1(1 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Thuinday, Sept. 29, 1949 DOUBLE TROUBLE AP NswaftoturM By WILLIAM HOBSON (Chapter 4) Bwlnnerton removed the cigar from hii mouth. "Joe I mean Jay you've got to. I told you that e lawyers believe In the Innocence of our client, though now and then we have to itretth a few polnU. I'm stretching one now. I n stretch ing It a long way because I believe In your brother. That rifle slug through his chest seems to have knocked some sense Into his head He's a changed man. He says that It was just what he needed to bring him down to earth again. He wor ships the ground Ellen walks on and when this thing is over he's cutting out the rough stuff and set tling down. He's already warned Morden that when he gets back on his feet, it's quita. All he wants you to do Is just take his place ior a lew weeks until ne can ride again. Then he and Ellen are get. ting married and going to your home for a spell. After that he's bringing her back here to settle on Randall ranch. Ellen has al ready told Mike. But Mike's a hard man to convince. Look here, Jay; every man Is entitled to one mis take In life, and Joe marie It. There won't be any more. As his brother, his twin brother, you owr It to him to step into his boots for a few weeks and see that he comes out on too " Jay Allison sat there and thought n over. He still didn't like any part of It; It was a fraud. And he could still feel Ellen Randall's warm Hps on his. There would be danger there He consoled himself with the thought that he'd be In the line camp, miles from the ranch, and that decided him. Finally he nodded. "All right. Bwinnerton, 111 do It for Joe's sake, even though It's against mv grain." "Good! That's fine. fine. This will come out all right. You wait and see. Now I'll brief you on a few things about the ranch and o on to get you through supper. After supper you tell them you'll be out to the ranch sometime to morrow, as you've a few things to take care of. Tonight III have horses ready. I'll take you to see Tour brother." Jay left the office bv the back way a few minutes later, the odd thought In his mind that he wa. mixed up In a criminal conspir acy . . . and already acting the part. He didn't like thU skulking business. He cut in back of the hotel again and ascended the steps up to the second-story hallway and made his way to the room. He opened the door and a big man pushed hlm aelf off the bed. He was in his mid fifties, bemustached. and burly. Hr said. "Well, I see you got back," and gruffly stuck out a hand. Jay said, "Yeah I'm back," and waited. "Frankly, T was hopln vou would not come back," the other said without preamble. "But Ellen raiser1 ao much fuss ever' time me and her ma opened our mouths that there was no living with her. So when she came downstairs and aald you was back I wanted to have a talk with you, Joe. You can have your lob bark at the ranch, all right, but I want this clearly understood: Jf you're going to