12 -Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISlNQi Per (Jim lSe Per Lin I times 40e Per Lin 9 times 6 Par Line I month 13 00 OuUkl of Salem 15e per line per dar. Min. I0r; S time mln 30c I t:mn mln 11.30 No Refunds READER In Local New Col Oct?: Pei Lid . 30c To Tlare an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES MAKE AN offer, must aell. New 2 BR home. W:th Bendli. On 3 blk. South n old 99E from 12th St. Junction, and Dickson's Mitt. To Idle wood Dr. 4th house left. Ph. 23219. 2J2 CoVEI.Ta bdrm. home. North on M to 2140 Carlton Way. W HTJST LEAVE BY OCTOBER 1ST 84 WILL buy my 614&4 equity In 1 year Id 2 BR home, piasterea. nnwa, nr . 849 Bsller Ave. Mapleton Addll.on. a233 KomTi ACRE W E. with attractive small 3-BR tome. Oaraee Large poultry iMm. Ideal to subdivide. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS M . Mich Bt. Ph. 1-4131. Ives S-S208 332 BY OWNER: 14 t . house on creek. Fireplace, aaraae, a as furnace. gas rsne kn eluded 16700 11400 down. 179 mo. Ph. Bales J. 41, 4 to 10 pm 237 ft7.M. Lata bnllt triple north. Elect, heat, Ian lot. Income 1110 plus J-BR Pt. lor owner. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS M B. B4h Bt. Ph. 9-4131. Bvas, 3-6308 232 Bt OWWlft Two 9-bdra. nomas. Auto-oil; one north, one south. Lane rooms, plsst ered. hdwd. Doom. Phone 3-9921.a233 ItMM. LATE bwllt S-BR horn. Elect, heat. Attached awrae. Lavria lot la wall 1m rtmd daat. Call O T. Bhune tth STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS M S, Bnwh St. PH. 2-4131. Eve. J-MOB e332 At trwVlBiv'ew modern 3-bedroom one. Plow ferns, vara. 14600. 3330 Krd Bt. a333 9.IM." BOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Lot alhtiao, ale lawn and shruba, auto. St., I bdrmi., f-plc... dinette, attach. a., storae apace, pvd. at. Really ur at this price, H 0,600. A CUTIK 40 H. Med Bt. Bem. with H plumb., 41 fur., I nice bdrms., lota of built-in. flrvpU., If. kltch. Hour la fully insl. 8 pre. old. Lg. fa., eorner lot, distant owner says ecll. 110.500. ON BEAOTIFtTL N. 19TH ST. Pull, basm., oil ht.. lg. din. rm , 2 nice . bdrms.. pvd. at. and wks., good paint In Ida and out, lot 50x137 Reaa. terms. 110,700. NO. 3 ZONK part, furnished, lull basm., 4 bdrmi.. top aondHlnn, loc. on 8ttte St. Ph. 26680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 4)3 North High Bt. Ere Ph- 3-7799, 2-1704. 3-3836. a333 5 Rooms and Basement Larva living rm., dlnlni rm. Handy kit chen, and 3 bd. rm. Oarate. High cor ner lot. All paved. On bus line. Close to school and stores. Price STftOO. EDGE OF TOWN t4 A., an ordinary t bd. rm. home. Small barn, city water. Price Just re duced to 13200. Call Brn Cleary. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109. Bv. 1-9930 a 236 SIM DOWN. Duplex located at 650 Ship ping St. No. 1 Bus. lone. Has & rooms down plus two room apt. up. Pull con crete basement. Room for bus. bldg. to fnc Fairgrounds Rd. Full Pric 111,600. Cilt O. V Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS iss l. mm at. en. i-m Evaa. j-!too 2 ACRES $4800 On of the but spots of around any where. Small well-built home. Easy terms. t4 miles E. of KeUer on Che snawi Rd. Commanding View Couple A nice t bd. rm. home, with a fine lot. Nice lawn, aood neighborhood and covgeoua view of city, valley and mouaUtMu. All for 19750. You have desirable home. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1111 Bdeewaler Ph. 3-8109 a!16 mrz RM. old hotise. With lots of fruit nd flowers on 2 lots. 15600. Ph. 3-OR46 a236 BY OWNIB Just a few miles from Balem In beautiful setting, one year old ranch erW home; sli large rooms, full basa wient, nodern In every detail. Any mount up tn two hundred acres avail able tr. Prteed for quirk sale. Owner leaving stale. Shown by appointment wry. Writ Capital Journal, Box 441 eJSl 9n W Ymi ffttt home It) ljigwood yR eei on floor, dble. plbc , finished has eat, double gars, cor. lot. lm "sUst foe wee I on. BOTH" B moH ST. IOUI. I BR . full feeem ent. Ml he t . lots at bu lit- Ins YwiT Dea lot. 112. 900 Larsen Home & Loan Co. BsMlMftvw Lutings - Personal Service XH B. 4vm,l., Ph. 1-1189, Eve. 1-7440 a336 BT Of). BvM. hows with dinette, t bed rena., oipltly redecorated. Sm. family refuted, Approatmale 1 acre. Immediate poaaeswlon. 1H block to sehool. 3 bl. to Baleen and Oervata hi -school bus. Sen. down parment, bal. 10 win. Tall ner vals 9074 ayes, 1 writ P.O. Box 343. 313 1 YEAR OLD 8-BEDR00M HOME Pew 1-rear-old. 9 -bdrm home, very modern. Lara living room, dining room, kNebL breakfast nook and den. Hard wood Aoofs thruout. Attached aaraae. Jateid atllity room. Very lane tot. PSMd to front yard. Owner leaving Si ale. hfwst seU. 1930 Bunnyvlew Ave m ai3l SUBURBAN SOUTH " J mile oMld cltv limits, nearly new roewn phwtered haae. Lata LR.. auto. firwae. breeifway, att. gar., Hr ma ts, lye. hH. bus. low down paymenl. t B. A. a nets. Jmesed. poss. Owner. 