AUTOM09H.IS I Well. It finally rained. hunting as we had planned. Things certainly are humming around here, we are going to have another "DOG SHOW." Can't tell much about it yet, but hope that I can tell you more about St next week. Before I forget it, here are some of the cars that we have : 1948 Hudson Commodore 8 Sedan wit"h radio and heater 1947 DeSoto Sedan, nice blue p aint and lots of extras 1947 Ford Coupe, heater, and priced awfully low 1947 Chevrolet Coupe, new covers on seats and sharp 1946 Cadillac 62 Sedan with fancy shift and heater and radio Also have a couple of late model pickups and trucks, and a good bunch of other cars. It'i getting late so I had better close for now. Will write again next week. Sincerely, Your Hudson Salesman P.S. Be sure to watch for our "DOG SHOW" and drive CAREFULLY and watch out for Children. SHROCK'S ECONOMY LOT i 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN. SEE THIS ONE. 1897 PONT 1 AC SEDAN. MERCURY MOTOR. 1837 BUICK SEDAN. OOOD MOTOR. 1887 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. PRICED RIGHT. 1938 STUDE. SEDAN 1936 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. RUNS TOPS. 1935 FORD COACH 1938 FORD COUPE 193 FORD COACH 1938 CHEV. COACH FOR THE BEST IN LOW PRICED CARS VISIT 3020 PORTLAND ROAD PHONE 2-7023 TERMS You Bet End of Month CLEAN-UP YOUR GAIN OUR LOSS WHOLESALE PRICES NO SALES TO DEALERS 1-4 MMtCVRr C SQUIPPBD. otn. SEDAN. RfcH. OWNER $2045 INT MCnCVRT SEDAN. DRIT1. ONE OWNER R&H. OVER- $1345 1848 MEUCVMT SEDAN. R&H. ONE OWN ER $1295 1937 Willya Sedan $163 1937 Buick Special $245 1937 Chevrolet Coupe $247 1939 Lincoln Sedan $492 LOW END SPECIALS Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN - MERCURY DEALER 845 CENTER VALLEY MOTOR CO. TRUCKS 1947 Ford C.O.E. Stake Body. 1-speed axle. 1848 Chevrolet. 5-tpeed trans. 2-speed axle. 1948 Chevrolet Flatbed 4-ton. 1946 Chevrolet 3-speed Brownie. 9:00 tires. DUMP TRUCKS 1949 Ford 4-5 yd. box. 2-speed axle. 1940 Chevrolet 4 yd. box. 2-speed axle. PICKUPS 1947 Ford 1-ton. 1946 Ford H-ton. 1944 Dodge tt-ton, 4 -speed transmission. 1941 Chevrolet H-ton. WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS - ANY SIZE Valley Motor Truck Dept. LIBERTY AT MARION PHONE 3-3147 q231 FALL OPENING SPECIALS 1948 Studebaker Sedan. Champion $1595 1948 Studebaker 2-Door Champion. R&H 1595 1647 Studebaker Land Cruiser. R&H 1695 1948 Studebaker 2-Door Commander. R&H 9,000 miles 1895 1942 Studebaker Coupe. New motor 795 1946 Plymouth 2-Door 1195 1946 Nash Sedan 975 1938 Ford Sedan 425 1939 Plymouth Sedan 445 1940 Studebaker Sedan. Commander Overdrive, R&H 695 1946 Studebaker 4 -ton Pickup 995 1946 Studebaker 1-ton Pickup 1095 BONESTEELE'S 70 N. CHURCH ST. PHONE I-B37T SALEM AUTOMOBILES Hudson City Where Chemelceta Goes to Church Salem, Oregon Dear Dad: For awhile it looked as if we wouldn't be able to go .1175.00 .8145.00 I 85.00 .1 85.00 ,.1 85.00 1MB MERCURY CONVERTIBLE. MILEAGE. FULLY EQUIPPED. OWNER. A STEAL- LOW ONE $2245 1947 LINCOLN SEDAN. R&H. OVER DRIVE. PERFECT CONDITION-- $1695 1944 DESOTO SEDAN COUPE. R&H. FLUID DRIVE. BOOK PRICK, 11345 $1145 PH. 33012 0133' wbocmon' IAUTOMOIILM L I MR ENGLISH HILLMAN SEDAN, GREY FINISH. 2 TONE UPHOLSTERY, DRIV' EN ONLY 8.000 MILES. A SMALL BIO CAR AND PRICED TO FIT YOUR BUD. GET 11401 o 194 OLDS 66 CLUB HYDRAMATIC DHIVE. RADIO, HEATER, SEAT COV ERS. POO LIGHTS. A 1 OWNER CAR 11795 D 194 CHEV. AERO SEDAN. RADIO. HEAT- BH, SEAT COVERS, GREY FINISH, LOW MILEAGE tA SWEET HEART! 