Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 30, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    Leahy Gives Sunkist Teams Mod
IN.U. D.H. SJMt CMfbl
louthern UdU will be the
react of several of Saturday'!
nor Important football games.
Of ipecial interest will be the
i outstanding contests in which
Tulant, North Carolina, and
Bouthern Methodist will be giv
en the acid test as they oppose
Georgia Tech, Georgia, and the
University of Missouri.
Tulane and Southern Metho
dlst are facing the teams that
were able to keep them from
having perfect scores In 1948,
and the Impressive showings
made by both Georgia Tech
and Missouri last Saturday In
forms us that they too have
Improved considerably In the
past year.
It Is our belief that the out
, come of these two games will
determine whether or not the
two aforementioned schools are
to be regarded as the top teams
In their respective conferences,
i and realizing this, Coaches Hen
; ry Frnka and Matty Bell will
unleash their complete bag of
' tricks and maintain their win-
ning streaks.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina,
will see two of America's fin
est eoaehed teams In action as
Carl Snaveley's Justice pow
ered "Tarheels" subdue a
atrong young Georgia aggrega
tion. In equally important Southern
struggles we give the edge to
Vanderbilt, Clemson, Mississippi
and Baylor over such formid
able opponents as Alabama,
North Carolina State, Kentucky
and Mississippi State.
Along the borderline it looks
like William and Mary, West
Virginia, and Tennessee (who
fooled as last week) over Vir
ginia Tech, Washington and
Lee, and Duke, while the deep
er south will see Rice, Florida
and Miami defeating L.S.U.,
Tulsa and Rollins. South
Carolina will experience
strong opposition before out
scoring Furman.
Surprising setbacks to Boston'
ivfo major teams in action, Har
vard and Boston College, cause
Columbia and Wake Forest to be
favored over the Bcantowners.
Balancing the New England bud
get will be Holy Cross whom we
pick to beat Brown.
The East's favored four.
Army, Cornell, Villanova and
Pennsylvania, will have to ex
tend themselves before they
overpower Fenn State, Col
gate, Detroit and Dartmouth.
A much Improved Navy team
will finally leave the red side
of the ledger by outmanning
Princeton, while Maryland and
St. Bonaventure's will have to
fight to down two well coached
teams In Georgetown and
Dayton university.
Intra-conference clashes are in
vogue on the West Coast as the
defending champions, California
and Oregon, risk their title in
games with Oregon State and
It will be rejuvenated
UCLA's biggest test and we
think that the "Bruins" are
capable of knocking off the
undefeated "Webfoots" from
Oregon. California's power
should be too much for the
Oregon Staters.
Jeff Cravath's Southern Cali
fornia "Trojans" appear to be a
sure bet over Washington State,
while Michigan will have to con
tinue their brilliant brand of ball i
to defeat surprising Stanford.
San Francisco is favored over
Loyola In the remaining coast
contest, and in Southwestern
circles we prefer Texas, Texas
Christian and Iowa State over
Idaho, Arkansas and Kansas.
In the Big Nine two future
Notre Dame opponents will
square off as Purdue takes on
Iowa. Taking into consideration
Purdue's fine showing against
Northwestern, without the full Notre Dame takes the long
time services of Harry Siulbor- train ride to 'Seattle to play
ski. it looks like a victory for the Howj(. odelI., Wasninglon
kies" who threw a big
Boilermakers." Also in the
conference Illinois and Ohio
State are the favorites in skirm
ishes with Wisconsin and Indi
ana. Non-conference contests
give the odds to Michigan State
and Northwestern as they oppose
Marquette and Pittsburgh
14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, September 30, 1949
Capital Alleys
Gx4 HoNMkMplnr ill Olney 463. Dun-
HO 471. Jones . Albricn 4tt, rossrni
434; toot tor Beauty Shop (X) Hod km
496, Scott 332, Rodftkowskl 383, Thomas
3tt. Adoiph bat.
CkbIIoI CHjr Laundry Bain 330,
Doerfler 370, Bayta 313. Ron 356. Hill
main 366; Cupboard Cf Olodt 300,
Elliott 3, FeaM 417, Thompson 471,
Boyce S19.
