v:r; X Cd'l Wed Recently Mrs. David R. Kelly, the lormer blurley Ann Hott, was married Saturday afternoon In Immanuel Lutheran church In Portland. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hott of Salem and Mr. Kelly is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kelly of Portland. (Bruno picture, Portland) 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1949 Staab-Thies Rites Sept. 17 A bride on September 17 was Miss Harriet Thies, daughter of Mrs. Harry Thies of Portland, who was married to Marcel Staab, son of Adolph Staab of Balem. i' The ceremony was solemnized a't a nuptial high mass at noon In St. Rose Catholic church in Portland, thf Rev. Father Main officiating. Given In marriage by her uncle, Leo Ryan, the bride wore a white brocaded gown made entrain. The fingertip veil was arranged from a Princess Eliza beth headdress of seed pearls. The bride carried a colonial bouquet of baby white gladlo . luses centered with pale pink rosebuds and bouvardia. Miss Lorraine Schwab of Port land was maid of honor. She wore a pale pink brocaded gown with matching crownless pic ture hat of net and she carried a nosegay of pink gladioluses centered with bouvardia. Bridesmaid was Mrs. Kay J. McGuire, Jr., (Rozelle Staab) Salem, twin sister of the bride groom. Her gown was of aqua brocade and she wore a match ing picture hat and carried a 'nosegay of pink gladioluses cen tered with bouvardia. Arlin Staab was best man for his brother. Ushering were David Lobb and Laurance i Schwab. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Thies wore a navy blue dress and hat with corsage of white orchids. The reception was given in the Blessed Sacrament hall with Mrs. Murray Thies pouring and Mrs. George Burg cutting the cake. Miss Mary Goetz passed the guest book. Following a short wedding trip the couple will reside in Portland. Secretaries Group Meets at Dinner The first fall dinner meeting of Salem Cascade chapter of the National Secretaries' association was held in the Cherrian room of the Senator hotel Monday evening. The northwest vice president, Mrs, Dora McCoy, of the Ore gon Trail chapter of Portland, was guest speaker. Mrs. McCoy spoke on the "Ideals and Bene fits of NBA." She also gave the highlights of the national con vention she attended last June, stating that the National Secre taries' association was asked permission by "Glamour Maga zine" to dedicate their January issue to NSA. Miss Janet Ferguson, presi dent of the Portland chapter, outlined a course on "charm," to be presented by Maria East erly Model school of Portland, to the Salem group this fall. Guests from the Oregon Trail chapter of Portland were Mes damea Dora McCoy, Virginia Morris, Jane Page, Martha Hiatt, Mlssea Janet Ferguson, Mildred Bybee, Agnee Courtney and Betty White. Special guests from Salem were Mesdamaa Lorraine John ston, Shirley Keeney, Gay Cro ghan, Pearl Viator, Misses Edlyn Holmquist, LoretU Muhs, Mil dred Stookey and Idella Mc Adama. RETURNING Monday from a 10-day motor trip south were Mr. and Mrs. deorge Weller and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Perry. They were at Reno, Lake Ta hoe and San Francisco. I ), - w Gold Star Mothers Are Entertained Silverton The Gold Star Mothers' annual program was featured at the Monday evening meeting of Delbert Reeves, unit No. 7, American Legion auxil iary, with nine especially hon ored guests complimented. Members of the post Joined the group for supper and the program. Mrs. George Towe made cor sages and Mrs. C. E. Higinboth am, unit president, presented them to Mrs. Alice Greenfield, Mrs. Albert Grinde. Mrs. S. M. Norton, Mrs. Ella Harmon, Mrs. William Marshall, Mrs. Merlin Conrad, Mrs. Albert Ncrison, Mrs. Homer Bailey and Mrs. Merle Foote. On the program were musi cal numbers by Miss Carole Col vin, pianist; vocal selections by the Herigstad twins, Joyce and Janet; readings by Mrs. Frank Porter; vocal solo by Jerry Lake; and group singing led by Mrs. Bruce Billings with Mrs. A. J. McCannel at the piano. In the absence of Mrs. Oscar Ed lund who is in Oklahoma for a few weeks, Mrs. F. M. Powell substituted as program chair man. Mrs. Robert Allen, sewing club chairman, reported the first work meeting of the autumn to At Rebekah Event Salem Rebekah lodge was en tertained Monday evening with a program which consisted of vocal selections by Mrs. Opal Bayer and Mrs. Viola Henne of the Chin-Up club. Mrs. Scott Wheatley gave a talk on the projects of the organization. Piano selections were played by Mrs. Gretchen Castle