( 1 x AUTOMOBILES TEAGUE SPECIALS IT'S HERE NOW! USED CAR BARGAIN HARVEST IS HERE IN TOWN AT TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY. YES, DURING USED CAR BARGAIN HARVEST YOU CAN GET A BETTER CAR FOR WINTER AT THE LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS. THANKS TO HEAVY NEW CAR SALES, WE ARE LOADED WITH SOME FINE TRADE INS. STOP TODAY. 1948 DODGE SEDAN 1948 FRAZER MANHATTAN 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE SEDAN 1947 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN 1947 KAISER SEDAN 1946 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR SEDAN 1941 CHEVROLET 5 PASS. COUPE 1941 OLDSMOBILE 5 PASS. COUPE 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN 1940 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN 1939 PONTIAC SEDAN 1939 CHEVROLET COUPE 1939 DODGE COUPE 1937 PLYMOUTH COUPE Teague Motor Co. Fhone 2-4173 PONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Pontiac Coupe, K&H '. . .$1795 37 Pontiac Sedan $195 '41 Olds Sedan $645 '38 Pontiac Coupe $195 '38 Ford Tudor ' $145 '42 Studebaker Sedan $695 '35 Chevrolet Sedan $75 Herrall - Owens Co. TRADES 800 H. Liberty AUTOMOBILES Tbm MERCURY Sedan, 10.000 miles. One owner car. Radio, heater, overdrive Srlce 81848. Pnon. 3-070.i.a31 Ui PONTMC Sedanette. I owe 500. Will take 1100 or beat oiler lor mr Mr HI W. MUler. Ph. -88S. Eisner Motors to Buy CHEV. 4-door deluxe. R&H. Good con 1111 Ph. J-8858. 13" inn DODGE Va-ton pickup. New ond. Ph. 8-478S, ! WANTED: t, T. panel truck or fed. del. Al io have H41 Deluxe Pord aed. lor al. Write box 423 Capital Journal. 0.235 Buy ot the Week Will trade equltj lor your car If clear on '41 Packard Sdn. "120." Terra can be arranied on balance II Tou neve ep proved credit. Ph. eve. 3-04H. 1232' FOR SALE or trade: 1930 Old. coupe. Ra dlo a heater. Ph. 4-2602. 232" MY EQUITY In ' Croaler, leaa """'J? mtlea (230. Low monthly payment. 2455 State St. Phone 2-1582. 0.232 ONE H ton O.M.C. Pickup worth $1000 priced for oulck aale 3830. Call alter S p. m. Leo X. Uler. 400 Grant St. Sllver- Inn fire. 0235 WANTED: Clean uaee vara. Bob Uarr. 1190 sown uommereiw traj 8 Pa-u. 8100 n- SM 0rald ' Hall. Eaat Salem riro station. 331 K-7 INTERNATIONAL truck with 32 It. ..ml. Job 80M with truck. 3330 M. Eisner Motors to Sell 3 USED CAR LOT 130 your old one. 12th St. Junction. Open 1IU 10 m For SALE Ono UtT International one half ton pickup truck. A-l condition. Apply Oerwood ProducU Company. Mur l.rk and Baaaett St, welt Salem Phone 3-13H). I2??! MODEL A panel. Oood deer waion. Call eve. 633 Peerry St. Apt. 203. 0233 "eHCHEY. 1 ton truck, like new. Hlth torouo motor, deluxe cab; only 8000 mllee. LouU Elellnakl. Rt. T. Box 340. Salem, lit houao W. ol Baael Oreen m.t. I Q231 IMf DELUXE Che. Club Cpe. Pr'ct condition. r.u. eieeo. ow q331 ZEEB'S USKD CARS 1UT SELL TRADB ttt PtUiman5j Rood ftooo 1-54 CAR ACCESSORIES tire tubea at coat prlea. First comt ftrat aerved a thu 1 cloae-ou. aai. -""'ri wwiu. D. Woodrow Co., 450 Center. Eisner Motors Fine Cars e- iOM PLT. coupe. 1118. Oood cond. Ph 2-3088 after 4:00. 4231 41 CHEV. Aero aedan, fully eoulpt. Oood cond., clean. Rt. 3, Box 81. Dallaa. Glenn MehL I ml. S.W. ol Dallaa on Liberty Bd 0213 weeeeeeeweeew MOTORCYCLE, SCOOTERS 1R4X WHI7.7.ER. $100. 2050 H. llTrti. qa331' int rminHMAN Airborne motor acooter. Buddy leat St wlndahteld. Used only 3 montrut. 12.0. Ph. 3-02.0. qaii FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRF.S, popular llze. .i.uo ana up. wudiiuuibii " - Salem. Q"3"' USED -FT. tandem tractor dtac harrow, 18' blade. Oood ai new. I1S9.50. ear Farm Store, Beara. Roeburix it Co.. 550 N. Capitol St, Phone 3-9191. ?.aH" BOATS 11 rr. PLYWOOD boat tb J1, hp, Mer- oitrv trintne. ADOtVl from 1 to 33 m. per hr. Coat I4S0. One mo. old lot 1300. 114t Ruie, w. etiem. en. a-mei. Call aftr 8 p.m. or week-end?. qq33 FINANCIAL $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FtTRMTTtTRR, LIVBSTOCH BQUIPUENT LOANS CP TO 1100 Oomt Is or phtM Hollywood Finance Co. tftW Painrourull Road ftrxi Door to Bank No Pmrktni problem PtaOB I7033-UC N U3W-4U91 Piord Rnm. Mr 1 PRIVATE MONET Ptc'al Ratea and Term On Iarter Loan Lone and Short Tim Pannent in? H ITMMOK8 111 ftmiUi Cammerelal St. PbOO 1-111 see na roR ATTKACTIVI PARM LOAMS ONLY 4-t OR 414 INTEREST t to 40 Teara and No Commualoa Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 144 State St. Phona OBHKRAL PI NANCE CORP. LOANS L. S-lll and U-IM and ROT n. SIMMONS tNAURANCI ANQ LOANS AUTOMOBILES 352 N. Commercial qJ31 TERMS Phont 3-4113. FINANCIAL FARM AND CITY LOANS 4'i and 5 VOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Ral Estate contract and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Truat Bid. Ph. 3-7161 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 8. Church Parkins a Plenty Ph. t-3457 Lie. NO. M-159 8-154 BILLS UNPAID? t add your obllcatloiu 3 pay them off In a lump aum with a loan from Personal I then make Juat one reasonable payment each month $25 to $500 on Autto Up to $300 on Salary, Furniture Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If a loan solves a problem, phont or come In today. Personal Finance Co. of Salem SIS State, Rm. 125 Ph. 2-2484 A. R. Allen, Mir. Ll. S-122-M-165 r232 TRAILERS SMALL TRAILER house with lot of bullt- lns, 1200. 