16 Capital Journal, B&m, 0r., Friday, September 80, 1949 ( NOW. STPVF..1 D Ltti i lV TMt JPk! F that enoee is w- enm ,ait I THANK LOADS FOR i BETTEK SEND kOMrNfe TO sNSPFCT A LADY RA5SLFR. RAlO PROGRAMS DOUBLE TROUBLE US ' AND I LL SEND THE KID 5 A V0UN& ONE Or OUR MOST EXPERIENCED CRL5 tltlDAf P.M. TO 5IT WITH LITTLE IK0C0 T IK0IN TONltHT. IfBO HFCT ill F.S UfiXE D M wVL-r' I II I TTiSt'nll J. vr,"V A m3 I I lr m: aiiaV 1f k M DJr 1 U I 1. m M tAuncano .a. V .' ' ' PK V I . . By (Chapter 6) Vln. Randall was a buxom, moth erty -looking woman in her forties na ouite handsome, ont smiled greeting at Jay and modeled (or the rwo men to am down. "It's good to you egAta., Joe," she said. "Mow were your loMw?" "Fair to middiiua " he eruwred "Rant Is pretty dry, but they'll Dull throuah all rlEht." "We haven't ordered yet, Ellen said. We were waiting on you two." "Anything much doing since left?" he asked casually, after they . had ordered. He wanted all the In formation he could get, to Index It In hi mind for any contingency that might arise. He knew he wax going to need it. One slip on hu part and the whole thing would blow up in their faces. Mike Randall grunted. "We're losing a trickle of cows now and then, but not enough to show any organised rustling. They tried an other raid on the horses sometime back but didn't make It. One of the thieves got shot, but that's all "When are you leaving for the rancn again? he asked. Ellen put In, "Not until tomor row, Joe. I forot to tell you. Wc are having visitors out from the east, due tomorrow. People I stayed with while I wns In school back there. Thev want to see what life on a wild Texas range Is like anc will be here all summer, partly for Mr. Seltzer's health. Mary, their daughter, was my bent chum In school. Harry, who's mv own age used to be my best fellow and I warn you, darling, he's almost a handsome as you. And he'll be there all summer with me while you're at the line camp. So don't be too sure oi yourself "I'll Just have to hope for the best, I guess," he replied lamely, and felt a slight flush come to his iace. He was glad when the mince we and coffee were done .with . He wiped his lips with his nap- icin and rose with the others. They went out Into the lobby where Mike Randall paid for the meal. "I suppose you'll be coming out with us tomorrow?" he asked Jay "I Imagine you'll be pretty well loaded, sir. I've got to see a few mends anyhow, so perhaps It would be better If I picked ud a horse and rode out, though you could take my war-beg. I'll leave it in my room. "All right. But I want you In that cmiip by day after tomorrow morning to start riding the line turftin. I m short-handed end Turk's got his hands full." "Okay," Jay answered In the eareless way Joe would have. "And now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to see a few folks." Ellen said. "Would U be asking too much if you walked down to the post office with me to get the ranch mall? We got In too late for me to get It before supper." "Sure." he said, and took her rm with exaggerated gallantry. "We haven't been In here for two weeks now," she said. "But the Seltzers said thev'd be here on the fifteenth and that's tomor row. I why, Joe! Here's a letter for you from your mother. Why here's two moref How come she was writing you when you were home nil the time?" He said, grabbing at the first Men that came to him and hop ing she'd accept it. "Of course