marrv her, this drinking and cutting around Is go ing to stop. I'm not having mv Kir! marry any man who's been cutting up the past few months like you have." "I understand, air." Jav said Suietly. Swlnnerton had aaid that oe had had enough. No more of the rough stuff for him. "Good." grunted Mike Randall. "But don't get any Ideas, Joe. If you come back to work for me you're going right back to that sum mer line camp and stay there until w need all the hands at the beef roundup this fall. You wont be seeing her or having anything to do with her. understand? If vou and her atlll feel this wav after the roundup, and you settle down, then maybe well talk about you gettln married some time this winter. But you're got to prove yournelf. Joe The first misstep you make. Ill chase you off the ranch with a hoteim." "All right, air." Jay answered. Mike Randall ahot htm a mwr Ijpos, "Since when did you start calling people, me especially, air?" he demanded. "uh guesa It's habit from being home." Jay answered lamely, and felt his face flush. "Mom's pretty much of a stickler for those things. "Good." snapped back the ranch er. "Too bad you didn't stay an other month. Might have pounded some sense into your head, well, he finished gruffly, "let's get on downstairs to supper. The wimmln folk are waiting. And you mind what I told you I I mean every word or it." They went out and he followed the bigger man downstairs. They passed a tall man in the lobby man who looked as though he had Just come In from a long ride. He was about thirty and carried a big knife in a fringed sheath, in addi tion to his pistol. He gave Jay a queer look In which there was no Irlendllness and added a brier, cold nod. Jay answered in kind, with a curt Jerk of the head. Randall said, low-voiced, "ixtoks like Peg Smith ain't forgot that little ruckus when you hit him over the head with a gun Darrei You watch out lor him. He ain I the kind of man to forget." Jay took off his hat and followed the bigger man. He was dressed in a dark suit that idn't look too bad after a brushing down and he'd had his boots shlned that day at noon while the engine and crew were being changed. They set off his sleek black hair and eyes. He was thankful now that he and Joe had, like ao many twins, always bought Identical clothes and gear down to the smallest omii. (To Be Continued) sizes i2 iT Flattering LineYou'll like the way softer styling adds subtle flat tery to this frock see the tucked shoulders and draped bodice detail. and easy flare of the aeven gore skirt. No. 9933 Is cut in sties 12. 14, 1. 18. 30. 3ti. 38. 40. 