T Slocks Advance i Receding Later ( New York, Sept. 30 (Pi T h e itock market tried a rally today with only partial luccesi. Prices headed downward at the start of trading. A ponder ous rally got going and for a while leading issues moved up for gains of fractions to around a point. Later in the day traders show ed a high degree of caution and the market backed down from the day's best marks. Volume crossed the 1,000,000 share level once more, swollen by considerable activity in low priced Commonwealth & South ern. The morning rally followed news that coal labor leader John L. Lewis had ordered about 100, 000 workers back to the pits on Monday. One block of 50,000 shares and another of 10,000 shares of Com monwealth sold up 's at 8 and equal to the year's peak. Lower most of the time were Youngstown, General Motors, Studebaker, Goodyear. Douglas Aircraft, American Telephone, Standard Oil (NJ), and Para mount Pictures. Among the stronger spots were Goodrich, Sears Roebuck. North American Co., Union Pacific and Texas Co. STOCKS By tht Associated Pr-ss) American Can 97 Am Pow it Lt 12j Am Tel St Tel uji, Anaronda Bendlx Aviation 30", Ith Steel 28 tfoeing Airplane jli, C IK Packing 341, C-nadlan Pacific 14i4 Case J 1 3714 C'terptllar 32 Chrysler 53i C'lmwlth A Sou 5-i Conn Vultee 10Ti Continental Can 331, Crown Zellerbach 2T C irtlsa WrlRht vi Douslna Airrraft LVipont de Nem 5314 General Electric 37 1, General Food 44 Genrral Motors A3 Goodyear Tire 39 Int Harvester 27'i Int Paper 57 K-nnerott 48 Llbbjf Mr N ft L SS Long Bell 'A" 23'i Montgomery Ward .... Nash Kelvlnator 13 Nat Dairy 14', NY Central 10 Northern Pacific 1T Tac Am Fish 12 I Pa Oas At Elee 32 i Pa Tel & Tel 89. Penney J C S Radio Corp 12 Rayonier 2i Ravonler Pld . Reynolds Metal 19', Pirhfleld 3 Sifeway Stores 2T Sears Roebuck 41 Southern Pacific 42'-i Standard Oil Co 68 Studebalcer Corp 32 U 81m shine Mining 11R Transamerlra 13'i Union Oil Cat 20 N Union Pacific 811, United Airline 13't V 8 Steel 33 S Warner Broa Flo US Woolworth 45 S Soybeans Spurt Upward Fridav J.II " US 00 B I .; t S Chicago, sePt. so s0y- owj ".'.'.'J!ii ' "soibeans responded to a variety of M A R KIT QUOTAWJ Salea LiTettevfc Marke-a- 1B1 Vallej Packlnft " Lambs 4I1.1I to rreder la mhi ... Etll Fat dairy cow I! 1 1 ! V. ". ". !l. t 10 11J' Bulls H 10 1S0U Calvu. food (300-430 lba.H fill 10 " 00 Veal UW-J0Q Iba.i top ...tflU10 20-u Portland Prodnra Huttrrfal Tentative, dlate change. Premium to .33 to 1 percent arte fornana core, ST-1 and count r Baiter Wholesale FOB wholesaler: grade 93 arore, Imirifl. :niixttnum yitrcu in 0 1 percent aclcily tft"i 1 63-6c lb.. 83 arnri lo r-60r. 80 srore, 68r.l Vtff r ntry polnta 3c leAtt.u'tr,t SALEM MARKETS acor. 88c. Above pricea Wan ttriclly nominal. f 1 Cheese Selllnf price to Pattlnd1 ! ale; Oregon slnaies 3-40e W m. loaf 42 -43c. triplet 1 th IneW. K Egga To Wholesalers) A r 84', -tJS'c: A medium. H-M'irie B lane. 88't-SS'c: meU A rail'c Portland Dairy Market a. Butter Price to retaken lo AA prlnta 87c: AA rartona 68c gic. a rinoni eec; n prima mv Egga Pricea to retailera: Ot AA larao lit doz.: certified A rr Bc' lane 87c: AA medium, 58c: tr.J A medium, 57c; A medium. 55-5604 kmU, 43c. cartons 2c additional. T Cherae Price to retailer rrirtA Oregon single 38-42c; Orrgttl- 1 -lb. loafs 44va-45c lb.; triplet. IVctnl" than single. Premium brandg. ufiea. SP,c lb.; loaf, ASVsc. 