885 wakj J34 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS Salem Heights District Pine location lane Int. 3 bedroom home mna room has fireplace, dinette. nnd kitchen very nic utilliy room, serine f" ira room, heated and nlumhed HA. appraised tuis prnpertv at 18.750. Owner says. Mek us an offer." Capitola Addition MUtiel district tors. 3 blocks from bsw sennoi. Larca lot Hi til 9 bedrooms down, on ip Aulo. ell furnace piped to 11 rooms AttacJied carag. Priced ! mry M.loo. Come In or Call JJeVMPe t-llll Bvemnas 9 1814 Wt MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS McKILLOP REAL ESTATE M l Center Blreet at High 334 teew Home. Candalaria Ht. I Bdrm. LM, DR. kit. A nook 69 auto. furn. D. g area a Terms. Bee at 241 Bile Ave. Ph. 9-4409. a34 1346 Hoyt St. Imil Invaetwient nets Income. I bdrm home. Also hous that rents for 130 per month goes along. Lot 130H60. Pull araa 9UO0, IIMW handles $200 to $500 Down Lbdrm. Beans In city. Hdwd floeri rwut. Lre Nr. rm , lovely kitchen. Nw distnrl. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 4t B Ohwrch Ph. l-iatl ' B-91SV Ore., Thursday, Scpl. 29, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES NEW f 8 1. home. 1100 so., ft. Attached garage, pated street St drheway. H.W ilo-jfji. oil forced air heat Furn-shed or unfurnished. 13C0 N. 34th. By owner. 234 II V OWNER: S room ranch type home, 7 yrs. old. Hard wood fin., two fireplacaa, ceiled basement. weatherst ripped and ln- ulad. Low down paym t. 1537 N. Win- ter a 23 4 It's New It's Cute On Olen Creek road. Only 14250 full price. Modern 2 bdrms., llv. rm , hdwd. fir , nook. 1200 dn. will handle. B. Jsherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Cap. to! Bt. Office Ph. 2-3882. Zt. 3-3147 or 3-8836 B234 $4750 Nice, modern 3 bdrm. home. ltv. rm.. kit. witu nooic Completely turn Can be bought 11300 dn. 135 a mo. Be this. $6850 Oood I yr. old I bdrm. home, nir size llv. rm and din. rm, lie. mi,, atl. gar. Well loc. north on lne. lot. $7150 A real buy In 3 bdrm. home. Llv. rm., din. rm., nice kit., newly redec, auto ht. Dandv loc. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. 1365 N. Capitol Bt, Ph. 3-64S8, Eves. 2-5297.3-601.3-4352. a234 NEAK SHOPPING center. 3 lart BR hou.se, ndwd. floors throughout, fire place, full bsmt. moo. General Real Estate 35i Center Bt. Pn 3-3289. 233' SOUTH SALEM 17600. 3 houses, 1 new. 1, 6 yrs. old. New on - llv. rm. - t:tcnen oinett - i bedroom bath - hdwd. floors 6 yri old 3 bedrooms - llvlni - kitchen - bath utility rm. Also 1 rm. shop and - small tool shed 1 block to school - bus Ac store - 2 bedroom house 1 rent ad for I ISO a mo. This Is wonderful buy - Lot the rental pay tor your noma. Near Leslie School 18950. Modern style - 3' years old 3 bdrm. - llvlni dining - kitchen -bath nic utility rm. hardwood and fir floors - oil heat - attached aaraae bus by door - 4 blocks to Jr. hish. SOUTH CHURCH ST. SI 1. 000. Buna, style - t yrs. old - t bdrm. - livint - dining - kitchen bath - full basement - auto, oil furnace hardwood floors - fireplace - beautiful rard it shrubs - fruit trees - nice tar- den space - close to Leslie and McKlnley schools - 17000 - fha loan. ENGLEWOOD DIST. I10.75O. English style - 2 bdrm. - ui finished uDstalra - rm. for two bdrms, Una living rm. dining rm. - kitchen - bath full basement auto oil fur nace very nice location - call for an appointment to see tnu. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN Office 2-8829 - 191 8. High - Home 3-7163 A. A. LARSON, R'LTOR t AC ft I WERT SALEM. 3 BR. older mod ern plastered house, lota oi iruit. Jnce 16500. General Real Estate 356 Center Bt. Ph. 2-3389. 232 LOTTA-HOUSE FOR THE II 911.500. New 4 BR horn located N. of Mkt. Bt. tn Ennl wood. 3 BR up. 2 dn. fully plastered. Best of construction, and very attractive. A real place for some one who needs the rm. and don't have a bit bank roll. Buy now and choo.e your own color. Heas. terms. Ph. 3-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 413 North HlKh St. 237 FOR SALE LOTS LOTS EAST ON BROWN ROAD. Electri city, water, 115 down At 115 mouth. General Real Estate 355 Center Ph. 3-3289. aa232 ZONE 3, 158x329781000. Ph. 2-1935. Walt Bocolofskv. Real Estate. aa234 Buy Now Lots ! Lots ! 3 nice new homes Just going up In the Ben Lomnnd area back of McKlnley school. HFE OUR BION8. Priced from S4M to I3M10. An excellent place to build that dream home. See or call. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 9-MM8 331 H. High Eve. Ph. 3-6770 - $-7534 aa234 9 I B. LOTS. N.. ideal for amail nurs ery. Rd. at front and back. Ph. 2-0181. B239 MtlM LOT. P H A. approved. H. 18th Bt. Sidewalk In. Call 3-4085 r sea at 1915 N. 18th. a233 Sail Ml VirWLOT. 3188 View avenue. City water-gas, near Balem Helghta erhool. 8850 Ph 309P8 aa347 FOR SALE FARMS PLEASANT LIVING acre.i that offers real country com fort with all city conveniences. 10 min utes from downtown. City and school busses. Bee this attractive 3 BR home in ht grova of beautiful oak 1 mi. E. of Kelrer school. Double garage, chicken houje. good shed suitable for small barn. Family orchard, all fruits ber ries, excellent soli. Out of state owner has authorlied sal at 112 000. Drive by nd Inspect at your leisure, or call A N. Duncan. Rm 13, Ladd Bush Bank Bids , tel. 3-9858. b314 "YOUR OWN TERMS " 5 ACRES. 2'i ml. from Liberty, about 36 acres walnuts prunes, some straw berries, creek, good road, no btdaa., full prlre 14BM). 34 ACRES, food barn, modern 4 B R. house with fireplace A basement, some equipment. Prlc 110,000. Take amall house In swap. 82 ACRFB, 8 rm. house, t barns, com pletely slocked A equipped, 113.600. Take amall house In swap ACRES, excellent walnut orchard, modern 9 rm. house, price Ml 000 Swap for income property. Crawford. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. HICh Bt Of fie 3-1649 Ever 9-5399 bJ32 NFW "ftHM T,WTINOS:Very9nod 93 acre faim. best of soil, varietv of fruit and berries. Includes machinery, live stock, and household furnishings. Locat ed about 10 miles north of Salem. Onod buildings Priced to sell at 931 000 For more Information call or sea Oscar Seders! i om nitn LeoN.Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 Stat Bt Ph. 3-9663 Eve, 3-6719 b233' I At' H It and good 3 B H. home at the edge of town, this is a cood buy at 18500 00. 9 Arres and amall new home about I miles from city. There ara other build ings, and the prlc only 17500 oo. 19 Acres 10 miles from Sslem. new 9 room home, deep wall, all the water you want. 19000 00. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Pha S-410T 494 Court Bva. 3-4779 bin FOB HAIR 70 acres, 90 tinder cultlva lion, year around stream. 6 acres of loer and fescue. 11500 and best ear offered for down payment Also worth of stock and equipment on very eaiv terms tf wanted. Writ Capita) Journal Box 441. bJIS M At HE 19 Mil K north t Balem. No butiditig. Will trade on house. Inquire 07 N Capitol. Apt No f bl1B FOR SALE ACREAGE 19 AC'BPs Wallace rd . ctos tn. beautiful building ait, fruit nuts. PH. 3-1189. General Real Estate Carter St bbjSI REAL ESTATE I bedroom older type homi n large lot Egewood diet Terms. SD000 19 teres with vary food 4 bedroom plast ered house, me barn, 911 under cult. Farm equip goes HOME INCOME Lovely 9 bed. oom. hardwnod floors play room In basement, fireplace, super mo dern, with 34 trailer hook-ups and 1 . apt Laundry room with coin -tn -slot washer A dryer. Por far l her particulars. G A. VICAHy'.'rKAl, ESTATE 919 N. Com 1. St. Ph. day r . -04?l cJll' Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS ENGLEWOOD t bdtm. horn. lth full b.mt nwl. p,:nf d, nlc. yard do., to ,11 MhooU. Thl, price U onlr l.00. TO SF.B THIS CALL PETER UE1SER. FAIRMOUNT HILL 1619 PIR ST. parlous Entlth brirk home with 4 bdrms plus maid's quarters, Colonial Interior f;nUh. wmdlne staircase. !ot. of charm, 3 fireplace, rumpus rm., lie. corner lot. CALL COBUHN L. GHABL'NHOKST. CLOSE TO CAPITAL BLDGS. 380 N. 13th Street One of Batms f.r.e home. spartou room. rhruout, 4 bdrms., obit, aaraae, surlnkllni system, besutlful f rounds. CALL EARL WEST, 197S W. NOB HILL GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evenlnss and under! Call Earl West 3-0601 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - . tr OeUer 3-9988 B'n RoUen 3-2471 a232 REAL ESTATE C0LBATH Brick UniMtial home. Edge of cltr NE Lot 12x331. Beaut'ful shrubbery, lewn, and abun dant garden space. LR, din ni rm., hdd. firs., fireplace. Bnrk and t!le construc tion. An outstanding buy for I '.o.ooo. Consider trade on lood 50 or more acre farm N oi 1. Farm 3ft acres rich soil. Borne bottom land. Year stream. Pamllv fruit O'.d bids. 4 acres new strawberries Beautiful home site. Located cast near Frultland. No trades. Price 98500. CABH TALKS HERE. Seclusion Tucked away in the solitude of the manv shade trees on this place you will find your home. Located close In suburban north, it hss 3 bdrm.. dwn.. 3 up. ' bsmnt. Ovei 1 acre of land. Out door fireplace, small barns, chick hse., etc. Your country noma tor oniy itJioo. Small Dwn. No. 1 Two bdrm. home BE. Price IS350. ISOft down. No. 3 . Four bdrm. home In city S. Price imo. ISOO down. No. 3-New 3 bdrm. home. Prlc J7HS0. 1800 down. No 4 New 3 bdrm. home S. Price I78.'i0. 1700 down. No. 6 New 3 bdrm. home with bamnt. Price laitOO. 1750 down. COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS Member Multiple Listing Bureau 1683 Center Bt. Pft. 3-4553 Ives. 3-3651 C233 REAL ESTATE 96300 9) YBS. OLD. 3 BR unfinished at 9600 down will handle. Bal. easy. A dandy, attractive, two year old. two bdrm. at edse of city, full Insulated and weather stripped; dining room: gas floor furnace; yard fenced. OI loan of 17200 payable 153.18 a month may be assumed. Total price 19250. 10 ACRKB 3 acres youm cherries: good houe. barn, poultry house; family berries, good well with plenty of water. About 10 miles out. 17500. Salem Realty Co. Realtors 149 N Huh Bt. Ph. 3-7680 Ev. phones 2-4591 3-6605 c233 NELSON NEWS 3 BDRMB. CLOSE IN 11000 DOWN LR. kit with dining area. 3 bdrms , bath, lot 54x70. pvmt. sidewalk In Si pd easy walking dlst to Capitol, Univ. St Hospital. Price 17.150. MAKE OFFER ON CROISAN CANVON If you have wished for a home next to dens native timber St het on a pvd. rd. St only few minutes out town, here is your chance: A rancho type home. LR with beamed celling, wide plank firs, knotty cedar walls, attractive f place, DR, kit, nook. 3 bdrms. full bath, bsmt with L. trays, furnace, etc. Only for 18000 but make offer. 10 A. 13500 One bedrm home, sm barn, chicken hse. good well. 35 A. FARM 18600 30 A. In cult. 6 A. pasture, family or chard St homeslte wltn all yr. crk. on pvd rd. elec. pump. 9 rm. mod home, fplace. barn, chicken hse. Let us show you this. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Spec la hie 102 N. High Ph. 3-4632 r232 $6500 Nice 3 bedroom home with fireplace, full basement, atl ached garni,. East, good location for state worker. Low Down Payment Have g very nice 3 bedroom home. cltv. appraised value 17.000. Can be handled by Stat Veteran on very reasonable Acreage Pour acres, wtthln 9 miles of Ladd Bush Bank, can be sold for low down payment. No restrictions, here's an op portunity to have a cow. horse, chickens and a pig. Land can all be placed in cul tivation, or subdivided. Owner will con sider a trade, or what have you. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor BEST BUYS $800 Down Almost new 3 bdrm. home In Rnalewond Dui. Electric heat. Insulated, part hard wood floors, garage, large lot. Immediate possession. Toi a I price only 18500. 4 Interest on balance. Priced for quick sal. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. $7950 Full Price Brand new. east. Electric heat. Insul ated, weather stripped. V bltnds. hdwd floors. 963 sq. ft. floor apace. Attached taraae. Private well. Eva. ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. 10 Acres Modern 1 rm. house built In 1945. Barn, ohclken ho line. Amity soil. All cultivated. Clos in north east. Total price only 10000 Will trade for city properly. Ev. ph. 3-9401, 3-3559. 5 Acres, $;tr)00 Amltv sol!. Almost new 3 rm. hnuse. Oak Ornvt settlni. Owner leaving state. Al mnet immed:ate possession. Eve. Ph 3-9401 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 9-7820. 2-4596. 3039 Portland Rd C232 FOB VOI R SAVING ...vestment buy a flrtt mortgage on real astata Balem eternity. Examine neeunty yourself Amojnts 1500 to aevera! thousand do' tara. net InveMora 5 We make all col lectton for you If desired STATE r-INANCF CO 13 S Hlfh e- FAIRMlU'NT H1IL DISTRICT: Oood 2- bedroom home ith enclosed front porch, also sleeping porch. Omnrt bn.iement. oil furnace. Nic lawn, shrubs, larae shade Irees. Onlv 17850. labiie i.oii nniniNn bi'ttarib for Llal'B- Btone fireplace: balcony, aome equipment: beautiful setting amnn lae trees Year aroupnd creek, located on Highway 99; approa. I acres of land Price 18500 Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors sm tata ph. 3-3MJ Eve 1-4007 eJi3 WANTED REAL ESTATE 19 TO 19 acres or mnre. Must he south, have view over city and mountains. Pas ture for horses, some trees and water No bulldinia wanted. Within ten miles of Balem. Hav nice lot with t car gar ( on Fatrmount Hill that can be trad ed tf wanted, or new. modern -ronm hous on B. Cottaie. Or .11 buy out right. Write PO. Bob 609. Salem. ca4 TWO OB TIIRrE"bdromhntWe.ou!r., suburban preferred, under 19500. Write Boa 439, Capital Journal. esJJJ "OTH'Bl If your propeny la for aate real atchaog. list H with ws We have an kinds of cash uera 9T; n nance co bialtobi 191 S Blab Bt 9TB ABE la need a gooo Douses to aell to a near Baiem tf row mMt t list your property for eel .. OBABENBOBST BR09. BJMTOBJ BU SINES S OP P 0 R TU TTs Coin-Operated Radios Man or woman wanted to Independent 1r on and operate new metal st reanv.uit-d RCA rcn-operataM radios Insured bv Lloyds aea.nst fire damag and lhe!t We secure th best hotel and motor court locations Under extract. Perma nent weekly Income. Can hands in siare lime no ev.er-enc necesser Profits start ImmedMtf It . Stuart in come routes slart gt 9779 CASH If en utnelv interesred t phoot And r 'e Bs M Cpiti JrBai. tdJJ8 IFOR SALE HOUSES i REAL ESTATE SPECIALS Tile East Pymnts. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RICH FIELD Oil Corp. offersfor lease service stations in Sweet Home a"nd one in A.banv at inventory. For details call Mr. Holden evenings. Salem 20761. cd234 86.000. CONFECTIONERY First class equip., location and lease. dock are open lor your inspection, rhone 2-8680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High Bt. cd235 IIAYESVII.LF, grocery store A fixtures' 2 gas pumps, 6 cabins, On highway 99 norm. m. i vox its. rn, 3 jib. cd2J2 NELSON NEWS 20 ON INCOME PROPERTY Income property that will show better than 20 net return on 121.000. A real opportunity for sml-retired couple. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Service Personal Service by men who Spec ia Hi J02H:h Ph. 3-4622. cd233 FURNITURE FOR SALE PRACTICALLY nw double bfwith box springs and mattress, 150.00. Call at 2040 N. 18th street, Salem, after 6:30 p.m. d232 MODERN 4-PIRCF bedroom suite. Good cond. Springs St mattress. 9100. Ph. 2:m2. d233 HOirsF. F1-I.L of furniture for sale this week only. 642 Bliler, Mapleton Addi tion.. c.234 SAVE $90 4 -piece limed oak bedroom suit com plete with Innersprlm mattress and matching box spring. A tremendous value at only 199.50. 110 down delivers. SAVE $40 Beautiful modern daveno and matching club chair with blond trim. A truly sensational buy at only 1119.95. f 13 down delivers, H. & H. Furniture Co. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3797 Open Pvenlncs Until 9 pm. d233 WANTED FURNITURE USED FI'RN. Immed. aopratsal. Highest price valley Furn. 385 N. Com'l. Ph. 27472. da234 IP YOU HAVE Fl RMTt RE. appliances. sporting goods, etc., to sell St want TOP P HICKS be sure to call TRADER LOUIE. 