Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 30, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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Friday Night Duck-UCLA
Clash Rated West's Best
Lo Angeles, Sept. SO P Am
bition! Oregon and surprising
UCLA meet tonight In what
probably will be the most im
portant Pacific Coast conference
football fame of the weekend.
Oregon, defending co-cham
pion and unbeaten in conference
combat for 14 games stretching
back two seasons, comes south
this year touted as a solid con
tender for the title.
Tha Bruins of UCLA, who
weren't expected to do much
this fall, have scored successive
wins over Oregon State and
Iowa, and displayed surprising
strength in registering them.
Upwards of 40,000 fans are
expected to see whether (1) Or
egon Is all that it is cracked up
to be, or (2) whether UCLA is
a real darkhorse title contender.
The Oregons lost four out
standing players from its 1948
Cotton Bowl aggregation Ends
Dick Wilkins and Dan Garza,
Center Brad Ecklund and his su
Injuries Bring Changes
In OCE Gridiron Lineup
Oregon College of Education,
Monmouth Injuries have fore
ad Coach Bill McArthur to re
vamp his lineup for the Linfield
i g e r Joe
McCarthy leans back dismayed
as ha watches his American
league pennant hopefuls lose
a night game In Washington to
the last place Washington Sen
ators. The Senators came from
behind in the ninth inning for
a 2-1 victory and put the Sox
in a first placa tie with the
New York Xanks.
Acme Telephoto
Northwest Loop
Opens Conference
Play on Weekend
(Br lh AMoelt4 Preal)
Northwest conference play
begins this week-end with the
Lewis V Clark Pioneers of Port
land Invading Caldwell, Idaho,
to meet the defending cham
pions, the College of Idaho Coy
otes. The other four conference
teams play non-conference op
ponents. College of Idaho, generally
favored to repeat for the title,
bowled over its first opponent,
Southern Idaho, but in turn was
spilled last week by Idaho State,
Lewis it Clark also drubbed
its first opponent, Western
Washington and then fell before
Southern Oregon, 20-7.
Tha teams meet Saturday
In the other games Whitman,
winner of its lone start, travels
to Spokane to play Whitworth
tomorrow; Linfield, winner of
two straight, plays Oregon Col
lege of Education at Monmouth
tomorrow night; Willamette,
which has won one and lost
one, will be host to Chico State
tomorrow; Pacific has an open
Estey Defeats
Carson in SGC
Champ Tourney
Harry Carson was defeated
by Leo Estey late Thursday In
tha semi-final round of the an
nual fall championship tour
nament of the Salem Golf
Estey will play either Har
vey Quistad or Jim Russell In
the final match. Russell and
Quistad art expected to get
together for their semi-final
match later In the week.
The Oregon Deaf school of Sa
lem was defeated 23 to 23 at
Valsetz Friday in a Willamette
valley six-man football league
play. The winners were sparked
by Halfbacks Head and Burch
lillioiirl 30, Ottawa. Xul .
Norihjit(trn Okl. AAU IS. ConnOM
Ckla. An .m I,
Wwt L:trtr 11. Ctllfornlt 'Pa .
ruifi tw una it, bi Mtn iu w tun .
Central WMhUMtoa la, riiM lnrtMr
; -s v: : " 1
perb passing star, Norman Van
Coach Jim Aiken supposedly
has shifted his offense to off
set the loss of his aerial weap
ons. His new wlngmea are
better at blocking than pass
receiving and the defense, ac
cording to critics, in the north,
Is as sound as last season.
Countering Aiken's T-version
style of play will be the conser
vative single wing play of Hen
ry R. (Red) Sanders and a spir
ited Bruin that whacked Oregon
State two weeks ago and capi
talized on' every break to whip
a slightly favored Iowa team at
Iowa City last Saturday.
Rival ground gainers include
Woodley Lewis, George Bell and
Bob Sanders for Oregon, guided
by Q-back Earl Stelle, and Uc
lans Ernie Johnson, Howard
Hansen and Cliff Schroeder, plus
good reserve backs on each
Kickoff 8:30 p.m. (PST).
tussle a t Fairgrounds atadium
in Monmouth on Saturday night.
