10 Capital Journal, Salem, ADVERTISING) Far Um , lfte Pee Line I times 40o Pr Lin f tlmea 60c far unt 1 month 12 00 Ouukta ot Salem )5c per Hot per day. Mln. lOet I tlnu Bin. 30e I timM mln. 11.30. No Refund WADERS la Local New CoL Only: Per Lum 30c Tt FUcb am Ad Phone 2 X406 FOR SALE HOUSES kARt AN otter, must sell. New 1 BR. hone. With Bendlx. Oo 1 blks. South n old 99E from 12th Bt. Junction, and ' Dickson's Mkt. To Idlewood Dr. 4th u hoUM Ph-332 19, oYELY 1 bdrm. bom. North on 99 to 3140 Car too Way. ajo 1 . IMM. POSSESSION y. of atat owner hra to tell prae r teaafty new home, 6 Ige. rm., hdwd. IT." lira, thruout, auto-lurn. piped to alt - rina. Warta. uptalr. Stairway In. ftrwMWif, att. far. Lee. lot, city mater. Low down payment. FHA term. Salem Height dlt. 688 Kwald. 8, off 99E. a231 -1 MUST LEAVE BV OCTOBER 1ST fta WILL buy my $145 equity In 1 year - old t BR home, plastered, hdwd. firs., 143 BUler Ave. Mapleton Addition. a2J3 8000. 10 ACRE N E. with attractive am all v, 3-BR home. Garaite. Large poultry i,-, house-. Ideal to aubdlvlda. , Can O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. : REALTORS - IB High St. Ph. 8-4131. Zvci. 1-3206 a232 TODAVB BEST BUYS , 24 acre. Jut off Pacific hlgh- ' way north 12 mile; a very neat mall house; eood poultry nouse: nne well and masonry pump house; garage; aood variety fruit and nuts; nice yard. " Out af Mat owner. Sea It and make ... Salem realty co. " REALTORS "' 140 north Klah St. Phone 1-7660 Eve. Phone 1-4891-3-6606 231 BrT OWNERt 1 BR. house on areek. Fireplace, garage, iu furnace, aaa ante Included. 1670091400 down, 175 no. Ph. 8 a Urn 2-4851, I to 10 p.m. 23I tft7.ft0. Late built triplex north. Elect. , ., heat, Ian elot. Income $110 plui 3-BR apt. for owner. - STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS M S. High St. Ph. S-4121. Evei. 1-8208 ... 232 $5250 i, 1 bedroom, unY. upstairs, larxe eomb. tR DR. kit, bath, utility. Bush ichool anatrlct. Only 11400 down. See u If you are looking for easy terms. ENGLEW00D " Tha price of $8350 make this one of the beat buy In town. Hdwd. floor ' thruout. Fireplace, eutomaiio forced air -" heal. 2 bedroom, large attached gar ' aae, fenced yard. Do not wait too Ions before seeing tlit house. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas Hudkins & Son Over 87 Tear In Salem 10 W. HlKh Bt. Ph. 1-4129. a231 WEST SALEM 4 BR. dbl. plumb., all elec, 1 ear iar., 7U Inside utility, ale or trade, Income proP . '. arty. Phone 1-0907 or write Box 438 i ' CapMl Journal. e231 CHEAP Move In and complete. Rake shake ex terior. 1 bdrm.i., att. gar. V3A. good aoll. Price 12950. s00 down. C. W. Reeve Realtor t4S S. Oom'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9538 a231 Market St. Property I 1 flna lota. Well mad 1 bdrm. house. Extra rm. In basement. Fireplace. $9500. Nice Country Home - ' 1 A., oomfortable 3 bdrm. home. Borders lake. Plenty of family fruit. 19250. i'-' B. Isherwood, Realtor !' - M)T If. Capitol. Office Ph. 1-3881. Eve. l-2147OT 3-8B3. a231 . rROSTWotTRE' 1 jreaM 'old, '6. H. Good, 7T Turner. Oregon. a231 BY OWNER Two l-bdrm. home. Auto-otl; one north, one aouth. Lane rooms, plaat fcj ored, hdwd.floora.P hone 1-9921. a232 Looking for a Home? Wi have new 3 ft I bed) rm. home al most anywhere In or near Salem. Good price A terms. Call u. ,Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 080 S. Commercial Ph. 1-M49 Eve. 1-5260 alii ' SBAAO. LATE built 1-BR home. Elect, heat. .., Attached laraae. Larva lot In well lm ,n proved dut. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 188 S. HlRh St. Ph. 3-4121. Eve. 1-3206 e232 Y OWNER New modern 1-bVdroom - houae. Floor furnace, larai. 14600. 23.10 - Hvde St. a 233 .M0. HOLLYWOOD tllRTHTCT " Lot AdxlHO, nice litwn and shriibn, auto. " ' ht,, 2 bilrms., I -pic, dinette, attach. Ka , atoraue Bpace, pvd. at. Really a buy at th In price. 1 I10.S00. A CUT1E 490 N. 33rd Si. Hamh. willi plumb., oil fur., 2 nice btlrmn., lots of bullt-lns. flreplc. ). kltrh. Houe In fully tml. B E'vl yr. old. Lk. iia., corner lot, distant .j..; owner aav sell. $10,500. ON HKAUTIKUL N. 16TH ST. Pull, baxrn , oil hi , lu. din. rm , 2 nlre bdrm., pvd. t. and k.v, good pHint Inside and out. lot 60x1.17 Ht-ns. terms. $10.71)0. NO 3 ZONK Part, furnished, full hrtsin , 4 bdrms , top eondHlon. Inc. on SUle Bt Ph :flrt80. ED. Ll'KINHKAL ItKAl, KSTATK 4.1.1 NorMi Hmh fil Eve. Ph. 3-776B, 3-8704, 3-38:16. a235 6 Rooms and Basement "T1 Lane llvlna rm.. dinln rm. Handy klt " chen, and 1 bd. rm. (inrnwr, Hlh ccr f!'" ner lot. All paved. On biw line, cloae to Mhool and stnrevt. Trice i:-w L'l EDGE OF TOWN A., an ordinary 3 bd. rm. home. mall barn, city water. Price Jual re duced to tnoo. Call Bon Clenry. ..Walter Musgrave, Realtor MIL Kdeewater Ph. 3-B109. Eve. S-flP.19 eaufl Jli 6oWN7&up!ei1ocate4l Vt'b Stilp ptni St. No. 3 Ru. lone. Na p room t down plua two room aut. up. Full con crete baaement. Room for hu. bid, to . face Palrarounda Rd, Pull Price III. 500. ; Call O. V Hume with . STATE FINANCE CO. V REALTORS IMS. Mich St. Ph. 3-4111 Eve. 1-5306 n 231 2 ACRES $1S00 i. One of the bant apotji of t round anr- Where. Small well-built home. Cur t, term. 1 mile 1. of Ketrer on Che- fAawa Rd. Commanding View " Couple. A nice 1 M. rm. home, with a U fin lot. Nirr lawn. iHd neihhorhiHd ' ami a corneous view of citv. valkv and , mountain. All tor 18750. Tou have desirable hme. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1211 Edtewater Ph. 3-510H a236 . SECLUDED HOME , UnlQua and Interest ine I-bdrm Plre , place, pstlo. b.