11645 E 1947 OLDS 76 CLUB. HYDRAMATIC DRIVE, RADIO. HEATER, FOG LIOHTS. SEAT COVERS. NEW W6 TIRES 145 R 1947 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN. RA DIO. HEATER. POO LIGHTS, FLUID DRIVE. OVERDRIVE. HIGHLANDER UPHOLSTERY, GREY FINISH. PER FECT RUBBER. LOW MILEAGE 1 OWNER 11645 B 194? OLDS 78 SEDAN. HYDRAMATIC DRIVE. RADIO. HEATER. SEAT COV ERS, IN PERFECT CONDITION ....1985 R 1942 HI'DSON 6 CLUB. RADIO, HEATER BLACK FINISH. PERFECT CONDI TION 1755 o 191 OLDS 7ft SEDAN RADIO. HEATER. SEAT COVERS. FINE RUBBER. ALL RECONDITIONED 6676 1937 OLD 8 SEDAN. RADIO. HEATER, SEAT COVERS. SWELL RUBBER. ALL RECONDITIONED NOT A DENTi YOU'LL LOOK A LONG TIME FOR ANY BETTER $375 LOTS, LOTS OF OTHERS AT Loder Bros. YOUR OLDS DEALER 1410 Fairground Road. Open Evm. Ph. 2-1490 465 Center St. Ph. 3-7978 q233 WILSON'S Compare Quality & Price 1948 BUICK RDM. BKDANET DYNA 1J24S 1847 BUICK BUPER CON VERTIBLE 1895 1848 CHEVROLET CARRYALL .... 1885 1947 BUICK RDM. SEDAN 1795 1948 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 1595 1948 BUICK SUPER SEDANET ... 1575 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1395 1942 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 780 1959 BUICK SEDAN 885 19)1 BUICK SEDAN 895 1937 BUICK SEDAN 485 RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED. OttoJ.WilsonCo. Commercial at Center We Are In The G.M.C. Truck Business NOT USED CARS For Quick Sale 1931 PONTIAC l-PASS COUPE. RADIO 8k HEATER. GOOD PAINT OOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION IS 1931 FORD COUPF OOOD MO TOR HTATER COULU STAND SOME RLAR FENDER REPAIR. SELLING AT A LOW PRICE OF 1211 1937 CHEVROLET 1-DOOR SE DAN. HEATER. EXCELLENT TIRE ft MECHANICAL CON DITION OOOD SOUND BODY. CLEAN INSIDE 1IM 1131 CMFVROLET COL'PE RE CENTLY SPENT 1180 RECON DITIONING MOTOR M TPAN'S OOOD TIRFfl Il1 1911 FORD MODEL A COUPE 7k Truck Sales & Service Co. H ML Wrmt ; PS. 1-913) 1I3 AUTOMOBILES ONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Pontiac Coupe, R&H $1795 '37 Pontiac Sedan $195 Ml Olds Sedan $645 '38 Pontiac Coupe $195 '38 Ford Tudor $145 '42 Studebaker Sedan $695 '35 Chevrolet Sedan $75 Herrall - Owens Co. TRADES 60 N. Liberty FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MM FNFIKI.D Aportrr. 875.00. 4545 SH. vrton Rd. Ftione 3-7310 ilt.r 8:30 p m. - 1,234 ENFIELD 30-06 K2.S acop., 180. 980 N. 17. nJ31 MAHOGANY PIANO with lovely tone. 1800 8. Cottage. n333 I.S BICYCLES lor lle. Cheap. Ph. n23J Cl'BIC FT. Bfil uprltht deep freerer. Special price 8475. 837 N. Hlsh. Ph. 3-7941. S333 WALNI'T cateleg tuple, 3-5202 altrr 8 p.m. for fori-ten v odd caliber rifle Sac ken, 1510 So. Winter, Ph. 1-4913. n241 HAND CARVFII 30-M, with scope. Excel lent condition. 1 16 Marion alter 30 p.m. Upstairs am. n333 DEER RIFLE. 30-06 model 70 Winchester. New at retail price. Ph. 28848 eve. n233 SEWING MAC II INF. A wood circulator. 2315 N. Liberty or Ph. 27660. n233 5 H. JOHNSON outboard motor. 1 serond hand toilet. Boih in first clasi condi tion. Lee Barber, Turner, Or:. n233 9 NORGE washing machine. 125. Also stroller $5. 1586 State St. upstairs. Q233 USED ELECTRIC refrigerators. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO,, 375 Chemeketa. n251 USED ELECTRIC ranges. Y EATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chrmeketa. n251 OIL ClRCl'LATORS. drastically reduced prices. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n251 HUNTERS ATTENTION: Save your gime In a Deepfreeze Homi Freezer. YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n251 ALL FAMOt'S makes of small appliance!, YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 37S Cheme- keta. r.251 SEWING MACHINES: Free Westlnghousg. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chem ekete. n251 Z9-3A WINCHESTER model 94, 3 boxes shell. Excel, cond., peep sight. Ph 3-42S3. n336' HAVE VOI R Bendlx Automatic Dryer in staller oeiore me laii rain. Dezin. Ralph Johnson Appliance, 35 Center St. n231' USED RANGES, rel rigerators and wash ers. Raipn Jonnson appi., 3bi center, Salem. n33S' LGE. OIL circulator. Good cond., 135. Ph. 3-7732. n333 WE STINT. HO I' SE radio phonograph con soles. As lit tie as JS9.50. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n251 NEW As I'SKD musical Instruments afe spinet & grand piano at reduced price. JAQUITH MUSIC CO., Ph. 1-46.41 1.24.4 rLASTI-KOTE: The cellophane -like fin ish lor your floors, woodwork or lino leum, no waxing required. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.,375 Chemeketa. n251 FULLER brunts, 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357. D244 SEWING MACHINES. New Home electric 189.95 & up. Ph. 33139. Ralph Johnson Appliances n249 SEPTIC TANKS, Concrete Pipe and Tilt reinforcing steel, mesh and coloring. All kinds river soil, pit-run, gravel, crushed, sand and mixes. OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY 1405 N. Front St. Phone 3-3417 n242 CSFD SEWING Machines. Reasonably priced. Ph. 3-3139. Ralph Johnson Appliances STFEL CLOTHESLINE puts, railings In stock & made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. nI43 SEWING Marhines. elertric or treadle. Service on aU makes. Ph. 1-7871. p354 Hunters!! Sleep Dry!! Compart, folding tent trailer. Factory built walk-in type with floor. Sleeps 4. ready far ue In 2 mln. Room for equip ment St game. Converts to utility trail er. 1225. C(wt new 1450. 10 Gross Ave., 2 blks. N.E. of D St. Park Avt. n33l BEN'S 2ND Hand and 3085 N. Com ). St. WALLING SAND ft GRAVEL CO. CRI'SHED ROCK for roads and drlvewa!, cement, ready mix concrete, garden aand. Bulldozing, drainaae and ditching. V-yd. ahoval and drag line. Ph. 1-9249. SINGER ELECTRIC cabinet sewing ma chine. Guaranteed machine, thoroughly reconditioned with new walnut cabinet & motor, Perfect condition. Bam a in. 1122. Terms arranaed. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. n233 SALEM SAND 6 O RAVEL COMPAJTS Contract Work Road Clearlnf - DIUBlnf Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental 15 B "t yds 10 B yds. D-7 Cat ft Dowr D-6 Cat ft Dorer D-4 Cat ft Dozer Sea us about dltchlnt by thf ft. Phone Days 1-9408 Eves 3-834 or 1-4409 Salem Oreion a I Jxl? - ( FT.i 2x6 - 11 ft.; 1 4x6-9 ft.; 2 4x8 - 13 ft. No e:tt drop fldln-r Covers approximate!? 100 sq. ft. Pn. 2-3006, 3423 Llviniston. n331 35 Rrm . 30 Rem. auto., rith M-M WINCIIfSTLR rifle. 30-01 wit sr.ipe. 32 special. b9i N. Liberty. n233 L?LD oil. burner and blowe,a.""Prl''e( H'MBF.R 3r4 s by Jttne toad. 110 per You haul. Independence Lumber ft Mff. Co., Ine, Independence, Ore. CENTRAL ELECTRIC Croslef. Gibson and Montan App:pnres at Oevurtc. n FlCE POSTS, ooies. all trpea flhlnilei fertiliser ft flatrock Phillips Broa, Rt 6 Box 118 Ph. 114M. n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NFF.D Ji;nk batteries. Parlna 11.71. Retread Tire Service. 330 So. Lancaster. nalSl RANTED furniture ve lue ft repair Lm Bros- Fum RefUliahlQf Co Ph 1-1001 WOOD HEATER or circ. Bewinc machine. Pnone 3-6367. lam. till 9 p m. na331 "crn rrnsnrsr-phone i-iiti oa' INVESTIGATIONS William W. Cruickshank DETECTIVE AGENCY 360 State St., Rm. 203 Civil, criminal, private, dom estic, commercial. Industrial and insurance investigations. SEASONABLE RATES TELEPHONE 2-7945 After 0 p n, & Sundavn call SUyton-Blut 148B AUIOMOSILl TERMS Phong 1-4111. PERSONAL STANLEY Home Product. 151 CroAa. Ph. P?4T 1-544B. MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER AND ADVISOR Can help you where others haj failed. Satisfaction assured. Advice on all affairs of Ufa. Special readme 13. oo. Located Just south of Hubbard on Highway WE. Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for elm Reading Daily and Sun. p3o AUTOMOBILES '.iton pickup. New cond. 9236' WANTED 1940 or '41 4-dr. Pord. Will trade m rota j-ar. and 300 cash. Ph. a-naifi after S p.m. i2.i4 141 NASH AMB. -SEDAN ALL DOLLED UP, 7000 HI. SAVE 1700. 