tO Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Friday, September 30, 1919 East Salem Notes Change In Auburn School Staff East Salem, Sept. SO A change wai made at the Auburn school this past week with Mri. Rebecca Burnham being transferred to the new Lincoln school at the Four Corners. There will be only three teacheri at Auburn with each having two grades. Several children living on Monroe avenue were also transferred to the Lincoln school as the school bn; passed by their homes. This will leave one vacant room at Auburn that may be used for recreation and lunch room for the noon hour. Mrs. Lee Green and son Paul of Pearidge, Ark., are visiting this week In the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Williams in Auburn community. Mrs. Hazel Board of Walla Walla, Wash., Is a guest In the home of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Stowell. Sunday evening she was honored guest for a family dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Johns. Mrs. Johns is her brother. The table was set for Mrs. Board, Mrs. Stowell, Hazel Stowell, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wilier and son, Freddy; Victor Johns, Leonard Cafferty and the hostess. Monday Mrs. Johns, Mrs. Board, Mrs. Stowell and Leonard and Caffer ty motored to Eugene for a visit In the home of another sister, Mrs. Julius Hockhold. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lewis of Auburn community were guests In Salem of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powel. June Stowell entertained over the past week-end at the Delake beach home of her parents, Miss Betty Jones of Portland; Miss Norma Joe Smith of Florida and Miss Marion Christianson of Nappa, Ida. Mrs. Stuart Johns was hostess for the Monroe Avenue Sewing club Richpy, Mrs. Arthur Stowell, Mrs. Henry Hanson, Mrs. Ber nard Kenny and Kathy; Mrs. John Meier and Linda; Mrs. Wil fred Wilier, Mrs. Warren Shrake: Mrs. Clarice Mahoney, and the hostess. Food Prices Drop in Wesl San Francisco, Sept. 30 (UP) Food prices in the west dropped during August in contrast to a slight rise nationally, the U. S. department of labor's bureau of labor statistics reproted here to day. The price of food to moderate income families in the west is almost ten per cent below last year's prices for the month of August, Regional Director Max D. Kossoris said. The price level for August was 0.9 per cent be low that the previous month in the west but rose 0.4 per cent nationally. A principal factor in the de cline, Kossoris said, was a 4.7 per cent decrease in the price level of fruits and vegetables, with fresh varieties off by six per cent and canned goods by 2.2 per cent, while the dried group increased by 1.2 per cent. Although pork prices rose 4.6 ner cent over July and chicken Present were Mrs. Paul' 0.4 per cent, beef and veal went I. a ir 'v I r 1 -- - i - - iiaiieiiMi iJ ' iii'niii i !. 1 1 iml ' i " ' r- 'Tumi SPEED-UP UNDER-WAY Sensational New A-Bombs Being Stockpiled by U.S. By JOSEPH L. MEYER Washington, Sept. SO (URI This country is speeding up the re frabrication of its atomic explosives stockpile into the sensational new bombs proved at Eniwetok and since put into production on an "industrial basis. At the same time, It was indicated today, plans are being whipped Into shape for other operations designed to extend plosives into the new bomb this country s atomic leaa over models tesiea si tniweioK can Russia. They would include: be accomplished with existing 1. Hastening development oijiacuiues, u was uiiuiuuu. These facilities Include a new $25,000,000 plant which went into operation In July at Han ford, Wash. It was specifically built to shape plutonlum into the explosive cores of the new bombs. They also Include the bomb engineering and development laboratory at Sandia, N. M., the bomb science lab at Los Alamos, N. M., and more than $100,000, worth of bomb part plants scat tered through the country. Atomic Scientist Testifies Dr. Irving Fox, former profes sor at the University of California radiation laboratory (left) talks with his attorney, Clifford J. Durr, before appearing in Washington before the house un-American activities commit tee during probe of possible communist activities in the labora tory. (AP Wirephoto) off 2 8 per cent and lamb 4.4 per cent to make for an average decline of 0.8 per cent in meat prices. Dairy products, cereals and bakery products increased less than one per cent but egg prices advanced sharply by 3 8 per cent and sold at an average of 73 cents per dozen. No changes were reported in the prices of beverages, lugar and sweets. The national index for food prices was 202.6 in August, whereas it ranged in the west from a high of 209.9 in San Francisco to a low of 199.1 in Denver. It was 200.8 in Butte, Montana, 201.7 in Los Angeles, and 211.6 in Portland, the gov ernment agency said. PIMPLES, ITCHY RASH, RING WORM, CASUS, iCZEMA. fxt.tnollr Caui4j. ATHLETE'S FOOT RHUS STARTS IN ( TO 30 MINUTIt AT Fam MEYER DRl'G hew processes lor extracting bomb raw materials from low grade uranium ore deposits be ing mined In Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Arizona. 