Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 29, 1949, Page 26, Image 26

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    2ft Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Thursday. Sept. 29, 1949
Fountain of Youth Found
In One's Own Mind
Hollywood (U.R) A imart woman cm be charming and attractive
at 90, ay Marjorie Main, who believei you're only ai old ai you
There'! a fountain of youth, all right," the aaid. "It'i all in your
mind. Men like George Bernard Shaw are spry and Interesting at
. 'U, ana women can oe, 100.
"I'm no example of wit and
.harm, I know. But do think
loo many other women give up
when they get to be 40, take old
age for granted and resign
themselves to being blah.
China vs. Russia
On UN Agenda
T ,v Success. N.Y.. Sept. 29
(U.PJ The United Nations steer
ing committee voted today, 11
to 2, with Russia and Poland oy
posing, to include China's com
plaint against the Soviet Union
on the agenda of the general
Russia today accused the
United States, "whose monop
oly of the atomic bomb unfor
tunately has lapsed," of help
ing the "corrupt and rotten Kuo
mintang government" of China
against the will of the Chinese
Soviet Foreign Minister An
drei Y. Vishinsky made his first
reference to Russian possession
nt tha atomic bomb as he fought
in tha general committee of the
United Nations against permii
tin the general assembly to
oniider Chines charges
against the Soviet Union.
Dr. Tingfu T. Tsiang, perma
nent Chinese delegate, told the
lltM that Russia had fla
granti v violated its treaty of
friendship and alliance with
China throughout the four years
it has been in effect. He charged
that Moscow failed to honor its
agreement to recognize Chinese
sovereignty over Manchuria,
not to interfere in Chinese af
fairs and to help Chiang Kai-
Shek's government in postwar
Byrd Wins Fight
For One Money Bill
Washington, Sept. 29 OP) Af
ter many defeat. Senator Byrd
fD-Va) has won the senate to
tha idea of lumping its appro
priation bills into on big meas
ure. For four years, Byrd has been
arguing that this would help to
appropriate money more effici
ently and would guard against
the government spending more
than it took in.
The senate approved his plan
late yesterday. In the house,
Chairman Cannon (D-Mo) of
the appropria t i o n s committee
has said hia committee will put
the idea into effect next year.
Under the plan, all appropri
ation measures would be group
ed together, along with the gov
ernment's revenue estimates, at
the start of each session of con
gress. Iron Curtain Trio
Ask Cut Legations
Prague, Czechoslovakia, Sept.
19 UP) Three Soviet satellite na
tion of eastern Europe Hun
gary, Romania and Bulgaria
are putting pressure on the Unit
ed States, Britain and other
western countries to reduce their
legation staffs, an informed di
plomatic source here said today,
He said this pressure was ex
pected to increase following the
Laszlo Rajk treason trial in Bu
dapest, in which the Hungarian
government accused diplomats
of the western powers of com
plicity in a revolutionary plot
plot and espionage.
The diplomat also said the
Balkan nations were Imposing
successive restrictions on the
movements of western diploma
tie missions stationed there.
Tolks everywhere will
tell you they switched
because Calvert Reserve
is smooth always!
CALVERT RESERV Blftldrd Whlnkrj
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Hemorrhoids and nthrr eolon
aliments must be corrected.
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1144 Tester at Salrm. Ore.
For the first time In her screen
career, Miss Main appears as a
chic woman in Universal-International's
"Ma and Pa Kettle
Go to Town."
One of her prizes for winning
a contest is the full glamor
treatment at a swank New York
beauty salon. She goes in look
ing like a Kettle and comes out
closer to Lillian Russell.
"Paint, fancy hairdos and fine
clothes are only half an answer
to the problem of staying young
and charming after 45," she
said. "What goes on inside your
head counts more.
Women whose wrinkles have
hiden their dimples have one
advantage on their side, and
that's experience.