2605 Maple Ave. K33 SMALL camping trailer. Very reasonable. 1050 center at. "JJ 194(1 CONTINENTAL house trailer, 27 ft. Fully equipped. 3580 8. Com'l. Tip Top Trailer Court, W. C. Haffley. t233 TRAILER 3-wheel, T ft. bed. Steel frame and tontue, food tires. Tel. 1-4877. 137.50 .332 DEER HUNTER: The perfect trailer com plete to the last detail. Ph. 3-5355. t232 TRAILER SPACE, 110 per mt. with all conveniences. South side or Paulua can nery. Wm. Roth, 1740 Oxford. Ph. 3-8885. t235 SLEEPING trailer. New innersprlnc mat tress. Excellent tires, $150 or trade. Ph. 3-1773 or see 1807 Let. .333 HUNTING TRAILER. Aluminum covtred with llchta sb mattress. hitch, etc 600x16 wheels. Tires In excellent condl tlon. 1398 8. 12th. Ph. 2-6995. t233' NEW S WHEELED all metal trailer. Rack and canvas cover. Reasonable. 1335 Lee St. t334 TRANSPORTATION LEAVING for Nebraska Sept. 30. Want two riders. Contact 2-4700. call even inn after 6. x231 SAILOR WISHES to return to Ban Diego. will ahare expennei and drive car. 1780 Fairgrounds Hd. pn. a-awn. X3ji DIRECTORY ADD IN O MACHINE AH makea uMd mtchlnoa. told, rented, repaired Roan. Ui Court Phone 3-6773 APPLIANCE IE R VICE ELECTRIC nOME appliance repair service new appliance. Vloce's Eiectrla Phone Free aatimatea Ttade-ina accepted 39330 t57 8 Liberty St AT-UR DOOR GRINDINfJ rwn mower aharpenlni and repalrlni Dexter'e Ph 36833 o" AUTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makes ot Auto Radloa Morrow Radio Co- 153 8 Liberty Ph 3-6955 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towlno aemce day phone S-I1BI Nlint 1-18Q4 33' center Mike Panek, 275 8 Com'l. Ph. 1-3161 Brake and wheel aligning specialist. 0233' BRICK WORK Brick At block work ot all kinds. Ex perlenced, competent masons. Cxll Davidson Bros.. Ph. 2-8247. o236 bOildin Tc arpentrt Remodel, eea:r that home now Term No down payment Phone 1-4850 o RI ILD1NO "CON TRCTO R S Alt Brat. Aluo houses raised. New foun dation. fhone-WO o2 42 Bt'LLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph 2-6537 or 3-4306 0339 Bulldoting, leveling, road bide., clear ing treth for brush. Virgil Huakey. 1010 Fairview Ave. Ph. 1-3146. Salem. o239 cTrpfnter work Carpenter work. New, repair- Po- 3-2093. 023 CAB RKGHTFRS Instant delivery of sew RCA cash mister Al mate toid. rented, rt pared Roen 456 Court Ph 3-1772 CEMENT WORK Por expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, turba, walla, tto. Call 3-4850. b CHIMNEY SWEEP Purnaet chimneys vacuum cleaned Eiv'ey T71 8 21.U. Ph. 1-7178. 0333 DRESS MAKING Alt, dress mak.ns. Oood used clothe for aaie. 380 state St. Rm. 37. o344 Journal Want Ads Pay DIRECTORY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vince'a Eltctrle for electrical wlrlm, contracting, repairing. IS1 ft. Liberty EXTKKMINATOK Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 3-30S6. Lee Cross. 1553 Peart. o333 Brelthaiiot's for flower Dial I-91TS C fhel. stove ti die.el oil. Ph. 3-3186 6hli Oil Co L T. Mai til, distributor, FT KNACK CLEANINQ Olant vacuum mac hint. Trailer mount td. Ph. 28602. United Products Co. 30J1 Portland Rd. Ressonab. price. 0333 HOUSEHOLD PBODLCTS J. R Watkins Co product frea Ivery 1117 Center Ph J-5S65. INFLATION Johns-MsnvlIIe. Phone 3-3746. INST Kf ME NT EE PAIR Expert mux teal Intrument repair. All work fully guaranteed. JACQUITH MU SIC CO.. Ph. 3-4641. Q.'44 JALNTflB SEKVTCE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Building - Factories - Home E'lrr.atc Without Oblieatton AMERICAN BLDQ. MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 1-9133 O' LANDSCAPr NUESEBY f v Doerfler ft Bona. Ornament all. 150 N Lancaater Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1333 o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 341 Jef ferson St.. Phone 23453. O LAWNMOWER8 Sharpened. guaranteed aervlct. New power and hand mower. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l St. o333 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At you: door lawnmowe- sharpening Dexter the lawnmuwer man Ph 683j MATTIIESSES Capital Be-ddlog Phone 3-4009 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish 8t Hawaiian Oultar. Mandolin. Banjo, .to. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-1591. O240 OfFICI FURN1TUBB A gUlTLIEfl Desk chair, file and flllns supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps typewriter stands brief eases ?lerct Wire Recorders. Roea 456 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE We service all types of burners. Ph. 28662. United Products Co. 3037 Port land Rd. Work guaranteed. 0233 afitrom'a are equipped to do youi painting Phone 3-2491 o PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhansing and painting. J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free eat. o2S2 Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3483 1. 