-auiifullr laiuWaied ( ' yard. Clone in. Home of 1hi kind are .', hard to find. Call to see (lit. $12. MM and terms i $200 to $500 Down lfodern 1-hedroom homes in city. L. K. Klumpp, Realtor t - 480 N. Church Phone 3-7841 Evenln or Sundav 2 012(1. 231 J rtlt'E 8 RM. old huc With lotji of fruit ' aad flower on I lot. 16600. Ph. 3-om Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES BT OWNER Just a few mile from Salem In beautiful cettini. on year oUl ranch tyle home: six large room, full bae ment, modern In every detail. Any amount ud to two hundred acres avail able extra. Priced for quick aala. Owner leaving state. Shown by appointment only. Write Capital journal, box 443. a233 ONE OF THE BEST home In Enilcwood. I BR. on on floor, dble. plbc., finished baaement, double taraie, cor. tot. im mediate Poueaalon. SOUTH HIGH ST. HOME. 3 BR., full baaement, oil heat, Iota Of butlt-ln. Very nice lot. $12,600. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Lltlns Personal Service 164 ft. Com'l., Ph. 1-1380, Xv. 1-7440 33$ MOO. RM. house with dinette, t bed rm.. completely redecorated. Sm. family orchard. Approximate 1 aere. Immediate poueaalon. IS block to school, 3 bl. to Salem and Oerval hl-chool bus. Bra. down payment, bal, $40 mo. Call Oer val 3071 eve, or write P.O. Bos 343. Oerval. a233 1 YEAR OLD 3-BEDR00M HOME New 1-year-old, l-bdrm. home, vary modern. Lane living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook and den. Hard wood floor thruout. Attached carat o. Inside utility room. Very lane lot. Fenced In front yard. Owner leaving tate. Must sell. 3330 Sunnyvlew Ave. a333 FOR SALE LOTS LOOKING FOR A GOOD LOT? We have 3 nice lot In the Candalarla His. dlat. Sla 89x98 89x90. Price 11400 eHch. BURT PICHA, Realtors Phone: 1-1640 aa231 fll'B. LOTS, N., Ideal for small nurs ery. Rd. at front and back. Ph. 1-0181. aa23S 60x104 LOT. P H. A. approved. N. 18th Bt. 61 d walk In. Call 3-4088 or aec at 1915 N. 18th. aa233 85xl!t VIEW LOT. 3386 View avenua. City water-gas, near saiem Heignt cnooi $850. Ph. 20998. aa247a LOTS W ITH WATER, electricity, bus, cloe to school on Sllverton highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. $15 down. $15 per month. General Real Estate 225 Center Ph. 3-3389. aa231 FOR SALE FARMS NEW FARM LISTINGS: Very good 62 acre farm: beat of olL rarlety of fruit and berries. Include machinery, rive tock, and household furnlahlnga. Locat ed about 10 mile north of Salem. Good building. Priced to eU at $23,000. For more Information call or see Oscar Sederstrom with Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 Stat Bt. Ph. 3-3663 Eve. 3-8789 b232 ACRE and good 3 B.R. home at the edge of town, thU I a good buy at $8500.00. 3 Acre and small new home about 1 mile from city. There are other build ing, and the price only 17500.00. 15 Acre 10 mile from Salem, new 5 room home, deep well, all the water you Wftnt. $9000.00. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Pho. 3-4707 484 Court Bvt. 1-4778 b232 FOR BALE 70 acre. 30 under cultiva tion, year around at ream. 5 acre of clover and fescue. $1500 and beat ear offered for down payment. Alo $3000 worth of stock and equipment on very easy term If wanted. Write Capital Journal Box 441. b23S 84 Acres with Beautiful Home A pp. 70 A. under cultivation, 30 A. bent gr&M. 45 A. seeded to fescue. Year round creek, beautiful 3 BR home 1 floor houae 1600 q. ft. 3 fireplace, auto, air cond. oil furnace. Bath Plua shower it stool In bjksement. Insulated double garage, barn, hen house, paved rond 6 mi. from Salem. Full reduced price $32,600. An additional 141 acre available. See Allen Jones or Mabel Needham Realtors 341 Stat St., Rm. 4 Ph. 3-0301 basi M ACRES 18 MILES north of Salem. No building. Will trade on house. Inquire 607 N. Capitol, Apt. No. 6. b238 TODAY'S SPECIAL 10 good acre close In N.E.; very clean small two bedrm. house, garage, poul try houae. family fruit, preuun wat er, near school. Only 16400. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 North Hlsh St. Phone 3-7690 Eve. Phone 3-4691 - 3-6005 b331 FOR SALE ACREAGE i ACRE close In. Inquire at 401 Oregon Bide. bb331 $4500 3 acres, good well. On bus line. Close to choo). Large hse. with 4 bdrms. up stair unfinished. Terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 943 A. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-3089. bnasi REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $800 Down Almost new 3 bdrm. home in Englewood DIM. Electric heat, Insulated, part hard wood floor, garage, large lot. Immediate possession, Toi nl price only $8M)0. 4 interest on balance. Priced for quick sale. Eve Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3658. $7!50 Full Price Brand new, east. Electric heat, insul ated, weather tripved, V blinds, hdwd. floor. Ml sq. ft. floor space. Attached urane. private well. Eve. Ph. 3-0473 or 3-33;8. 10 Acres Modern ft rm. house built In 1945. Barn, cliclken house. Amity aoll, All cultivated. Close In north east. Total price only 19000. Will trade for City property. Eve. Ph. 3-9403, 3-3558. 5 Acres, $3500 Amity aoll. Almost new 3 rm. houae. Oak Orove setting. Owner leaving Stat. Al most Immediate poaaeaalon. Eve. Ph. J-mo! or 3-3M8. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 9-7910, 1-4399. 