12 Capital Journal, Salem. Ore.. Thursday, Sept. 29, 1949 1 BOGEY, PAL BOUNCED Dream Comes True Polio victim Inez Basilico, 27, realizes her dream as her Canadian war veteran husband, Rene Gau treau, carries her from St. Anthony's church in New York after their marriage. The bride has been confined to a wheelchair since she was nine. The couple met at a hospital where Inez worked as a medical secretary. (Acme Telephoto) 4000 MILES NON-STOP Flight From Norway Over Pole Called 'Routine' Washington, Sept. 29 OI.R) Col. Brent Balchen, Arctic flier and rescue expert, said today his 4,000-mile flight from Oslo, Norway, was "only a routine training mission." Balchen expects to take off shortly In his military air trans port service C-54 for Anchorage. Alaska, completing the third leg of a 12. 000-mile flight, most of it over a "unique" route. Balchen, 49, is commander of the Air Force 10th Rescue Squadron based at Anchorage. With him on the triangular trip around the tcp of the globe are Brig. Gen. Frank A. Armstrong, commanding general of the Al askan Air Command, and a crew of eight. Last week the group flew non-stop from Anchorage 4.000 miles to Norway, crossing di rectly over the North Pole. They left Norway nt 12:19 a.m. EST Tuesday hoping to reach Wash ington non-stop about 10 p.m. However, as the four-engined ship hcarcd New York, Balchen was advised that bad weather at Washington National airport might "stack" arriving planes and delay his landing. To make sure he was not caught short of fuel he landed at Mitchell Field N Y. After refueling, he flew to Washington, landing at 11:59 p.m. Coos Bay Faces Wafer Shortage Coos Bay, Ore., Sept. 29 U.B The lowest amount of water In the Pony creek reservoir on re cord will force industrial water customers here and in North Bend to cut their consumption in h;ilf begininng tomorrow. Residents in the area will be tagged by police if they wash their automobiles at their homes or at service stations. A reading of the water level earlier this week Indicated only 14.665,000 gallons of water In tht reservoir. Drouth Sends Klamath Cattle to Market Klamath Falls, Ore., Sept. 29 AID) Klamnth basin farmers, faced with a lack of feed for their cattle due to prolonged drouth, have marketed 15,000 cattle three to four weeks earlier this fall than usual. Lambs, too, moved Into the 'Keep Out Bogart Told After Melee in Swank Club New York, Sept. 29 Mi The swank El Morocco night club post ed a "Keep Out" sign for film tough guy Humphrey Bogart Wed nesday after two pretty girls got pushed around in a fracas involv ing Bogey and two toy pandas, a modern version of the Teddy bear. This sounds confusing. It is. All that's really clear is that Bogart and a waggish pal. Bill Seeman, showed up at El Moroc co late at night not with their wives but with the pandas. "Meet our girl friends," they announced. All went well until fashion model Robin Roberts playfully picked up one of the pandas. Robin got shoved and wound up on the clubs thick carpet Glamor girl Peggy Rabe also made a pass at a panda. She got shoved, too. Her escort, Johnny Jelke, didn't like it. Hot words were exchanged. Somebody smashed a dinner plate over Jelke's shoulders. Bouncers restored order and escorted Bogart and Seeman to the sidewalk, pandas and all. "Mr. Bogart no longer will be permitted," El Morocco said today. Bogart, here between movies with wife Lauren Bacall, could not be located. market earlier due to the drouth. Meanwhile, ranchers consid ered their status for next win ter. A drouth in the Sacramento valley of California may pre vent the wintering down of 13, 000 beef cattle In the basin. FIRST VACATION IN 20 YEARS Family of 18 Coming West For Vacation in Own Bus Troy. N. Y.. Sept. 29 (URiThe Bayly family all 18 of 'em are en route to California for a vacation. They left here yesterday in their own bus. The party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bayly, who are tak ing their first vacation since they were married 20 years ago; their 14 children and Bayly parents. Bayly bought a former school bus purposely for the trip. It scats 14, but he found it could accommodate a few extra pas sengers by "doubling up" the smnlirr children. They range in age from 1 to 17, and the name of each begins vith the letter B. Bayly said he wasn't try ing to break any speed records. It