30ii Portland Rd. Ph. 3-8553 dnv or 2-4407 eve. da235 Hlf.HFrT PRICES paid Phon Olenn at Wondr Aiicttnn Maraet Ph 3-5110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK classical OH. type mnre. In foal tn Reg. O H. chestnut 3 yrs. old. Will foal late aprinir. H. F. Werden, 1073 Highland Ave.. Salem. e234 BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh, 113" B. 33. Ph. 3-3147. e2S7 RABBITS WING'S BABBITRY noda rabbits. Top PETS DOBFRMAN PINKCHFR Male, ara 14 mom lis. Phone 3-94 H after 9 p.m or Pat. ec?33 FUEL OREGON FUEL COMPANY Oood Clean sawdust Dry slab or green for turnac Oreen edging 95 50 load. Double i:0 0C Dry edilni 18 00 load. Ph. 35533 . ee23. SHFM. STOVE A DIFSFL OIL. Ph. 3-3186 Shell Oil Co. L, T. MaxvelL dlstrloator e'349 SLAB WOOD, mill run. 16 per load Hand p!-Kod. ill per load. Ph. after 9 pm. 377M. ee236 CALI HIGHWAY PUEV FOR ntese: and Stove Oil FRESH CUT SAWTHTST fry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends Block Wood Ph 96444 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oait. ash At oiapie. 4 fir. 16' slab and edgings. Ph 3H8 ee West Salem Fuel Co. 14 IN DRY OR OR FEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 14-D4. CLEAN . NO BARK SCREENED PAWm'ST Rt'RAL DELIVFR1EA DIF-HFL AND STOVE OIL Phon Flem 9-4031 A"j pick up wood al 1933 tdce water St.. Wesl Salem ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 17443 16' Blab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13' Insld Mil) Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR BAH ORLEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 3-12P8 1234 FAT HENS Ph. 3-1298" 1333 NIW HMFniRK chicks vvery Thurs day. Order Fry or Hena now at pe nal quantity prlcti for your lockers. Cuntom Drenslng a apee laity. Phon 2 JIM, lee i Hatchery. f IWniqMFRtREhlcks for Imraadiat or future delivery Hatehes avery Tues Pol Hatchery, 99)9 Stat St Ph. 1-4969 PRODUCE CONCORD GBAPfV V Pick 4c lb Br:nT Containers. JVin Wlrih. 4060 Monroe a. nail CONCORD trapes Jb tomatoes. Corner of HvMPod Dr. A B-lverton Rd . 1st hse W. M. R d.nes. Ph. 3-I7V ffllJ' TOMTOF 7V B. I'-pck. Imlih F-u:t farm, W mil m Waiiat rd. Pb. lt- . irui I AUCTIONS DAIRY AUCTION Wednesday, October 5th Starting at 10:30 A.M. LOCATION 3 miles east of Springfield on McKenzie Highway and 1 mile north on Highbanki Road. Watch for sign leaving McKenzie Highway. . QUITTING the dairy business, will sell my entire dairy herd oi, above date. 50 Dairy Cows 50 , THME rows ronit of r.-jriw.y,. J,rs. and Holjt:nj. U.)orltr of ow, t.Lrriu),., Cow run In from a to I y.ar. okl. 17 of tho,, cov, ,r, clos, up iprinn.r.. I of ihw cowj ii,v freahtnl ID th, lut 10 dk. I HAVE BEEN la:ry!n, for th. laAt II y.ara and hav, culM eonalj,t,ntlT for Ion, time product. on. and at pr,,nt th., cow, ar mllklnt from 30 to 60 Iba. per day. The., ar all lara, tip, coaa, aomc will w,l,h 1300 lb. WILL OIVE Individual r.cord of ,arh cow dar of aala. Uany of tha, eowj ar, alr.d liltu"t" '"'" 0t Ot"eM. Thoa, coa ar, all T.B. and Abortion luted for TERMS OF SALE, CASH Don't forget the date. Wednesday, October 5th Lunch Served by Mrs. Gulickson. OWNER E. G. Harwood AUCTIONEER K. A. Danstrom PRODUCE TOMATOES u Pick. L. fc'.elke. Near Ro berts school. Ph. 3-1578. ff333a GRAPES 4ebYnupick7Br7ng contain". ers. Walden, 3845 Portland ad. ff234 TOMATOES AND PEPPERS CANNING, JUICE AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER. PH. 2-7172 ff234 TOMATOES a bu. or ton. U-plckll bu. man. Box 32, Pb. Jefferson 504. f 1343 FILBERT AND Walnut drying.' Bperial service ror imaii iota. Phon 2-2881 Lee's Hatchery. ff FILBERTS" PICK your own at 9c lb. Oood pxklng. 9 ml. East on Aumsville Hiway. Oeo. Hull, 363 Stale Bt. Ph. 34294 f 1233 TOMATOES, cucumbers, fresh eggs. Fri gaard Fruit Farm. k ml. N. Kelzer scnool. ff240 HELP WANTED accordion"instri!Ctor; Part or full time. Excellent opportunity. No ex perience necessary. We train you. Write Capital Journal, Box 422. S3 51 - - jreesr. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED thoroughly exp. Service station attendant. Prefer Standard OH training. State age, cxp. Write Box 459 Capital Journal. gs334 SEE OI BAD forHlgh school arraduat.es under "Educational." ga232 PART TIME MAN Earn f 140-120 monthly workini 1 hours a day demonstrating sensational new Bible, success assured thru per sonal training, write fully. Sunday School Leak tie, P. O. Box 4040, Port land Oregon. ga234 EXP. floor covering mechanic. Apply M.K.N. Furn. West Salem. ga23S WANTED Licensed barber to run chop until February 1st. Apply at Lou's Bar ber Shop. Box 124, Falls City, Oregon. Phone 25!. ga232 HELP WANTED FEMALE SEE OCR AD for High school graduates under Educational." gb232 WANT WOMAN for light house-work- car for 2 small boys. Ph. 3-0694, gb237 CAR HOP wanted. Full or part time. wnir.es urive in. 1138 8. Com 1. (b233 EXPANDING LOC A L m anu f actu re firm needs versattla young woman. Mutt be capable typist. Excel, permanent posi tion for the right peraon. Phon 3-8859 for Interview. gb232 EXPERIENCED CLERKS. Apply at 331 N. i.iocriy sireer, irom V to 11 .m. and at 3 to 4 p m. go EXP. stcno for Insurance office. Short hand required. Apply in person. Hugglna Insurance. 