0350 PAINTING PAPER HANGING Painting and paperhanglng. Free esti mate Ph 3-0513. 857 Shipping. o340' elCTl'B FRAMINO Picture framins Butcbaoo Paint Store Phok. 1-6687 v PLUMBING Fisher. 844 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-3010. 0332' SAND A GRAVIO. Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand A Gravel Co.. Phone 3-9249. Valley Sand & Gravel Co 81H, aand ft Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel 8k cats Tractor scoop b trucks for dirt moving Ph office 24002. res. 37146. O 8alem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7603, 1291 N 5th. 0255 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electrle Roto-Rooter Exclusive Paunt RasoT iharp Steel Cutting Blade Clean Sewers or Drains Septlo Tank Cleaned Ream. Ph 1-1331 ot 2-9468 SEPTIC TANKS K. F. Hamel. Septlo tanks oloared. Electric machine aervlct on ewt.' and drain lines. Ouaranteed work. 1 143-8 th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0249 Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 lira St, W. Salem. Ph. 3-9461, 3-5337. 0335 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect. Todd's Septlo Tank Service, 2545 State St. Phone 2-0734. o SEWING MACHINES New Home sewing machine sales. We repair ah makes. King wood eic, iqi Edge water. Ph. 35569. 0331 Bought, sold, rented, repslred. XZ terms. All makes. W. Devenport, Ph. 1-7671. o354- AU makes repaired, free estimate Singer Serine Machine Co. 110 No Commercial Ph. 1-3512. b" TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables Ab makea used machines Repairs and rent Roen. court. TRANSFEP STORAGE 'rocal th Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal 61 briquet. Trucks to Portland dally Agent lor Bexins House hold goods moved to anywhere in OA o. Canada. Lanner Transfer 4b Storage Ph 3-3131 o VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or rof.Dlaned. Relnholdt Lewis I-8S39 Elmer The Blind man. Ph. 37338. WELL DRILLING Fred Wymort, Rt. 2, Box 117. Ph. 3-5135 0239 WEATRERSTRIPFING Fret estimate. T. PULLMAN. Pb. 3-5065 0233 WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller, Madt to order. 1 Day Del. Relnholdt k Lewis. Ph 226. WINDOW CLEANINQ Acme Vlndow Gleaners Windows, w A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned. waxed and polished Ph 1-1337 141 Court. Langdoe, Culberuoo and Mather WOODSAWINO WOOD Jb SAWDL'ST Went Salem Fuel Co. Ph 1-4031. LODGES I.O.O.F. mecu every Wd nexda; nlgfit Visitors wti LEGAL IM THE CIHCI'IT COIT Of THE UTATE OF ORrnoN FOR MARION COI NTT. PROBATE DEPARTMENT 'in the Matter of the Ouardlaiwhlp Es tate of OLLIf D HAINES. mentallr dueaaed p.Ton No isnea NOTICE TO rREDITORfl NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN that the undrmened. bT an order or the circuit Court of the State of Oreton for Marlon Count., Probate Department, made end entered on the 30th dar of Autuet. 1848. wea appointed luerdlan of the eatate of Olll. D. Halnej. e, mentallr diseased per. on. and that he haa uallfied aa aueh cuardian. All peraon, havlne claim aialtwt said eatau are herebr notified to brine the aame dulr verified and i proper eouehera. to trw underelen rj.rdlan at 818 North Libert, St.. Salem or,on. within all month from the date of flrat publication of thla notice, ehn flrat publication la made Sept. 14, 1848. CHARLES U IOVETT Ouardlan of th, ealale of Ollle D. Haln.8, , mentallr dueeaed peraon Sept. 14, 81, 18, Oct. I. II To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 i. . : v - ! m;ti m Salem Camera Club Hai Model Night The basement of the First Methodist church was the scene Tuesday night of Salem Camera club's Model night. In the picture, from left, Pa tricia Larson, Jack Perry, Mrs. Evelyn Jordan, and A. A. Taylor. X Disease in Oregon Cattle The first case of X-disease ev er found in Oregon cattle was discovered late this summer in the northeastern part of the state, the division of animal in dustry of the state Ho'rtnent of agriculture reported today. LEGAL SUMMON i the Circuit Court or the State tf Oregon for the County of Marlon I8ABELLE L. RYAN, Plaintiff. . ETTA JAMES, a widow and unmarried, CORA SMITH, a widow and unmarried, EMMA ILER VOOET. a widow and un married, KATHRYN MEYERS and C. L. MEYERS, her husband. JOYCE DRAKE and CLAUDE M, DRAKE, her husband. IVA F. PAULSEN and E. F. PAULSEN, her husband. ELLEN FELLER (also known as Nancy E. Feller. , a single woman. AL FRED B. FELLER and CLARA E. FELLER, his Wife, MARY ELIZABETH BAREINOER. a widow and now unmarried, CHARLES E. FELLER, a single man. HATTIE BARK- MAN and J. C. BARKMAN, her husband, IDA KRAUS and A. W. KRAUS. her hus band. ANNA OROVER and WILLIAM M. OROVER. her husband. KENNETH FEL LER and VIOLET FELLER, his Wllf. HOWARD SCHEURER. and MARY JANE SCHEURER. his wife. ADAH M. RYAN, a widow and unmarried, DOROTHY KUNZ and PETER KUNZ. her husband, NINA C. HARR and ORIN B. HARR. her husband. JAMES ROBERT RYAN and EVELYN RY AN, his wife, MARGARET DICKSON and FRED