KtflettM (t) Dawaon 307, Boyd 438,
Anderson 413. Putnam 413, Meyer 466;
Golden Pheasant (D Clark 449, Thrush
3tB, Muellhaupt 401, McCarrol 43, Oarba
rlno us.
Wlllard Art Til Otbb 404. Lawless
BIO. Coaman 434, Mil ford 43. Wlllard 411;
Qtjlsenbcrry Drag (0 MrElhaney 390, Ev
ans 371, Push 340, Black 309, Kennedy
AcklU Watery (D Archer 370. Loken
130. V It tone 377, Uackey 331, Whlttaker
443; TWCA ) Gardner 361, Bchuessler
134, Srhwaab 151. Phillips 300. Butts 310.
High team series, Wlllard Art Tile. 3250;
high Ind. series, Virginia Oarbarlno. 030;
nigh lnd. fame, Norma Law lei el
lard Art Tilt, 331.
. (Complete ReaulU)
-"..... V'T'V - - '1
a big scare
into Minnesota when Husky
Hugh McElhenny returned the
opening kickoff 97 yards for a
We plan to use the same
lineup that opened against
Indiana with the possible ex
ception of left guard, where
the Injured Frank Johnson
may be back at his old posi
tion. Assuming Notre Dame
can get organised a little ear
lier in the game than they did
last week, the sellout crowd of
58,000 will witness an out
standing football game.
Europe has seven midget
principalities: Trieste, Andorra,
Liechtenstein, San Marino, Mon
aco, Vatican City and Luxem
bourg, the largest (999 sqiare
EPF t"
t. if tflKS
1 j1 ?
WHERE 1940 FAMILIES WILL LIVE - Steel skeletons of some of the It
buildinis in the Alfred E. Smith houilni project rise on New fork's lower east side. The buildings,
of IS and 17 stories, will cost IJ8.000.000, and, at low cost, will house 1940 families.
Leading Prep Teams Get
Game Tests Friday Nite
tTrsftsmaei (I) Barker 407, Bralller 431.
Krause 430. Isaacson 031; Kenmore (0)
Dwyer 318, Wengtr 144, Adams 003, Hut
Diarher 393.
. Homer t lt Roach 410, Cook 406.
Forbes 430, Morris 410; Coldspot (1 Dryt
419, Patton 340, Halsey 491. Bevins 380.
Harmony Hoaie It ) Paulson 453, Da
Try 454, Hill 453. Clark 360; J. C. Hlf-
Ina (1 Ambrone 403, Salatrom 470.
lerp 307, Oelund 030.
Plltrlm 1 Held man 333. OouRjh 400.
Jansen 3V6. Porstrom 4R3; All fttale (?)
Ollaar 400, Relhl 400, McOuIra 474, Hawkt
Hlth Individual tme, Isaacson, 100;
btfh Individual series, Oslund 030..
Eyal Parpte (I) Breach 461. Newbei-
ry 304, Porbes 403. Wedel 393; Honey-
arkle (01 K orb 431, Nelson 377, Hawks
354. O rent 434.
Char mode (t) Allen 340. Halsey 409.
Lancaster 441, Thomas 474; Kerry broohe
(D Fleetwood 377, Walnwrlght 449, Lane
3B. Meyers 373.
HI ah Individual (am, Halsey, 100; high
Individual aeries. HaUey, 489.
University Alleys
Pa m III te El wood 380, Hhrrtdan 341. Kfl-
1y 314. Lawless 301. Duncan 057; Caih-
Ing'a Vnlon ftervlce Pease 484, Parley 001.
Btone 477. Brott 430. Com lock 493.
First Nat'l. Bank DrlKOS 830, Kottke
909. WaLklna 430. Marshall 355, Morris
484; Ralph Johnson A pp. Coen 383. R.
Bell 410. Prank 44ft, Al Bell 495, Mohlman
Iyer A flans Ins.-Kerns 431, Oarrlson
444. Clasier 431. Miller 440. Perm an 849:
JudMn PI am bins Angove 443. J. Little
303. O. Beala 380, J. Hop (Inner 469, D
Judsnn 410.
Katies -Peterson 403. Reld 388. Pero 460.