3031 PortUnd Rd 4333 NELSON NEWS I BDRMS. CLCE IN $1000 DOWN I.R, kit with dining are. 3 bdrm., bath, lot 54x70, pvmt. aklewalk In pd eiwv walking dlst to Capitol, Untv, k Hoaptiai. Price 17350. MAKE OFFER ON CHOWAN CANYON If you have wished for a homt next to dense native timber a net on a pvd. rd. A only few minute out town, here is Tour chance: A rancho type home. LR wit h beamed celling, wide plank flra, knot It cedar walls, attractive f place, UN. kit, nook. 1 Mr me, full bath, bamt with L. trays, furnace. et. Only for $8000 but make otter. 10 A. $3500 One bedrm home, am barn, thicken haa. good Well. 3S A. FARM $88(4 30 A. In cult. A A. pasture, family or chard A homesite with all yr erk on pvd rd. elec. pump. rm. mod home, fplace. barn, chicken hse. Let ua ahow you thlj. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtor Personal Service by Men Who Spec tali if 703 N. HUh Pn 1-4623 OH' FOR VOI R AT1NO investment buy a first mortgace on real estate. Salem li vtclnttv. Eiamtn security yourself Amojnu $"oo to several thoueand dol lar, net Investors 5 We make all ol let t tons for you if desired. STATB FTJtANd CO M4 4V BMb FOR SALE HOUSES REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE $350 Down! $37 per month. New, livable, unfinished 3 -bedroom hom. Exterior double con structed. Wiring in for Hint and elect, range. Plumbing roughed In. Immediate pu teuton. Call u todayl Must Be Sold! 1-bedroom hom on 1 acre of ground near Pen and FOUR CORNERS. Plenty ot room for biunne or residential court. Several nice outbuilding, close to school. Immediate poaaeaslon. Will trad on 3 -bed room city home up to $6,000. Thla 1 a very good buy at $8,000. . No. 341 Fairmount Hill! I fireplace, m baths, all hardwood floor. Lovely, expensive lot. Only 1 bedroom but lot ot expansion room. Very nice yard. Full price only $1,960. No. 3 Duplex ! furnished. 1 -bed room unit and 1 -bed room unit. Furnishing Include range and re ft iteration. Completely repainted inside and out. Room for expansion. Possible In ouM $140 per month. Will trade for houae north. Price $10,500. No. 173 We Need Good Listings Now ! REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 901 South HlKh Strct Ph. 8-9303 Eve: it Byn: MJ. I-S906. 1-3738 .331. REAL ESTATfc FUEL FAIKMOVNT HILl DISTRICT: Oood 3. OREGON FUEL COMPANY btdroom hom, with endued Iront porch, nA ,i..n u,i.t euo eleepln. porch. Cmnet biuiem.nt; ,ho, .Jeen lorTurnec. '.LJL'-. 'hn""' "'" Or.?nr'6"JriSu'"l0.iO LHoS UO Smv"X .OITABL 1-OR "r, ...0. Led. Ph. 33.3, CLUB: Btone fireplace; balcony; om , . equipment; beautiful setting among lie. SHELL STOVE A DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186. tree. Tear aroupnd creek, located on Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor. Highway ; approx. 6 acre of land. feA Price $9600. SLAB w0OD. mlU run, $8 per load. Hand Leo N. Childs, Inc., R ltors p- 344 St.t St. ' Ph. 1-3663 JHH" Eve. 1-4007. c232 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oil. WANTED REAL ESTATE rKE?y Jjr 8UST 10 TO o acre or more. Muat be aouth. Dry Plainer End A Block Wood. Ph. 16444 have view over city and mountain. Paa- ture for horaes, aome trees and water. PHILLIPS BROS No building wanted. Within ten mile . fifi M0 A maple. 4 fly, 16" of Salem. Have Bice lot with 3 car aar- fiab anj edging. Ph. 31458. ee ace on Falrmount Hill that can be trad- - - Ii,''wrn?tr!;'"1:,ifnr,!.u.'r0r West Salem Fuel Co. hou on S. Cottaae. Or will buy out- . right. Write P.O. Box 509, Salem. ca234 M . DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD ; . DRY PLANER ENDS TWO OR THREE bedroom house, south, LD OROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 14-JN. auburban preferred, under $8500, Write CLEAN NO BARK Box 439, Capital Journal. ca232 SCREENED SAWDUST PRIVATE PARTY . $1000 for down Pay- RURAL DELIVERIES ment on hou. Make an offer. Write DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Capital Journal, boi 455. ca231 Phone Silem 1-4031 ; Atao pick up wood at 1538 Bdcewater NOT1CE1 If your property la for aale, 8t Wut Salem ee rant or oxchang, list tt with u. W " . have all kinds of eaab buyer TRT P,TTY FTT"RT. STATB FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 11U x AJAJ 153 S. HJgb Bt. ea PHONE 37443 . , 16" Blab Wood and Edgings WB IRE in need oi gooo bouse to Mil Fresh Cut textrt Sawduat la or near Salem, If you wiab to ilat 12 lMlde MIU Wood your property for aale see nry wood GBSAENHOBiT BROS., REALTORS ASK FOR 6&H OREElf STAMPS 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 3-2471 ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE 360 A. Diversified farm. Close to Salem. Will tak going bualneas. Price $22,500. All clear. C. W. Reeve, Realtor (46 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590 or 2-3088. cb231 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $6,000. CONFECTIONERY First class equip., location and lease, book are open for your Inspection. Phone 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. cd235 $4600 INCOME" Very nice 1 apt. big. Only 36,760,00. Six oompleto baths, 7th 1 ready to go In. ThU 1 a real BUY. It' close In three block from Capitol. Terms. Ph. 3-1744. Cd231 American - Chinese Cafe Large grade A Cafe fully equipped & up to date located on 09E near Salem. Has modern 8 rm. living quarter In cafe bldg. Also extra bldg. with nice apartment & double garage, building & equipment practically new, lots of park ing apace. Can be purchased for $7500 down St easy payment. No phone In formation. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 060 8. Commercial cd231 Investors Attention Bhows about 8 net return on about $20,000 Investment major oil company service station, 15 year leas. See J. W. Brasher for detail with. Ohmart & Calaba, R'ltors 477 Court St. Ph. 2-4115. cd231 HAYESV1LLE grocery store & fixtures, a gaa pumps, e caDins. un nignway so North. Rt. 7 Box 145. Ph. 24319. cd233 NELSON NEWS 30 ON INCOME PROPERTY Income property that will show better than 20 net return on $21,000. A real opportunity for aeml-retlred couple. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Lletlng Service Personal Service by men who Specialize 702 N.Hlah Ph. 3-4622. cd233 WHO HAS SOME EXTRA MONEY? There 1 a large demand for rentals which we are unable to fill. We have aeveral cheap and medium priced homes that will make good rental. Come In and talk It over. King ins. BURT PICHA, Realtors 370 N. High St. Phone: 2-3649 Eve: 3-SSflO cd231 FURNITURE FOR SALE PRACTICALLY new double bed with" box springs and mattress. 150.00. Call at 2040 N. 18th street, Salem, after 6 30 p m. d232 MODERN 4-PIEC'F bedroom suite Good cond. Spring ft mattress. $100. Ph. 25662. d233 IIOl'flE FI'I.L ot furniture for sale this week only. 542 Bliler, Mapleton Addi tion. d234 norni.E Hollywood bed. perfect cond. Reasonably priced. Call 3-7.E30 alter 5:30. d231 SAVE $)0 4 -piece limed oak bedroom suite com plete with innereprlng mattress and matching box spring. A tremendous value at only 9 50. $10 down deliver. SAVE $10 Beautiful modern daveno and matching club chair with blond trim. A truly sensational buy at only $119 95. $13 down deliver. H. & H. Furniture Co. 1650 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph, 3-3797 Open Evening Until pm d33S WANTED FURNITURE CUED ITRN. Immed. anpralsal. Highest price. Valley Furn. 18$ N. Com'l. Ph. 37473. da234 IF TOH RAVI Fl'RNlTl'RE, appliance, aportlng goods, etc., to sell A want TOP PRICES be sure to call TRADER LOUIE. 3053 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-8658 dav or 3-4407 eve. da235 in GREylTpBICBS paid Phone Glennai Woodrr Auction Market Ph 8-5110 da AUCTIONS ITRNITCRK Auction tonight. p.tn. Lane ouaieua Auction ie Yard, located lMi mile east of Fairground on f.l verton Rd. Ph S-60H8 dd?31 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock biirer E. C. Mccandllsb, 1131 S 3ft Ph. 3-6147 e:il RABBITS WING'S fUMltTST need, T.hMta. Top prtCH J9 FM.tf- Pll 3-149 ,h?4J PETS ar.NAN pointm. t mo., 831. PH. jsm9 .cJ.12' BonrHMAN PINJfHI M.!f.... 14 months. Phnn 1-9411 9ftr 9 r m or 8t! tc2il Journal Want Ads Pay IFOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE POULTRY NEW Hampshire pullet for aale. Ph. 3-3409. fill COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 3-1298. 1334 FAT HENS Ph. 3-1298 (233 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day, urner rry or Mens now at spe cial quantfty prices for your lockers. Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 22661. Lee's Hatchery. f" NEW HAMPSHIRE chick for Immediate or future delivery. Hatch every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 PRODUCE GOLDEN CROSS sweet corn, 30c dox. Ph. a-iaae. 1133 1 TOMATOES U Pick. L. Zlelke. Near Ro berta school. Ph. 3-1578. f'232 GRAPES 4c lb. You pick. Bring contain ers, wamen, 3B fortiana Ka. imv TOMATOES AND PEPPERS CANNINO. JUICE AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER. PH. 2-7172 11234 TOMATOES a bu. or ton. U-plck $1 bu. man. Box 32, Ph. Jefferson 804. tf243 TOMATOES 7Ac Bu. U-plck. Imlah Fruit I arm, Vi mil on Wallace rd. Ph. 20374. ff231 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service jor smeii ioi. mono a-aoot. Lee's Hatchery. ff EASTERN OREGON Watermelon 39c each, all sizes. Green Apple Mkt. 1 miles N. on 99 Highway. ff231 FILBERTS. PICK your own at ftc lb. uooo picking. 9 mi. East on Aumsvuie Hmay. Oeo. Hull, 363 State St. Ph. 34394. ff233 TOMATOES, cucumber, fresh egg. Frl- ganrd Fruit Farm, mi. w. Keiter school. ff340 HELP WANTED ACCORDION INSTRUCTOR. Part or full time. Excellent opportunity. No ex perience necessary. We train you. Write Capital Journal, Box 422. c251 HELP WANTED MALE EXP. floor covering mechanic. Apply M.K.N. Furn. West Salem. ga236 WANTED Licensed barber to run chop until February 1st. Appiy at uu Ber ber Shop. Box 124, Fall City, Oregon. Phone 251. ga232 HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPANDING LOCAL manufacture firm needs versatile young woman. Must be capable typist. Excel, permanent posi tion for the right person. Phone 3-B659 for Interview. gb232 EXPERIENCED CLERKS. Apply at 237 N. Librrty street irom 9 to ll a.m. and at 2 to 4 p i m. gb GENERAL FLOOR work. Able to meet public A cashier. Eve. work. Apply after 3 p.m. Launderette, 1255 Ferry. gb231 EXP. trno for Insurance office. Short hand required. Apply In person. Hugglns Insurance. 373 N. Church. gb233 LADY llvinu in Keiter dLU. to care for seven-year-old girl from 1 to 5:30 Mon. thru Frl. Ph. 2-2353 after 5:30. gb333 GENERAL housework. Ref. 698 N. Liberty. goajs- GIRL-WANTED for hoiwework. CaU at H.'O Murk t-t. Good Wages. gb232 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3H0 stnt, Btrr.t Phon, 1-1499. if WANTED SALESMAN EXPERIENCED man for camera dept. must know photography. See Mrs. Branch at Sears, Roebuck A Co. H331 EXPERIENCED lurnlturo "salesman, list exp. 8 qualification. Writ Box 394. Capital Journal. gg WANTED POSITIONS TREEWORK Topping, Removing, Etc. INM'RFD OPERATOR JOHN PAYNE 143 S. Church Ph, 1-1014 bl.'l IRONING done In my home, 10c per hr. Ph. 4-2063 any day but Sat. h332 MECHANIC wlahe permanent worlT. ft yr. experienced on dteeel and 14 yra. en gas. Hon. dls. from the navy. Sept. S3, 1949. Ph. 1-83 26. h3$5" BR1t'KVblock work of all kind. Ex perienced, competent mason. Call Davidson Bros., Ph. -8347. h334 PRACTICAL NI'RSE, day or night nurs ing or stay nights. Ph. 3-8319. h331 EXPERIENCED and rapabfe business man desire employment with established local concern. Thoroughly experienced In finance, credit, collections, aale and merchandising end office routine, Deairou of asaumtna responsibilities 41 yra. age and married. Boa 431 Capital Journal h334 WII L CARE for your children tn my home, dars only. tMI LaFor Drive, King wood HelghU.Ph.l-3818. h33l KIRN BROS- Contractors. Remodeling, form work. Phone $ IUI. h3J4 PAMIt-T lronlnc to do in my born. $0 per hour. Cash i carry. 