West German ernment announced today a de valuation of the Deutschemark exchange rate from 30 cent! American to 23.890S cent!. The federal chancellor an nounced that "the allied high commission ha! !tated that it had no objection to this state of exchange." The announcement said the government fixed thel Germany. He had asked the The new exchange rate is sub-isportsmen today that the general rate at the request of the central banking council of the Bank Deutscher Laender (German States bank). Earlier Chancellor Konrad Ad enauer had conferred for four hours with the U. S . British and meeting chiefly to protest Ger jstantially what the western oc-trout season In Oregon closei to icupying power! wanted. The morrow. The commission also 'Vwwwlniimy,y man coal price regulations which the allies had proposed yester day along with the new ex change rate. A subsequent communique had led 8ox Gam Postponed German had wanted a lower reported that application! will Washington. Sept. 29 U.K Mark Devalued Bonn, Germany. Sept. 29 r The West German federal gov .'he pennant-vital baseball game etween the Boston Red Sox and Washington Senator! was post poned today after a morning long rain. rate, 22.5 cent!. be taken after Oct. 7 for water- jfowl and pheasant hunting on Trout Season Closes Portland. Sept. 29 ) indicated the meeting broke up The! the newly - established public French high commissioners fori without decision. state game commission warned shooting area at Sauvies island. fATlOf 14 Capital Journal, Salem. Ort., Thursday. Sept. 29. 1949 -. '-: m j mm Polish Student Genowefa Kryiwhowska, 23, Polish stu dent, enrolled at Willamette university this week. She will major in humanities aind work for a liberal arts degree. Peer Weds Commoner London. Sept. 29 Wi The Earl of Harewood, 26-year-old nephew of King George VI, took a pretty little Viennese com moner for his bride today. The tall young earl, eleventh In line for the throne, and slim 22-year-old Marlon Stein were married at St. Mark'! church in the heart of Mayfair. Among the 900 guests who law the climax to thia romance born of music were the royal family and some of the most dis tinguished folk in Britain. It was the first wedding in the royal family since that of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip in November, 1947. Miss Stein is the first commoner to marry into the royal line since the Duke of Windsor took Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson as his bride 12 years ago. As the service came to an end the earl led his new countess to the vestry to sign the register. Among those who signed as wit nesses were King George, Queen Elizabeth and Princess Eliza beth. Then, as the earl led his countess from the church, he beamed happily on a crowd of 4,000, among them some 200 employes of his Yorkshire estates and many of the middle class friends of the Stein family. West Salem PTA Discusses Plans During a luncheon held In the cafeteria of the West Salem school Thursday noon, officers and committee chairmen of the West Salem PTA discussed plans for the year's activities. The group, after organization has been perfected, plans to meet the second Tuesday of each month. The organization is headed by Gut Moore as president; Mrs. A. ' O. Flint, vice president; Mn. D. K. Crenshaw, treasurer. Oth er! meeting Thursday were Prin cipal T. J. Means; Gurnee Flesh er, chairman of the program committee: Mn. Robert Brown- ell, room mothers; Mrs. Amy Murray, membership; Mrs. Mel vin Gallaspy and Mrs. Kenneth Dodge, hospitality; Don Cren shaw, projects, and Mrs. W. A McCormack, county contacts. Purchase of an intercommu nicating system for the school is one of the first projects of the group. 32 Children Get Home Care Thirty-two dependent and de linquent children from Marion county have this year been af forded opportunities of fnmilv home lite or institutional enre through Catholic Charities, a Red Feather agency of the Ore gon Chest, according to Daniel J. McLellan, trustee chairman of the Salem branch. Through the Salem office's af filiation with the archriioeesan of floe in Portland, complete re ferral services are provided. One eompletod adoption and two placements have been arranged and there are several applica tion pending. The local office l always pleased so receive reqtieets from Cashott Jamilies who will re ceive, on or more children into their homes on a foster parent best. Tner are different cate gories of the homei. Some supply Ire oar, om pay wag, and others are eligible for supplementary stat aid, and If conditions warrant, th child will In tlm b returned to Its parental horn. In Its local