22 Capital Journal, Ealcm, Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1949 Oklahoma Voles To Remain Dry Oklahoma City, Sept. 18 ) Oklahoma ii still legally dry, and victory-flushed prohibition ists proclaimed they Intend to make It literally dry too. The fifth attempt In 42 years of statehood to repeal the state's constitutional ban on Intoxi cants was decisively beaten in a apecial election yesterday. With 3984 out of 1720 pre cincts reported, the unofficial returns were: For repeal 284,801. Against repeal 313,071. Victory was conceded to the dry forces last night by A. G. Kulp, Tulsa attorney who head ed the repeal organization incor porated as the Oklahoma Eco nomic Institute. The chairman of the victorious United Dry association, David C. Shapard, promptly announc ed a campaign for "ridding our state of bootleggers and the ev ils of the whiskey traffic." But the wets said the bootleg gers were the real winners. Other repeal efforts were de feated in 1908, 1910, 1938 and 1940. Mississippi is the only oth er state with a statewide liquor ban. James Rock Elected Head of Civics Club Jim Rock, senior at Salem high school was elected Civics club president during an elec tion held by the club. Other officers elected were Seniors Beverly Wilt, vice presi dent; Sue Perry, secretary treasurer. For the office of ser geant at arms a revote between Jim Stewart and Earl Eshleman will be held next week. Newly added members who were voted on are: Juniors Mar garet Miller, Pat Filler, David Blackmer, Denney Feike and Deb Davis. "We may not have a Civics club carnival," said Mrs. Ger trude Smith, adviser for the Ci vics club. "There is a possibility that Salem high will have no Civic club carnival because stu dents didn't get their work in or expected other students to do their work for them." Iron Mine Strike Called Off Duluth, Minn., Sept. 28 0P) Leaders of the union Iron ore miners today called off plans for a strike on the iron ranges of Minnesota, Wisconsin and up per Michigan. Henry Burkhammer, district director for the United Steel workers' union, said the miners would remain at work until fur ther notice. It's to keep fit Bread Hungry? On s Reducing Diet? Want added energy and pep with low calory oount? Try th SUN VALLEY BREAD a new lasle thrill for jaded "diet sppelitel." ana ?:., llAllUV PS f WITHOUT Y SHORTENING OK 1 f ADDED HTSjf V,if lOW IN CALORIES NIGH IN INERGT Asmmm bmowm's exclusive mm m ,trr w m m mm m III S Mm If A -v. v. imm w m m m mm - x 1 I IT ZTaassasM. V T M in,. ' ST A,W ... WAt 'RMNS -- 'pRrc A'V LADIES AMD 1 L,(?UIDAT Mn , Bn SHiPAtEfvjT" ua c B1 CHES AT HALF ... nnJFl "a ctaV gff Mi 3V x V a. W.ak ' 7 13 mmfm& iinrF 1 !HM Ma V-tv-1 iM fe ; Jlll J wj?riv s tiiii"i, ii -- i p nil ! in if VAIUIS TO $59.50 ftil DOWN DflfVfJtt AN WAKH 50c A miK (1 On Our Approved Credit Full Price $19.95 Sim FeJerel ExcIm T I BROWN'S JEWELRY 1S4 N. Liberty Salem, Ore. 1 Please send me of your ' 17 Jewel watches advertised at 19 95 ( ) Men's ( ) Ladies I t irhw mo. t icon, i ion art. I I Uj i " i us- m I ArtdrfM yTmIZ-Jl m Btats) --lil!BMMIsBBBB Lay Away For Christmas JEWELERS OPTICIANS Aotcmti iMi.mM,'l....yw yj 3 iALXM I IXUMNQ CWDIT ItlnUH OfTIClANt Factory Distributors for ELGIN HELBROS BULOVA LONGINE Waltham, Hamilton WITTNAUR TAVANNES FINE WATCHES You can now purchase on Lay Away Plan 1.00 Weekly Priced fromI4.lt t ISO.tt rrTer needs en,u v,a t Moa'-.;;" u sav? '7"'IWS.(,,?,'"ol!mfl.d w SMnU.ICJITItaia. . . ... SMtintKRXUIlei 1 some fin. malc. .l W "Wing... Prilfw.:LU8hor.0uu! Price, T. o f- PR'CE AND LPcc , ,0 ,e" at HALF Ii 4. 1 1. lilt' f V fmm 3 I 1tfrn- j AT VOBR fRVORITE fOODSTORE Has a. tke Mm suun artaS"