Hank Decker, the impressive
transfer from St. Mary's and
key man on McArthur's squad,
sustained a leg injury in Tues
day night's scrimmage and is a
doubtful starter Saturday. A
veteran end, Decker strained a
muscle and will probably be out
of the lineup for two weeks.
Backs Aubrey "Corky" Van
Loo, and Robin Lee, have been
slowed up by the menace to all
athl e t a , the "charley-horse."
Ralph Capasso, because of his
brilliant display of running
ability against the Whidby Isl
and Naval crew, has been giv
en the nod by McArthur to fill
Van Loo's shoes at the left half
back post. Lee will start at his
regular right half slot, but So
phomore Bob Funk, a terrific
blocker, will no doubt see lots
of action at the right halfback
Ray Cummings, 180 pound
scrapper from Salem, Is ex
pected to get the starting nod
from Mentor McArthur for
the center post. Cummings is a
freshman, and his showing du
.ring workouts this week has
earned for him starting berth,
Tom Thayer is a possible
starter at tackle. H 1 s hustle
during workouts this week has
made a toss-up out of the
starting right tackle berth
between Thayer and Bud Mar
shall. Archie Padberg has
been moved to the guard sta
tion to strengthen the center
of the line.
Quarterback duties have been
divided between Roger Dasch
and Abe Johnson during work
outs this week and either one
could start in the Linfield en
counter. Abe Johnson hails from
North Bend, Wash., Dasch claims
Salem as his home town.
Sacs and Padres
Square Playoffs
In Coast League
(Br tha AMociated Prui)
The Pacific Coast league play
offs are now squared all around
with each of the four clubs
boasting a 1-1 record.
The Sacramento S o 1 o n s
evened up last night with the
champion Hollywoods by virtue
of two unearned runs in the 10th
inning. The Stars' shortstop
George Genovese bobbled two
chances to put two runners on
base. Then Joe Marty singled
one home and Jim Tabor
smacked a long fly to send in
the other. The final score was
San Diego racked up six runs
in the first three innings and
went on from there to take a
9 to 6 decision from Oakland.
The Oaks threw a scare into the
Padres in the sixth when Dick
Kryhoski slammed a three-run
homer to make the score 7-5.
The Oaks added another one in
the seventh but the Padres
picked up two in the eighth to
clinch it.
Tonight's probable pitchers:
Sacramento (Ken Holcombe
19-10) at Hollywood (Pinky
Woods 23-12).
San Diego (Lyman Llnde 14-
15) at Oakland (Charles Gassa-
way 15-9).
US lanlnaal
Sacrament 000 ooo tM 1 10
Hollrwood OOO 001 001 01 1 4
Orove. Duio III and ftalmono'l; alalla
berger, Olleer 0I an aandlocl.
San Dleg SOI 001 9 I I
Oakland loo 013 100-4 12 4
Barrett. SaTage ill and Moore; Harrtat.
Jonea lit, Cecil , Thorn pa on III and
Popular Irondi Lorge Selaction
100 Virgin Wool
260 South 12th Street
Bearcat-Chico State
LI 1 si. ' FW U iTI TI 1 1. JTHl. I C -MUt-
Bob Dr-Boro,
A Willamette university foot
ball team that has become more
familiar with the type of game
taught by Coach Chester Stack-
VJ .
house, will try
strength against the Chico State
Wildcats on Sweetland field at
2 o'clock Saturday afternoon.
The contest, which has all the
earmarks of being a close and in
teresting one, marks the first
home appearance of the season
of the Bearcats. After losing to
Idaho, the 'Cats rebounded to
whip Central Washington.
Chico State, coached by Roy
Chuck ratterion
Bohler, former
college athlete
head man at Willamette, in their
first start of the season, soundly
trounced a California service
As a matter of record and in
no way as a bear story, Coach
Stackhouse Reports that Bill
Kukahiko, 210 pound tackle
may not see action Saturday.