work, th charities effte superintends the activities f th Catholie Youth organis ation, engage In family welfare, and assist tranatemti or Itiner ant workers who hav been re ferred by private agencies or the Public Welfare commission. Korkwell Kent RoapHaUsed riattaburgh, N Y, Sept. 19 Rock-well Kent, artist and author, was reported In food condition today following an emergency appendectomy. Kent. 67, underwent the operation last night. His home 1 at Ausabl Forks, Bear her. Van! Maxwell House Best Food. Kraft Prices Effective Thuri., Fri,, Sat. L Hershey's Cocoa 1I9 For steaming, stimulating hot chocolate '2-lb. size Yes! Safeway saves you money en the brands you know are good Brands featured here at Safeway are like old friends because brands like these you've known for a long time and found to be true and dependable, over and over again. Safeway regularly stocks an extensive variety of such famous brands and always offers them at the very lowest prices possible. Shop Safeway for all your foods and you'll have more to spend for other things you want. EDWARDS KITCHEN CMFT m leara how t akt thtrn Rclps in THE OCTOBER ISSUE NOW ON tail Campbell's Soups Vegetable, Celery and Cream of Asparagus Can 15 23c Libby's Fruit Cocktail No 303 21c Monv crarlr lirtnr f ri lite .frtr r.rktai1c rr calolc MH iiflj Be Dennison's Catsup 14 oz Enhance your meat dishes with this tasty catsup, bottle Libby's Tomato Juice 46-oz. A welcome start to any meal ! Buy several cans ! can Best Foods Mayonnaise 3QC T?A7frr hrmcVinlH i familiar with this flnffv favorite. ar J Honey Maid Grahams 2 -lb. pkg. TdtAn Vnv nrMn1 4-Via Uaiica 4-- onnAQCA onnpfi tflP Keep a box around the house to appease appetites. Kraft Velveeta cheese food 2 ib. Perfect for sandwiches and macaroni dishes. loaf 79c Coffee EDWARDS A Luxury Blend Rich Coffee that Tastes Better! 1- lb. cOc can 2- lb. can $1.05 WHOLE-BEAN NOB HILL C z-ib.nrc bag J AIRWAY l-lb.irr Mb.QQc bag Hd bag 0 8-OZ PKG. 17c Soda Crackers 2 ib. box 35t0gM Kellogg's Rice Krispies Krusteaz Pie Crust Mix n-oz. pkg. 35' Woodbury's Soap. Buy 3 bars 30c QVtT Alber's Flapjack Flour 2- ..lb. pkg. 29c Sleepy Hollow Syrup u-oz. bottle 21c Here's Some More MONEY SAVERS Tuna Flakes w.?. Green Beans Libby Puddings u. Thin Mints Terry Brown Sugar Powdered Sugar No. Vi can 25 t2 25c PI9. 5C c,49 l-lbptg. 12C l ib. pig. 12C Cake Mix wwlix... 39( Tillamook Cheese Lb. 65c M.J. B.Rice L'"n l. 39f Catsup Tatrs Tolls 2 bett. 25' Beef Stew N..y l5.r39( Toilet Tissue c- Ron.29c PICNIC-STYLE FRESH PORK SHOULDER Lots of Meat! LB GROUND BEEF Flour contest recipe (to right) calls for ground beef. For top results use Safeway Pure Ground Beef. LB, Beef Short Ribs Ib. 25c VEAL STEAK Reuiid Ib. 89c VEAL LOIN CHOPS. Ib. 75c VEAL ROAST Ib. 59c Fancy Hams ,.71. lb. 59c SLICED BACON 1. $ 35c SLICED BACON , 49c RABBITS ,Hfry Ib. 69c J Morreli's Fancy . . Ib. END LOIN CUTS PORK CHOPS " CENTER LOIN CUTS PORK CHOPS ,k PORK SAUSAGE lb. 35' 59' 49' 65' 55' HERE'S THE RECIPE! A Money-Saving Winnerl Heat 3 tbtp. shortening and add 'i cup celery, 2 tbsp. green pepper, 2 tbsp. onion, all finely chopped, and 1 pound ground beef. Cook over medium heat for IS minutes; stir occasionally. Combine 2 tbsp. flour, l'i tsp. salt and dash of pepper, and stir into mixture Gradually stir in 1 j cup water and cook until thickened. Cool. Mix a recipe for baking pow. der biscuits using 2 cups flour Roll out a 10"xW" rectangle on a lightly floured surface and spread with meat mixture. Roll as for jelly roll, starting with the long side, seal edge. Bake on a baking sheet in a moder ately hot (400 degree F.) oven about 25 minutes. Serve imme diately with Brussels sprouts, spiced crab apples, and a me dium white sauce to which chopped parsley has been add ed.. Yield: 6 to 8 servings. WIN.pto'600000 KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR CONTEST CONTEST DETAILS ot SAFEWAY Kitchen Craft FLOUR 10-lb. sack... 87e 25-lb. sack.. Pillsbury Flour) SPERRT FLOUR ? GOLD MEDAL & OTHERS ) 10-lb. sack... 1.98 87- 25-lb. sack SI Oft w FANCY DELICOUS 3 , 25c For cooking or eating Safeway has an appl for your purpose. Select from th many varieties now on display. Jonathans Ortleys Ib. 5 Ib. 5 TIDE Tide's in dirt's uf 18-OI. fVj. 28' DREFT N irt Uft whsa ye i Drtft 1 S-ci. pkg. 28c PARD DOG FOOD 3 can. 25C TREND Mad by iprH tn th cln ino, kirtiruM th Pursi ptspl 19' Mustard Greens Green Onions Radishes Beets Bunch . . 5c Spinach pkg. 15c Brussel Sprouts pkg. 19c Corn Ib. 15 BANANAS YAMS , ORANGES SQUASH . 15c 10c 10c 3c POTATOES 10 - 98c Carrots Red Cabbage Turnips Green Peppers Rutabagas Dry Onions Parsnips Lb.. 5c