h h k a e t: 0 K $896.33 l,14fl 75 712.00 1,018 60 683.67 831.75 616.13 717.75 511.75 603.00 396.50 502.50 327.00 402.38 282.00 345.00 650.00 612.60 454.00 495.75 379.50 415.50 309.00 349 80 316.50 393.00 283.50 363.60 244.50 334.20 231.00 304.80 201.25 275.40 195.50 268.05 141.50 238.65 New Monthly Pay Scales In Bill Passed by Congress Washington, Sept. 28 J.Ri Here ii what the new monthly pay iceUi 'or the armed forces and related aervices mean, baaed on Vi acalei for married personnel (single personnel get lower al lowances)! Military pay An annual pay raise of $320,000,000 to be di- -ided among the army, navy, air force, coast guard, and marines was approved unanimously by the House. The bill, passed by the Senate yesterday, now goes to the White House. 1 ! MaJ. General and above ...Si Brig. General.. 30 Colonel 27 U. Colonel ....22 Major 16 Captain 10 First Lieut. ... 5 Second Lieut. ..2 Wrnt. Ofcr. 4).30 Wrnt. Ofcr. (31.25 Wrnt. Ofcr. (21.17 Wrnt. Ofcr. (D.10 Muter Sgt. ...30 Master Sgt. ...20 Sgt. First Class. 19 Sgt. First Class. 13 Sergeant 10 Sergeant 8 Corporal 7 (Following for pay grades do not include basic allowances as they normally are furnished quarters and subsistence in kind.) Corporal 5 $105.00 $132.30 Pvt. First Class 3 94.50 102.90 Pvt. First Class ltt 90.00 95.55 Private 1 80.00 82.50 Recruit S Mos.. 75.00 80.00 Recruit 1 Mo... 75.00 75.00 (These scales do not include flight and hazardous duty pay in any rank, nor the annual per sonal money allowances of $2200 for generals and $500 for lieu tenant generals, and their rank equivalents in the navy). Commie China Picks Flag for New Gov't Shanghai, Sept. 28 P) Com munist China's flag will be red with a large yellow star in the upper left surrounded by four smaller yellow stars, pro-Communist newspapers said today. The flag's design has been approved by a committee which will submit it to the Peiping conference now under way to form a Chinese Communist gov ernment, the newspapers said. The large yellow star symbo lizes Communist party leader ship. The small yellow stars re present the four classes in China workers, farmers, petty bour geois and national capitalists. The national anthem tenta tively adopted is "The March of Volunteers," a comparatively modern tune popular during the war with Japan. life 'Mia Europe' Juliette Fig uaras, who, as "Miss France" waa ahosen "Miss Europe" ever entrants from 10 nations of Kurope in the International beauty contest at Palermo, Italy, displays an evening gown after her election. Russ to Take 10 Years To Catch Up On Bomb New York, Sept. 28 () Lt. Oen. Walter Bedell Smith, for mer U. S. ambassador to Russia, says he believes it will take the Soviets 10 years to catch up with this country's present stage of atomic bomb development. Smith, who now commands the 1st army, made the estimate In addressing a meeting of army reserve officers. Yugoslavia Raps Russian Policy Flushing, N.Y., Sept. 28 U. Yugoslavia blasted Russian pol icy toward the Belgrade govern ment before the United Nations Tuesday and told Moscow that if it is sincere in wanting world peace it should start by end ing its dispute with Marshal Tito. Yugoslav Foreign Minister Edvard Kardelj told Russia that hi government approves the proposal made last week by Rus sian Foreign Minister Andrei Y. Vishinsky for a five-power pact for the strengthening of the peace," but he said such a pact should not be limited to the big powers, but opened "to all na tions desirous of adhering there to, for all powers, both great and small, have an equal stake in peace." Although holding out an obvi ous olive branch to Moscow. Kardel said his government considered its dispute with Rus sia "an extremely permanent source of war." "One cannot,"' he said, "heap threats upon a government for the sole reason that the latter asks for a greater measure of democracy and equality in rela tions among states, and in the same breath speak of non-inter ference in the internal affairs of other states and denounce the use of war threats in the settle ment of international disputes." ChinaComplains Against Russia Lake Success, Sept. 27 W) Nationalist China has made a formal complaint to the United Nations assembly charging Rus sia is backing the Chinese com munist war to overthrow the Kuomintang government at Can ton. The case was presented by T. F. Tsiang, chief Chinese na tionalist delegate in the U. N He asked urgent assembly action against the Chinese communists. Details of the charges were not made