DICKSON, her husband, MURIEL HAYES and BEN HAYES, her husband. FRANCIS X. RYAN and AUTREY RY AN, his wife, HAROLD RYAN and HELEN RYAN. hlS Wile. FK EDE KI C iv tlx AW, a single man, ELIZABETH PARROTT and RICHARD V. PARROTT. her husband. CARL LONO and IDA LONU, his wife, ELIZA JANE CONE ORAHAM, a widow nnd now unmarried. MARY FIDELIA CONE TOWER and MILTON H. TOWER, her husband. A. E. LaROCQUE. and JANE DOE LaROCQUE. his wife, the unknown heirs of A. E. LaROCQUE. deceased. HE MAN B. CONE, a single man, REBECCA TnAMEn, a widow ana now unmar ried, JESSIE J. MURRAY, a widow and now unmarried. MAY SMITH and DON ALD R. SMITH, her husband. MARJORIE MURRAY, a single woman. HAROLD MUR RAY, a single man, JACK MURRAY and LOIS MURRAY, his Wife. CARL J. LONO, widower and now unmarried, JESSIE LONO. a widow and now unmarried, GLADYS RICE TUFT and ELICK TUFT. her husband, REBECCA RICK. SIEGER and JOHN DOE SIEGER, her husband, MOSE RICE and LOTTIE RICE, his wife. jane DOE RICE, widow and now unmar ried. ALICE cone, a widow and now un married. EARL CONE and VERNA CONE. GERALD CONE and OPAL CONE, his wife. ELDON CONE and LO LA CONE, his wife, HAZEL PEPPER and VERNON PEPPER, her husband. LETHA DOLSEN and FRED DOLSEN, her hus band. ELMER E. JOLLY and EVA E JOLLY, his wife, and also all other per sons unknown having or ciaiminf any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In and to the real property described in the uompiamt nerein. ueienoams. TO: EMMA ILER VOOET, a Widow and unmarried, anna aRovER and william M. GROVER. her husband, HOWARD SCHEURER and MARY JANE SCHEURER, his wife. a. e. LaROCQUE and jane doe LaROCQUE, his wife, the unknown helra of a. k. LaROCQUE. deceased, jessie LONO. a widow and now unmarried, hi artva oicl T-rto-r mnA PT Tt-lf Til FT her husband. REBECCA RICE SIEOERI .,1 .IMHM nfiaT HTlTi:V1 hop Vlllahsiriri 1 MOSE RICE and LOTTIE RICE, his wife, j JANE DOE RICE, a widow and now un-1 married HAZEL PEPPER and VERNON 1 PEPPER, her husband, ELMER, E. JOLLY and EVA E. JOLLY, his wile, chaklksi e. FELLER, a sinKle man. and also all other persona unknown having or clalm 1ns; any right, title, estate, lien or inter est In and to the real property described in the Complaint herein. De rent, ants. IN THIS NAME Or THE 8 1 ATE Or OREOON; You are hereby required to P - pear and answer the Complaint filed asalnst you In the above entitled suit, to those of you within the United States of America, within four weeks from the dste of first publication of this Sum mons which la September 13, 194B. and as to those oj you who art without the Unit ed States of America, within six weeks from the date of first publication of this Summons, which Is September 12, 1K46 ; and If you fall so to appear and answer, then, for want thereof. Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint filed against you herein, a succinct statement of which relief Is as follows: For the decree of this court aaiiideini the Plaintiff to be the owner In fee sim ple of that real property described as: Beginning at the most Easterly corner of land conveyed to George Herren by Deed recorder October 7, 1887 In Volume 39. Page 49S, Marlon County Deed Rec ords, said point being also the South east corner or land conveyed to the Butteville Farmers Warehouse Associ ation, a corporation by deed recorded July C. 1891 In Volume 42, Page 260, Deed Records: thence North 8S Degrees 30 Minutes West along the division line or the above noted tracts 4 00 chains more or less, to the high water mark of the Willamette River: thence North 34l Degrees East down said river's hleh wa ter mark 1.70 chains to the Northwest corner of said Butteville Farmers Ware house Association tract; thence South 65 Degrees 41 Minutes East along the Northerly line of said tract 3 30 chains to the center of the County Road: thence South 31' Degrees West S.70 chains to the place of beginning, containing 3 acres, more or less, and being a part of the Joeph La forte D.LC. No 39 and situated in Section 32. Township 1 South. Range I West; and also that certain right-of-way ease ment described as: The Right-of-way for a water pip from the cr"k East of the warehouse of But lev Hie Farmers' Warehouse Associ ation to the engine house belonging to said Association, together with the right to place one hydraulic ram on said creek and also the right to use the wa ter of said creek In quantities sufficient to run one No. ft hydraulic ram and no more and construct trenches and dam In said creek necessary for the proper con struction of said hydraulic ram and also the right and privilege of keeping the same m order, the said right-of-way and rights and privileges bHog those convey ed by Instrument wherein A. E La Rocque is the grantor and Butteville Farmers Warehouse Association Is the grantee dated August I Uh, lHU, and re corded in the Deed Record of said Mar lon County. Oregon, as of January 11, ltl, in Volume 111 at Page 402 there of. and that th Defendants herein have not, nor has either of them, any right, title. Interest or estate whatsoever