Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 29, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
flSalem Couple
Engaged; Tell
News at UO
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sept. 29, 1949
Anniversary Event
Marked on the Monday calen
dar li the fall'i first meeting and
the 15th anniversary event for
the Salem Garden club, the aft
ernoon'! event! to begin with a
no-hot luncheon at 12 o'clock.
The meeting Is arranged at the
Salem Woman' club house. Mrs.
Ben Maxwell is club president
this year.
4 to Attend
Leaving next week will be
four members of the local Ame
rican War Mothers group to at.
tend the national convention at
Sun Valley, opening October 9
Going from here will be Mrs.
Minnie Humphreys, local presl
dent; Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, a
national officer; Mrs. H. A.
Smart and Mrs. Sarah Peterson.
Salem group is to entertain
the state convention on Novem
ber 1 and 2.
Church Women Arrange
Seminar Here Oct. 4-5
Preparations are under way this week for a seminar on "The
Ecumenical Church," to be sponsored In Salem October 4 and 5
with the Salem Council of Church Women in charge. Sessions
will be at the First Congregational church.
Some 100 delegates from 10 cities In this area are expected.
The seminar is one of a series
being held through October 4
to 7 In 37 western cities, the
project covering every state west
of the Mississippi and being one
of the largest of its kind in the
history of women's work.
Seventy-five women, national
board and staff members of the
United Council from eastern
states and western state execu
tives, are forming 15 teams
which will hold the meetings
with western council members
in 20 states.
Included In the team conduct
ing the seminar here are Mrs.
John E. Martin, president of the
Michigan Council of Church
Women and prominent Method
ist church woman; Mrs. F. R
Crawford, active worker in the
Presbyterian Church Women and
former missionary to China un
der the Presbyterian church
Mrs. Roy A. Fedje Is president
of the Salem Council of Church
Women sponsoring the local
seminar and committee chairmen
working with her are Mrs. L
Thompson and Mrs. M. Bishop
on registration; Mrs.. C. Hale on
literature; Mrs. T. S. McKenzie
and Mrs. E. A. Collier on hous
from here the team goes on
to Medford for a meeting there,
then to Los Angeles for another
Topics Listed
The seminar will deal with a
suggested series of community-
wide programs designed for
adoption and promotion by lo
cal and state councils. These
projects include a study of local
housing and slum clearance; ef
forts to eliminate prejudice in
the community and discrimina
tion in employment, and a posi
tive approach to Inter-faith and
inter-racial understanding.
Others listed call for help to
migrant workers, needy fami
lies, unwanted children and
county charges; "adoption" of
families in European countries
and aid to displaced persons, and
establishment of small libraries
In rural areas where such facili
ties are lacking.
The meetings, which are Inter
racial and intor-denominatlonal,
will also demonstrate, "how
Protestant women can join in ac
tion for a world community
shaped according to Christian
Program Outlined
All meetings In the local
seminar are open to the public,
including luncheons and dinners.
Reservations for the meals
should be made with Mrs. Fedje.
The two-day program high
lights Include the following:
October 4 11 a. m.. Oregon
board of directors meeting, fol
lowed by luncheon at 12:30
o'clock; 1:30 to 4 p. m., board
of directors meeting; 6 p. m.,
dinner, open to public, Mrs. Fed
je presiding, music by Mrs. Rob
ert F. Anderson of Salem, ad
dress by Mrs. William Genne of
Portland on "Beginning at
Home"; 7:30 p. m session In
sanctuary, Mrs. Ralph H. Mort.
Portland, state president, pre
siding, Mrs. C. W. Stacey of Sa
lem to be commentator on the
film strip "Thy Kingdom Come",
music by Mrs. Anderson; panel
"Church Women at Work," Mrs.
Martin of Michigan, Mrs. Mort.
and Mrs. Crawford of Virginia
speaking; 8:99 p. m., remarks
and benediction, Dr. W. C.
Giersbach, Portland, president
of the Oregon Council of
Wednesday, October 9 Mrs
Crawford of Virginia presiding;
Reception to
Honor Teachers
Dallas Mrs. Arthur Allen of
Milwaukle is the scheduled
speaker for the first fall meet
ing of the Dallas Woman's club
to be held Tuesday afternoon,
October 4, at 2 o'clock in Libr
ary hall. Mrs. Allen will dis
cuss "Weaving as a Hobby."
