Elderly Matron Beaten by Teen-Age Girls in K. F. Home Klamath Falls, Ore., Sept. 29 W) An elderly matron beaten by girl inmates of the Klamath county Juvenile home was in a criti cal condition at a hospital here Wednesday. Two girls being held as material witnesses in a coming felony trial were accused of administering the beating and were taken to the county Jail. They are Ardith Stark, 16, and Audrey Wholesale Food Prices Drop New York, Sept. 29 (U.BDun tc Bradstreet wholesale food price index dropped another 5 cents this week to $5.67, one cent above the 28-month low estab lished on Feb. 8, the agency dis closed today. The Index has now dropped 18 cents In the past two weeks. Last week's 13-cent drop was the widest break in over seven months. In the corresponding week of last year their index stoodat6.70, 15.4 percent above the current figure. The index Is the sum total of the price per pound of 31 foods at wholesale. In the latest week ended Sept. 27, 9 of the foods ad vanced, 12 declined and 10 held unchanged. Prices of flour, wheat, corn, rye, oats, barley, sugar, coffee and tea advanced, while beef, hams, lard, cottonseed oil, cocoa, ebans, eggs, potatoes, steers, hogs, lambs and butter declined. Remaining unchanged were bel lies, cheese, peas, peanuts, rice, molasses, currants, prunes, milk and raisins. Women Storm at Order To Cover All of Figures By SAM SOUKI Cairo U. Sex is hiding its pretty head in Egypt. In fact, sex is being covered from head to toe and not liking it. Egyptian women are storming at the recent decrees Issued by Minister of Education Ahmed Mursy Badr Bey. The minister has launched an all-out campaign to wipe lip stick from their lips and shroud their figures in long unrevealmg Pray fer Okie Dry Prineville, Ore., Sept. 28 W Portland WCTU members (topped their special bus en route to the state convention here and held a special prayer meeting yesterday for Okla homa' prohibitionists. fl o X 14 V 1 ) Gin rummy for two during a rest en route illustrates one of the many travel advantages of the 1950 series Nash Air flyte cars. Twin convertible beds, which can be made up as a single bed when the car is in motion, are shown in a spe cial cutaway model with doors and body centerpost removed. The beds are available as optional equipment on both the two and four-door models. The new 1950 models are on dis play today at the Marion Motors in Salem. LIPSTICK BANNED, TOO dresses. The trouble came about when the minister dismissed a woman school teacher because she had been accused of dancing with some university students at a party. Then, in quick succession, the minister ordered that classical dancing lessons in government schools must cease and that no girls should be sent to Europe on government educational mis sions. The exception was Lon don, where the government maintains a house and chaper one for the girls. Most of the press and women's associations in Egypt raised a howl of protest. They charged the minister with responsibility for drag ging the country back, rather than improving its educational programs. They accused him of wanting to kill woman s pro gress. The papers asked him why the traditional belly dancing of the Orient should be consider ed more decent than the ballet and classical dancing which girls were taught in schools. Cartoons ridiculing the minister appeared in most papers. A few voices were raised in praise of the minister's acts Some people stated that he was protecting the virtue of Egyp tian womanhood. But for the most part women declared their virtue their own business and said that they were capable of protecting themselves without help or hindrance from the minister. To show that he was not against women's education, but merely against any form of in decency as he termed some of the modern forms of education, dancing and sports the minis ter began visiting girls' schools. At the same time, however, he forbade girls to participate in the university games at Murano, Italy, and issued an order that women teachers and school girls must refrain from using cos metics and short-sleeved dresses as of October. Badr Bey stated that his meas ure was being taken to "main tain the dignity of educational institutions." He insisted that teachers and students must wear long-sleeved ankle-length dresses and that they must not paint their faces. He also insisted that he is not at war with the fair sex. Furious articles have appear ed in the press and almost daily there are irate letters to - the editors. One such letter said: "Some day the Egyptian government will have to make up its mind whether it intends the country to Join in the main stream of western civilization or to re main a social and intellectual back-water, content to adopt a lower standard of living. . . ' Australia's coastline, includ ing Tasmania, is 12,210 miles long 244 miles longer than the seaboard of the United States. Jean Mendey, 17. They were picked up here 10 days ago as traveling companions of two men arrested for car theft. They said they lived in Kellogg. Ida. The victim, Mrs. Zerish M. Houghtaling, about 70, was re ported to be suffering from a broken nose, black eyes and severe bruises on her head and chest. The Juvenile office gave this version of the attack: About 7:30 o'clock last night the matron caught two girls smoking in their room at the detention home. She ordered them to throw their cigarets away, saying smoking was prohibited. An hour later Mrs. Houghtal ing was resting on a bed in her room when the two girls came to her door and asked permission to take a bath. The matron re fused, telling them they were supposed to be in bed. At that, the girls entered the room, jerked the matron to the floor and started pummeling her with their fists, feet, and