1 Poultry I Live Chiekeni No. 1 qimllt? plant, No. 1 broilers under 3's lk Hflc lb.; fryera 2'i-J 11m., 27-39c: 3-4 ltv,c: roa.stera 4 lb, and over, 30c lfc; '1. Leghornx 4 Ida. and under. 18-20O, w 4 ids. uc, coiurea iowi an rooiter. an welRhts Rabbits Average to 4-5 lb.. 18-aOc lb.: 5-8 lbs.. 16 lie Li colored z cents lower; old or hetivy o-il, uiriMq irrrs id DUlcntri, Country-Killed Meats Veal, top qual;ty. 30-33C lb.; grades according to weight and with poor or heavier 20-25r. Hogs; Light blockers, J0-31c; c 24c. favorable Hems today by spurt ing a couple of cents on the board of trade. Lard was not far behind as buying entered all fats and oils markets. In back of the upturn was an unconfirmed rumor that the Bnvprnmonl lntnrlrl in altnsat f""1 sttsn nnn nnn tmw rmm. a 1 ' tw w e" tries lor ine purchase oi various rats and oils here. Price changes in major grains were not- large, although corn developed considerable easiness late in the day. Wheat closed U-l'a higher, December S2.14?Si-H, corn was unchanged to v lower, Decem ber SI. 177n-34, oats were g low er to Vs higher, December 68. rye was unchanged to 4 higher. December S 1 .45 ? -1 4 . soybeans were 2M-314 higher, November S2.301i-$2.30, and lard was 38 to 47 cents a hundred pounds h.gher, October $11.20, Completed I rem reports ( Salem dealers fer the guiaaaee a tapiiai """ Readers. (Revised daily). Retail Teed frice.; lit Mah 845. Rabbit Pellets 84 . Dairy Feed 13.70. Poultry; Buvlng pricea Orarto A color ed hens 31-22e; grade A Leghorn hens. 18-1M; grade A roiorea iryers, mrn iu. and up, 38-lOe. Orade A old roosters, 15c. . . . Buying Prices Eitra largo AA. 8e; large AA, 85c; large A. 83-85C medium AA, r- mMtiiim A Sl-51c: PullrLi. 3"C Wholesale Prleea Eiig vholetale prices 5 -1c above these prices; above graae seneraltr quoted at toc; meoium, esc. Butlerfat Premium 4-85c, No. 1. tae; wo. a, i 58c: ibuying prices-. natter Wholesale gradi A, 7e; ra caU 73c. had formally demanded that the Chinsese-Soviet dispute be taken; up immediately after the com-; VUtee disposed of the Italian colonies issue. His demand was rejected by a 21 to 21 tie vote, with nine countries abstaining1 The committee voted 41 to Si to place the Chinese question after the Soviet peace proposals, after the Soviet bloc protested bitterly against having their pro posals shoved back. After the vote, Tsiang told newsmen: "It's a great disappointment to me. wl alt weight, 3c; 18-19C. i growers, live win, Youths Plan for Kansas Ciiy Trip OBITUARY Refuse Release Of U.S. Ships Washington, Sept. 30 M Adm. Louis Denfeld, chief of naval operations, declined today to provide American naval in- turvpnlinn fnr release 01 tnree .. ... . . . i.:. Ifriwrfr Michael Well on. Vincent Traegei United Males mcrcnani snip ! 