18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., CLASSIFIED ADVERTIHlNQi Par Uni He Per Lint S time 40c Per Lin lime. -6oe Per Line 1 month 13 00 Outside of Salem 15o per line per 4ay. Min. loe; I tlmea mln. 30c time mln. 11.20. No Refunds BIADEKtt In Local Newt Col. Only: Per Line SOe T Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES SflOOERN 3 btfrm. 16M)Q. Ph. 1-6189. it 33 8 LOVELY I bdrm. home. North on 99 to 3140 Carlton Way. a2J3j " MUST LEAVE BV OCTOBER 1ST 950 WILL buy my 11454 equity In 1 year Oia 1 UK name, piasiercu, nuwu. m . 142 Blller Ave. Mapleton Addltion a233' It OH NEE: 2'i B R. house on creek - Fireplace, garage, gas furnace, gas range included. l67ilo 81400 down, 115 . mo. Ph. Salem 2-4851. o to 10 P It OWNER New modern 3-bedroom hotue. Floor furnace, garage. 14800. 3330 Hyde St. a'" 197(00. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Lot 00x160. nice lawn and nhrubi. auto. ' ht., 3 bdrma., f-plc. dinette, attach. a., storage (.pace, pvd. at. Really a uy at thli price. 110. 500. A CUTIE 490 N. 33rd St. Baxm. with 'a plumb., oil fur., 2 nlre bdrma., lot of bullt-ina. Ilrtplc . hj. kitch. Houe la fully In, 8 yr. old. Li. a., corner lot, distant owner says sen. 810.500. ON BEAUTIFUL N. 18TH BT Pull. bam.. oil ht , 1b. dm. rm.. 3 nice . bdrms., pvd. t. and wks.. Rood paint in Ida and out. lot 50X1.(7 Kea. terms. 110. 700. NO. 3 ZONE Part, furnished, full basm., 4 bdrms,. top condition, lor. on Stale St Ph. 36680. ED. LUKINHEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North Huh St Eve. Ph. 2-7769, 2-8704. 3-3638. 33V 5 Rooms and Basement Lara llvtnf rm., dining rm. Handy kit chen, and 3 bd. rm. Onraae. HUh cor ner lot. All paved. On bo line. Close to chool and More. Price 7iS00. EDGE OF TOWN 1 A., an ordinary S bd. rm. home. Small barn, city water. Price lust re- iirA In I37IWI Ptl Km CAfurv Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1211 Edgewater 2 ACRES $4800 One of the beat spots of round any- where. Small well-built home. Easy term. 14 mile E. of Kelzer on Che maw a Rd. Commanding View Couple. A nice 2 bd. rm. homr. with a fine lot. Nice lawn, good newhborhood and a gorgeous view of city, valley and - mountain. All for 18750. You have a dealrable home. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1311 Edge water Ph. 3-5109 a23 RlCE t RM. old house. With lot of fruit and flower on 2 lota. 15600. Ph. 2-0H46. 236" BT OWNER Just a few mile from Salem In beautiful setting, one year old ranch ' Jtyle home; six large room, full base- ment. modern In every dt-tall. Any amount up to two hundred acre avalt- . able extra. Priced or Quick sale. Owner lea vlna state. Shown by aiiuolntment nly. Write Capital Journal, Box 443. a233 ONE OF TllEBEST Tomein" Entile wood. 3BR. on one floor. dule. plbrt., finished basement, double garaxe, cor. lot. Im mediate Po-ssslon, . SOUTH HIGH ST. HOME. 2 BR., full basement, oil heat, lot of bullt-ins. Very nice lot. 112.600. Larsen Home & Loan Co. . Exclusive Luting Personal Service 1 164 S. Com'l., Ph. 1-8389. Eve. 3-744(1 a236 1 YEAR OLD 3-BEDR00M HOME New 1-year-old, S-bdrm. home, very modern. Larue living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook and di-n. Hfird wood floors thruout, Attached garatie. Inside utility room. Very lame lot. Fenced In front yard. Owner leaving atate. Must aril. 3330 Sunnyview Ave. a233 SUBURBAN SOUTH 1 mile outside city limit, nenrly new room plastered home. Larue L.R.. auto, furnace, breereway, att. unr., city wa ter, lae. lot, bus. low down payment. FHA. term. Immrd. poss. Owner. 5H5 Ewald. a234 McKillop Reaf Estate " REALTORS Salem Heights District Pint location, larite tot. 2 bedroom home, living room ha fireplace, dinette. good kitchen, very nice utility room, gara.e ha extra room, hraled and plumbed. FHA. appraised tliU property at (8,750. Owner says. "Make it an offer." Capitola Addition Residential district top. 3 block from new chool. Lame lot 52x2.16. 2 bedroom down, one up. Auto, oil furnace piped to all room. Attached garage. Priced at nly 18,500. Come In or Call Davttmp S-M3! Evening S-SS14 WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 493 Center Street at High 234 View Home. Candalaria Ht. 1 Bdrm, Lit. UK. ktl. ft nook UR auto, furn I). tmrat-e 1 rrm. See at 245 Alice Ave. Ph. 3-4408. a234 Sew t BR. home. 1100 q ft. Attached taraae. pnved Mreet A driveway H W floor, oil forced air heat Furiib-hrd cr unfurnished. 1260 N. 24th. By owner B234 BY OWNFR ; 5 rnom ranch type hmr, 7 , yrs. old. hnrdwuiKi t.r.