she wrote, honey. Mom's sentimental ! She's also a creature of firm and rigid habits, She wrote me every! week while T was home. I tried to bedevil her to let me see the! letters, but she chased me out of her writing room. Said I could1 read em after I got back. You don't know Mom." "Oh," the said, partly convinced. "I gttees that's It, but " He had to stop It and he did it In the only wny he knew how. He summoned all his courage and crabbed her In his arms. He kissed her and the mail fluttered to the floor. Ftnallr the pushed him back, her face flushed with happiness. "Oet away from me, you wild man," she gasped. "I thought at first you had ehanged, I know bet ter fow. ltre, pick up that mail wrnie i arrange my hair and get pack my breath. Joe. you devil! , p WILLIAM HOBSON He bent and picked up the scat tered mall from the floor while she arranged a tuft of dislocated hair back into position. "And now. Mistress Ellen, he said, using Mother of Joe's gal ktt Md exaggerated expressions, "ny 1 go?" "Oet out of here!" she laughed "Go on about your business. I can walk back to the hotel alone." In another hotel room her father sat talking with the tall man whe wore both knife and pistol at hu belt: peg smith. Randall was saying, "... Ha vent found out anything more, eh? Peg Smith shook his head. "Just what I told you. I got one of them that night while yore boys were snooting at them. Ida sworn it was Joe Allison. It shore looked like him. Looks like it wasn't Joe. Any man who ketches a 45-70 slug the way I caught that hoss thief wouldn't show up a month later as chipper as can be." "You wouldn't have had any idea about settling a personal grudge with Joe. would you? ' Mike Ran dall asked harshly. nope," was the laconic reply 'I'm workin' fer you. Mister Ran dall, an' as long as I am you give tne orders." Good. That's more like it. So you follow right on through. Some where in that country Brad Mor- den and his gang are running their stolen horses. I not only want it .stopped; I don't want any more raids to try ami get my Morgans." wnat aoout joe?" Trail him. He seems a little bit changed since he came back, but I'm making danged sure he's turn ed a new leaf before I let him marry Ellen this winter." "Fair enough," Smith drawled. and rose. (To be continued) 3085 SIZES 4 14 Classroom Casaal Perfect choice for the classroom a casual charm er using side panels to point the way down to deep htp pocKeis! Try plaid with perky pique collar and cutis lor a ugnt toucn. no. auao is cut in sizes o, h, io, 2 and 14. Size 8. l yds. M-ln., yd. 56-in. contrasting. Just outl The FALL - WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 150 practical eaiy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern designs for all ages. Remem ber, It's smart to sew your own and save money, order your copy now price Just 30 cents. Send Me for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State Size desired. Address Capital Journal. 552 Mis sion St., San Francisco 5, Calif. PATTERN No. lit MA Pineapple Wheel Crochet this delightful different chair set In the ever-popular pineapple motif. The graceful design worked in crisp white will grow by leaps and bounds under your crochet hook. It makes an attractive set for love seat. Pattern Envelope No. H2i6 con sists of complete crocheting liutruc tions. stitch illust rat tons, material requirements and finishing direc tions. To obtain this pattern, tend 20c In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and sone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal, 8:8 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3, Calif. Ai T-SJiSiii"""' o' Pg "-Vw I -- !SS - - :4fl Tup Tr.dw A :00 R.r.itQ Cor 9-30 'yi"' I I I I :ls N'w mi v-' son, oi ri.i'" o " JOTia:."SfJ?ini r IT 1 W r 1 w ' . mmrnmxetimtfpimvtLsjS pour chowders and oK.