5-rd-n" Ann. C:if!ord Norton. Joseph held at snangnaa Dy nationalists gunboats. Denfeld, replying to a request from the owners, wired that 'You will appreciate that the employment of United States naval forces under the present circumstances is not in accord with United States government ; ii policy Frank Walker Mt. Amel- Requiem hlsh maaa and mil itary funeral service. for Frank Walker, S5. eteran of World War I. and pat coni niaiuler of the local past, w-re hid from St M.iry'a Catholic cliurch, with the Rev. Hildebrand M:c:;or. OS B . olftciatina at tlie maikS. and the Mt. Anel Legion pat actinK honor suardied by the co'.or bar M. A. O. Traeger and Fred Lucht and giiard.o. Matt Wanner and Donald Aman. Barer were nei)iiea. Ernest WaUer. J'V eih WalkiT. CharU-s WaUer, all of Mt. Krank K;rsc!i. Carl Kirsch ot St. Paul and Kayniond Giilea of Donald. The firms snuad giving the aalute were ErneM tars areat orandchOdren and sevei niecea and nephews. Member of septh'a Catholic church. Recitation of the roary at the Virgil T. Oo.cen cnij-et at 60s, South Commercial street 8-indav, Of- tobrr 1, at 8 p.m. BervicM 11 be r-.i at tne Virgil T. Golden cnapel Monody. October S. at 10 a m ita interment in the At. Barbara cemetery. I Capital Journal Salem. ()re.t Friday, September 30, 194917 Ar-i , and Vra. n jeri ;e. N M . I'eti., Uia-.o. ictia of V.in!. Leota LaPsl of A'bu a son. J B. DeWlit o AL-ter, Mr. E".ia AJiler- Kn ; n.ne arhndci.i.d- Jeaae W. Morrow II.' Umtjiar lata ra.iHalil nf Prl. rla cny. Orenon. at a loral hotpttai Hep- FINANCIAL tember It, at the age ot year a. rur- Ived dt nis wiie, urs. eyiv.a Morrow of Prairie City, and 10 son. Charlei, At- bert, Herbert, Coy, waiter, Kavmonn, Tom, Homer, Henry and Ernest Morrow all of Prairie City. Announcement oi ser virea later by tht Howell-Edwards chapel. fii aiul cue t::r)tt irsnflf.'.l.d. Atiuoiite neiit of ,r ice liter bjr C!oun-Br ir company. TRAILERS I'FKSONI, Finance Co. 5.H State, Hni LiC - S-132 M-1B5. C. R. Allen, mst". r233' SMALL TRAII.LE hooM with lotg Of built Itit. I2U0. Jbui Usp.a Ave. ta S.MM.L ramntna trailer. Very reasonable. 3M1 Center At Oil TRANSPORTATION ; carttr; cwt f Fcur Salem high school sen iors n agriculture and three Sil verton high school boys will be with a contingent from Oregon I leaving for Kansas City, Mo., Oc tober 7 to attend the national Lambs: Top Quality, springers, mutton. 10-12c Beef: Good cows. 22-23c lb.; eai rimers, zo-zzc. Freth Dressed Meats Wholesalers to retailers per Beef steers. iood 500-800 lb.v. I4ttl i . commercial. 127-30: utility. 131-34. 1 imerica. cows-commercial. 3i;33; utility, tau From Salem will be Dar'l I: canners-cutwrs. 23-26. I , . Ber cuts iGood steersi: Hind ouar&n Van Oave, Wayne Johnston. $55-57; rounds. S52-55; full loins, trimtued pla v Ramhn nnH Tames Part 73-78: triangles. J31-33: aquare chuck.. !y, "amD Bna,JameS 4aPl I3B-41; ribs, 52-55: torequarters, g37-8wright; and from Silverton, Mar is-W: uuii" 1 mSS?' $37"0; commeref ''vin Johni. Bob Barnes and Law Lambs: Good-choice aprlng lamba. 4-ience Fisier. !: commerclftl. 136-40: utility. 133-SR. t I ran nt ci j Mutton: Good, 70 its. down! io-i8. I Van eave of Salem and Pork cute: Loin No. l B-12 lb., isc-sii Harnps arrl Fisher nf Silvertnn shoulders 18 lbs. down, 40-42; aparo-' t,i i i : j : ribs. 147-50: carcasses. 