1ft Capital Journal, ftalesn, Ore., Thuraday, Sept. 29, 1949 Calument Aims for Third Futurity Br FRANK ICR NmiHtafM Sports Iditor Ntw York The Futurity, which often dMides the two- year-old thoroughbred cham pionship, hte Urn ti a wide open I affair. Tht good ones, like King Ranch's record breaking Mid dleground and C. T. Chenery'i ' Hill Prince, will be mining They are ineligible for the $30,- 000 added Juvenile classic to be run Saturday Oct. 1 over 6'4 furlongs down Belmont Park's Widener chute. The Widener course is the (traightaway at Belmont, best described by Cas Adams when he aaid "the Japanese could have surprised us by coming down the chute," so difficult Is it to distinguish the bright silks of the jockeys as the horses run di agonally toward the grandstand Best Horse Wins In the last five runnings of this race such odds-on stars as Pavot, Star Pilot, First Flight, Citation and Blue Peter have triumphed. It is a race usually won by the beat horse. A eolt or filly on the outside ean run along the outside rail without overing any more ground than the inside rail horses. Some experts undoubtedly will go lor Calumet Farm s Re armed, a oolt that has been suc cessful on Chicago tracks this summer. Calumet has won two Futurity's, Some Chance in 1941 and Citation in '47. Citation, in cidentally, is the only Futurity winner that has gone on to win the Kentucky Derby. With Middleground, Hill Prince, Greek Ship and some of the good western campaigners like Wisconsin Boy and Curtice ineligible, the race figures to have little bearing on the 3-year- old picture of next year. Two Others Figure After Rearmed, two other Ju veniles that will get good sup port are Brookmeade Stable's More Sun, a chestnut colt that won the U.S. Hotel and Saratoga Special stakes during the Sarato ga meeting, and C. V. Whitney's Air. Trouble, a Mahmoud colt that finished in the money In his first nine starts. Other possibilities are close ly bunched. Stars and Oaks Win First Games In Cash Playoff 'By ! Aaaoeiatad Prcul Hollywood and Oakland, the Pacific coast league's No. one and two clubs, held an early lead in the loop's $39,000 Governor's Cup playoffs. The Oaks had much she easiest time of it last night, plastering four San Diego pitchers for 16 hits for a IS to S win. Milo Can dini, meanwhile, was limiting the Padres to seven hits. The Oaks started off m the first with a two run lead on Dick Krykoeki's homer and were never headed. In the other playoff opener, the champion Holly woods aqueeaed out a 12th Inning 4 to S ti over Sacramento. Short atop Johnny O'Neil slid home with the winning run on Jess Dobemtc's wild pitch. O'Neil had tingled off hurler Don Johnson's ahin. sending the right-hander to the pits. He was not httrt badly. Tonight's probable pitchers: San Diego (Dick Barrett 12 ) at Oakland (Earl Harriet 4-1). Seorepswto (Orval Grove iWVLGrid OoCnS t at Hollywood (Oordy Malts- TT T " wPen " 1BJ Action in Four ftAtramrnto Ml lftl 00fl mo- I mm Bollvwood ooo 000 0B1 001-4 1,1 1 Alif ACft 1" VlHIU nullum. Jnhtuna i. Oobcrnlr ( lit I ft a j id Hniiofvh, RtmMicN, MlvMon t. to . -- 4 V Scandinavian Game Birds Enter U. S. Hunting Areas Washington, 8ept. 20 on Outer Island, In the Wiscon sin part of Lake Superior, and others are on a state game farm at Poynette, Wis. "If we get several hundred birds, we try them out In Maine, in Idaho, Washington, Oregon and western Montana, and even In Alaska," he said. Two new game birds from Scan dinavia are to be Introduced to American hunting areas, a fish and wildlife service official said today. They thrive in a climate simi lar to that of the northern states. They are hardy. They are good to eat. And, said Dr. Gardiner Bump the man who rounded thrm up they are going to make very sporty shooting. They are the European black grouse and the capercallie. The grouse Is about what a hunter would expect the grouse to be, only bigger. And the capercallie? "It looks as big