He has been nursing an in
fected shin bone and although
the injured member is re-
-I j r'tsiii;
Keith Clahauah
Ccca Conner
Bunts Snare National Lead;
(Aaaoclatcd Preai Sporta Writer)
The Brooklyn Dodgers held
the upper hand In the National
league's pennant scrap today
while the American league's
scramble remained at dead heat
between the Boston Red Sox and
the New York Yankees,
Brooklyn, pre-season favorite
to cop the National's bunting,
roared into the lead yesterday
by mopping up the 1948 kingpin
Boston Braves, 9-2 and 8-0,
while the St. Louis Cardinals lost
again to the Pittsburgh Pirates,
(By United Preaal
AMF.aiCAN LtAfil E
Onmej Gam"
W L Prt. Behind to Play
Bolton 5 S .o2
New York ....S5 5S.S2S
Remalnlnf acliedulca:
New York At home: Philadelphia. S pt.
I: Bo.iton. Oct. 1. a. Total 3.
Btwton Awoy: New York. 1, 2; at Wajih.
Initon, Sept. 30. Total 3.
Oamea Oamea
WLPct. Behind to play
Brooklyn to 50 (.11 S
at. Loul OS MI -MB I
Remaining achedule:
St. Loula Away: At Chlcato, Sept. SO;
Oct 1. 1 Total J
Brooklyn At Philadelphia, Oct. l, I
Total 3.
The Dodgers' killing in Bos
ton boosted the Brooks half a
game ahead of the Cardinals.
Brooklyn has two games left
to play with the third place
Phils in Philadelphia while
the Cards have three to go
with the last place Cubs in
While the Dodgers ascended to
the top of the National league,
rain kept the Red Sox and Yanks
Pace Predicted for
Chnrk Maiaer
sponding to treatment, the
team's physician ordered him
to the bench. Whether he will
relent before game time de
pends upon the rapidity with
which the injury mends.
In the absence of Howie Lo
renz, named captain for the sea
son but who sustained a badly
wrenched elbow early in the
season, John Slanchik and Bill
Ewaliko will divide the responsi
bility of directing the Bearcats
against the Invaders.
Slanchik, one of the best punt
their skill and
Washington State
ers in the north
west, will han
dle that particu
lar chore for the
Bearcats from
his quarterback
and for two years
a s s i g n m
Slowed up by
recurring back
injury, an ail
ment that appar
ently has been
successfully di
agnosed, the tall West Virginian,
has been a bit slow in hitting
Bob Warren JPftuI Jtwell Bill Ewaliko Al Minn Jim No John Skinaa
bach back back bark back nd
li mmmmm,. "i if
Salem, Oregon, Friday, September 30, 1949
Games Scheduled
Q Major Standings
(By the Aaaoclatcd Praaa)
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Brooklyn 08 Sfl .013 New York 13 19 .40
St. Louta i 50 .029 Pittabureh 09 S3 .457
Phtldlphta. 80 73 .520 Cincinnati t 90 .404
Boston 73 79 .480 Chicago 59 93 .391
Yeaterday'a Reaolta
Brooklyn 9-8. Boaton C-0. (Second
lame called alter five Innlnia, darkneaa.)
Pittsburgh 7, at. Loula 3.
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Boaton 95 56 .629 Phdlphin 79 72 .523
New York 95 56 .629 Chicago 62 89 .411
Detroit 87 64 .57681. Loula 51 100.338
Cleveland 86 65 .570 Wahnaln 49 102 .325
Ye,terday'a Jtetalt
Philadelphia al New York, postponed,
Boaton at Waahlneton postponed, rain.
Cleveland I, Chicago 3.
tied for blue ribbon honors
the American league.
New York's game with the
Philadelphia Athletics in the sta
dium was rained out as was the
encounter between the Red Sox
and the last place Senators in
The two American league
contenders are scheduled to
play off their washed out
games today. If rain again in
tervenes the games will be
cancelled, as the Yanks and
Red Sox are scheduled to op
en a two-game series In the
stadium on Saturday.
Brooklyn had no trouble in
whipping the Braves yesterday.
The Braves were In the game for
only three innings in the opener
and thpy might as well have
Weldwood Boats
in Stock
Listen to "Flshcaster"
Program Over KOCO
Friday, 8:45 p.m.
Let Don Harger Tell Yon
Where Fishing Is Best
Phono 3-9303
100 Chomekota
Dob IlWord BUI Knkahlkf lien L-nlniai Art BrddM Urklt Uckla (Marti
his stride.
Assisting him in the back
field will be Roy Harrington, a
scatback who
down; Bill Ewaliko and Bob
Warren. Ewaliko is a 175 pound
halfback, does much of the ball
carrying. Warren Is a former Sa
lem gridder.