132-33; mixed "" uc tiuiuica lur nitriLdll Frank Mel.sj.ner. and Michael Borscliowa. Burial was In Calvary cem eterv with aer vices read by Father Hilde brand. Frank Walker died oi a audden heart attack while bclnit given preliminary examination at Veterans' hospital m Portlaiul. on Monday, where he wu taken lor admittance and observation. halng complained of not feeling well that morn liirf. He waa born at Mennomlnee, Wise, M.iy 7. In 1904 with his parents set- ttPri nt Unwell Prairie, and a f'.iort time r ird.i'd to a (arm In eaiit Mt. Ann el. Is .survived by hi widow. TUlle: sons. A FranrLi. aLso a pat commander and The Ibrandtsen line of New cm wmker: two grandchildren, nil of York, which operates the threejof 8I nd"MM.' Eiizabeth seller of merchant ships, said the answer: California. to the nationalist 'blockade1 of f.M r.alhflone communist nnrts Which this u-fwihurn Baby Girl Featherstone. ic in dauaiiUT ot Mr. ana . uruin . i.iiinnn a Vnrilanri hni. country doesn't recognize- give American merchantmen welRhts 12 per cwt. lower. Portland Miscellaneous rascara Bark Dry IS'-'jC 'o , green 4c lb. Wnnl Valley coarso and medium aradea. 45c lb. Mohair 26c lb. on 12-month growth. nominally. Hides Calves. 30c lb., according to weight, kips 25c lb., beef Il-I2c lb., bulls 6 -7c lb. Country buyer pay 2c less. Nut Quotations aingu Pranquettes. first quality um 34.7c: laree. 32.7c: medium. 27.2c: second quality Jumbos. 30.2c; large. 28.3c; meaium, Z6 zc: baby. 33 Zc: soft shell, first quality large, 29.7c; medium, 26.2c; sec ond quality large. 37.2c; medium, 34.7c; oaby zz.zc. lilberts J umbo. 30c lb.: Urge. 18c: medium, 18c; small. 13c. Portland Grain Portland. Sept. 30 fllW-Cajth grain: Soft white, aoft white no rex, white club, hard red winter ordinary 2174 bid. Hard white baart ordinary not quoted. Coarse grains Coast delivery: Oats: No. 3 38 lbs white 55.00 bid. Barley: No. 2 45 lbs west 52.50 bid. CIO Threatens Strike ' New York, Sept. 30 (U.B Two CIO movie industry unions threatened to throw picket lines around all Loew's and BKO theaters in the metropolitan area tonight as a "token" of strike action voted not later than Oct. 12. Portland Livestock Portland, Sept. 30 IIJ.R) Weekly live stock: Cattle: Friday salable B: holdover 78: calves as. Market flow, mostly a cleanup: few common and medium atocker and feeder steers 13.50 to 17.50; good veal era 2100 to 22.80. top 31.75. Hogs: Friday salable 18. Steady; top 21.75. Sheep: Friday aalabla 15. Nominally steady. Chicago Livestock Chicago. Sept. 30 ffv-(USD A Salable hoaa 4,500; moderately active; butcher over zzo lo steady to 35 cents lower: lighter welnhts steady to 35 cents hlihen apota 50 cents up on 190 lb and unuer: so steady to atrong: top 30 50 for one loaa ertoicfl zso id: practical top 20.25 Mn. Marr A. Miles Mrs. Mary A. Miles, late resident of Dea Moines, Wash., in this city. Septem ber 29, at tht ase of 88 years. Mor.ier of Mr, it. ft. RtttnriAon, Salem, and Mr. A t. Maloney, Ue Moines. Wash : rand mot her of Lou and Elltabeth Robmsn both of Salem, and Ailene and L tr ains Maloney, both of Da Moinu. Wash Announcement of service later by the W. T. Rltfdon chapel. Traugoll J. Werlh TrauKoll J. Werth. late res dent of Willamina, at a local hoapital. September 29, at the ase of "2 year. Sirvmne Li a dauahter Mr. R. F. Jaiin. Urand Ronde Announcement of aerv ices later by the Howell-Edftard chapel. Kenneth W. Hopkins Kenneth W. Hop ins. lale redden t of 1151 NE 55th avenue. Portland, at a ".oal hw-pital. September 30, at the ase of 35 year. Survived by his iie, Mrs. -ix- ine L. Hopgin oi roriiana: io c;ui ilren. Norman Wayne Hopkins and Jen- tynn Kay Hopkins, both of Portland, and his onrenW. Mr. and Mr. J. R Si pes ol Clinton, Iowa. Announcement of ner vices later