as a turkey but has a chunkier build," Bump told a reporter. Bump returned this week from a four-month field study of game species in Sweden, Fin land, Norway, Denmark and Scotland. He sent back from Sweden more than SO grouse and caper callie. Some have been released Shure Now, There Was a Shamrock In That Appeal Seattle, Sept. t U. Ten year-old Patrick Carr Murphy, and a good Irish name It is. Is one of the happiest lads in town today. And shure, he's got good rea son to be. After all, it's not everyone who has a personal in vitation from the coach of the fighting Irish football team to see the squad in action. Patrick knew that tickets to the Notre Dame - Washington game this Saturday were har der to find than four-leaf clo vers, so ne wrote a letter to Mr. Leahy at Netre Dam. "Maybe I could be a mascot or an office boy or do something for your team while you are here in order to get to the game," he wrote as only a 10-year-old can. Yesterday, his mother re vealed that Coach Leahy had replied, asking the red-haired lad to "kindly call us at the hotel where the team is stay ing, and we'll see to H that yon aee the game." His mother said the reply had arrived some rime ago, but she kept It hidden. "After aU. Saturday Is a lone time awar. especially for I Pat," aha aald. . Calumet Trainer Ben Jones with Rearmed SCORES in the ALLEYS (COIBPatU lUtlllU) a Capital Alleys MAJOB LEAGI'K Cllne'a CoffM hB l Olney, Sr. ft 10. trtton 603, Bono 43. Osiund Ml, Hlck itiBn (1) 1W; Aenw Motor Co. 3 Mlrieh 679, Frle.en 009, Irani Stelnbock 403, , Htrtwell 6f3. CftBitol Beddlnc Ji Yount 631. Wilier on 6ftB. Nuber 679, Lsmon 603, Poulin 671; Woodry'i Furniture t Kitchen 648. Ol infter 638, Perry 160, Foreman tl3, Adolph 547. Starr Flmnblnf erf TomlHe (3) Ken nedy 6M, Rns 663. Starr 678. Coe 570. Seiulnger 546; LaVon'a of McMlnnrille l Myera 566, Ryal lit, Kraft 536, Min der 650, Glodt 509. Mar's Lunch 11 Crltwell 561, Oreaory 579. Reeves 621, Beal 446, Hodges 576: Halem Hardware (fli ThMe 546, Phippi 606. Lofian 668. Rayburn 671. West 643. Cupboard Cafe (XI Henderson 656, White 8H5, MrClmkey 614. Evans 547. Olodt 558; Maple' Sporting Goods (0 R. Valdei 61 1, Woodford 536. Wlcklund 483. D. Pag 585, H. Page 834. High team aerlei. Acme Motor Co.. 309: high lnd. aerlei, K. Hart well, 152; high Ind. gam. Frieaen, 386. Duckpin Bowling MEN! AUTOMOTIVE LEAGUE Ford (0) Vern Boork 408. Bob Burns 14. Arnold Holmes 363. Bob Martin 373. Olenn Bchroyar 402; Oldi (4) Prank Cha karun 403. K. Burratt 373, A. Woelk 336, Bob Shuck 367. Dewey Baumgtrt 476. Bnlrk i Harry WtUon 388. Dorvan Holt 477, Dav Moon 382. M. Van Dull Turner-Chemawa Game Slated for Friday Afternoon Turner A squad of 32, coach ed by Jim Stewart, will play the second game of the season against the Chemawa Jndlnns on the Turner field at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. The "Tigers" are being in structed in the "T" formation and on successive Fridays they will engage Gervais, Aumsville, Sublimity, Jefferson and St. Paul. All games are Marion county B league affairs. Letter men and lettermen transfers and their weights in clude Ralph Glidwell, back, 1SS; Lawrence Schelske, line. 155; Jack Tinknell. line, 140; Edward Davenport, 16.1, back; Harold Standly, 140, line; Buddy Klock stad, 150, end; George Pearson, 75, line; George Lewis, 170, line; Larry Hcgge, 155, line; Bill Bear, 125, back. Turner lost to Mill City last week 32 to 6. Warren Gray, regular quarter back was hospitalized following the game for an appendix oper ation. arv any 'W m4 andlMh an Dan 000 l ell 111 Oakland ISA noo Oli-ll II I Artnw. AtrMen fSi. Vlpp l. Thnmp ooa S Md Mnorti OMdlnl and Pad iH. 