"A girl who's lived," Miss
Main said, "has something to
talk about. Experience is a
great weapon to keep the rest
of the world interested. Men
like to talk to a woman who
thinks for herself and has some
thing to say. If she has the
ability to look on life as an
adventure, she'll have charm.'
Sex, she added, is not every
"Skin-deep beauty can't keep
any man but the dumbest in
terested very long," she said.
From there on it's a battle of
brains instead of bosoms."
The most important physical
thing charmers after 45 have to
worry about is staying neat.
The rest of the recipe is read
ing good books, developing the
arts of thought and conservation
and forgetting about the birth
Foreign Aid Bill
Passed by House
Washington, Sept. 29 m The
house today passed a compromise
$1,314,010,000 bill to help friend
ly nations arm against commu
nism. The vote was 223 to 109.
It now goes to the senate
where quick approval was ex
pected. The compromise fol
lows mainly the provisions of a
bill previously passed by the
It differs substantially, though.
from the original house version
which administration forces had
Before approving it, the house
beat down 213 to 113 a proposal
to send the bill back to the sen
ate-house committee that drew
up the compromise.
The bill makes $125,000,000
available immediately to get the
program started.
Chinese fans are believed to
be the oldest known to civilization.
i IWaU..,
i V- lit 5
V1 kQ V)
Defense Officials View Navy Demonstration Top United
States defense officials enjoy a hearty laugh as they pose for
photographs on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier Franklin
D. Roosevelt off the eastern coast. The officials watched a
daylong show designed to prove that the fleet air arm can
fight an atomic war. Left to right: Vice Adm. Felix B. Stump,
commander of navy air arm; Gen. Omar N. Bradley, chairman
of Joint chiefs of staff; Secretary of Navy Francis P. Matthews;
Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, air force chief of staff; Secretary of
Defense Louis A. Johnson; Secretary of Army Gordon Gray;
Secretary of Air Force Stuart W. Symington; Adm. Louis E.
Denfeld, chief of naval operations, and Gen. J. Lawton Col
lins, army chief of staff. (Acme Telephto)
or margarine, salt and pepper to
taste, a few teaspoons of chop-
Miners Oppose
CVA Principle
Spokane, Wash., Sept. 29 (1
The American mining congress
today went on record against
valley authorities calling their
basic principles "destructive of
our American theory of consti
tutional government."
Close to 2,000 delegate to the
annual convention adopted the
strongly - worded resolution con
demnlng valley authorities.
"Recently there has been re
newed ' activity looking toward
the enactment by congress of
legislation providing for valley
authorities and clothing their
administration with arbitrary
power over natural resources,"
the resolution read.
"We approve the recommen
dations of the Hoover commis
sion and its. natural resources
and public works task forces that
there should be no extension of
the valley authority type of or
The leading American and
Canadian mining executive ap
proved a public land policy
plank that for the most part
contended specific proposals
now being urged by the United
States Bureau of land manage
The proposals opposed by the
Most cost
of Myopia
Can be cured
if taken in
If allowed to
they bacom
Dr. S. A. Wheatley" "
725 Court St. Ph. 2-4469
mining men Included: "The sug
gestion . . . that discrimination
should be mad against the min
eral locator a compared with(
other appropriator of p u b I i
lands; the suggestion that sur
face rights and mineral right '
should be separated.
Scout Board to
Meet on Monday
The first fall meeting of the
executive board of Cascade
Council, Boy Scouts of America,
has been called for next Monday
night at the Senator hotel with
Gardner Knapp presiding.
The program will include a
discusion of the new age limits
in the various scouting units
with the prospect that at least
30 new cub packs and scout
troops will be formed in the
council. Five new groups are al
ready in the process of forma
tion in Salem and immediate
The discussion will also in
clude rebuilding of Camp Pio
neer which was destroyed by
last winter's heavy snowfall.
Johnny Klapp, newest mem
ber of the executive group of
four who will operate in the
field, will be back from the na
tional training school at Mend
ham, N. J.
For a rice stuffing for poultry,
mix cooked rice with a little
onion lightly sauteed in butter
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