by the Howe 11 -Ed ward chapel, Mrs. tuna Wyatt Mrs. Luna Wyatt, late resident or ta lent, at a local hospital Bt-ptembtT 2 ft Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. William Forntrr of Lebanon and four grandchil dren. Service will be held Saturday, Oc tober 1. at 1:30 p.m. at the ciouah-nar-nek chapel with Rev. Lloyd 1. Amier snn ofHclattna. Interment at the Haies ville cemetery. timer J. DeWitt Elmer J. DeWitt, late resident of 11R0 E'm atreet. West Salem, at a local hos pital, September 3D. at the ase of 76 year. Survived by his wife. Mr. Mary Jane DeWitt of West Salem, three daugh ters. Mr. Mildred Loucks of Ponca C tv, Okla . Mrs. Oeraldine Kelley of Phoenix. $ CASH $ $25 to $500 rrRNrrupF, livestock EQUIPMENT LOANS CP TO no Coma Id or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 190 Fa:rground Road Nest Door to B.rik No Parking problem Phone 17013 Llo. N U368-SI91 Floyd Kenvon. Mttr t PRIVATE MOSEY Special Rates and Term On Lamer Loan Long and Short T.me Paytnen's ROT H. 6IMMONS 138 South Commercial ttt Phone 1-P161 WILL TRADE for houaa trailer. Sultablg to rent Pa. 3-1740. t237 lOlrt ONTINIATAL hoiue trailer, 27 ft. Fully equipped 35B0 S. Com'l. Tip Top Trailer Court. WC.Jfalfley. till TRAIl.F.R UPAt'K, 110 per mo. with U conventences. South side of Paulug can nery. Wm. Roth. 1740 Oiford. Ph. 3-M8S. t335 NEW t WHEELED all metal trailer. Ksi-k and canva Dover. Reasonable. IVU lee 8' 33 TRANSPORTATION Kint WANTFO Salem to Jefferson. leg- :tijt Pi'.r-n iprox. t am. i334 I.KC.AL SFE TJS FOR ATTRACI 1VE FARM LOANS ONLY 4-, OK 4'ic. I ST EH EST 5 to 40 Year and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTOI1S 344 State St. Phone 3-33 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. S-133 and M-S2I and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9181 T FARM AND CITY LOANS 4V; ard 5 VOI"R OWN TLK.MS of rfiarment wlthtD rca.'-on Cash (or Real Estate Contracts and Second Moru-ast's. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 201 Pioneer Trust Bid. Ph. 3-7113 r NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th Cointv Cosirl for Marion County, Oregon, haa fixed Thursday. th 27th day of Octo ber, 1319. at ti-.e hour of 10 o'clock Alt. at the court ho.ise in Salem. Marion Coun tv, orezon. as tne time and place of hear ing of otijert ion. If any. to the final account Illed by the undersigned In the tate of RAY OR ANT, deceased, ana I or ttlmii said rslate. DATED this 22nd day of September. 19ft J. K WEATHER FORD, Jr. Administrator WEATHER FORD 6i THOMPSON Attorneya fiept. 21. 30, Oct. 7. 14. Al'TO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S Church Parking a Plenty Ph 3-3457 Lie No M-159 S-154 NOTK i:s Examination for Certified Public Ac countants of Oregon will be held In Port land from 130 P.M., Wednesday. Novem ber 16. throiuh Fri., November 18. 