public immediately Tsiang presented the case in two letters. One was addressed to Assembly President Carlos P Romulo, an outspoken foe of communism. The other letter was addressed to Trygve Lie, U. N. secretary-general. The Chinese delegate told the assembly last week for the first time that Russia was directing and aiding the forces of Mao Tze-Tung, who has proclaimed a "people s republic of China based at Peiping. East Salem Club Members Organize for Year's Work East Salem, Sept. 28 There will be 4-H clubs in Middle urove community this school year and one club not active for several years will be organized. Mrs. Harry Phillips and Mrs. Lewis Patterson are planning a sewing club. Wednesday night Miss Ann Bergholz will meet with the leaden at the Patterson home to helD with the planning. 1 he- Arthur Dresselhaus of the Day ton post were guests. Mr. Dres selhaus acted as toastmaster. Lafayette post commander, Hugh Williams, and Mrs. Clarence Terry, auxiliary president, made short addresses. Mrs school children who have an ad dress out side the city limits of Salem will have their work under Anthrol Riney, county leader, and not Mason Bishop, the new leader for the city, al though the schools are part of the same school district. Mrs. Charles Gillming, who was chosen as president of the Auburn Mothers club at the last spring meeting has called the first fall meeting lor rriaay, September 30, at the school house. All mothers ol children attending Auburn school and women interested in the school are invited to these meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wigle of Swegle community have had as their guests the past week their youngest daughters and her fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Durward Mil ler and son David from Long Beach, Calif. They drove to Seaside for the week-end to visit in the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Stanard and Monday evening were guests of Mrs. Wigle's sister and family at Cen tral Howell, the Simmons. Mrs. Earl Malm has returned to her home on Silverton road with her new daughter, who has been given the name of Jan Louise. She weighed seven pounds and five ounces and has an older brother. Her grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Orlin Kring and Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Malm all of Middle Grove community. Patricia Keppinger, older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Keppinger has entered Pacific college in Seattle for her fresh man year. Uflicers from two of the home extension units who at tended the training meeting in Salem at the YMCA were Cen tral Howell, vice chairman and treasurer, Mrs. Lewis Patterson; and secretary. Mrs. Clarence Johnson. Lansing Neighbors, chairman, Mrs. James Haskel, vice chairman, Mrs. Lloyd Ham ilton and secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Marcia Aplet. Legion at Lafayette Served Ham Dinner Lafayette A ham suDDer was served by the American Legion ana jaaies auxiliary of the La fayette post in the basement of tne schoolhouse. Mr. and Mrs Jeanne Crain has the prized role of Lady Windermere in the film version of Oscar Wilde's popular play, "The Fan," which is scheduled to open today at the Capitol theatre. 1 1 SKIRT STYLES t c Ms 111 PENNEY'S in SALEM SCORES AGAIN 1 2 1. Dressy, four paneled rayon ahepard check skirt with self-belt and aide sipper. I. "Flying pocket" glen plaid four-paneled skirt with eelf-eovered buttons and aide sipper. I. "Market Square." A beautiful rayon crepe skirt with a genuine leather dog-leash belt and brass ornament with tag. 4. Smart rayon stripe skirt with fly-front and convenient self-buckle. I. Stylish rayon, four-paneled, glen plaid skirt with darted waist and self-belt. An attractive wool or nylon slip-over sweater completes y QD this colorful ensemble JL.rO SECOND FLOOR Of 3.4 5 Bffl ...as a hound's tooth! -that's PRES-TO-LOGS THE CLEAN, ECONOMICAL CONVENIENT FUEL Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Sept, 28, 194919 Charles Dooley, chairman of en tertainment, called for group singing around the piano to her accompaniment. About 60 peo ple attended the affair. A mild winter In 1890 caused a world-wide shortage of na tural ice and stimulated de velopment of Ice making machines. fiecauss of the TREMENDOUS popularity of this contest . 