1180 E. Rural. hail BABT SITTING. Adult! Fhoo l-47. REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS 4 INFANT'S & CHILDREN'S WEAR Mala shop In city of 13.000 to 14,000 population, Fixture 13,750 plu Inventory approx. 312.500. Rent $135 per mo. heated. Good kasc. SEE BEN ROISEN. SALEM'S MOST MODERN APARTMENT I units, radiant heat, appliance furnished, excellent utility facilities, splendid loca tion on corner lot. Income 1325 per mo. Price $31,500. CALL COBURN L. GRABEN HORST. RANCH STYLE You'll like this very attractive auburban, ranch style home. ! spaelou bdrm., dreaalng rm., tile bath, den, llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm.. kitohen, nook, hdwd. fir, ige. inside utility, dble. garage, approx. acre of land, landscaped. CALX, PETER OEISER. ENGLEWOOD New 1 bdrm. home. Hi bath. Ige. llv. rm., A din, rm., beautiful kitchen with nook, lull burnt., with fireplace. Thl U a lovely home. To see CALL EARL WEST. DUTCH COLONIAL 1 bdrm. Plu den. close In location, excellent condition thruout, Ige. llv. rm., din. rm. kitchen, open staircase, hdwd. firs., wall-to-wall carpet, fireplace, full baamt hot water boat, beautiful yard, dble. garage. Priced light. CALL ROY FERRIS. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evening and Sunday Call Earl West 3 -(WO 8 - Roy Ferris 3-8010 . peter Oelser 1-3961 Ben RoLsen 1-1471 C331 WANTED POSITIONS MIDDLE aged Christian lady wants part time housework or place a part-time companion In exchange for room rent. Need afternoon free for aale work. Write Box 457, Capital Journal. h330 Oregon Tree Service Injured opp. - Phone 1-1496. h336 NURSE. FAIRLY experienced. At liberty. uay or nite. rn. juu(d. najj- WILL CARE for your children In my home. daya only, oao LaFor Drive, mngwooa Heights, m. 3-ZBio. njjr PRAC. NURSE, Cook, Hskpr. Adults. Mid. age, reliable, capable run cnarge. in city or out. Do not smoke nor drink, Write Capital Journal Box 487. h233 MIDDLE AGE lady desire baby sitting. Any age. Ph. 3-6088. h233 CHILD care by day, In my home. Ph. 3-4870. I123B' BOY, 16. wants farm work, and go to scnooi. 4 yr. oairy larm experience. Phone 3514 Da 11m. h231 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h256 EXFER. practical nursing. Ph. 2-3984. h231 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6798. h253 CHILD CARE, 183 8. 18th. Ph. 36879. h243 TS.EE WORK, topping trimming, remov ing, in, op. work guar. w. tt. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. h335 FULL OR part time Job Janitor work. Ex periences. tn. 3-i. nai Mimeographing-Typing POE'S, 65 North 16th. Phono 1-3643. h333 NEW LAWNS prepared and seeded. Light tractor on rubber wlht doxer. Ph. 3-8127. h251 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. !) EDUCATION Rawlins Music Studio Violin and Piano. Stat accredited teacher. Ph. 3-6013. hh250 FOR RENT ROOMS BUSINESS DIST. Nice sleeping rm. for gentleman. Heat, n A O water In rm. 25ft Center. jk232a SLEEP. RM. Hollywood, 203ft McCoy. Ph. 30093. Jo ROOM FOR Gentleman. 633 N. Winter. Call after 6:30. jk233a SLEEPING RM. with private bath. Gen tleman preterrea. oo . inurcn. SHARING home with Christian girl. All convenience or a home, can alter s p.m., 64ft N. Winter, Salem, Ore. Jk233 PLEASANT SLEEPING room for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. J It 23 5 LARGE SLEEPING room. Employed la dy or couple. 949 N. Winter. Ph. 3-8459. Jk335 NICE SLEEPING nn. Men. 448 Center St. Rear Woodrow Bldg. After 3:00 p.m. jk232 HEATED SLEEPING rooms. 1906 N. Summer. Ph. 2985ft. Jk231 ROOMS for rent. Ladle only. Kitchenette prlr. 820 Statesman St. Ph. 3-5210. Jk233 HEATED 8LP. RMS. for men. Tel. & prlv. ent. Phone 33425. 1505 . capitoi. juaje WARM ATTRACTIVE room for employ ed gentleman. Reasonable. Ph. 3-4248. jk234 CLEAN, LARGE light housekeeping room. bath, women. 1O90 N. winter, pn. 35005. jk231 FURN. hskpg. room on 1st floor. Use of refrlg. Lady. Close to bus. Ph. 2-5545. jki3l SLEEPING ROOMS. PH. 3-4335. Jk237 FOR RENT APARTMENTS PARTLY FURN. apt. 3 rm. & private bath A garage. S35 per month. 1374 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8400. Jp232 UN FURN. 3 rm. except stove & refrlg. New court apt. Beautiful view. Utility room. Ph. 35367 Jp233" 1 RM. FURN. Apt. 2nd floor. Lady pre ferred. Ph. 31520 ip2L NICELY FURN. 3 rm. apt. Also furn. Pull man apt. Ambassador, s&o w. summer. Jp233 CLOSE IN 1 room furn. apt. Range A refrlg. 