1949. Application must be filed with the Secre tary on or before October 17, 1949. E P. Van. C. P. A.. Secretary 509 American B.ink Building, Portland 5. Oregon 1 A- 3 LODGES jT LO.Oi1. meet every Wed nfsdav night Visitors wel Z . U """"" protection by warships, convention of Future Farmers of - haoA ffZ nri in the past and we trust the (state) department will provide protec tion in the future," the line's owners said. The state department didn't seem likely to adopt the sugges tion although vice Admiral Russell S. Berkey, commander of the Seventh task fleet, has two cruisers and at least eight destroyers in the Shanghai area, i Officials noted that while the ai MfuI 37 at the aae of one day, B''s:des her parent she i survived bv two brothers. Leonard and Pat. a aiater Sue. all of Jefferson. Graveside service will be held Saturday. October 1. at 1 p.m. at the Gervais Masonic cemetery with the Rinao Mortuary of Woodburn in charge of arrangement. armer, richest degree in the ational o:ganization. Johnston is president of the Silem chaper, Cartwright is sec tary and ambo reporter, and Jhns is ai officer of the Sil Mon chaper. Rambo has since Aril 10, 1U4, been a city car qier for the Capital Journal and in time of srvice Is the oldest of tie carrie staff. He lives at 40 Evergreei avenue. Traffic cog est ion has re duced real esite values in some dovntown aas of American citte. bulk- iood and olee 200-260 lb 20.00 20.20: little In runover 240 lb; good and choic 200-220 lb 9.SO-20.O0: 180-190 lb 18.S0-U SO; 160-11 lb 17.50-18.50; aow tinder 175 lb 18. MI-i.lO: 375-400 lb 17.75- 18.50; 425-500 lb 1.75-17.75; odd head down lo 16.00: go clearance. Salable cattle 1.2: salable calve 300: steers aid heifer istly steady although undertone weac i common grassera cows steady to stro bulla ateady to 25 cent lower; other agsex about ateady; two loads cnoice M lb steer 33. 7 s load good to choice )80 lb weight 31.00; medium to low-aoc steers 20.00-26.50: load good 10 lb heltg 31.00; common to aood beef cow 14. (-11 00; canners and cutter 1300-14.50: edlum to low-good bulls 17.0S-18.00; medm to choke vealera 24.00-28 01. Salable sheep 1.000:ttnerally steady all classes: western lamb absent; eholce na tives topped at 23.75 tjfaippers most good and efcote offeriDgi 23.00-23.75; good to choice yearling wettr 30.80; alaugh ter ewes 9 50 down. United States and Britain haven't recognized the nation alists' right to keep ships out of Shanghai unless they can maintain a tight blockade, nei ther western nation has thus far shown any inclination to use force. China Set Back In Red Attack Lake Success, Sept. 30 f Nationalist China suffered a set back todaw when the UN poll tical committee rejected de ma rids for an early airing of her complaint against Russia. U. S. Ambassador-at-large Philip C. Jessup supported China demand for quick action. But the general assembly's 59-nation political committee decided to defer debate on the Chinese com plaint until after disposal of three other major questions Italian colonies, Palestine and Russia's "peace pact' proposals. i Chinese Delegate T. F. Tsiang infant Norbr Albany The Infant son of Mr. and Mr. Ocle Norby, Albany, who died at the Al bany General hospital three hour after birth on Wednesday, was buried follow ing graves Id service in bi. jonn cem etery Friday at 11 a.m. Beside hi par ent the baby U survived by a brother. Doryl Norby, and hi grandparent, Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Easley, TuUre. Cal., and Mr. and Mr. Melvtn Norby. Idaho Fall, Idaho. Fortmiller-Frederlclwea funeral in charge. Joe L. Gamblln Lebanon Funeral services were neia Thurday at 3 p.m. for Joe L. Gamblin. Jr., who died at his home Sept. 27. He owned and operated a barber shop here. Born Jan. 2. moo at enrevepori. ia.. ne