Indicating that the Bearcats
may attempt to score via the
field goal route, Thursday's prac
tice featured long kicks by Bed
doe who was getting plenty of
distance from 35 and 40 yards.
"If we get stalled within that
distance we might as well try
m Ir
for a field goal
a punt would
back of the goal line anyway,
one of the coaches explained.
Trntatlvt lineup:
a I SE!
Johnaon ....
LO R. .. .
Beddoe ..
Kfkahlo ..
Hoar ....
Slanchik ..
Ewaliko ..
Warren ...
Page 13
stood in bed" for the nightcap.
Warren Spahn, the National's
only 20-game winner, gave
Preacher Roe, crafty Brooklyn
lefthander, a run for his money
for three innings in the first
Tied, 0-0. going into the fourth,
the Dodgers ripped Spahn for
five runs. Duke Snider drove
home the first three with his
23rd home run. Carl Furillo
provided an anti-climax two in
nings later when he socked a
three-run homer over the center
field barrier. The 400-foot plus
drive was Furillo's 18th out-of-field
smash of the season.
The nightcap was settled be
fore Sihby Sisti stepped up to
open Boston's half of the first
inning. The Dodgers whaled
into Johnny Sain, Boston's
1948 pennant pinup boy, in
their half of the first, scoring
five runs.
The game, played in a drizzle,
was called after the fifth inning
Don Ncwcombe fanned the last
three Boston batters.
Newcombe's victory was his
17th of the season. He held Bos
Ion hitless until the fourth when
they nicked him for two safeties
and followed up with two more
blows In the fifth.
Little Murry Dickson, a
once beloved member of t h e
Cardinal pitching staff, spik
ed his former mates' pennant
Dickson hurled a brilliant six-1
ff-ii .
...L H R
...R H L
IBr)' Tonight, Friday, bept. i)
fi vs.
Admission 1.00
Is hard to bring
Burnpll Ambroie
since the ball on t
probably end up
Cklaa Hale
.... AUdredae
.... Hamilton
L. .
Larrabrc mfi-
Rtiirr .
U at Don aid i
... Wrtlth t.
Cece Johnson
Polio Victim
Yale back
Richard D. Llechty (above),
22, from Lake Geneva, Wis.,
developed Infantile paralysis,
the entire squad is under close
doctors' scrutiny and the game
with Ford ham scheduled for
Yale Bowl, New Haven, Conn.
Oct. 1, has been cancelled.
(AP Wirephoto)
hitter while the Pirates banged
Gerry Staley, Howie Pollet and
Ted Wilks for nine blows. It was
Dickson's fifth triumph of the
year over the Cards.
The Pirates broke a 1-1 tie
with a four run rally in the
sixth. Pete Castiglione singled
home the first run to put the
Pirates in front, 2-1, and chase
Staley. Pollet took over and was
greeted with a two-run double
by Monte Basgall. Basuall scor
ed the fourth run when Red
Schoendienst threw the relay
from the outfield over Catcher
Joe Garagioln's head.
The Cleveland Indians trounc
ed the Chicago White Sox, 8-3, in
the only other game played in
either league. Home runs by Lar
ry Doby and Bob Kennedy were
the deciding factors.
Bob White
jr . I aR
Big Six Opantr!
... -
Students 10c or ASB Ticket
Bulldogs and Vilcs Face
League Opener on Friday
An ailing Albany team and an
injury-plagued Viking crew were
scheduled to open their Big Six
football campaign Friday night
at Waters Park in Salem.
Kickoff time for the cam it B
Revamped lineups will be the
; feature of the night as Bulldog
IPnnrh Reir HnnaAkor nnH Salam
i Mentor Mort tackle the problem
of sending replacements out in-
stead of regular starters.
uie Aiuany crew was nil
heavily by flu during the week,
but most of the boys are expect
ed to see some action. Hunsa
ker believes, however, that the
efficiency of his crew will be impaired.
Flu Cripples Beavers
For Clash with Bears
Corvallis, Ore., Sept. SO U.R)
Three of 10 Oregon State
gridders hospitalised by at
tacks of intestinal flu and
head colds were in shape to
day for Saturday's game in
Portland against the Califor
nia Bear, Coach Kip Taylor
said today.
