Capital Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1949 Parties for Miss Fairham "Are Planned Miss Edith Fairham, who is to !be married October 14 to Peter -M. Gunnar, is being feted at a number of parties preceding the wedding. On Friday evening of this week Mrs. M. Fay Lindley is to entertain at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Fairham. The evening will be spent informal ly and a late luncheon served. Invited to the party are Miss Fairham, her mother, Mrs. Silas E. Fairham; Mrs. Roy Fcdje, Mrs. Kenneth Blinkensop and daughter of Sherwood, Ore., Mrs. Margaret Hinkley of Gre sham, Mrs. M. D. Bruckman, Mrs. Emily Smith, Mrs. Leigh' ton Fairham of Portland, Mrs. James Shelley, Mrs. Lucy Hall, Miss Kit Voice, Miss Adeline Wilson, Mrs. Brooks Moore, Miss Ruth McAdams, Miss Phebe Mc- Adams, Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy, and the hostess. A special invi tation was airmailed to Miss Jessie Fairham at Erith, Kent, England, aunt of Miss Fairham and a visitor here last year. Two to Entertain Mrs. Kenneth DeHut and Miss Addyse Lane are planning a par ty and shower next week at the home of Mrs. DeHut for Miss Fairham, the event tentatively set for Thursday, October 6. It is to be a pottery and linen shower. VFW Auxiliary's Meeting Reported Marion auxiliary, Veterans of ' Foreign Wars, held a short bus iness meeting Monday evening at the VFW hall. The depart ment president, Mrs. Stanley Tripp, was a guest and gave a report on her trip to Florida to the national convention. The national president will visit in Portland, November 12 and 13. Mrs. Tripp presented the district president, Mrs. Clara Tokstad, a charter for district No. 20. The district commander, Douglas Parkes, presented Mrs. Joe Horneffer a medal from the national commander in chief and one from the department commander for having obtained to many members for the post the past year. A special prize went to Mrs. Bertha Ray. Mrs. I veil Haley, sewing chairman, announced plans are completed for making articles for the Camp White and Rose burg hospitals. The delinquent dues committee will meet at the home of Mrs. Leon Hansen Oc tober 4 at 8 p.m. The Americanism chairman, Mrs. Clarence Forbis, has flags for the new Lincoln school to use and when the school is com plete flags will be presented to all the rooms. The Macte Anl mo club will meet at the home of Mrs. Genevieve Olson, Octo ber 4, with Mrs. Lulu Humph reys as hostess. Following the meeting the auxiliary Joined the post and games and entertainment were enjoyed followed by refresh ments. uiner guests present were Mrs. Bill Kelso, president of Meadowlnrk auxiliary; Mrs Edna Walker, president of Sll verton auxiliary; Mrs. Joe Hop kins of Salem, Mrs. Sarah Burch, Mrs. Anna Hanson, Mrs. Lcnna Elliott. Mrs. Mathilda Pierce, Mrs. Bernice Grant, Mrs. Marv Lou Edgerton, all of SUvcrlon. Plan Bazaar Stayton The annual fall fes tival and bazaar of the Stayton Catholic parish will take place at Stayton on Sunday, October 2. The entire day's program will take place in the parish hall and gymnasium. Mrs. Josephine Brand of Stayton Is general chairman and Mrs. William Ker ber Is In charge of the turkey and ham dinner program. They anticipate another large attend ance nearly 1,000 dinners be ing served In 1948. As usual, they will commence serving dinner at 11:30. The afternoon will be given over to usual ba zaar activities. Head Cold Stuffiness For almost instant relief, 1 fi w Vu-ks Va-tro-nol Kose 1 in men nostril t Va-tro-nol works I Tioht where? Slutfy trouble it! I It cpc-ni up cold f eloKRed nose . , , relieves atuffU r.ess , . and lets you breathe pin a Drops mtrM Women i LOWRT FISCHER 1 Home from Europe Mrs. A. L. Adolphson arrived home last evening from a trip to Europe. She was In England two weeks, in France, Italy, Switz erland, Belgium and Holland. Of the countries visited, Mrs. Adolphson said she found Switz erland perhaps the most inter esting, there being so much na tural beauty In that country. The party in which Mrs. Adolphson traveled met many travelers abroad this year. Mrs, Adolphson said her group at ways had good accommodations and good food. While in New York City upon her return she talked with Mrs. Ralph H. Campbell, who