- . two fireplace, celled basement rut tierl rippi-d and in sulated. Low down iam'l. I537 N. Win Wr 8t. a'JH f its New" It's Cute i On Olen C'etk rnad Only 4:.Sfl tult price. Modern 2 bdrniv. liv. rm . hdnd firs , nook. n wilt handle B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N Cp:lol Ht Office Ph. 2-3K62. Eih, 2-J147 or j:H ?I7,")0 Htcfl, Modern 3 1x1 tin tmme, liv. rm . kt lth aook. Complete! tin n Can be tough I 11300 dn a mo. 5e this. $0850 ?ood I yr. old 3 bdrm home, nice tte r. rm. and din. rm , lue kit , att. gar Well loe. north on lue lot. $7150 . A Teal buv In 9 bdrm hem Liv ; din. rm . n re kit, nelr redee , Ht. Panel Gray-Himmel Realty Co. 1188 N Carttol 81 Pi. 3-UMI , KvM' a'VJ"' '-'ML 3-43.il. ali.M LOTTA HOI'S FOR HIF M 111.500. New 4 Itlt home hirated N of , Ukt. Bt in Fntil. wiw.1 2 Itlt up. 3 dn - fully pa.terel Best of rtin.-lruct'on, and very attractive. A rent iUre Inr some ne who need the rm and dim t lime a big bank roll. Hiv and ehinvue , your oan enlors Rr. trims l'h 3-flHHi) ED. LUKINHEAL HFM. K8I AIK 4.11 North Huh St. 237 raw7 house 4 B R . garnwe. Price IBOtm 00 - NEW house 3 BR, asrtwe, I12O0 00 dimn tuono 00 ! OI,n hoiiw, I ms. Price ... 13300 00 -8MALI, pUce. 10 A. House 6 R house A burn ca.-li 12300 M) I SMALL place. 28 A H hou.te A barn cash 13000 00 Hubcr Real Estate ' Monmouth, Oiennrt 139 R Ma n I'll aj.H JiVVf f BR. FHA built home I arte loan i small down pament. 910 Kind , St. aJti SlR fAI F or rent- New I bdrm. hou.-e . Ph. 2-;3. fiU Fanj a:i- BT OWN1R 3 h-t-m. live, nerlv new Partly turn nar c'mn1 A't aarare Auto, elrrliif .ipr leitrr '.10fl ,m:r terms. 240 N. t... f.i. 2-69VS rr oi week enu. alt .'Journal Wont Ads Pay Friday, September 30, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES (6700. f LEAN modern 3-BR homa 1 yr. old. Fireplace, hardwood floors. Yen etian blind, furnace, 11,000 down. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 1(1 8 Hlih St. Eve. 2-6361 Ph. 1-4131 a3 3 6 MM, NEW modern 3-BR home. Paved Street, cloe to school. Immediate po- eion. 1 1350 down. Bal. F H A. Call Stanley Brown w.tli STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS Sickness Forces Move 3 bedroom home all on one floor. Lane corner lot. Near Em Je wood school on bus line. Pre-war. built of A-l material. 8 yr. old, fully insulated, tronotherm controlled automatic oil heat. 13x19 liv- lnn room, Philippine mahogany trim, circulation fireplace, hardwood floor. Work-haver kitchen with dinette sep arated by bar. Utility room, insulated fruit room. Fully landscaped. Berries. grapes, pear, walnut, filbert, cherry, fix and Plum tree. By Owner. 13000 will handle Balance F.H.A. 2m Garden Rd. Phone 3-8073 234 JUST LISTED Move Right In Nice 3 B.R. home (could have 4th B R.) Nice liv. rm.. lire, kitchen, attached narane. close to chool & bus. Drive by 05 At) ram Ave. and look It over. We have the key. Price only 18500, with 11000 dn , balance monthly. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 379 N HUh St. Office: 2-3649 Evj3-5390 23 $1000 Down New Home Lovely 2 bdrm. This U a buy. $1500 Down Picture window home. Manbrln Garden. New Duplex Rent for 1140. per mo. 13500 down. Bal ance 180 per mo. $200 to $500 Down 3 bdrm. home in city. Hardwood floors L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church. Ph. 2-7642. Eve. 2-0126. a234 $8250 New 3 bdrm. ha. Suburban. Close to school Jit City bus. City water. F.H.A. Term. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Commercial St. Phone 2-4590 Eve. 2-3088. a235 Priced to Sell 3 bdrm. all on one floor. Ranch type. Large living rm. with fireplace. Kitchen with lot of built In' Ac snack bar. Hdd. fir, thruout. Bole. tar. Just out of City limit. Beautiful flowers A shrub. Prlcrd at 18800. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Commercial St. Phone 3-4590 Eve. 3-0530. S335 $2250 3 rm. lue. on food sized lot near Paula' cannery. Good rental. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 235 FOR A DISCRIMINATING HOMEHEEKER deAlrltiK the best. Thl beatuiful ub urban home, modern In every detail. Large living room with fireplace; cheer ful dining room: Ideal kitchen; two bo tt rooms: tile bath first floor: extra large room upstair with private bath. Cement basement, oil furnace; two-car garage: beautifully landscaped, excel lent view. For appointment ee or call K. N. Voorhee with Leo N. Chikls, Inc., R'ltors 344 state St, Ph. 2-3663. Eve. 2-4007 a 235 FOR SALE LOTS ZONE 2, 158x326. 11000. Ph. 2-8835. Walt eocoioi.sKy, Real Estate. aa234 Buy Now Lots ! Lots ! 3 nice new homes Just going up In the Ben Lomond area back of McKlnley school. HKE OUH SIGNS. Priced from 1450 to 1.1500. An excellent place to build that dream home. See or call. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. t-838 231 N. High Eve. Ph. 3-6770 - 3-7.134 aa234 1 Kl'R. loth, N.. Ideal for small nurs ery. Hd. ai iront and back. Ph. 3-0181 a235 Mix lot I.OT. F.H.A. approved. N. 18th St. oioewaix in. Call 3-4085 or see at 1915 N. 18th. aa233 MAilfM VIEW I.OT. 3165 View avenue. City ater-Raa, near naiem Heignts school. IHMl Ph. 20W8 a247 FOR SALE FARMS NI W FARM LISTING: Very good 53 acre rarm: bet of soil, variety of fruit and berries. Include machinery, livestock, and household furnlshlnit. Located about 10 mile north of Salem Good building. Price to sell at 123.000. For more Information call or see Oscar Sed er t rum a itii Leo N. Chillis, Inc., R'ltors J Btate St. Ph. 2-3663. Eve. 3-6789 20 A. Clrme In South Nice soring. Fair bldgs. Price fl00. tl.soo down C. W. Reeve, Realtor S Commercial St Phone 3-4i0 Eip. 3 -3088. b33ft Grade "A" Dairy" 45 acre dairy farm, all In cultivation, grade A bain At milk home. Excellent 5 room plastered home with hardwood floor. 18 high producing dairy cow. Tractor ith complete equipment. All for 2V.Oi0. Consider Salem home a part Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N Pacific Ilia ay Wuotlburn. Ore. h2iS PLEASANT LIVING 3 acre that offer real country com fort w.th all cm I'omrireitre.v 10 niln utea f lo-ii (low ntuwn. (" ty and school bull's. Hfe tliis atirnctue 3 II H home in hie trove of beautiful oak I mi. E. of Kelier school. Double garage, chicken hoiie. good shed suitable for smalt barn. Famtlv orchard, all fruit ber ries, excellent soil. Out of state owner ha authoriied sale at 1 12.0O0. Drive by and inspect at your leisure, or call A. N Duncan. Km 12, Ladd ft Bush Bank RUii , tel. 3-U658. b234 7f Acres Near Mt. Angel 50 A bottom land. Irrigation available. Lane HOME, elec , pressure water, baili, basement, barn 400, drlve-ln hav mow. Cuncrele foundation Many out hnUd;ntn abundance of family fruit, shade and shrub BARGAIN. US, 000 00 Cash Hiil sure at 4 Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N Pacific Hlway, Woodburn. Ore. bass FOR Ml V 70 acre. 30 under cultiva tion, year around stream, 5 acre of clover and (enctie. ti5oo and best car offered lor dn pavment AUo 13000 aorth of stock and equipment on very eav terms if wanted. Write Capita Journal Box 441 b335 AI RVH-IS MII.Fi north of Salem. No building. Will trade on house. Inquire (I7 N rpHol. AiM No 6 bJ18 REAL ESTATE S49S0 I bi-dioom older iic homt on larae lot Knilew nod dial Term. smutn 18 acres with very good 4 bedroom plast eied iuii.e. nice barn, all under cult. Farm etiuip toes IIOMK & INCOME Lovely 2 Vedroom. hardwood floor, play riMim In h.rnient hreplace, uier mo drn, with 24 Itailrr hook-ups and I att liimdrv rcvun Villi rom-ln-Slot a airier A drwr. F.n further particulars. c. a vicary'.'kf.al estate II N. Com I, St. Fh. di r tt. I-Mll 111' FOR SALE HOUSES SOUTH 87500-2 HOUSES 1 NEW, I 6 YRS OLD. NEW ONE LIV RM . KITCHEN. DINETTE. 1 BEDROOM BATH, HDWD. FLOORS, f YRS OLD. 3 BED ROOMS, LIVING. KITCHEN, BATH, UTILITY RM., ALSO 1 RM. SHOP AND SMALL TOOL SHED. 1 BLOCK TO SCHOOL. BUS Si STORE. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE IB RENTED FOR 150 A MO. THIS IS A WONDEHFUL BUY. LET THE RENTAL PAY FOR YOUR HOME. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL U8S0-MODERN STYLE J1, YEARS OLD. i BDRM . LIVINO. DIN1NO KIT CHEN. BATH. NICE UTILITY RM HARDWOOD AND PIR FLOORS. OIL HEAT. ATTACHED OARAOE. BUS BY DOOR. 4 BLOCKS TO JR. HIOH. SOUTH CHURCH ST. Ill 000- BUNG. STYLE. 8 YRS OLD 3 BDRM.. LIVINO. DININO. K ITCH EM, BATH. FULL BASEMENT, AUTO. OIL FURNACE. HARDWOOD FLOOHS. FIREPLACE. BEAUTIFUL YARD it SHRUBS. FRUIT TREES. NICE GARDEN SPACE. CLOSE TO LESLIE AND McKINLEY SCHOOLS. 17600, FHA LOAN. ENGLEW00D DIST. 10 .750-ENGLISH STYLE. 2 BDRM., UNFINISHED UPSTAIRS. RM. FOR TWO BDRMS., LARGE LIVINO RM.. DINING RM.. KITCHEN, BATH. FULL BASEMENT, AUTO. OL FURNACE, VERY NICE LOCATION. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE THIS CALL OH SEE ANDY HALV0R8EN A. A. LARSON, REALTOR OFFICE 2-a3 11 S. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE $800 Down 180 per month. Completely furnished 3 bedroom home Close to school and bus. Attached garage, utility room and worksnop. Furnishing include Laun derall and elec. stove. Immediate possession. No. 281 Look! 3 -bedroom home with full basement. Auto heat, nice living and dining room with hardwood floor. Ln ale wood District. House about 12 years old. t9,500. with easy terms. No. 289 Look! Again! 3-bedroom. 5-room home with all hardwood floor. Circulating fireplace. Very attractive kitchen, attached garage. Patio. Bus by door, large lot. 19.500 with F.H.A. terms. No. 295 See 2-bedroom. living room, dining room, breakfast nook, hardwood floors. Ve netian blinds, Bendix. auto, washer, patio. Large 100x120 lot. Bus service. 111.000. No. 296 Name Your Acreage TO OO WITH THIS WONDERFUL 2-BEDROOM HOME WITH DFN BEAU TIFUL SETTINO. 