-aK.-i'veeny 1 and rinse out those ( pfaugh I thevtl 1 s:07ih.,.iVi ff WOW? WHY NOT? IT'S THREE MORE A BUCKET O" STEAMED OJT TWO HANDS I ! OISHES IN VOUR I ONLY GET DIRTY 11:15 Hln, Hl B LOOK AT THE BEST FOOO LOBSTERS AND I CLAMS ON THE DOUBLE- AND ONE BTOVB- I I SPARE TIME, DOC- I AGAIN -FILLED J 7 ". 'EM EOT I THEY'VE HAD IN FRENCH PRIES I lm-m ., ' JUNIOR GRADE- I WE'RE RONNINCS J- WITH GOOD FOOD, :" T"' "1 H YEARS EVER, COMIN'UP- I PS-T1 v s( eHORT- t WHO CARES? S lA-ffS": ( OO YOU BfcALlY I 1 DOMT KNOW.I ilOW HEkc, THAT5 WKA1 T W,NU I IHAI a I wcu.,im Ljraj M f TUIh4K I NEED WlLUEDEARJDADOV.WEVLTHeMAW IW ICAMT60IN lRISHT. J NOT SO i J i T 2 (OTHER CLOTMES TO OO SHOW YOU J THE MOV1ESX TOR ANYTUINS DaOOV! I SURE NOW mj H lJGOTO COLLEGE ,J LOOK SOOOV WHAT TO (T NOR6 IM f WTHATVOU LOOAS I WAS -i" I BEFORE yOU TVKE CVE VDUR I THERE'S DYNAMITE IN THAT j I LET'S NOT DESTROY YT .'f U I I REGARDLESS OF -N I HIN'ERITAMCE, I MUST PEAD TO A I DOCUMENT.':'- THE. WORLD I I Wl"R HALL HALONC HOUT A" I I CONSEQUENCES, I AM I -(OU-YOOR UMCLC HONEY' r- I WON'T EVER BE THE SYMC, I I 'EPH'' LET'S DO IKI TH I I I NOW HABOUT TO S I SUHKLK'S J-X . I I OMCE ITft PHOVIIOM ARE 7 11 ILIfiMTmUJ' &UOM tub y I I DEAD UkirLff 1 . I I -S-P 1 CARBIED MOUTA' THIS IS 'OORIfcLE " HONEYSUCKLE'S VHL VMO." I' A PRETTY GOOD HOLD WORLD- ) DOCUMtNTf-7 f" "irS 1 WILL.' Cjjil.ytK 7 L A uiYTEJy J fiBi-nl no one will barrister's V .JpVZtf t.., K -V W i i '"vf ,c fcra1 U EvERKNOWr) duty to V. ytir 7,4 .f J Zvwy-srAT Rrg , carry hoot th' U vi r- V t fSO GUS GEEv'UM HAS ANOTHER BABy BOy HES HAD TRtPLETS ANO TWO SETS OP TWINS SINCE I know him; THATS EVEf? TUAT HAD EIGHT 115-5$ ELL,MEMEMfriES..NCW CAN I tGKVO), SUf N,SLTy? XlT IS THAT, N FACT, RUSTy, ME HEARTY.. fe i, 2SSS2Ss TMJT OU KNOW WWTS HT, ta IT'S ABOiT THAT 'OTMEI? TWINQ LAP..ANP AS SOON AS THE PARTY S R MMAVAS WELL 60 ASH0R6.. A;J VCO SAID VW WERE 60IN3 WE'RE &Nd SAPE ASHORE, OU ANP r II Jir.jfcSjgA ANP I'LL BS JUST SALTY" Jgr i ID INVESTI6ATE .. IS IT A TO CINP OUT I ARE 601143 FiJWN6! &;LLV, 1 1 11 K1T A6A'NI w PVrtl W BUS FISH T MORE ABOUT Sv WE ARE? il li'ii'A.' I Hi.DEWEy.'LEANUsoMa.N I -.ACTtH I lo&i II I II II U-J5, r-r-r a lot at school. 3ut not .'- D HI LOUIE! LEARIvTS EP SUT TODAY?, V A3 MUCH HI, HUEV, I HBAR . ' , " L fej KHI'Rl TAKING THAT PAINTING , i,Mrf (UTAKjn TUF INT0T-E WORLDS OLDEST OFf ICE,) ,wf ETII6HT ' MMI vl R.WORTH!. -IT'LL STANDOUT JoSlVcUM TO TVtl roll; SAVMUTT, WHAT BECAME OF MEAN CATMp D Ajl-tf RPA CHJlNTUPLETSfI)lONNE CLIM6?!-.flRST w.r t . mm wyw l ma'- jnnt r i, ". .a i n a v. i a xai m. i WORKED IN THE OFFICE I REACHED FOR A PEN AND FOUND INDIAN TO i yuu j yen: iwi.-iw.