43, 44 and . Slse 18. yds. 30-ln. Just out! The PALL - WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over ISO practical. easy-io-srw, up-to-tne-minute pat tern designs for all ages Remem ber, It's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now. price just cents. Name, Address and Style Number State Slse desired. AriHreu r?anlta1 .Initrnal 111 W, . slon 8t., San Francisco , Calif. ( olcnty i I I -C .a,Jt11 I I i or I i flavor m Mammy llnll Here la a Invent. mammy" doll to delight any little girl. The adorable 13-inch toy la easy to make. Use discarded cloth ing and odd scraps for the gay costume, petticoat and pantlra. Pattern Envelope No. RJM7 con tains tissue pattern for doll and clothes, tracing for fare and com plete directions. To obtain this pattern, tend JOr in COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and son num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 838 Mission Street San Fran cisco 1. Calif. TTTTi iir"r :M ft. r a If hi Arraw ralchl Arraw Cant. MldnJfht Cant. Midnight M GibrM Htatar U IN W Nawa Unaia In lha Marian Maaiff :M Draa a' MX. It I Char la Bplvak M iftaa-blrra Da 14 ftaaa Shaw Newa Mataal Nawaraal Hula Mic Faltaa Lawia Jr. dclrel LaeaJ Wawa Nawa Maila ' Adv. af FaUan Adv. af Falean Bum Marfan -Rasa Marian Situ "Of f Nwi Sam man Tlmtkatnar Mar a Tina Nawa Nawa Breakfaal Gang Wuiia Toa Tradas Rartaln Canntar Rlaa t Hhlna Sana ( Flanaara Mornlnf Special N W Ntwa Qali Club Pa.tar'a Call Wllea Walti Tina Nawa fiatta! inrer Perry Caaia Walla Saranana Ladiaa Plrat I.adlea Plrat Qaean far a Dap Quaea far a Da To Trades Nawa N W Ncwa Boa Enarly Shaw Trll T'r Nrl-hk.7 Harvey Hard In a Oriaa Hcvarlaa Blng Slnca A-alnii the Stem Acalmt tha Stern Masla . Music Say It With Maala S.t It With Maalc Newa Senca af Times Fallon Lewis Jr. Frank Hcmlnswav R-hind tha Slary Newt I rrrSA--A RELATIVE OP T THAT MUST BE WHY 1 roUTTE 50--AUNT T OKAYLET'S "1 Of CDURM GOuuUW-ne TURNED AUHTie'S iMINE, MR ROPER.'-MV- JSrlE LOOKED FAMILIAR HARRIET SOMETIMES jTAKe A SHOT RKSHT AHEAO.' 1 PCTUPC TO THE WALL f lUH-AUNT HARRIET.' JtO ME, CHOKER I" HELPS ME ""IN MVy OF CUPCAKE " " , igfM l.f I i M fffl "T" "' 1 jtj-jpgJS EAaa s--SCLISTOMEgt TCWTXrw I lldi.l III v. 'J I H I . ' 1 'T lirfS I III W;Uv- k7.- fa-.Y. gal " r-tit m-j-ss: i,y aa xrjjxa vvi wia.vfesj i Mvywr-&r ul'a.ta i- i:ie K r-l ISIL VJa,S.y S I t-:.r ' - 1 I II 11. Ill W'liJll - Bll M n fi 1 ! n n 1 1 r n 1 iyou're a brute - to h oii?i 1 ! 1 SET A TUAAMV-ACWE On ' m . I I T MY BISCUITS " ' -SJ '' ' "l h- ,., w- w -. I I 1 I I I AMtsgnSoM 1 ;m 0 UM U8 OVTWITIW " BUT HOW CAM WJE V""Tt Ai Sj J:U W WOW? LOBSTERS-CRABS -FISH I 16 "WN CONEWWeT- WO :TVWT8 TEU. HOW MUCH TO PLENTY OF f j M :H I Pcnxren-coBBAOEs for oolo blow- I I on pa after vou collect- n orto-e- put Tax we know cuesrs-uxxf J leapin' I D " T I BUTTS?-E3GS--BUT EVEN T k. I OR RETURN WHAT VOU , HOW MANV QUESTS HERE COMES LOAROSl f J f. e 1 WELt.TAKTE GOOD I TUANKS.MS.rJEBB.. Y1 ARE VOUR COLLEGE X WU AT IP YOU GO SURE JTt hu" 2S CARE OP YOUR TRAILER, ITLL FEEL GOOD TO J CLOTHES IN THE C0LLE6E I TO COLLEGE J YOUVL JJasP Se - I MR BARTER-HERE f STAV PUT POR SLHTCASE, DADDY ?y CLOTHES? VOU GOTTANEVER LEARrTN ' O :i .-JV, iRE THE ICEVS TO ( AWHILE V , ( -V 4 DRESS LIKE) ANYTHING 1 H THEJJCWSE FT T- t i'i.M? YOO MEAMTl DRESSED UE, J AH'LL BETTMAB ) YES, INDEED.'