2 FIHEPLACES BASEMENT. AUTO OIL FURNACE. NICE HOBBY SHOP. LEATHER UPHOLSTERED BREAKFAST NOOK. 816.000. WILL TRADE FOR CITY RENTAL PROPERTY. No. 1065 WE NEED GOOD LISTINGS ! ! ! ! REIMANN -FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9202 Eve. & Sun. 2-9712. 2-3738. 3-5905. 2-2532 a21 GRABENHORST SPECIALS CLOSE IN SUBURBAN 3 Bdrm , Inside utility, auto-oil heat to all rm.. nice yard, attached garage. Price 18,950. 11500 will handle. CALL ROY FERRIS. 1515 JEFFERSON ST. Englewood District 4 bdrm. auto-heat, wall-to-wall caroeting. beautiful yard, all fenced. Priced right. CALL RICHARD E. GRABENHORST. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT New 3 Bdrm. Home. 1H bath. lge. liv. rm. gt din. rm , beautiful kitchen with nook, full basmt., with fireplace. This is a lovely home. To see CALL EARL WEST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evening and Sunday Call Earl West 3-0601 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 Peter Oeisrr 3-9968 - Ben RoLsen 2-2471 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $6900 SPECIAL Brand new, north. 2 bdrm. Insulated. Electric heat. Attached garage. Car port. Private well. Lurae lot. 5 block to school. Eu.sv finance. Eve. Ph. 3-3558. BUSINESS BLDG. Select location. Large apt. upstair. Lot of parking room. Corner lot. Pnved ireet both side. Total price 9.i00. Terms. Eve. Ph. 3-35.i8. AUTO COURT We have listed a very nice court with nice home. One acre hlxhway frontusie. Lots of room for expRiialon. Will trade for other Income property or market. What have you. Eve. Ph. 3-3:ij8. 5 ACRES Good building site. Family fruit A nut. Trees. Well drnlned. Priced right. 12200. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3.i.'.8 13 ACRES ft rm. modern house built In 1B45. Paved road. Family orchard. Good well. Only 4 mile from Salem. See this one. Total price t8'K)0. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 2-4396. 3035 Portland Rd. C235 V.'DO A YRS. OLD. 2 BR unfinished at 86O0 down will handle. Bal. easy. A dandy, attractive, two year old. two bdrm. at ertae of city: full insulated and weather stripped: dlntna room: gas floor furnace: yard fenced GI loan of 17200 payable t.S3 18 a month may be assumed. Total pne H250. 10 ACRFS 3 acre younx cherries: good hoie. barn, poultry house: familv berries, good well with plenty of water. About 10 mile out. 17500. Salem Realty Co. Realtor 149 N High 8t Ph. 3-7680 Eve. phone 2-4591 2-860.1 r233 $6500 Nice 2 bedroom home w itli fireplace, full basement, attached aarawre. bat. good location for st.ue aorkrr. . Low Down Payment Hae a veiv nice 3 b'droom home, eitv appraised value 17.000. Can be handled b ft ate Veteran on i ery reason blc lerms. Acreaire Four acres, w.thln 5 mt!e of Ladd A: Basil R.ink. can b- .-old for low down payment. No re.oirirtions. here an op portunity to he a cow. hor-e. chicken. and a pig. Land can r.U h" placed in cul tivation, or .subdhlrtid Owner will run stricr a ti !. or wii.il hie ou. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitof Fh, 3-8JI8 Eve. 3-7217 oi. vot'K viNr. tlr ftinMii.ie on i iYirrril on e.-taie Kilvn emit Fviirtne -i"irit IF ml L'Uf i M-ern l'mn-np 1 lara nei inetors , We make Ai tect tons tor you ll desired RTATF FtNNCF CO M S Hit WANTED REAL ESTATE It TO t acres or morr Must be louth. have vlrw oer cltv and mountains Pas ture for horses, aome trees and water No bulldinas wanted Within trn miles of Salem. Have nice lot with 2 car aar aie on Falrmount Hill that can be trad ed if wanted, or new. modern 6 -room hous rm S. Cottaae. Or mil buy out right. Write PO. Box 509. Salrm. ra234 OTICE' If tour propert is tor late rent or exchange ILM ll mn us Wr lave ah Kind of cash tuers HT I FIN ASCI CO REALTOR. 153 S High St ea nt ARE tn nred oi gooo nouses to ten la or neat Salem tf you wish to .ts your proieMy for lale ee ORAI1RMIORMT KM OH. RFA1TORS IM t Libert SI - Phone 2 24-1 ra BUSINESSOPPORTUNITIES NFRVICE " T.TIONfor saleT Inventory only Corner of Fairgrounds Rd. A Capi tol St. Ph. Portland. East 1106 or Salem 2-9164. cd3S9 Grocery - Home Near NEW Concrete BIdg. Jni40 Fxc eqti1iment. plus 5-rm Mid Home J-tm, Cottaae rented On Pacific hi ay. Dunn Realty Exch. AUTO COURT I t'nlts besides Oa ner'a home Plenty of nvm tnr expansion Ltvated etose-in rm 99F 9ho im better tl an 1.SO0 per mo net prof; I. first II rro. this rar. Oaner will ronsidrr ltmi In a home In trade Price 3s fwo. a inch liu-luttes fu lhins in t ie ren HURT PICHA. Realtor 179 N, HIah St Office Ivt. I mm edaii IFOR SALE HOUSES SALEM HIOH ST. HOME I-71U 33 Me! a 233 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFECTIONERY, SANDWICH SHOP LfVINO QUARTERS. NEW BLDO. FULLY EQUIPPED. FINE BUSINESS HIGH SCHOOL TRADE 111,000.00 Dunn Realty Exch. Woodburn, Ore. 084 N. Pacific IN-way. cd235 Tavern - Sandwich Shop Lot of parking, 185 ft. on Pacific Hlway. excellent building, living tjuar let. BUSINESS Is OOOD. Health rea son for selling. 