1947 CHEV. -SEDAN, NICE ONE. 1946 PORD CLEAN. SUPER SEDAN. REAL 1941 BUICK SUPER, RAH. A DANDY. 1941 CHEV. SEDAN, R&H, REAL GOOD. 1942 AMERICAR SEDAN, NEW MOTOR CLEAN. 1919 OLDS S-DR. SEDAN, RUNS GOOD. 1931 CHEV. I-DR. SEDAN, CLEAN. MSI CHRYSLER SON., OVERHAULED 1931 CHEV. SEDAN. NEW MOTOR. A SEVERAL OTHERS IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER Trucks and Pickups 1949 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP. DUALS 1941 O U C. N-TON AS M MM. M4t DODGE I SPEED BROW GUARANTEED. Anderson's Used Cars 14 center St. ph. 1-3734 Q233 FOR SALE: My 1947 Pontiac Torpedo. .Fully equipped. Nylon aeat covers. Ex cellent condition. 7 tone green InLsh. j-ncea ror quick sale, U95. Call Thurs. day eve. I to 9 p.m.. 348 S. Church St Q232 FOR SALE: 1937 Chevrolet sedan, radio and heater, new rubber, clean, excel lent motor, one owner, 1300. Phone a-alter a or see at 2045 Chem eketa evenlnas, $232' CLEAN USED CARS FAR ABOVE AVERAGE 1938 FORD SDN 1938 FORD, 4-DR. SEDAN -I 195 .1 250 1940 CHEVROLET DEL. CPE t 69h 1948 FORD SUPER DEL. SEDAN ..I 935 1H4B BIUDEdAKEK SEDAN ... 1935 PLYMOUTH SEDAN AS IS 1934 FORD SEDAN AS IS TRADES ZA8Y TERMS .I1R95 .t 12!S .$ 75 McCALLS MOT STATE DIAL 1-8108 q233- SPECIAL USED TRUCK VALUES! Wev never had so many wonderful burs In lnht delivery trucks, heavy duty trucks. Every one In fine mechan ical condition. Basv terms on approved credit. If you've tot a delivery or hanl Ina headache, check these rare bargains today. We list a lew: 194T FORD 1VTON STAKE ..11198.00 1941 FORD 1-TOK CAB ft CHASSIS 11495.00 194 DO DOE H-TON PICKUP ..1895 00 194 DODGE tt-TON PANEL ..11095.00 M4f CHEV. -TON PICKUP ,...1795.00 M40 FORD 1V4-TON C.O.I. FLATBED 9640.00 II FORD l'-TON RE FRIO. TRUCK 11150.00 M3 FORD Vt-TON PANEL 1169.00 The Buy of the Week 1049 Dodge "4 -ton pickup 275 Miles $1480.00 STAN BAKER MOTORS IX)DGE-PLY MOUTH Headquarters FOR A BETTER BUY BETTER TRY "STAN" BAKER UNION AND HIGH 0,33.1' "W PACKARD club sedan. Full eiuipl- like new. 9000 miles, or will trade lor older car book for book. 1495 N. 4v 121 !9M PONTIAC wifh 'S Chevrolet motor 75 Ve at 911 aim St. q31.1 STL'DEBAKER Land Crulner. Radio A heater. Plastic aeat cover. Signal lit-, foa ft bark-un lllei. Overdrive, wind shield wanhar ft Life Ouard tubes. This ear combines luxury with very erono miral operation. Only 1666 down. Miir Tta Van Cleave. Rt. 7 Box 146. Ph. IMftt 1)331' 1937 PACKARD "IM" 4-Door Sedan. Body, motor ft tires In food condition. 1370 or 170 for equity, na S. Cot fate after I 10 pm. i)3.1 $300.00 SAVING 49 FORD 1848 FORD CUSTOM CLUB COUPr. LIOHT OltEEN FINISH. H RATER. DE FROSTtRa. TIRES AND MECHANICAL CONDITIOH IH FERFEOT EHAPF. IN TERIOR VCRY NICE. CONVENIENT TERMS AND LIBERAL TRADE-IN AL LOWANCES. $1595.00 ORVAL'S THt LOT WITH THE TURNTARtl Ceetef at CautS St. Pa. t-4"0i 3)1 AUTOMOBILES REAL VALUES 19(2 CHEV. FLKETLINE AREO. PAH 1995 00 1942 CHt'V. SPEC. DFL. SEDAN. RiVK 1895 00 1941 CHEV. MASTER DFL. 2-DOOR, H 1845 00 1941 CHKA. SPEC. DEL SEDAN, RAcH 1845 00 1941 CHEV SPFC. DEL. CLUB COUPE. HAH 1895.00 1941 BUICK SPECIAL S EH A NET, H 1895.00 1941 PLY SPEC DEL. CLUB COL'PE. HA-H 1795 00 1940 BUICK SI PFR CLUB COUPE. itH $845.00 1940 DODGE COUPE 1495. 00 1040 FORD DELUXE TUDOR. R&H 1695 00 AU the above cars have good tires and are in per fect Mechanical Condition. TERMS AND TRADES ORVAL'S THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE Center at Church St. Ph. 3-4702 Q233' 10411 OI.OS 6 4-Dr. Sedan. Loads of ex tra. immaculate interior. Runs perfect. $595. 420 Grove St. Phone 36714. q32 II PONTIAC Srrijinettf. I owe 1500. Will take 1100 or oiler tor my equity. 187 W. Miller. I'll. 2-HH9.V ql!33 Eisner Motors to Buy :i CHEV. 4-door drlnxr. RAiH. Good c dltioil. 