A reception to Dallas teach
ers Is planned for the social
hour, with Mrs. Oscar Hayter
lerving as hostess chairman.
Mrs. Kenneth Jacobson, presl
dent of the club, has announced
the following permanent com
mittees for the new year:
Accompanist Mrs. Howard
Eastman. Americanization
Mrs. H. D. Peterson. Auditing
Mrs. William Blacklcy, Mrs.
William Retzer. Budget Mrs.
Kenneth Jacobson, Mrs. Mars
Slack, Mrs. John Allgood. Camp
Fire Girls Mrs. Arthur Woods,
Mrs. R. G. LcFors. Christmas
Seals Mrs. Clifton Rulter, Mrs.
Tom Starbuck, Mrs. Jack Crider,
Mrs. William Dalton and Mrs.
Paul Morgan. Civics Mrs. Ce
cil Dunn, Mrs.Hollis Smith, Mrs.
Claude Hoisington, Mrs. Wil
liam Young. Fine arts Mrs.
Allle Hennagin, Mrs. Sadie Grif
fith, Mrs. Pearl Hughes, Mrs.
Howard Fleming. House and
rental Mrs. John Meeker. Host
ess Mrs. Maurice Dalton, Mrs.
Donald White, Mrs. George Wil
lson, Mrs. Robert Kreason. His
torian Mrs. Oscar Hayter.
Hospitality Mrs. William Ef
fenberger, Mrs. R. G. LeFors
Keep Oregon Green Mrs. R. C
Mcknight. Membership Mrs.
Delwin Reinemer, Mrs. William
Domaschofsky, Mrs. Norman
Baker, Mrs. John Cerny. Music
Mrs. Roy Donahue, Mrs. W
G. Vassall, Mrs. Wesley Sher
man. Press and Publicity
Mrs. John Hollingsworth. Par
liamentarian Mrs. Oscar Hay
ter. Program Mrs. Earle Rich
ardson, Mrs. Wesley Sherman,
Mrs. Paul Morgan, Mrs. S. E.
Whitworth, Mrs. Paul Bnllman.
Red Cross Mrs. Lillian F. Bil
yeu. Telephone Mrs. Robert
Kelley, Mrs. J. C. Lundy, Mrs
William Duncan, Mrs. Lynn
Cook. Mrs. William Cadle. Mrs
A II. DmvIs. Mrs. C. L. Foster,
Mr. V. J. Jackson.
Officers who will nerve with
Mrs Jacobson are Mrs. Earle
Richardson, first vice president;
Mrs. Delwin Reinemer, second
vice president; Mrs. Mars Slack,
recording secretary; Mrs. Ray
Stewart, corresponding secret
ary; Mrs. John Allgood, treas
urer; Mrs. Howard Fleming and
Mrs. Eugene Hayter, directors.
From Eugene comes romantic
news of Interest to many Salem
friends with the announcement
of the engagement of Miss Bar
bara Lee McClintock, daughter
of Mrs. Edna M. Olson of this
city, to Phillip E. Welling, son
of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Welling
also of Salem.
The news was told Monday
evening at a fireside at the
bride - elect's sorority, Kappa
Kappa Gamma, at the University
of Oregon. Date for the wedding
is to be announced later.
Mrs. Olson was in Eugene for
the announcement party.
Miss McClintock and her twin
sister, Miss Gloria McClintock
are seniors at University of Oregon.
Mr. Welling, who served In
the navy during the war, is a
sophomore at Oregon and :
pledge of Beta. Theta Pi frater
At Soroptimist
James Banks, who is with the
traffic safety division of the
secretary of state's office, was
guest speaker for the Soropti
mist club's luncheon meeting
Wednesday noon in the Golden
Pheasant. He discussed pro
grams of safety and what state
agencies are doing to promote
safety practices.
A gift was presented by the
club to Mrs. John S. Beakey,
second vice president, who is
leaving next week to spend the
winter in Arizona.
Guests atThe luncheon includ
ed Miss Betty Marsh, Mrs. Hr
zel Gunther, Mrs. Mary J.
Brown, Mrs. Alice White.
Showers Given
Fairview Miss Marilyn Mc-
Farlane of the Pleasantdale dis
trict was honored with a mis
cellaneous bridal shower, held
at the home of Mrs. Harry Al
lison in the Fairview district
Tuesday evening. There were
24 relatives and friends present.