came lo Lebanon three yean ago from Long view. Wain. Dr. John B. Houser of ficiated at the service, with the Odd Fellows arranging graveside rites. Surviv ors are his widow, Agness; children. Keith Louts. Fanny Sue and J. L . all living at ihe Lebanon home. Mrs. Doris 8. Hatnr. ol Lebanon, and one grandchild. Leonard: brothers. John H. and T. E. Gamblin of Lebanon and live Uters living out of the state. C I It abet h Emery Lebanon Mrs. Elizabeth Emery, 66 died September 24 In Salem. She wa: born Nov. 27. 1882 In Ogallah. Kan., com ing to Lebanon 18 years ago. For the past ten years she had lived In Salem. She was a member of the Methodist church and the Rebekah lodge. Survivors are daughters. Mrs. Pearl Marquand of Ogal lah. Mrs. Norma Baker. Hutchinson, Kan.; son. Alvln Wurst. Redwood City. Cam sister. Mn. Iva Cruson. Lebanon; Fred Musgrave. Lebanon and Walter Musgrave. San Dleno, Calif. Services were Thurs- In the Howe-Huston chapel with rtev. Carl Mason officiating. Burial in the IOOF cemetery. DEATHS Mrs. Clema M. McLaughlin Mr. Clema M. Mclaughlin, ait the residence at 1084 South Liberty street, September 29. at the aae of 81 year. Sur vived by two d a uh titers, Mr. Lawrence N. Simon and Mr. Frank H. Simon, both of Salem: two brother, Charles Lambert of Seattle. Wash., and Edmund Lambert of Oakland. Calli.; lour irandrhlldren i IF YOU ARE SPENDING BETWEEN $2000 and $2300 fi552l!k JlSfe. VTSrU JL -aaH'4 V M I WHI" ,w " 'if '" wht fi YOU CAN OWN THIS mmi &Mbm Li I II En IU it!! $764 C0WN XrES tou'U find otbrr nrw rr in llif prire ranp abnTc. But not mt nf thrm .NO, NOT ONE firri you all the Tlne of lh bi. mi nrw Mercury! . For owners mv Mercury i the brt-tonking car in ita claw ... Ihe m'inl-lo-hnniilr . . . tmnoiheti to-Jrin . . . and far and away the lirrlim-in-artim! And. big il i". Mrrcur? i actually one of I lie thriftint cara od the road giea you ro mileage in very gallool Remember, too, Mercury' offer inwv . ; . grenier JrpentlahilitY . , . high re.oe inlie. Ye. from every point of value, you'll find it part to make jour not car Mercury, too! Slop in for a demon atration todayl FDR, BETTER, VAUJE MAKE VDLfR NDCT CAR. mERCURY fd eh"tt or yewr prMeftt ee wiH e.lr tewe HI Price include! S Super Cushion Balloon Tirei, Dirtctionol Turn Indicator, Wheel Trim Rings, Oil Filter, Htctrlc Clock, Of ill Guards, Foam Rubber Cuihloned Seats, Oil Bath Air Cleaner. Extra BBBBSBBBIEHSBBBBBEnHBIBB special BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB offer SBBRBBBSB3BDBBBBBSB9BBB to all BBBBB8BBSS9BQBBBBBBBBBBBS Chevrolet BBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Ford and BflBEBBBBBflSEBBBBBBBBBESa Plymouth BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB owners! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB for the next Yet, we mmn hmineasnnd In prme if, ue're offering an EXTRA SPECIAL ALLOW ASCE to all Cheirokl, Ford, and I'lunmiilh on nrrs vha become ouwi o a new fllHUllY "ie c"r l,tnl "'""', c"" "' !i!iL' '12 !!H rJA ,0,,av! So before you decule on any car at any price il u ill ym lo net our EXTRA SPECIAL ALWWAXCE offer on your Chevrolet, Ford, or I'lymouthl Wt can promise you uill be mighty glad you did! Bat hurry! i days Hurry! Drive in tod3y! WARNER MOTOR COMPANY 430 N. Commercial St. WARNER MOTOR COMPANY 430 No. Commercial St.