r.l TRAFFIC ENGINEERS AGREE: 85 Percent of Travelers Want to Go Through Cities Washington, Sept. 29 U.R) This isn't going to let to well with the little man who has a watermelon stand outside a village like say, Urich, Mo. The Institute of Traffic Engineers has conducted a sort of sur- J vey and concludes that most people traveling around want to oy-pass me villages ana anvc right through the cities. I got all this from Robert S. Holmes, the executive secretary of the institute of traffic engi neers. The boys are holding a convention at the Wardman Park hotel. Bob says that his outfit has conducted a poll and discovered that 85 per cent of travelers prefer to go through cities and give the hamlets a wide berth. The modern traveler doesn't mind missing the crick of the cricket and the blink of the lightning-bug us small towners used to love. Meaning they stop in a lot in cities. "That's because we have speeded up traffic through the big towns," Bob said. Another problem being con sidered by the traffic engineers is parking for people going through cities like Chicago and Washington. "If they want to stop and buy a shower curtain or a sack ot salt, do they have to drive four or five blocks? Do they have to put a nickel in a parking meter? We've got to solve that problem, too." How, sir! Bob Holmes said that a lot of cities have solved the prob lem by building under and over passes. But leave it to California. Joseph E. Havenner of Los Angeles, manager of the public safety department of the Auto mobile Club of Southern Cali fornia was here to (1) plug his part of the country, and (2) try to get the engineers to come to Los Angeles for their next con vention. Joe wasn't missing any bets. He lugged along a few hundred poppies and passed 'em around for lapel ornaments. He was there to tell anyone who would listen that the Los Angeles club was begun 50 yean ago under I unusual circumstances. "I wasn't there at the time," ' Joe said, "but I understand that .it was started to protect mo torists from lawsuits started by people who had runaway horses kick up a heel at the old gas buggies." Joe kept on acting like he was working for the California Chamber of Commerce. He said that if everybody in the Los Angeles area got into a car at the same time there would be that many empty back seats. (AdvcrtUtmenU) Don't Be FAT! R.D.X. helps you reduce Tkt R.O.X. Tablet! befort loeali help Tou curb your ppe- lite (or unneeded foods. Between V uve ofl hunger thi c.uiei jou L AL-Jf J overindulge id hiteoioj imc V";T J B moft enjoyable war twin. i if vnnr doctor nai roia too take ofi weight, ask bimabout the f .i .Reducing flan. K.U.A. iioira i Let Th Sole Show Yoa. You do want to loie wcigni, 1 don't jout Theft buy package of R.DX Table and follow th K.U.A. ACauciBft PUo. J ' YwiUm Wright i 3-6489 r Yr.r A." V ' V. I Stat St. Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cash More Carry The warm weather being past, we feel that you folks will be Interested to know that we again have a complete selection of fresh fish at bargain prices, too. Freshly Ground Fresh Country Hamburqer it.. . 5JC Sausaqe ,b 55 EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD peer Arm Curt F Eastern Oregon Hereford J ft roast ST" 35C Rib Steok . 49c Eastern Oregon Hereford CQf Ea,fe,n "' Here,ord ift T Bones lb J New Yorkers ib.0C Special Grade "A" f Special Grade "A" M Veal Roost .b J7C Veal Steak ... 4jc Special Grade "A" A ft- Special Grade "A" lTO Veal Breast ib 1 7C Veal Chops ... J7C Tender Skinless f Young colored, dressed & drawn J A WIENERS ib 39clHENS , 4C FRESH FISH ITEMS SALMON STEAK ,, 39c HALIBUT STEAK ,, 39c Red Snapper Fillers ,29c FRESH OYSTERS pt. 65c locker .. ttt BEEF Compare This Price! LD)l BASINGER'S FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street Pione2-9237 CANNED FOODS SALE Now b the time to etoek up on new pack canned foods. Fill those cupboards and pantry ebelTM with ouallty foods at these real money Savins; Prices . .. Sweet Pickling Young t Sweet No. 2 Cane Cottage Cream Style Golden No. 303 Cant PEAS CORN SLICED BEETS, No. 2 cans KRAUT, Columbia, No. 24 cans WAX BEANS, No. 2 cans PUMPKIN irScn. 