1465. Ph. -6K69. fl WANTEO: 'i T. pntiel truck or sed. del. Al so have 1947 Deluxe Ford sed. lor sale, Write box 439 Capital Journal. q235 Buy ol the Week Will trade equity for your car If clear on '41 Packard 8dn. "120." Terms can be arranged on balance if you have ap proved credit. Ph. eve. 3-041B. gZ32 FOR SALE or trade: 1936 Olds coupe. Ra dio Si heater. Ph. 4-2B02. q233 MY EQl'ITV in '49 CroMey, less than 100 mlle.s. i20. Low mommy payment, zi.ia State St. Phone 382. l232 ONE ton O.M.C. Pickup worth $1000. Priced lor quick sale $850. Call alter a P m. Leo E. tiler, 400 Urant St. Silver ton, Ore. q235 WANTED; Clean usra cars. Bob Marr, 21G0 South CommtTCiai Q Eisner Motors to Sell S.V) i'si:n car lot $50 A your old one. 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 p.m Q341 FOR SALE One 1047 International one- half ton pickup truck. A-l condition. Apply Cierwood Products Company. Mur lark and Ba&scU St., Woat Salem. Phone 2-1579. q232 MODEL A panel. Oood deer wagon. Call eve. 633 Fevrry St. Apt. 303. QiiJ "ZEEB'SUSElTCAKS BUY - 8K1.L . TRADB TERMS 131 Pairs-rounds tioud Phone 1-1454 CAR ACCESSORIES tires & tubes at cost price. First coma served as this is a close-out sale. Dealers weicomeo. D. Woodrow Co., 4;i0 Center. Eisner Motors Fine Cars '4? CHEV. Aero sedan, fully equlpt. Oood cond., clean. Rt. 2, Box 81. Dallas. Glenn Mehl, I ml. S.VY. ol Dallas on Liberty Rd rrff fftf2f3f3 MOTORCYCLE, SCOOTERS 10l nirsilMAN Airborne motor scooter. uddv seat ft winhleld. Used only t lonth.. flSO. Ph. 2-0276. o.i214" FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular sires, and Up. Monuomery nara et Salrm. qb"3" l"SLI S-KT. inndrm tr.irlnr dt.-;r harrow. 18 ' blades, (ionrl as nw. u mi nenrj. Farm Store. Br.nt.. Hortvirk ft Co. S.iO N. Capitnl St P!innr 3-!)l!). 031 BOATS II FT. I'l.VHOnn bout ft Tj hp. Mer cury moior. fiiterd from 1 to m. per nr. Cavi 14S0. One mo. o'.d Sell for IlilO. 1149 HUK.C, W. Hnlem Ph. 2-1981. Call aftr phi. or wrPk-fnds r,i213 FINANCIAL $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FTIRNiTUTTE, LIVfWIOCK EQUIPMENT' LOANS OP TO 1300 Come in or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1HR0 Eairtrrour-ds Road Nrxt Door to Bank No Parking problems Phone 17033 Lie. N M369-S391 PloTd Krnvon, Mar. t PRIVATE MONEY Sprr'M Rntrs and Terms On Lrter Loans Long and Phort Time Paynr n's ROY H. SIMMONS 131 South Commercial SL Phone 1 911 P.VF. US FOR ATTRAC1IVE h'Altli LOANS ONLY 4; OR 4'ir; INTEREST I to 40 Yrars and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. 314 State Rt. CNfltAL FINANCE CORP. I.(AN. Lie. S-M! and M-321 v and ROY H. flMMONS IVSt MANCE A NO LOANS I CnmnifKiil SV Tfi 3-1111 BILLS UNPAID? 1 idd vo'ir oh'itmns I pnv t,m nt f Iti a lump sum with a loan fro-n Prr' l tii'n mak1 jut one reasonable payment each month $25 to $")))() on Aulo Up io $300 on S.'il.iry, Furniture Don't borrow Inan solves a in today. unnt-re.varllr, but If problem, phone or com Personal Finance Co. I State. R R. A.lrn. Ph 2-2484 S-123-M-11A r232 FARM AND f.TTY LOANS 4''. and 5-. fOt'R OWN 31 KM, of rei'amenl within rraon CdMi for IVa! L.rtate Contracu and Second Mortum's. CAPITOL KKCURITIFS CO 301 Pion"r Tm.t H 'lir. Pn. 1-71H1 f At 'TO LOANS WILLAM f'l'I i CHMUT CO. iaj S Ch.irrh Parkina a P.'ntv 1 ?7 I No M -1 -9 S 14 TRAILERS MM LI. TR 4.11 I R HM4I.L rsmp:n traiMr. Very feaonah I 1659 Center Si. Ull i aptta! Journal, alem, Ore., TRANSPORTATION WILL TR IDE for housa trailer. Suitable to rent Pn. 1-1748. t237 l4ft CONTINENTAL house trailer. 17 ft. Fully equipped. 3580 S Com'l. Tip Top Trailer Court. W. C. Haffley t233 T R It.r R I-w heeVTl ft. bed. Steel frame and tongue, good (lies. Tel. 1-4177. 