2. Going ahead If congress and atomic energy commission officials decide It Is advisable with construction of two new plutonlum production piles at Hanford, Wash., a $190,000,000 project which had been deferred to 19S0 and 1951. S. Speeding construction of a $70,000,000 addition to the atom ic explosive plant at Oak Ridge, Tenn. . Refabrication of atomic ex- Blue Line Cafe WILL BE OPEN SUNDAYS Baked Ham or Turkey and Dressing 1.00 Ham & Eggs 80c 276 Chemeketa Great progress already has been made toward perfection of Town 'Repels' Air Men Invasion Othello, Wash., Sept. SO ( A four-car "Invasion" by 18 Moses Lake air force base sol diers was repelled with pitch forks, pick handles and fists last night by several dozen towns folk. Early today, 13 of the enlisted methods for extracting scarce and precious atomic metal from domestic ores. Five plants are available for this work In the Colorado plateau states. Three are in operation. But the work is costly, and If it is pushed to capacity to supplement high grade ore sup plies from the Belgian Congo and Canada congress may have to put up more money. Chairman Brien McMahon, D., Conn., of the joint congressional atomic energy committee said to day he believes "more bucks" are needed if this country Is to maintain its superiority in atom ic weapons. men were in the Moses Lake base guardhouse while MPs and state patrolmen were looking for the remaining carload of five. Mayor Clyde Matthews said he believed the "invasion" was organized as a reprisal for ac tion last Thursday night when two air force men were "run out of town" after creating a dis turbance. 'I tried to talk them out of it but it didn't work," Matthews said. "So I spread the word around town and some of the fellows got together." 'We caught one ear at the edge of town and worked over three of them. Then we let them go." The soldiers were in private automobiles, the pitchfork and pick-handle armed townsfolk in trucks. : Porch Sash SHARE THE SUNSHINE! Give your family its share of glorious sunshine all through rigorous winter days. Glass-Enclose your Porch. You will find our prices reasonable for Porch improvements which will benefit your family for years to come. SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1225 Cross Cobinets - Frames Ph. 3-5953 c a n D I I 5 I GOOD TASTE In UTING -nJ GIVING MAIN FLOOR liens) u3G mi vmum wwm Mil 10c A DAY BUYS A NEW beautyrest at wOODa TS Sleep as you've never slept Yes, that's right! Pay Nothing Down, just 10c a Day on our approved credit. We've made it easy for you to buy a new Beautyrest for only $59.50 ... Al so matched Box Springs for only $59.50 at 10c a day. Ike Now! While this fabulous offer Is in effect ... see this famous mattress . . . find out why leautyrast It entirely different than ony other mattrosi mad. The secret of leautyrest comfort lies under the cover . . . 837 lit dmduolly pocketed coils. And the busiest coils yau over taw because each no octt Independently ... erery curve of your body gett itt own support. W could toll you hundred timet over obout the wonderful comfort and quality faaturot found only in a Simmons Beautyrest . . . but the bctt proof let the world I for you to try it. And that's exactly what wo want you to do . . . sleep on ft for 10 nights, end if you don't think it't on of the finatt mattresses and one of the biggest dollar values on the market, we'll pick ft up . . . Simmons and WOODRY'S tokc oil the lost . . . you lose nothing! Ti lOWWEAIWNO I-, jifr j ST J tsa .11 lis. M M 1401,1 -J " W V S. J & . M. -M ..."Is.-...,. 1-y 9 x M MiW ! . -mmArm.m 'osWj-s..''''-'- Woodry Furniture to., f.t bo. Coin I si, oiiem, wre. Mre Rose Blue Green Twin Doable Box Spring at $59.50 each : . 10c a day NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMPLOYER BIS1NESS " ADDRESS i 1 1