16 Capital Journal, Baton, Or ThurdaY, Sept. 19, 1149 Wy.viniwl'rA'v' xj' i err, i A I r 0 0 IGA r' "D" TASTY PAK CUT WAX BEANS " cam (or 1.00 Cast 14 cam, $8.98 OCEAN SPRAT Cranberry Sauce 6 no. joo lie uni (or I U Strained or whole. Buy for the holiday! at thii low price. 1, v. ttsto ncot3 Yo. i to" VI YOU'LL WANT TO SUPPLEMENT YOUR HOME CANNING WITH THISI FRUIT ITIMS AT THESE LOW PRICES No. lVi con -t-o .69 eo' 94c PEARS Elilnor Barrlett D Com 24 mm, $6.95 PEARS Eltinore Bartlett Cm 24 torn, $2.75 APRICOTS Whole Unpeeled Cot 24 itni, $4.95 apricots zrr.... 6 - Com 24 com, $2.35 APRICOTS H-tr 6Nr.r Cat 24 cant, $5.10 These Saving Prices Effective 8 Big Days Friday, Sept. 30 Thru Saturday, Oct. 8 Thie ii the time to replenish your canned foodi lupply and lave money. From all indicationa more canned food ltemi are apt to raise In price than decline, so cheek these special prices, look ahead and buy all yon need and want. No. 2i cant TASTY PAK CUT GREEN BEANS O No. 303 cant. . 89c Cata 24 cant, $3.50 Thii yoar't pack of Groan Boom or exceptionally fin quality. S3 BEETS EVERY ONE A SAVING PRICE "5 Elsinor No. 2 it. Died 0 nt OVC Cos 24 cans, $2.75 .' 3 RFFTC I! ."T A No ? flGv I tar ceo u aont M MX, .v Cos 24 cons. $3.50 -ASS CARROTS"-:" 6-.75e Cos 24 cons, $2.95 No. 2 .; PEAS, CARROTS 6':.:. 1.05 Cot 24 com, $4.15 si CORN 6 r 1.00 m IGA WL.I. V. .1 W IOWW Tii.1.'. Cos 24 cons, $3.98 ,jS nut FN RtAMv T A ' 1 10 i Cot 24 cons, $5.55 49c PUMPKIN , 6N';r Cos 24 ant,$1.95 TAITY PAK IRISH POTATOES 6 65c Cos 24 tons, $2.59 Alto LIMA BEANS- HOMINY- SAUERKRAUT MUSTARD GREENS, . MORE EXTRA LOW-LOW PRICES Look for the Moss Displays The More You Buy the Mor You Soy 69c Campbell's Vegttoble cm id n lo'a-ox. JWWE W cant 14 cans, $2.7$ Van Camp J J f o.tr oyc 24 cans, $2.75 Tasty Pak J Case 24 cant, 12.98 Stat Fair Pork & Beans 24 cans, Tasty Pak SMALL PEAS Case 24 cant Stat Fair W A A TOMATOES OVOC Case 24 cans, $3.89 MEXICORN 6 'is 1.19 Case 24 cant, $4.7$ iriv ...jr Fir r i to Check Every Item for Savings 79c 8-oi. cant IGA Fruit Cocktail 6 Cat 24 cant $3.10 Elsinore Fruit Cocktail 6 ".U 1.25 Cos 24 cant, $4.95 Elsinore Fruit Cocktail 6 1.95 Cat 24 cant, $7.75 Elsinore 'SE Peaches 6 is 69c Cata 24 cant, $2.75 Elsinore Tf Peaches 6 Cat 24 cant, $4. 1 5 Libby Peaches 6 Cat 24 earn, $6.75 ak Tceii7 Peaches No. 1 cans 1.05 1.69 J5 Sunny Morn COFFEE Pku,Bd 40c You'll like this fine blend of Santo Coffee iiMBUM Royal Guest Hcoffee Mi Tasty Pak Cut Spears ASPARAGUS 6 cN:.M1.85 Cos 24 cant, $7.35 Heortt of California Center Cuts Mf A ASPARAGUS 6 r 69c Ceie 24 eans, It. 78 - JTTiSr.S'SiS I Orrher't Strained or Chopped m mm c.rb.ri a I baby FnnnQ h flSr i w " w rani " '-m vas cant, ,79 BUY ELSINORE CANNED FOODS AND YOU BUY THE FINEST (finopi No. 303 can Elsinore Cream CORN 89c 6 Pic. Six f f cent ODC Case 24 eant, $3.5$ Case 24 eant, $t.5 "afi'iia Elsinore Cut GREEN BEANS 6 No. 303 t af Picnic qq com I.ZD 0 " 70C Caae 24 eant, 14 5 Caat 14 eant, $l.tl ELSINORE SPINACH 6 79c Case 24 eant, lt.lt "tii" i.69 )m PV Tfv Plr Pmi-Ii.. A 1 AO '$M V. Cot 24 tont, $5.95 5Sjw ALSO: GRAPEFRUIT, BERRIES, ETC. tJr If yon with a blend of tit finest eo((eee frown, a cof fee of character, buy IGA Royal Guest. Bring Your Oxydol Coupon To Your FGA Stor 2 lr Pk9. 45C With Coupon SPECIAL LOW PRICES FOR ADDED SAVINGS Buy That Staple ltmt tit That Special Price at Wall at Othar Weekly Feed Needt at Everyday Low Price IGA Sno-Kreem Try thii pure all vegetable shortening under a money beck guarantee. IGA ci Aim rLUUrc 25-lb. Bag Look at thii special low price end the flour compares with the finett. Hormels Spiced Luncheon Meat Serve it hot or cold; ft hit th tpot. Giant 46-oz. Pkg. 55C You can't buy a batter loop powder. Popular fACCEC Hills, Folgers, , rr Brands IUiTCL Schilling, Golden West Lb Can 33C Serve it hot or cold, ft hits the tpot. SHORTENING thi I Enriched SPAM ST SOAP POWDER 3-lb. Can 12-oz.Can 79c 1.79 39c Gerber't Strainad or Chopped LW A A j BABY MEATS 0 .... 1.1 U Case 24 eans, $4.15 Gerber't Baby CEREAL Pockag Oatmeal, Barley or Cereal Food, I Pats. (8 17c HIGHLAND MARKET I CARTER'S MARKET I PEARSON'S FOOD MKT. I RONNER'S GROCERY 0 Hichland Ave. 17th and Market St 2S4 No. Commercial Gerralt, Orecon BROADWAY GROCERY STATE STREET MARKET MODEL FOOD MARKET QUAIL'S GROCERY Broadway Market - Open Sunday " 27S North Hlrh St. fcWUHLI, J WIALl I ... SCIO FOOD MARKET OTO MARKET INDEPENDENCE QUAIITY FOOD MKT. KEN GOILIET CENTRAL CASH MARKET FOOD MARKET 17th and Center Mthama, Ore. Open Sundays Monmouth, Ortfoa Independence, Oregon