"Up till now," Taylor ad
mitted, "we haven't publi
cized the illnesses because It
would sound like more "weep
ing towel" excuses." But even
Taylor nursed a slight attack
of the flu today.
Five first stringers and five
reserves were hospitalized
most of this week, including
Beaver Captain Tom DeSyl
via. Taylor said all 10 men
still were "weak" and that
there would be little chance
that any of them would be up
to maximum efficiency."
Whether De Sylvia, Don
Mast, or Craig McMicken will
be able to fill in their first
string duties Saturday is still
doubtful. First stringer Rudy
Ruppe will not playf and nel-
Correct for Newport
I S a.m.
1:53 p.m.
47 a.m.
0:08 p.m.
10 41 a.m.
10:14 p.m.
11:14 a m.
11:01 p.m.
l a.m.
S:ll p.m.
1:11 a.m.
S:I0 p.m.
4:10 a.m.
4:14 p.m.
I 00 a m. -01
: p.m. 1.1
Stackhouse Appeals to
Fans to Clear Sideline
Stating that nothing is more
reflective of a "small town atti
tude" than the habit of tromp
ing up and down the sidelines
during a football game. Coach
Chester Stackhouse issued an
appeal during Friday morning's
Salem Breakfast club session
for spectators to remain n the
"We owe M to the visiting
team to stage the best possible
performance, from the stand
point of our own squad as well
as the spectators," said the
Other than the fact that Chi
co State, which faces Willam
ette Saturday afternoon on
Sweetland field, to a "rather
hefty outfit" and Is not tinged
with professionalism. Coach
Stackhouse reported little In
formation available on tha
Wildcats. "We may present a
defense against an offense
that will not materialise," he
One of the principal problems
confronting a coach is the one of
Grid Broadcasts
Salem vs
g p.m
K() ().
8:15 p.m., Oregon vs. UCLA,
2 p.m., OSC vs. California.
1:45 p.m., Washington vs.
Notre Dame, KSLM.
2:1.1 p.m., W S C vs. IT I C,
2 p.m., Wlllametta vs. Chico
Stale. KOCO.
1:4! p.m., Portland vs. Mon
tana State, KWJJ.
Coach Mort, however. Is
convinced his shifts will prove
effective. An injury to Deb
Davis has brought a shift for
Capt. Jim Rock from half to
Two untested halts will sea
football action tor the first time
when the Vikings field Jim
Stewart and Gene Jones. Gordy
Sloan will hold his regular quar
ter spot.
In the Viking line, a former
Hillsboro player. Bob Santee,
will act as left guard, while Lay
ton Gilson will take the opening
spot at right tackle.
The rapidly Improving Viking
squad la rated as favorite to
ther will reserves Bill Peden
and Ron Newton.
First stringer Jay Simons
and Reserves Carlos Houck
and Bud Cahill will be in
playing condition, Taylor said,
but their illness has taken
their pep away. Reserve Dick
Vaillancour still is on the
doubtful list, he added.
All Howie Needs
Now Is a Team
Worth Watching
Seattle. Sept. 10 m Some
thing new in coaching tech
nique will get its Inaugural
here tomorrow when Wash
ington clashes with Notre
The Huskies' head eoach,
Howie Odell, has Installed m
television set beside his placa
on the Washington bench.
It's to give him a top-of-the
atadium view of the game, but
Notre Dame fans are betting
he'll probably turn It off be
fore the contest gets too far
into the second half.
Jefferson Business men of
the city arc closing their stores
for two hours during afternoons
that the Jefferson high school
football team plays here. The
first game was played here Fri
day afternoon against Aumsvlllc.
keeping the players believing In
themselves from week to week,
said the eoaoh. This lack of be
lief was a large factor in their
loss to Idaho.
Friday morning's breakfast
drew a capacity crowd. Coach
Stackhouse was introduced by
President O. Herbert Smith who
said the new athletic director
was selected because he filled
all of the requirements of a uni
versity staff member.
For All the BIG Ones
Farwest Co-Champloni
Wlllomcrte University
1.00 O'CLOCK
Sweetland Field
I aaamawaaa IIHIM aT I i