Woman's Club Plans Meeting Woodburn The fint tall meet ing of the Woodburn Woman'i club will be held Wednesday, October 5 with 1 o'clock, no hoit luncheon. Ai usual the meeting will be held in the club rooms of the public library. Mrs. O. R. Randall, chairman of the fine arts committee for the new year, will be in charge of the program. Special guests of the club will be a group of ladies from Portland, members of Verseweavers. Included in the group will be Mrs. Vera Joyce Nelson, president of Verse weavers; Mrs. Anna Holm Pogue, author "Oregon Inter lude"; Mrs. Ethel Boyd Wilhelm, representing writers of humor ous poetry; Mrs. Edith Cotter, religious poetry writer; Mrs. Katherine Buoy K e e n e y , "Through Life's Prisms"and nature poems; Mrs. Helen Smith, editor "With Her Own Wings," recent publication of "Oregon Stories of Pioneer Wo men." Also on the program will be Mrs. N. F. Tyler, Miss Janie McGrath and Mr. Frank Mc Donald, all of Woodburn. Schour-Wood Dayton Miss Vivian Wood of Dayton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Von, was married to Michael Schour, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schour of Portland on Saturday, Sept. 10, at the Christian church at Vancouver, Wash. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gray gab ardine suit, with black acces sories and a pink tuberous be gonia corsage. The matron of honor was her sister, Mrs. Irene McAllister, Portland who wore a blue dress with gardenia corsage. The bridesmaid. Miss Eliza beth Schour, Portland, bride groom's sister, wore a blue flowered dress and a corsage of gardenias. The best man was the bride groom's uncle, John Hein of Canby. The bride is a graduate of the Canby high school, class of 1944 The couple will reside in Port land, where he is employed in a hospital. The bride was honored at two recent showers. Mrs. Goldie Fisher entertained a group of 20 in her honor, the party being at the home of Mrs. Jack Von; and Mrs. Andy Rosksted, aunt of the bridegroom, also entertain ed for members of Mr. Schour's A COMMITTEE of Soroptimist members, known as the "sister club," met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Hope Randall to wrap Christmas packages for members of Soroptimist clubs in England. DAYTON Mr. and Mrs. Will Ditto of Dayton announce the marriage of their daughter, Jean to Victor Seller, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Seiler of McMinn ville, on Saturday, Sept. 24, at Vancouver, Wash. They will be at home in McMinnville. in ruKTLAND today were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gragg to meet their daughter. Miss Car roll Gragg, who arrived on the City of Portland from Great Lakes, 111., where she has com pleted her basic training fol lowing enlistment in the navy. Miss Gragg will be here for a week, leaving for her new as signment at Norfolk, Va., on Oc tober 8. 1" Aw f-i ..." J -" , ' yffT?fc h If t ' V Lebanon For her wedding at historic St. Edward's church on September 17, Mrs. William Franklyn Rau wore an antique ivory satin gown with veil wreath of orange blossoms. Two green orchids topped her ivory prayer book. She is the former Zata Margaret Sinclair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sinclair. Mr. Rau is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rau of Portland. The couple are at home in Eugene where both attend University of Oregon, the bride being a member of Delta Gamma sorority there, Mr. Rau a member of Beta Theta Pi. (Miller studio picture) Campus Clippings By CHARLOTTE ALEXANDER UNIVERSITY OF OREGON On the Oregon campus there has been much construction, and it has now been announced that by the end of winter term the long awaited Student Union building is expected to be open. To administer the complex func tions and varied facilities of the building, a special body, to be known as the Student Union Board, is now being assembled. The Student Union is going to be a wonderful improvement for Oregon, and will be the center for all activities. This week-end's activities will include a rally for the boys be fore they go to play University of California at Los Angeles. Naturally we will all have our ears glued to the radio, and in the