137 50 t233 DEER H1NTE rTt he' per! ectTtrat ler"eom -pte to the last detail. Ph. 1-5355.332 TRill.rRPArEllO per-mo. with all conveniences. South side of Pauius can nery. Wm. Roth, 1740 Oxford. Ph. 3-8885. t235" SLEEPING trailer. New Innerspring mat- trr.v Excellent tires. $150 or trade. Ph. 3-9T73 or see 1807 Lee. U33 HI NTING TRAILER. Aluminum covered with lights Ax mattress. hitch, etc. 8W)xl8 wheels. Tires in excellent condi tion. 1398 B. 12th. Ph. 3-8995. t232 NEW WHt.KLKn all metal trailer, and canvas cover. Reasonable. HIS Lee St. t334 TRANSPORTATION RIHE WANTED Salem to Jefferson, leav- it 8m apprnx 7'4 am x;si DIRECTORY 4UDINO MACHINES At) make a used mechlnaa. sold, noted, repalrad Roea 459 Court Pbone 1-9773 APPLIANCE SERVICE fl.KCTRIC HOME appliance repair service new appllane. f'.ace's Rlectrle Phone Prve ut: males Trade-Ins accepted on 1-3239 137 8 Libert i St U 1'R POOR OKINOINCI aharpentns h 38831. and rapalrlDc l TO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Ratlo Co.. 153 S. Libert? Ph. 1-6955. MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towtnt service day pbona 1-1311. Rlfht 2-1804 33 Center Mike Panek, 275 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-3181. Brake and wheel allinlni specialist. o333 nRIt'K WORK Brick & block work of all kinds. Ex perienced, competent masons. Call Davidson Bros.. Ph. 2-8247. 0358 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home Dow. Terms No down payment. Phone 1-48.30. o Bl 1LDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. o342 lU'l.I.nOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 1-6531 or 3-4306. 0239- Bulldozlni, levellna, road blda., dear Ina teeth for brush. VI rail Huskey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 1-3148. Salem. 0239 CARPENTER WORK Carpenter work. New. repair. Ph. 1-2093. 0239 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash re later Al- makes sold, rented, re pa led. Roen 456 Court. Ph 1-1771. o" CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, aide walks driveways, patio, curbs, walla, etc. Call 2- 4150. O CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum Enxley. 771 8. 2sl. Ph. 3-7171. cleaned. o233 DRESS MAKING Alt., dress male Inn. Oood used clothes for sale. 380 State St. Rm. 37. Q244 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce'a Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing, 151 S. Liberty EXTERM I NATO R S Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1555 Peart. o233 Brelthauut's for flowers. filaJ 1-9179. o vvr.h oil fc die el oil. Ph. 3-3186. L. T. Maxwell, distributor. 0241 FURNACE CLEANING Olant vacuum machine. Trailer mount ed. Ph. 28662. United Products Co. 3037 Portland Rd. Reasonable price. o233' HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Wat kins Co .ivery. 1717 Center products. Free d Ph. 3-5395. ' INFLATION Johns-Manville. Phone 3-3741. IN S TR l7l EST REPAI R Expert musical Intrumenl rrpalr. Al work fully guaranteed. JACQUITH MU SIC CO.. Ph. 3-4441. 0244 JA1NTOR StRVlCE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxlns Buildings - Factories Homes F.ttlrr.ate.1 Without Obllaation AMERICAN BLOO. MA INT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 0 LANDSCAPr" M'RKERT A. Doertler b Sons, Ornamentals. 130 Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 2-1S21 DFLUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 143 Jef frrson St.. Pnone 23452, o' LAWN MOW ERA Sliarprned, guarantrrd strvira. power and hand mowers. Call W. Scott, 147 B. Com'l St. I.AWN MOWKB SHARPENING At yout door lawnmower sharpening Dexter the tewnmower man Ph. 16833 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 1-4061. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish & Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7519 o240 OFFICE FL'RNITI'RE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, fllr and filing applies, aafrs. duplicators and nippllea. desk lam na typewriter stands, brief ei Pierce Wire Recorders, Roen. S4 Court OIL RI RNtK S1RVHK We service all tvpri of humeri. Ph. 2H(i3. United Prouurta Co. 30J7 Port lnd Hd. Work miaranterd. 