8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore Thursday, Sept. 29, 1949 Miss Walker Recent Bride Woodburn The marriage of Miss Gladys Gloria Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char ley Walker of Broadacres, to Robert Fogerson, son of Mrs. Louise Fogerson of Tacoma, was solemnized Sunday afternoon, September 11, in the Donald Methodist church. The Rev. D. Lester Fields of Woodburn read the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Clifford Pahl was soloist and Mrs. John B. Ulrich of Sa lem played the wedding march es and accompanied the singer White cathedral tapers, yel low, white and orchid gladiolus es decorated the altar. Lighting the tapers were Charlene Ann and Sharon Lou Chushing of Salem in orchid taffeta floor length dresses. Mr. Walker gave his daughter hi marriage. She wore a wed ding gown of traditional white satin with fitted bodice, bustle back and medium length train. Her veil of fingertip length was edged in French lace and she carried a white Bible adorned with a double orchid corsage which she later wore on her deep blue traveling suit. Miss Bessie Walker attended tier sister as maid of honor, wearing a gown of green and carrying a bouquet of white and yellow gladoiluses. Mrs. Dorothy Fout of Santa Cruz, Calif., and Mrs. Edna Walker of Donald were bridesmaids. They wore identical gowns of orchid taf feta and carried bouquets of yel low and orchid gladioluses. Daniel Walker was ring bearer for his sister and Cheryl Walker, her niece, was flower girl dress ed In a tip-toe length dress of yellow taffeta. She carried a basket of yellow baby dahlias. Howard Walker, brother of the bride, was best man for Mr. Fogerson. Mrs. Walker, mother of the bride, wore an afternoon dress of blue, and Mrs. Fogerson, mo ther of the bridegroom, wore beige with red accessories. Each wore a corsage of gardeniias. Mr. and Mrs. Fogerson went to Tacoma on their honeymoon He recently returned from army school at Washington, D.C. and will go overseas to complete his term in the army. His bride will reside in Salem with her sister. Golden Wedding Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. John Nofzinger, married 50 years ago September 23, at Halsey, Okla., celebrated their golden wedding (AdvertlMmtnl) How to Hold FALSE TEETH Mort Firmly In Place Do your false Wtth annoy and em barraw by slipping, dropping or wobbling when you cat, laugh or talk? Juat prink ! a Httla FASTEETH on your SI tei. Thii alkaline (non-acid) powder oldi fain teeth mora firmly and more comfortably. No tummy, gooey, pasty "P" oottr" (demur breath) . FASTTETH today at any dru atora Get NtW WHITS I On 31 0X10L5c with C , Summer Sr. Grocery Itiah Meat - Ftm Delivery 1J06 N. Summer ....Ph. 38873 dramatic! tmartl j MOJUD tht itoek!ng with the xtra-darlc teamt and hteli Here's the perfect answer to fashion's forecast of lighter stockings that look like stock ingt and not bar legs ultra sheer Mojuds with extra-dark seams and heels. Get these utterly new stock ings today. ... in shades made to add glamour to your suntan . SunlluiH Sunloni Sunbrontt $175 i at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Lester Will, on Sunday. Their six children were present to as sist at this occasion, for which more than 90 friends and rela tives gathered to wish them well. The rooms were decorated with zinnias and asters. The table was set with a lace cloth and was centered by the large wed ding cake, baked and decorated by Mrs. Will. The cake was flanked by large yellow tapers. Pouring were thetwoyoungest daughters, Mrs. William Roble toth and Mrs. Alfred Davis. Mrs. Lester Nofzinger, a daughter-in-law, passed the guest book, and helping about the rooms and in the kitchen were Mrs. Cora Da vis, Mrs. Verna Hill and granddaughters. Guests at the wedding 50 years ago and able to be present Sun day were Chris, Jake and Mrs. Lizzie Scheffel. The Nofzing- ers have IS grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Their children are Mrs. Elmer (Chris- tena) Schultz of Mulino, Mrs. Lester (Kathryn) Will of Hub bard, Ervin Nofzinger of Molal la, Mrs. William (Eileen) Roble loth of San