.' X THAR'S PLENTY O ) I COULP T &Hlr V AH GOT IT ALL J -AM' KEEP TH' M PlTiaiL, MAlWT MASJY - YOURS IS AM J THINGS A BOY SUGGEST KO 'AR5M FIGGEftED OUT.r RCMAININ' HALF T HISN'T HIT'S LADSO'MAH V UNUSUAU KIN DO W1F A T ONE THISllJ LANGUAGE, AH IS A WIZ. AT I FO' MAHSELF.:'- S I BRYKIN' L AGE WHO UA I CASE;, YOU INHERITANCE. )( TO DO PLEASE. A FIGGEFtS AH'LL NONE O'USWONTL ME . HAD TW I UNFORTUNATE LIKE. THAT. J WITH IT-"" j "ES GOT GIVE ONE. HALF I NEVAH HAFTA ) BIOOMIN' I MAIN T WRETCH.' , j ' . TROUBLt 1 T'MAH MAMMY, S WORRY AIN.T X. 'M.n.T.'.' I INHERIT riFTV Y s V I HENOU6H J ONE HALF T'MAH L , ' f V f- . ' .w siv 1 '" l.".. V I . i " ' O ' V . .i-w V . . KNWWIFE AIM'TGONMi LA i UIU" I Ci:irc,, WtS n.r.u: A : rwr, . HO 1 yplL HIM WHO I AM U A NEW r&y ( TALK V EH? Xi CAL-LED ) LITTLE SS T AT Me CALTY F66"' NOT AT PRESENT, MISS EA .. A JUST REMEMBER?, POUTS. THAT , IE PONY HAVE TOO MUCH TO I ' I'M SUI?6 I HAVENT BEN WERE HERE PRMARILY TO MKE 60 ON ..JUST A FEW APPAI7ENTLY L A E1 ANP THERE'S NO REASON FOB ANYONE A PICTURE ABOUT THE LOST PEOF". II UNCONNECrEP FACTS.. THERE IS THE WJJHlJCJt TO SUSPECT VOU ALL -.1 MUST CAUTION TERRlS. . THAT &VES US A PERFECT DISAPPEARANCE OF SAM KAEFORD, V'TXt-i I VOU ABOUT MR SANfJRAL ANP THE EXCUSE FOR 100KIN6 AEOUNP.. S mb.tates STOCKT CLER.. THE EMPTY I V?- 5aS V LOCAL PILOT.. MY CHIEF a? J 8UT PONT TALK ABOUT SMUGGLERS T film CANS ..ANP ONE OTHER thins I Vr; , tii?lteiA. CHECVIN6 ON THEM. ffl AND PONT GET LOST! MlfM 1 Mn6 ' TTFTTT- I listen, v-YmUm.. WHAT'S II r-' SEEN CARRMN'T is That 1 IthT'LL B)fx (j)aJ ' pLi;; 3e ape, i up, vvJSH me on vqur. itVa fact., a buck sS) D trZl " ,. Vknow lSUSTEI??'-fri BUAAPES since I v-.wel.l! evem ri i 2 ft yV?57."?K7 VVXAT Ou) THIRD STREET.' WVUP!A' S mms ZMm TTTtWf Trvv " '-T I'-"--"" I I -fS ) 1 I UN01HTAN0 THE PRtMDtNTy hpv Ay 6V WORTH. -If VOU 1 I Ht mt) 70 K Mv! WHAT LiJ .THIJ ' U0.MAW0TH..TMC J TTTSiN6N "NoVtD OTCHtN VMO fOOCNCt NTTOftC-Myoviyl METAL WINtji-f 4 RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY r.M. KSLM r 'KGW ,IK0C0 r 'KOIN Ob flanar fl Failar, Nawa Haaa af llaiaa Elatr PaUraaa Ta Ba Advlaa- Ta Ba AiiM4 Ta Ba Allia4 Ta Ba A-vlia4 Ptrrr Caaia Parry Can Fra- Warta) Ibiaw Prat Warlag Ihtt Haaalaaf Cataidr htnsr Klralaa Haaala-K Caaaldr )NWi t Warltl Davl4 Baaa ftbaw Mr,iit Wlltaa HarftHtk ' rat-ar Kaaara N. Wafealar S. Wrkatar Ban Kami Haraa, BP. Xparla Paca Flaal Tha Baa) Waaaa Daara Orehaatr Nawa iaataiarT Ncwa Ha i Maaaaai Wai Maaavai Wai Maaaaal Rita Off feTtkm Raacb BkrlBM Baatfc Blaa Craab Baiiaaaa Kawa Cua Llthl 4W lllrar Nawa Pal O'Brita Maalcal Jackpat Bvalva E alibi raalbaB Praahal Knai Manalac Li Ilia Bhaw Paalara Itarr Nawa Track MM Trark I4M Track MM Track MM Track MM Track MM Nawa Raraaaaicala Fraatlar Tawa Pr antler Tawa Maila Taa Waal Maila Taa Want Nactarma Nactarna Nactiraa Natlaraa Bin Off Raaaaaa Kyiaaitaa Crlaia Tha PlarkaaM Tha Playkaaat Pint Nlthlcr Flral HIiW , Lawall Thaaiaa Jack BailUi Bkv Mr. Xaaa Mr. Imi F.B.I. F.B.I. Rcalah