has spent the summer in the east and at that time was in Penn sylvania. Mrs. Campbell, who had gone to the Atlantic coast with Mrs. Adolphson, is expect ed home this Friday. Mrs. Adolphson stopped in Montana to visit relatives en route home. Return from Chicago Dr. and Mrs. Norman Huff man returned this past week from spending the summer at University of Chicago and Dr. Huffman has resumed his work with Willamette university Mrs. Huffman plans to re turn to Chicago the first of the week for about a month. Both did Interesting research work at the University of Chi cago during the summer session Club Sets Dance Members of the Junior Wom an's club announce their an nual fall dance will be a Hal loween time one, October 29 Mrs. Eugene Morrison is general chairman for the event and her committee is to meet at her home next Monday to further outline plans for the dance, usually me club has held a Thanksgiving dance but it is staging It earlier this year. For Miss Blacksten Honoring Miss Lola Black sten, bride-elect of Dan Osborn. Miss Elaine Lindstrand and Miss Virginia Erb entertained at the homt of Miss Lindstrand at an informal party and shower. Sat urday. Refrashmenti were served and games played. At the party were Miss Black sten, Miss Rhea Jones, Miss Vergcne Mackey, Miss Betty Jo Lamb and the two hostesses. AMONG Salem folk who plan to take In the Oregon State- California game in Portland Saturday are Mr. and Mrs. Stu art Thede and Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Tiernan. at introduced on th COVER .f LOOK Is J) I S:h Slim Empire wolstllnt odds excitement to our newest Tish-u-Knit matchmatt! V-neck cardigan . . . striped pullover ... in the softest virgin wool! Wear them together or separately season after season. The pullover and cardigan In exciting color combinations and solids. 9.95- Siies 34 to 40. (equivalent to 10 to 16). the pullover 3.98 the cardigan 5.98 Miss Seder Entertained Honoring Miss Betty Jean Se der, who is to be married Octo ber 1 to John Lloyd Cowan, i miscellaneous shower was given last week by Mrs. Ray Brown and Mrs. Lon Spady at the Brown home. Games were played Mrs. C. A. Seder winning the prize. A dessert supper was served. In the group were Miss Seder and her mother Mrs. C. A. Seder; Mrs. L. G. Spady and Mrs. Mel vin Spady, both of Dallas; Mrs. Russell Bickford, Mrs. George Hougham, Portland; Mrs. John Erler, Mrs. Vicki Cornelia, Miss Alice Waters, Mrs. Pearl Cowan, Mrs. Pearl Seder, Mrs. Roman Steffen, Miss Olive Moody, Mrs Douglas Brown, Miss Jean Brown and the two hostesses. OES Meeting at Woodburn Monday Woodburn At the regular meeting of Evergreen chapter No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star, held Monday night at the Masonic temple, a memorial ser vice was held and the altar draped for Mrs. Ada Settlemier, past matron and a member for 41 years, who died September 21 and Mrs. Lois M. Albin member for 28 years, who died September 22. Three petitions for member ship were received. Plans were made to donate canned fruit and vegetables to the Masonic and Eastern Star home again this fall. Mrs. Mabel Harper and Ora Morris volunteered to take charge of packing and deliver ing the goods and members are asked to bring their contribu tions to the Masonic temple early in November. It was also voted to make a contribution to the fund to buy new electrical equipment for the home. An invitation was read and accepted to visit Venus chapter at Donald, October 21, to attend the Institution of a new chapter at Tlgard, October 15, and a re ception In honor of Mrs. Alice Robinson, grand conductress, at Independence, October 29. Mrs. Nettie Johnson, Mrs. Phyllis Engle, Mrs. Eva Strike and Mr. and Mrs. J. Melvin Rin go were appointed as the hostess committee for the next meeting, October 10. Visitors who spoke under good of the order" were Miss Dorothea Leach of Olympia chapter of Olympia, Wash., and Mrs. Elsie DeNarde of Beulah chapter of San Francisco. A no-host dessert lunch was served after the meeting by a committee which included Mrs. Hazel Enos, Mrs. Lois Gaviola, Mrs. Margaret Hastie and Mrs. Hollie Paulson. THE STATE program of the Daughters of the American Re volution Is to be broadcast over KOAC next Monday at 2 p.m. with Mrs. Archie McKeown, state regent, as speaker. Mrs. McKeown Is Martha Ferguson McKeown, the writer. this, new duo by 4 Dwlansd by IEON ' '. Plans Holiday Wedding Miss Phyllis Joy Medler, above, recently announced her egagement to Harold Adams, the wed ding being planned around the Christmas holidays time in December. She is the daughter of Mrs. Grace Medler of Wasco, Ore., and Mr. Adams is the son of Mrs. Peter Loren son of Salem. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Good Grooming Essential j Hair Stylist Talks to BPW Club There is no excuse for a wo man not to De attractively groomed these days and that does not mean she has to be ex pensively dressed, but smartly dressed and well groomed, said Erich Laetsch, recent newcomer to Salem who was guest speak er for the dinner meeting of the Salem Business and Professional Women's club last evening at the Senator hotel. Mr. Laetsch re viewed the history of hairdress- ing, which dates back to the beginning of any record, he said. He highlighted periods in hairdressing on down to modern times and pointed out that now hair fashions change about every seven years. However, Mr. Laetsch said, it will be a long time before we see the real long hair again short hair styles give women, especially those from 35 years of age on, a needed "uplift." The cosmotol ogy business, including the cos metics field, today ranks as the seventh largest Industry In the country, he pointed out. To conclude his talk, Mr. Laetsch demonstrated becoming, easy hair styles of today, Mrs. Laestch and Miss Delores Ebner serving as models. Miss Mar garet Magee introduced the speaker. 1 ITS AT MILLER'S COME SAVE ON GOOD QUALITY BARGAINS! -DRESSES! -COATS! -SPORTSWEAR! -FOOTWEAR! , -LINGERIE! -FABRICS! -ACCESSORIES! -MANY OTHERS! mm At its business meeting, the club voted to give $10 to the iron lung fund sponsored by the Fraternal Order of Eagles. In the legislative report, the membership was reminded to be sure and become registered vot ers, the books to be open in the city from October 15 on. Miss Helen Schulte was an nounced as a new member. About 65 attended the dinner meeting. Next big event on the calendar for the club is annual "Business W o m e n's Week," opening October 9, the local club arranging a number of events in observance of the week, which is a national project for the BPW clubs. Nile Benefit Of interest for many Thurs day will be the fall benefit of the Salem club, Daughters of the Nile. The benefit is both in the af ternoon and evening, cards to be played starting at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon and again in the evening at 7:45 o'clock. Proceeds from the party go to the Shriners hospital for crippled children in Portland. Mrs. Charles Boyer is president of the local Nile club. A large group of reservations has been listed for the benefit Legion Auxiliary Reports Activities At the meeting of Unit No 136, American Legion auxiliary, last evening it was announced 21 members of the group are volunteer workers in the current Community Chest campaign. The constitution and by-laws committee was in charge for last evening's meeting, Mrs. Charles Creighton as chairman, assisted by Mrs. Vern Grieg, Mrs. Eddie Nordyke, Mrs. Don ald Costelli, Mrs. Richard Ir win. It was reported the magazine drive had been successful the first week and that it would be continued for two months in Marion county and area. Mrs. Len C. Davis is to repre sent the unit at the meeting of the Salem Memorial Auditorium association this Thursday. Convention reports were giv en by Mrs. Harlan A. Judd, Mrs. Carroll Robinson, Mrs. Carlton Roth, Mrs. Bert A. Walker. Mrs. Edward Klippert, fi- nance chairman, stated the group's rummage sale is to be October 6 over Greenbaum's. On November 22 the unit is sponsoring a bazaar type carni val. Mrs. Kenneth Schoemaker, child welfare chairman, said sewing for two needy children in the city will be done at the business meetings. Gates Club Meets Gates The Gates Woman's club held its September social meeting in the recreation rooms of the high school. A no-host luncheon preceded the short business session at which Mrs. Elmer Stewart presided. Plans were discussed for the bazaar to be held November 