0231 PA1M Interior painting. C. Horn. Ph. 3-5i 037 tif j.troms are equipped to do yout painting Phone i-2431 Q P4PI RIMNr.lNf. F prt paperhantlng and painting. H. J. Wnndworth, Ph. 3-A. Free est o352 .Wry Johnson. Ph. 34631. o230 MINTING A PAPFR HANGING Painting and paperhanglng Free estl male Ph 3-B5I3. 7 Btilpplng. 0340 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Hutchaoa Paint Store PI.I MRING Fli.her.144 S Com'l Ph. 1-3019. 0332 HAN II A li RAVEL Garden Si in-bed rock, Shovel and draallne excavating. Walling aano Gravel Co.. Plione 1-9349 o Valley Sand A Grave; Co Slit, aand f II dirt Excavating 10B ihovel eau Tric'or aconp A trucks for dirt moving Ph offlre 24no3. rea 11146 Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-K03. 1393 N Mh. 03&5 SFWFR AMI aEFTlCtANKl Elctrie Hotrt-Ronier Eiclasiva Patent Rarot Jharp Steel Cutting Blade Clean Sewera t Dratni Septle Tanks Cleaned He Pb 1-1331 at 1-9461 ISIP1IC TNRS K F Hamel Seotie tsnss cleaned. Eienrie machine service on ewe.- and drain lines Guaranteed wort. U3-"" Su, West Saltn. F. Mi J Thursday, Sept. 29, 1149 33 DIRECTORY Mlke'a Septla Service. Tanka atoased. Roto Rooter Service oo Sewers. 1071 Bun St, W. Salem. Ph. 1-948, 1-1327. 0335 Vacuum Pumplnj. no mileafle charae. Call us collect. Todd's Septle Tank Service. 1545 Stato St. Phpnjt 1-0734. e XEWINO M AC II IN El Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EE terms. All makes. W. Devenport, Pa. 1-7871. 0354' AU makes repaired, free estimates. Sinter Be wine Machine Oo. slO Mo. Commercial. Ph. 1-3311. q TYPEWBITESS Smith Corona, Remlntm RotaI, tTndar wood portables. AD makes ased maebmu Repairs and rent Roen. iflfl Cturt. q TRANS PEF STOBAOS 'ocal DUtanca Transfef, storae. Burner oils, coal as briquets. Truck to Portland daily. Aaent for Beklos. House hold foods moved to anrwOme to Ds, or Canada. Larmar Transfer A Storaae. Ph 3-3131. o VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds mS to dxftr & refl nlahed. Relnholdt Lewkv 1-3539. Elmer The Bl.ndmaq. fft. Hl2, o WELL PRILLING Fred Wymort. Rt, i Bok fl7. P6. 1-S13S. o3 rTEATHEBWTRirriNO rree estimates, t. PUlXiUN. P5. I-l7" WINDOW IB AD Eg Washable. Roller, afada fit Order. X Da Del. Relnholdt a Lewis, pn. gagJ, c WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Clean!. Windows, all h woodwork eleaned. Room cleaned, waaed and pollahed. Pb. S-1M7. 31 Court. Lnfdoc CuloerUon and Mather. WOODSAW1NO Atklna ft Crois. Ph. 3-1674 or 1178. 0231 WOOD ft SAWDL'ST West" Salem Fuel Co. Ph J-40S1. LODGES l.O.OJ. meeu every Wed mJ nesday night Visitors wel- LEGAL NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION in the City of Salem, Oregon Friday, October 14. 1949 NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that on Fri day, October 14. 1949. a special election will be held In the City of Salem, Oregon, for the purpoae of submitting to the registered voter of said city for their approval or rejection, an act to amend section 5 of the charter of the said city of Salem ao as to Increase the numoer oi aiaermrn and the number of wards from seven to Said election wtn oe nero in eacn wi of the city, beginning at 1 oclock in tne morning and continuing until I o'clock In the evening of aald day. The precincts in each ward shall have a common voting ace. excepting wara s. wntnin met shall be two voting Places. BY ORDER OF THE UUMMUii luun- CIL of the City of Salem, Oregon, the 32nd day of Auauxt. 1949. ALFRED MUHLXl . Recorder of the City of Salem, Oregon. HOTICK OF SPECIAL ELECTION In the City of Salem. Oregon Friday. October 14. 1949 MERflFR ELECTION NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that Oil Friday. October 14. 