Mrs. Carl Wood and Miss Elva
Allison were sponsors. Refresh
ments were served.
Miss Jane Vinton of Hillsboro,
schoolmate while at Eugene, en
tertained at her home for Miss
McFarlane recently. There were
12 friends attending. Refresh
ments were served. Miss Mc
Farlane's marriage to Richard D.
Stoinoff of Portland will be
solemnized Sunday, October 2.
MR. AND MRS. Oliver T.
Mansfield are receiving congrat
ulations upon the birth of a
daughter, Margaret Helen, Tues
day, September 27, at Salem
Memorial hospital. There is an
other daughter in the family,
Emily Ann. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rowan of
Chagrin Falls, Ohio, and Mr
and Mrs. S. H. Mansfield of
Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
HUBBARD Friends are In
vited to the wedding of Miss
Marjorie Murray, Canby, and
Mr. Clyde Lowrie, Hubbard, at
the Canby Methodist church at
2 o'clock Sundav afternoon.
t ' - I '
if i& A
She Weds Recently Mrs. George H. Flawn, the former
Barbara Louella Hartman, was married in the First Congre
gational church the evening of September 17. The bride is the
daughter of Mrs. George Conklin of Portland and William
Hartman of Coos Bay. Mr. Flawn is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
E. R. Flawn of Salem. The couple will reside here. (McEwan
studio picture).
Bridal Shower
Hubbard A bridal shower
was held at the home of Miss
Olga Hungsberg near Arbor
Grove, Saturday night, honoring
Miss Marian Davis, bride-elect
of Harlcy Piper. Co-hostesses
were Mrs. Herbert Coleman and
Miss Davis, assisted by Mrs.
Neal Miller and Mrs. James
Lunch was served Mrs. W. J.
Lowrie, Mrs. V. Vincent, Mrs.
Killian Smith, Mrs. Albert Ber-
horst, Mrs. Fred Davis, John
Balroot, Mrs. M. Innes, Mrs.
Frank Berhorst and Mary Lou
Berhorst, Mrs, Gerald Crawford,
Mrs. Kenneth Young, Mrs. Clar
ence Miller, Mrs. Max Schroe
der, Mrs. Francis Kuensting
Mrs. Al Stuepfeld and Joanne
Steupfeld, Miss Sidney Coleman,
Miss Judy Coleman, Miss Janice
Daughterty, Mrs. E. Piper, Mrs.
Newton Davis, Mrs. Neal Mil
ler, Mrs. Herb Coleman, Mrs.
James Daugherty, Miss Olga
Hungsberg, Mrs. Truesdell and
Miss Davis.
Why Be Fat
C.rt Slimmer
Witiiout Dirt in f
You may potinrta
nd hftv i mors lert
itr, (rr(u1 I I u r .
Ymi (Imply ft drllrlmu
A YDS (ttrin VlUrrtln
nd Mineral ftndy b
Inrt mAli fti dlrrrid.
Your tppfUt It curbed,
on si if m and lout
w " 1 f h t utomfttlrttlv.
A YDS arc tomplftfljr f
fhtlrt ?n t them.
The AYDfl pltn Is
modern wy to rtduct.
Try A YOU today.
muni iMt Wflfht with
your ftrtt hoi (only
t9i or your money
FMFK. rVit-ntiflf Mht
Chart. Call for your.
Or ttnt ttf with mall
r prion ordart. Ha obligation.
9:45 a. m., study, Mrs. Mort;
10:10 a. m. program of Council
of Church Women, talk by Mrs i
Martin; 10:40 a. m., organiza
tion relationships and finances,
talk by Mrs. Crawford; 11:10
m., group discussion, led by
Mrs. Crawford; 12 noon, lunch
eon, Mrs. Clarence Elliott of
Portland to be s p e a k e r on
"Creating Christian Public Opin
ion ; 1:30 p. m talk b& Mrs.
Martin on United Council of
Church Women; 2 p. m., discus
sion period; 2:55 p. m., legisla
tion-citizenship talk, Mrs. Wil
liam Genne; 3:20 p. m leader
ship training presentation by
Mrs. John McCormack of Port
land: 3:45 p. m., commitment to
worship presented by Mrs. Craw
ford; 6 p. m., dinner, open to all
Mrs. David A. Johnston. Port
land Council of Church Women
president, presiding: talk by Dr.