835 N. Winter. Jp?33- t AND S RM. apt. Ph. 3-6588. Jp231 LIGHT housekeeping rm. and kitchen ette. 1810 Trade St. JP233 BACHELOR wilt share 2 room ft bath upstairs with emp. man. No drinkers. Write Box 436. Capital Journal. Jp231 FOR RENT HOUSES $?A PER MONTH will rent cottage. Close to Salem. Interior newly papered and painted. Running water. Electric lights, Inside toilet, 1 bdrm., unfurn. except lor oil heater, pn. 3-1377 alter 7 p m Jm232' NEW t BDRM. Hardwood floors. View place. Range, refrlg. A Venetian blinds turn. t8U. in. a-J. jmzjj SMALL FI'RN. house. Ph. 28423. Jm231 S BDRM. House. Wired for elec. range. $50. Inquire at 90ft B. 21st. jm333 1, OR IT MAY BE 4- bdrm, house, modern plasterer 1 diocx to city dus, nice ienc ed yard St garden apace. Call 1-58A7. Jm231 FURNISHED 2 BR home. Auto heat hot water. Adults. $80. Ph. 3-4370. Jm233 BUT LIKE RENT Excellent opportunity to buy thl well built 3 B.R. ranch style home In Klnc wood Height from owner. Some down payment and balance like rent. LR, with fireplace, D.R.. kitchen, bath, lae. utll. Bendlx and dishwasher. 3 blocks to bus. 1st street above Fair Oak. 1701 Long view. Jm33S 1 ROOM furn. house, $35 per month. Rt. 1. Box 83, B roots or call 3273 Oerval after p.m. Chas. Barrett. JmiJl BDRM. house. Some furniture. 3280 Portland Rd. Jm332 UNFURN. SUBURBAN 1 bdrm. hom. Aut. heat, electric water heater, electric dish Washer. Fenced In yard. Double garage. $71 per month. Ph, 3-8137. JmlJl' 4 BEDROOM house at 3630 Brook St. $85 per month. A. E. Heasly 130ft N. Liberty. Jm2Jl FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS ft A WITH I BDRM. house. Full basement, wood furnace. Oarase In baaement. Spring water, barn, brooder and chick en house, garden. Balance tn pasture. On Vita Spring rd. Ph. 3-6113. 1330 8th !?! elf ra- ii2l OFFICE, desk space. Conv. loo. Ph. 39133 J345 FLOOR SENDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. ! POWER TOOL rental for bom and In dustrial as a. Howr Bros. Ph. 1-3646. I To DO a good Job rent a good floor sand- r W ell everything to complete the ROWBBR BJtOgL Pi, 1-4444 (REAL ESTATE FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE space and desk space. Ph. 35693. r TRAILERS 32.00 per day. Howser Bros. 14lu b 12th, West Salem. J BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. J V DRIVE truck, car. Ph. 2-9103. SINGER ELECTRIC portable aewlng ma chine. Reasonable rate. Pre pick up & delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 33512 ! WANTED TO RENT RELIABLE elderly couple want unfurn. house. Best of care. Permanent. Ph. 3-5543. j233 S OR 4 ROOM unfurnished apartment. Wi dow and daughter, both working. Call 3-6422 after 6:00 p.m. Ja232 LEASE 2 B.R. unfurn. house, 365. 748 N. 20Ui. Ph. 2-3410. ja233 STEADILY employed woman alone need mall unfurn. cottage by Oct. 7. Might consider buying later. Writ Box 456 Capital Journal. Ja231 WANTED by an employed lady, furn. apt. not to exceed $40 a mo. Write 440 Cap Ital Journal. j232 MODERN z- er 3-BDRM. unfurnlahed hxe7 up to $75 per month. Reliable, steadily employed and I can guarantee your home will be kept In first class condi tion. Write particular to Cliff Bhelton, 640 Mill, Salem. jq232 LAWYER, WIFE & 1-year-son need 2 B.R. furnished house or first floor apt. Write Box 432 Capital Journal. J&233 LOST AND FOUND REWARD for return of black cat taken from 1132 6th St. Sunday night. k232 LOST: Two 8.P. system annual pa&ses is- sued to R. H. Mundt and Mr. R. H. Mundt, Mill City, Ore. k234 LOST Largo black eat. Corner Center Summer. Ph. 3-4466. k281 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men' hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturday 12:30. m344 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EMUER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State Commercial St. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. St- gurdson. Phone 31160. ma249 STEEL AND Aluminum Window Frame. Casement. Double Hung s Commercial Type. PUMILITE, Weat Balem. ma231 FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform JSt Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace and masonry material. PUMILITE - West Salem. ma231 NEED LUMBER? 4 larger amount. Builder are realising substantial saving on all grade of framing lumber. No. 4. 2x4-1x8 ship lap $17 per M; 2x6-2x8-2x10 $15 per M. No. 3, 2x4 ahlplap $36 per M. Price In cludes delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. ma249 DOORS Flush Interior and exterior doors. Just a fw left at special price. Keith Biown. Front A Court St., Salem, ma' CEDAR GUTTERS Just received small stock of hard to get grade, (clear) ft (tight-knot) 3"x4" Cedar gutter. Keith Brown. Front ft Court St., Salem, ma CEDAR SIDING New snrpment 4x8" and W cedar siding, all grade. Keith Brown, Front ft Court Bta.. Salem, ma ROCKLATH, PLASTER and Stucco mater ial. Complete line, quality material. PUMILITE - West Salem. ma231 BAVB ON ROOFTNQ Let Warda glv you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing need Wide range of color. Call our outside talesman for free estimate Phone 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD ft OO. SALEM. OREGON ma ALUM A - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK JHINOLE. The modern permanent roofing-See your dealer ot Call DtU 1-6401. ma272 DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor ana carpenter using tne linest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber in Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 3ft Lena Ave, Ph. 34939. Free parking. ma RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coaat Timber No, 1 $7.75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 aq. No. 3. 8 in clear, suitable tot roof or aide walls. Ted Muller, Ph, Sa lem 2-1196. Salem-Indep. Road. ma NURSERY STOCK DAHLIAS Order bulb now. 1491 7th St . West Salem. Ph. 2-0514. mb231 fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MINK dyed fur coat. 880 Electric ave. n232 ENFIELD 10-06 K2.8 SCOP, $80. 