In or to surh real oronerty and easement rights. and decreeing that the title of Plaintiff In and to such rai property ana eucn eat' ment a .id easement rights be forevrr qui. etd as apa.n't the Defendants herein, and each ot tnem, ana an persons riaim Ing by, through and under them, or either of them; and for such other and further relief as to th Court may seem Just In the premises. J fl MIDDI.ETOM Attornev for Plaintiff 10JI Pact lie Building, Portland. Ort, Dr. Charles F. Haynet. state veterinarian, said only one case a four-months-old calf which died has been found. The case was diagnosed as X-disease also known as hyperkeratosis by veterinarians here, but a fur ther check was requested of the U. S. pathological laboratory at Denver, Colo. That laboratory made a histological examination and he reported its diagnosis as hyperkeratosis to the Oregon of ficials here. A federal survey about a year ago uncovered X-disease in number of southern states. The malady has caused heavy death losses in some states and has been reported from 32 states. In the survey last year in five sou thern states, 31 percent of 4120 cattle studied had been infected and more than half the Infected animals died. The state department of agri culture warned today that it will quarantine any Oregon herds found infected. Cause of X-disease has not been established, although it has been determined that it Is not from poisoning by a specific plant. Other items suspended but not proved are a virus or fun gus, a poisonous mineral or a nu tritional imbalance. Corn Advances In Tuesday Trade Chicago, Sept. 28 (IP) Wheat rested while corn raced upward on the board of trade today. Profit-taking after yesterday's advance to new seasonal highs, climaxing several weeks of climbing prices, kept wheat pretty much under control. How ever, there was one flurry of buying which sent the December and May contracts above yester day s peak for a time. Wheat closed 1 to m lower, December $2.15-2.15 H; corn was to 1 cent higher, Decem ber $1.18-H, oats were H lower to higher, December 88 Yt, rye was higher, De- rpn.u.P i des; IX K A . CemDer l.3'?4-, SO y DGI11I were unchanged to V lower I v w ntt n n 1 i" OVemDer $4. ZD 4. and lard wai 13 cents lower to 3 I . , , , . . , i cents a hundred pounds higher, 1 October S10 87 I Coast Hop Markets Generally Firm Portland, Sept. 28 (P) Paci fic coast hop markets were re ported generally firm by the 1 IT S dCDarlment of Affrirn 1 1 lire , , u-t""rimeni Ol agriCUllUre loaay. The hop supply was estimated at 68.940,000 pounds; 29,040,000 pounds held over from last year, plus the 39,000,000 pounds which are salable under the fed eral marketing agreement from the current crop. Most of the holdover was In brewers' hands, The USDA report said Ore gon's market was "very firm, de spite rather slow trading." Sev eral deals were reported at 53 cents a pound for fuggles, and 52 cents for clusters (6 percent leaf and stem). Export inquiry was good. Top Egg Grades Drop 2 Cfs. in Price Top grades of eggs dropped one and two cents here Wednes day morning, following similar changes in the Portland produce market list. New prices quoted on eggs in the buying list Include the fol lowing: Extra large AA, 06 cents; large AA, 65 cents; large A, 63-66 cents; medium AA, 53 cents; medium A, 51-54 cents; pullets, 36-37 cents. In the wholesale list, grade Al gener- all are listed at 71 cents, medi ums at 59 cents. Butter, butterfat and other produce remained unchanged here Wednesday. Perllanal Orala Portland. Ore . Sept. 2$ (sT Cash Wheat 'bldt; Soft White 2.17'; soft whit in Rtn I. n1; whit i-if l n. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1 174: It per cent 2. IT1; 11 per cent 1.18, It par cent I 30. Today's car receipt' Wheat It, barley 37, flour I. torn 3, oats 1, mi 11 feed 9. !A4vrtamnt Relief Beyond Belief For Dry Eczma Itching "tl'9wondrfuir'Wouldn't be without It !" That t what they my about Reoinol the famout ointment that give such hhwfiil. lingering, relief from the fiery itch of common tkin utiutions. Try III Stocks Advance Up to 2 Points New York, Sept. 28 W The stock market clung to substan tial early gains today in the face of a renewed threat that a strike will tie up the steel industry at midnight Friday. Gains of fractions to around 2 points were maintained as Wall Street studied implications of the latest maneuvers between U. S. Steel Corp., and the CIO United Steel Workers. News that the union had re newed its insistance that social benefits be financed entirely by the industry appeared a short time before the market closed. Turnover for the day was around 1,300,000 shares. In miri.mnrnlne a BtirtHpn hurst of buying lifted prices fractions1 H, n. & site ! to 2 points or so. if?n Tc "' In this favorable atmosphere j iia""o'corp ."" Steel, Motors and other shares !i,:,n!" advanced rapidly. Losses of Monday and Tuesday, when ap prehension was mounting over the possibility of a strike, were wiped out. MARKET QUOTATIONS Sales, Livest.a Market (By Valley Backing