1949, a special elec tion will be held In the City of Salem. Oregon, for the purpose of voting upon the question of merger of the City of West Salem, Oregon, with the City of Salem. Oregon, which question will be stated upon the ballot as follows: "Shall the City Ol west naiem. ure I on. be-merged into the City of Salem. Oreion by ammendlng the charter of the aald City of Salem so as to extend 1U boundaries to Include the said City of Weal Salem?" Said election will be held In the City of Salem and all thereof beginning at 8 o'clock in the morning and continuing un til a o'clock In the evening of ald day. pv nBiim OP THE COMMON COUN CIL of the City of Balem, Oregon, the 22nd day of August. 1049. AI.rKEU MUNlii Recorder of the City of Salem, Oregon. Th pollnr Pisces for thesa ttectloni shall be al the following places: WARD I. which includes Precincts . to. 19. 32 and 39. at Grant School, Market at reet, between Cottage and w inter Streets; WARD 1. which Includes PreeincU I, 11. 23. 37 and 39. at Washington School. 13tb and Center Streets; WARD 3: There will re two sowni places in this ward as follows: For Salem Precincts is. n ana si. at t he CH v Hall. Second Floor Corridor, High and Chemeketa Streets; For the Klnewond precinct and ail mn nmrt nf the fit In Polk Countv, at 1W4 Klnewood Drive (entrance on Glen Creek Roadi WARD 4. which includes precincu . a, 13 and 30. at the State Heating Plant, 12lh and Ferry StreeLs; WARD I. which includes Precincts 7. 1. 14. 31, 26. 32, 35. 36, 37 and 42. at May- riowrr Milk Distrs . Dairy Coop. Assn., 2135 Falrgrniinda Roart: WARD 6. which Includes Precincts 1. 3, 20, 25. 21 and 39, at the New nun school 'Salem Senior High School), 14th and D Streets, and WARD 7, which includes Precincu e. is, 24. 33. 34. 40 and 41. at Leslie Junior HlKh School, Howard and South Cottage Streets. Sept. 33 and 39. NOTICE NOTICE 1 hereby given that Rule VIII of the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Commission of Salem. Orruon, has hern chanurd effective Oclooer io. ima, and that printed copies of such rules as rlisnBed mav he obtained at the nfHo nt the City Recorder Id the City of Salem. Oreaon. CIVIL 6ERVIOI COMMISSION OF SA LEM. OREGON. Bv: Alfred Mundt, Secretary. Sept. 39. 1949. Twenty-three per cent of all adult pedestrians killed hi mo tor vehicle accidents had just been drinking. Oh! Such Agony From Gas Pains T am a steady and grateful user nt vour wonderful KAL-O-DVX." writea Klamath Fall redrienf "My eor!dHin showed a vat Improvemen af'T th verv firt bottle did aa i'h se vere attarka of atomarh gaa and bloat and I feel like mv old self again. KAL-O-DEX was a real find t tre " Such word of praipe come from minT I who have tried thli remarkahle Her- bal Compounn and Tnuna It o rm jh what they needed to keep bowels ra ular. for when the ayatem la rlogged due ronntipation. "leg neanarne. -nnm stomarha and sour rtilng to tha throal are often the result. KAL-O-DEX la an Herbal Formula ' ft Juirea from Nature Plants. tl ha relieved manv people who had never heen reallv helped before bv anv medi- Taken shortly beiore meai n mixea with your food, helping to elimln- pniKon. in me syiem. iv wm bowrls. dear gaa from itomach. en liven intestines, and remove- old. alrfcen- Ing bile from the avatem. no anni go tiering uei .Ai--j-ir.A n umi i. Money Ttark Guarantee. Men,Women!01d? Get New Pep, Vim Feel Years Younger fVi m Mame evhansted: woftMwjt tatmg (B aewf Tii..i.ti.l n-ird t hl I: Hie rif n up w.rfc rwifft ti. j it-ne. ontsM tonti man) n1 at AO, . f'T b-nlv ot.t )uai pecsuiM low tn irn; a'w iirpl'ipfnttrr di-'fa t'tamo B, , ei'"nm. Nrw f. i rqiintd" te eni e Trv Ottrex Tool Tablets M pep, youagaa Meuaa, ema) very Sa At ail rtrut storaa verywlerw is Saiaai at Fred Meyer a.