23. 750. 00 Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N. Pacific Hlway, Woodburn. Ore. Cd235 GROCERY store grossing 1150,000 or more, call us today! Reimann for Real Estate 2ul South High St. 3-9203 NICELY furnished 5 room modern home and small trailer court with monthly in come between 1200 and 1300. Ideal for couple wishing to retire from active work. A. C. Bunaer, 1005 So. 2 1st St. cd235 , Coin-Operated Radios Miin or woman wanted to Independently own and operate new metal streamlined HCA coin -opera ted radio. Insured by Lloyd's against fire damage and theft We secure the bet hotel and motor court loi-ation under contract, perma nent e-kly income. Can handle in spare lime; no experience necessary. Profit start immediately. Steady In come route start al 1775 CASH. If gen uinely interested give phone and write Bux 488 Capital Journal. cd.'3j RICHFIELD Oil Corp. offersfor lease service station in Sweet Home and one in Alb.ip.y at inventory. For detail call Mr. Holdrn evening. Salem 20781. olli 16.000 CONFECTIONERY Klrt class equip., location and lease, bnoka are open for your Inspection. rhoite 2-Kcao. ED. LU KIN REAL REAL ESTATE 4.13 North High St. cd235 NELSON NEWS " 30', ON INCOME PROPERTY Inroivt property that will show better than 20rr net return on 121.000. A real o.ionriun tr for eml-rettred couple. NELSON & NELSON M-.ilMple Listing Service Person -i! i-rvire by nien who Specialise :o' N Huh Ph 3-462J. crfZiiV ! FURNITURE FOR SALE COS'Pl.rTE ''.m e furnishings. 499 Nort'i 2V.: St., Salem. d?38 MOIURN 4-PIECE bedroom lulte Good riind SitIiws & m.ittres. I'iOO. Ph :.tiH3. d2t3 HM"i: I't'l.l, of furniture for Mle htn -rk only. 543 Bli er, Mapleton "1 lion t J34 SAVE S!)0 4-piec limrd oak bedroom suite com plete with tnnersprlna mattress and n-atrhini bn spring. A tremendous value at onlv 99 0. 110 down delivers. SAVE $40 Rrautiful modrrn daveno and matrhlng club chair with blond trim. A truly sensational buy at only 111995. 112 dnwn delivers. H. & H. Furniture Co. 1350 PHirtroiillds Rd Ph J-3797 Oiieti rn1nes CnMI t pm d?33 WANTED FURNITURE I'SFD FI'RN. Immed appraisal. Highest prices Valley Furn 283 N Com'l Ph 3T472. 423' lV VOT HAVE M'RNITl RE, appliances" sporting gooU. etc . to sell want TOP PRICES be ure to rail TRADER LOUIE 30. Portland Rd Ph 3-8,51 davs or 2-4407 eve daJHV HIllllF ' rRHE paid Phone OK-nr. gi Wondr Aiir-'on Maraei Ph 1-5110 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CI IHHICM. OH type maref In "foal" to Reg OH chestnut 8 rs. old. Will foal late apnng H. F. Werden. 1073 Highland Ae . Salrm- eJSt ROMlin AND IICINHID livestock buver. K C. McCandlUh. 1137 8. 23. Pn. 3-3U7 RABBITS ttlMia R AnniTRT needs rabblu. Topi prices Slue PS 1-la eh?j PETS OOHtRMtN PINCI1IR - Male.'Vieli montiw. Phone 3-9411 efler 6 pm or Sat, ec333 Journal Want Ads Pay (REAL ESTATE . COLBATH SPECIALS Brick Tile Unusual home. Edge of city NE. Lot 123x231. Beautiful shrubbery, lawn, and abjn dan, garden space. LR, dmini rm., hdwd. firs., fireplace. Brick and tile construc tion. An outstanding buy for 110,000. Consider tradt on good 50 or mora acre farm N oi X. Farm East 20 acres rich soil. Some bottom land. Year stream. FamlW fruit Old bldas. 4 arras new strawberries. Beautiful home sit. Located east near Pruitland. No trades. Price 18500. CASH TALKS HERE. Seclusion Tucked away In the golitude of the many shade trees on this place you will find your home. Located close in suburban north, it has 2 bdrm. dwn.. 2 up. li bsmnt. Ovei 1 acre of land. Out door fireplace, small barns, chick tut., tie. Your country nome ror only 10250. Small Dwn. Pymnts. Ne. 1 Two bdrm. home BE. Price 15350. 8500 down. No. 2 -Four bdrm. home In city S. Price 14950. 1500 down. No. 3 New 2 bdrm. home. Price 17950. 1600 down. Nc 4-New 2 bdrm. home 8. Price 17850. 1700 down. No. a New 2 bdrm. homa with bsmnt. Price 19500. 1750 down. . COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS Member Multiple Listing Bureau 1883 Center St. Ph. 3-4552 Ives. 2-9851 c233 AUTOMOBILES QUALITY FIRST makes YOUR INSPECTION INVITED . . . COME IN TODAY. 1948 CHRYSLER WINDSOR . 2-DOOR SEDAN Fully equipped. Only 1.1.000 guaranteed miles. New car guarantee. 1947 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE Extra nice in every way. Very lo w mile age. Fully guaranteed. 1940 CHEVROLET DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN Lots of extras. Radio, heater, W.W. tires. Beautiful blue finish. Hurry! Many more like values to choose from. Also some good low priced transportation from $123 00. Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER - SERVICE Open All Day Saturday - 435 N. Com'l. St. Phone FUEL OREGON FUEL COMPANY Good clean sawdust Dry slab or green for furnace Green edsins 93.50 load. Double 110 (K Dry edging 18.00 load. Ph. 35333 ee23i .SHELL STOVE DIESEL OIL, Ph. 3-3188. Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, db.trt3.it or ee240 SLAB WOOD, mill run. 18 per load. Hand Picked. Ill per load. Ph. after ft p m. 27751. M236 CALI HIGHWAY FTIEi. FOB Ulese: and Stove Oils. FRESH GUI SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends Block Wood Ph 164 ee" PHILLIPS BhOS Old fir. oak, ash & mspie. V (lr. 16' slab and editings. Ph 314.itt. er West Salem Fuel Co. 18 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 16-IN. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST HURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone r-lem 2-4031 AUo pica up wood at IA25 Ediewater St.. West 8a. em ee1 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16' Slab Wood and Edatnts Fre-nh Cut Scrrem'd Sawdjst IJ- Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR 64 H GRbKN STAMPS FOSALE P0ULTRY COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 3-1298 1234 NEW HAMPSHIRE chiek!ievery Thurs day. Order Fry or Hens now at spe cial quantity prices lor your lock en Custom Orci-Miift a xperialtjr Phone 22861. Lee's Hatchery. f M.W HAMPSHIRE chicks for immediate ji iuture de'ivcr Hatches every Tue.' Pot Hatcnery. J830 state St Ph S-4D69 PRODUCE FOR SALE: Tom a tors. Vtf box. U-p:ck. ' mile north of Kelzer, O. J. Bower. Ht. 2. Box 24. 1I2J4 ' LATE C.RAVtNSTI IN and Kini app.o. Joe Lucas, Orcusrd He Ik lit rd. Ph I 2-jP".8. II23H : LATE TEARS, delicious eail'is D'Aniou. now r edv. Br inn boxes. Altrma Mote:, I 34i Portland Rd. Ph. 2-4.10. fi;V3 I FRONT quarter of wli.t '-faced yearl'm j beef. Ph. 3-4233. 1.'60 C.'nirr. It235 KINO apples. You pick. 7Sr bu. Rt. 9. Rnx 238. mile S. Liberty Sen. II2J5 (li:T VOI R a :nter supply now. Potatoes, i I.2A per 10u; ontoti. I1O0 .-ack. Deli- j c.OL- . ple. 7t box. Al Pd. R . 7. : B,:. 1 . Ph. 3-15S0. 2'j ml es N Oi (iOI.DIN CROSS sweet corn. 20c dot! Ph. : 2-1326. II23S CONCORDC.ltAPE: V pick 4clb. Bring containers. John W'lrth, 4060 Monroe ave. 11233 CONCORD grapes & tomatoes. Corner of Hollywood Dr. & Sllverton Rd.. 1st hse W. M Ridings. Ph;2-2675. JI233 TOMATOES IJVe Rw. U-pick. Imlah Frull farm, mile on Wallace rd. Ph. 20374 ff237" ORAPF!r4e lb. You pick. Bring contgtn- ers. Watden, 3845 Portland Rd. II2J4 TOMATOES AND PEPPERS " CANNINO, JUICI AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER. PH. 2-7173 t(334 TOMATOES bu. or ton U-pick ll bu man. Box Z7. Ph. Jefferson 04. If343 MLRERTANd' Walnut drying. Sperlal service for small lota. Phone 2-2861 Lee'a Hatchery. tf FH HERTS." PICK vuPOwrT" at 6c lb. tood p.rklng 9 ml. Eait on Aumvllle Hiay. ueo. Hull 363 State St. Ph. 34:94. IIJJ3 TOM ATOKA. ' cucumbers7frfsh eggs. Fri gaard Fruit Farm, mi. N. Kelrer school ff'4fl HELP WANTED FII.BF R T puckera,-! 1 ca60W . Ewald Ate. 235 ACCORDION 1NSTR1TTOH. Pari or full lime. Excellent opportunity. No ex penence necessary. We train you Write Capital Journal. Bol 422 1M HELP WANTED MALE aTriToi D for High school grgduates under -Educational " W WTFD'thoroiighl exp. Service nation aitendant. PreTer Standard Oil tTMnina S:me aie. exp. Write Box 4S8 Csriai Journal a234 tr. floor cohering mechanic. Appl U K M, Furn. West Salem. ta236 I REAL ESTATE I AUTOMOBILES a good buy $2295 $1495 $745 PLYMOUTH Evenings by Appointment 3-4117 495 N. CofiVl. St. HELP WANTED ALE PART TIME IAN Earn 1140-1250 mont workint 3 hours a day demonstraing sensatfsal new Bible, success asred thru r sonal training, write j fully. Suiiny School League, P. O. fox 4040, ?rt land, Oregon. I pi34 HELP WANTED ft MALE SEE OLR AD for HUh Xhool under "Educational. WANTED Housekeeper. Must be aood cook. 2 adults. Preferlone to go lome nights. Ref. required. i. 3-6509. p235 EXPERIENCED lountalnhtirl, good vork lna conditions, no Stiday work The Ace,J27 N. High. St tb234 WANT WOMAN for hou.e Tork care for 2 small boyJPh. 2-0594. gb237 CAR HOP wanted. White's Drive lu. Ill EXPERIENCED CLER Apply it 237 N. Liberty street from Ito 11 a.m. and at 3 to 4 p. EXP. steno for lnauWnce office. Short hand required. AppLi'n person. Husglnf Insurance, 373 N. Cfrcli. gb233' LADY living In KelS (list, to care for seven-year-old girl fLm 1 to B:30 Mon. thru Fri. Ph. 2-233alter :30. 11)233 GENERAL houseworU Ref. 605 N. Llbfrty. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMEMT AGENCY OFFICE AND CItRICAL POSITIONS ST,t 8trrt Phon 2-148B WANTED SALESMAN GOOD OPPORTlimr. Nationally known product. Car e.vsmi.l. Apply 668 N. High between 9 and 10 a.m. g" EXPERIENCED iurn;vur salesman. (1st exp it qualifications. Write Boa 394 Csptnl Joirnai ag' WANTED POSITIONS MIDDLE AOEDiadv desires baby s:ttlnt :n my home days. Please call at 395 BUl-r ave. or Ph. 3-60S8. hO'i' EXP. Woman wants hswk. cooking in or out oi Salem. Ph. 3-1361. Rm. 143 h3 WANTED MWInfTrptic tank draiis l.nr. Ben Bros., Pn. 2-4.