- , w uiU nc .i NAW' j rvi oua i f-vi DtONNE , WHVf' EVER HAVE ISX THOUGHT JUST WHAT 1-, --j ANV MORE C2$M a ci aaw im JJ&A tj amrnspw awl J PAV t AND THE FURNITURE QUILL r SO OLD AN AH ATTACHEDyf W0N T... UV JMiS . u m lwl f TIM Elnrr Feteraea firing lereaaaa ttrlar Serenade Mr G4 Wife wy a 4 wif Mrai.bl Am Slaaira.Klr.em . trail... Arr w'w Mni lb Su Trea aa aVeefcly Meet lhe a Tree hi reeaira llTN i pwu ria rtati lOrrnealra Orcbeelra SAT1 DAY 4 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. iHodf Fedie Iodic rodf Hodre Podia Hodf Peege Now Hear Thia Now -Hear Thli Newa am Hayea Fred Warlrtf frvd Waring Sintlln' Id MrConnrll Mary Lea Taylor Mary Lee Tajrler King Cola Trio Newa Farm Hour Farm Hour Report on America Report on Europe Laiate Tropic Eehoes To Be Advlaed Be Advlaad Vounc Oreconlatia Vounr Oregonlana Muskana N W News BobEberb MMao en ti'''a Man aa lFarai News I Wn.-Nolrean Mualcana Yoar Health To Be Advlaed Coatraata Contraata Wn.-Notrflne Wn.-Notrrlanie Wa.'NotrrOame Wa.-Notri Dint Mind Your Manncra Muaie for Today aporte Recap Wn.-Notn Dane Wa.'Notn Dame Wn.-Notr Darae Wa.Notn Dane News Gueat Star Orrhcitra I Orchestra I Orchestra Wn..Nn(r DlB)( I Frank Hiiaiway 'Orrheatra News I Band of tne Miulo 1 Land DIL LIBTINGSi KKX, 1190; KOAO, 550 Friday ft. :M. Cballens of Tnkant M. Skr Ktnsi t:M. Hradline Edition : Hone Rdltloni A::tii, Hits A Kn rei 7:00, Comnanlty Clieitts of Amerhi FiihUs S:0fl, Fat Man; :1UK Jar FBlt t:0, Oat I A Harriett) t:30, eath Weatera Skleai Hi:0fl, Richfield eportert 10:15. Inter mesiat 10:M, Coorrt Heart 11 :N, Memos U:4W, Xtra Houri :W), Slsa Off. Iff FY Bataraay A.M. 4, Dawn Down i LA beat i tu, Bonnd-up Bora; 7:15, Martin Asronaky 7:. Breakfast on 4b Flatai , .Sopper's .Spaclali .S:M, Hume Demo. Afeti t:45. Reaeareh Ad vcntarai :00, Oil's Carpal 9:W. Toyland Tanea; 10:Ow, Blrs of Tomorrow; 11:00. Geortla vs. N. Carolina! t:lS. Tea A Crnnpelai S:t0, Junior Janclleni S:H, Jats Concert) Ml, Rx Kourri 4:18, Harry Win men 410. Albert Warneri 4:48, Church and Natao. Birthdays Celebrated Lyons A dinner wai held t the home of Mr. and Mr. Walter Bevier. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mr. Darwyn Raines of Lacomb; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cribbs, Larry and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bevier, Gary and Jlmmie, Mrs. Arnold 8yver son, Harvie, Dickie and Rodney ACROSS L Company I. Footltsa animal 9. Daca? 11. Acrou IS. Japan ntraw cap 14. Stir 15. Greek lttr 1. Raw IS. Footllk part 20. Whirlpool. 11. Havlnr rectangular In9ctn IS. Maarnlin nickname S. Aromatic ered !T. B obliRated . Sod of th underworld IS. Twitching II. Stir IS. Drooping IS. wild animal 17. English river SS. Whit poplar to. Femlnln nlcknarc 41. Moved hack 44. Wasting 47. New Zealand tre 41. Liken io. Ceremonially unclean 14. Unsmelted ' metal 15. Vex: colloq. IS. Theater box la lJ Ws I I7 la fc-jy " I" m Ik" jj J7"2tf lj 30 tit ' Ti W tt 'f: J5 s i?j Tsrjri W JT'ii'"sz U j 55 si H I w ? w A Newtfeaiwrei ROOM AND BOARD BUT WORST C ALL, PlIMKV. TH'COOK IS ON VACATION" TH' JUDGE OFFERED TO PREPARE OUR. SUPFtRS BUT WELL BE TAKING A BIG CHANCE ON THAT' LIKE EATING MUSHROOMS GATHERED AT A SUNDAY PlCNC GATHERED AT A S HE ADDED BAY RUM fS I Knox Maanfcnf The UlUe hew Bln Craab Baatnaaa Nawi Can Ola Lai at sum Newt riihfutar Newa Newa Lea to I to Jean Lea to II to Jeaa Broakfaal With Ba rrawa Tanas Leva Yenng Lava Pat O'Brlea MMlaal Jackal ! Knight HY4. line Track 14 Track Track 14M (laiBiv Deroer I'laair Doner Lawell Tboaau Jack Inlth ihav Faorlto aabaael FaTaelto elaakaad The Ooldborn The old born Bnlb Clnb 1 Fira Btar final porta aaalllghl Alr-flo Orcbealra Track 14W TTaek 14M Track 14M Traek 14M New Warwick Theatre Warwick Theatre Matle Yon Want Maile Yon Want Nee lame Noetarno Noetarno