Capital Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, September 30, 1949 Nile Benefit On Thursday Successful Four hundred and fifty tickets were sold for the benefit card party given by Salem club, Daughters of the Nile, Thursday afternoon and evening at the Ma sonic temple. The proceeds go to the funds the club gives to the Shriners' hospital for crippled children in Portland. The rooms were attractively decorated with fall flowers. Prire winners for the after noon were Mrs. David Eason, Mrs. M. C. Petteys, Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, Mrs. Bryan Goodcnough, Mrs. J. DeJardin, Mrs. B. C. Hunter, Mrs. Paul Hansen, Mrs. Ward Davis, Mrs. H. E. Craw ford, Mrs. J. L. Goss, Mrs. F. E. Loose, Mrs. Louis Lorcnz. In the evening the winners in cluded Mrs. R. N. Phillips, Jr., Mrs. H. N. Boesch, Mrs. B. E. Braucht, Mrs. Paul C. Rodgers, Mrs. Melvyn Gallaspy, Mrs. James Booth, Mrs. Harris Lietz, Mrs. H. O. White, Mrs. J. Mor rell, Joe Hutchison, James Booth, H. O. White, Frank Sha fer and Charles Boyer, MissMichele Albany Bride Albany Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the First Presby terian church, Miss Beverly Louise Michele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Michele of Route 2, Albany, was wed to Gordon Allison Gilfillan, son of Mrs. A. J. Foster of Canby. The Rev. Morton L. Booth read the single ring service in the presence of 400 relatives and friends. The bride was gowned in white satin, the dress being made with long, tight sleeves and a touch of lace at the cuff and neckline. The skirt was made with full bustle back ter minating in a court train. The veil was of French illusion, fin gertip length, and was fastened to a Juliet cap of seed pearls. The bride wore a strand of pearls belonging to her great grandmother. She carried a bouquet of baby orchids plaoed on a white Bible. Miss Marianne Michele, sister of the bride, was the maid of honor and wore a beige shaded satin dress made with low neck line and full bustle back. She carried a cascading bouquet of white gladioluses and a net hair ornament to match her dresi. Three Bridesmaids Miss Mary Louise Gilfillan, Corvallis, cousin of the bride groom, Miss Carol Anne Cleav er, Albany and Miss Dorothy Murphy, Portland, sorority sis ter of the bride, were the bridesmaids. The bridesmaids' dresses were fashioned identi cally to that of the maid of honor. Miss Gilfillan wore or chid salin, Miss Cleaver was in pink satin and Miss Murphy in green satin. Each wore a net hair ornament to match her drese and each carried a bou quet of white cascading glad ioluses, with the exception of Miss Gilfillan, whose bouquet was similar to that of the maid of honor's. Liltle Miss Judith Michele. sister of the bride, was flower girl and wore a white dress made on the same line as the bride's dress. Glen Revel, Forest Grove, was the best man. The ushers were Thomas Jackson, Thomas White more and Alfred Clough. Lighting the candles were Bob Hale and Al Lindstrome. Mrs. Sara Ella Wnrley was the organist and played the wedding marches. Sidney Burt sang. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Michele chose a forest green colored afternoon dresK with pink rosebud corsage, and brown accessories. The bride groom's mother wore a navy blue afternoon dress, blaok ac cessories and a pink rosebud corsage. At Reception The church was decorated with large baskets filled with hell - pink gladiolus placed gainst a background of fern Six oandelahrums with lighted candles were also used. After tha oeremony a recep tion was held in the church parlor to which 1S9 persons Were invited. The bride's table was covered with eloths Imported from Pa nama. They are of embroidery nd point Venetian lace. The ihdw wn oenierea witn The wedding cake encircled with lighted oandloa, gladiolus and maiden heir terns Mr. Floyd Hopeman wtw in ohrt of tn reoapMon. Mr. Oaorf Chamber cut Hi bride' cakw and pouring' were: Mr. T. A. ailftlian, aunt ef the bridegroom and Mr. Ward Ruthrurt, aunt of the bride, assisted br Mr. Ludwig: Heymen, Mr. Paul N of Cor-1 vallla Mis Judith Michele passed the bridegroom' cuke. 1 Awlitlnf (bout th rooms, Women f LOVYRI FISCHKR Girls Group Elects The Girls Friendly society in St. Paul's Episcopal church met for a business session this week and elected the following offi cers: Sharon Miles, president; Mar jorie Kronser, vice president; Patricia Gilmore, secretary; Carol Mentzer, treasurer. The group is planning a slum ber party this evening in the church parish hall, Mrs. L. W. Miles, leader of the group, as sisted by Mrs. Hope Edwards, accompanying the group. Girls interested in the party and in the activities of the group are asked to call Carol Mentzer at 25411. Salem Folk Head For Texas Event Journeying to San Antonio, Tex., will be several Salem folk within the next tew days to at tend the annual convention of the American Association of State Highway Officials. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Pax son are leaving Saturday morn ing, making the trip by motor. R. H. Baldock, a past nation al president of the group, and Mrs. Baldock; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Devers, Sr., W. W. Stiffler, C. W. Enfield and Forrest Coo per will be among others at tending the sessions. Mr. Bal dock and Mr. Paxson are to be there for the preliminary meet ings, the convention opening October 8. Following the convention, vis itors are to be taken in a cara van Into Mexico for three days. Mr. and Mrs. Paxson plan to drive home through California, visiting en route. They will be gone three weeks all together. Mr. and Mrs. Baldock also are traveling following the conven tion, planning to be home by October 30. A 1 N Wed in September Mr. and Mrs. James Robert Mischel were married September 11 in St. Joseph's Catholic church here. The bride is the former Margery Anne Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Austelle Turner of Bethel. Mr. Mischel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mischel. (Gillam's Camera shop picture, McMinnville) were: Mrs. John R. Penland. Mrs. Kie Birchfield, Mrs. E. V. Bennett, Mrs. Monte Kropp and Mrs. Ludwig Heyman, Those who served were Misses Janie Martin, Janet Sipe, Beverly Tigner, Mildred Marshall. Mar Jorie Cordz, Pat Brinson, There sa Baughman, Helen Gilliam, Kay Vance, Jean Fisher, Claire Haley and Nancy Philips. The bridal couple left on a wedding trip to Seattle, Wash. After October IS they will be at home in Albany. The bride, who attended Ore gon State college, is a member of Delta Gamma sorority and Ihe bridegroom, who was grad uated from Oregon State college is a member of Phi Gamma Del ta fraternity. NEWS has come from Tokyo, Japan, of the birth of a son. September ST, to Major and Mrs. Jack P. Napier. Aim wel coming the new arrival la a sister, Janet Nell Napier. Grand parent are Mr. and Mrs. Char iot MeAUister of Salem and J. H. Napier of Klamath Fall. SMOKED EELS nd mnr other unusual and fine delicaele for your Special Dinner and Cocktail Partte WrH for IM Basket Grocery and Wine Shop, Inc. JJ f. W. Park Ay. Portland t. Oregon Th Best to Kat and Drink from all Part of th World. Mice V Shower Feted aim AnaDeue Kropp was hostess for a miscellaneous shower in honor of her twin sis ter. Miss Angela Marie Kropp', bride-elect of Robert Schnider. The couple are to be married October 15. The party was held at the home of their aunt, Mrs. T. E Metcalf. Assisting the hostess were another sister, Miss Gret chen Kropp, Mrs. Lorraine Nel ke, and Mrs. Metcalf. Twenty guests attended. Miss Schlaback Is Recent Bride Miss Priscilla Jo Ann Schla back, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Schlaback of Hub bard, was married to Sterling Roth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Roth of Albany at a ceremony at Hopewell Mennonite church, August 28. Rev. H. A. Wolfer of Sheridan performed the cere mony. The bride wore a dress of white moss crepe, fashioned with sweetheart neckline and fitted bodice. She carried a white Bi ble with a gardenia. The sister of the bride, Miss Janice Maxine Schlaback, was her only attendant, wearing a dress of light blue crepe, styled the same as that of the bride s. She carried a bouquet of pastel pink asters. The bride s mother wore a gray crepe dress and the bride groom's mother was dressed in a pastel blue crepe. Henry Reeder was best man for Mr. Roth. Following the wedding a re ception was held in the Elliott Prairie community hall with more than 400 relatives and friends attending. The young couple left imme diately after the reception for a wedding trip to Yellowstone park and Salt Lake City, Utah. They are now at home on their farm near Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Roth chose to be married on the wedding anni versary of the bride's grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Stutz man. The same minister who united Mr. and Mrs. Roth had married Mrs. Roth's parents. 4 Mrs. Berney Feted Woodbum Mrs, Robert Ber ncy, (Lora Lou McClain) a re cent bride, was the guest of honor at a bridal shower at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. S. McClain recently. Hostesses were Miss Donna Duffy, Miss Eva Mae Rhein holdt and Miss Loris Merriott. Others attending were the Misses Frances Mills, Patricia House weart, Patricia Withers, Vicky Moran, Vera Pantle, Joanne Green, Mary Jo Bean, Tinina Hawley, Lorraine Ftcek, Mrs. Al bert Rehinholdt and Mrs. W. S. McClain. weatersll Variety of Colon $500 Just a and Cardigan and Jlipon'i a V J 1 it f Engagement Announced Miss Barbara Lee McClintock, above, daughter of Mrs. Edna M. Olson of Salem, announced her engagement to Phillip E. Welling, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Welling, also of Salem, at a party Menday night at the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority house, Eugene. Both young people are students at University of Oregon. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Campus Clippings By GERI Willamette students have a busy week-end schedule to look forward to, beginning this eve ning at 6:30 o'clock with a pre game rally in preparation for the Bearcats' first home foot ball game with Chico State, Sat urday afternoon. Yell king. Bud Corner, and his new rally squad consisting of Bo Brooks, Pat Click, Jack Kie kel and Bob Hinkel, have planned a big parade and ser pentine to get the celebration underway, beginning at Laus anne hall and winding its way up and down streets, encom passing the sorority houses and Baxter hall, until it finally comes to an end at Bush Pas ture where the freshmen mem bers of the Campus YMCA will have prepared a gigantic bon fire. In addition to the tradition al yells and cheers, the program will include comments by Pre sident G. Herbert Smith and Coach Chester R. Stackhouse. In anticipation of victory, the ASWU has scheduled an all school hayride and barn dance, complete with apple cider and doughnuts, for Saturday night. With a little help from the wea therman, the chairman, Sherm Bliss, hopes that this first student-body date affair will be a huge success. Among other cle ver entertainment numbers, a trained' horse (alias two Wil lamette men) is booked for a feature appearance amid a set ting of hay, cornstalks and pumpkins. About 75 students will leave Salem after the rally for the Silver Creek Y camp where Wesley club, prominent church group on campus, will hold its annual retreat designed to ac quaint old and new members. The week-end will include planned recreation, hiking and swimming for those brave enough to attempt it as well as inspirational stimulation from speakers Dr. Norman Huffman, Rev. Brooks Moore and Dr. Frank Bennett. All will arrive back in town Sunday morning in time for worship services. Much excitement was in the air last night when Beta Alpha Gamma, sophomore women's honorary, tapped six new mem bers for its group. Dinners were interrupted at J. L. Hudgens of Stayton is a several sorority houses as thedaughter of the couple. YOUR PICTURE TAKEN FREE with sensational new POLAROID .CAMERA Come in and have your pic tur taken e the new Polaroid Camera mak th finished print in a mitratax YoaY U amarwd at ka nv plidtjr . . . at tho quality of tha pictMt i rwoVitBBr to I ) . 1 W; WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY BOWLES red and yellow ribbons and black and gold pins were award ed Prudence Craig, Claribelle E a s t o n, Barbara Kemmerick Doris McCain, Jo Oliver and Rose Marie Wilhoit. Afterwards, all the Beta Alpha Gammas got together over tall sodas for a 'soda sip" and talkfest. Chi Os and Phi Delts inaugur ated the round of social firesides and exchange dinners Wednes day with their theme "Roarin' Twenties." The girls transform ed the men's house into scenes of jazz bands, autos and men with handlebar mustaches, while the Phis entertained with their version of a barbershop quartet. Bill Bissel's takeoff on "Dance of the Hours" and George Buland's interpretation of "Lucky Or Sun. This past week also has been one of organization. The fresh men got together and selected Ralph Bolliger temporary class president; however, this action spelled doom for- poor Ralph who immediately received the traditional dunking in the mill stream. Other classes have been active, too, with all nominations for class officers for the coming year completed Wednesday af ternoon. Election date has been set for October 11th ah, politics is in the airl Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith are announcing the engagement of their daughter. Miss Lula Mae Smith, to Vernon Haugen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmer Haugen, all of Salem. No date is set for the wedding. SALEM BETHEL, No. 35, will assist the grand council in insti tuting the newly organized Sa lem bethel this coming Saturday evening, October 1, at 7:30 o'clock in the Masonic temple. The bethel will initiate members for the new bethel. STAYTON In celebration of their golden wedding, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Kirkland of Mehama will be guests of honor at an open house at the Mehama Wo men's club house next Sunday. October 2, between 2 and 5 o'clock. All friends of the cou ple are invited to attend. Mrs. Mrs. Craig Is Hostess Mrs. Hugh Craig was hostess Wednesday evening at her Brey man street home at an informal party to honor Mrs. Kenneth Seely. The honoree was present ed with a shower of gifts. Autumn flowers decorated the living room and dining table, a late supper being served. The centerpiece was of pink begonias with blue tapers standing at either side. Feting Mrs. Seely were Mrs. Fred