-08. .i2M PRACTICAL M'RE. day or night nurse ;iw or .stay n.kiits. Ph. 3-r.jl9. h;34 VtH'Xtl MIR tin vet. 7 children, for -n. f;rrh work. c'Uckrn. turkey or d.v.ry ranch. Exp. Will to anywhere. Wr.ie P. O Box 111. Amity. Or. h2J4 A SKH.I.rn me.-hanlr wentd. Drunkard n e-i not aPiv. Ask for Ray Mveis oi Silver: on. Ph 4151 ii234 MKCIMNIC wlsiifs permanent work. 5 yrs ex.'.-iri'-d on d f.-el and 1 ' yr on uas. Ho.i il. Irom tl.e navy. Sept ;. 1949. P.i. 3-8326. h.3j HRICK h block work of all kinds. Ex periences, tuinpeteni masons. Call Davidson Bros , Ph. 2-1247. h234 EXPERIENCED and capable business man deslrrs employment Mth established local concern. Thorouthly experienced in finance, cred.ts. collections. iales and merchandlsine and office routine. Desirous of ass'.imtni rettponstbilitni 41 yrs. age and married. Box 437 Capital Journal. n234 KARN BROS., ContractonrRemod'Hng. lorm work. Phone 2-81 is. h234 Oregon Tree Service Insured opp . Phone 3-1196. n2.18 NTRSE ThOROKiHLV egtirrlnced. At Liberty. Day or nialit. Ph 3-9075. h2J4 WILL CARE for your rhtldrfn In m home, dava only 950 LaFnr Drive. Kintwood Heighta. Ph.2.J818. K234 PRAC. NI RSE, Cook H-kpr' Adultf Mid. age. reliable, capable full rharKe. In city or out. Do not moi,e nor drink. Write Capital Journal Box 487. h233 MIDDLE AOE lady d-sire babV sitting. Any age P;i. 3-6088 h233 C1III R care by day, in"mv nomeT" Ph 1-4171 h337, TFI.EPIH1NE CA1IS T AKIN. 3 hrVaerr Ice Former phmie opr. Ph. 3-30T2. h236" INTERIOR PAINTINO. Exp. h J-6796 h253" rnii.DrxRt.ii3 s itm h26s:i: h243 TREK WORK, topp.ng irimmint remov- ing, InS tB otk to IV U u.an.. ter, 140 Trade. Pn i.MOa n33y Mimeocraphinff-Tvrjin? rot Mi norm Si h33S- ir.ctoi n ,Mtt, m do)fr pB . h23! Journol Wont AdsPoy Prices Count These Days! I Terrific! Savings! l9j?F0RDS THE CAR OF THE YEAR I SAVE UP TO $300.00 1B4 rfRD CUSTOM FORDOR SEDAN. LOW MILE- HGE, HEATER, UNDERCOAT, LOW PRES. I jl'RE TIRES WS WASHER $1799.00 19tt )0RD CUSTOM SEDAN COUPE. RADIO, j HEATER, UNDERCOAT, TWO OUTSIDE MIR- JiORS, WS WASHERS, NEW 600-16 TIRES . . $1895.00 I949rORD CUSTOM FORDOR SEDAN. A COUR- Iiar UAH JUST LIKE NEW. RADIO,' HEAT ER, CHROME SUN VISORS ON ALL DOORS, SEAT COVERS, WS WASHER, FENDER SKIRTS, LOW PRESSURE W-S TIRES $1995.00 ifljifORD CUSTOM STATION I HEATER, UNDERCOAT, LOW PRESSURE I ( PLY WHITE SIDEWALL TIRES. SIGNAL I LIGHTS, WS WASHER. THIS IS THE ONE J VOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR $2495.00 tgf FORD 8-CYL. SUPER DELUXE SEDAN. EX- , TRA CLEAN $1195.00 1946 BARGAINS 1947 ISil FORD 6-CYL. TUDOR DELUXE. A-l CONDI TION $1045.00 IHl PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN. RADIO, HEAT . ER A BEAUTY $1345.00 5 LOW PRICED TRANSPORTATION 0 BUICK SUPER SEDAN $ 475.00 1IJ7 PONTIAC COUPE $ 165.00 l!J7 DESOTO 2-DOOR $ 145.00 :H7 CROSLEY PICKUP $ 395.00 ;f40 DODGE SEDAN. R&H $ 495.00 THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION Center at High Valley Motor Mart PHONE S-3147 HIGH $200.00 SAVING '49 CHEVROLET Yes. you can save $200.00 on a 1949 Chev. Fleetline Deluxe Sedan at Orval's. Equipment includes radio, heater, defrosters, sportlight, fog lights, windshield washers, seat covers, oil filter, undercoating, chrome wheel rings, bumper guards. A beautiful light seafoam green finish. This car carries a 60-day full guar anteed. Convenient terms, liberal trade-in. See this on our Turntable today. TO SAVE ON THAT '49 MODEL CAR SEE ORVAL'S ORVAL'S (THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE) Center at Church Sts. Phone 3-4702 EDUCATION TRAIN FOR AIRLINES MEN AND WOMEN High School Graduates 18 to 35 only Position 8 Are Available Such as .... Airline Secretary .... Hostess .... Rrceptlonlst .... Reservationist .... Pa.ssenser Agent .... Slailon Agent , . , . Traffic Agent .... Radio Operator .... Meteorologist Free placement service with U. S.. Brit ish, Ala.sk and South American Air line.'. Doe.s not interfere with present employment. .... Send coupon below to box 459 Capital Journal, for complete Informs t.on to help determine my qualifica tions for employment with the nation's leading airlines. Name Rawlins Music Studio . Violin and Piano. State accredited teacher. Ph. 2-6013. hh250 FOR RENT ROOMS ROOM FOR gentleman. Close tn. 6.12 No. Winter. J235' i.arc.E "sXeepiscTroom, Ut. floor, HfcC' water.461 N.High. Jk234' HOMEY LIC.HT housekeeping room. Hot plate cooking ft retrig. Warm. Ladies only. 195 S. 24th. Jk234 SLEEPING room, heat ex shower. 