winter sched ule, 1st. 2nd and Sth Sundays, mass 8:30 a.m.: 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10 30 Baptist Bruce Wakeman. nastor. Sun day srhool 10, morning worship 11, Youth Fellowship T. evening service . Church af Christ Wm. P. Morse, min ister. Bible school 10. morning worship 11, Junior meeting 1. Young People'a meet ing 1. evening aervlces g. Methodist chareh Rev. Fremont Faul. pastor. Sunday srhool 10; morning wor h:p 11, Junior Fellowship ft. Youth Fel lowship T. Assembly af Ood William N. Be at h v. pastor. Sunday achool 9:45, morning wor ship ll. children's service 7:30. evening service t. Rally Service Slated Woodburn A Wnorihnrn Youth for Christ rallv will be held Saturday evening at 8 o'clock at the Full Gospel church, Second and West Lin coln streets. A speaker will be present and special music will be a vocal solo by Mrs. A. Mills and a duet by Mrs. Mills and Miss Naomi Baker. $$ MONEY $$ FHA 4 V4 Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finarce Co. 153 S. High St. Mr. R-2IB M-22I J..S-M m CHURCH-L0YALIYV1UNIH VI, i The churches of Salem unite in extending month of October, beginning WORLD-WIDE COMMUNION SUNDAY, Oct. 2, 1949 SPONSORED - .s.... - I Cnpital Journal, Salem. Or., Calvary Baptist ''Sunday Services The young people of Calvary Baptist church will meet for an hour of silence Sunday morn-1 ing at 7 o'clock, followed by a fellowship breakfast and the regular Bible school hour at: 9:45. l In the evening, the world com munion service, celebrated In all cnurcnes will oe oDservea at Calvary Baptist In silence and candlelight. At 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon a Christian Education clinic will be held for all teachers and workers interested in fostering growth. This Is the first of a series of five to six weeks of leadership training to be held each Sunday afternoon under the direction of Dr. Victor Hugo Sword, acting pastor. Valley Yuthlally Slated at Woodburn Woodburn The semi-annual Willamette valley district youth rally will be held at the Wood- ; burn ChllTCh of God Saturday. The district extends as far south as SDrincfield and Eueene. with' Woodburn and Newberg on the, extreme north. jsons family. It is the hope of the The rally will begin with a, church that within the next banquet for the youth delegates ; month or two a displaced per in the Church of God recreation I sons family may be brought by hall at 5:30 o'clock. An eve- j the church to Salem. Cafvanj- dSaplht Gturcli Is DIFFERENT Hear DR. VICTOR HUGO SWORD Speak on "I BET MY LIFE" 1 1 :00 o. m. Silent Candlelight Communion Servict at 7:30 p.m. 1230 SOUTH LIBERTY WELCOME FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Down Town The Tall White Spire TWO MORNING SERVICES 8:50 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. WORLD-WIDE COMMUNION "DRAW NEAR WITH FAITH" COMMUNION MEDITATION "God So Loved the World" (Stainrr) Anthem by the Sanctuary Choir Directed by Howard F. Miller OCTOBER IS CHURCH LOYALTY MONTH Brooks H. Moore, Minister Dr. Norman B. Harrison A Bible Evangelist Kingwood Bible Church 1125 Elm St. West Kalem, Ore. OCTOBER (Sunday thru Friday) THEME: "Finer Christian Living" Sunday a m. "Going Deeper With God" Every Evening at 7:45 Sunday: "Too Good to Be True" (Romans truth) Monday: "Why So Many "Average' Christians?" (Corinthian truth ) Tuesday: "What Being 'In Christ' Means" (F.phesian truth) Wednesday: "My Greatest Difficulty Gone" (Philippian truth) Thursday: "Mv Personal Problem Mel" (Galatian truth) Friday: "Hnw Different' Is a Christian?" (Thessalnnian truth) Sunriar Afternoon at 3:00 "Will Christ Soon Return? ... In Our Day?" Faith in God and the spiritual values of lift) or essential to these times. Faith can conquer fear and guide us to personal and world peace. In foith, wt con find strength ond courage for these days. OCTOBER of this community to attend Sunday School and Church during tha BY SALEM MINISTERIAL - ..... ..... .... - Friday, September 8f), 19499 ning servlct, to which vsryon is invited, will begin at 7 p.m., and will conclude the program. Ten youth groups of the valley will contribute to the program and Rev. Sackett of Springfield wjn be the speaker. Music by the local group will be a vocal trio by Misses Virginia Yoder and Marilyn Miller and Mrs. Raymond Hood, ' . Presbyterians a.. . m , P3 Q jeCYICeS i , , mmm,,i wnrM i j . . , 'e wommunum Bunn.y, an. First Presbyterian church will have two communion services ion Sunday morning. The sacra ment will be observed at 9:45 and 11:00 o'clock. Dr. Chester W. Hamblin's com munion meditation will be "Ra diance Regained." Mrs. Ralph Dobbs. the organist, will play Andante from "The Fourth Symphony" and Finale from "the Fourth Symphony" by Wl dor. The choir, directed by Charles W. Stowell, will sing "Come, Heavenly Father, From Above," by Dressier and "O Bread of Life" by Christiansen. The regular Deacon's fund of fering of the church will be used for the church's displaced per- '-fk IS" T. 2nd THRU (til IS on invitation to the citizens ASSOCIATION .. - v - nray - ir , i ITra I