Ellis, Mrs. Robert Craw ford, Mrs. Guy Weaver, Mrs. Mary Hoover, Mrs. Myrtle Hoov er, Mrs. Merle Foster, Mrs. Al bert Wickert, Mrs. Albert Wick crt, Jr., Mrs. Harmon Harvey, Mrs. Chris Seely, Mrs. .Albert Seely and the hostess. Texas Visitors Visitors in the ritv innlnHe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill and the latters mother, Mrs. Janie Hill, all of Houston, Texas. They are visiting Mr. Hill's sisters, Mrs. Harry Ross, Mrs. Miles Edwards, Mrs, J. D. Ber wick and Mrs .T F Limae all of Salem, also two other sisters. Mrs. Samuel H. Tyler of Eu gene and Mrs. Cecil Clark of Portland. Mrs. Lucas had been in Texas visiting the Hills and returned to Salem with them. The visitors will h in Oroonn two weeks. , Installation Is Woodburn Event Woodbum Miss Patricia Houseweart was installed as worthy adviser of Evergreen as- semoiy no. 12, Order of the Rainbow for Girls, at nuhlip in stallation ceremonies held Wed nesday night at the Masonic temple and attended by a large crowd. Miss Betty Jo DeHaan, the re tiring worthy adviser, was in stalling officer, assisted by Miss Hazel Hermanson. installing chaplain; Miss Jackie Berkey, installing marshal; Miss Frances Mills, installing recorder and Mrs. Edvthe Ticknnr inslallino musician. Tiny Virginia Lee Er- wert, in a dainty floor length dress, was gift bearer. Other officers installed iw Misses Patricia Withers, worthy associate adviser; Carleen Hel sel, Charity; Caroline Helsel, hope: Eileen Rogers, faith- Juno Polly, chaplain; Shirley Ander son, drill leader; Nancy Schuler, assistant drill leader; Carol Tay lor, love; Shirley Knox, reli gion; Joanne Mattson, nature; Janice Painter, immortality; Loris Merriott, fidelity; Phyllis Roberts. Datrotism- Vera Pantlo service; Joanne Williamson, con- tiaentiai observer; Loris Larson, outer observer; Patty Luffman and Irene Layne, pages; Dolly Gummings, musician; Gwendo lyn Kav. choir director. Sua Paulson, Sharon Compton, Jean ette Bauman. Janet Rlancharrf Donna Becker and Roberta Jones, choir. The crowning ceremony was put on by Woodburn chapter of DeMolay with the master coun cilor, Jim Gay, presiding. Honored cuests intrnrinrori and seated in the east were Mr. and Mrs. Ora F. Morris, worthy matron and worthy patron of Evergreen chapter O.E.S.; Ar thur M. Burt, worshipful mas ter of the Woodburn Masonic a couple of cuties The DIAXXE, a cross strap, ouban heel sandal, with open toe and heel. It's in calf, and the colors ah! the colors black, brown, green and that NEW blue spruce. The TRU DY, a sling back pump with a military heel and an open toe. It's cute and comf-, and it comes in black or brown calf. The sizes? -4 to 9, S, X. M The price ? Just I - . . fT"f , '1 I v. "LI iv i Couple Married Recently Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wayna Earle were married September 11. The bride is the former Nancy McLauchlan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. McLauchlan. Mr. Earle is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Earle. (McEwan studio picture) Gotchell-McCammon Silverton Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McCammon of 737 West Main street are announcing the mar riage of their daughter, Miss Hazel McCammon, who ex changed marriage vows in a home ceremony September 23, with Raymond Gotchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gotchell of Salem. Rev. Gordon T. Bratvold read the lines before an impro vised altar banked with late summer flowers. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bert. A reception was held at the home for the friends and mem bers of the families attending the ceremony. The bridegroom is a student at Willamette university. Mrs. Gotchell is employed here. The couple will make their home in Silverton. Going East Mrs. Neil Brown and daugh ter, Sharon, are leaving Satur day for Washington, D.C., to spend a month. They will visit at the home of Mrs. Brown's brother, Alfred Andrews. They will go the northern route and will return west through New Orleans and California, plan ning to visit relatives in Palo Alto. lodge; L. E. Keller, DeMolay "Dad" and Jim Gay, master councilor of Woodburn chapter of DeMolay. Miss Houseweart introduced her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Houseweart, and her grand mother, Mrs. J. R, Houseweart She received many gifts. Special numbers during the evening were piano solos by Miss Patricia Withers and vocal solos by Frank McDonnell, who played his own accompaniment, There were talks by the hon ored guests and others. by CO 10.95 6 Q' ORIGINAL BROADWAY CAST to.dLrrtab7 IRVING BERLIN CamaLh am am TO) IIUBlA muA Y ri-lim KCVUKU ML4ZZO, 4. ilMk Fvd. Tail a. Ifi eanwantinnnl f TOmaat Album MM-ttO.tS.9S (ncluitv of toi). nw low prtcn now In offoct on oil eon. notional (78rpmJ Colombia K.cordh Downstairs Oregon Bldr. State and High 3-863. mitKM ciwnsf (ionc u mm men h.