960 Pnr- risli. jk234 5 RED ROOMS, first floor modern" home. oil 3-7990 after 6 or before 9. 745 Hood St Jk234 SLMPING rm.. private home. Day time employed. 694 N Church. Jk234 SLEFPrRMrHoUywood. 2036 McCoy. Ph. ROOM FOR Oentleman. 632 N. Winter. Call alter 5:30 Jk233' SHARING home with Christian firl. All com enlences of a home. Call after 6 p.m.. 645 N. Winter. Salem. Ore. JK2331 PLEASANT SLEEPING room for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Pn. 2-4347. Jk235' LARGE SLEEPING room. Employed la dy or couple. 949 N. Winter. Ph. 3-8l.i9 jk235 ROOMS for rent. Ladles only. Kitchenette prlv. 5i0 Statesman St. Ph i-hio, Jk233 HEATED SLP. RMS. for men. Tel. prlT. ent. Phone 3J435. 1S05 N. Capitol. Jk234 WARM ATTRACTIVE room for employ ed gentleman. Reasonable. Ph. J-!4 Jk234 SLEEPING ROOMS. PH 3-4335. FOR RENT APARTMENTS I BimM.tuni. pt. US. 430 8. 30th. B. xiftrn i nrt 7 p.m. JP235' 1 RM. jrT., priv.if n r.n. Worklnl cojplf. B.tdilor. blk. Irom jtiore mo dii,.j w. ' t ROOM up-tftlr ipt. Fife. rn Tffr. 704 H. Comnyrcl.1. PH. 3-1007. JP33' R4SEMEXT ap.rtmrnt of on Un Toom nnd kltchfii-ttf. roll.wiy brd. re(rli., r'.tc. r.rme. .ttmctlvp and clPBn. Em p!ovpl llrlj. pwrprrfd Tpl. 3-A408 for appointment or call at 14S N. 14'" JP334 NICE HEATI'D turn. apt. 3 adult-, al 350 N. UOfrtr ,pJ" HIM. APT. batn. Will tak amaU ba- br. PIl.-5347. APT. andoom.JW M. Capitol. 1.31V FOR RENT 1 room apt cloM In. furn . auiublt for Pri J:""' SlCE PIRN, apt all-Hactrlc. 1075 N Capitol. Pit. I-7M. , I""? :. - , ....... r.fft. New court apt. Beautiful ele. Uulitr NICEtT PI RN. J rm. apt. Alio turn Pull- . aao it Mu mmfr man .p.. jplM" CtOKE IN 1 room furn. apt. Ranae OR RENT HOUSES Ft'RN I RDRM. house for the winter or longer. To middVe age rouplt frnplov 4 couple. IM Saginaw. jm3J IAUT0M0BILES WAGON. RADIO, AT CENTER BALEM q233 FOR RENT ROOMS NEW I BDRM. houses. Tile floor. Bendix waAher. 593 Knapp St. SS0 & 165. No pets. Inquire 795 N. Capitol or Ph. 3-3717. Jm233 MODERN UNFl'RN. 2 BR hse. Close to Hi School. 60. Ph. 25227. Jm234 FURNISHED house for rent. Sllverton Ph. Jm235 ft RM. unfurn. house. Newly decorated. 2 oiks, to Hollywood dist., 160. Ph. 3-6581 after 5. Jm235 X RM. hotue. Ph. 3-6406. Jm333 S RM. HOI SE, partly furnished. Not mod ern, inquire at 62 wmiama Jm233 SMALL house, large lot. owner leaving. 125 month. Sidney Gay, Rt. 2, Box 3a6B. LablshVillage: Jm231 a ROOM house unfurnished except elec tric range, garage. Adults. 694 N. Church. lm234 .EASE 2 B R. unfurn. house, S6&. 746 N." 20th. Ph. 2-3410. Jm23 NEW 2 RDRM. Hardwood floors. View plare. Rangr, refrig. it Venetian blinoa furn. 680. Ph. 2-4538. Jm233 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS GOOD SETI P for used car lot etc. 3 bdrm. house A large lot. Business zone. Fair grounds Rd. near bank. Ph. 3-6189. J235 SLEEPING RM. Clean & Warm. 888 N. Commercial. J235" MOD. 4 RM. apt. Emp. couple. Adult on- OFFICE space. In Oregon Bldg. Inquire Km. Tii oreton Blag., oscar Blornson. J235" OFFICE, desk space, Conr loe. Ph. 1913?. J245 FIOOR SANDERS tor rent Montcomr- W ard . J POWER TOOL rentals for home and -n dust rial use Howser Bros Pb 3-1646. ) TO DO good lob rent a good floor sanc r We eil everythtnf to complete tie lob HOWSER BROS . Pn 3-3646 i "OOD I SED PIANOS. H L 6t.fi" . lFfl E voices and desk spaces Pb 25692. TRAILERS 12.00 per day Howser Bros. I41v b Uth. West Salem Bl MNFss rm lor rent H L Stiff. I Ott.VL truest,, ccrs Ph T-9103 LINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing tna ch:nes Reason a b e rates. Pre pick up St delivery Sinter Sewing Machine Co. 130 N Com 1 Ph 33512 J WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent by 2 " adults. J "bdrniT house. Reasonable rent. One the b . t of care Ph. J-9728. j2 4 LAWYER, WIFE At 1-year-son need t B.R? furnished house or first floor apt. Writs Box 432 Capital Journal. Je231 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD A ROOM lor employed men only" 492 No. Summer. Jj2, BOARD and room. Ph. 3-8706. J)2.iS LOST AND FOUND STRAYED from my place. 13 months old Jersey-Guernsey bull. Finder please no tify George Hateman. Route 6, Box 128, Salem. i333 LOST: N. Santlam club scrapbook. Che mrkett Si. about 3 p.m. Ph. Starton, 305-R collect. k235 LOST: Two 6.P. ivsTem annual passes is sued to R. H. Mundt and Mrs. R H Mundt. Mill C.tv Ore k24 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men'i hatter. 464 Court" We close Saturdays 12:30 m344 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR I HR SFRV1CK IN MOS1 CASES DR HARRT 8 EM LER DENTIST Adolpb Blda --State Commercial St. S.ALEM-Phnne .)3I1 BUILDING MATERIALS faow FT. of 3x5 planki. 119. PhT 70757 ma234 i ROCKLATH. PLASTER and Stucco mater-' I'liicin- i.nr. m j materia... PCMILn E - Wesi Salem. ma333' (Continued on Page 197