Clab II FlVTBUr riaaJ Taa m4 WarU Alr-fla Orckaalf Raiaa4a Orckaalr Ban4itaa4 iNcwa BllaBl FRIDAY 4 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Ol Santa 01- laata Knaasa wilt Ntwa gam Mayaa Rmaaaath Maala Rraeoaath Maala Jack Barch data BUara Tha Hacatul Ca Tha lacaad Cap Traala Bchaaa Knaaea wllk Nawa Hodta Padaa Kneaaa wllkr Farsi Ti-a Farai Tlaia Vlaccat Laaaa Or. Iara Lawlaa Haslaaa Haaaa Parlr Daabla ar Natblar Daabla ar N'athlas Tatlar'a Chtlraa LUM ,f WarU LKa Caa Ba Baa. Knaaaa with Nawa Pep. Taaat'a Fan. Bight ta HaaaU Backataaa Wlfa Stella Dallaa Larcaaa Janet Yaanc WI4. Brawn Whea Olrl Marrlaa Partia Faeaa Lifa Jail Plata Bill Frant Pa. Farrell Welcasa Travelera Welcaaie Travclera Aant Mary Wa Ira A Learn I ThU Warn. Sacral Roa la Life Kins Cala Tria On Sanny Slaa KOCO Klaeh KOCO KJack I Ntwa KOIN Klae-k KOIN Klaah KOIN Klaah Tai Kilter Nawa a Ipartt Tap ' MarBini Tap O' Marnlnr KOIN Klaah Ntwa Klat'i Craeaflera Klng'a Craaadara Waatara Meladtaa Charch la WUd Tlnia far Malady Tlaia far Malady Rtara Rlaf J. Chaa. Tbeaisva N W Nawa Heaaarable Maala Tuna Tlaia U Kya Maala Marl Maala Marl Jaa Garber Vacal Varlrllea Halljwead Maaia Hallywad Maala Nawa Ted Oala Preeanta Mac'a Meladlea Mac'a Meladlea Mac'a Meladlea Maa'a Meladlea Mac'a Meladlea ! Mac'a Meladlea Mac's Meladiea Mac'a Meladlea Mac'a Meladlea Mac'a Meladtaa Mac'a Meladlea Mac'a Meladlea Maala Tlaia Pbilatepher Bera Can I Bcaatifal News Grand llaaa Raaanarr Wendy Warren Aant Jannr Helen Trent Oar Gal Bandar Bit Hitler Ma Perkina Or. Malena Galdlnf Ufhl tnd Mra. Bartaa Perry Maian Narah Draka Brlfhter Day Newi ' Cama and Gal II Rrlfht and Llfhl Art Baker Barnyard Faille Garry Moare Garry Moore Kirk ham Newa KirkhamNew Meet tha Mlaaaa Meet the Mlnaa Tunefully Yoars Art Klrkhani Arthar Godfrey Arthar Godfrey Arthar Godfrey Arthar Godfrey Arthar Godfrey Tart Masaey Edward Marrow OIAL LISTINGS: KEX 1190; EOAC. SH lCV Thnrsday P.M. S:M. Mnlrrel T LA Cage; S:M, Johnny Lajarkt :M. Keeping I with Sportai :IS, Hint EdU toln Newa; Modern Romaneeit 9:M, Headline F.dltion; Elmer Darlit 1:X0, Damon Runyan Theater! 11:00, Connter pyt Flnt Hundred Teari; :M. Orig inal Amateur Henri :, Music for Dreamingi lo:fMlt Rlrhfleld Reporter I 10: IS, Intermeita; 10:30, Concert Haart 11:30, Memo to Tomorrawi 1X:M, Xtra Hour; 1:00. Sign Off. lFV Friday A.M. :M. Keep Bmlllnfl fVtA 7:00, Washburn Newai 7:1ft, Mar tnl Agramkyt ?:0. Bob Hasrni 7:45, 7-eha Mannent 11:00. Breakfast Club: t:M, Mil dred Bedell i 9:i&. Stars of Today; S:M, Art Llnklettert 10:00. Malonei 10:1ft, Ga len Drake i 10:80. My True 8 lorn 11:00, Betty Crocker; 11:15, Rlden of Purple Sagei 11:50, Northwesterners; lt:N1( Rauk haco Talking) 12:15, Newst 13:30. Vleter Llndlahrt 13:45. Meet tha Menjoun 1:M. Breakfast In Hollywood! 1:0, Kay West, 1:00, Jay Stewart; t:50, Brlda and Oroomi lfkf Thnraday P.M :0n. On tha P UnW Upbeat! 5:50. 