will he a sightseeing trip, with Cleve- CIO Union Blasts Red Use of Veto Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 29 "Pi A seven-point program on in tcrnational affairs, including pleas for international disarma ment and control of atomic energy, was approved yesterday by the 13th annual convention of the International Woodworkers of America. Other points In the program condemned Russia's "abuse" of the veto power in the United Na tions assembly, reaffirmed sup port of the European recovery program, called for a U. S. for eign policy aimed at lasting peace, denied Russian assertions of U. S. war-mongering as "com pletely unfounded," endorsed CIO opposition to recognition of fascist Franco Spain," and urged early peace treaties with former enemy nations. Falls City Sawmill Destroyed by Fire Dallas, Sept. 29 Sparks from a burner are believed to have caused a fire which destroyed the W. O. Powers sawmill at Falls City Tuesday afternoon. The mill was a total loss and a tool and machine shed was also destroyed. Loss was not covered by In surance. The sawmill had a ca pacity of about 15,000 feet per day and employed six men. Powers had thoroughly wet down the mill and grounds shortly before the fire because of the low humidity and strong wind blowing. He left the mill for a few minutes and when he returned, found it blazing, be yond the power of volunteer fighters to save. The mill was located about four blocks from the end of Falls City's main street. Mrs. Powers said that her husband probably will not rebuild the mill. Colonel Carl Visits Hubbard When Lt. Col. Marion E. Carl returns to the old farm home near Hubbard they don't put him to work out in the barnyard where he spent a lot of time when a younger boy than he is now. But he likes to go back home whenever he can. The farm still has its lure. So, while in Port land for National Aviation week, he has spent some of his few idle hours at the home of his brother, Manton Carl, and ex pects to visit there again this week-end. He was at the Hub bard place Sunday and Tuesday nights of this week. Colonel Carl, only 32, and most famous of United States Marine corps fliers, is married, and he and Mrs. Carl have a lit tle daughter 3 months old. Their home is at Cherry Point, N.C. Colonel Carl will leave in a few days for Sioux Falls, S.D. where he will start a flight for a 1200-mile speed record to Cherry Point. The flight is set for next Monday. The colonel made a speed re cord in 1947 when he flew a Douglas Skystreak at over 650 miles an hour. pV r M Mi 'iL, Berlin Airlift Ends Friday at Midnight Frankfurt, Germany, Sept. 29 (UP) The Berlin airlift will end at midnight tomorrow after 462 days of operation, the U.S. air force announced today. The bridge of planes that beat the Soviet land blockade of western Berlin had been sched uled to end October 31. But of ficials said it will cease opera tions a month early because suf ficient stockpiles of supplies have been accumulated in Ber lin to meet any emergency. Norway, which had been united with Denmark and Sweden in 1389, declared its independence in 1814 but the union of Norway and Sweden was not finally dissolved until 1905. Albany Backs New Stadium Project Albany Albany Junior Chamber of Commerce members donated $750 to the stymied Memorial stadium and announ ced plans for a giant auction sale to raise several thousand dollars more. Larry Roth, president of this year's Timber Carnival, presen ted the donation in the form of check to Harold Arnett of the stadium's finance committee. Arnett was main speaker of the evening and told of the urgent need for immediate funds to use up forms and reinforc ing steel before the winter rains set in. He said eventual completion of the entire plant, at a total cost of about $150,000 will give Albany an athletic plant that sportsmen agree cannot be equalled in any city in the northwest, save the big metro politan areas. To date nearly $75,000 in materials and cash have been supplied or pledged. War-like Indian Boys Sentenced Portland, Sept. 29 W The war-like aspirations of three In dian youngsters who stole guns and ammunition for an ambush hideaway will have a chance to cool off in the state boys' school. The youngsters two aged 14 and 15 were sentenced yester day. They had admitted break ing into a Chiloquin store Sep tember 12 and carting