hopes that Oregon will once again win. Saturday night the AWS is reviving an old tradition, which is the once-annual "Bunion Derby." Men's living organiza tions will attend women's hous es, staying approximately fif teen minutes at each group. These events are a lot of fun, and a good way for the fresh men to get acquainted. With the library and class rooms full, It is a sure sign that we Oregon Ducks are back to the books. Last week-end was packed full of exciting events for the students of Oregon. Friday night was devoted to a "snow ball rally," which was held down by "the old mill race. A snow ball rally is described as one in which one house starts out and they in turn pick up the students at the various other liv ing organizations. Our spirited yell leaders led us in our traditional Oregon yells, and various entertainment was given. Josephine Caugheil, Roberta Tussing, and Irene McLeod were on hand to do their part in ceering. The rally was climax ed with a street dance. Good weather and many in terested sport fans helped to make Saturday's game complete. Mascot Puddles was escorted in grand style, riding in a brand new car. Springfield high school band performed during inter mission and provided an array of color. Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. dinger, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred erick Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Allen Gives Talk for Club Silverton Mrs. Dewey Al len was guest speaker at the Silverton Junior Woman s club dinner meeting at the Double J restaurant, telling of the history of the club from the time of its organization. In charge of the meeting were Mrs. Orville Frank, president, and Mrs. Wilson Johnson, sec retary. A program session was term ed the "rush for new and pros pective members" with Mrs. Jim i Nelson, vice president, assisted by Mrs. Edward Handy, arrang ing the plans. Especially honored for the "rush" were Mrs. Bud Moore, Mrs. F. Price, Mrs. Frank Allen, Mrs. Loyal Timm. Mrs. George Morrow, Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Mrs. Marion Green, Mrs. Jim Jones. Mrs. Weldon Hatteberg and Mrs. Robert Lokting. Mrs. Orville Frank named as her yearbook committee to make reports at the next meet ing, Mrs. Perle Bye, Mrs. Alan Foster, Mrs. Gerald Smedsted. Mrs. Max McMillin and Mrs. Or ville Frank. The next club meeting is to be at the Frank home in 524 South Third street as an evening af fair, Monday, October 10. Reports will be made of the final results of the annual style show sponsored by the club. Garmire-Schneider Aurora Announcement is be ing made by Mrs. Arthur A. Schneider of the marriage of her daughter, Miss Velma Maxine Schneider, to William Edward Garmire, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Garmire. The ceremony was solemnized at the home of Rev. Albert Smith in Corvallis Friday afternoon, Sept. 16. The bride wore a tan gabar dine suit with brown hat and ac cessories, and a corsage of baby orchids. A wedding dinner at tle Gol den Pheasant in Corvallis fol lowed the ceremony. Now honeymooning at Crater Lake and in northern California, Mr. and Mrs. Garmire will re turn to Canby late in September to make their home on the Gar mire farm. Mrs. Garmire, who is an office employee of the state public utilities commission in Salem, was graduated from Canby Union high school in 1948. Mr. Garmire is a navy veteran of World War II. vjmi Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, September 30, 19497 Married in August Mr. and Mrs. John Orion Becker (Anna Lois Hibbs) were married August 14 at McMinnville. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Wesley Hibbs of Unionvale, Mr. Becker the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker of McMinnville. (McEwan studio picture) John Caughell and Mr. and Mrs Glenn Wilbur were here from Salem to see the game. Saturday evening a dance was given with Freddie Yahns orchestra playing. Cartoons on Oregon Ducks engaged in vari ous campus activities lined the walls of McArthur court. Gooding-Haines Aurora In a simple cere mony at Christ Lutheran church, Aurora, Wednesday evening, September 14, Miss Marlene Haines, daughter of Mr. and Neal Haines of Canby, was mar ried to Lawrence Gooding, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gooding of Aurora. The wedding vows were read by Rev. H. Mau, pastor of the church, of which both the young people are members. Only members of the family were present at the ceremony More than 100 relatives and friends attended the reception in the church social rooms after wards. The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a gray suit with pink accessories and a cor sage. Her only attendant was her cousin, Miss Elaine Dietz. Charles Gooding stood as best man for his brother. Following a wedding trip to Oregon beach resorts, Mr. and Mrs. Gooding returned to make their home in Aurora. JEFFERSON Mr. Everett Benton Ridgeway and Mrs. Ly- dia White were united in mar riage at the Church of God, Thursday, at 8 p.m. with Rev. Earl Cleaver officiating. They were attended by Mrs. Minnie Reynolds and Frank Wier. Jefferson to Honor Teachers at Dinner Jefferson Mrs. William Brown, president of the Parent Teacher association, announces the first meeting of the Parent Teacher association will be held at the schoolhouse October 6. A potluck supper will be served in honor of the teachers, fol lowed by a short business ses sion. An executive meeting was held Thursday, discussing plans for the year. Committees appointed for the year are: Program, Delmer Dav idson, Miss Josephine Getchell and Mrs. Charles Borst; budget and finance, Russell Daulton, Mrs. Gordon Gorman and Mrs. Hal Reeves; hospitality, Mrs. Leonard Marcum, Mrs. Russell Daulton and Mrs. Gilbert Loon- ey; room representatives, Mrs. Lloyd Marlatt, Mrs. J. C. Bent ley, Mrs. Charles Smith and Mrs. Gilbert Hoevet; 4-H club, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oldenberg; mem bership, Mrs. Leland Sarff, Mrs. Albert Meyers and Mrs. Alvin Robison; publicity, Mrs. M. H. Bcal, Mrs. Frank Grimes; PTA j i n i magazine, Mrs. Leland Wells, lT?Zjl?"dCl- .W'V;re Mrs J. W. Vasek; study groups, Mrs. V. E. Goin; legislation, M. H. Beal. Sixty-five percent of the pe destrians killed in cities, accord ing to a survey, were using the roadway in an unauthorized or unsafe manner. Visiting in Pendleton Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schiel and children left Schiel will continue on to Des' Moines, Iowa, to attend a school for insurance agents of the Equit able Life Insurance company. Mrs. Schiel and children will visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith at Echo during his absence. Tuna in a school usually are of uniform size, varying not more than five pounds one from the other. CALLING ALL WOILS! w week 08 fiO0G9 1? mm ...as a hound's tttth! -that's PRES-T0-L0GS THI CLEAN, ECONOMICAL CONVENIENT FUEL CtT'tM MOM CAPITOL LUMBER CO. N. Cherry Ave. Phone ll6t or 14411 Announcement . . Dr. E . E . Boring and Dr. Sam K. Hughes OPTOMETRISTS Located at Boring Optical Announce the opening on Saturday, October 1st of their new offices, located at 12th and CENTER across from the Capitol Shopping Center. You Are Invited to Inspect Our Facilities New Office Hours -9 a.m. to 5:30p.m. Open Friday evenings and all day Saturday. Free parking for your convenience. PINKING . it tasy with tbtsi cltvir WISSSbtan FOR A ROYAL TYPEWRITER 0 W guarantee our price on naw portablfi are as low at any local tore, chain or mall order home. ROYAL UNDERWOOD . CORONA PORTABLES EirluMT RrpreirnUlIre for the Royal Standard Writer of Illegible Letters KAY Typewriter Co. "Acroti from the Senator Hotel" 223 North High Dial 3-8099 PINKING SIIEARS You'll be amazed when yon see bow simple U b to give four dressmaking the "professional touch" of finktd msms. They cut the neat, even sig-tag scallop of "perfect pinking" as if by magic aa edge which will not ravel aad makes over casting unnecessary. New Shipment Today! TMMa. . Wlat SON CO. Newark. N. 4. !).. A. How many times Have you been useless When in the dark Completely fuseless? HELENA RUBINSTEIN introduces your spectacular new hair cosmetics color-keyed to you TOUR TINT-TYPE CONTAINS: S Hair Co.mptlcs to Clcanne, Color-Acceot and Groom your hair I BLONDE-TONE or BHIJNETTE-TONE SHAMPOO t,.hr .... 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