980 N. 17. D233 MAHOGANY PIANO With lOVily tone. 1690 8. Cottage. n232 1 GIRLS' BICYCLES for Sale. Cheap. Ph. 3-3355. n232 CUBIC FT. Beal upright deep freezerT Special prlca $47$. 337 N. High. Ph. 3-7941. n333 WALNUT gateleg table, tlx chair. Phone 3-5302 after $ p.m. n332 NEW 170 deer rifle with 4 -power aeope, $175. Ph. 3-4319. n232 SHELLS for foreign odd caliber rifle Backet t, 1510 Bo. Winter, Ph. 1-4913. n24l HAND CARVED 30-06, with scope. Excel lent condition, lift Marlon after 4:30 p m. Upstair apt. n232 OF T RR iri.E. 30-06 model 70 Winchester New at retail price. Ph. 38848 eve. n233 SE w t N QM ACH I N'E A wood clrcula't or. 3315 N. Liberty or Ph. 27660. n233 MONTGOMERY WARD wood range, alio hot water tank A colls If desired. 80 lb. tc box good cond. New 9x9 military wan tent. Has never been useo. Rt. Box 184, Stayton. I1 mile N. of Stay ton Cannery. n231 8 H. JOHNSON outboard motor. 1 aecond hand toilet. Both in first class cond l tlon. Lee Barber, Turner, Ore. n333 '3 NORGF washing machine. 38. Alio stroller $3. 1366 Stat St. upstairs. n3J3 ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Una gv n331 HOT roiNT range. Ilka new. Baby bugiV 430 West Browning. n332 CABINET aewlng machine. 250 I. Nob Hill. R23J DRAGS AW Ward heavy duty, cut t cord wood. Sell cheap. Call Fail Olty 341 or Rt. i. Bog 1U. PaU a. n33l rsn ELECTRIC refrigerator, T EATER APPLIANCE COASTS Chemeketa. n2M irn HECTRIC fange YEATER AP PLIANCE CO, 3H Chexeeketa. BSftl REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS In Business Zone on North 4th A I bedroom homo en a largo krt 46131, Small down payment of $1500 move you In. Are You Tired of That Apartment? If ao look over thl neat 1 bedroom hom for $7350. Owner will accept $1500 down and balance like rent. Oood deep lot and nearly Immediate poueaalon. Can You Top This? A good 1 bedroom home with huge living room and dining room, fire place, auto, heat on lot 80331 In a buslne line. Here's a place with many possibilities for the future. JUST THINK ONLY $8950. Sparkling Colonial Home In wonderful condition throughout. Very attractive living room and dining room, unny kitchen overlooking epaelou fenced-in back yard. 4 bedroom upstairs, iVa plumbing, splo and span basement with auto, heat; gprlnkling ytm and outdoor light , Very fine location. FARM SPECIALS 217 Acres Excellent Soil 190 A. tnder cultivation, mostly Will. ,nd Amlt, 10II1 ,U fne,d, buUdlnu Id. beautiful building ltt. Prted to Mil. T.rrru. 73 Acre Central Howell Farm All equipment Included. 4 bedroom modernised house, M-otanenlon bant, I chicken houae. land all tiled. Liberal term. 133 Acres Carlton Silt Loam 110 A. cultivated, 1ft A. Ladlno clover, irrigated. Large modern home, 10-tanchlon barn, room for more. 1880 chicken hou. A good farm for $25,000. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court Street Evening: 1-3488 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS! USED WASHING machine. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n351 OIL CIRCULATORS, drastically reduced price. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n351 HUNTERS ATTENTION: Save your game in a Deepfreeze Home Freezer. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 376 Chemeketa. n251 ALL FAMOUS make of small appliance. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 37B Cheme keta. n351 SEWING MACHINES: Free Westinghoua. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 37ft Chem eketa. n351 3S-8S WINCHESTER model 94, 2 boxes ahells. Excel, cond., peep eight. Ph. 3-4253. D236 HAVE YOUR Bendlx Automatic Dryer ln- t ailed before the fall rain begin. Ralph Johnson Appliance, 35ft Center St. n236 USED RANGES, refrigerator and wash er. Ralph Johnson Appl., 355 Center, Salem. n236 LGE. OIL circulator. Good cond., $35. Ph. 3-7732. 233 WESTINGHOUSE radio phonograph con sole. A Uttl as $89.50. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 27ft Chemeketa. n251 NEW ft USED musical Instrument ft plnet ft grand plana at reduced price. JAQUITH MUSIC CO., Ph. 3-4841 n244 PLASTI-KOTE: The cellophane -Ilka fin ish for your floor, woodwork or lino leum, no waxing required. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 37ft Chemeketa! n251 FULLER brushes, 174ft Grant. Ph. 1-8397. n34 SEWING MACHINES. New Home electric. 9.9ft ft UP. Ph. 33139. Ralph Johnson Appliances 24ft SEPTIC TANKS, Concrete Pip and Tile reinforcing steel, meah and coloring. All kind river soil, pit-run, gravel, crushed, sand and mlxe. OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY 1406 N. Front St. Phono 1-3417 n242 USED SEWING Machine. Reasonably priced. Ph. 3-3139. Ralph Johnson Appliances STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, railings In stock ft made to order. 1146 N. Liberty. 342 SEWING Machines, electric or treadle. Service on all make. Ph. 3-7671. n2ft4 MED. RE FRIG, Bargain. Good cond. Ph. 3-6630. n331 CAR POLISHING with WAX SEAL con tain longer lasting CARHUBA wax clean ft claxe in ONE application. Sold separately or with pollhlng lrv. Reaa. Ph. 3-3344. n231 Hunters ! ! Sleep Dry ! ! Compact, folding tent trailer. Factory built walk-In type with floor. Bleep 4, ready for use in 2 mln. Room for equip ment ft game. Converts to utility trail er. 1225. Cost new $450. 10 Gross Ave., 2 blks. N.E. of D Bt. ft Park Ave. n233 NEW ENGLISH style saddle. Bale or trade for shot gun. Ph. 2-7520. n231 UMBRELLA TENT, good one-rm. kero sene cir. neater, double bed mattress, dresser, alngle folding steel cot, sleep ing bag. Double steel folding eamp bed. No phone calls. 