373 N. Church. gb233 LADY living In Kelzer dlst. to care for seven-year-old girl from 1 to 6:30 Mon. thru Frl. Ph. 2-2353 after 3:30. gb233 GENERAL housework. Rel. 69ft N. Liberty. gb335 GIRL WANTED for housework. Call at 1420 Market. Oood wages. gb232 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITION8 3fi0 State Street Phone 2-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN BEST OPPORTUNITY. National product. i-ar essential. Apply 668 N. High be- tween 9 and 10 a.m. gg MAN WITH CAR." Would" you llkaTo In crease your weekly income 120 to 325 or more during your spare time supplying Rawleiah Products to Consumers in City of Salem? Write Raw'.eigh's, Dept. OR1-55-247. Oakland. Calif. g232 EXPERIENCED lurnltur salesman, list exp. At qualifications. Writ Boi 394, Ciplial Journal. gg WANTED POSITIONS WANTED SEWER, septic tank St drains line. Hen Bros., Ph. 2-4508. 1,334 CHILD CARE day or nr. Ph, 3-8985. h258 PRACTICAL M RSE. day or night nurse- mg or stay ntghu. Ph. 3-8519. H334 YOING MARRIED vet. 2 chlldrrnT for gen. farm work, chicken, turkey or dairy ranch. Exp. Will go anywhere. Write P. O. Box 111. Amity. Ore. h234 A SKILLED mechanic wanted. Drunkard n'M not apply, aak lor Hay Myers of Sdert on. Pn. 4151. h234 TREEWORK Topping, Removing, Etc. INSURED OPERATOR JOHN PAYNE 249 8. Church Ph. 3-6016 b232 IRONING done In my home, 90c per nr. i'.i. i-2JCi any day bul Bu. Ji2:i2 5IECIIAMC wuhe permaneut workT i yrs" experienced .on d:esel and I't yrs. on gns. Hon. dL. from th navy. Sept. 22, 1349. Ph. 3-8326. h235 BRICK A block work"o(all kinds? Ex perienced, fumpetent masons. Call Dav.don Bros.. Ph. 3-9247. h2J4 EXPIRIINCED and capable business man demurs emploment ith estabiuhed local concern. Thoroushly experienced in finance, credits, collections, sales and merchandLung and olhre routine. Desirous of assuming renponKlbilnies 41 Tt. age and married. Box 437 Capital Journal. 1.234 BARN BROS., Contractors. Remodeltni. form work. Phone 2-8113. h234 Oregon Tree Service Insured opp. . Phone 2-1496.h2.16 NURSE ThOROUtiHI Y experienced. At L.bertr. Day or melt. Ph. 3-9075. h234 WILL CARE for your children In my home, riavi oniy. 950 1 sFor Drive, King wood Height. Ph. 2-:8!8. h334 PR4C, Nl R-E.Cook." Htkpr ' AdultiMld. age, reliable, capable full charge. In cay or oui. Do not smoke nor drink. Write Capital Journal Box 497. h233 Minnir AC.Ela.1vdelrM baby"lit!ng Any ate Pn. 3-6098. h23J CHHD car by day. In nr horn. Ph. 3-4870. h218 TELEPHONE C Sl.Li TAKEN, 24 hr. serv ice Former phon opr. Pn. 3-5073. h356 IN TEKIOB PAINTING. Isp. Ph. 3-6796 h3S3 CHILD CABE.19J 8. 19th. Ph. 3889. h243 TREK WORK, toppint trimming, remoy. Inc. In, op. Work guar. W. H. McAllts. ter. 940 Trade. Ph 3-14H. h23S Mimeographing-Tpingr POEB 663 North 16th. Phone 9-i WW IW prr-arrf and seeded tight tractor a rubber int toi. Ph. l-:l" hill jAUCTIONS WANTED POSITIONS CEMENT WORK T anted Ph. 3-4850. EDUCATION Rawlins Music Studio Violin and Piano. State accredited teacher. Ph. 3-6013. hh350 TRAIN FOR AIRLINES MEN AND WOMEN High School Graduates 19 to 33 only Position I Are Available Such as . Airline Secretary Hostess . . Receptionist . . . Reservations .... Passenger Agent .... Station Agent .... Traffic Agent .... Radio Operator .... MeteorologLU Pre placement service with D. 8., Brit ish, Alaska and South American Air lines. Does not interfere with present employment. .... Send coupon below to box 459 Capital Journal, for complete informa tion to help determine my qualifica tions for employment with th nation's leading airlines. Address . Phon .., FOR RENT ROOMS LARGE SLEEPING ROOM, 1st floor. HA.-C 5 8 ter W W . High. j it 33 4 HOMEY LIGHT housekeeping roon.rHot plate cooking St refrig. Warm. Ladies only. 195 S. 34th. Jk234 SLEEPING room, heat St cellar. 980Par- jk.234 t BED ROOMS, first floor modern JinmeT Call 3-7990 after 6 or befor 9. 745 Hood Jk234 SLEEPING rm., prlvat home. Day time employed. 694 N. Church. Jk234 BUSINESS DIST. Nice sleeping rm. for gentleman. Heat. H C water In rm. 255 Center. Jk232 SLEEP. RM. Hollywood, 2035 McCoy. Ph. J It 256 ROOM FOR Gentleman. 633 N. Winter. can aner 0:30. Jk233 SLEEPING RM. with private bath. Oen- ueman preierreq. bm w. Church. Jk233 SHARING home with Christian girl. All conveniences oi a nome. Call after o p.m., 643 N. Winter. Salem, Ore. Jk233 PLEASANT SLEEP! NO room for gentle man, loan worway. pn. 2-4547. Jk235' LARGE SLEEPING rom. Employed la- dy or couple. 949 N. Winter, Ph. 3-9459. Jk235 NICE SLEEPING nn. Men. 448 Center St. Rear Woodrow Bldg. After 3:00 p.m Jk233 ROOMS for rent. Ladles only. Kitchenette pm. 920 statesman Bt. Ph. 3-5210. Jk233 HEATED SLP. RMS. for men. Tel. St priv. mi. i-uuuv JJ4D. JOUO n. (JSpilOl. WARM ATTRACTIVE room for employ ed gentleman. Reasonable. Ph. 3-4248. Jk234 SLEEPINO ROOMS. PH. 3-4338. Jk237" FOR RENT APARTMENTS VERY NICE furn. 3 rm. apt. Prlv. bath. uios in. Air cond. and heat. 1434 Ferry. JP232 NICE HEATED Mm. apt. 3 adults, st saw n. Liioeriy. JP337 S RM. APT. St bath. W1U taka small ba- ny. rn. 3-5347. JP234 APT, and room. 360 H. Capitol. Jp234 FOB RENT 3 room apt. close la, furn.. uiisoie ipr a. rn. s-s ins. jpjj NICE FUBN. apt. all-electric. 1075 N. Capitol. Ph. 1-8J06. Jp237 PABTLY FURN. apt. 3 rma. private bath A garage. 133 per month. 1374 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-9400. Jp232 UNFURN, I rm. except itove Si refrig. New court apt. Beautiful view. Utility room. Ph. MAM. Jp233 RM. FURN. Apt. 2nd floor. Ldypre"-" ferred. Ph. 31530. Jp333 NICELY FURN. 3 rm. apt. Also furn. Pull man apt. Amnatiarjor. 