Diego, Mrs. Alfred (Addie) Davis of Portland and Lester Nofzinger of Portland. Guests were present from Hubbard, Canby, Aurora, Wood burn, Molalla, Newberg, Port land, Halsey, Willamina and Pryor, Okla. V . -If -v f f IllMlS II? I fill III J-X . . ,4 Married Here Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Dungey were mar ried at the First Christian church, September 17. The bride is the former Lenore Beam, daughter of Mrs. Ruth M. Beam of Salem, Mr. Dungey the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dungey of Gervais. (Jesten-Miller studio picture). Today's Menu B7 tlW AfJOCltttl FTMI Chicken Pie with Carrots, Peas and Potatoes Tossed Green Salad Savory French Dressing Hot Rolls and Butter Applesauce Cookies Beverage Savory French Dressing Ingredients: Vt teaspoon salt, 1 small garlic clove, Vt teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper, 'A teaspoon sugar, '4 teaspoon paprika, Vt teaspoon dry mus tard, Vt teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, 1 scallion including green top (finely chopped), 2 table spoons vinegar, 6 tablespoons salad oil. Method: Put the salt and gar lic clove on a piece of waxed paper and work together with the flat blade of a heavy knife until garlic Is disintegrated and well mixed with salt; turn Into a wide-mouthed jar. Add pep per, sugar, paprika, dry mus tard, Worcestershire sauce, scal lion and vinegar; stir well with a fork. Add salad oil, cover the jar tightly and shake for a few minutes, until well com bined. Shake well again im mediately before using. THE ST. ROSE of Sima troop of the Junior Catholic Daugh ters held their meeting Tuesday evening at the home of the troop leader, Mrs. L. V. Houtney. Officers were elected for the new year as follows: President, Marlene Schwab; vice president, Kathleen Bauer; secretary, Ther esa Saddler; treasurer, Carol Meier; and reporter, Mary Ann Fischer. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Houtney. Spread biscuit dough with butter or margarine (softened), All Regular Brands COFFEE 52c Poo. 31 Modern Frozen Food Locker & Meat Processing ROBERTS STATION STORE North River Road utiif uuirsr ww m w ww in www s HfDOLS? 45c vita Caw post 3lqqe$t bargain in town today! ' " -' 1 - 'V-t'.? ' T bi&T bargain tx tot May h f Z S"s W hopping AeoM of futurt of ( " s , A f$?3r our youngsters aW your pUdgt t our - f ' I "t'i -- - .fr Community Cheat ivptl Fourteen years old. Ami smart. And full of the dickens. And ready to (to anywhere. And THAT'S jstst Um troaUe! Berauac "anywhere" nsisxht moan on with Um school. On to a good job. And on to a place aa a (rood citizen. OK it night snean ON INTO TROUBLE. kids can have the solid security of a happy home life in these days when there's one divorce for every four marriages? Show what you think it's worth when the Community Chest volunteer calls! What's It worth to bring loving care to children when homes are broken? What's k worth to strike a blow at juvenile delinquency? What's it worth to have Scouting, the Y's, the recreation BMirioea that help every boy and girl get a square chance to grow up sound and sturdy? What's it worth to help keep families together so thai ssr pledge cevsrt aaay lad Ftotksr ServkaS. Booum wtbam wll.manad Cotnmanity Chwt mniting pinny appeals, yon torn called on only once a year for all of them. So when yon (ire, GIVE ENOUGH . . . enough toe ALL Red Feather sarricee . enough tor a FULL year. MANY ONE brown sugar, a sprinkling of j cinnamon, and a few chopped nutmeats. Then roll up In jelly roll fashion, cut in slices, and bake in a hot oven. When you are roasting a leg of lamb for Sunday dinner spread the fat side with a tea spoon or two of horseradish mustard; It gives the meat ex cellent flavor. MONEY-SAVING COUPON ON PAGE 31 to J ( It a Cinch to make a swell Cinch Cake Mix it fully prepared and contains all the necessary ingredients. You just add water, mix and bake. And out comet the lightest, most-mouthwatering cake you ever ate. Serve Cinch Cake today. ADD ONLY WATER -ig' Divii't svtei Jf w'J'i k eoiDiN I T - This Message Is Brought to You by the CHERRY CITY BAKING CO. Now at KAY'S 460 Stat