4 . The QKS AT is ti l ,VL WHITE MAGIC SOAP TELEPHONE QUIZ It v ll'' extended for ANOTHER 8 WltKSI HOMlSiJ Here's all you have to do to be eligible to win in WHITE MAGIC SOAP'S TELEPHONE QUIZ Juitantwr2 easy questions If tht White Magic Soap Quit Man calls you on the phone. a queition which will ptrlain to lemt portion of tht printed matter on package of Whitt Magic Soop. QUESTION OF THI WEEK Ouutlon (or N( Wook October 3 to Octobor AS I BANANAS GROWN ON TREES OR PLANTS T (Complete coaIoii ruloi ol Safoway! 60 Weitlng houte de tune vacuum dtonert with 7-pitc attachment set, headlight and B-foot fleaible no.e. n at .ru. 100 v WISIINOHOUSI LAUNDROMAT AUTOMATIC WASHERS INSTAUED IN YOUR I (normal initallolion) WITH 4 MONTHS' SUPPLY OS WHITE MAOIC SOAR. THI LAUNDROMAT REGULARLY SELLS FOR SItt S. WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS WITH FROZEN FOOD SIORAOE FOR 31 LIS. OF FOOD. 7.04 CU. FT. FULL SIZi, YET TAKES LITHE SPACE. SELLS REGULARLY AT SJ2.S. WESTINGHOUSE RADIO-PHONOGRAPH COMM. NATION SETS WITH AM AND FM, AUTOMATIC RECORD CHANOER, OR TELEVISION SET (MODEL H-JJJI, SELLS REOULARY AT SIM 95. Wattinghoui roailcr evtns. 18-qiorl capacity. Roailt, bokti, tow, coekt o compltit moel all ol ont timt- Roloilt 01 S3?. M. Wcitlngrtout toctrlc food mtxtri. Streamlined deiigfl and eo,y to keep clean. Sell, regularly at 139.93. 80 Wttlnghouie automatic pop -up toaitri. Beautifully detigntd. . . too it. braod t veri ly, Stilt at J2Q.9J. Wcitinahowte Adiuit-O- Malic waffle boken. Moke perfect woftlti, light or dark, automat kally. Selll at $16 M. if, '13 Wo make this tentattonal offer to you may dltcover thlt great. Now Magic Soap that works wonders in Ithor soft or the hardest wator. Scientific washing tests prove White Migic Soap washes clothes cleaner than any nationally advertised washing product in Soft, Medium or Hard Water. Compare this New Magical Wonder Soap, cup for cup, for all the qualities you want for washing things in your home ... and compare the feel of White Magic Of T'EM FROM CAPITOL LUMBER CO. N. Cherry Ave. Phone 38862 or 24431 WINNERS FOR LAST WEEK MRS. BARNEY KELLEY, St. Helens, Oregon; Television Set MRS. GORDON BROWNELL, Hood River, Oregon; Food Mixer MRS. MILO V. NORTON, Greshom, Oregon; Waffle Baker MRS. E. D. BELL, Milwaukie, Oregon; Pop-up Toasfer MRS.' HAROLD FARRINGTON, Toledo, Oregon; Pop-up Toaster MRS. MIKE YUNKER, Forest Grove, Oregon; Iron MRS. E. W. JONES, Myrtle Creek, Oregon; Iron 200 Wttt tnghouie Streamliner automatic Iron. Selected temperature is maintained even heat distribution. Selll at J12.9J. Soap on yourhsnds. AND YIT WHITI MAOIC OAP COSTS YOU IISS. Prove its superiority. If you are not completely satis lied with White Magic Soap just return the remaining; portion in the carton, to the Safeway Store from whico you bought it and the pur chase price will be returned. HERE'S ANOTHER BIG OPPORTUNITY TO WIN! t nrt ft havt While Moglc Sea In yawr hem. It will help yu ! bt a Winner. BE SURE TO GET COMPLETE CONTEST RULES AT SAFEWAY and were joining lrpinrCirin TKin ift IT 1 inwiihthcJLPJLjCJJL JLVJUi-llLO IN 0UE HISTORY It just had to happen! When America Is where I And now, from Maine to the west presented with a car the New Hudson em Rockies and beyond, Hudson ranks first, that Is obviously years ahead in styling second, third or fourth In sales among cart and performance, there's action every- in all price classes In markets of all sizetl 40 YIASS Of INCINRRINO lEADEKSHlP What picture! Hudson Mlee for the first seven months this year over 30 per cent ahead of last year! Already more than 114,000 people have switched from cars of other makea to own a "step-down" de signed New Hudson! So why shouldn't we join in this surge of aucceiw with the bat dealt in our hintoryt You're invited to enjoy a Revela tion Ride in the only car that brings you the most of the four great things people want moat beauty, rnomt neiu, road-worthines; and all-round performance. Yea, it'i America's 4-Mont Car! For road-worthlnraw, as an example, Hiidmin's "step-down" doaign pro vides the lowest center of gravity in any stock car yet there's full road clearance! Remit: the safest., stonci ieat, hug-the-road ride ever known! Come in, real soon. Bring your car along. See how much it will bring right now, traded in on a years ahead New Hudson! HUDSON A LEADER IN RESAll VAIU1I Nntionnl Automobile Dealers Association Olhciel Used Cur Guide books show "step down" designed Hudson command His top prices in the nation's used car market. NEW HUDSON ONLY CAR WITH THI STfP 00 WH DfSOlt PENNEY'S HERE'S WHERE TO COME FOR YOUR REVELATION RIDE SHROCK MOTOR CO. AT 316 North Church St. Salem, Ore. SALEM, OREGON