of Iowa. A silver collection was taken and the proceeds turned over to the Chin-Up club. George Beane was taken into the lodge by transfer from the jurisdic tion of Nevada. Next Monday night there will be drill team practise. Refreshments were served and donated by Mrs. Don Muellhaupt. The reception committee for October will be Mrs. Dae Staf ford, Mrs. C. C. Sumpter, Mrs. Pearl Swanson, Mrs. Elhclyn Thompson, Mrs. Neil Thorn- quist. PAST REGENTS club of Che meketa chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, is meeting Friday of this week at the home of Mrs. Homer Goulet, Sr., the no-host luncheon to be at 12 o'clock. am' ro nrv niw "Si J($ & comiinxtk CREAM Hm McMof mv fat aim mmbirm dMMMf tlmi sJOapirOa-td OMIM tO Ofkf fiiiwli It amtats oirhcr vif or dr. akina ocaaat a aboorba ind am both ml cm) aaaar aolabb rrpai of tail ghat ana aaka-a...ffjeuiaaa roof don. thoroughly. To aid rour ODfapknooA. Petri, la Win Combination Cmrn aomains lipid from laaoao awnuM to akin lipida aim illy praaaot io roaahfai Mm. It Imvoi rout I kin to aoft I II adoa tm rtauUtioo if farrlr naaaiaarr. With ntw m ootd oo other laaa crooafli be at the auxiliary club rooms at Legion hall Thursday after noon of this week when pillow covers for convalescent veterans at the Portland facility will be made. Any one, though not an auxiliary member, interested in the hospital sewing program is welcome to attend. Assisting Mrs. Allen as hostess is Mrs. Victor Howard. Plan Sale The committee in charge of the Saturday food sale at the Bloch Electric store includes Mrs. A. J. McCannel, Mrs. Mayo Robison, Mrs. Fred Evans, Mrs. Frank Porter and Mrs. C. E. Higinbotham. The auxiliary committee working at the Blood bank Mon day afternoon reported 88 pints taken. Working from the Aux iliary membership were Mrs. Ralph Francis, R. N., Mrs. C. E. Higinbotham, Mrs. Lloyd Green field, Mrs. Ernest R. Ekman. Mrs. William Sherman, Mrs. E. A. Kern, Mrs. Harry Kuch, Mrs. Lowell Paup and Mrs. Mayo Robison. Mrs. Arthur Gottenberg told of the visitation meeting for In-' stalling of officers at Aurora.; The team also Installed at Mt 1 Angel, Tuesday. The monthly collection for veteran cigaret fund in the con valescent ward of the Portland facility amounted to more than: $9.00, a project originated by the, hospital chairman, Mrs. A. J.' McCannel. Serving supper to the large group present were Mrs. Fred Evans, Mrs. William Meithke. I Mrs. Charles Morey and Mrs. frank Porter. WOODBIRN The first fall meeting of the Woodburn Junior Womans' club was a social one at the library with the officers' as hostesses. Plans were dis cussed for the year, games were played and a hobo lunch served. Officers in charge of the meet ing were Mrs. Lois Gaviola, Mrs. ! Layman Baird, Mrs. Stewart I Popp, Mrs. Lyman Seeley and Mrs. Leo Miller. The next meeting will be a business meeting at the library i October 5, at 8 p.m. 1 THKOUOH LIMITIO Mj CRVICaT Jp' M SAN FRANCISCO 4 "LIMITEDS" DAILY TV tot Sorvka Without Tramfor ONI wr $ t.7l ROUND TRIP . . . 17.55 RihJ Trip Tlhtt 04 Ur 4 Mtltt 7fcr Ar No towr forti! Clmrth St. U- ' "1 pom 1-129 B535 (Mother Khous Ceesf-.' ttat m mother the player of fabulous baseball. He watched the bases closely. Our basis for business, is fine silver and rings, diamonds and watches. Ours is still the desire to furnish you with the best, at modest prices. But, of course, "You Need Never Sacrifice To Own The Finest" at f . anaers eueeru tJiex M L 'Grover Cleveland VOVU MM.BHdaw 0mmA vim yftL 3t)mmmj uwnCR rmXSTTMr rct.f TCUAULCAjLC um tmtmt mm trio optrtit M H4 If you're moving . Want To Know A Secret? World's Champion Valve-In-Head Engine the txira efficient power plant with the valve-in-head design that's setting the trend for the automotive industry. You can save up to Half on your moving bill if you Rent a Truck AT pr it Rental Service By The Hour-Day-Week-Month Special Refrigeration Trucks Padding at No Extra Cost Gas & Oil Furnished SMILING JACK'S SUPER SERVICE Fisher Body Styling and Luxury with smooth, graceful curves, new ulterior richness and such extra luxuries as Puih-Button Door Handles. Fisher Unlsteel Body Construction with steel welded to steel above, below and all around you for the highest degree of solidity, quiet ness and safety. Longer, Heavier, with Wider Tread the big car in the low-price field, with all the advantages of more riding-comfort, road-iteadiness and safety. Look at all these EXTRA VALUES exclusive to Chevrolet in the low-price field! 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