2 2 cam cant 23c .2 cans 25 2 cans 23 2 cans 35 cant Cottage No. 2 cant GREEN BEANS ASPARAGUS, center cuts, No. 2 cans CATSUP, Van Camps, 14-oz. bottles PORK & BEANS, Denisons TOMATOES Sr&cn. SARDINES ot.Vc1nrTom8, 2 2 cant 2 cans 39 cant Case Price 24 Cans 19c 2.25 2.69 $2.79 $2.69 $3.98 1.79 2.98 $4.19 $3.39 $2.25 35c 3.98 2 can. 39C 15c 25c 2 for 29 2 cans 19 FRESH YAMS 2 lbs. 15 Capital Journal. Salem. Ore, Thuradajr, Sept. 29, 1949 13 Stock Up Now at These Low, Money Saving Prices PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY Compare Values, and You Will Find, as Always, That ERICKSON'S Prices Are Lower NUCOA MARGARINE 29c KRAFT CHEESE SPREADS 2 39c Plmiento - American - Pineapple Relish - KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP ROYAL PUDDINGS BEANS SALAD DRESSING QUART JAR. . . PINT JAR, 29c AND GELATIN 49c a. 29c 25c Red Mexican - Lge. Whites Small Whites Pinto 2 ,b",io25c Blackeye Beans 2 lbs. 23 Swiftning Shortening 3 ln 69c ROAST BEEF ,Vo'"ean 53c Swift Premium For a Quick, Delicious Meal SWIFT'S PREM XVTr 35c Chicken Sandwich Spread 'Z 29 K ' 1 C..,m-nm AAAm 171. - f ..U Adds Flavor to Lunches rlCt wow tests paHCA.6 " l C ,ia lb. ..A7c 4 lb. bo9 98C ESS " 37c HERSHEY'S CANDY BARS 5c Size 6 for 25c Box ot 24 95c llki All Brands M-f VjUM box of 20 67c LIFE SAVERS 3 Pk9.10c KERR'S JELLY 17 Assorted Flavors DELUXE PLUM PRESERVES 2,.r.25e DEL MONTE, 1-lb. jars Cascade Brand Ready to Eat 8 to 10 Ib. average 55c Ib. FRESH CANNING SALMON 29c . . 4ib.Pka. 53 c The last at this low price 3'i lbs. to 18 lbs. average in the round. Ib Pure Home Rendered LARD Stock up BEEF FOR LOCKERS HIND QUARTERS Good Young Beef Now it the time OO to Buy your Steak cuts. Grain fed. Ib 07 v We will also hove a selection of genuine grain fed baby beef by the side ave. weight 140 lbs. SLICED BACON HORMELS CARSTENS Ib. Beef Tongues and Pork or Veal Hearts lb, 49c 29c ARMOUR'S Genuine Spring LAMB 65c Shoulders lb.. 59c 35c Loin & Rib Chops lb Rolled Breast and Shanks for Stews lb fl (SAIL Is BAB-0 only It when you bv)$lM ot regular pries 33c IVORY FLAKES Large pkg IVORY SNOW Large pkg 28c 28c 2 for 27c IVORY SOAP Large bars dm for Medium Bars 3 'or 23 C TIDE WASH POWDER Large pkg 28c 22c CAMAY TOILET SOAP Regular bar J for BATH SIZE 2 for 27e SUNBRITE CLEANSER SWIFT'S CLEANSER . PARD DOG FOOD 2 can. 15C mt cam 24c mt cans 35c FRESH EGGS GRADE AA, MEDIUM. DOZ. 59c Extra Low Prices SWEET PEAS No tc.n 10c Case of 24 cans 2.33 MERRIMAC FANCY No. 2 can 1 1 e Cos of 24 cant 2.59 STRINGLESS BEANS REMARKABLE No. 2's 2 cans 25 c Cas of 24 cans 2.89 GREEN SPOT No. 2's 2 cans 27e Case of 24 cans 3. i9 GRAND ISLAND, No. 303 2 cons 31 e Case of 24 cans 3.49 JACK & BEAN STALK, FANCY No. 303's Case of 24, 3.98; 2 cans 35 c Hominy, Hunt's No. Vi 2 cans 25 DEL rV.ONTE CORN, No. 303 2 cans 29c Case of 24 cans 3.39 DEL MONTE APRICOTS, No. 2'a jar 25 C Whole Unpeeled, case of 12 2.95 Rlf ht toi tttvlnt. tiklnt ns Oillcloss Eating FLAME TOKAY GRAPES FLAME GRAPES Ked Kipe and Drlicious POTATOES DESCHUTES NETTED GEM C l. S. No. Is mJ lb KRAUT CABBAGE MEDIUM SIZE Salad Green Heads 70 too 80 lbs. average hair , ORANGES .MEDIUM 252 SIZE O Swert and Juicy BANANAS FANCY GOLDEN FRUIT BOILING ONIONS FRESH CLEAN PACK Q 1.29 Box ,.. 25c b.. 89c .. 89c 33c 15c f35c Dos. Ib. hai. Peter Pan Peanut Butter 01r It at. mass CRISCO SHORTENING 1 lb. can 85c BEG-MORE Canned Dog Food 3 can. 41C 6 can. 81 C 12 -1.59 r-L. n HALEY'S Beef Stew with Brown Gravy lib. can 33C GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 10 Ib. bog . 85c 25ib.bof .l89 Picket Flour 25 Prices Effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Sept. 29-30-Oct. 1 Shop and Save BASINGER'S 13th I ST ATI STS. On TOMATOES Par CANNING 89c 31 j On Page 31 0 nlrn ITa NIW WHITi NEW WHITE WOOL "45c ilk CM with Coupon 3060 Portland Read 1720 I. State St.