'Cat President Guest of Ham V Eggers on Friday Dr. O. Herbert Smith, presi 4ent W WttlmU university, will be a apeoial guest for Fri day tnorvung's weekly session nf.lesgue she Salem Breakfast club. The I gained entire program will be devoted 1 strong tn the Bearcat institution wlth;Mt. Angel indicated considerable The eight learns of the Willam ette Valley league will open their seven rounds of competi tion Friday. All games except the Silverton-Woodburn mix are slated for 8 o'clock. Woodburn will entertain the Silver Foxes at 2 pm. The balance of the schedule calls for Molalla at Sandy. Esta cada at Mt. Angel and Dallas at Canby. All of the clubs have seen pre- competition. Silverton a 7 tn 7 tie with the Bcaverlon eleven while H; Sim () Hrb HiroU 469. Al Wl ln 433. Bob Shuck 304. Rfty Xttcr 1W, Morril ROBt 334. CadlllM 41 Bob Prv 343 Hurt R..rfv 400. Don Bower 438. Hubert Berry 34. Willy Dom 367; Ktlier Fmer 0) Lewie Nebon 437, Ed Lyle 300. Bill Hamby 363, nuwri Minx jss, M1K0 FltCt 303. Uneoln Mercury Ill-W.rn. Ilnark. 19a Ed Owena 309, Spud Spaele 390. P. B Churchman 370. Bob Hulat 366: Dodga II) Dallaa Kjaer 352. Frank Jonea 333, Hal Wllaon 314, Boy Parley 398, Prank Snel frov 372. Hlah team acrlea and oame. Cadlllae 2065 and 709; hlah lnd. aenea. Dewey aumiart 471: hiah lnd. aama. norv.n Holt, 185. 300 Men's Worsted SUITS $40 $45 $50 Wonderful Buys in Pure Virgin Wool, Quality Tailored Suits Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. 260 South 12th Street SUFMIIKS FIND CUM Mt M I Sr DUI TO ASTHMA ATTACKS. IUIHI0 HIM. Now bop for relief from ulhn pirei jtm U iwb todr in report of iiwcm wit pallittivt formula whkh acta to rolwv TonfMttOB. Man and woman wb fortnarly ulTtrrvd with tlraad aoufhlnt. chokinf. wlttiii uttanu atUdu now tall el b)Md nlif aftar uiiof it. PtOHITIN aoata IS, out wniitUrtns rvulla, tkm ia not aipantiva, imounU to only a ftw paaniaa par 1 Caution uaa onlr aa dlractad., PROMVTIH i Mid wlta trtot montw-baok rwmntaa br jTarry Droi ltt la. CmmM Mail Ordara Flllad IN THESE 6 BOTTLES Buy Pepsi f-at-a-time:s;and sare. Sparkling Pepsi tuns twict as good I . . goes turict as far . . . gWes twict as much. You'll enjoy Pepsi America's farorite cols in che big. Big 12 oi. bottle. Pick up 6 today! Buy Carton Today! WHY TAKE LESS-WHEN PEPSI'S BEST! Bottled In Salem by damages 'LItnl'Countr-Spy,'Tuiday and Thuridayevenlnet, your ABCstaHon' mphasM on Coarh Chtr fttaekkiouM and kts squad of as-aistanis. Mam and taoi or a roasonahlp offpnsiva strrnjith in whitewash ing Sarrd Heart of Salem, 30 to 0. tt.4tarnda and Molalla turned iarsimilia thereof, will be served in lopsided scores, the former at 7 H0 and all men who would 1 downing Odell 31 to 0 and Mo ral to portalaa will n made lulls blanking tha Stayton Eagles welaoma Coaoh Btarbhotis may reveal what Ms squad honos to aarnm pllah wttan hey meet tha Thleo klale WHrirass laturday after noon on Swaziland field. 33 to n Woodburn turned Wi a four touchdown performance against Willamlna to win 27 to 0. Dallas bowed to an exeeptinnally strong Tart squad. 34 to 13 08 gO0G9 !.m.. imtwyi'mmmimtmmmmmmimmrim sip., a. Jsa"w'aaiiwJMaas " , t 3 a0 mi, , ' ' " ' ' ' -.w. ;."r"Wf "VOVU MIVIW BUY --"i-fr- -y-- v S a- a I VLlrhnesS ,nd keeP'nS qualities of FRANZ BREAD have made it a favorite with hunters and portsmen everywhere. Good food helps to make any outing a memorable trip. Put FRANZ the good bread at the top of your food list. It's flavor, fresh ness and lasting quality will be appreciated by alii Good luck -be Sure it a dkri OUCH ! ! THIS HURTS US MORE THAN IT DOES YOU BUT HERE GOES 1 Usad NORGI Upright Freezer New Unit 4 Yr. Guarantee 179.95 1 Used Norge REFRIGERATOR New Unit 175.00 1 Practically New M-W REFRIGERATOR Nearly New Sold for 259.95 167.50 1 Used Norge REFRIGERATOR A Good One 122.50 1 Used REFRIGERATOR 90.00 1 Apt. Size COLD SPOT REFRIGERATOR 85.00 1 USED NORGE WASHING MACHINE Completely Rebuilt 55.00 1 USED M. W. WASHING MACHINE A Good One 50.00 1 Used APT. SIZE RANGE 65.00 1 Apt. Size RANGE Used Two Months 90.00 IF YOU ARE NEEDING A GOOD USED OIL HEATER SEE US W have lavaral t bargain prices. FRIDAY NITE AND SAT. SPECIALS Tt 6EORGE E. Allen 7U M. COMMERCIAL SI tail, oat.c-a