Ze'ler 603: Western Paper J. Kuehler
480. Andersen 453. Oadarh 400, J. Luke
416. L. Ktichler 830.
ft AN Clothiers Kaneskl 401. Barker 406.
Muelhaupt 471, S. Ricks 443. K. NaRley
403; Naval Air Pat. Sta. Fisher 491, B.
Knedler 373. C. Holm an 470, H. Roberts
411. B. Brown 033.
Interstate Trac. Co. L. Morris 477,
Sharkman 394, Ramson 399. Robinson 423,
Pearl 542; Vets. Foreign War I. MUler
327, K. Valleau 302. D. White 339, C. Wil
son 330. M. Wodzewoda 331.
Ind. hlfh game. Perman. 204; lnd. high
series. Seller, 602; team game. Interstate
Tractor, 1003; team series, Interstate Trac
tor, 2741.
Duckpin Bowling
Tip Top Laneh (0) Ronnie Palmer 390,
Harry Boyeaa 300. Lea Dolce 473. Dave
Spalding 339; Willamette Amusement 4
Clarence Applegate 437, Roy Robinson 420,
Carroll Merle. 380, Howard Mills 371.
Tweedle Oil .1t Duane Prank 430. Carl
Flood 330, Jim Delany 390. Ira Short 323.
Les Dolge 399; Gleason'a Bakery HI Ma
rlon G lesson 382. Ken Maguren 360. Art
Woelk 387, Don Nash 321, Ken Hunt 330.
Oaallty Used Cars (3) Royal Pawley
410. BUI Campbell 409. Most Van Dell
428. B. B. Snelgrove 393, Emit Bclioll 431;
Willamette Valley Hank (I) Harry Ewlng
293. Keith Kaye 437. Bob Junallng 423,
Cam el Waldlng 381, Al Flicker 302.
man team game. Willamette valley
Bank. 701: high team series, Quality Used
Cars. 2071: hlih lnd. game. Bob Jungltng.
Willamette Vulley Bank. 307: high lnd.
series. Les Dolge. Tip Top Lunch. 473.
Successful Pickoff
Bob Elliott of the Braves dives back
to first but Is nailed by Brooklyn
Dodgers first baseman Gil Hodges (ball In glove) after a fast
pickoff throw from pitcher Preacher Roe In second Inning
of first game of doubleheader held In Boston. AP Wlrephoto)
Governor Ends
Ban on Hunting
In Valley Area
Oregon hunters could enter
the woods today even in the
northwest part of the state
to make camp for the start of
the hunting season tomorrow.
Gov. Douglas McKay lifted
late yesterday the ban that
would have kept hunters
from the northwest section of
Oregon. He said rains had
wiped out the last danger of
new forest fires.
r - SsZ , ..... JWm
uar. this sIak sixhtsreins train, statins
Damatpd durlnr the
Ti, is back In service
again rn route to GariitischI'artenkiichen tu the Bavarian Alps.
Redcaps Start
Trek to Woods
For Deer Season
Carloads of red-hatted and
red-shirted Individuals with suf
ficient weapons to equip a Mex
ican army, began moving
through and out of Salem Fri
day for the tall timber as well
as the wide open spaces of the
The advance movement indi
cated that several thousand hun
ters will be ready to fire early
Saturday when the deer season
opens for a 20 day period.
Most of the movement from
the Willamette valley is across
the Santiam pass into Bend
from which point the hunters
plan to fan out into locations
which were selected long
since. The S t e e n mountains
although somewhat difficult
to approach because of poor
roads, is a favorite hunting lo
cation as are the Ochocos east
of Prlneville.
Those hunters who are re
stricted in time plan to enter
the brushy Coast mountains,
while others will take up their
stands in the foothills of the
The U. S. forest service at
Portland announced that camp
fire permits will not be required
on any national forests in Ore
gon except the Fremont forest.
Some logging slash areas on the
national forests will remain
closed for a while longer, however.
(Associated Press Stiff Writer)
Oregon high schools will wind
up their September schedule to
night with a series of games
testing the dozen teams that
jumped to the front In early running.