12. It was de cided to give a turkey dinner October 12, the proceeds to be added to the building fund. The committee in charge of the din ner will include Mrs. Velma Carey, Mrs. Frank Saunders, Mrs. Harold Wilson and Mrs. Theodore Burton. The new club house Is now under constrution. The founda tion is completed and the sub floor laid. It is hoped to have the building completed before spring. The next regular meeting of the club will be at the school house October 13, the officers of the club to serve as hostesses. No Down Payment and 25c a Day Buys Any Norge Refrigerator With Prices 189" and Up , rrsTT. rf $26995 . LOADED WITH anIk Wr,H, I.IW CalsMkM tones CiMsact WUa Slt tnmt-VJk. hM-Rf SMI Cm ianta Shraft -It tt SMI raa 4 irM In Trr IRefrtmraior utomidnllf funis melf off iben. slier tfit defron period, tutoiaitittilr turns itxlf on asainl nctutivi Ht'-i.riosni ITSTIMrurSaN NOrOMlKUtt PtMOSTINi Thin film of of freezer is friftcrator always works at peak efficiency. 3 Defron wafer drains Into easr-ro remote, snillprool Hsndefrosler d tin pned at Enthusiasm Marks Plans in Community Chest Program House to house solicitation is hard work, but it will be done successfully during Salem's Community Chest campaign Judging from the enthusiasm and determination expressed among the leaders and captains of the women's division at the tea given Tuesday afternoon for the captains. More than 50 attended the event, staged In the Salem Wom an's club house, the building having been donated by the club for the tea as part of its com munity service. The tea was arranged by the leaders in the women's part of the drive, assisted by the three division chairmen, Mrs. Robert W. Wilson, Jr., Mrs. Elmer J. Church and Mrs. George Spaur. Al Loucks, the 1948 campaign chairman, and Joe Dodd, this year's campaign chairman, talk ed to the captains. The pro gram was very informal with the captains and leaders asking questions regarding the cam paign and its goals. Following the talks the tea was served. Mrs. Conrad Paul son and Mrs. Charles McElhinny were at the tea urns for the first period, Mrs. Klony Smith and Mrs. Bert A. Walker for the second hour. The tea table was unusually attractive, covered with a blue damask cloth. Green and purple grapes, ivy leaves, red berries, chestnuts and min iature pears were arranged for the centerpiece, built around a one-branch candelabrum. Large bouquets of zinnias, Michaelmess daisies and other colorful fall flowers decorated the room.' Meeting Friday On Friday afternoon of this week a general meeting for all women volunteer workers in the campaign is to be conducted at 1:45 o'clock In the Chamber of Commerce, called by the three division chairmen. Mr. Dodd and Charles A. Barclay, the latter a member of the Community Chest board, will give talks and instructions will be handed out to the work- s. The women's division begins the residential solicitation im mediately following the kick-off breakfast next Tuesday morning, October 4. m BIG 8-CUBIC-FOOT REFRIGERATOR FEATURES frost on outside dissolved r. four coorenieocal s i i ...H 5rf 1 .4 7 ' i Woodburn Miss Patricia Houseweart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Houseweart of Woodburn, will be installed t as worthy adviser of Ever green assembly, No. 12, Order of Rainbow for Girls, at open Installation ceremonies Wed nesday, September 28 at 8 V. p.m. in the Woodburn Mason- ic temple. Miss Houseweart is also grand drill leader of the grand assembly of Rainbow for Oregon and is a senior at Woodburn high school. (Alyce Studio, Woodburn) For Mrs. Beakey Mrs. Karl Becke has invited a small group for a dinner Fri day evening to honor Mrs. John S. Beakey, who is leaving next week to spend the winter in Tucson, Arizona. Guests include close friends of Mrs. Beakey. HOME from Seattle are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gortmaker. They went north with their daughter, Miss Darlene Gortma ker, who has enrolled for her freshman year at Seattle Pacific college. Miss Lorna Riggs and Miss Helen Snider, also of Salem, are enrolled at the school too. MOOR M-S4t Mmd -- u mum r m w -1 -., 4; -iff ' , I- J exam. Try It VICKS Mocll Vdocfl 1 H COMMtftCIAl IT. SAlMCOftMOrf erne 315 Court BUY NOW PAY IN NOVEMBER v