a shoe belonging to one of the girls. One of them tried to cram a washrag down Mrs. Houghtaling's throat. The clin ic cook, Minnie Morrow, heard the aged woman's screams and called police. Police caught both girls as they left the room. The bedroom, Mrs. Houghtal ing i clothing and the girls' night clothes were bloodspat- tered. Police quoted one girl as tel- ing Mrs. Houghtaling: "I didn't have time or I would have killed you." The girls were picked up here Sept. 18 after registering at a hotel with Ray Morris, 21, and Gene Arthur Miller, 22. The men were arrested on a car theft charge. .A charge of contribut ing to the delinquency of i minor also was placed. Miller pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentence. Morris will stand trail. The girls were held witnesses in this trial. Dr. McLoughlin Wealthy Man Portland, Sept. 29 (IP) Dr. John McLoughlin, the founder of Oregon City and the virtual ruler of the Oregon country from 1824 to 1843, died a weal thy man, the Oregon Historical Quarterly reported today. That, it seems, settles a point which has been in dispute among historians for nearly a century. Some biographers had reported McLoughlin died a poor man. Others thought differently. An article in the Oregon His torical Quarterly disclosed that the actual papers of McLough- lin's estate had been found. They showed that his estate was appraised at over $170,000, a fortune in the 1800s. He was Hudson's Bay company factor at Vancouver, Wash., and later set tled at Oregon City and applied for U. S. citieznship. Dr. Burt Brown Barker, a di rector of the historical society, found McLoughlin's will, inven tory, and appraisal of the estate tucked away in the Clackamas county court house records at Oregon City. Monmouth Legion Post Opens Fall Season Monmouth The Monmouth American Legion post and auxi liary met for their first meeting of the season with a covered dish dinner in the city hall. Miss Margaret Aynes and Miss Geor gia Richter gave a report on the work at Girls State session. Mrs. Q. L. Jacobson played solo on the cornet, with Mrs Minnie Andrews accompanying on the piano. Clarence Grund was presented gold star pin and Clarence Tomkins and Herbert Salisbury silver star pins, issued by the state Legion department for sign ing up the largest number of new members for the post. Shooting Carol Palght, 20 (lower) was in a state of col laps in the same Stamford, Conn., hospital where, police say, she shot her father. Po lice iergMnt Carl Palght, to, (top), who was hopelessly ill of eanoer. Police Chief John B. Brennan said that Carol had shot her father because, she said, "she didn't want to let him suffer." Palght died of head'wound. No charge has been filed against Carol. (AP Wirephoto) ' On 31 NIW WHITt 7 0X1012, FAIRMOUNT MARKET 1590 N. Commercial St. 45c IM'...PAINTAR00M IN 1)2 THE JUAB! !If .y FULLCOATER with enameled metal tray FOR OIL PAINT NEW WHITS t DXYDOL 45c with Covpo GAMMONS GROCERY Low Every Day Prices 899 No. Commercial St. Capital Journal. Salem, Ore.. Thursday, Sept. 29, 1949 9 OREGON'S OWN AND ONLY SUGAR Soeciaf.., Limited quantity 41 (OUO - mm m limited time Try it with FuUcoat-the one coat oil wall paint. Rolls paint on walls and ceiling so fast, so smooth, so easily! Permanent equipment for aD types of oil paint. W P. Fuller & Co. 171 So. Liberty REGULARLY S2.49 LADIES! Don't Miss MISS GWEN QUIGLEY Thor home economist who will give helpful home hind oil day Friday, Sept. 30th in our store! , SPECIAL OFFER at Yeater Appliance Co. IKKuiC SSI K t li f . in 5:1 7 li fffff Nothing to Pay- No obligation You can't believe how wonderful Glad ironing li until you try ii here's your chance. See a demonstration. Then, if you wish, we'll deliver a Gladiron for 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL. No strings! Yon be the judge! refWs kits) srener .'99 THIS OfftR FOR UMtUD TIMS OHM Com In Today YEATER APPLIANCE CO. At Our New Modern Store 375 N. Chemeketa "Salem's Oldest Exclusively Appliance Store" Salem i i Vi Mile ! North of i Underpass r aving (renter Stores West Salem At Foot of Bridge Both Stores Open From 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Specials for Friday Sat. & Sunday SWIFTNING 3 69c BISQUICK Large Package 39c FLOUR A hps 10 39c SUGAR H., 10,., 79c HUNT'S TOMATO CATSUP HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE - POTATOES PEARS PEACHES Hunts Small Irish No. 300 can Hunts Bartlett In Heavy Syrup, No. 2Vi Can Hunts Cling In Heavy Syrup, No. 2'i Can 2 f.r 25a 5c 10c 29c 2 t 49c Everybody loves potato salad, delicioui when made with Best Foods Mayonnaise. Free Booklet of 12 Recipes, Simple, Fancy and Hot Salads. Pint 35c VELVEETA CHEESE 2.. 69c TUNA Star Kist Solid Packed CUT GREEN BEANS fob,.. ... 2 29c L On Page 31 NEW WHITE 2 Pkgs. li c with Coupon PEANUT CLUSTERS Sunshine OP Bag 3 JC KRAUT CABBAGE POTATOES APPLES BELL PEPPERS Solid Heads each. No. 2 Deschutes SO lb. bag . Rouble Red and Golden Delicious Box Nice size for stuffing Each 89c 89c 95c .. 1c MEAT DEPARTMENT NEW HOURS: First Class Journeyman behind the Meat Cases from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. this is far your Shopping pleasure. SWIFT'S ASSORTED LUNCH MEAT Small Chubs Regular Price it 69c lb. 39c SWIFT'S SLAB BACON Light and Lean WEINERS HUNTERS SPECIALS PICNICS HAMS lb. 69c 39c 6 to 8 lbs ash lb. . . Half or Whole lb 55c 59c POLISH SAUSAGE Lb. 35e Full Nine of Cheese and I.unch Meats. BEEF ROAST 31c BEEF STEAKS 55c BEEF SHORT RIBS ,b 19c Take Advantage of These Low Prices - As Long as You Keep Our Sales Going Up Each Week, the Lower These Prices Will Go LAMB CHOPS r-59c VEAL STEW 21c LAMB STEW Grade A Lamb lb 34c VEAL ROUNDS Young Veal lb 69c VEAL LOIN CHOPS 49c FRESH FROZEN FRYERS ...... 45c