Gilbert; address "The Ecumeni
cal Church," by Mrs. Crawford:
music. Mrs. Bruce Spaulding of
You pay less at KAILES
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At Shower
Mrs. James M. Dunn and Mrs.
Rudie Vegh were hostesses last
evening at a party and shower
at the Dunn home to honor Mrs.
Philip Simmons.
Twenty-one were bidden to
the affair. Games were played
and late refreshments served.
Party for Rushees
Eta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
will hold its annual fall party
for new rushees Thursday night
at the Court street home of Mrs.
Walter L. Spaulding, who is the
social sponsor of the sorority.
Mrs. Roger Lewis, vice presi
dent, is in charge of the affair
and will be assisted by Mrs.
Wayne Rose, Miss Imogene
Johnson and Mrs. Richard Rey
nolds. 1
Games will be played during
the evening, and afterwards re
freshments will be served. The
rooms will be decorated with
autumn leaves and flowers. '
ALLAN HADLEY, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Hadley, ob
served his third birthday, Tues
day, his mother entertaining a
small group that afternoon. In
the group were Mrs. Carlton J.
McLeod and daughter, Franca,
Mrs. Charles A. Barclay and son,
Gregory, Mrs. George A. Ar
buckle and son, Tad, Mrs. Er
nest Eldridge and son, Bobby,
Mrs. Hadley, Allan and Eileen
Serve on Council
Serving on the guardians'
council for the new Job's Daugh
ters bethel to be instituted this
coming Saturday evening. Oc
tober 1, are 11 members of Sa
lem chapter. Order of Eastern
Star, sponsor for the new group.
Mrs. Charles Boyer Is the
guardian for the bethel and serv
ing under her are the follow
ing: Charles Boyer, associate
guardian; Mrs. James Darby,
guardian secretary; Mrs. Fran
cis Graham, guardian treasurer;
Mrs. Carl Snyder, guardian of
sociability; Mrs. E. A. Petre,
guardian of hospitality; Mrs.
John A. Fletcher, guardian of
paraphernalia; M r s . Clarence
Shrock, guardian of publicity;
Mrs. John Miller, guardian mu
sician; John Miller, guardian of
finance; Mrs. Lloyd Hughes,
guardian patrol.
TO DR. AND MRS. Robert E.
Joseph are extended congratula
tions upon the birth of a daugh
ter, Patricia Ann, Tuesday, at
Salem General hospital. Also
welcoming the new arrival are
two brothers, Bob and Bill, and
a sister. Sally. Grandparents are
M. M. Murray of Lewiston, Ida
ho, and Mrs. T. V. Joseph of
Omaha, Neb.
HUBBARD The Hubbard
Woman's club will hold the first
fall meeting at the home of Mrs.
Cora Smith, near White school,
at 2 o'clock Wednesday, October
Miss Bishop
Announcement is made of the
engagement of Miss Evelyn Bi
shop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Bishop, to Raymond Cum
mings, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Cummings.
No date is set for the wedding.
Miss Bishop is a graduate of
Salem high school. Mr. Cum
mings attended Independence
high school and is now a student
at Oregon College of Education
at Monmouth.
At Golf Day
Winners in the Salem Wom
en's Golf association day event,
Wednesday, Included;
Mrs. Harold M. Olinger, class
A; Mrs. Morris Crothers, class
B; Mrs. W. J. Grant, class C;
Mrs. Orval Lama, class D.
Next week will feature match
play against bogie.
Also, on Wednesday next Sa
lem members will play in Ore
gon Women's Golf association
event at Riverside In Portland.
MESSAGES of felicitation are
being extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Hubert Williamson (Joan Loch
ead) upon the birth of a son,
Peter Livingston Williamson, II,
Tuesday, September 27, at Sa
lem Memorial hospital. There
Is another son in the family,
John Stuart Williamson. Grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. John
S. Lochead of Salem and Mr.
and Mrs. Peter L. Williamson of
Long Beach, Calif.
mm JUS
it i mM m
jSPM Ostrich-Trimmed
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mkl 3,98
A tremendously important event,
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Latest In Fall millinery! Ostrich or
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