Comoanvi Lamb H9.00 to $19.00 Feeder lambs 112.00 to 1 16.0V Fwes .0 'o v Cutter cows IB. SO to t 10.f.0 rat dairy cows i.S0 to 111.50 Bull $1100 to I1YO0 Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) 116.00 to 118 Of1 Veal (150-300 lbs.) top 118.00 to (20.00 rertlsnd laslslde Market Delicious apples were quoted at mostly 12.50-2.75 per 40-lb. box on the Port land Eastslde Produce market today. Best slicing cucumbers brought Hi cents to 11.00. Volume tots of green peppers sold at 11.25 per box. Concord grapes were quoted at M cents Pr lug. Lettuo was steady at S3.50-3.7S per crate. Portland Pradaee BatUrfatt Tentative, subject to Imme diate chang. Premium quality maximum to .33 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland I366c lb.. 92 acor l-4a lb.. SO score, ft7-60c, 19 score, 55c. Valley routes and country points 3c less than first. Baiter wholesale FOB bulk cubea to wholesalers: grade 93 score, 62 cents; A 93 score 61e; B 90 sror. 59c lb.; C 89 score. Sic. Above prices ar strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale: Oregon singles 39-40c; Oregon ft sm. loaf 42-43e; triplet less than singles. Egga (T Whltialrs) A trad large, l 'i -65 'c: A medium. 51-54 Sc; trade B large. i4-58Sc: small A trad, 41Vc. Portland Dairy Market Baiter Prlc to retailers: Oraae aa prints 67c; AA cartona 68c; A prints tc a cartons bbc; b prints 64c. Egg Prices to retailers: Grade AA larg 7Sc dog.; certified A large. 68c; large 6701 AA medium. 58c: certified A. medium. 57e; A medium, Soc. A small 43c, cartons 2e additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-43e: Oregon loaf. id. loais it1 -sac id.; triplets, it cents less than singles. Premium brands, singles, Sl4e lb.; loaf, Mttc. Poultry Live Chlcksnt No. 1 quality FOB plants. No, 1 broilers under 3Vt lbs. 2S-36c lb.; fryers m-S lbs.. 37-2Bc; 3-4 lbs., 30c; roasters 4 lbs. and over, 30c lb.; fowl, Leghorns 4 lbs. and under, 18-20c, over 4 lbs. 30c; colored fowl all weights, 23c; roosters, all weight ll-10c, Babbits Average to growers, live whites, 4-1 lbs.. 16-20e lb.: 5-6 lbs.. 16-lSe lb.: colored 3 cents lower; old or heavy does, 8-12o : dressed fryers to butchers, 80 -53c. Cntry-KIIId Meats vai. top quality, 30-320 id.: oiner grades according to weight and quality vim poor or neavier ao-aac. Hog: Light blocker. 33-330 sows 36c. Lambs: Top quality, springers, 33-37; mutton, 10-lSe Beer: aood cows. 33-23 lb.; eanncrt- eutter. 20-22c. Fresh Dressed Meat (Wholesalers to retailers par cwt.i: Beef Steer, good 900-900 lbs., 143-46; commercial, 833-39: utility. 131-34. Cows commercial. 131-33: utility, ill- 30: e a nnrs-c utters, 833-26. Beef Cut I Oood Steers): Hind quartera. $55-67; rounds. $52-95: full loins, trimmed. 173-76; triangles. 131-33: square chucks, (39-41; ribs. 152-86; forequarters. 837-39. Veal and calf: Oood, $37-40: commercial. 133-36: utility, 828-32. Lambs: uood-cholc spring lambs. 141 I: commercial, 136-40: utility, tls-35. Mutton: Good, 70 lbs. down. $16-18. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 1-12 lbs.. 856-57; shoulders II lbs. down, $40-43; spare- ribs. 147-90: carcasses. 833-33; mixed weight 13 Dr cwt. lower. Portland Miscellanea Caaeara Bark Dry 13 He lb , green 4c lb. Weal Valley coars and medium grades. 4Be lb. Makalr 2ft lb. on 13-month growth. nominally. Bid Calves, 30o lb., according to weight, kips 25 lb., beef M-13c lb., bulls 6-7e lb. Country buyers pay 2e Use, Nat QBttlna Walnats Franqucttea, first quality Jum bo, 34.7c ; large, 32.7e; medium, 27.3c; second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; large, as.ae; medium, 26 2c; baby, 23.3c; soft shell, first quality large, 31.7c; medium, 26.2c; sec ond quality large, 27.3o; medium, 34.7c; oany n.jt. Filberts Jumbo. 10 Ib.l larg. 16c: medium, 16c; small, 13c. Peruana Livestock Portland, Or., Sept. 18 JB Livestock: Cattle salable 300: holdover 330; calves 76. Market opening stow. Early sales about steady with Tuesday's weak to 50- cent lower trade. Few common and me dium steers unsold. Odd cutter and com mon light steers 18 00 to 15.50. Average edulm steers held above 22.50. Few com mon and low-medium heifers 14. CO to 17.00. Canner and cutter cows mostly 11.00 to 11.50, but slteabl supplies still unsold. Pew common and medium beef cows 13 30 to 13.00. Odd medium sausage bulls 16 00 to 16.75. Uood vealers 21 00 23.00. Heavy calves very alow. Few medium grades 13 00 to 16 00. Hogs salab 100. Few sales around 75 cants hither, Oood and choir 160-330 lbs. 21.80 to 11.76. Oood 333-300 lb. sows 16 50 to 16 00. On lot good 103 lb. hold over feeder pigs 31 30. Sheep salable 800. Market moderately actlv; about steady sjuailty considered. Sorted carload good and cholc spring lambs 31.00. Few lots truck-In 30 50: common and medium gred-a 16 00 to II oo. good feeders aalabl 17.00 to lt.oo; good was 6.00 to 6.50. (able le aiahlr ITCH Un fr tlf If I. It ! eaos I th lick sail wblek It fmsaan I ordloary treatments PX OEA kill the Itch -wilt alaa-t Inalaatls Oalr Inr dart IXtOS treatment