Noetarno eroaada Al Lroai Oraa. Trtaaary Baa4 Newa Ileal 1:M A.M., 81m News KOIN Kleck KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Kleck News Newt Cop i amor Wows News Let's Pretend Junior Mlsa Junior Mlas Theatre of Today Theatre of Today (irand Central Grand Central KOCO Klock KOCO Klock Tex Bitter News Homes an Land Eiten ilon Service Hnven of Real Haven ' of Beat Wrstcra Mrlodfea Science Excuralona Ponalar VarlMlea Popular Varlettea ime Wltboat Word! Marine Band ftuniet and Vina Concert Favorites Concert Favorites Stara Over Hollywood Glv and Takt Give and Take Saturday Serenade aturdar Serenade Saturday Serenade Saturday Serenade County Fair County Fair Meet the Mliaal Meet the Minus News Mother Knows Best Columbia, Feature Brit hi and LlibV Newspaper Newapaper Calif..OrfOB St. Calir.-Oreion sC Calif.-Oreson St. Calif.-Orecoa St, Calif.Oreon St. At the Opera At the Opera News Navr Band Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Matinee Matinee Matinee Matinee Wt'-Chlco State nT-fhlro Stale IV U -('nice State HU-Cblco Stata IWIT-Chico State Wt'-Oifee State Calif.-Orecoa St. Callf.-Oreo St. Callf.-Orecoa 81. Callf.-Oroaoa, St. Calif. -Ore. St, Callf.-Orea. 81. Callf.-Orer. . Callf.-Orcf. tU Wl'-Chlco State IWU-Cbleo State News Spotlit on Masle Cartala Calla Cartala Calls 1fNAf Friday P.M. :, Oa th WJf Upbeat) 5:80. 8M Sports Clubi 6:00, Newai 4:1.1. Dinner Melodies) :S0, Maale of Csechoalovakiai 1:15, Ivenlaa Farm Honri S:00, Koetatanets Conaerti 11:15, Here's to Veterans) :M, Oroat Bonsai 8:45, Leasers' Fire Weather Forecast. Newai :M. Musle Tbat Endnraa) ff:itp Even Inv Meditations 10:00, Bin Off. IAir Saturday A M lOt. Newel NUnL 10:10. Bapec tally far Wameati 11:M, The Concert Kalli 1;00, Mown U:15, Noon Farm Moan ltOO, Ride Bai Cowboy) 1:M, Voleo of Mia Areayi li45. Malady Lanet 1:00, Maale al Mm Maeieeat S:M. Selenea News of the Waeki SUB, Sons al the lalandsi 4:00, Driver! Flay bonsai 4:15, ion al tba Weal I iiit. Children's Theater. of Mill City; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bassett of Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. Merle Devine, Norma, Lor ena, Bobby and Wayne, of Gates; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and Cecil, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Be vier. The occasion honored Wal ter Bevier and Mrs. Floyd Bas sett on their birthday anniver saries. Solution of Ytiterdiyi Puul B7. Scarlet IS. Shout 59. Margla DOWN 1. Cut abort I. Salutation I. Profit 4, Covers irltb cloth t. Entartata C. Fastener 7. Formerly ft. Bapplpa 9. Ho li: 10. B-ahnpfl mold.nf It. Buphee 17. Short potra) 19. Simple SI. Head 22. Indlfto plant 23. Famtliarij called 24. Capital of Delawara ZS. OuraelveK 30. Greek prlnreia 21. Hurried 34. Prnft animal 23. Insect 41. Serpent IS. Art tufa atan 44. AeMity 46. Had on 4fi, Grf-at I-aha 49. Addition to ft blllldlna; l. Ptaff 12. Poultnr product (I. Charga To By Gen Ahern I'LL NEVER FORGET THE J 7-NlGHT MENU OF BEAN SOUP HE SERVED US ' MADE IO GALLONS IN A WASH BOILER., and spiked rr EACH NIGHT WITH A STRANaS FLAVOR. ' "WE FINALLY WALKED OUT BEFORE HE ADDED BAY RUM I Bbrtbai luik Rkytbai Bane JTHPUljinT0N 0 arhr osMnUh u t pIbieimIi eBeiw,e r y P34j i cttBT"A a wpj TAbTle11aink l aiTia UiIj. knsiL ejb kbs a 1 1 jROcl i pjEignc U 8 IiTeBlPE 9ioc R g Pi I IT 1 1 0aSC N'Pla BcToJn'nJHs c a nJCSJ TH"iTN'KHAP0 l OIClY 1 O nBeINIP OprnTlO E PE6 il PirleTTla U EAT