j ..f w Western Germany'! Heads Dr. Theodore Heuss (left), President of new Western German Republic, and his Chan cellor, Dr. Konrad Adenauer, discuss state affairs at Bonn. YOUNG HEIR FROM BOSTON Makes Good in Movies On Headwaiter Experience Hollywood, Eept. 29 (US) Peter Mamakos, 29-year-old heir in o Nsui Fnclnnri restaurant fortune, said todav he's making cood . in the movies because he picked up all the acting gimmicks as his ather's headwaiter. And what he learned while bowing people to their tables will ii keep him in Hollywood even- I longer than it takes you to catch ' a waiter's eye on the Sunset ? "strip." "It's easy after you ve been in the eaterie business," Mamakos says. "Any good maitre-de has to be a smooth combination of Ronald Coleman, Humphrey Bo gart, and Tyrone Power. he's been in eight movies since. "Memorizing lines is easy," he says. "As a maitre-de you have a far longer script, Jrirst, you have to know the menus by "Then you have to memorize! ForfiSeeS Rod(Sf ShlDS fhp namH nnH fars nnH iHin- wood directors, either. He's handled too many chefs and waiters in his day. Mamakos senior's tried luring his son home with everything from a $50,000 Job to a $250,000 nightclub of his own. He bom barded him with phone calls, wires and letters and finally dispatched one of his executives out here with orders to bring the young scamp home where he be longed. "It was really funny," Peter said. "Pop's traunt officer spent a day on the set and wound up with a waiver from the guild and a job as a sailor in 'Cargo to canton. 2 He was all for stay ing but he knew pop'd fire him." Civil Service ' Ruling Made Under Salem civil service rules from now on policemen and firemen must serve at least a year in any grade before be ing advanced by examination to the next grade. The rule was adopted at a meeting of the civil service commission Wednesday. The cases of Glen A. Bowman and Leland D. Weaver were mentioned. Both recently qual ified for police captains al though they had not served in the grade of sergeant. The rul ing was made by way of clarifi cation. The civil service status of police radio operators was dis cussed. City Attorney Chris J. Kowitz has ruled that police of ficers assigned to radio duty cannot be deprived of civil service rating, but that whether they are to be classified under a separate civil service grade is for the city council to decide. The commission voted to call a civil service examination for firemen the latter part of Octo ber to replenish the eligibility list. Examinations will be held it was derided, for firemen, cap tains and first aid captains The only present vacancy is first aid captain. "And I was a good one. Had to be or pop would've fired me." "Pop" Is John Mamakos, head of the Pilgrim restaurants in Boston and New England, and he's not happy about his son walking out on the family busi ness. Seven months ago he sent Ma makos, Jr., out here to scout lo cations for a California chain. Only Junior got so bedazzled by Hollywood he scouted himself a job In the movies instead. And that headwaiter training must be on the level. Because syncracies of all your customers. 'You have to make em think you like 'em, whether you do or not. That's where you really get your acting training. "You have to remember who's married to whom and then ask how the children are ... if there are any. Heaven help you if you get mixed up on those two! "And maybe I shouldn't say this, but I feel right at home in Hollywood. A hot kitchen and a hot sound stage are alike you're surrounded by hams in both." Mamakos says he's not both ered by temperamental Holly- NtW WHITS On Poo 31 L In Next 10 Years Los Angeles, (U.B Dr. Clark B. Millikan, professor of aero nautics at the California Institute of Technology, believes super sonic commercial passenger flights will be commonplace in from 10 to 20 years. "It is my conviction," he said in a recent speech, "that peace time application of supersonic aircraft will come within 10 to 20 years when long-distance flights will be routine." IT. 1 J 1 . 1 . 1 i 1 Alt: BUUCU llldl IUi.IVt.