Is re l red. "Mad rter given rml aiteotl-n Al all Fred Merer Drag Section and tb er OOOD Drag a teres. PILES IHIMOMHOIBSI MCTAL AND COLON AILMENTS STOMACH DISORDERS SRDIRJ :10a m. -? . InsM f Ittatt ItipiUI wd and frt until 'aavml Writ, a coll for mil drcrlstiv bookial The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Yar N.t. Cnw I. .m,la .' Oranal Tl,an. lA.t 1.18 P.m.fl. 14, Or, Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 28, 194921 STOCKS (By the Associated Prnss) American Can B6 Am Pow A U 13 Am Ttl it Tel 12 Anaconda as Bendlx Aviation 30 Beth Steel " Boeing Airplant Call! Packiim " Canadian Pacific Case J 1 2 Caterpillar " Chryiler Comwlth h Sou Cons Vuliee Continental Can Crown Zellerbarh , Curt 1m Wright .... Douglas Aircraft ... Dupont de Nem ... General Electric. ... Oeneral Pood General Motors .... Oood v ear Tire .... Int Harvester Int Paper Kennecott Llbby McN At L ... Long Bell 'A" .... Montgomery Ward Naih Kelrtnator ... Nat Dairy NY Central , Northern Pacific .. 33', Reynolds Metal Ktcniieia Safeway Storea ... Sears Roebuck .... Southern Pacific . Standard Oil Co. Studebaker Corp . Sunshine Mining Transamerlca .... Union OH Cal ... Union Pacific .... United Airlines .. U 8 Steel Warner nros Pic Woolworth Mission Group Mests Falls City The Women's Mis sionary society met at the Chris- tian church lor their September meetina. The business was charge of the president, Mrs. Richard Paul. The lesson was on the American Negro. Those present were: Mrs. Richard Paul, Mrs. Howard Gramling, Mrs. Robert Nelson, Mrs. Ethel Guth-k ridge, Mrs. Minna Hoppe and I Mrs. w. r. 3,euermdii, , SALEM MARKETSb,' Completed from reports f ffalem dealers 1 for in guidance oi pn Readers. (Revises; mmnjt. Bet all Feed Prices: Egg Mash $4.98. Babbit Pellets $4.30. Dairy Feed 13.70. roaltry: Buying price Orade A rolor ed hena 2I-22c; grade A Leghorn hens. 18-19c grade A colored fryers, three lbs. and UP, 29-318. Grade A old roosters, 15c Egga Baring Prlcea Bfttra larg AA. 66c; large AA. 6&c; larg A. 63-66c: medium AA. 53c: medium A. 61-54c; pullets. 36-37c. Wholetal Price Egg wholesale prices 3-7c above thes prices; abov grad A generally quoted at 71c; medium, 9e. Butlcrfat Premium 64-95e. No. 1, 63e; Ho. 1, 67 59c; (buying prices. Bailer Wholes. grad A. 67e; re call 72c. Chicago Uveteck Chicago. Bept. 38 (P) (USDA Salable ho 7.000; active; butchers fully 35 cent higher; sows 25-50 cents huher; top 20.50 for few loads eholo 230-260 lb.; weiahts over 250 lb. scarce; bulk good and cholc 200-230 . iB.78-3o.as: iuu- mn th. 1R.50-IB.50: lfia-iso in. l i.uu-io. io; sows under 360 lb. 18.50-10.50: few cholc 300 lb. 1B.75; 375-SW ID. 11.10-m. aw: w 500 lb. 16.75-17.75; lew arouna auv to. at 16.00; good clearance. Salable cattle 7.500: salable calves 400; rairiv ctlva: jlauthter alters and heifers steady to 50 cents higher; cows and bulls steady to 28 cents hlher: vealers tron; several loads choice steer 33.50-34 35; ear ly top 34.23; two loais new nisiier; duik high-good and choice fed steers 28.50- 33.35: medium to averege-gooo araaes 20.00-28.00: load cholc 950 heifers 29.75; most good and en nice ne iters d.jv-ju.: common and medium btei cows m.oo- 16.35; canners and cutters ll.SQ-n.uo; medium and good bulls 17.30-19.00; medi um to choice vealers 24.00-28.00. Salable sheep 2,500: slaughter lambs 50 cents higher: top 24.30 on choice Wash ington; good to choice natives topped at 33.50: yearlings absent: ewes strong at 9.30 down; odd choice lightweight lots io.no. DEATHS Elm Franklin Ingraham Elmo Franklin Ingraham. late of route 1, Jefferson. In a Portland hospital Sep tember 27 at the age of 71. Survived by widow. Mrs. Jennie Ingraham of Jef ferson: daughters. Mrs. Oeone Keady. Mrs. Dorothr Simpson and Mra. Homer Ooldaplnk, all of Portland: sons. Myron, Ballard and Glenn or jenerxon ana Wayne of Silver Spring. Md.: and a broth er, Walter of Oklahoma, and six grand children. H was a member of tiie Chris tian church. Services will b held In the Talbot Community church Thursday. Sep tember 29, at 3 p m. with concluding services at the Jefferson cemetery under the dkroctlo n of th Howell-Edwards chspel. Mrs. Mary Frances Beld Mrs. Mary Frances Mae Red, 1st resident at 1864 N. Winter St.. at a local hospital, September 27. Surviving are five - WANTED - Walnuts Filberts Nut Meats HIGHEST PRICE CASH ON DELIVERY FOR ORCHARD RUN . . . SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL. MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 480 N. Front Street Auto or Personal CASH LOANS $100,os1000s-o C OA1A1E R C IAL CREDIT PLA-IV ajINCOnt-OflSTgO Salem Agency! 