off their loot. The boys were arrested in sagebrush while pointing the stolen guns at police who track ed them through the brush to a pine and boulder hidden hide out. With them were two older youths, parolees from a Colorado reformatory. Testimony revealed the boys took $1,450 worth of merchan dise including 1000 cartridges, rifles, hunting knives and stacks of clothes and food. These were cached above the Sprague river. Men After Moose Pleasantdale Milton Mur- phy and Russell Coburn of this district, accompanied by Walter Zwick of Unity and E. W. Budke of Dayton, left for two weeks moose hunting in British Columbia. NtW WHITE t On Pag 31 OXM S 45c nth Cswpttn Under New Management VANCK'S Liberty Store The Capitol Building In Wim. ington. D. C. is 7X1 foot ln, and 350 feet wide, including the approaches. land, Cincinnati and Oklahoma City included in the itinerary. Each of the children has a small box or suitcase with his personal belongings. Each has been assigned a scat on the bus, and the five oldest children will be given charge of the younger ones, Bayly said. A small field-kitchen for cook ing, and a 10x18 tent tor sleep ing make up the Bayly equipment. NtW WHITf On Poo. 31 WOOL 2 45c GAS UP AND STOCK UP - GRABLE'S Auto Service tc Grocery 3579 Cherry Ave. Your Prescription Store WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It Pays to Trade at Schaefer's" 7S99 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 7949 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We have a complete line of medical needs for babies. Let us fill your prescription. Special This Weekend 5S5. BOX CHOCOLATES 89c SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front Drug ' and Candy Special Store in Salem 135 N. Commercial Phone 3-5197 or 2-9123 ATV .Ji Freshmen Together Mrs S.illy Sohwciiilcr's freshman "beanie" Is fitted by her son, David, alter thrv rcsislcrrd as first year students tt College of Pugct Sound, iacunut, Vli. Quality MEATS PEERLESS MARKET 170 North Commercial "At City Bus Stop" Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Courteous Service - Phone S-S704 Steeni Hi Grode HAMS ib HALF OR WHOLE 59c Steens Maple Kist BACON THIS IS LITE, LEAN CHOICE BACON 59c CHOICE TENDER YOUNG MUTTON LEAN MEATY Ml'TTON ff HALF OR WHOLE ff ROAST , 29C LEGS , 3VC LEAN LOIN t Ml'TTON lftl CHOPS , 29C STEW , 2V2t YOI NO TENDER BEEF LIVER lb 35c I SIU.t, Jl H I AM FRANKFURTERS lb. JVC FRESH IM RE LARD 4 55c Pl'RF. GROUND BEEF 35c I.F.AN JOWL BACON lb. 27c Good for F'rvinir. Good for Seatoninf FKKSHLY CD Y CDC DRESSED tlx J HENS RABBITS Secretary Makes a Point Secretary of Defense Louis A. Johnson (left) makes a point in a discussion aboard the .air craft carrier Franklin D. Roosevelt, at sea off Cape Henry, Va. With him are Gordon Gray (center), secretary of the army, and Stuart W. Symington, secretary of the air force. All three were aboard the carrier, with other high military officials, for a first hand look-see at operation of modern seapower. (AP Wirephoto) I On 31 NIW WHIU 2 QXYDDL 45c with Cvp TOOMS GROCERY The Rlfht Place With the Right Prist 1635 Fairgrounds Rd. 4990 N. River Road Phone 2.8230 mim hi mum Save E very Day Where the Thrifty Thrive These Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday ADD ONIY WATtR 4 FLAVORS O.vil'j Fgdg. TT JC Golden Spice- SHAD FISH 2 Can, 19C CIRCUS PEANUTS 29c 8-oi. tin MISSION PEAS 306 Size 3 - 25c MED. AGED CHEDDAR CHEESE u 43c SWIFT'S PEANUT BUTTER JAR 29c WESSON OIL 59c QUART BOTTLE ELSINORE GRAPEJUICE 33c 2 -Lb. Ce HULLESS RICE POP CORN llo Pkg. 29c Kitchen Queen Family Flour 25 Lb. bog... 1" 50 Lb. bag .3' In the Pretty Prints I Lb Pkg 25c It is time now to fix that pot of Baked Beans SMALL WHITES LARGE WHITES PINTO BEANS BLACKEYE BABY DMAS 2 Lbs. 27c IbHI'iT I IfW'i'M''" On Page 31 OltYDOL 4 7c. EMULSORIZED SNOWDRIFT 3 Lb.. 85c WONDERFOOD Marshmallows 8 oz. pkg. 2 ror 25c Daily Fresh Vegetables 50 LB. NO. 25 fte f POTATOESbag ..5lAlT HUBBARD ft SQUASH tB1li;.22C CELLO PKG. m m SPINACH Pkf 15C MKDIl'M SIZE r CABBAGE ..OC CARROTS 3BUncne.l9C KEIZER ?Sw5 MARKET SPfCML STEAK SALE SWIFT'S GOV T INSP. It STEAK OF BEEF lb 59c Round, Sirloin, Flarbone, Shortcut, Etc. Always a Family Favorite end Full of Body Building Vitamins SWIFT'S PREMIUM Cooked Boneless Ham Sliced thin for lunches or 1 Mlf Thick for Heofing Up .. 2 lb. 47