-lS UIUUB- um for faster-than-sound flight. with Coups COTTAGE ST. GROCERY We deliver 610 No. Cottage St Painting and Decorating 20 Years Experience In Salem We Paint Homes Offices Buildings For Vz Less Phone 3-7552 r IBHGGEST LITTLE MAEKET m 10WK WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF HUNTERS HEADQUARTERS FOR SMOKED MEATS HAMS Half or Sweet Hickory Smoke Whole Finest Flavor Available lb. 53c BACON SLICED Armours lb. 49c BACON SQUARE Flavor Beyond All Expectations lb. 24c LINK SAUSAGE ! Little Pigs, U. S. Govt. Ins. lb. 39c BEEF ROASTS Steaks Boneless I Pork Roasts Pork Hearts 39c- 69c - 42c 25c - AGED CHEESE FRYERS SHORT RIBS BEEF LIVER 49C , 1 .49 - 29c Year Old Every Day Large Reds Mmtf U. S. Govt. Ins. GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CAULIFLOWER I Dry Onions GRAPES I Celery Hearts nowio V 5 ibi. 24c 2 ib. 19c 19c bunch I mXi lb. Med. Size Tokays Crisp Green HUNTERS set your fresh double wrapped MASTER BREAD HERE Campbell's CORN PORK 'N' BEANS I Soups BABY FOODS 6 -69c 6 -75c 6 -69c lCoacc Vegetable Cream Style No. 303 Van Comps No. 300 W "WsfV TOMATOES PEAS I ceurnwrw. xur uiut I 6Aft j A. FISHERMEN WE HAVE Cont wot 0 Can' 7 jC fresh salmon eggs Ne. 2Yt Con Elsinore Dimple Ne. 303 IGA Store HI)! PI roadway Grocery IGA Store Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sept. 19, 194918 WAS THE AD WRITER SPOTTED AT LAST WEEKS OPEN HOUSE? "Beautiful to Behold" As one lady remarked as she sipped her delicious Empress Coffee and dunked her Downy Flake Donut with just the right finesse of her delicate little finger, "I do declare, I know I've seen everything now! Look over there, see that feller with the big chest? Bet he's the head'a the dunkers club. Didja ever see anything so beautiful just look! His coffee cup settin on that shelf, both hands fulla donuts, dunkin with first one hand and then with the other and drinkin his Empress Coffee with out puttin his eye out." "Whatcha mean, put his eye out? Empress Coffee is a mighty good coffee." "Oh yeah the coffee's good but look at the handle of that spoon stickin outa the cup he's usin and look at im he's drunk to cups already and hasent knocked an eye out yet." "Oh ye I see im". But isnt it beautiful." "Good grief you think he's doin that purty like?" "Oh no, I mean isn't the cheese case he's leanin on the most beautiful sight. Its a snack grabers dream with so many varieties. Just look, you can get most any kind of chees youve ever heard of. Wonder why ther ad writer never mentions the beauty and ease of selection at that display. You know what, I betcha that feller with the spoon in his coffee cup is their ad writer!" For Better Eating buy the better, more nutritious grades of beef. You'll find one of the more econo mical cuts is a meaty tender Arm or Blade Pot Roast Best quality beef, properly aged. Or delicious tender meaty per ib. 53c SHORT RIBS OF BEEF ib. 29c PURE GROUND BEEF ib. 39c Our butcher says if you like real pork sausage you'll be delighted with this young pig COUNTRY STYLE per Ib. 49C Genuine young lamb, exceptionally nice. Leg of Lamb well trimmed, real quality per Ib. 79C Boned and Rolled Prime RIB ROAST ib. 79c PRIME RIB STANDING RIB ROAST ib 75c We asked our Fruit and Veg etable Department whats new in your department. Well he said just cast your eye on that display. There's exactly 37 different vegeta bles and 19 varieties of fruits . . . you might say everything grown from June to Decem ber and arent they nice. We had to admit they were. Among other items that look especially nice we picked out grapes as being very attrac tive. Beauitful Big Red TOKAY at 2 lbs. for 23t or WHITE SEEDLESS 2 lbs-for 23C or for that mater CONCORDS are their best for eating right now. They also are 2 lbs. for 15C We notice also that the BANANAS are a beautiful yellow firm ripeness and selling at 2 lbs. for 29C Better come in and see the others, it would take us all day to tell you about them and you could see at a single glance the real beauty of the display. While we admit our refrigerated cheese case is a beauty all right, but did you know that's just one of the virtues of this display, you can help your self to the most tasty cheese. Take your pick of cheese in jart or packages or help yourself to freshly cut transparent wrapped cheese. Ne waiting to have your cheese weighed . . . weight and price are ready, marked right on the package. RITZ CRACKERS 29c Beautifully clear Sweet Apple Cider Gallon jug oyc BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE ' ot 65 c BEST FOODS Sandwich Spread Qt. 65 c NUCOA 2 ,b, 57c Phenix Margarine 2 ib.. 45c MIRACLE WHIP Quarts . . . 53c CRISCO 3 ,b. 85 c SPRY 3 ib, 85c SNOW DRIFT 3 ib, 85 c BAKER'S Breakfast Cocoa crJ 43c Old Golden Coffee Pound . . . . 49c Gerber's Baby Foods 3 for 20c Ever hear of Busick's Musical Jack Pot? Haven't hey? Well, one' a these days Dick Nason may call you and if you haven't our Jack Pot questionnaire with an swers you II be a gone gosling. As this is writen there s a hunderd dollars in the Jack Pot. Get your questions and answers at Busick's Court Street or Mar ion Street Market. Tune in KOCO 7;75 P.M., Monday through Friday; no kid din, if you have the questionnaire you'll win the Jack Pot! 1 LM CK SONS FOR BETTER EATING BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS Open Sundays, 8 A.M. 'til 6:30 P.M. 197 Commercial Dial 3-9176