466) N. Chnrch St, ROOFING Now it th timt to order that new roof before the busy summer season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 2S5 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 384711 dauthter. Mrs. Iva Hamilton, Mr. Xv Ha nan and Mn, Clara Cra.u, all of Sa m, Mrs. Lllhe RuaMon. Portland, and Mrs. Blanche Hule, Clayton, Kan.; four sis ten, Mm. Ellen Brook. Mrs. Brtlt Mizell and Mrs. Pearl Row in, all of Clay ton, Kan.; and Mr. Llla Lelchllter, Love land. Colo.: two brothers. Albert Kirs, Clayton, Kan.; and Clarence K;rkt, O old en. Colo.: 19 trandf hlldren and 34 ires'., grandchildren. Service will be h-iJ Thursday. September 39. at 10 30 a.m. at the CloukEh-Barrlck chapel with M Letla Lucy officiating. Interment In Bel crest Memorial parlt. John Kelnwaid John He:nald. late resident of IH Ply mouth Drive. September 3s. at a local hospital at the axe of 11 years. Survived by parentn. Mr. and Mn. Kretl H Rein 's, aid of Salem: two brothers, Charles and Dwiffht Reina-nld, both of Salem , and uraniJpareiH.t. Mr. and Mr Oeorge Reln wald of Salem and Mrs. Minnie McCarty of (ioldfield. Iowa. Services will be held Friday. September 30. at 1 30 pn, al the ClouKh-Barriek chapel. Interment la r-e.r-e'it Me in .rial park. OBITUARY Mrs. Saner K. letter Csnby Mrs. Nancy EUen Feller. 79. na tive of CUi-kamas county and a member of the pioneer llarrctt family, died Mon dav at her home ;n the Donald district after a short llln.ss. 8Iie was born Mar 29, 1870. at Mirquaai. and a married to Jame.s P. Fellrr in 1R89 at Donald. H.r hu.--bir.d. a prominent hop grower of t)ie community for many years, died In 1945. She was a charter member of Don ald chapter. Order of Eastern Star. Sur vivors Include two siAtcrx. Marr Joan, at Marqtiam, and Mrs. James Master, Silver ton; two grand-sofw. and four great grand children. The funersl was at 3 p.m. Wednesday In the Miller funeral home, Aurora, with EiMrrn Star aer vices at Butteville cemetery. Ernest Detnaray Daytnn Ernest Demarav of Dayton 1ie1 Tue-sdav moniint at the Oi"1 -ml hnspit.U a' -r a few wc.'ks HI-n ;, Siuv.v- n? lire wife, Tlcc'c: ton', Milton f urmvi an -I Mi-, son U.tnval-t. O-ib daughter. Dorothy, preceded him la tenth In 1946. (lenrge Wilbur llogrt Silver ton Oeorsc Wilbur Bncct, 81, re sident of this district for m my years, dird Wednesday forenoon at the family home on Eureka avenue, Sllverton Rt. 3. .'rJW', children: Mrs. Dertha Locke, Portland; Florence Montague, 8k.im.inli, Wash, and Cecil Boget. Yakima, Wash.; also five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; four brothers and one sister, all In California. Announcements later from the Ekman Funeral home. Joe I,. Gamblln, Jr. "Dann-J?sePii l. nioiwin. jr.. 49. day He operated a barber shop. Oamblln . h . ... . . ,mi- from Longvlew. Wash., where he mad nome lor 18 years. Surviving are Ms jw and three children. Mrs. Aanea Oamblln. Keith Lewis. Fannie Rue and J. L. Oamblln. all at home; sister, Mrs. luurm jtun nina mna two aroiners, 1, Qamblln and John H. Oamblln. all of Lebanon: five other sisters. Mrs. Be Clark. Memphis. Tenn.; Mrs. Elisabeth Wilson, in California: Mrs. Myrtle Lee. Mary McOee and Mrs. Nona Mao Barnes, all In Louisiana. Announcement later by the Howe-Huston funeral home with Rev. John B. Hauser, pastor of th Hapnsi cnurcn officiating and burial 1st the IOOF cemetery. Frank Walker t. Angel Funeral services for Frank Walker. 55, prominent farmer and past imander of the American Lea ion nost here, will be held from St. Marv'a church Thursday morning at 6:13 o'clock with ouriai in calvary cemetery. Recitation of the rosary at the Unger funeral homo Wednesday night, at 6 o'clock for tha public and 8:30 o'clock for the American Leu Ion. Walker died at the Veterans hos pital In Portland Monday while under going examination for a heart condition. Surviving are his widow; two sons; two istcrg and two grandchildren. (AdvertLiementi HOW TO PUT OUT FIRE OF STOMACH ULCER PAIN caused by cxcs acid Don't Just suffer from agonising; pain and constant burning of stomach ulcers, indiges tion, gaa, heartburn, other distress cauaed by excess stomach acid, Pfnnder'a Tablet arw gmaranteed to bring amazing quirk, aoothtnc re lief of such acid stomach distress Oft MONEY BACK 1 Formula of F. H. Pfundrr. Ph.U., contains medically-proved ingredi ent. Acid ulcer ufTerera have bought oVit 100.000.000 Pfundrr's Tablet In past IS years. Get Plunder' Tablets today. PKM'MTalS Af New Treatment JU Gets Real Results Don't let your child suffer a single needle minute of diatresa with Pin-Worma. And It can happen. Medical expert report that an amazing number of children (and adult too) ar victims of these ugly pests that live and grow inside the human body. Yon should and eon do something about Pin-Worma. A new. acien title treatment- Joyna's P-W Vermifuge offers reaJ relief. P-W contain! a special, medically-? proved Ingredient that destroys Pin-Worms In th In teat in and removes them from th body. So watch for the warning sign of Pin Worm in your family ... Hdtretlng, no picking and especially the naRging, IrritaU inr rocta! Itch. Then ank your druggist for P-W, th malt, raay-to-take tablets per fected by the famoua Jayne Co.. apeclalita In worm remedies for over 100 yeara. De stray those Pin-Worm. .. relieve that Itch. Jutt Remembon P-W Q for Pln-Wormal SALEM Telephone 3-7631 TeL S4168 If? oo ""'iirKrr-- J ft, 00 h'i ""H e Ml . Commtrciai it, Ttl, r