Test-Tube Babies Hit By Catholic Congress t - c on IB ndansU in ihm tniith Tntprnntlnnnl Pon- IUIIIC, 0Ct. U " ) .w tut -" - press of Catholic Doctors today condemned the practice of hav ing test tube babies as contrary to the natural rules of parent hood. Profesos Octave Pasteau of Paris, president of the International meaicai aucieiy ui said: "If Catholic doctors do not! be received today by Pope Pius Youth Comforted by Kin Bobby Harlan, 15-year-old Mari etta, O., schoolboy, is comforted by his sister, Mrs. Carl Farson (left), and his mother (center) after Sheriff Dean Ellis said the youth confessed the robbery of a farmer friend who was killed. Ellis said Harlan is charged with shooting Gordon Roe, 53, and taking $197. (AP Wirephoto) take immediate and strong ac tion against artificial insenmina tion, we will shortly have In all countries state services of seed donors as we have now ser vices of blood donors.' Dr. Jeremiah Foley, master general of the Irish Guild of St Luke, Sts. Comas and Damian, said approval of "artificial in semination would "prove a ter rible weapon in the hands of modern totalitarian govern ments. He added: "We shall see the state taking in hand the breed ing of subjects and the rearing of them without regard to di vine law or human love." Delegates to the congress will XII in a special audience at Castel Gandolfo, the pontiff's summer residence Pope Calls Practice Immoral to Church Castel Gandolfo, Sept. 30 Pope Pius XII announced last night that artificial insemina tion is immoral and against nature in the eyes of the Roman Catholic church. The Pope said any child born of this means will be considered by the church to be illegtimate if the donor of the semen is not the husband of the mother. The pontiff addressed dele-i Capital Journal, Kalem. Or., Friday, September SO, 1949 S gates of 30 nations who attended the fourth international con are.is of Catholic doctors. H' received them in the Swiss guard hall of his summer palace here Pope Pius said artificial In semination should be "condem ned without appeal." "Only spouses have the right to unite their flesh to generate a new life," he said. The Capitol building In Wash ington. DC, is situated on a plateau 88 feet above the Po tomac river. Progress Report on Memorial Coming Up At a meeting of the Salem War Memorial association Thurs day night President Bruce Wil liams said the memorial plan would be reviewed at a large meeting the middle of October. At that time, he said, repre sentatives of all civic groups will be invited to attend and hear a progress report on plans for a memorial for veterans of World War II. What has been done in the last year was reviewed Thursday night by Judge Rex Kimmell, past president. A finance executive will be elected at the October meeting. The following executive chair men were elected: Building, W, M. Hamilton; building site, CoL Philip Alison; promotion, Charles Barclay; legal, Allan 'Carson. Parent Held in Juvenile Case Vera Evelyn Mills, 1348 Wal ler street, is under arrest under a secret Indictment handed down by the grand jury Wednesday charging her with contributing to the delinquency of her 15 year-old son. As far as known this Is the first time in the history of the county such a step has been taken, indicting a mother for al leged negligence in the care of her offspring. She was held un der $500 bail. The arrest reveals a story of a gang of 10 juveniles including eight boys from 8 to 16 years and two girls said to have been engaged in numerous offenses such as prowling cars, stealing pastry and bread from bakeries, theft of fishing tackle as well as money. Morals offenses also are said to have been involved. The arrested woman has a prior police record for alleged drunkenness. And it was further revealed at the investigation that her home was scene of all night parties indulged in by various juveniles apparently without restraint, according to the officers. Scotts Mills Woman Injured in Accident Silverton Mrs. S. C. Turner was able to return to her Scotts Mills home following several hours at the local hospital under observation for extent of injuries sustained in a collision of cars near