950 N. Bummer. jP233- CLOSE JN 1 room furn. apL Range reirig. bjb . winter. JP233 LIGHT housekeeping rm. and kitchen ette. 1810 Trade St JP333 FOR RENT HOUSES 3 RM. HOUSE, partly furnUhed. Not mod ern. Inqulrt at 92 Williams. Jm233 SMALL house, large lot, owner leaving. 135 month. Sidney Oay, Rt. 2, Box 35SB. LabUhlllaie. Jm3ll 3 ROOM hous unfurnished except elec tric range, garage. Adults. 694 N. Church. jm334 1 BD. RM. house. Elec. stove Si refrig., 175. mo. at 3145 N, Liberty or call at 633 Ferry St., Apt. No. 303 la th after noon. Jm2J3 LEASE 2 B R. unfurn. house, S. 743 N PER MONTH will rent cottage. Clone to Balem. interior newly papered and palmed. Running water. Electric llchti. Inside toilet. 1 bdrm.. unfurn. except for oil heater. Ph. 3-1373 efter 7 pm. - Jm332 NEW t BDRM. Hardwood floors. View place. Panae, refrig. St Venetian blinds furn. 980. Ph. 1-4538. Jm333 Fl BNHHED-IBRhome. Auto heat. hot water. Adults. j60.Ph. 3-4370. Jm333 BUY LIK1 RENT Excellent opportunity to buy this well built 3 B R. ranch style home In Xing wood Heights from owner. Borne down pavment and balance like rent. LR. with fireplace. DR.. kitchen, bath, Lae. util. Bendu and dishwasher. 3 blocks to bus. .1st street above Pair Oaks. 1701 Long view. JilS" 9 BOOM furn. house, 139 per montji. Rt. 1. Box 93. Brooks or call 9372 Oerraj after 9 pm. Chaa. Barrett. jm233 3 BPBM. house. Borne turalture. 3260 Portland Rd. Jm333 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS A WITH S BDRM. house. Pull basement, wood furnace. Oarate In basement. Spring water, barn, brooder and chick en house, garden. Balance In pasture. On V ta Spring rd. Ph. 3-9319. 1330 3'h al . West Balem. J232 orrirE.osk spac. Com. lot. Ph. Iiiu J34S FIOOB SAND9JU for rest. Moatgomtry Ward j POWBB TOOL rental for bom and in dustrial as Howsr Bros. Ph. 9-3646 Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES Prices Count These Days! Terrific! Savings! ) 1949 FORDS THE CAR OF THE YEAR SAVE UP TO $300.00 1949 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR SEDAN. LOW MILE EAGE, HEATER, UNDERCOAT, LOW PRES SURE TIRES WS WASHER $1799.00 1949 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN COUPE. PADIO, HEATER. UNDERCOAT, TWO OUTSIDE MIR RORS, WS WASHERS, NEW 600-16 TIRES . . $1895.00 1949 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR SEDAN. A COUR TESY CAR JUST LIKE NEW. RADIO, HEAT ER, CHROME SUN VISORS ON ALL DOORS, SEAT COVERS, WS WASHER, . FENDER SKIRTS, LOW PRESSURE W-S TIRES $1995.00 1949 FORD CUSTOM STATION WAGON. RADIO, HEATER, UNDERCOAT, LOW PRESSURE 6-PLY WHITE SIDEWALL TIRES. SIGNAL LIGHTS, WS WASHER. THIS IS THE ONE YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR $2495.00 1947 FORD 6-CYL. SUPER DELUXE SEDAN. EX TRA CLEAN $1195.00 1946 BARGAINS 1947 1946 FORD 6-CYL. TUDOR DELUXE. A-l CONDI TION $1045.00 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN. RADIO, HEAT ERA BEAUTY $1345.00 LOW ' PRICED TRANSPORTATION 1940 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 475.00 1937 PONTIAC COUPE $ 165.00 1937 DESOTO 2-DOOR $ 145.00 1947 CROSLEY PICKUP $ 395.0fli IB40 DODGE SEDAN. RiiH $ 495.00 THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION Center at High Valley Motor Mart PHONE 1-3MT HIOH $200.00 SAVING '49 CHEVROLET Yes. you can save $200.00 on i 1949 Chev. Fleetline Deluxe Sedan at Orval's. Equipment includes radio, heater, defrosters, sportlight, fog lights, windshield washers, seat covers, oil filter, undercoating, chrome wheel rings, bumper guards. A beautiful light seafoam green finish. This car carries a 60-day full guar anteed. Convenient terms, liberal trade-in. See this on our Turntable today. TO SAVE ON THAT '49 MODEL CAR SEE ORVAL'S ORVAL'S - (THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE) Center at Church Sts. Phone 3-4702 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TO DO good Job eent good floor aand- r w eii everyuiing vo complete m Job. ROWSER BROS - Ph 1-3646 I fOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. 3FFICE spaces and desk ipaces. Ph. 35693 r TBAILEBS 12.00 per day Bowser Bros 141u 8 13th. West Balem. I" BUSINESS RM. for rent B L. Stiff. J (1 DRIVE trucks, cars Ph 3-9103. SINGER ELECTS IC portable sewing ma chines Reasonab. rates, rre pica up St delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com I Ph 33512 J" WANTED TO RENT RELIABLE elderly couple wants unfurn. house. Best ol care, permanent, rn. 3-5543. J332 S OR 4 ROOM unfurnished apartment. Wl- dow and daughter, both working, can 2-6432 after 6:00 p.ni. Ja233 WANTED by an employed lady, furn. apt. not to exceed 140 mo. writ 440 cap ital Journal. J332 MODERN X- ar 1-BDBM. unfurnished hse. up to 173 per month. Reliable, steaony employed and I can guarantee your home will be kept in first class condi tion. Write particulars to Cliff Bhelton. 540 Milt. Salem. ,q31J LAWYER, WIFE St 1-year-iaa need t B R furnished house or first floor apt. write Bot 433 Capital Journal. JaS ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and room. Ph. 3-8706. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Lid for washing. Between Beacon and Sears Farm store. Ph. 4-3861. REWARD for return of black cat taken from 1133 6th St. Sunday nignt. jh LOST" Two 8.P. avstem annual passes is sued to R H. Mundt and Mrs. R. H. Mtmdt. Mill City, Ore. k234 MISCELLANEOUS LT.n spRINom, m.n'a hattar. We cloa, fiaturdaya 13:30. 