5M Sparta Clubi 1:00, Newa, :15. Dinner Melodlea; :, 'Round tha Campflrei 1:15, Erenlnt Farm Henri 11:00, Aviation In tha News! t:l5, Graal (tonga i l:M. Program af Canada t 11:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast, News; 0:00, Music That Endnrest t:45, Era nlng Meditations, lt:00. Sign Off. tiCSAC r'lday a m. 4:4R p.m-l-M 15:00. Tha Ncwai 10:15. ha peel ally far Women i 11:00, Tha Concert Hall; IS:M. Newat It :1ft. Noon Farm Hoar; 1:00. Rlda 'em Cowboyi 1:1ft. Variety Timet 1:M. Melody Lane, 3:00, Caralrada In Dramat S:15. Memory Rook or Muslri :00, Newsi X:15, Music of the Masters; 4:00, Oregon Reporter; 4:15, Hymns, 4: SO, Eyea oa Champions. S:M, Talk Tour Way Oult S:M, Ladles Ba geatedt 1:4ft. Ted Malonei 4:00, Madera Romaneesi 4:X0, Squirrel Care. Royal Hibbs Reaches Half Century Point Unionvale Complimenting Royal Hibbs, who was 50 years old September 25, his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John O. Becker, entertained at their home In McMinnville with a family birthday dinner. Attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. Royal Hibbs and son, Ray, and Mrs. John Hibbs, 85, his mother, of Unionvale; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker, Mr. and Mrs. John O. Becker of McMinnville. ACROSS L Houl.hnld animal 4. Fruit, t. W.lght 12. Rowing Implement It. Soldering flua 11. Tint li. Ba.l. of en argument IT. Room for iitchen aaa inen It. Rodent. 20, Kuropean rlvar 42. Poor. exrnM 21. Article of i- Electrlned furnltura particl St. Bod. 4ft. Furnish ornam.nta tt. PMlaJ dlait ta. Verb cxpr.e.tns future Urn. 27. Glos.y 28. Anent 29. Anger to. Beveraga 11. Hint 12. Compaa. pelat 13. Shrub 14. South Afrleaa 15. I.su. 17. Transmit, la. New Kngl.nd .tat: .bbr. la. "crutlnlt. 40. CoglUt. PRlOBE8rSHAall wti vleJaTft r i t E Eft I nSlEIPlMWiAlT i o o nje AlS3ts A ATTi8H iHA8iENT YEllP0LfEl6 A Tee E3 aImHnJo l aEJ piaIl a t ME SBstbpEP eftl TlsBPBilA L E "l"CSI" 1 fjiM " periiimeTt e rU e p i e movo e id s e h- Ejp weTBATfgUaEcEp;E Solution ot Ytatarday'a Puiila 4. Wooden pin 10. Eat. .paring! al. Corrod. 4. M. f: ',,' 'W T" a 7v 7,2 35 it W' I , 2 J .'('p,- :. .:.. ' '., 1 '':r Af Newi'eatvr OO WN 1. Soda t. Splk. af cr.al 1. Shak. 4. Inqulr. th. co.t t. B. defeat.d I. Kmploy I. Not. of lb. .cal. I. Soft-soled .boa I. In that place 10. Belonging to u. IL French marabal 18. Factory II. Tre.d 20. Scoff 21. Cord 22. Ventllat.d 23. Pilgrim ..ttltf 24. Adjusted 2.S. Prophet. 37. Biblical city 30 Jingled 31. Imply 33. Short lltMt 14. River moutbt Scotch S3. Frosting 17. I.nrge boata 19. Bleml.b 40. Point 41. Cutttv.tof 41. American humorist (I. Tibetan gai.na 44. Still 47. Symbol tor nlcb.l ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern EVEN WITHOUT PINKY MERE TO ' T COOK OUR MEALS BE NOT DISMAYED I I HAVE A CULINARY SKILL AND CAN PREPARE OUR, EVENING DINNERS -AM.UAA-MY CUISINE WILL 6E IN THE CONTINENTAL TASTE. AS I WAS TAUGHT A SCORE Or RECIPES BY A VERY FAMOUS PARISIAN CHEF RC ANIY Aa-KCC M -1 THAN TH COOKING. I I ?l . WE GOT AT f '1 OGOWAN LODGE'- ) V BUT TH' DANGER. t