Silverton Wednesday fore noon. Turner, husband of the woman, and Paul Gasper, drivers of the two cars, were treated for minor cuts and bruises and were immediately released. DANCE i 1 SATURDAY NITE ' Aumsville Pavilion 5 Music by Tommy 2 Kezziah and His 5 West Coast Ramblers g In Aumsville i 10 Miles S E. of Salem 2 9:30-12:30 DST J Hard Time Dance Glenwo6d Ballroom Saturday DANCE Every Saturday Night . PEDEE HALL , Pedee, Oregon Hear GORDON and His 'Singing Steel Guitar! MUSIC BY WONDER VALLEY BOYS 9:30 to 1 PST Follow the Crowd to the Salem Supper Club You cannot beot the combination of " . fine food and fine entertainment! We Open Sunday, 2 P.M. - 10 P.M. NO COVER CHARGE NO MINIMUM Phone 2-9242 We Give and Redeem S&H Green Stamps 177 North Liberty FRIDAY EVENING FEATURES 7 to 9 P.M. Only (While Quantities Lost) WHITE OUTING FLANNEL 27 Inch width S to 5 yd. lengths heavyweight regular S5c yd. S50 yds. only. PIECE GOODS Mezzanine FINAL CLEARANCE - LADIES DRESSES Values to $16.93. Cottons, rayons, silks. Broken sizes. Beautifully styled. READY TO WEAR Second Floor LADIES HOUSE SLIPPERS All wool felt. Sizes 4 to 9. Blue and wine colors. Values to $1.99. SHOE DEPARTMENT Second Floor 19c yd $2.oo PLASTIC TABLECLOTHS Regular $1.98. Heavy weight plastic. Colored floral center. Hemmed edges. DOMESTICS Mezzanine 69 BOYS BLUE JEANS $1.98 value. Sanforized. 10-ounce heavy weight. Riveted. Sizes 4 to 16. BOYS Main Floor ' $1.66 "SPEED QUEEN" WASHERS Two floor samples. Regular $129.93 attached pump oversize tub. Guaranteed. APPLIANCES Downstairs - $99.oo RAYON PANELS . Assorted sizes various shades. Net panels and rayons. Values to $1.69. CURTAINS Downstairs 49 LADIES FLANNEL GOWNS $1.93, if perfect fully cut various color stripes. Sizes 84 to 40. LINGERIE Main Floor $1.39 PEQUOT "COHASSET" SHEETS 81x99 size seconds of Pequot 140 thread count. An out standing sheet value. BEDDING Mezzanine $1.98 GIRLS ALL WOOL COATS Hooded styles Sizes 4 to 14 various fall colors. All wool fancy trim. GIRLS DEPARTMENT Second Floor $13.98 Smart and thrifty f-v y -! is WirJsr v mis t.il pr.y W$. raw II AA Gabardines h fVtV j j & 4 Sharkskin lf,eb.' j l JJ Coverts . Ji t'C TV t) 1 M ffBehians ta start fotft season right Mix your own colors with jersey separates $KJ5 if The lllouse 4-way style. In gold, Kelly green, red, lavendar, black. $Q.90 The Skirt Woman's All Wooll You'll have to see them to helieve you can get quality like this at the tiny price of $35.00. They're every one 100 wool. Coats and suits are trimly tailored, yet their soft dressmaker details give them a feminine look. Coats in broadcloths, coverts, gabardines - sharkskin . . . sizes 10 to 20. Colors: Wine, green, grey, black, taupe. Suits in gabardines . . . sizes 10 to 18. Colors: Wine, green, .grey, black, brown. FASHIONS, second floor In Kelly green, royal ' blue, beige, brown, red. Bright jersey separatee for fall. Choose several blouses and skirts in different colors and combine them for variety. Both are 100 wool jersey. 4-way blouse can be worn with turtle neck, plunge neckline or turn back collar, also worn front or back. 4 sleeves. Sizes 32 to 38. Full gathered skirt on wide band, big patch pockets. Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16. Sportswear, main Hoot 9 1'nre Silk Print ami Plain Sweater Searfs Smart new scarfs in prints and solid colors. 24 inch square. All pure silk. Accessories, wain floor w: SPECIAL VALUES1 LT MEN'S WAIIM CLOTHING Men's AH Wool JAC SHIRTS All new wool, 20 oz. weight. Red and grey, green and crev, brown and grey plaids. Button front. Two large double button (J A A breast j;ockets. Sizes 36 to 4fi. Warm and f)l-vy V practical for work, school or leisure wear. I Ree. 7.95. You save at this sneeial nrice. " Men's Heavyweight FLAIVXEL SIIIHTS utES's mxm wool boot socks A large purchase enables us to bring you these long-wearing ' mixed wool socks at a saving of 40c per pair. Grey only. Buy several pairs at this low price. pair. Wt Give and Redeem S&H Green Stsmpi 29' Rr. f 2.4!) full cut, long length flannel shirts. Heavy weight. Two hreast pockets. Sizes 14 to 17. Colorful checks. WORK CLOTHES, main floor 1 .98 177 North Liberty