57ft N. Capital Bt. n331 PARLOR SIZE Grand Piano, good condi tion, no pnon cans. 7 n. capitoi St. 231 BEN'S 2ND Hand and Rummage Store, 3083 w. com'l. Bt. n234 KRAG 30-40 and Shells 846.00. 190 S. 14th. n231 WALLING SAND ft GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveway. cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching -yd. shovel and drag line. Ph. 3-9249 WIZZER BIKE $60. Ph. 2-235S after 6 P m. B231 SINGER ELECTRIC cabinet sewing ma chine. Guaranteed machine, htoroughly reconditioned with new walnut cabinet ft motor. Perfect condition. Bargain, $133. Terms arranged. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. n233 SALEM SAND & U RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental lft B k yd 10 B yds. D-7 Cat ft Dozer D-6 Cat ft Doeer D-4 Cat ft Dozer Bee tu about ditching by thi ft. Phone Day 3-9408 Eves 3-8246 or 1-4400 balem Oregon 0 II txlt - 14 FT. i 6 2x6 - 11 ft.: 1 4x6 - ft ft.: 3 4x6 - 13 ft. Nov elty drop aiding Covers approximately 800 aq. ft. Ph. 3-3006, 843S Livingston. nasi 848 WIN., 3ft Rem., 30 Rem. auto., with scopes. Ph. 3-6583. n2S3 ibSS WINCHE STER rifle. 30-06- with cop. 33 special. 594 N. Liberty. n233 USED OIL burners and blowete. Priced to sell. Ph. 28682. n233 LUMBER 3x4' by Jitney load, 10 per 1.000. You haul. Independence Lumber Mfg. Co., inc., independence. Ore, GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier, Olbaoo and Montag Applance it Oevurtx. n FENCE POSTS, pole, all type, Shingle, fertilizer ft flatrock Phillip Broa, Rt 6. Box 118. Ph. 31458. n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED Junk batterle. Paying 31.7ft Retread Tire Service, 820 Bo. Lancaster. n331 WANTED furniture ve gTue ft repair. Lee ro mm neiui lining te w- iwi WOOD HEATER or eirc. Sewing machine. Phone 3-6367. 1 a.m. till t p.m. na338 UED FURNITURE Phone 9-6181 av INVESTIGATIONS William W. Cruickshank DETECTIVE AGENCY 360 State St., Rm. 203 Civil, criminal, private, dom estic, commercial, industrial and insurance investigations REASONABLE RATES TELEPHONE 2-7945 After 6 p.m. tt Sundays call Stayton - Blue 148B I REAL ESTATE Phone 3-4116. 2-4116 1-5996 - 3-3633 PERSONAL STANLEY Home Product. 55ft Croa. Ph. 2-5446. p247 SALEM Nurlng Home. 3996 D St., Ba lem, Ore. p331 GREETING card wholesale. I different company' boxes New York price at Seattle Card Mart, 103 N. Bellevue. Write us. p231 MADAM MORA ' OIFTED PSYCHIO READER AND ADVISOR Can help you where other ha faded. Satisfaction aaaured. Advice on all affair of life. Special reading $1.00. Located Just south of Hubbard onV Highway 99E. Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for lgn Reading Dally AUTOMOBILES 1848 8TUDEBAKER Land Cruiser. Radio ft neater. Plastic seat covers. Signal lites, fog ft back-up lites. Overdrive, wind shield washer ft Life Guard tube. This car combines luxury with very econo mical operation. Only $666 down. Mar vin Van Cleave. Rt. 7 Box 246. Ph. 35161. q233" 1937 PACKARD "120" 4 -Door Sedan. Body, iiiutur w urn in gooa eonaition. Z70 or 670 for equity. 239 S. Cottage after 8:30 p.m. q236 '35 DODGE Va T. flat bed truck with heavy duty rear end. Rt. 1 Box 184, Stayton. VM mile N. of Stayton Can nery. q23l $200.00 SAVING '49 CHEVROLET Yes, you can save $200.00 on a 1949 Chev. Fleetline Deluxe Sedan at Or val'a. Equipment Include radio, heat er, defroster, aportllght, fog lights, windshield WBJthera, eat covers, oil filt er, undercoatlng, chrome wheel ring, bumper guard. A beautiful light sea foam green finish. Thl car carries a 60-day full guaranteed. Convenient term, liberal trade-in. See thla on our Turntable today. TO SAVE ON THAT 9 MODEL OAR 8EB ORVAL-8. ORVAL'S THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE Center at Church Bt. Phono 1-4703 331 $300.00 SAVING '49 FORD 1949 FORD CUSTOM CLUB OOUPE. LIGHT GREEN FINISH. HEATER. DE FROSTERS, TIRES AND MECHANICAL CONDITION IN PERFECT tOMFE, IN TERIOR TERY NICE. CONVENIENT TERMS AND LIBERAL TRADE-IN AL LOWANCES. $1595.00 ORVAL'S THE LOT WITH TNE TURNTABLI C.nt.r at Church St.. Ph. 1-4702 4011' REAL VALUES 1941 CHEV. FLEETLINE AREO, RftH $995.00 1943 CHEV, SPEC. DEL. SEDAN, R&H $895 00 1942 CHEV. MASTER DEL. 3-DOOR. H $845.00 1941 CHEV SPEC. DEL SEDAN, RftH $845,00 1941 CHEV. 8 PEC. DEL. CLUB COUPE, R&H $895.00 1941 BU1CK SPECIAL S EDA NET, H $895.00 1941 PLY. SPEC. DEL. CLUB COUPE, R&H $795.00 1940 BUICK SUPER CLUB COUPE, R&H $845.00 1940 DODGE COUPE $495 00 1940 FORD DELUXE TUDOR, RftH 1695 00 All the above cars have good tires and are in per fect Mechanical Condition. TERMS AND TRADES ORVAL'S THE LOT WITH THI TURNTABLE Center at Church Bt. Ph. 1-4702 q33S . REAR END of IS T. V-8 truck, also drive snait tfz transmission. Oood cond. Rt. 1 Box 164 Stayton. 1 miles N. of Stay ton Cannery. q231 1040 OLDS 6 4-Dr. Sedan. Loads of ex traa, immaculate interior. Runs perfert. 6596. 410 Prove Bt. Phone 36714. q332 We Are In The G.M.C. Truck Business NOT USED CARS For Quick Sale 1939 PONT1AO 9-PASS. COUPE RADIO HEATER. OOOD PAINT. OOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION 9991 1999 FORD COUPE. OOOD MO TOR. HEATER. COULD STAND SOME REAR FENDER REPATR. 6ELLINO AT A LOW PRICE Or 939 199T CHEVROLET l-DOOR SE DAN. HEATER. EXCELLENT TIRE MECHANICAL CON DITION, OOOD SOUND BODY. CLEAN INSIDE 9399 1999 CHEVROLET COUPE RE CENTLY SPENT 1190 RECON DITIONING MOTOR TRANS OOOD TIRES 9199 1991 FORD MODEL A COUPE 9 II Truck Sales & Sen-ice Co. 199 N. Front Silrra Ph. 1-9191 (Continued on Page 2lli t