Two of the big ones come In
central Oregon. Eugene and
Bend, both Big Six powers, will
tangle at Bend. Grants Pass, the
defending state champion, also
will invade the territory for a
game at Redmond.
Milton-Freewater, one of the
top entries from eastern Oregon.
will Journey to The Dalles. An
other highly rated eastern Ore
gon product, La Grande, has an
open date. Baker will play at
Nyssa, and Pendleton will be
host to Central Valley of Wash
ington. In Southern Oregon Ash
land will go to Klamath Falls
and Redding, Calif., will in
vade Medford. Both visitors
are expected to lose.
In northwest Oregon's top
clashes West Linn will be at
Hillsboro and McMinnville at
Other games: Ontario at Em
mett, Vale at Payette, Lakevlew
at Madras, Roseburg at Myrtle
Point, Bandon at Coquille, North
Bend at Reedsport, University
(Eugene) at Cottage Grove. Cor
vallis at Lebanon, Sweet Home
at Springfield, Dallas at Canby,
Estacc i at Mt. Angel, Indepen
dence at Amity, Molalla at San
dy, Silverton at Woodburn, For
est Grove at Beaverton, Gresh
am at Camas, Tigard at Oregon
City, Taft at Newport, St. Ma
ry's (Eugene) at Toledo, Mil-
waukie at Astoria, Clatskanie
at Rainier, Tillamook at Scap
poose, Seaside at Vernonia,
Junction City at Sherwood, St.
Helens at Parkrose.
Jail House Gets Klamath
Officials in Jam on Sale
Klamath Falls, Sept. SO W) With a check for $51.50, made J
out to Mrs. Edith Casey of Beatty, Klamath county is trying to'
buy back a federal jail inadvertantly tossed in with the sale of a
supposedly vacant lot.
The jail In question Is at Beatty, on the Klamath Indian reser
vation, and the mixup came
Not Up to Date on Traffic Laws
Spokane, Wash. (U.R) Robert C. Bean, 33, Dlshman, Wash.,
knew his traffic laws, but was fined $10 because he didn't
know about an act passed by the last state legislature.
Bean told Justice Gordon S. Lower he was in the right
when arrested driving in the third lane of a four-lane high
way. He cited a supreme court decision which said an auto
Ist may use the third lane if no traffic Is traveling It and If
no one is endangered.
Patrolman Dell H. Gressley reminded the judge that it was
now illegal to cross over the center line of a four-lane high
way because of an act passed by the legislature. Bean paid the
Who Would Want a Python?
Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 30 (U.R) An 11 foot python was
stolen from Stanley Park xoo here, police reported.
Zookeeper Frank Beebe told police a box In which the
python was displayed has been broken open, and the snake
about this way:
About 20 years ago Frank
Schmitz, Beatty merchant, deed
to the county a lot In the res
ervation town to be used for
jail purposes only and the coun
ty, with help from Beatty resi
dents and possibly from Kla
math agency, constructed a one
story concrete jail building.
But since the county oper
ated a lockup at Bly 10 miles
down the highway, it really had
little or no use for the Beatty
structure, consequently it was
taken over by Indian service of
ficers for detention of reserva
tion wrongdoers and became
popularly known as a federal
The structure at full occup
ancy holds six persons.
Through some error at the
courthouse, the lot on which the
jail stands became listed with
county property up for sale and
in 1948 Mrs. Casey bought It.
Still the error wasn't detected
until this week when Mrs. Casey
presented the Klamath Indian
agency with a bill for rental
$30 a month for the past year.
The county then saw the light
and red-facedly tendered Mrs.
Casey a check for $51.50, the
purchase price, and said it would
like to have its deed back.
That's where the matter
stands now.
The army air forces were
started in 1907 as the aeronau
tical division of the army signal
0 O0G)
The Appalachian Trail, a pub
lic hiking and riding track, ex
tends 2,050 miles from Maine to
...those that delight
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choose Sicks' Select
The art mtllow day...
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Hanett moons...
4 tang in th air...
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Rich and full...
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Stubbys, Quarts and Cans
by the Case. Stubbys and
Cans in the handy 12-PAK
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WINTHROP SHELL CORDOVANS! Marilyn' now have the famoui
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Open Til
9 P.M.