461 Court. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR I HR SERVICE IN UOGT CASKS OR RARRT SEMLER DENTIST Adolp. Bid.. Stat, Comoi.relal Su SALEM Phon, I-S311 V BUILDING MATERIALS AETNA STEEL Door Frames, assembled, one unit. Low Installation cost. PCM ILITE, West Salem. ma232 REINFORCING STEEL and Blok-Mesh in 4". 6" I" Widths. PUMILTTE. Went Balem. m33J CHIMNEY BLOCK Foundation Blocks. PU M ILITE. West Balem. ma31 3 PLTWOOD-New supply, complete stock. Pick your choice of material. At lowest prices. C. O. Long. Ph. 3-9631. 1 mile N. of Reiser. ms337 Windows Sashes Hundreds of new and used sashes. For kitchen, bath, bedrooms, commercial nd farm use. Used double and triple windows, complete with frame. C. O. Long, Ph. 3-3831 1 mil N. et Kelrer. tne337 SIDINGS New white asbestos stdtni 918 00 per Carload supply. No paint required. Ce dar snakes in the carton 113 00 sq vin dercourse included. C. O. Lone. Ph. 3-5821 mile N. of Kelier. mail? GRAVEL FOR concrete als and roadi. 81 gurdson. Phone 31190. ma349 NEED LUMBER? 4 tarter amounts. Bultdera ara realising substantial savings oo all grades of framing lumber. No. 4. 2x4-1x9 ahlp lap 117 per M: 3x9-3x9-9x19 119 per U. No. 9. 3x4 ahlplap 1)9 per M. Price in cludes delivery. West Salem Saw Mill. 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. Ba349 CEDAR Qt'TTIBJt Jtut received small stock of hard to get grades. 4eleart mght-knot 3"t4" Cedar gutter. Ketth Brown. Front St Court 8t., Balem. ma NEW KITCHEN nks complete with fauc e's. trap on 113 N) Used wssh basin with a.! fltt nea, 113 Vt to l!50. Large ractn. nw inedir:ne 970 C O. Long. Ph. tMil. 1 a. La N. rt K ier 998337 lAUrOMOBILEJ AT CENTER Aim .233 BUILDING MATERIAL noOBS Flush Interior and exterior doors. Just a few left at gpcctal price. Keith Btown. Front St Court Bt., Balem. ma" CEDAB SIDING New snipment x9" nx 10 cedar siding, all grades. Kei Kelt Hi a A Brown, Front Court Sts., Balem. SAVE OH ROOPINO Lei Wards give you compute IN STALL ED arte en your roofing Deeds, Wide ranee of colors Can our MUlde aaiesmaa for free estimate Phoa 1-3191 MOBTOOMERY WARD St OO. BALEM. ORBOOH Bl ALUMA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK jHINOLE. The modern permanent roof ing Bee your dealer of Call Diet, 1-9401. ma273 DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor ana carpenter using in nnesi old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber in Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 31 Lena Ave. Ph. 34939. Free parking. ma RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Timber No. 1 $7.75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 sqs. No. , in clear, suitable far roofs or sldewalls. Ted Muller, Ph. Ba lem 3-1196. Salem-Indep. Road, ma DOORS New IV Colonial doors 911.50, fir slab doors 113.50, mahogany slab door 324.50, new glass doors 910.35, acreea) doors 86.50. combination storm 4ooB 110.00, interior panel doors 19.79 Bt up, C. O. Long. Ph. 2-5831 1 mil N. off Kelrer. ma2.17 NURSERY STOCK SACRIFICE BALE: RHODES, IS to 13; AZALEAS I for II to 91.50: CammfHtaa 75o to 94; BOXWOOD 812.50 hun.; per rennlaU 35c to II: King Alfred 75c dar. Merrill's Oreen house. Brooks, Ore. mb3S4 jF0RSALE MISCELLANEOUS new aoa sav., Leopold scope, t boxes shells. 1193. 3-6583. B333 ENFIELD custom rifle, perfect. 3139. lit Park Ave., Woodburn. Ph. Red 90. n334 REG. 9447.50 NOW 993. II eu. ft. Up right frecter. Used refrig. 169. 317 337 N. Hign St. Jn. 3-7941. NEW USED electric, gas. wood ranges) refrig. Electric, gas. wood St oil heaters I" 12.50 St up. Beds, sprints St mattresses 113.50 Aj up. Daveno. ft piece maple living room 399.50. Davenport As chair. Jig saw. t h p. outboard motor. Tables St chairs. Chest of drawers. End tables. Coffe tables. Baby beds It it up. Hot plates. Electrle roasters. Irons, Toasters. Waffle iron. Floor lamps. Elec trle mixer. 33 eal. rifle. Ruis. Dresser. Sinter Sewing machine. 3 wheel trailer. Aluminum cook war set. Radio, Used cara cheap. Hardman Bros., 44 miles north of Salem on Portland highway. Open from I a m. ta t p.m.. 1 days a weeir t.334 BOY'S BICYCLE, jo-inch Junior 8tie. 13. or rraae tor oiri t Bieyie. 969 oarnet Street. Phone 3-6355. n234 MEDIUM SIEE Taylor tricycle 115 00. cnihas sieei scooter ii.oo. f -yr.-oid a combination desk St eh air 81,00. Phona 3-9886. 370 N. 19Ui St. n334 DAVENPORT St chair. Orerstaffed rust eoior. a oeautliuj suite. Like new. Only 989.90. Trader Louie, 3095 Portland Rd. BM41 DUO-THERM oil circulator, 16 gal. drum, floor mat pipe. Reasonable. 1141 Fir. fh. 3-9799. B334 EYWOOD-Wakefield baby aarrlage. Easy Spin-Dry apt, sts washer. Ph. -146. 1,134 T. well insulated Cooleratar k box. ' w . inn at. n234" UKE NEW: Model 70 Wlnehester riflef callbr .970 with 330 Weaver cop. See at 4 llU aclaar fJajem Il334 I-PIECE blond dining set. Only I memtha aM, 171. Trader Louie, 30S9 Portland Rd. n334 KENMOBE alectrk ranee. Used only 1 montns. 1139. Trader Leute, 9093 Port land Rd B334- It GUGE single barrel ah otgunT Phono" I-99U. CaU between IS noon and 1 9 m. D234 COLEMAN atl circulator. Used I r. used g mos. ry . 1 1 7 p.m. n 4 Ho re trie a L " r.3 oetween MINK dyed fur coat," (Continued on Page 23)